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George Municipality and Business Partners take hands to upgrade Netball courts in communities

George Municipality and Business Partners take hands to upgrade Netball courts in communities
George Municipality’s Sport Development section is pleased to announce that through the efforts of K1 Quarry, a business partner in George, that helps with social upliftment projects, funds were approved for the upgrading of the Pacaltsdorp and Rosemoor Sport grounds and in particular the Netball courts.
According to Granville Campher, Manager: Sport Development at George Municipality, the funds will be used to fence the netball courts. New gates and new fencing will be erected at Pacaltsdorp as well. Campher said this good news comes in time for the Netball World Cup that was awarded to South Africa for 2023. The facilities at the Sport Grounds serve most schools in the vicinity. He said the individual fencing of the different netball courts make a huge difference, since more games can be played at once without players moving into some of the other courts.
Campher said an application for funding for the upgrade of Pacaltsdorp and Rosemoor Sport Grounds netball facilities was submitted via JK Consulting for consideration by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy as part of Lezmin (2021)t/a K1 Quarry’s statutory responsibility project that forms part of the conditions of their mining license.
In line with the Integrated Development Plan of the George Municipality on sporting development, discussions were held in September 2020 with the various stakeholders, including the Portfolio Councillor for Community Services, Cllr Sean Snyman, Eden Netball federation and Ward Councillors of the different Wards directly impacted by this project. Campher said at this meeting it was decided that Pacaltsdorp and Rosemoor Sports Grounds needed upgrading. The project will commence in early 2021.
Cllr Snyman said it is fantastic to see how the private sector and the Municipality are taking hands to create sustainable projects. “I am looking forward to more projects of this kind,” Snyman remarked.
Caption: Cllr Sean Snyman (Portfolio Councillor for Community Services) second from left and Desmond Jaftha from K1 Quarry with the memorandum of understanding regarding the upgrading of the Rosemoor and Pacaltsdorp netball fields. On the far left is Granville Campher, Manager: Sport Development and Leveinia Botha, Sports Development Officer.