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GMUN Our Matric Class of 2024, from Ald Jackie von Brandis

To Our Matric Class of 2024

The 21st of October 2024 marks the beginning of a new period in your academic journey. After twelve years of dedication and perseverance, you are now on the cusp of a new adventure, but before you embark on this exciting path, you must overcome one last hurdle– your final exams.

Throughout the challenges you have faced to get to this point, you have made a series of deliberate decisions that have brought you to this moment, and we, as your council and fellow residents of George Municipality, could not be prouder of what you have accomplished this far.

Undoubtedly, you have been inspired by numerous motivational speeches and pep talks, emphasising the importance of these exams and encouraging you to strive for excellence. While these sentiments are all indeed true, I would like to add two essential qualities to this narrative: resilience and perseverance.

As you sit at your desk, poised to tackle your exams, ensure that your mind is equally prepared to be resilient and persevere through any nerves and doubts that may creep in. Know that you are prepared, know that you have what it takes to reach the goals that you have set out for yourself, and with this mind set, have the confidence of knowing that you have this entire municipal area behind you cheering for your definite success.
It is essential to acknowledge that this period may be filled with a mix of emotions, ranging from excitement to apprehension.

However, I implore you to channel these feelings into a positive and productive mindset. Visualize your goals, remind yourself of your strengths, and celebrate the progress you have made thus far.

Remember that you are not alone in this journey. Your family, friends, and educators are all invested in your success and are eager to offer their support and guidance. Do not hesitate to reach out to them when needed and be open to constructive feedback that can aid in your growth.

You have been working tirelessly towards this moment since the inception of your scholastic career. You have put in every effort to reach this point, and it will undoubtedly pay off. You have what it takes, you are fully capable, and you are more than able to take on this task and emerge successful. You have potential to achieve your wildest dreams, and it begins here, with overcoming this hurdle.

As you prepare for the examinations which lie ahead, I dare you to approach them with resilience and perseverance, knowing full well that you will achieve the outcome that you envision for yourself and for your future.

Once again, know that we all stand behind you and wish you the very best on your final examinations.


Mayor Jackie

Aan ons Matriek 2024 klas

Die 21ste Oktober 2024 is die begin van ‘n nuwe tydperk in jou akademiese reis.

Na twaalf jaar van toewyding en deursettingsvermoë is jy nou op die drumpel van ‘n nuwe avontuur, maar voordat jy hierdie opwindende pad aanpak, moet jy oor die laaste hekkie kom – jou eindeksamen. Deur die uitdagings wat u in die gesig gestaar het om tot hierdie punt te kom, het u ‘n reeks doelbewuste besluite geneem wat u tot hierdie oomblik gebring het, en ons, as u raad en mede-inwoners van George Munisipaliteit, kan nie trotser wees op wat u tot hier bereik het nie.

Jy is ongetwyfeld geïnspireer deur talle motiveringstoesprake en wek praatjies, wat die belangrikheid van hierdie eksamens beklemtoon en jou aangemoedig het om na uitnemendheid te streef. Alhoewel hierdie sentimente almal waar is, wil ek graag twee noodsaaklike eienskappe hierby voeg: -veerkragtigheid en deursettingsvermoë.

Terwyl jy by jou lessenaar sit, gereed om jou eksamens aan te pak, maak seker dat jou verstand ewe voorbereid is om veerkragtig te wees en te volhard deur enige senuwees en twyfel wat mag insluip.

Weet dat jy voorbereid is, weet dat jy het wat nodig is om te bereik vir die doelwitte wat jy vir jouself gestel het, en met hierdie ingesteldheid, die vertroue hê om te weet dat jy hierdie hele munisipale area agter jou het wat juig vir jou definitiewe sukses.

Dit is noodsaaklik om te erken dat hierdie tydperk gevul kan wees met ‘n mengsel van emosies, wat wissel van opgewondenheid tot vrees. Ek smeek jou egter om hierdie gevoelens in ‘n positiewe en produktiewe ingesteldheid te kanaliseer. Visualiseer jou doelwitte, herinner jouself aan jou sterk punte en vier die vordering wat jy tot dusver gemaak het. Onthou dat jy nie alleen in hierdie reis is nie. Jou familie, vriende en opvoeders is almal belê in jou sukses en is gretig om hul ondersteuning en leiding te bied.

Moenie huiwer om na hulle uit te reik wanneer dit nodig is nie en wees oop vir konstruktiewe terugvoer wat kan help met jou groei.
Jy het sedert die begin van jou skoolloopbaan onverpoosd aan hierdie oomblik gewerk. Jy het elke poging aangewend om hierdie punt te bereik, en dit sal ongetwyfeld vrugte daarvan dra.

Jy het wat dit verg, jy is ten volle in staat, en jy is meer as in staat om hierdie taak aan te pak en suksesvol te wees. Jy het potensiaal om jou wildste drome te verwesenlik, en dit begin hier, met die oorkoming van hierdie hekkie.

Terwyl jy voorberei vir die eksamens wat voorlê, daag ek jou uit om dit met veerkragtigheid en deursettingsvermoë te benader, met die wete dat jy die uitkoms sal bereik wat jy vir jouself en vir jou toekoms beoog.

Weereens, weet ons staan almal agter jou en wens jou die beste toe met jou eindeksamen.

Burgemeester Jackie