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New Electrical Tariff Structure

The price increase from Eskom to municipalities will be 8.61% as from 1 July 2022.  George Municipality will be implementing an average price increase of 8% to cover this and own cost increases based on the NERSA guideline.

George Municipality will also be implementing tariff structure changes.  This follows the completion of a comprehensive cost of supply study as required by NERSA and stipulated in the National Electricity Pricing Policy (EPP) of South Africa.  The study showed that the current tariffs do not reflect the actual cost of supplying different consumers accurately and do not address the changing energy environment.  The proposed changes, subject to final NERSA approval, which will be phased in over a two-year period to allow consumers to adapt to the new structures:

Die Eskom prysverhoging aan munisipaliteite beloop 8.61% op 1 Julie 2022. George munisipaliteit sal ‘n algemene prysverhoging van 8% toepas om die Eskom en eie kosteverhogings te dek in ooreenstemming met NERSA se aanbevole verhoging.

George munisipaliteit sal ook nuwe tariefstrukture implimenteer.  Dit volg nadat ‘n volledige koste van voorsiening studie voltooi is, soos vereis deur NERSA en gestipuleer is in die Nasionale Elektrisiteits Prys Beleid (EPP) van Suid Afrika.  Die studie het aangedui dat die huidige tariewe nie die werklike koste van voorsiening van verskillende verbruikers reflekteer nie en nie die veranderende energie omgewing aanspreek nie. Die voorgestelde veranderings, onderhewig aan finale NERSA goedkeuring, wat oor ‘n twee jaar periode infaseer gaan word, ten einde verbruikers kans te gee om aan te pas by die nuwe struktur:


The price increase from Eskom to municipalities will be 8.61% as from 1 July 2022.  George Municipality will be implementing an average price increase of 8% to cover this and own cost increases based on the NERSA guideline.

George Municipality will also be implementing tariff structure changes.  The proposed changes, subject to final NERSA approval, which will be phased in over a two-year period to allow consumers to adapt to the new structures:


Please click on below link for information on new electrical tariff structure/ Volg asseblief die onderstaande skakel vir inligting oor nuwe elektriese tariefstruktuur

Application form for selection of electrical supply capacity attached / Aansoekvorm vir keuse van elektriese toevoerkapasiteit aangeheg.