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Congratulations to the Scholar Patrol competition winners and participants

On the photo From left (Front Row): Mickayla Potts (Learner), Shakira Roberts (Learner), Kieron Meyer (Learner), Dantonio Olivier (Learner), Mr C Pots (Educator), Councillor Charlotte Clarke (Portfolio Councillor for Community Safety), Amy Lee Wanie (Learner), Lee-Wayne Spies (Learner), Burnutio Julius (Learner), and Abdul Malik (Learner).

Back Row: Dawie Adonis (Director of Community Services in the George Municipality), Mr M Tait (Educator), Franklin Windwaai (Traffic officer), Chief Superintendent Lafras Boesak, Mr Ruban Lekata and Senior Traffic officer Edwin Felix.

The George Traffic Department hosted a successful scholar patrol competition on Friday, 20 October 2023 at the George Junior Traffic Training and Road Safety Centre, promoting child pedestrian road safety.

The Portfolio Councillor for Community Safety Councillor Charlotte Clarke, and Director of Community Services in the George Municipality, Dawie Adonis attended the prize-giving along with the competition organisers, Chief Superintendent Lafras Boesak and Senior Traffic Officer Edwin Felix. Also in attendance were the educators and learners of the Five participating primary schools from the George Municipal area.

The competition started with a squad inspection by the judges which included a thorough inspection of uniforms as well as a whistle inspection, an inspection by the captain and then a practical test with the teams showing their paces. The five schools that competed are, Delville Park Primary
Pacaltsdorp Primary, Live Academy, Heidedal Primary and New Dawn Park Primary. Pacaltsdorp Primary School emerged as the winner, followed by Life Academy and New Dawn Park Primary School, in the second and third positions.

Congratulating the winners and participants, Cllr Clarke highlighted the significance of the School Patrol Programme, an essential component of road safety education. “Not only does it regulate traffic, improve speed calming and facilitate safe crossing of the road, but also instils in the minds of our young pedestrians an awareness of the importance of road safety,” she said.

Mr Adonis emphasized the importance of cooperation from other road users to ensure the safety of learners served by the scholar patrols. The responsibility of the scholar patrols is huge, and we are thrilled to see how committed these learners are to the safety of other learners.

The five schools that competed are Delville Park Primary, Pacaltsdorp Primary, Live Academy, Heidedal Primary and New Dawn Park Primary.
The George Traffic Department hosted a successful scholar patrol competition.