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GO GEORGE draws attention to disability rights

GO GEORGE draws attention to disability rights
Issued 9 Nov 2021

The month of November is dedicated to creating awareness of disability rights. The GO GEORGE bus service annually joins Government’s national campaign to increase awareness through a special programme of activities in the community and the media.

According to James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, the bus service constantly focuses on acessibility and ways to improve the passenger journey and experience of all passengers, including those with disabilities and other special needs. “The month-long campaign once a year just serves as an extra opportunity to draw the entire community’s attention to the rights of those with disabilities, and to spark interest in ways everyone can contribute to an inclusive society,” he said.

Variety of awareness activities
In addition to educational information on media platforms such as newspapers, radio and social media, more personal engagements with stakeholders will take place this year than last year, but strictly in line with Covid-19 safety measures.

One of the highlights of the programme will be a special day of activities at the George Link bus depot, home of the GO GEORGE bus service, where persons with disabilities will get the opportunity to have a closer look at the features and facilities offered by the bus service to bring about accessibility for all passengers.

As part of a continuous sensitising and awareness programme, a workshop will be presented for communication champions and frontline staff who have direct contact with people with disabilities or other special needs. This will include the topic of universal access and the appropriate approach when offering assistance to persons using wheelchairs and mobility aids, the Deaf, and people with visual impairments or other invisible challenges who require support.

The GO GEORGE communications team will visit several schools, homes and care centres for people with disabilities and other special needs, with an educational yet entertaining programme. Activities will include an information session with carers and parents, exchanging thoughts and suggestions on the use of the public bus service by people with disabilities.

Any stakeholders in the disability sphere who would like to engage with GO GEORGE are welcome to send an email to, phone the Call Centre on 0800 044 044, or leave a request on Facebook.

The GO GEORGE mascot Georgie is always a firm favourite during engagements with children, as can be seen here during a visit to the George Association for People with Disabilities (APD) last year during Disability Rights Awareness Month.

GO GEORGE vestig die aandag op die regte van persone met gestremdhede
Uitgereik 9 Nov 2021

Novembermaand word gewy aan die skep van bewustheid van die regte van mense met gestremdhede. Die GO GEORGE-busdiens skakel jaarliks by die regering se nasionale veldtog in om bewustheid te verhoog deur ‘n spesiale program van aktiwiteite in die gemeenskap en die media.
Volgens James Robb, GO GEORGE-bestuurder, fokus die busdiens voortdurend op toeganklikheid en maniere om die reis en ervaring van alle passasiers te verbeter, insluitend dié met gestremdhede en ander spesiale behoeftes. “Die maandlange veldtog een keer per jaar dien net as ‘n ekstra geleentheid om die hele gemeenskap se aandag te vestig op die regte van diegene met gestremdhede, en om belangstelling te wek op maniere wat tot ‘n inklusiewe samelewing kan bydra,” het hy gesê.

Verskeidenheid bewusmakingsaktiwiteite
Benewens opvoedkundige inligting op mediaplatforms soos koerante, radio en sosiale media, sal meer persoonlike skakeling met belanghebbendes vanjaar plaasvind as verlede jaar, maar steeds streng in ooreenstemming met Covid-19-veiligheidsmaatreëls.

Een van die hoogtepunte van die program is ‘n spesiale dag van aktiwiteite by die George Link-busdepot, die tuiste van die GO GEORGE-busdiens, waar persone met gestremdhede die geleentheid sal kry om die funksies en fasiliteite wat deur die busdiens aangebied word om toeganklikheid vir alle passasiers te bewerkstellig, van naderby te bekyk.
As deel van ‘n deurlopende sensitiserings- en bewusmakingsprogram sal ‘n werksessie aangebied word vir passasiersdiensbeamptes en voorsteliniepersoneel wat direkte kontak het met mense met gestremdhede of ander spesiale behoeftes. Dit sal die tema van universele toegang insluit, asook die toepaslike benadering wanneer hulle hulp aanbied aan persone wat rolstoele en beweeglikheidshulpmiddels gebruik, mense met visuele en gehoorgestremdhede of ander onsigbare uitdagings wat ondersteuning benodig.

Die GO GEORGE-kommunikasiespan sal verskeie skole, huise en sorgsentrums vir mense met gestremdhede en ander spesiale behoeftes besoek met ‘n opvoedkundige, maar vermaaklike program. Aktiwiteite sal ‘n inligtingsessie met versorgers en ouers insluit waar gedagtes en voorstelle oor die gebruik van die openbare busdiens deur mense met gestremdhede uitgeruil sal word.

Enige belanghebbendes in die gestremdheidsfeer wat met GO GEORGE wil skakel, is welkom om ‘n e-pos aan te stuur, die Inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel of ‘n versoek op Facebook te laat.

Die GO GEORGE-gelukbringer Georgie is altyd ‘n groot gunsteling tydens interaksie met kinders, soos hier gesien kan word tydens ‘n besoek aan die George Vereniging vir Mense met Gestremdhede verlede jaar tydens die bewusmakingsmaand.