Recycling training for Municipal creches and Food garden coordinators
Recycling training for Municipal creches and Food garden coordinators
Issued by George Municipality, 29 October 2021
The Community Development Food Gardens and Creches subsection, in partnership with Landmark Foundation and LGE Waste provided recycling training to ten municipal creche employees and ten Food Garden Co-ordinators recently. The two training sessions were recently held at the Illingulethu creche in Thembalethu and at Rosedale Educare
According to Allen Paulse, Director: Community Services, during the training, creche employees were taught alternative ways to manage their refuse. Notes were provided on what can be recycled and what not. All the creches that participated were registered in the Landmark Foundation’s Creches Recycling programme and also received resources which they can use to assist them on their recycling journey. All staff were also encouraged to involve the learners in the process as much as possible.
Once the creches have begun their recycling programme successfully, further training with regards to Food Gardens will also take place. Landmark foundation will conduct the gardening training as well.
Photo 1 – 121813: Representatives from Landmark Foundation and LGE Waste, George Municipality, staff from Kwakhanya, Mzomhle, Masibambane, Illingelethu and Isiseko Creches.
Photo 2- 124012: Representatives from Landmark Foundation, George Municipality and principals from Golden Valley, Kekkel en Kraai, Pophuis, Rosedale Nursery and Rosedale Educare.