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Notice Archive


Please take note that the Community Development Services (Library)  George Public Library, Caledon street, will be disinfected tomorrow, Friday,  21 MAY  2021 at 13:00

The  offices will close for the day at  13:00 and reopen on Saturday the 22nd 2021 at 9:00

TAKE NOTE: Power Outages, Thursday 19/05 @ 14h41

High winds earlier today have led to several power outages in a number of areas in George, including Wilderness, Blanco and Thembalethu. The Electrotechnical department is currently assessing the damage and addressing where they can. Please note the Call Centre is currently overwhelmed with calls and as a result residents are not able to get through. We are aware of the electrical outages and will provide firm updates as soon as possible.

Issued George Municipality

Burgemeester’s Brief – 18 Mei 2021

Ek het op Maandag ‘n onderhoud met ‘n joernalis van ‘n rekenmeesters-webblad gehad oor die verhouding tussen rekenmeesters en munisipaliteite en hoe rekenmeesters vir besighede kan help om die ekonomie uit te bou. Die joernalis het toe op ‘n stadium vir my gevra hoe die regmaak van slaggate in George hanteer word.

Ek het toe verduidelik hoe ons Munisipale-App gebruik kan word om klagtes aan te meld tesame met ‘n foto wat aangeheg kan word. Hierdeur kry die klagte dan die nodige aandag. Vir mense buite George is hierdie aksies heel vreemd. Ek vertel toe verder dat elke klagte ‘n verwysingsnommer toegeken word. Elke Vrydag is daar dan ‘n vergadering van die Dienslewerings Moniteringskomitee waar klagtes en hul afhandeling bespreek word. By die vergadering word die meer moeilike probleme bespreek om oplossings te vind.

Hierdie vergadering hanteer enigiets van oorgroeide bosse op erwe of rommel by bushaltes tot straatligte wat buite werking is. Die komitee wat hierdie klagtes hanteer vervul gevolglik ‘n belangrike rol om stelselmagtig toe te sien dat verbeteringe in dienslewering aangebring.

Die voordeel van die Munisipale-App is dat elke klagte wat aangemeld word ‘n verwysingsnommer toegeken word wat dan verseker dat die vordering op die werk opgevolg kan word. Rekord word ook gehou van soortgelyke klagtes wat gedurig plaasvind en gevolglik is dit moontlik om te verdere klagtes aan te spreek.

Die moniteringskomitee is dus deel van die ketting wat met die aanmelding van ‘n klagte op die Munisipale-App begin, waarna die betrokke Direktoraat  die klagte hanteer met die moniteringskomitee wat elke week ‘n oorsigrol speel oor die vordering.

Die Gemeenskaps-Direktoraat is tans baie bedrywig om ons dorp skoon te maak met ongeveer 180 tydelike werkers wat aangestel is. Onwettige stortings vind ook in baie wyke plaas wat ook gedurig aandag kry.

In sommige wyke word voormalige stortingsgronde in groente- of blommetuine omskep deur die gemeenskap wat daar woon. Dit is ‘n aanduiding dat gemeenskappe ‘n verskil kan maak om hul wyke te verbeter.

Ons het onlangs die geleentheid gehad om in Maraiskamp die sosialeverpligtings-projek van Kathaka RAW te gaan besigtig. Hierdie is ‘n projek wat ‘n privaat-maatskappy in samewerking met gemeenskaplede geloods het om te help om herwinbare rommel op te tel en daarna in “skips” te plaas. Die herwinbare goedere word verkoop met die vergoeding wat terugvloei na gemeenskaplede. Die maatskappy se aktiewe betrokkenheid word waardeer en is van groot waarde vir die Munisipaliteit.

Ander maatskappye kan beslis ook ‘n rol speel om toe te sien dat gemeenskappe eienaarskap neem van hul eie gebiede. Vennootskappe tussen die Munisipaliteit en besighede kan moontlik bydra tot die toekenning van speelgrond-toerusting aan gemeenskappe wat self verantwoordelikheid neem om hulle gebiede skoon te hou.



Pilot Census 2021 – May to July 2021

Link to Digital Pamphlet 

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) is in the preparation phase for the up and coming Pilot Census 2021(taking place from May to July 2021), with the Main Census to be conducted in 2022. As an organization we are requesting assistance from various stakeholder with the publicizing of one of the most intensive projects undertaken in South Africa in order to effect maximum participation from all those within the borders of South Africa.

The Pilot Census 2021 requires the following from respondents within the sampled areas:
Respondents are required to register online from 17 May to 30 June 2021.

Online Self-Enumeration (Computer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI)) will commence from 04 July -17 July 2021, and Face-to-Face, including Telephonic assisted data collection will be conducted from 03 July – 28 July 2021.

The sampled areas for the Western Cape are as follows:

Cape Winelands District:  Breede Valley Municipality
Bergsig, Esselen Park, Fairy Glen, Florian Park, Meirings Park, Parkersdam, Reunion Park, Roodewal, Roux Park, Victoria Park and Worcester Central

Garden Route District:  George Municipality
Dormehls Drift, George South, Groeneweld Park, Heather Park, Heatherlands and King George Park

City of Cape Town
Green Point, Sea Point and Three Anchor Bay

Overberg District:  Theewaterskloof Municipality
Bergsig, Caledon, Tjotjombeni and Uitsig

West Coast District:  Bergrivier Municipality
Piketberg, De Hoek Mine, Bergrivier NU

UPDATE 9/05 @ 16H10 -ESKOM Power Outage

George Municipality has been in contact with ESKOM who have advised that the faulty line to Wilderness Substation has been repaired. However, the line needs to be energized and tested for stability before the full load can be restored. Please note, those areas that are currently being supplied by George Municipality – there may be a dip in voltage during the switchover phase to the ESKOM supply. Please continue to treat all appliances as live.

UPDATE 9/05: ESKOM Power Outage

UPDATE 9/05 @ 09h00 – ESKOM Power Outage

George Municipality thanks the residents of the broader Wilderness for continuing to limit their power use. Our Electrotechnical department is trying to pick up the load for all of the areas listed in Group 1 and 2 (as per notice issued last night) to avoid rotational loadshedding. This will however cause a drop in voltage and residents are urged to refrain from using heating, electrical stoves etc. Please continue to treat all appliances as live as the possibility of load shedding still exists and we will implement without notice.

Due to the nature of the network, those areas furthest away from George are not able to be energized by George Municipality in the interim and these are Kleinkrantz, Langvlei Dunes and Touwsranten (Direct supply from ESKOM).

We have been advised that ESKOM is on their way to site and will provide updates on the repairs as we receive information. We apologize for the situation which is regrettably out of our control, and wish everyone a happy Mother’s Day!


URGENT NOTICE: George Municipal Response: ESKOM Power Outage affecting whole Wilderness area including Hoekwil, Touwsranten, Kleinkrantz, Wilderness Heights
Issued 8 May, 23h30

ESKOM this evening advised the George Municipality that repairs to their faulty line to the Wilderness Substation will only commence tomorrow, Sunday 9 May with no current completion  time available. The faulty line is located in a difficult site. George Municipality has been able to pick up the load and return power to the Central Business District which will remain on tomorrow and not be affected by the rotational loadshedding.

George Municipality has in response to this crisis, worked out a plan of supply by rotational load shedding in an attempt to provide power to as many households as possible for at least three (3) hours at a time, starting from 7am Sunday morning,  while the ESKOM repairs take place. This plan was put together very quickly and as much as we would like this plan to be failsafe, it may not be. The municipality therefore urges all clients to regard the times provided on the schedule  as guidelines only, with a grace period of approximately 15 minutes, for when the power will be switched on or off.

Link to Rotational Loadshedding Schedule and Maps for Group 1 and 2

Due to the current abnormal condition in which the system is configured, it is not stable and may be prone to overload conditions. We therefore urge all clients to please limit their use to only the most essential items in an effort to consume as little power as possible.

The attached area maps are also provided as a guideline to grouping of the areas:

Group 1: Wilderness Heights / Wilderness East (both side of N2 from Serpentine Road to Grants Road)

Link to Wilderness Heights Map Group 1
Link to Wilderness East Map Group 1

Group 2: Wilderness North East (Dumbleton Street to start of 5th Avenue) /Hoekwil *
Link to Wilderness North East Map Group 2 
Link to Hoekwil Map Group 2 

*Please note with regard to Hoekwil, the municipality is not  sure that we can energise the whole area until we can check the real time loading tomorrow. Certain streets may therefore not receive power at all. Updates will be provided as soon as possible.

Due to the nature of the network, those areas furthest away from George may not receive electricity at all, and these are Kleinkrantz, Langvlei Dunes and a portion of Hoekwil.
Should Eskom be delayed in their efforts to repair the faulty line, George Municipality will revise the attached schedule accordingly.




ESKOM has advised George Municipality that repairs to the faulty line to the Wilderness substation will only commence tommorow, Sunday 9 May with no current completion time available. The faulty line is located in a difficult site.

George Municipality is going to try and pick up the load as much as possible, and have managed to return power to Wilderness Heights already. However, in order for this to work they need the houses that do have power to reduce their load as much as possible to avoid continuous tripping. Please note this will still only cover about 25% of Wilderness and there are certain areas it is not possible for George to cover due to distance.

Update to Weather Warning: 5 May


Warnings for today and tomorrow mostly on track. There are a few alterations (see below) as a quick reference.

L6 – Bulk of the heavy rainfall still expected for the Overberg tonight and tomorrow, but likely to continue into Friday as well.
L4 – no longer expected for the Mossel Bay to Bitou Municipalites

L4 – Strong damaging winds no longer expected in the CoCT. Off the coast Winds now confined between Hout Bay and Witsand tonight and tomorrow.

L1 – Now confined between *Hout Bay and Still Bay*this morning until Thursday evening.

Severe Weather Warning: Disruptive Rain 5 May – 6 May

Level 3 Disruptive Rain predicted for Garden Route area from 5 May to 6 May which could result in flooding and infrastructure damage.
Residents are warned to stay indoors, avoid crossing rivers and swollen streams. Relocate animals to safety on higher ground.


Please direct any queries to GEORGE MUNICIPAL JOC 044 801 6316

As issued by South African Weather Services 4 May 2021