Executive Mayor Jackie von Brandis (DA) Executive Mayor, Ward 26 Councillor 044 801 9111 mayor@george.gov.za
Executive Deputy Mayor Browen Johnson (DA) Executive Deputy Mayor, EPWP Oversight, Ward 23 Councillor 044 801 9111 bjohnson@george.gov.za
Cllr Nosicelo Mbete (DA) MMC Human Resources, Proportional Representative Councillor nambete@george.gov.za
Cllr Monique Simmers (DA) MMC Community Services (Refuse, Environment and Parks), Ward 5 Councillor msimmers@george.gov.za
Cllr Melvin Roelfse (DA) MMC Social Development (Libraries, Sport and Customer Care), Ward 14 Councillor mroelfse@george.gov.za
Ald Iona Kritzinger (DA) MMC Financial and Strategic Services (IDP, Performance Management, Economic Development and Tourism) Ward 19 Councillor ickritzinger@george.gov.za
Cllr Marchell Kleynhans (DA) MMC Civil Engineering Services, Ward 27 Councillor mkleynhans@george.gov.za
Cllr Johan du Toit (ACDP) MMC Corporate Services, Proportional Representative Councillor jdutoit@george.gov.za
Cllr Rosa Louw (GOOD) Chairperson MPAC Section 79 Committee, Proportional Representative Councillor rmilouw@george.gov.za