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Issued 7 Oct 2022

George Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk, announced that the next set of routes of the GO GEORGE bus service will be activated in November 2022, expanding the bus service to Thembalethu and thereby doubling the current reach of the system.

Following this resolution at a special council meeting held on Wednesday 28 September 2022, the Mayor expressed his delight that this point was eventually reached. “This is a momentous occasion. We acknowledge and appreciate the dedication of the Uncedo Taxi Association, the George Community Forum, the Western Cape Government and the municipal team who have been in discussion for a long time. We ackowledge that all concerns will not have been resolved by the time of roll-out, but we remain committed to continue engaging with one another, ensuring that GO GEORGE delivers a dignified service to the people of Thembalethu who have been waiting for so many years,” he said.

Thembalethu routes
With 10 main routes departing in Thembalethu, passengers will be able to travel directly to the city centre, industrial area, Blanco and the Garden Route Mall. Five community routes will crisscross over Thembalethu, making it easy to travel within the area or to join one of the main routes connecting Thembalethu with existing GO GEORGE routes operating in and between the CBD, Pacaltsdorp, Denneoord, Loerie Park, Rosemoor, Blanco, Heatherlands, Heather Park, and the Garden Route Mall. Three early-morning routes will transport hospital staff to their places of work in time for their early shifts.

Community engagement
The GO GEORGE communications team is looking forward to start engaging with the Thembalethu community shortly, explaining to new bus users how the system works.

Contact GO GEORGE by phoning the Call Centre (0800 044 044) or sending an email (, or like the GO GEORGE Facebook page to stay up to date with developments.

CAPTION: George Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk, during a visit to the George Link bus depot.


Uitgereik 7 Okt 2022

Die uitvoerende burgemeester van George, raadsheer Leon van Wyk, het aangekondig dat die volgende stel roetes van die GO GEORGE-busdiens in November 2022 geaktiveer sal word om die busdiens na Thembalethu uit te brei, wat die huidige reikwydte van die stelsel sal verdubbel.

Na aanleiding van hierdie besluit tydens ‘n spesiale raadsvergadering wat op Woensdag 28 September 2022 gehou is, het die burgemeester sy vreugde uitgespreek dat hierdie punt uiteindelik bereik is. “Dit is ‘n belangrike geleentheid. Ons erken en waardeer die toewyding van die Uncedo-taxivereniging, die George-gemeenskapsforum, die Wes-Kaapse regering en die munisipale span wat al lank in gesprek is. Ons weet dat alle kwelpunte nie teen die tyd van die uitrol opgelos sal wees nie, maar ons bly daartoe verbind om gesprek met mekaar voort te sit en te verseker dat GO GEORGE ‘n waardige diens lewer aan die mense van Thembalethu wat al soveel jare wag,” het hy gesê.

Met 10 hoofroetes wat in Thembalethu vertrek, sal passasiers direk na die middestad, nywerheidsgebied, Blanco en die Garden Route Mall kan reis. Vyf gemeenskapsroetes sal Thembalethu deurkruis, wat dit maklik maak om binne die gebied te reis of om by een van die hoofroetes aan te sluit wat Thembalethu verbind met bestaande GO GEORGE-roetes wat in en tussen die middestad, Pacaltsdorp, Denneoord, Loeriepark, Rosemoor, Blanco, Heatherlands, Heatherpark en die Garden Route Mall bedryf word. Drie vroegoggendroetes sal hospitaalpersoneel betyds vir hul vroeë skofte na hul werkplekke vervoer.

The GO GEORGE communications team is looking forward to start engaging with the Thembalethu community shortly, explaining to new bus users how the system works.
Die GO GEORGE-kommunikasiespan sien uit daarna om binnekort met die Thembalethu-gemeenskap te begin skakel om te verduidelik hoe die stelsel werk.

Maak kontak met GO GEORGE deur die Inbelsentrum te skakel by 0800 044 044, ‘n e-pos te stuur (, of volg die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad om op hoogte te bly van verwikkelinge.