Electrical Tariff
General Enquiries gmun@george.gov.za
(Include the topic of the query in the Email Subject Line, a Reference Number will be received for your email enquiry)
George Municipality has implemented various electricity tariff structure changes from July 2022 – these changes can impact what you pay for electricity and how you use electricity in your home or business.
A Cost reflective tariff has been introduced consisting of:
- Fixed customer costs
- Network (capacity / demand) costs.
- Energy costs.
The big issue with a capacity limited supply is not so much how many units (kwh) can be consumed but how many appliances can be switched on at the same time. Load management by the customer will be required to be cost effective.
George Municipality is currently embarking on a process to review the 2019 Cost of Supply Study to ensure that it remains relevant and updated. Further information on understanding the potential electricity cost and management of loads, and how to make a decision about the capacity you can choose is listed below.
Do you want to discuss your energy consumption and find out what the best Capacity will be for your needs, phone 044 801 9243, have your Municipal Account Number and Prepaid Meter Number handy.
NB: It is COMPULSORY to complete the electricity capacity selection form and to submit to elec.applications@george.gov.za
Follow the links below for more information:
Application Form Selection of Electrical Supply Capacity
Application Form Bulk Notify Demand
GM Electrical Tariffs Questions and Answers
GM Elektriesetariewe Vrae en Antwoorde
Link to You Tube Videos answering FAQ’s on electricity in South Africa – developed by Sustainable Energy Africa and available in all three languages.