Municipality announces GO GEORGE tariff increase
Municipality announces GO GEORGE tariff increase
Issued 1 June 2022
The George Municipality has announced the annual increase in the GO GEORGE bus fares from 1 July 2022. The increase forms part of the annual municipal tariff adjustments.
Bundles still the best buy
Smart Card trips bought in bundles of 10 or more will increase by only 50c per trip to R11.00 and bundles of less than 10 trips will cost R12.25 per trip (75c more than before). The price of single trips increases with R1 to R15 to encourage passengers to rather load the multiple, cheaper trips on their Smart Cards and to avoid long queues to top up every few days.
The bundles of 10 trips and more remain the best buy and can save a passenger who travels to work or school and back home five days per week, R176 per month in travel expense, compared to single trips loaded on the card.
Free trips for first-time card buyers
The cost of the Smart Card is R25, with first-time buyers getting two free, preloaded trips when they present a valid form of identification.
Trips loaded on a Smart Card never expire. This means that trips bought before the tariff increase stay valid. Passengers are welcome to buy more trips than usual before the increase to save money but are cautioned to keep their cards safe – if lost or stolen, the trips cannot be transferred to a new card.
For more information, please call the GO GEORGE Call Centre at 0800 044 044, or send an email to
Munisipaliteit kondig GO GEORGE-tariefverhoging aan
Uitgereik 1 Junie 2022
Die George-munisipaliteit het die jaarlikse verhoging van die GO GEORGE-bustariewe vanaf 1 Julie 2022 bekendgemaak. Hierdie verhoging is deel van die jaarlikse munisipale tariefaanpassings.
Bondels steeds die beste koop
Slimkaartritte wat in bondels van 10 of meer gekoop word sal met slegs 50c per rit verhoog na R11.00 en bondels van minder as 10 ritte sal R12.25 per rit kos (’n 75c-verhoging). Die prys van enkelritte verhoog met R1 na R15 om passasiers aan te moedig om liewer die goedkoper ritte te koop en om lang rye elke paar dae te vermy.
Die bondels van 10 ritte en meer bly die beste koop en kan ’n passasier wat vyf dae per week werk of skool toe en terug huis toe ry, R176 per maand in vervoeruitgawes spaar, vergeleke met enkelritte wat op die kaart gelaai word.
Gratis ritte vir eerstekaartkopers
Die prys van die Slimkaart is R25 met kopers van hul eerste kaart wat twee gratis, voorafgelaaide ritte op die kaart kry indien hulle ‘n geldige bewys van identiteit toon.
Ritte wat op die Slimkaart gelaai is, verval nooit nie. Dit beteken dat ritte wat voor die tariefverhoging gekoop is geldig bly. Passasiers is welkom om voor die verhoging meer ritte as gewoonlik te koop om geld te spaar, maar word gemaan om hul kaarte veilig te hou – indien dit wegraak of gesteel word, kan die ritte nie op ’n nuwe kaart oorgedra word nie.
Vir meer inligting, skakel gerus die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044, of stuur ’n e-pos na