The George Municipality average electricity price increase will be 7.47% as from 1 July 2022. The new tariffs will be linked to chosen or applied capacity, which means that consumers will need to manage their demand within that chosen or applied capacity. The applicable fixed cost will be applied for the chosen or applied capacity.
The majority of consumers, those using less than 700 kWh/m, should be on 20 Amps (4 600 Watts) as this provides adequate capacity if the load is managed and this will ensure that the price increase will not be more than the average increase.
The possible way in which the demand for a domestic consumer can be managed to ensure that the 20 Amp is adequate is proposed below:
- Fridges, freezers, internet modems, alarms, etc can remain on the whole day.
- Either in the morning when getting up or evening when getting home, switch on lights, radio, Hi-fi, TV, decoder chargers, fans and other such low power appliances as required.
- For cooking / food preparation: Stagger the use of your high-power appliances, for example – Switch on the kettle and wait for it to boil, then use your microwave oven to unfreeze or warm some food, then use a food processor, toast your bread and when those appliances are finished being used, only then switch on the stove plates, and complete all the food preparation.
- Stoves with big ovens can be a problem as some of them have elements totalling 4 000 Watts. The oven should not be switched on at the same time as any of the electrical plates. It can be used separately but care should be taken when using the main element and grill at the same time. Check the rating of your oven.
- Once food preparation is complete – appliances such as heaters, hair dryers, irons, etc can be used. Some heaters have very big elements, as much as 4 000 Watts. Heater total load should not exceed 4 000 Watt.
- High-power appliances such as Dishwashers, washing machines and tumble dryers should only be switched on when cooking and space heating is completed. Some of these can be loaded and only then switched on when cooking and space heating is completed or when going to bed or to work.
- Geysers have elements of generally 2 000 to 3 000 Watt. These can be switched on and off using the geyser circuit breaker in the distribution board, but it is recommended to install a timer to only switch them on during the night and sometime during the day. Recommended timer switch on times is shown below. These times should not overlap with other high-power appliances:
- 24h00-04h00. Night-time on for main heating of water
- 14h00-16h00 Daytime boost top-up if required
- Most geysers are controlled by the municipality through a remote-control system. Currently geysers are switched off during the morning and evening peak periods.
If your normal household is of such a nature that these load management measures are too inconvenient, or your circuit breaker keeps on tripping, you must consider selecting a slightly bigger supply such as 30 Amp. Various other options also exist such as converting cooking and space heating to gas, installing thermal insulation in the house or installing a solar water heating system.
Please follow the media and visit the George Municipality website at for further information which will assist consumers in understanding the new tariffs, knowing what capacity to select and how to manage their loads within the selected capacity.
PUBLIEKE KENNISGEWING 3: ELEKTRISITEITSTARIEWE – Hoe om met ‘n beperkte kapasiteitsvoorraad te bestuur?
Uitgereik George Munisipaliteit, 10 Junie 2022
Die George-munisipaliteit se gemiddelde elektrisiteitsprysverhoging sal vanaf 1 Julie 2022 7,47% wees. Die nuwe tariewe gaan almal kapasiteits beperkings hê. Die nuwe tariewe sal gekoppel word aan die kapasiteit van keuse of dan toegepaste kapasiteit, wat beteken dat verbruikers hul aanvraag binne daardie gekose of toegepaste kapasiteit sal moet bestuur. Die toepaslike vaste koste sal vir die gekose of toegepaste kapasiteit aangewend word.
Die oorgrote meerderheid verbruikers, die wat minder as 700 kWh/m gebruik, behoort op ‘n 20 Amp (4 600 Watt) toevoer te wees aangesien dit genoeg kapasiteit bied as die vrag beheer word en dit sal verseker dat die prysverhoging nie meer as die gemiddeld is nie.
‘n Moontlike manier hoe die aanvraag deur ‘n huishoudelike verbruiker bestuur kan word om te verseker dat 20 Amp genoeg is as volg:
- Yskaste, frieskaste, internet modems, alarms, ens kan heeldag aanbly.
- Wanneer jul opstaan in die oggend of by die huis kom na werk: Skakel ligte, radio, Hi-fi, TV, laaiers, waaiers, ens aan soos benodig.
- Voedsel voorbereiding en gaarmaak: Versprei die gebruik van hoë krag toebehore byvoorbeeld: Skakel die ketel aan en wag totdat dit gekook het, gebruik dan eers die mikrogolfoond om kos te ontdooi of warm te maak, gebruik ander voedselverwerkingstoestelle, gebruik die broodrooster, ens en wanneer daardie toestelle klaar gebruik is, skakel dan eers die stoofplate aan en voltooi al die kosvoorbereiding.
- Stowe met groot oonde kan ‘n uitdaging wees aangesien sommige van hul elemente van altesaam 4 000 Watt het. Die oond en plate behoort nie saam aangesit te word nie. Die oond kan afsonderlik gebruik word maar verkieslik nie die hoofelement en die rooster gelyktydig te gebruik nie. Kyk wat die aanvraag van jou oond is.
- Sodra die kosvoorbereiding afgehandel is kan ‘n mens hoë-krag toebehore soos verwarmers, haardroërs, ens aanskakel. Party verwarmers het baie groot elemente en nie meer as 4 000 Watt moet gelyktydig aangesit word nie.
- Hoë-krag toebehore soos skottelgoedwasmasjieine, wasmasjiene en tuimeldroërs moet net aangeskakel word wanneer daar klaar gekook en ruimteverhitting gedoen is. Dit kan gelaai word en as ander aktiwiteite klaar is, of voor slapenstyd of voor werk aangeskakel word.
- Meeste geisers het elemente van tussen 2 000 en 3 000 Watt . Hierdie kan ook aan- en afgeskakel word deur die geiser-stroombreker in die verdeelbord te gebruik, maar dit word aanbeveel om ‘n tydskakelaar te installeer om dit slegs gedurende die nag en ‘n sekere tyd gedurende die dag aan te skakel. Aanbevole tydskakelaar-aanskakeltye word hieronder getoon. Hierdie tye moet nie met ander hoëkragtoestelle oorvleuel nie:
- 24h00-04h00. Nagtyd aan vir die hoofverhitting van water
- 14h00-16h00 Dagversterking indien nodig
- Die meeste geisers word deur die munisipaliteit deur ‘n afstandbeheerstelsel beheer. Tans is geisers gedurende die oggend- en aandspitstyd afgeskakel.
Indien jou huishouding van so aard is dat dit te ongerieflik is om die kragverbruik so te bestuur of die stroombreker bly klink, moet ‘n groter toevoer soos 30 Amp gekies word. Ander alternatiewe kan ook oorweeg word soos om gas te gebruik vir kook en huis verwarming, die huis beter te isoleer of ‘n sonkragwaterverhittingstelsel te installer.
Volg asseblief die media en besoek die George munisipaliteits-webwerf by vir verdere inligting ten einde verbruikers in te lig hoe om die nuwe tariewe beter te verstaan, kennis op te doen oor die keuse van kapasiteit en hoe om hul verbruik te bestuur.