Issued on behalf of Go George, 06 August 2024
George residents will soon note an increase in road works all over town, heralding wide-spread upgrading of roads used by the GO GEORGE bus service.
A list of George Integrated Public Transport Network infrastructure requirements was assessed by the National Department of Transport which subsequently allocated additional Public Transport National Grant funding for some of the projects needed to improve and expand GO GEORGE infrastructure. The upgrade projects will address several infrastructure categories approved by the George Municipal Council, starting with road rehabilitation in August.
First projects
Work on the following streets will start in August: Beer and O’Connell Streets in Rosemoor, Airway Road in Heather Park, and Protea Street in Pacaltsdorp. Work on the Wellington/Stockenström Street intersection started in July already.
Streets earmarked for rehabilitation were selected based on physical inspections to identify areas showing critical signs of deterioration.
Rehabilitation will entail reparation of severe crocodile cracking, structural failures and low points on roads where stormwater concentrates without catch pits, rightsizing of intersections, road re-alignments and kerbside improvements to conform with universal accessibility requirements.
Communication with passengers
According to Morné Lakay, GO GEORGE Manager, the communication team will constantly alert and update the public regarding planned roadworks that will impact the bus services. “From our side, we’ll do our best to keep passengers informed and to help them plan their trips according to the temporary deviations,” he said. “Whether rerouting or one-direction routing, the adjustments will be designed for the minimum inconvenience to passengers while allowing the construction teams to complete their work safely and on schedule. We call on our passengers to be patient and to focus on the outcome of safe and reliable roads for all road users in George.”
For enquiries or help with trip planning, the GO GEORGE Call Centre agents are available on 0800 044 044 seven days a week, from 05:00 until 20:00.
Other sources of support and information include the GO GEORGE communication champions, the info kiosk at the Transport Hub, the GO GEORGE Facebook page and the website at where route maps and timetables can be accessed.
Uitgereik 06 Augustus 2024
George-inwoners sal binnekort ‘n toename opmerk in padwerke regoor die dorp, wat wydverspreide opgradering van paaie wat deur die GO GEORGE-busdiens gebruik word, inlui.
Die Nasionale Departement van Vervoer het ‘n lys van die George Geïntegreerde Openbare Vervoernetwerk se infrastruktuurbehoeftes geassesseer en bykomende befondsing uit die nasionale openbarevervoerfonds bewillig vir sommige van die projekte wat nodig is om GO GEORGE-infrastruktuur te verbeter en uit te brei. Die opgraderingsprojekte wat deur die George Munisipale Raad goedgekeur is, sal verskeie infrastruktuurkategorieë insluit en in Augustus afskop met padrehabilitasie.
Eerste Projekte
Werk aan die volgende strate sal in Augustus begin: Beerstraat en O’Connellstraat in Rosemoor, Airwayweg in Heatherpark en Proteastraat in Pacaltsdorp. Werk aan die Wellington/Stockenströmstraat-kruising het reeds in Julie begin.
Strate wat vir rehabilitasie geoormerk is, is gekies op grond van fisiese inspeksies om gebiede te identifiseer wat kritieke tekens van agteruitgang toon.
Rehabilitasie behels die herstel van ernstige krokodilkrake, strukturele versaking en laagtepunte op paaie waar stormwater konsentreer sonder vangputte, regstelling van kruisings, padherbelynings en verbeterings aan randstene om aan universele toeganklikheidsvereistes te voldoen.
Kommunikasie met passasiers
Volgens Morné Lakay, GO GEORGE-bestuurder, sal die kommunikasiespan die publiek voortdurend waarsku en op hoogte hou van beplande padwerke wat ‘n impak op die busdiens sal hê. “Van ons kant af sal ons ons bes doen om passasiers ingelig te hou en hulle te help om hul ritte volgens die tydelike afwykings te beplan,” het hy gesê. “Of dit nou herleiding van roetes of eenrigtingroetes is, die aanpassings sal ontwerp word vir die minimum ongerief vir passasiers, terwyl die konstruksiespanne hul werk veilig en volgens skedule kan voltooi.
Ons doen ‘n beroep op ons passasiers om geduldig te wees en te fokus op die uitkoms van veilige en betroubare paaie vir alle padgebruikers in George.”
Vir navrae of hulp met ritbeplanning is die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrumagente sewe dae per week van 05:00 tot 20:00 by 0800 044 044 044 beskikbaar.
Ander bronne van ondersteuning en inligting sluit in die GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeamptes, die inligtingskiosk by die vervoerkern (Transport Hub), die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad en die webwerf waar roetekaarte en roosters verkry kan word.