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GO GEORGE buses rerouted for wheelchair challenge

Delays and deviations to GO GEORGE routes are to be expected on Saturday 15 March 2025 when the annual OCC Wheelchair Challenge takes place in George.

The OCC routing requires that a section of Union Street, between Meade and York Streets, be closed off to traffic for a part of the day. The inside lanes of York Street, Courtenay Street and Knysna Road will also be closed off. This will affect most of the GO GEORGE routes, with delays expected throughout the system between 05:00 to 13:30 and rerouting implemented on several main routes as follows:

Routes 13 City Loop, 18 Parkdene – Blanco and 18A Thembalethu – Blanco

Route 13 Forward will follow the normal route from the CBD until it reaches the corner of Union and Meade Streets. Here, it will turn right onto Meade Street, left onto Palgrave Street, left onto York Street and right onto Plattner Boulevard to continue with normal routing.

Route 13 Reverse will follow normal routing from CBD until it reaches the corner of Plattner Boulevard and York Street. Here, it will turn left onto York Street, right onto Palgrave Street, right onto Meade Street and left onto Union Street to continue with normal routing back to the CBD.

Routes 18 and 18A will follow the normal route from Parkdene and Thembalethu respectively until it reaches Meade Street. Here, it will turn right, then left onto Palgrave Street, left onto York Street and right onto Plattner Boulevard to continue with normal routing. The reverse from Blanco will apply.

It is anticipated that these routes will be affected from 05:00 until 13:30.

Route 9 Industrial Loop

No rerouting will be implemented on this route, however, all 10 trips between 06:00 and 12:00, both forward and reverse, will operate in a forward direction.

Route 10 Thembalethu – Industria

Route 10 Forward will operate as a Route 10 Reverse from 05:35 to 11:05. During this time, the route will be diverted from Union Street turning right onto Meade Street, left onto Palgrave Street and left onto York Street to continue with normal routing.

The 12:05 trip on Route 10 Forward will operate as normal but will need to be diverted from York Street, turning right onto Palgrave Street instead of Union Street, right onto Meade Street and left onto Union Street.

Delays on other routes

The inside lanes in both directions of York Street, Courtenay Street and Knysna Road will be closed off to traffic from 05:00 until 12:00. No rerouting will be implemented on these roads, however, delays can be expected between 05:00 and 12:00 on all routes from Pacaltsdorp to the CBD, as well as routes 7 (CBD – Garden Route Mall), 24 (CBD – Loerie Park – Mall) and 56 (Denneoord – CBD) which all use these roads.

For help with trip planning during the race, passengers are welcome to phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044.


This map indicates how the bus routes will be affected by the wheelchair challenge.



Uitgereik 10 Maart 2025

Vertragings en afwykings van GO GEORGE-roetes kan op Saterdag 15 Maart 2025 verwag word wanneer die jaarlikse OCC- rolstoeluitdaging in George plaasvind.

Die OCC-roete vereis dat ‘n gedeelte van Uniestraat, tussen Meade- en Yorkstraat, vir ‘n deel van die dag vir verkeer gesluit word. Die binnebane van Yorkstraat, Courtenaystraat en Knysnaweg sal ook gesluit word. Dit sal die meeste van die GO GEORGE-roetes beïnvloed, met vertragings wat tussen 05:00 en 13:30 in die hele stelsel verwag word en herleiding wat soos volg op verskeie hoofroetes geïmplementeer word:

Roetes 13 City Loop, 18 Parkdene – Blanco en 18A Thembalethu – Blanco

Roete 13F (kloksgewys) sal die normale roete vanaf die middestad volg totdat dit die hoek van Unie- en Meadestraat bereik. Hier sal dit regs draai in Meadestraat, links in Palgravestraat, links in Yorkstraat en regs in Plattnerboulevard om voort te gaan met die normale roetes.

Roete 13R (antikloksgewys) sal die normale roete vanaf die middedorp volg totdat dit die hoek van Plattnerboulevard en Yorkstraat bereik. Hier sal dit links draai in Yorkstraat, regs in Palgravestraat, regs in Meadestraat en links in Uniestraat om voort te gaan met die normale roete terug na die middedorp.

Roetes 18 en 18A sal die normale roete vanaf onderskeidelik Parkdene en Thembalethu volg totdat dit Meadestraat bereik. Hier draai dit regs, dan links in Palgravestraat, links in Yorkstraat en regs in Plattnerboulevard om voort te gaan met die normale roetes. Die omgekeerde sal uit die rigting van Blanco van toepassing wees.

Daar word verwag dat hierdie roetes van 05:00 tot 13:30 geraak sal word.

Roete 9 Industrial Loop

Geen herleiding sal op hierdie roete geïmplementeer word nie, maar al 10 ritte tussen 06:00 en 12:00, beide kloksgewys en antikloksgewys, sal kloksgewys ry.

Roete 10 Thembalethu – Industria

Roete 10F (kloksgewys) sal van 05:35 tot 11:05 as ‘n Roete 10R (antikloksgewys) funksioneer. Gedurende hierdie tyd sal die roete van Uniestraat herlei word, regs draai in Meadestraat, links in Palgravestraat en links in Yorkstraat om voort te gaan met die normale roete.

Die rit van 12:05 op Roete 10F sal soos normaal ry, maar sal van Yorkstraat herlei moet word deur regs te draai in Palgravestraat in plaas van Uniestraat, regs in Meadestraat en links in Uniestraat.

Vertragings op ander roetes

Die binnebane in beide rigtings van Yorkstraat, Courtenaystraat en Knysnaweg sal van 05:00 tot 12:00 vir verkeer gesluit wees. Geen herleiding sal op hierdie paaie geïmplementeer word nie, maar vertragings kan tussen 05:00 en 12:00 verwag word op alle roetes vanaf Pacaltsdorp na die middestad, asook roetes 7 (CBD – Garden Route Mall), 24 (CBD – Loerie Park – Mall) en 56 (Denneoord – CBD) wat almal van hierdie paaie gebruik maak.

Passasiers is welkom om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel vir hulp met ritbeplanning tydens die wedloop.


Die kaart dui aan hoe die GO GEORGE-busroetes geraak word deur die OCC-rolstoeluitdaging.