Follow this link to read October 2021 Newsletter
Notice is hereby given that the 2022/2027Integrated Development Plan (IDP)/Budget and Spatial Development Framework Time Schedule has been adopted in terms of Section 21 of the Local Government Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003) by the George Municipality Municipal Council, at a Council meeting held on 25 August 2021 and is available on the Municipal website
Notice is given in terms of Regulation 15(1) (a) of the Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations, 2001, Sections 28(3) and 29 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, Section 20 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Act 16 of 2013, Section 11 of the Western Cape Land Use Planning Act 13 of 2014 and Section 3(2)(a) of the George Municipality By-Law on Municipal Land Use Planning, 2015.
George Municipality will soon embark on a process to formulate the new five-year Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and related multi-year budgets. The Municipality further intends to compile the 2022 Municipal Spatial Development Framework (MSDF). To ensure an inclusive process from the onset, George Municipality invites interested groups, sectors, experts, government departments, and the local community to submit comments or input on the draft IDP, Budget and Municipal Spatial Development Framework (MSDF) Process Plan.
Section 29 of the MSA
The process followed by a municipality to draft its Integrated Development Plan, including its consideration and adoption of the draft plan, must –
(a) be in accordance with a predetermined programme specifying timeframes for the different steps; (b) through appropriate mechanisms, processes and procedures established in terms of Chapter 4 allow for—
(i) the local community to be consulted on its development needs and priorities.
(ii) the local community to participate in the drafting of the IDP; and
(iii) organs of state, including traditional authorities, and other role players to be identified and consulted on the drafting of the integrated development plan;
(c) provide for the identification of all plans and planning requirements binding on the municipality in terms of national and provincial legislation; and
(d) be consistent with any other matters that may be prescribed by regulation.
The MSDF is one of the core components of a municipal Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and gives physical effect to the vision, goals, and objectives of the municipal IDP. The final amended MSDF will be approved in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 and will serve as a guide to decision making which relates to land development. The MSDF will be developed in terms of Section 7 of the George By-Law on Municipal Land Use Planning, 2015.
Detailed copies of the draft IDP, Budget and Municipal Spatial Development Framework (MSDF) Process Plan will be available at Municipal offices during office hours from the date of the publication of this notice, as well as on the municipality’s website. Written public comments are invited from the public per Section of28 (2) of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 and comments will be accepted up until 24 September 2021.
Please forward your comments and inputs to:
The Manager IDP: K.J Haarhoff (044 801 9025) Email:
Budget: Leon Wallace (044 801 9036) Email: and
MSDF: Lynette Groenewald ( 044 8019436) E-mail:
George Municipality, Private Bag X 321, George, 3200, or alternatively you may deliver a copy to the Municipal Offices, York Street.
Dr. M. Gratz, Municipal Manager (Acting)
Mayor’s Newsletter for Thursday 23 September 2021
George has become an attractive lifestyle city with re-location taking place from metropolitan areas and other parts of the country as citizens have come to realise what we offer. Over the past few years a growing number of “super-commuters” have established their homes in George to enable their families to live in a safe environment with good schools and healthcare facilities while the bread-winner would undertake weekly commutes to Gauteng for work purposes.
The re-location trend was very evident in the pre-Covid-19 times with the many daily flights in and out of George Airport to OR Tambo to cater for these commuters who would often spend three or four nights a week away from George. The pandemic interrupted this trend resulting in the rapid growth in virtual meetings held via Teams or Zoom. This shift has impacted the way of doing business. In many business arrangements there used to be a need to travel to Cape Town or Johannesburg on a monthly or quarterly basis for an important meeting often involving an overnight stay. Covid ensured that suddenly these meetings could now be held virtually without the need or expense of travelling to attend these meetings. It is likely therefore that during the time when air travel came to a standstill, the working arrangements for the super-commuters also changed.
The access to optic fibre technology has facilitated the migration to these virtual meetings and remote working. The prospect of virtual work has enabled anyone from accountants to insurance brokers, IT specialists and many others to work remotely from home offices.
Over the past 18 months, Covid has therefore effected a “disruptive” change for all of these sectors. It would therefore be interesting to understand how this affects George citizens who previously commuted. In some instances, the work may take place in sectors such as manufacturing where physical presence is required. Other examples could relate to dealing with clients on a face-to-face basis; or in sectors that would more easily accommodate remote work.
From the perspective of the municipality, it would be interesting to understand how the requirements of the “commuting” sector have changed and if any adaptations in service offerings are needed. We would welcome the establishment of corporate business units in George that could service operations elsewhere. Banks such as First Rand and Absa have recently indicated that they wish to establish fintech teams. We believe that George would be an ideal lifestyle location for such businesses or those wishing to establish data and high-tech centres, finance, insurance and administration related businesses, etc.
We would therefore welcome it if our super-commuters would promote George as a preferred investment location and also enter a discussion, possibly via on how to secure growth of this sector.
Mayor’s newsletter for George Herald on 9 September 2021
George Municipality recently held an engagement with the George Business Chamber to discuss collaboration between business and local government.
The Municipality is improving systems to reduce “red tape” in the processing of building plan and town planning approvals as one example and is addressing other aspects of services affecting business decisions. The Chamber in turn will collate instances where improvements could be made and share these with the Municipality.
It is crucial that we constantly simplify and encourage investment into George.
One of the questions we were asked relates to the Vision that we have for George. In our response, we put forward the following themes of what such a vision should encompass:
• Inclusivity: to ensure that all our citizens could participate in a future covering all facets, one of which would be economic activities that added jobs;
• Best secondary / small city: George is part of the “league” of 19 secondary cities (outside of the 8 metropolitan areas) where it competes against the likes of Emfuleni, Mbombela, Rustenburg, etc and we need to position ourselves as the best managed, most attractive, most sought after small city;
• Sustainability: we need to ensure that we are sustainable in terms of finances, economy, environmentally, energy and infrastructure;
• Lifestyle: George offers attractive features such as access to nature, outdoor activities, safety, relaxed, quality of life with good schools and health care;
• Service Delivery and Infrastructure: we need to maintain a high standard of services to enable development;
• Communication: it is critical that two-way communication channels exist in our connected world to ensure collaboration and team effort benefits all our stakeholders;
• Economic growth: George is a city with substantial infrastructure and a population that needs an enabling environment to attract investment that will increase economic activity and levels of employment to improve the lives of all citizens;
• Environment: being part of the Garden Route we need to actively protect our green environment and manage invasive vegetation; and
• “Producing” economy: We consciously need to advocate the importance of being a “producing” economy (i.e. producing products and services for “export” out of George such as berries, cheese, vegetables, tourism, BPO services, etc) rather than simply being just a “consuming” economy (e.g. buying products and services produced elsewhere in the country).
The “economic engines” driving the George economic sectors also have their visionary requirements of key success factors to drive successful growth. A collaborative discussion is needed to formulate the future George Economic Development Strategy in the coming months. Partnership between business, local government and other key stakeholders in collectively driving a converging vision is the ultimate objective. Thoughts on necessary factors and on such a conversation can be forwarded to:
NOTICE: FIN022/2021
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 28 (2)(b) and (2)(e) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act no.56 of 2003) and Section 23 of the Municipal Budgets and Reporting Regulations 2008 respectively, that the Adjustment Budget was approved during the Council meeting held on 25 August 2020.
In terms of Section 21A of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000), George Municipality hereby notifies the local community that the Council Resolution, and all other relevant documentation may be viewed during office hours at the municipal offices and libraries in George and the surrounding area. The said documentation will also be available on the website of the Municipality:
Enquiries may be directed to the Director: Financial Services at 044 801 9035
Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 28 28 (2)(b) en (2)(e) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, 2003 (Wet no.56 van 2003) en Artikel 23 van die Munisipale Begrotings en Verslagdoening Regulasies 2008 onderskeidelik, dat die Aansuiweringsbegroting goedgekeur is tydens die Raadsvergadering van 25 Augustus 2021.
Ingevolge Artikel 21A van die Munisipale Stelsels Wet, 2000 (Wet no. 32 van 2000), gee George Munisipaliteit hiermee kennis aan die plaaslike gemeenskap dat die raadsbeluit, en alle ander tersaaklike dokumentasie, beskikbaar is vir besigtiging gedurende kantoorure by die munisipale kantore en biblioteke in George en omgewing.
Die gemelde dokumentasie sal ook beskikbaar wees op die webwerf van die Munisipaliteit:
Navrae in hierdie verband kan gerig word aan die Direkteur: Finansiele Dienste by tel 044 801 9035
Mayoral newsletter for George Herald: 23/08/21 for Thursday 26 August
The Municipality has recently embarked on numerous networking engagements and efforts to promote collaboration with the private sector. We are very conscious of promoting partnership relationships with other stakeholders that will benefit our citizens either through the creation of jobs or in improving living conditions. Set out below are brief summaries of various efforts that are taking place:
• Regular networking engagements between the Business Chamber executive and the Municipality leadership are taking place to explore ways in which the needs of Chamber members can be improved. A short-term objective is to develop a memorandum of understanding. A “First Thursday” virtual meeting is planned where Chamber members can meet senior Municipal staff to discuss how some of the recent changes and improvements to service delivery can be beneficial.
• A similar engagement is also being planned between the built-environment practitioners and Municipal staff to explain the improvements being made to speed up approvals for town planning applications and building plans.
• A Corporate Social Investment Policy will shortly be presented to Council which sets out guidelines whereby the corporate sector can participate and support worthy community projects. SA Breweries has already expressed their willingness to participate in such a programme.
• A Film Policy being finalised will enable film directors to make use of many George locations for film shoots thereby promoting film industry in our area.
• Discussions are being undertaken with international BPO companies who are exploring opportunities to establish contact centre operations in George that could offer employment to potentially hundreds of our young citizens.
• At a sporting level we have recently held discussions with investors from rugby, cricket and tennis sporting codes wishing to invest into sporting infrastructure in George.
• George is becoming an attractive location for inward semi-gration as citizens seek safe and functioning lifestyle opportunities away from areas with poor municipal services and/or prone to unrest. We are also engaging with business groupings to promote George as an attractive investment location.
• We have recently advertised for proposals from event organisers wishing to stage unique events that can attract tourism – here we think of MTB, trail running, golf and many others. We would like to encourage organisers to create some special events that become “must-do” calendar items for participants and their families.
• The recent collaboration with the faith-based organisations where prayers were held for Covid-19 was a wonderful example of how the thoughts of Cllr Johan du Toit culminated in this engagement – my thanks to all who made this possible.
• Recent visits to soup kitchens, vegetable gardens and the Garden Route Pantry are likely to result in further collaborative efforts to facilitate the assistance of many of our citizens enduring hardship.
• Council recently made land available in our industrial area for the Garden Route District Municipality to build their fire station base here in George.
Mayor’s Desk Newsletter for 12 August
A recent series of visits to a number of Ward projects is yet another reminder of the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic that hopefully is slowly down its third wave in George. We have recently experienced the highest infection rate within the Western Cape. It is so important that we continually remain aware of the need to wear masks, observe social distancing, wash hands regularly and generally remain alert to be safe and conscious of changes in our health. The vaccination programme is also underway and we should be registering and obtaining our jabs.
The Municipality continues to support approximately 130 soup kitchens where dedicated “tannies” make sure that children who would not otherwise be fed, queue up after school to receive helpings of nourishing soup 3 times a week and in some cases 5 times a week. At one soup kitchen the chefs are up by 06h00 to commence with the day’s meal for 250 children. One is left with thoughts of how additional assistance can be provided in these desperate situations in the form of additional protein, flour, pots, ingredients. The Municipality assists with ingredients, electricity, gas while numerous businesses provide assistance in various ways.
In many cases, the parents have lost their forms of employment and are unable to afford keeping youngsters in creches. Some creches are also being vandalised with criminal elements breaking into premises to steal items that are then sold off cheaply.
Over the past year many forms of illegal dumping have emerged. The Municipality has been employing teams who move around clearing up these dumping sites. Invariably front-end loaders and tipper trucks are used to clear up and remove the waste. Soon after clearing up a site with the team having moved on to the next problem, communities once again start the dumping process. This continued cycle of ill-discipline is costly and means that funds are not being spent on worthwhile projects for communities. A roster exists for refuse collection in the form of black (household refuse), green (garden) and blue (recyclables) bags, yet communities do not encourage their neighbours to assist in keeping their surroundings clean and healthy. The Community Services Directorate is now exploring the introduction of incentive programmes in communities where monitors can be rewarded for keeping their areas clean.
It is encouraging to see individuals who have started vegetable gardens on their own and often neighbour’s properties to successfully grow vegetables for their own use and sale. We should now be looking to holding regular market days where excess produce can be sold.
Any suggestions on assistance for the plight of citizens living in these difficult circumstances can be sent to: so that my office can attempt to facilitate.
In recent weeks the Auditor-General (“AG”) has been speaking about the state of local government as they have commented about the serious lack of good governance and mismanagement at municipalities. They have expressed concern that at present, in many instances, the progressive and sustainable improvements required to prevent accountability failures and to deal with them, do not exist.
In their reporting on the 2019-20 local government audit outcomes they stress the need for ethical and accountable leadership to drive the changes to ensure that governance fundamentals are strengthened. The AG says that they believe that the responsibility to turn around local government is purely in the hands of its leadership to drive the change through “ethical and accountable leadership”. This would require the incoming leadership after the forthcoming local government elections to focus on building a strong administration that is fit for purpose, qualified and professional to run municipalities. The very same leadership should provide the space for the administration to do their work, effectively oversee and hold them accountable for the decisions they make.
These thoughts above, expressed by the AG are applicable to all municipalities in the country. We have foreshadowed this thought process in George in the work that has been undertaken since the beginning of 2021 through the appointment of Dr Gratz as acting municipal manager and three new directors, with a fourth commencing in August and interviews being held for the fifth intended appointment. This new team has already started to effect the improvements that require to be made to improve service delivery.
By way of example, we experienced difficulties with refuse collection some months ago. The underlying issues within this service needed to be analysed and resolved to ensure a smooth operation once more. Similarly, changes that have been made to improve turnaround times to obtain approval of building plans and town planning applications are already starting to take effect. Over the coming months we can expect the new leadership at electro-tech, finance and at civil and engineering services to contribute to improvements in those areas.
The turnaround process that George is undertaking is comprehensive as we need to ensure that our administration is geared to upgrade operating procedures and workflows to cater for the continued economic growth taking place and expected in the coming years.
Change management is however complex both in terms of the changes that need to be implemented and in dealing with the human factor. Changes take time to be implemented. It is therefore critical that the processes be put in place so that we can deliver a high standard of services while simultaneously undertaking improvements to infrastructure that will prove attractive for investment that will lead to increased employment and well-being for all citizens.
Mayoral Newsletter for 15 July 2020
While the core function of municipalities is to provide essential services such as water, treatment of wastewater, refuse removal, electricity, streets and stormwater, efforts are also undertaken within communities to assist on many other fronts.
Within many of our communities there is a need to encourage and foster the development of small businesses, ranging from house and neighbourhood grocery shops to hairdressers, cellphone shops and internet cafes, repair shops and other business facilities. I have been discussing this need with individuals who aspire to setting up small businesses.
Recently the Municipality has commenced with the placing of vendor stalls in certain areas to assist informal traders with the marketing of their wares. The development of small business hubs is also being investigated in terms of available sites and after assessing the needs in communities. Initial pilot sites are likely to be erected possibly using containers to test the market. Ultimately the development of small business centres housing a number of shops and services is to encouraged.
It will also be important to assist emerging entrepreneurs to acquire the training and skills to run these businesses successfully. Training, understanding and support will need to be facilitated to ensure their success. Work on this project take some time and be rolled out progressively.
While mentioning communities, we have commenced a discussion with neighbourhood watches to understand their roles and needs within communities. We have engaged with the Dept of Community Safety at the Western Cape Government who have provided guidance on the accreditation and training process that is being offered to these pro-active citizens who care for their communities. Quite a few of our neighbourhood watch organisations still need to become accredited. These discussions will continue in a spirit of collaboration to ensure facilitation and effective functioning.
Another project being launched in the near future will be a process of reaching out to the corporate sector to harness and facilitate the efforts that many corporates are making to improve the lives of citizens and the environment. We recently met with representatives of SA Breweries who expanded on the role they have played in the Waboomskraal area to eradicate alien vegetation to improve water security for the hops farms. The project we are undertaking will assist in the further facilitation of these efforts.
In closing, I would like to appeal to all citizens to take all the necessary health precautions to counter the third wave of Covid-19 in George and the Garden Route. It is crucially important to wear masks, wash hands, apply social distancing, not meet in crowds, etc. There are many cases where families who have been affected following family gatherings. Please seek medical attention when you feel sick.