Event Support
Claudine Carelse ● +27 44 801 9099 ● ccarelse@george.gov.za
George Municipality facilitates and encourages events to take place in the destination, covered under the legal framework. Please contact the Tourism Office well in advance to alert us to your event so that we can:
- Add your event to the tourism website and events calendar distributed in the tourism stakeholder’s newsletter and at the Visitor Information Centres.
Book a space and drop off an A3 poster at the George Tourism and Wilderness Tourism Visitor Information Centres. - Add your event to the Events Steering Committee agenda, to be discussed by all municipal role players, such as the Fire Department, Law Enforcement and Traffic, Cleansing, Electro-tech and other relevant sections.
Click here for GM Event Application Form
Please note that any event with more than 200 people has must have a Population Certificate, which is obtained from the Fire Department. There is a fee applicable and a number of requirements which must be attended to well in advance.
This includes but is not limited to:
- Fire Department Population Certificate application forms and proof of payment
- All Events require SAPS Risk Categorization
- 1000 people or more Department of Health Western Cape medical approval
- Engineering Certificates of Compliance (COC’s) for relevant structures involved – for example, tents and stages
- Electrical Certificates of Compliance for any electrical boards and generators
- Public Liability Insurance
- Medical service provider’s registrations
- Security service provider’s registrations
- Appointment letter for Safety Officer
- Permission letter from property owner
Events Safety Management Plan that address the following:
Contact details of role-players, emergency services and authorities
- Traffic Plan
- Parking Plan
- Public address system and backup system
- Catering setup / use
- Electricity setup / certificate of compliance for any temporary DV boards
- Waste Removal Plan
- Medical Plan
- Evacuation Plan / Emergency Procedures
- Security Plan
- Site Plan / sketch
Any other documentation the Fire Department deems necessary to complete the application process.
For sporting events, the federation sanction of game may be required.
Please note that land use of your venue must be compliant and certain events with higher risk categorisations will require a Joint Operations Command (JOC).
Please complete this CHECKLIST to determine if a land use application is required in terms of the Land Use Planning By-law for George Municipality (2023). If a property may as primary right host an event, then no land use application is required (on all properties other than residential – refer Addendum A).
Most events which have food vendors will have inspections by the Garden Route District Municipality Health Inspector.
Annual event support and applications take place in February each year.
Please complete your applications online at https://zurl.co/JHY0e by the deadline of 6 March 2025
Find the George Municipality events policy here.