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Municipal Property Management

Manager Municipal Property Management: Donald Gelderbloem 044 801 9073
Senior Administrative Officer: Josephine Mpembe 044 801 9190
Senior Administrative Officer: Renè Hendricks 044 801 9472
Temporary Senior Administrative Officer: Monique Isaks 044 801 9375

Click for Immovable Property Management Policy.

The Property Management department manages the use of the investment property portfolio of Council.

Investment properties are land, buildings or parts of buildings, or both, held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation, or for both. Such properties do not include properties required for normal municipal operational functioning or for the use of associated service delivery such as community halls, public open spaces, sport facilities, etc.

The department’s functions include:
• Leasing and alienation of investment properties.
• Acquisition of investment properties to facilitate a specific strategic objective.
• Planning and development of investment properties to facilitate specific spatial planning interventions, investments and economic growth.

Leasing and alienation of investment properties are done via tender processes that must be fair, equitable, transparent, competitive, cost-effective and comply with the prescribed regulatory framework for municipal supply chain management.

The Immovable Property Management Policy (IPMP) makes a contribution to community upliftment, by making special provision for the alienation or letting of immovable property to social care users. Social care uses are services provided by registered welfare, charitable, non-profit, cultural and religious organisations and includes, but is not limited to places of worship, child care facilities, rehabilitation centre, centres for the homeless, elderly and destitute persons and animal care facilities.

Contact the numbers above for advice on submission of application to acquire municipal-owned land.