Mike Vonk (in the middle behind the urn), CEO of the George Hospital, came to thank the GO GEORGE team for their kind gesture of spending 67 plus minutes for Madiba, treating hospital staff and patients with a cup of hot chocolate.
An unexpected cup of hot chocolate on your way to work or to see the doctor! This is what awaited patients and staff at the George Hospital on Mandela Day (18 July) when GO GEORGE staff members gave 67 minutes of their private time and own ingredients to surprise them with an aromatic cup of hot chocolate, coffee or tea.
Acknowledging the hospital staff for their service to the community of George and surrounds was one of the activities undertaken by GO GEORGE staff. They also contributed towards the soup initiative co-ordinated by the George Business Chamber.
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What a nice surprise! Staff arriving for work at the George Hospital couldn’t believe their luck when presented with a cup of hot chocolate at the gate.
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End of shift or beginning of the working day – all the recipients were most grateful for the hot drink on a very cold and foggy morning.
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There you go, Sir … enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and get well soon!
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Once the news started spreading, the queue for a warming cup of hot chocolate quickly grew.
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Mike Vonk (in the middle behind the urn), CEO of the George Hospital, came to thank the GO GEORGE team for their kind gesture of spending 67 plus minutes for Madiba, treating hospital staff and patients with a cup of hot chocolate.
‘n Onverwagse koppie warm sjokolade op pad werk toe of om die dokter te sien! Dit is wat pasiënte en personeel by die George-hospitaal op Mandeladag (18 Julie) ingewag het toe GO GEORGE-personeellede 67 minute van hul privaat tyd en eie bestanddele gegee het om hulle te verras met ‘n geurige koppie warm sjokolade, koffie of tee.
Erkenning aan die hospitaalpersoneel vir hul diens aan die gemeenskap van George en omgewing was een van die aktiwiteite wat deur GO GEORGE-personeel onderneem is. Hulle het ook bygedra tot die sop-inisiatief wat deur die George-sakekamer gekoördineer is.
Mandela Day Hot choc 1
Wat ‘n lekker verrassing! Personeel wat by die George-hospitaal opgedaag het vir werk, kon nie hul geluk glo toe hulle ‘n koppie warm sjokolade by die hek kry nie.
Mandela Day Hot Choc 2
Einde van skof of begin van die werksdag – al die ontvangers was baie dankbaar vir die warm drankie op ‘n baie koue en mistige oggend.
Mandela Day Hot Choc 3
Daar’s hy, Meneer … Geniet ‘n koppie warm sjokolade en word gou gesond!
Mandela Day Hot Choc 4
Toe die nuus eers begin versprei, het die tou vir ‘n verwarmende koppie warm sjokolade vinnig gegroei.
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Mike Vonk (in die middel agter die waterverwarmer), uitvoerende hoof van die George-hospitaal, het die GO GEORGE-span bedank vir hul vriendelike gebaar om 67 plus minute vir Madiba by die hospitaal deur te bring en personeel en pasiënte met ‘n koppie warm sjokolade te bederf.