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Stage 2 loadshedding will continue to be implemented until 05:00 on Wednesday morning. Thereafter, with the anticipated available capacity, Stage 1 loadshedding will be implemented from 05:00 until 16:00 followed by Stage 2 from 16:00 to 05:00 on Thursday. This pattern of implementing Stage 1 from 05:00 to 16:00 and Stage 2 from 16:00 to 05:00 will be repeated daily until further notice. Eskom will communicate should any significant changes occur.

George will be affected as follows:

Wednesday 24/01/2024
04:00 – 06:30

Thursday 25/01/2024
02:00 – 04:30
10:00 – 12:30

Friday 26/01/2024
18:00 – 20:30.

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Tuesday 23/01/2024
23:00 – 01:30

Wednesday 24/01/2024
07:00 – 09:30

Thursday 25/01/2024
13:00 – 15:30

Friday 26/01/2024
21:00 – 23:30