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The General Valuation Roll is a document containing the municipal valuations of all the registered properties within the boundaries of the Greater George municipal area and is used to calculate the rates that property owners are required to pay. You are able to object to your property valuation during the objection period.

The General Valuation Roll gives the market value of a property on a certain date. It applies to residential, agricultural and commercial properties and is used to calculate the monthly rates that property owners are required to pay for services such as street lighting, parks, libraries, fire services, etc.

The valuation of an estimated 54 000 properties in the greater George area forms part of the General Valuation process of the George Municipality. The George Municipality uses a service provider, DDP Valuers (Pty) Ltd that uses an array of information-gathering methods including analyzing aerial photographs, site visits and neighborhood drive-throughs.

The process to compile the general valuation roll, is completed. The final General Valuation Roll will be published for comment from 9 February 2023 to 31 March 2023. At the same time, stakeholders will be given the opportunity to lodge objections, if deemed necessary. The objection process is followed by a valuation appeal process. The General Valuation Roll will be implemented on 1 July 2023.

Ratepayers must verify their valuations, as it would affect the rates they pay on their own properties as well as the overall rate calculations for the city. It is a great opportunity for citizens to engage with the Municipality to ensure that their properties are correctly valued.

Please follow this link to access the valuation documentation on our website

For more information contact: Valuations on 044 801 9111 or or visit


Die Algemene Waardasierol is ‘n dokument wat die munisipale waardasies van al die geregistreerde eiendomme binne die grense van die Groter George munisipale gebied bevat en word gebruik om die tariewe wat eiendomseienaars moet betaal te bereken. U kan gedurende die beswaarperiode beswaar maak teen u eiendomswaardasie.

Die Algemenie van ‘n geraamde 54 000 eiendomme in die groter George-gebied vorm deel van die Algemene Waardasieproses van die George Munisipaliteit. Die George Munisipaliteit gebruik ‘n diensverskaffer, DDP Valuers (Edms) Bpk. wat ‘n verskeidenheid inligting-insamelingsmetodes gebruik, insluitend die ontleding van lugfoto’s, terreinbesoeke en deurrye in die buurt. Die proses om die algemene waardasierol saam te stel, is voltooi.

Die finale Algemene Waardasierol sal vir kommentaar gepubliseer word vanaf 9 Februarie 2023 tot 31 Maart 2023. Terselfdertyd sal belastingbetalers die geleentheid gebied word om besware aan te teken, indien nodig geag. Die beswaarproses word gevolg deur ‘n appèlproses vir waardasie. Die Algemene Waardasierol sal op 1 Julie 2023 geïmplementeer word.

Belastingbetalers moet hul waardasies verifieer, aangesien dit die tariewe wat hulle op hul eie eiendomme betaal, sowel as die algehele tariefberekeninge vir die stad sal beïnvloed. Dit is ‘n wonderlike geleentheid vir burgers om met die Munisipaliteit te skakel om te verseker dat hul eiendomme korrek gewaardeer word.

Volg hierdie skakel vir toegang tot die waardasiedokumentasie op ons webwerf

Vir meer inligting kontak: Waardasies by 044 801 9111 of of besoek