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Social Development

Social Development
Corner of St Johns and Varing Streets
044 802 2000

The main aim of the Youth Development office, also known as Youth Café, is to assist school leavers in preparing for the workplace, including regular interactive workshops that cover job searching, CV  compilation, cover letters and the interview process.

Young people, aged between 16 and 25, can register for the workshops that are presented by a career counsellor from the Western Cape Department of Labour. People who did not pass matric or who are unemployed are welcome to attend.

The Youth Development office also works with other government departments and agencies to create further education and job opportunities for unemployed youth, and addresses issues that affect youth such as drug abuse.

Youth Cafe George:
85 Market Street, George CBD (Open Monday to Friday 8am to 4.30pm)
044 873 5272 or

Youth Cafe Uniondale:
Old Clinic Building, Lang Street (Open Monday to Friday 7.45am to 4.30pm)
044 752 1024/084 696 8930/081 494 2254 or

The George Municipality supports more than 20 creches in the municipal area.

All creches are registered as early childcare facilities and/or non-profit organisations with the Department of Social Development (DSD) and are monitored weekly to ensure that educational programmes are correctly followed. The creches are managed by governing bodies and staff employed by the DSD.

The municipality also supports and monitors school after care facilities.
Persons wanting to assist or support creches can phone 044 801 4300.

There are 120  municipality-supported soup kitchens run by volunteers from their homes in communities across the municipal area. Operating three days a week, the kitchens mainly provide for vulnerable children and chronically sick adults. Additional kitchens are run twice a week in the CBD to people living on the street.

Programmes and initiatives include support groups for the disabled and their families, access to disabled sport opportunities and a long-term goal to turn George into the most accessible city for the disabled in the country.

The department’s HIV/AIDS activities are focused on education, awareness, treatment and care including:
Door to door health assessments (HIV, blood pressure and diabetes)
HIV counselling and testing
Home-based care
Support groups
Support for orphanages and vulnerable children organisations

George Municipality is the convener of a committee that collectively addresses issues related to People Living on the Streets. The committee incorporates several government departments, agencies, churches and non-profit organisations that work together with the ultimate purpose of rehabilitation and reintegration into society. Programmes include efforts to unify people on the streets with their families, if appropriate, as well as assistance with application for identity documents, job readiness and facilitation of employment opportunities.