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The month of May is International Internal Audit Awareness Month and the Internal audit professionals play an important role in raising awareness and elevating the Internal Audit (IA) profession. Therefore, it is an ideal opportunity to showcase The George Municipality’s Internal Audit Team and the value-adding Role of Internal Audit.

The Municipality’s internal audit has taken up the challenge to launch an awareness campaign as part of the celebrations. According to JP Rossouw, the George Municipality’s Chief Audit Executive, the Municipal IA has been engaging its stakeholders and has also collaborated with the Municipal communication and media office to create content that will be published on the municipal social media platforms throughout the month of May in celebration of International Internal Audit Awareness month.

“The George IA Team is truly proud to be associated with such an amazing profession. Being able to Add Value and improve processes of the municipality should be one of the key drivers for young South Africans to choose a career in internal audit,” Rossouw said.

Below, Rossouw explains the purpose of Internal Audit, motivates why young South Africans choose a career in internal auditing, simplifies internal audit for someone who has never studied internal audit and introduces George Municipality’s Internal Audit team.

Purpose of Internal Audit

The George Municipality’s internal audit activity aims to provide independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the municipality’s operations. The internal audit activity helps the municipality accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control processes.

To elaborate on the functions and importance of Internal Auditing, we have used this opportunity to showcase our Internal Audit Team and the Role of Internal Audit within the municipality with some frequently asked questions.

Why should young South Africans choose a career in internal auditing?

Internal Auditing is a very exciting career. One where you can change any organisation’s direction by improving efficiency and effectiveness based on internal audit observations and recommendations. You get exposed to all aspects and levels of a business, making Internal Audit a perfect development environment for other strategic management positions.

Internal Auditors assist management to address the business’s high strategic risks and assist the organisation to achieve their goals and objectives. We act as Change Catalysts to initiate and manage strategic and procedural change by providing assurance, advice, and insight at Board and Organisational levels.

How would you define internal audit to someone who has never studied internal audit?

All organizations have goals and objectives. However, there are risks/ events that will hamper the organisation in achieving those goals and objectives. That is why the organisation institute various controls in place to govern and manage those risks and processes. Now Internal Audit assists organizations to achieve those goals and objectives.

We do this by providing a comprehensive service (what we call assurance and advisory services) to add value and improve the organization’s processes. This is done by assessing and reviewing the organization’s risks, controls, and governance processes. We are independent and impartial in providing these services. (Independence is maintained by a dual reporting line: administratively to the Accounting Officer and functionally to the Council / Audit Committee).

The Internal Audit Activity strives to provide value-added service to an organisation by providing workable and sustainable solutions.

George Municipal Internal Audit Team: 

  • Jean-Pierre Rossouw (Chief Audit Executive)
  • Heybré Ellis (Manager: Internal Audit)
  • Zimasa Bulo (Senior Internal Auditor)
  • Kloper Mabunda (Internal Auditor)
  • Natacha Martins (IA Intern)
  • Xolisile Sotushe (IA Intern)
  • La-Chuney Jansen (Admin Intern)
  • Sinovuyo Robile (Admin Intern)


CAPTION: From Left: Zimasa Bulo (Senior Internal Auditor), Natacha Martins (Intern: Internal Audit), La- Chuney Jansen (Intern: Internal Audit), Sinovuyo Robile (Intern: Internal Audit), Jean-Pierre Rossouw (Chief Audit Executive), Heybré Ellis (Manager: Internal Audit), Xolisile Sotushe (Intern: Internal Audit) and Kloper Mabunda (Internal Auditor).