George Municipality introduces the new Visual Artwork Management Policy 2023

Three-dimensional representative or abstract forms by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster- Photo credit: Jack Youngerman
The Visual Artwork Management Policy was adopted by the Mayoral Committee on 19 June 2023.
This policy was developed to provide guidelines for the submission and evaluation of proposals by individuals or organizations to create and display visual artwork in the public realm, viewing the built environment as an urban canvas.
The policy aims to enable artistic expression in various forms through different mediums and serves the George municipal area as a mechanism to enhance the cultural and aesthetic appeal and would contribute to a unique sense of place and tourist attraction.

Illuminated artwork- Photo credit: Logan Arts
Different forms of visual art are addressed and include:
Illuminated Artwork
Application can be made for Permanent artwork, over a period exceeding 5 years or temporary artwork for a period less than 12 months.
The policy contains guidelines relating to the location, design, quality, safety, maintenance and removal of the artwork. Proposals for artwork must be done in consultation with the community and surrounding property owners.
The proposal submitted to the municipality must include an illustration of the intended work and the ability of the applicant to execute the work successfully along with an indication of how consideration was given to the guiding principles of the policy.
Artwork may be permitted on public property or private property and does not include outdoor advertising.
The policy enables the municipality to identify designated spaces, which may serve as practice spaces for temporary mural art forms and is regarded to be spaces where upcoming artists can develop their skill.
Applications may be addressed to the Directorate:Human Settlements, Planning and Development via e-mail to
A copy of the policy is available on request or may be downloaded from the municipal website via this link:…/planning-and-development…/
The municipality values the talent that is held by our diverse community and the sincere aim is to create a platform for expression and join hands with the art community in enhancing the unique qualities of our city and its people.