Thusong Centres
Thembalethu Thusong Service Centre
(044) 801 9448
Waboomskraal Thusong
(044) 801 9489
Pacaltsdorp Thusong
(044) 801 9016
Thusong Service Centres, which fall under the George Municipality, are one-stop, offering a range of essential services tailored to local needs and fostering community involvement. Aligned with the Batho Pele Principles, these centers strive to uplift the underprivileged by facilitating access to governmental, non-governmental, and business resources and information.
The objectives of Thusong Service Centers are as follows:
- Enhancing accessibility to government information and services, thereby enabling improved livelihoods and opportunities for the populace.
- Facilitating cost-effective, integrated, and sustainable service delivery to effectively meet citizens’ needs.
- Cultivating enduring partnerships with governmental bodies, businesses, and civil society organizations.
- Establishing a platform for enhanced dialogue between citizens and all levels of government.
At the core of the Thusong Centre model lies a Six-Block service framework, encompassing governmental, administrative, educational, skills development, local economic development (ED), business, communication, and information activities.