No Bee Hives In Residential Areas

Please note that according to the George Municipality Animals Bylaw, it is illegal to keep bees in residential areas.
Report the illegal keeping of bees to Environmental Services on 044 802 2900 or 044 801 6300 after hours. The owner/keeper will be served with a notice and will have 10 days, from the time of the notice being served, to move the hives. If the owner/keeper does not comply, the bees will be removed, the cost thereof billed to the owner/keeper.
Please report wild beehives on municipal properties to the Fire Department on 044 801 6300 so the municipality can arrange for it to be moved safely.
Please consult the local telephone directory for the removal of bees on private properties.
Active hives are very dangerous, are especially unpredictable in hot weather, and should not be handled or moved or harvested for honey by inexperienced hands. Swarming bees can be deadly to people and animals and should not be underestimated – do not try to remove a hive yourself, do not throw stones at it or poke it with a stick, and stop other people from doing so.
Please note that according to the George Municipality Animals Bylaw, it is illegal to keep bees in residential areas.
Report the illegal keeping of bees to Environmental Services on 044 802 2900 or 044 801 6300 after hours. The owner/keeper will be served with a notice and will have 10 days, from the time of the notice being served, to move the hives. If the owner/keeper does not comply, the bees will be removed, the cost thereof billed to the owner/keeper.
Please report wild beehives on municipal properties to the Fire Department on 044 801 6300 so the municipality can arrange for it to be moved safely.
Please consult the local telephone directory for the removal of bees on private properties. Active hives are very dangerous, are especially unpredictable in hot weather, and should not be handled or moved or harvested for honey by inexperienced hands.
Swarming bees can be deadly to people and animals and should not be underestimated – do not try to remove a hive yourself, do not throw stones at it or poke it with a stick, and stop other people from doing so