PUBLIC NOTICE: SANRAL ROADWORKS – N2 night-time road closure at Thembalethu Bridge
SANRAL is undertaking work underneath the Thembalethu Bridge and from tonight, 2 August to Friday 4 August, the Eastbound N2 lane (Direction Knysna) will be closed to traffic from approximately 19h00 every evening.
Motorists will be able to use the off ramps at the bridge, to gain access to the N2 on the other side, in order to continue their journey. Provincial and George Traffic will be in attendance to assist.
The Eastbound lane closure will remain in place until the next morning 05h00. The night-time closures from 19h00 – 05h00 are required to remove form work and steel beams used during the casting of the new bridge across the N2.
From Monday 7 August the intention is to close the Westbound N2 lane (Direction Cape Town) from 19h00. Further updates will be provided should the information change.
The work is being undertaken at night to minimise the inconvenience to road users. All motorists are requested to reduce speed in the construction area and to remain patient.