The George Municipality is committed to addressing concerns about speeding in residential areas and ensuring the safety of all road users. Speeding poses a significant risk to our community, particularly in neighbourhood streets where children, pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport users are most vulnerable. Residential streets in a number of areas are shared with GO GEORGE buses, adding to the complexity of implementing speed calming measures. The presence of public transport routes on these roads necessitates unobstructed traffic flow for efficient service delivery.
Therefore, speed humps or bumps cannot be installed on these routes as per the Municipality’s policy on Class 1 to 4 roads, which aligns with the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996) and the National Road Traffic Signs Regulations, 2000.
Speed calming requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Municipality’s speed calming warrants, considering factors such as:
• Daily traffic volumes.
• Average vehicle speeds.
• Intersection spacing.
• Road classification.
• Existing speed calming measures.
While some residents request rubber or iron bumps as seen in private developments, these are not authorized for use on public roads under national regulations.
Driver behaviour remains a significant factor in speeding concerns and while physical barriers are not always feasible, targeted interventions by Municipal Traffic officers will be implemented to address the issue. The traffic department will conduct surveys and determine whether the specific area meets the criteria as per the guidelines to conduct speed enforcement.
Residents are reminded that adherence to posted speed limits is mandatory. Violations will result in fines or penalties as per the National Road Traffic Act and persistent offenders may face additional legal consequences. The Municipality encourages residents to drive responsibly and respect speed limits, report areas of concern to the George Municipality Traffic Department for investigation and participate in educational programs to foster safer driving habits.
The George Municipality is dedicated to balancing road safety and access needs while addressing concerns about speeding, particularly in residential areas impacted by public transport routes. We thank residents for their cooperation in creating safer neighbourhoods for all. For inquiries or to report speeding concerns, please contact the George Municipality Traffic Department at 044 878 2400.