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GO GEORGE schedules on Public Holidays

With two public holidays coming up, GO GEORGE calls on passengers to take note of the schedules that will be followed on these days.
On both Freedom Day (Tuesday 27 April) and Workers’ Day (Saturday 1 May), the Saturday schedule will apply on all routes.
For any enquiries or assistance with trip planning, phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044, or visit the GO GEORGE Facebook page for the latest news.

Met twee openbare vakansiedae voor die deur, vestig GO GEORGE passasiers se aandag op die skedules wat op hierdie dae gevolg sal word.
Op Vryheidsdag (Dinsdag 27 April) sowel as Werkersdag (Saterdag 1 Mei) sal die Saterdagskedule geld op alle roetes.
Vir enige navrae of hulp met ritbeplanning, skakel gerus die GO GEORGE-inbelkantoor by 0800 044 044, of besoek die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad vir die jongste nuus.


Latest update: 16 April 2021 (current Level 1 amended)

George Municipality hereby confirms that it is open for business, services are being rendered and administration buildings are open except for halls, venues and sport stadiums.

While in-person services are rendered where required, we appeal to the public to consider doing transactions and business online, per telephone or via email to avoid coming to the municipality in person and helping to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. During the Covid-19 crisis period, certain staff may be working from home or on rotation, which means contact details and office hours of some services may differ from usual operations. Please see below for more details per directorate.

Please note access to all municipal buildings by members of the public, when open, is subject to Covid-19 protocols which include registration, temperature-checking, sanitising of hands and always wearing a face mask.

Depending on the size of foyers and reception areas, the number of people allowed into a specific department or section may differ and you will be advised accordingly upon arrival. We kindly request the public to be patient and to allow for extra waiting time.

Depending on the requirements of a specific department, staff are working on rotation or from home, and access by the public may be limited. Please phone or email as far as possible as per details below.
Switchboard: 044 801 9111
All after-hours George Municipality emergencies: 044 801 6300
General public email for all matters:
Garden Route District Municipality Disaster Management emergencies: 044 805 5071 (all hours)

Protection Services administration offices are closed to the public.
Law Enforcement is open to the public, but limited to the foyer, one person at a time.
Fire emergencies only: 044 801 6311 (all hours)
General fire department enquiries: 044 801 6300
Law Enforcement: 044 801 6350/89
Anti-Land Invasion: 044 801 6310
GIPTN PTOO: 044 801 6345
All after-hours emergencies: 044 801 6300

Traffic Department Offices, Driving and Learners Licences:
Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp 044 878 2400
Open to the public Monday to Friday 8am-3pm unless otherwise announced as per Covid-19 measures.
The department is open for new appointments for driving and learner’s licences as per usual rules (see Driving and Learners Licence section under Protection Services at for details).
Pick-up times for newly issued driving licences from the Pacaltsdorp offices: Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm, except if your confirmation SMS indicates a Saturday collection opportunity. Please bring your ID document and show the pick-up confirmation SMS to the official at the entrance.
Please note that learner’s licences, driving licences, temporary driving licences and professional driving permits which expired from 26 March 2020 up until 31 December 2020 are deemed valid and validity is extended for a further grace period ending 31 August 2021.

Traffic fines
To pay your traffic fines online, use the account details below and use the traffic fine number printed on the fine as reference.
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Account Name: George Municipality
Account Type: Public Sector Cheque Account
Account Number: 62869623168
Branch Code: 210554
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Vehicle Testing Station
Hibernia Street (next to train station) 044 801 9312
Open to public Monday to Friday 8am-3pm, access control from gate at the street.

Motor Vehicle Registration and Licencing
Please note the email addresses for proof of payment of online payments have changed.
Hibernia Street (next to train station) 044 801 9310
Open to the public weekdays 8am-3pm, except Wednesdays when closed at 2pm due to compulsory training, or if otherwise indicated as per Covid-19 measures.
Access control is from the gate at the street, when necessary.
Please consider ONLINE RENEWAL of vehicle licenses as per details below instead of in-person renewals at the vehicle licencing centre as Covid-19 regulations significantly impacts on the amount of people that can be served in a day.
Bulk transactions are being handled separately or after hours when required. Pregnant women, the elderly and disabled can pre-arrange preferential treatment by calling 044 801 9310.
While vehicle licence RENEWALS CAN be done online, the REGISTRATION of vehicles CANNOT be done online as RICA requirements stipulate that the owner of the vehicle must physically appear in front of the official and the documentation must be original – this is, among other things, a measure against fraudulent registration of vehicles.
1. The customer starts by registering a profile online at or download the RTMC mobile application for Android from Google PlayStore.
2. Choose between registering as an individual or business.
The following information will be required:
Individual: initial, name, surname, ID number, driving license number, contact details via mobile phone or email.
Organisation: name of business, ID number of proxy, driving license number of proxy, contact details via mobile phone or email.
3. A one-time pin will be sent to your email or mobile phone number, which you must enter online.
4. Go to the ‘View motor vehicle renewals’ section and verify the information of the vehicle for which you are renewing the licence.
5. Access and/or download your electronic motor vehicle license RENEWAL NOTICE (also known as a MVL2 notice).
6. If your licence disk is valid but near expiry or if it has expired but is still in the 21-day grace period after expiry, the amount for the renewal of your vehicle will be on the notice.
7. If your license has already expired beyond the grace period, it will not indicate an amount on the system and clients must please phone the George Motor Vehicle Licensing office at 044 801 9310 to confirm the amount due.
8. Pay the amount due into the George Municipality, FNB Public Sector Cheque Account, Number 62869623150 (Branch Code 210554). Use the relevant vehicle license number as a reference such as CAW ###### / Private number ##### WP.
9. Email the proof of payment to Please note the forementioned email addresses are no-reply addresses and are set up for proof of payments only and cannot be used for enquiries. Please phone 044 801 9310 for enquiries.
10. Keep a copy of your proof of payment in the relevant car until you receive your license disk but keep your expired disk on your window in the meantime. Traffic law requires officials to still issue you with a ticket for displaying an invalid disk, but you can appeal the fine and submit the proof of payment as part of your request to have the fine cancelled (details for the appeal process is on the back of the fine).
11. Once payment reflects on the municipality’s bank statement, the vehicle license will be processed, and you will be contacted to arrange collection. Please do not collect unless pre-arranged and notified via telephone – you won’t have to queue in the transaction lines when you collect.
If you want the licence posted to you, please give the person who phones you the address to which you require it posted.
Licences that have not been collected within two weeks from the notification phone call, will be posted to the address listed on the NaTIS system – onus is on the vehicle owner to ensure the correct address is logged on the national system.
The turnaround time for online license renewals is about two weeks.

Administration offices (old City Hall) and Customer Services (corner York and Progress Streets) remain closed to the public.
Urgent appointments that cannot be dealt with via online meetings on MS Teams or other electronic means will be attended to by prior arrangement. Please phone 044 801 9354 or 044 801 9277 to obtain relevant email address.
Report water leaks and burst pipes, sewerage blockages, leaks and spillages and urgent road and stormwater issues to:
044 801 9262/6 (7.45am-4.30pm)
044 801 6300 (after hours)
Estimated response times are 24-48 hours from recorded time of complaint at the above numbers.

Services continue as usual and the administration offices are open to the public weekdays 7.45-4.30pm.
Two people are allowed in the foyer at any given time and members of the public will be allowed into offices following screening at the security desk.
Planned maintenance continues and essential repairs for which planned outages are required will be communicated.
Please report power outages, broken street lights and faulty traffic lights to:
044 801 9222 (7.45am-4.30pm)
044 801 9202
044 801 6300 (after hours)
Estimated response times from recorded time of complaint at above numbers:
Low voltage electricity – within 24 hours.
High voltage electricity faults – can be longer than 24 hours depending on type of fault.
Street lights – three to four weeks.
Pre-paid electricity queries to Itron/Ontec: 044 873 5474 (8am-4pm).

Community Services Administration, 82 Meade Street, is open to the public on weekdays 7.45am-4.30pm unless otherwise indicated as per temporary Covid-19 measures.
One person is allowed in the foyer at any given time.
Please contact the specific person via telephone or email as listed below to arrange for online meetings if necessary. Face-to-face meetings with officials by appointment only.

Reception/all departments: 044 802 2900 or
Office of the Director: 044 802 2904 and
Parks and Recreation complaints: 044 802 2921 and
Uncollected BLACK bags 044 802 2900/20/27 or /
Uncollected GREEN and BLUE bags: 044 878 0688/ /
Environmental Health: /
Transfer Station:

Landfill Site and Transfer Station, Airport Road, open to public weekdays 7am-6pm and Saturdays 7am-1pm. Covid-19 protocols in place, bring your own pen to sign in for extra safety.

Street cleaning crews continue to operate in and around the CBD and entrance roads to the city at selected hours, seven days a week.

Public toilets at the CBD taxi rank and Doneraile Square are open every day, toilets at Shoprite are open on weekends.

Please report illegal dump sites to 044 802 2900 or or The municipality appeals to communities to remain safe and to not dump waste, which is illegal and can be hazardous to their health.

Attendance of funerals is limited to 100 persons or less provided that no more than 50 percent of the capacity of a venue is being used. Attendees must observe a distance of at least 1.5m, wear face masks and adhere to all health protocols. Night vigils and ‘after-tears’ are not allowed. Visitation to cemeteries by small groups are allowed at weekends provided that all Covid-19 protocols are observed.

Municipal sport facilities and public swimming pools are closed to the general public but open to sport federations and associations with approved ministerial plans. Most municipal sporting facilities are multi code facilities used by a variety of codes and clubs and this should be factored in when compiling safety plans for the respective venues.
Take note that neither the compliance nor the policing of compliance to the conditions set out for the return to sport is the responsibility of the George Municipality and includes, but is not limited to, the amount of people allowed on the premises, screening and sanitation of those involved, the wearing of masks etc.
Enquiries Gerald de Villiers 044 801 9488/

Community Development offices behind the Main Building are open on weekdays 7.45am-4.30pm. Contact 044 802 2000 or

The municipality continues to support 129 municipal soup kitchens. Strict social distancing and hygienic practices apply. Emergency essential social services enquiries 072 693 3488.

The Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP) unit is open to the public by appointment only, weekdays 7.45am-4.30pm. Contact 044 802 2010 or to arrange appointments or phone 072 070 7234 for emergencies only.
EPWP Unemployment Data Base Registration and Enquiries: Charlton Van Wyk 044 802 2011/2036
CIDB (Construction Industry Development Board) Grade 1 Registration: Thembakazi Silimeni 044 802 2012
Central Supply Data Base registrations daily at the office but by appointment only as above.

All libraries are open with protocols in place. Opening hours remain reduced and admittance to the George Main Library remains by appointment only, while community libraries are access-restricted based on the amount of people inside the library according to the size of the facility.
A new service is available in which patrons can select books via the online library portal (see details below) and email a list of materials they want to loan. Librarians will make up piles of available materials and arrange a time for collection. You can also phone your librarian to inquire about a book-by-phone service.
Library services remain limited as follows:
Issue and return of books.
Ten books per library member for lending period of a month at a time.
Admittance to adults and children older than 12.
Children’s section is closed to children, but adults can take out books on behalf of children.
Research and reference services arranged by phone and/or email.
Internet services – preference given to pre-booked patrons, maximum two people at any given time.
Study area limited in compliance with regulations.
Wearing of masks and sanitising of hands are compulsory.
Your temperature will be taken before entering the library area, no admittance if it is 37.5C and higher.
Library materials handed in will be quarantined for 72 hours as per national and Western Cape safety standards and plastic covered materials wiped with sanitiser before being made available for loan.
Avontuur Library: 044 752 3351 – Monday 12pm-3pm, Tuesday 11am-2pm, Wednesday and Thursday 10am-1pm.
Blanco Library: 044 870 7047 – Monday to Friday 9am-4pm
Conville Library: 044 801 9320 – Monday 9am-4pm
George Library: 044 801 9288 – Monday to Friday 9am-4pm, Saturday 9am-12pm
Haarlem Library: 044 763 1023 – Monday, Thursday and Friday 2pm-5pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 2pm-5pm
Noll Library: 044 745 1014 – Monday and Wednesday 12pm-3pm, Saturday 9am-12pm
Pacaltsdorp Library: 044 803 9340 – Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm
Thembalethu Library: 044 803 9260 – Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm
Touwsranten Library: 044 803 9285 – Monday to Friday 9am-4pm
Uniondale Library: 044 752 1024 – Monday to Friday 10am-4.30pm
Waboomskraal Library: – Monday to Friday 10am-2pm
George Municipality library portal link:
You can search online according to author, title, subjects, keyword, publisher or ISBN number.
Type in your library number on your card to check your library materials status including due date and opportunity to renew your books yourself.

Records are open to the public weekdays 8am-4pm unless otherwise announced as per temporary Covid-19 measures.
Central Records Main Building: 044 801 9286/9431/9125/9178
Building Plan Records (corner York and Progress Streets) 044 801 9367
Emergency Records Queries Only: Timothy Craak 082 459 4522

Area offices are open to the public on weekdays 8am-3pm and contactable by phone until 4.30pm as per below list unless otherwise announced as per temporary Covid-19 measures. After-hours emergencies to 044 801 6300.
Covid-19 protocols are in place and thresholds apply as to how many people are allowed into each applicable building.
Services available at area offices and service points include reporting essential services faults such as water and electricity problems, all other municipal complaints, account inquiries, indigent applications, housing waiting list enquiries, property valuation roll queries and general inquiries.
Blanco: 044 803 9275
Conville: 044 803 9261
Pacaltsdorp: 044 803 9286
Protea Park: 044 801 9111 ask for extension 2796 (Tuesday, Thursday)
New Dawn Park: 044 801 9111 ask for extension 2797
Rosedale: 044 803 9295
Rosemoor: 044 801 9379 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Touwsranten/Wilderness/Kleinkrantz: 044 803 9280
Thembalethu: 044 801 9448

Thusong Centres reception are open weekdays 8am-3pm, but other departments’ tenants are open as per their usual individual office hours.
Waboomskraal Thusong Centre: 044 886 0040
Thembalethu Thusong Centre: 044 801 9448
After hours emergencies: 044 801 6300

Community halls and venues are closed to the public. Enquiries to Rozendra Thysse on 044 8019111/5 or and Alwyn Joseph 044 801 9005.
Acting Superintendent Halls: 060 823 3607 (on rotation with Maintenance)
Acting Superintendent Maintenance: 083 418 4588 (on rotation with Halls)

Human Resources offices are closed to the public unless otherwise arranged, HR functions continue. Enquiries to

Human Settlements administration offices are open to the public weekdays 7.45am-4pm. Covid-19 protocols are in place and only two people are allowed into the foyer at any given time.
For basic services (water and sanitation in informal areas) queries and complaints in informal settlements please contact 044 802 2003.
For assistance with emergency structures following disaster (fire, flooding etc) please phone 044 802 2029.
Queries and complaints for water leakages and sewerage complaints (indigent cases)can be reported at the office on above times, but preferably by phone on 044 801 9210/9994/9453 or or

Existing Housing Offices
Existing Housing offices are open to the public weekdays 7.45am-4pm.
Covid-19 protocols are in place and only two people are allowed into the foyer at any given time.
Enquiries: 044 801 9113 or 044 801 9078

New Housing
New Housing Department (St Johns Street) offices are open to the public weekdays 7.45am-4pm.
Covid-19 protocols are in place and only two people are allowed into the foyer at any given time.
Please note only the person making the enquiry will be allowed access.
There may be a waiting period and/or the person can leave their contact details and enquiry on the form provided at the security point where after an official will make contact.
Enquiries: 044 802 2003

Please note Town Planning, Building Control and Property Management offices are closed until further notice but officials can still be contacted by phone or email or can arrange a virtual Zoom or Microsoft Teams appointment with the relevant official to discuss any matters.
Town Planning General enquiries: 044 801 9477
Property Transfer Certificates: Marina Welman / 044 801 9171
Zoning Certificates: Lorraine Malangeni / 044 801 9477
Zoning Rectifications: Jeanne Fourie / 044 801 9138 and Ilané Huyser / 044 801 9550
Illegal Land Use Complaints: Robin Hector / 044 801 9475 and Mawethu Bonga / 044 801 9520
Neighbouring property owner address details: Marisa Arries 044 801 9473

Land use applications
Submit Land use applications:
Town Planning Complaints:
Land use applications can be submitted as per instruction sheets on website. See ‘Covid 19 Level 1 Land Use Applications Submission Guidelines – March 2021’ and ‘Public Participation Instructions Covid 19 Level 1 – March 2021’ on the link
Enquiries land use applications as below:
Erven and farm portions ending with an even number (i.e. 0, 2, 4, 6, 8): Primrose Nako 044 801 9416
Erven and farm portions ending with an odd number (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9): Marina Welman 044 801 9171

Building Control
Building plans can be submitted online. See for more information.
Building Control General enquiries: 044 801 9019 / 044 801 9370 / 044 801 9166
Building Control Complaints:
Request for existing building plans (Registration Department):
Phindiswa Lingani: 044 801 9370
Sinazo Moshani: 044 801 9019
Musa Dyakop: 044 801 9166
Status on building plan approvals: Vasti Laws: 044 801 9509
Andrea Griessel: 044 801 9502
Please contact Building Inspectors directly during office hours:
James Vollenhoven: 076 823 0412
Fuzisa Siguba: 083 949 8651
Erasmus Supra: 083 675 4472
Illegal activity: Nolan Noemdoe 083 757 3717

Property Management
Donald Gelderbloem: Manager Property Management 044 801 9073
Leasing of properties: Josephine Mpembe 044 801 9190
Sale of properties: René Hendricks 044 801 9472
General enquiries: Monique Isaks 044 801 9375

Economic Development
Cathedral Square office is open to the public 9am-4pm, strict protocols apply.
Business queries: Joan Shaw 081 412 9995
Other queries: 044 801 2820
Worker Collection Point is open to the public, strict protocols apply.
Worker Collection Point, food gardens and informal traders enquiries:
Amy Kearns 044 801 9173 / 073 621 0099

IDP Office
Closed to the public but contactable during office hours.
Ronel le Fleur: 044 801 9075 / 071 870 7887

Ward committee operations
Closed to the public but contactable during office hours.
Paulina Saaiman: 044 801 9074 / 060 579 6829

George Tourism
Open to the public weekdays 8.30am-4.30pm, strict protocols apply.
044 801 9295
Wilderness Tourism
Open to the public weekdays 8.30am-4.30pm, strict protocols apply.
044 877 0045

The Finance Hall in the Main Building is open to the public weekdays from 8am-3.30pm.
Covid-19 protocols are in place and only six people are allowed inside the Finance Hall at any given time.
Estimated waiting time is 20 minutes depending on the type of queries of the customers ahead of you in the queue.
While electronic payments are recommended (see details below), the Finance Hall is open for account payments in addition to municipal account queries, opening of accounts, new connections, duplicate accounts, arrangements on arrears, indigent applications etc.
Printed municipal accounts are being issued every month. If you have not received your account by the due date of the 15th of each month, please contact us to forward an email copy or pay your monthly average amount. Online accounts via email have not been affected by lockdown. If you want to receive your account via email please mail a request to
Ratepayers are requested to use one of the below-mentioned methods to make payments.
Accounts can be paid via electronic transfer (EFT – see details below), via pay@ mobile applications (see details below) and at Pick n Pay, Checkers, Shoprite, USave and SPAR.
Please take your most recent available account statement with you so that the shop can access the bar code that connects your payment to your GRG account number.

Meter readings
Online submissions of water meter readings are welcomed and can be provided via the below email address along with the accountholder’s name, contact details and GRG account number.
Please note that meter readings are done per area at different times of the month and it is important that your meter reading email is submitted around the same time as your area’s reading time. Please check the date of the previous reading at the bottom of your account to determine your meter reading slot. A new service provider, Electro Cuts, has commenced water meter reading services for George Municipality
Consumers must please note the change in email address to

Bank Details for electronic payment (please note bank details changed 1 December 2020)
The old account is being phased out so please amend as soon as possible. For now it is still active and payments made so far will have been received.
If you have a debit order on your account, details will automatically be updated. If you have created an account for online banking, please delete the old account and create a new one with the details as below.
First National Bank (FNB)
Account Type: Public Sector Cheque Account
Account Name: George Municipality
Account Number: 62869623150
Branch Code: 210554
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference: your GRG account number
Proof of payment to be sent to

pay@ mobile applications
Download Masterpass, Snapscan or Zapper application on your mobile phone and complete your profile.
Load your credit or debit card.
To pay the account, open ‘Wallet’ inside the App you have downloaded and scan the QR code (the black square with the little squares inside it on the bottom right of your account).
Enter the amount you are going to pay and complete the transaction.
The App will confirm your successful, secure transaction.
You can also use the following link for payment of your account:
Click on the link and enter the Pay@ reference number (number starting with 11413) which appears on your account. Your customer information will appear with payment options to choose from.

Prepaid electricity purchases
The electricity token is automatically sent to the client via SMS or email.
Mobile apps belonging to banks also have a pre-paid electricity purchase function.
For prepaid enquiries please contact 044 873 5474.
General enquiries to or 044 801 9111.
Please provide your GRG account number with all enquiries.
Please note that limited assistance is available as personnel may be working offline.
Credit Control enquiries: 044 801 9111

The George Municipal Court is open to the public on weekdays 7.45am-4.30pm unless otherwise indicated due to temporary Covid-19 measures.
Please note the office of the Clerk of the Court is closed every day 1pm-1.45pm for representations and other transactions.
Enquiries: 044 801 9400

Offices are open to the public on weekdays 7.45am-4.30pm (not open over lunch 1pm-1.45pm) unless otherwise indicated due to temporary Covid-19 measures.
Fire: 044 752 1225
Switchboard and fault reporting: 044 752 1024
Tourism: 044 752 1076
Haarlem: 044 763 1013
After hours: 044 801 6300

Distributed by George Municipality Communications Department

MEDIA STATEMENT: Update on Ebb and Flow Water failure


The George Municipal 35 000 litre water tanker is stationed at the Superette in Touwsranten and is being used to refill the five water tankers currently servicing Hoekwil and Touwsranten.


The Civil Engineering Department has been battling a pipeburst which started on Wednesday 14th April when the bulk watermains burst near the Wilderness Water Treatment Works. The repairs have either burst elsewhere  along the pipeline or couplings failed due to the high pressure required to force the water uphill through the system.

The current repair site is located at Ebb and Flow on the bridge. The team are working with very old steel pipelines which are no longer manufactured or kept in stock. The repair team has attempted to modify couplings and manufacture gaskets to facilitate the repair, but due to the variable high pressures and unstable ground conditions, the HDPE pipes are not holding with the couplings repeatedly failing.

A permanent solution to the repairs entails the manufacture and assembly of the full length of the failed sections in steel. The work entails the cutting and assembling of precise lengths of steel piping, including a number of specific sized bends and modified or new manufactured couplings. The manufacturing will be completed as quickly as is possible and is estimated at half a day. Following manufacture the new steel piping will need to be installed and tested before the system can become fully operational again.


The site of the pipeline failure at Ebb and Flow Bridge has been secured in preparation for the installation of the new manufactured steel pipes tomorrow.



George Municipality apologizes for the inconvenience and continues with the operation of water tankers to alleviate the water outage.
Water tankers will remain in Touwsranten and Hoekwil until 21h00 tonight and return to site Monday morning by 06h00.

Currently the George Municipal 35 000 litre water tanker has been placed at the Touwsranten Superette  and which will be used to refill the five water tankers currently in operation in both areas.

The water tankers are  stationed at
1. Mountain View Street / Begonia Street;
2. Adonis Street;
3. Jasper Street;
4. Thyz Jacobz Retirement Village (Church Street, Hoekwil) ;
5.  Denneboom Street (roaming).

A smaller civils vehicle will be moving through the streets to ascertain where the water tankers must be moved to as the need arises.
Queries must please be directed to our after -hours number 044 801 6300.


Kariba Weed management ongoing at Garden Route Dam

Kariba Weed management on the surface of the Garden Route Dam is going well and remains ongoing.

George Municipality Superintendent Parks and Recreation Priscilla Burgoyne said chemical and biological treatment since February was very successful. “The weed at the Kat River continues to die off. This takes time, so the visual presence of dying weed gives the incorrect impression that it is not under control. We are satisfied with the control of this section for now.

“Our integrated Kariba Weed management plan should be completed this month. The plan is currently being developed with the help of aquatic specialist Dr Jackie Dabrowski and will comprise biological control, manual removal and spraying when necessary. We will be connecting with other departments in the hope of securing funding and assistance for measures including the installation of a floating boom at the Kat River entrance into the dam to further curtail spread.

“There are plans for distribution of another set of weevils this month at the Swart River entrance to the dam where an increase of live plants has been spotted. The weevils had proven highly successful where they had been introduced in the Kat River earlier this year and we continue to work with the researchers from the Aquatic Weeds Programme at the Rhodes University Centre for Biological Control (CBC) in this regard. A site has been identified at the Garden Route Botanical Gardens for the establishment of a weevil biocontrol station, funded by the CBC, where students will be keeping weevils for the purpose of ongoing treatment of Kariba Weed in the Garden Route dam where necessary. Work on the construction of the biocontrol station will start next month (May 2021).

The municipality will pursue as many controlling measures as possible and takes into consideration contributing factors such as inevitable contamination from nearby built-up areas and human habitation. “We are hopeful that general pollution and associated phosphate levels will remain minimal and Kariba Weed will decrease to negligible pockets that are easily managed,” said Ms Burgoyne.

The municipality reported in March that weevils of the species Cyrtobagous salviniae were released mid-February 2021 at the Kat River inlet into the dam and near the dam wall where most of the Kariba weed occurred. Upon follow-up investigation, studies confirmed a 91% infection uptake. Since the weevils eat the plant, a significant reduction in the amount of dead plant material is expected once the weevils have established. During a visit to the infection sites at the time, the CBC indicated that the infestation was not a concern as the surface coverage was proportionally small compared to overall size of the dam and could be effectively addressed with a few interventions.

“The municipality reiterates that this matter is well in hand, is being addressed by learned experts in their fields, and that there is no current threat of oxygen depletion or eutrophication as had been speculated,” said Ms Burgoyne.

Local author launch his book in celebrating World Book day

Local author launch his book in celebrating World Book day

A local blind author, Richard Albertse, will be launching his book “Vision: The story of a seeing blind man” on the 8th of May at George Library as part of World Book Day that is celebrated officially on the 23rd of April. The launch will start at 10h00. The book was recently published by the National Library of South Africa’s Centre for the Book.

According to Rachel Williams, Manager: George Libraries, is the book a novel packed with adventure, comedy, romance and drama. It depicts the life of a person who had to cope with the reality of slowly losing his eyesight. Albertse said about the book, “the reader will discover in the pages of this book inspiration and courage to tackle and better overcome life’s more difficult challenges. The book is a relaxing read. It also makes a fine gift.”

Albertse is a blind and a long-time standing member of the SA Library for the Blind in Grahamstown. “I so enjoy reading books. If I say read, of course I mean listen to. The Grahamstown library has volunteers who read books that are captured in audio on compact disk. The library then lends out these “books” to their members – members that consist of people who cannot read normal print.”

“After winning the follow-up prize in a short story writing competition (Sunbeam in Voices of Disability) in 2015, I embarked on writing a short novel depicting the story of my life (a person who had to learn to cope with gradually losing his sight), he says.

After completing the book, he came to hear of a competition by the National Library of South Africa’s Centre of the Book where one author a year stands a chance of winning a grant to have his/her book published by them. So three years ago he submitted his work and won the grant. First there was a budget problem, then there were the restrictions of Covid-19, but finally his book was published early this year.

Albertse and his wife Riana, moved to George in 1988. He and his wife are both blind and they have a son, a daughter-in-law, and a beautiful granddaughter. He tells of how he and his wife met in school, fell in love and got married in 1981.

Albertse is a telephone switchboard operator at ABSA. “Lord-willing, this year October I will be 40 years at the bank. On my desk at work are 3 computers that are furbished with screen readers. I manage 16 branches’ calls,” explains Albertse. He says his wife cooks, bakes, cleans the house, does the washing, iron and mend clothing. She knits jerseys and looks after their two dogs and three pet birds. Albertse says he keeps the paving clean, he enjoys doing gardening and carpentry, and can fix almost anything. They love to listen to music and they both play different musical instruments. He says they make use of the latest technology to their advantage – technology that’s affordable to them.

If the public wants to attend please RSVP to before 23 April 2021 or contact Elmine Vorster at George Library on for more information.

Photo: Richard Albertse

George Municipality’s Poster Making Competition for schools – Deadline extended

George Municipality’s Poster Making Competition for schools on Energy Sustainability – Deadline for application extended

George Municipality has decided to extend the deadline for application for the POSTER MAKING COMPETITION on the topic of Energy Sustainability with schools, to 23 April. Primary and High Schools are invited to take part in the competition. The idea is for learners to reflect their understanding of Energy Sustainability in the poster.

According to Thabo Yiga from the Electrotechnical Services Directorate, who is spearheading the campaign with other interns in the Directorate, they have received interest from schools, during the past week. Although, most schools still needed more time to get ready for the competition, since public schools were busy with exams and other schools have been on an Easter holiday break.

George Municipality is part of the Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management (EEDSM) programme funded by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. The Municipality received grant funding of R4.5 million for the solar pv project at the George Municipality Main Building parking area and part of the requirements is to spend 1% of that grant funding on creating an energy awareness campaign.

The rules of the competition are as follows, the poster should be accompanied by a half page paragraph of text, explaining the message conveyed by the poster. The maximum number of learners allowed to take part in making the poster is 10 learners per school with the aid of 2 teachers. Primary Schools will be competing with each other, as will the High Schools, for fairness. For planning purposes, all schools wishing to participate must please reply by 23 April 2021. A non-response from a school will be interpreted as not interested.

The selection criteria for the winning poster is as follows: (a) does the message conveyed show the learners understanding of the topic, and is it factually correct? (b) is the poster neat, organised and well presented?

The finished poster can be dropped off at the George Municipality Electrotechnical Services Office in 16 Brick Road, George Industria, 6529. Alternatively, the schools can call the judges on the following numbers 044 801 9255 / 044 801 9221 and the poster entries will be collected. Please ensure that each poster is clearly marked on the back with the name of the school, name of the teacher, name of the pupil, age of the pupil and grade as well as the contact details for the school. Unmarked posters will unfortunately not be judged.
The closing date for the competition is the 21st of May 2021.

George Municipality will retain the posters on completion of the competition. Enquiries about the competition can be send to Thabo Yiga on

The Electrotechnical Directorate will provide basic poster making materials to those schools that require it. This will be A3 poster papers, coloured pens and pencils and glues. Schools who already have the materials or want to use any other materials are allowed to do that. The winning school will receive a prize to the value of R5 000, and the winning poster will be advertised in the George Herald Newspaper. All participating learners will receive goody bags as tokens of appreciation.

Sustainable energy is power which is able to be replenished within a human lifetime and so cause no long-term damage to the environment. Sustainable energy includes all renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, biomass, geothermal, wind, wave, tidal and solar energies.

City Nature Challenge 2021: Garden Route on the bio map

If you like to photograph and experience nature, your observations can be of good use to not only put the Garden Route on the international bio and tourism maps, but also record important information regarding natural life around our cities.
The City Nature Challenge is an international competition in which the goal is to make the most observations of nature, find the most species, and engage the most people on iNaturalist (also known as iNat) during a four-day period from 30 April to 3 May 2021.
Follow the link below for the Garden Route bio-blitz listing.
The link below explains more.
The City Nature Challenge is organised by the citizens science teams of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and the California Academy of Sciences.
Caledon Street in George, one of thousands of local spaces where opportunities natural photography in our city abound.

Phelophepa Healthcare Train coming to George

The Transnet-Phelophepa Healthcare Train brings health and hope to citizens that are in need of access to health-care facilities and will be at the George Train Station from 19-23 April 2021, and for advanced cancer screenings from 26-30 April 2021.

The Healthcare Train helps thousands of rural South Africans annually in need of access to health-care facilities.

The Phelophepa Train services include a healthcare clinic, eyecare clinic, dental clinic, and a counselling and psychology clinic.

Free healthcare services offered include:
• Healthcare education
• A complete physical assessment
• Cancer treatments
• Pap smear
• Prostate cancer testing (PSA blood test).
Patients pay R5 for the entire script of medicines.

Eyecare clinic services include:
• Free eye tests
• Spectacles @ R30. The eye clinic does not issue bi-focal lenses.
• Eye drops @ R5.
Note: The eye clinic does not offer eye operations.

Counselling and psychology clinic services include:
• One-on-one sessions
• Workshops targeting schools, communities, workers, teachers
• Topics covered include leadership, drug and alcohol abuse, sexuality and tools to deal with physical and emotional abuse

Dental clinic
• Free screening and education
• Extract and cleaning of teeth @ R10

All the health services are free to children 15 years and younger. All services are offered on a first come, first served basis. Bring along your clinic card and child’s immunisation certificate.

The train opens at 08h00 and closes at 14h00. Each patient will be issued with a sticker upon their arrival. Patients are encouraged to come early.

Strict Covid protocols will be observed.


The Transnet-Phelophepa Healthcare Train – the world’s first primary healthcare hospital on wheels – uses the existing rail network in South Africa to make quality medical care an accessible reality for many of South Africa’s most remote communities.

This nineteen-coach train, with its twenty resident staff members, fondly known as the “miracle train”, carries the most modern medical equipment on board.

Phelophepa is indeed a journey of hope that continues to make a history of caring. The name ‘Phelophepa’ combines elements of Sotho and Tswana and, roughly translated, means ‘good, clean health’ – which is exactly what this travelling health clinic provides.

The first of our much-loved Phelophepa Health Trains started operating in 1994. The Phelophepa Health Train has shown incredible growth since its humble beginnings as a three-carriage eye clinic.

The train travels for 35 weeks each year visiting a different rural community every week or two weeks throughout eight provinces. The success of the Transnet-Phelophepa Healthcare Train, together with the increased demand for healthcare services set in motion plans for another train. That dream became a reality when the second train, Phelophepa II, began operation in March 2012.

Although the Transnet-Phelophepa Healthcare Trains can only be in an area for a limited time, the goal is to supplement and support existing facilities to make sure the residents can continue benefitting from quality healthcare once the train has departed. Education and empowerment that leave better equipped and informed communities in its tracks is a core value of the Phelophepa programme.

• Before the train rolls into town, teams are sent out to alert the community of the days the train will be delivering services. A comprehensive social mobilisation strategy is developed and implemented in collaboration with all of the local stakeholders in each community.
• Relationships are established with the existing healthcare providers so that patients can be referred and continue to receive the care they need.
• While the train is in the area, screening and healthcare education are the primary concerns. Nursing teams visit local schools to screen children for health-related problems and educate them about basic healthcare.


  • Distributed on behalf of Phelophepa Healthcare Trains

George Municipality’s Poster Making Competition for schools on Energy Sustainability

George Municipality invites schools to participate in a POSTER MAKING COMPETITION on the topic of Energy Sustainability.The idea is for learners to reflect their understanding of Energy Sustainability in the poster.

Sustainable energy is power which is able to be replenished within a human lifetime and so cause no long-term damage to the environment. Sustainable energy includes all renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, biomass, geothermal, wind, wave, tidal and solar energies.

George Municipality is part of the Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management (EEDSM) programme funded by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. The Municipality received grant funding of R4.5 million for the solar pv project at the George Municipality Main Building parking area and part of the requirements is to spend 1% of that grant funding on creating an energy awareness campaign.

According to Thabo Yiga from the Electrotechnical Services Directorate, who is spearheading the campaign, the poster should be accompanied by a half page paragraph of text, explaining the message conveyed by the poster. The maximum number of learners allowed to take part in making the poster is 10 learners per school with the aid of 2 teachers.

The Electrotechnical Directorate will provide basic poster making materials to those schools that require it. This will be A3 poster papers, coloured pens and pencils and glues. Schools who already have the materials or want to use any other materials are allowed to do that. The winning school will receive a prize to the value of R5 000, and the winning poster will be advertised in the George Herald Newspaper. All participating learners will receive goody bags as tokens of appreciation.

According to Yiga, Primary Schools will be competing with each other, as will the High Schools, for fairness. For planning purposes, all schools wishing to participate must please reply within a week from 9 April 2021. A non-response from a school will be interpreted as not interested.

The selection criteria for the winning poster is as follows: (a) does the message conveyed show the learners understanding of the topic, and is it factually correct? (b) is the poster neat, organised and well presented?
The finished poster can be dropped off at the George Municipality Electrotechnical Services Office in 16 Brick Road, George Industria, 6529. Alternatively, the schools can call the judges on the following numbers 044 801 9255 / 044 801 9221 and the poster entries will be collected. Please ensure that each poster is clearly marked on the back with the name of the school, name of the teacher, name of the pupil, age of the pupil and grade as well as the contact details for the school. Unmarked posters will unfortunately not be judged.

The closing date for the competition is the 21st of May 2021.
George Municipality will retain the posters on completion of the competition. Enquiries about the competition can be send to Thabo Yiga on

York Street Cemetery extension has graves for at least seven years

George Municipality this week officially awarded burial blocks to local undertakers following recent extensions at its York Street Cemetery. The 18 000sqm new extension provides space for about 7500 graves which should be sufficient for at least seven years.

George Municipality Acting Director Allen Paulse said the York Street cemetery had been nearing capacity and had become urgent when deaths rapidly increased from 64 burials at municipal cemeteries in October 2020 to 94 in November 2020 and 176 in December 2020 – most of which were confirmed Covid-19 related deaths. “There had been historic uncertainty about the zoning for cemeteries adjacent to the current cemetery, which had subsequently been resolved and allowed us to clear land early in January 2021.

“We are grateful that the necessary groundworks could be done well before capacity had become a crisis. The remainder of burial sites on the old site will be the preferred site for Covid-19 burials, and the undertakers can commence with burials on the new site immediately.”

Mr Paulse said that in addition to the space cleared now, more suitable land was available on the York Street premises when required.

The George municipal area has four operational public cemeteries including York Street, Thembalethu, Touwsranten and Uniondale. The Thembalethu cemetery is currently at about 80 percent capacity with over 2800 burial spaces available and adjacent land available for clearing when required. Touwsranten cemetery is about 20 percent capacity with more than 880 available.

The Uniondale cemetery is nearing capacity with burial sites for about another three years. The municipality has identified possible suitable land and are currently investigating whether it meets the specific requirements for the establishment of a new cemetery.

George Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk (middle formal jacket) and local undertakers on the York Street extension where the official awarding of blocks took place this week.

Tourism’s Membership Conference, Together

Tourism stakeholders are invited attend George, Wilderness & Uniondale Tourism’s Membership Conference, Together, from 13 – 15 April 2021.

An incredible line up of speakers will be representing local and global brands.  Gain market insights from ATTA, Expedia, South African Tourism, Wesgro, Thompsons and more.  This isn’t just a list of YouTube videos to watch later – these world class speakers have prepared insights specifically to help us, in our setting.  These talks have been tailored for our audience.

Set aside 2 hours per day to add value to your business and get more connected to your tourism peers.  While the conference is virtual, it’s still interactive.  We’ll be providing opportunities for you to ask and answer questions and more.

Each day has a limited number of participants, so register now to reserve your spot!


13 – 15 April 2021 from 11:00 to 13:00 daily

RSVP here


Final phase of treatment works upgrades commence

The final phase of major extensions and upgrades at the Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works (OWwTW) in Pacaltsdorp is underway.

The civil works for the project was completed in 2019, but unforeseen delays with the mechanical-electrical component of the works had stalled its completion. Acting Director Civil Engineering Services Lionel Daniels said the work permit for the relevant works had been issued and the contractor had commenced work.

“Four monitoring boreholes at Kleinkrantz, Herolds Bay, Outeniqua and Gwaiing have been drilled as part of groundwater quality monitoring over the past week, and access-related excavating started today.”

The design and approval process for the upgrading of the mechanical and electrical construction works are underway, and orders for relevant equipment will follow upon signoff of final specifications.

This final phase will take an estimated two years to complete and comprise all mechanical-electrical works. Should no further delays occur, the upgraded additional 10Ml/day capacity facility should be operational in the first quarter of 2023.

George Municipality Acting Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz said the municipality was looking forward to the completion of the upgraded plant which would be a catalyst to much more development than what the current plant could manage.

“Delays to these upgrades have been frustrating to the municipality, developers and stakeholders alike and we are relieved that this contract is finally underway. George remains a desirable development and investment destination and the many infrastructure projects taking place – such as current stormwater upgrades and the planned widening of Thembalethu bridge over the N2 – go a long way in confirming the city’s commitment to long-term sustainability,” said Dr Gratz.

From left to right, contractor Gert de Kock, George Municipality engineer Gerard de Swardt, contractor Dion Kuter, George Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk and Civil Engieering Services portfolio councillor Jacqulique von Brandis visit the site where the last phase of extensions and upgrades of the OWwTW have commenced.

George Municipality achieves Unqualified audit opinion for 2019/20 Audit Outcome

George Municipality confirms that it received an unqualified audit opinion, with one matter raised. The financial statements present fairly, in all material respects for the financial position as at 30 June 2020, and its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the South African Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (SA Standards of GRAP) and the requirements of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003 (MFMA) and the Division of Revenue Act 16 of 2019 (Dora). An Unqualified opinion is defined as an auditor’s opinion that the financials are fairly presented in all material respects.

The matter raised refers to the accuracy of the Indigent Database. It must be noted that George Municipality runs annual awareness campaigns around the registration of Indigents on the database as well as auditing of the older applications. The implementation of the standard annual actions for 2020 was however hindered by challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. The Financial Services Directorate ran an awareness campaign in February of this year around Indigent Registration and the importance of updating information with the department and will continue to put in place internal control measures to ensure that the database is accurate.

George Municipality remains committed to the principles of good governance and continues to practice the principles and procedures required to maintain our fiscal discipline and stability. Our officials remain committed to delivering services of a high quality, continued good governance and compliance with legislation.

1. AFS – Audited Financial Statements
2. Qualified Opinion – The financial statements contain material misstatements in specific amounts, or there is insufficient evidence for us to conclude that specific amounts included in the financial statements are not materially misstated.
3. Unqualified Opinion The financial statements contain no material misstatements. Unless the Auditor-General expresses a “clean audit outcome”, findings have been raised on either reporting on predetermined objectives or non-compliance with legislation, or both these aspects.
4. Clean Audit – The financial statements are free from material misstatements (in other words, a financially unqualified audit opinion) and there are no material findings on reporting on performance objectives or non-compliance with legislation.

R400 000 theft of electrical equipment at Rosedale sewerage pump station

A sewerage pump station in Rosedale has sustained damage following a break-in and theft of mostly electrical equipment that power the plant. An initial cost estimate of repairs is valued at R400 000.

George Municipality Acting Director Civil Engineering Services Lionel Daniels said the damage and theft were discovered on Sunday during daily routine inspection of the small pumpstation situated at the edge of a residential area. “Electrical boxes have been forced open and electrical circuit boards and cables have been removed, which in turn halted the clearing out of sewerage. Fortunately, the incident happened at a time when the sumps were empty, and a sewerage spill was prevented.”

The pump station is walled and locked with a gate. A case of break-in, vandalism and theft has been reported to the SAPS.

Emergency temporary repairs are underway to activate the pumps and the pump station should be working by late this afternoon. The supply chain management process for the permanent replacement and repairs is underway and a contractor should be appointed later this week.

While the pump station is not in operation, sumps are being monitored and sewerage sucker trucks are manually extracting sewerage from the station when necessary.

George Acting Municipal Manager Dr Michelle Gratz said vandalism and theft to municipal infrastructure impacted on whole communities. “The municipality has 112 sewerage pump stations across the municipal area, many of which are in or near communities that would be directly affected if vandalised or stolen from.

“We appeal to residents in these areas to help guard our infrastructure and to report suspicious activities near such facilities to the SAPS. If residents can safely photograph perpetrators on their cell phones and take registration numbers of suspicious vehicles to help apprehend offenders, it will help to promote uninterrupted service and long-term cost-saving that will benefit everyone,” said Dr Gratz.


2B Water Restrictions lifted for George, but instated for Uniondale

Section 2 B Water Restrictions in terms of the George Municipality Drought Management Policy were lifted  with immediate effect for George following an Ordinary Council meeting held yesterday 25 March 2021.  Water restrictions were implemented in June 2017 when the Garden Route Dam level dropped to below 60% and these have remained in place due to a number of reasons including a national water scarcity.

The completion of the raising of the Garden Route Dam Spillway and associated works  in December 2019 increased the capacity of the dam by an estimated 25%, together with the revoking of the declaration of the National Drought Disaster classification in July last year, and the current status of the level of the dam allows for the water restrictions be lifted for George.

On 15 March 2021, the Garden Route Dam (GRD) level was at 99.74% in terms of its capacity before the construction of the new spillway, and at an estimated 79.80% in terms of the new capacity. The new capacity of the Garden Route dam will be confirmed by Department of Water Services, once the dam basin has been re-surveyed and the new dam levels calibrated. George received good rainfall following  the completion of the project and although the new spillway has not overflowed yet, the level of the dam has stayed above the old spillway level since September 2020. The George area received about 145mm more rainfall than the annual average for 2020. The average daily water demand for 2020 in George was 27.76 Megalitres per day.

Similarly, the Haarlem Dam although on a dam level of 10.49% for  March 2021, this level equates to  a volume of 480 Megalitres. The water registration for Haarlem is 230 Megalitres per year and the average yearly water demand for Haarlem is 155 Megalitres.

The level of the  Uniondale Dam is currently estimated at 30% and the water flow at the abstraction point at Holdrift in the Kamanassie River is reportedly normal for this time of year. The weir area is at present silted up following heavy rain in February 2021 and this  area needs to be cleared to improve flow to the Uniondale Water Treatment Works.  The arrangements for authorization to do so are under way with the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP). However, given the current situation, and prevailing weather conditions in Uniondale, Council has approved the implementation of Section 2 B water restrictions in Uniondale with immediate effect.

The activation of the different water restriction levels stipulated in the George Municipality Drought Management Policy is based on the level of the Garden Route Dam and this  policy was drafted before the Uniondale and Haarlem areas were incorporated into the George Municipal area of jurisdiction. Due to the different prevailing weather conditions and the different water sources for these areas, the George Municipal Drought Policy will be reviewed and updated  to include and make specific provision for the Uniondale and Haarlem areas. Simultaneously, the George Municipality Water and Sanitation Services By-Laws and the George Municipality Water Services By-Law to Limit or Restrict the Use of Water will  be reviewed and updated in line with the policy.

The right of access to basic water supply and sanitation is a basic right for all communities and it is the responsibility of the George Municipality as the Water Services Institution to take reasonable measure to ensure these rights.

The immediate measures to be adhered to are as follows: SECTION 2B UNIONDALE

  1. The mechanical irrigation of gardens is prohibited
  2. Gardens may only be watered between the times of 19h00 to 21h00. Garden hoses must be handheld only.
    Mondays and Thursdays for even numbered households ONLY
    Tuesdays and Fridays for uneven numbered households ONLY.
  3. The irrigation or watering of all sport fields is prohibited. Exemption from restrictions in the following instances only: golf course greens, bowling greens and cricket pitches which may only be watered between 19h00 and 21h00.
  4. The washing of vehicles with a garden hose , except by a commercial enterprise whose business it is to wash cars, is prohibited.
  5. The cleaning of any area by means of water is prohibited.
  6. The filling of swimming pools is prohibited.
  7. Where own water  from a borehole or reservoir is used, the appropriate notice shall be displayed on the premises.

Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

UNIONDALE/HAARLEM report to 044 752 1024 or after hours at 044 801 6300



Media Statement: Pump station overflow caused by backup failure

George Municipality regrets to advise that the ongoing loadshedding experienced this past week, led to the failure of the backup generator system at the Eden Pump Station.

The backup failure led to an overflow which contained a combination of sludge and sewerage. The  sludge discharged from the Water Treatment Works  does not contain any sewerage as it is residue from the water treatment process. The Civils Directorate has reported as such to the Department of Water Services (DWS),  as per the protocols as stipulated in the municipality’s Wastewater Risk Abatement Plan. The immediate river area is being monitored and has been treated with chemicals as is the standard practice.


The backup failure was compounded by the simultaneous failure of the SCADA system(Supervisory control and data acquisition) due to the loadshedding. Interim measures are being put in place to address such unusual failures with additional physical checks put in place particularly during loadshedding, and the continued upgrading of the Eden Pump Station remaining a high priority.


George Municipality requests members of the public who become aware of such incidents taking place, to please immediately report the matter via the  municipal switchboard on 044 8019111 or the after-hours number 044 8016300. The Civil Engineering Services administration building located in York Street does not have active telephone lines during loadshedding. The Disaster Management Centre in Mitchell Street, however has generator backup and is staffed during loadshedding periods, with an additional civil engineering services complaints staff member to address such queries.


As previously stated, the concern that this river water flows into the Garden Route Dam is acknowledged, however the public is assured that water in the dam is sampled and monitored through a fixed statutory water quality monitory programme. Raw water from the Garden Route dam is treated according to the SANS 241 standard  at the Water Treatment Works (purification plant) and the drinking water quality for George complies with the SANS standard.

George Municipal building going solar

The Main Municipal building in York Street will within the next three months have completed the installation of a 300 kilo-Watt Peak grid tied PV generating plant at the officials parking area. The service provider has already started with site establishment  and the project will be implemented in three phases ending June 2021.

The PV plant will reduce the peak load demand of the main building and reduce the amount of electricity purchased from Eskom. The plant will also enable the building to meet carbon emission reduction targets by powering most of the required load with energy generated from a clean and renewable source. The total savings in carbon dioxide emissions, would be in the region of 9027 tonnes of CO2 over the plants 25 year lifetime. In addition, the steel structures on which the PV modules will be mounted on will serve as covered carports for municipal vehicles.  500 000 kilo Watt Hours (kWh) of energy is expected to be produced by the PV plant annually, and the system is projected to pay itself off within 7 years of the 25 year estimated lifetime.

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk noted the significance of this step towards self-sufficiency for the municipality. “The 500 000 kilowatt-hour of electricity that the PV plant will generate annually is the equivalent of the power consumption of 55 households using 25 kwh of electricity per day (or approximately 9000 kwh pa). In overall terms this represents just over 0,1% of the George Municipality’s total annual sales of almost 500 million kwh of electricity. This is nevertheless the first significant small step we are taking towards self-sufficiency in electricity supply. There will be more. We thank our dedicated officials for the work they are undertaking to help us learn more about this journey into new technology”, said Ald Van Wyk.

The project is funded by the Department of Energy under the Energy Efficiency Demand Side Management (EEDSM) programme. The current public parking area located immediately in front of the municipal building will not be affected during the construction at all.

In the photograph on site at the municipal parking area are from left, Marlene Matthews, Senior Manager Administration Electrotechnical Services; Acting Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz; Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk;  Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services, Nosicelo Mbete; Ben August, Senior Manager Electrotechnical Services and Candidate Engineer (Intern) for Electrotechnical Services, Thabo Yiga who was responsible for preparing the tender documentations, preliminary designs and will be managing the project.

Stormwater projects underway

Major stormwater upgrades are well underway, which will significantly reduce flooding in problem areas in George during normal rainfall events.

Four projects to the value of R23-million will in some cases include upgrading of sections of gravel road to paved streets to allow the effective operation of the stormwater system in these areas.

The current Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG)-funded projects in Thembalethu Zone 1, Thembalethu Zone 9, Pacaltsdorp (Andersonville) and New Dawn Park are the first to be targeted in what the municipality hopes to be an on-going government-supported programme to upgrade stormwater infrastructure across the municipal area. George Municipality counter-funded the MIG allocation with approximately R5-million.

George Municipality Deputy Director Streets and Stormwater Lionel Daniels said these four areas were prioritised by using the George Municipality Stormwater Area Master Plan, a tool that analysed the condition of existing stormwater infrastructure and determined what kinds of work were required to resolve existing problems and/or to accommodate the needs of increased development. “The master plans are developed per area and the most critical upgrades per area are then prioritised for funding.

“While the master plan may identify critical projects per area, other areas where existing stormwater problems persist will take priority, especially those where houses have been flooded in the past and urgent remedial work must be undertaken,” said Mr Daniels.

“We are pleased by the progress on the first four sites, especially since they had been approved a year ago in February 2020 but were halted in their tracks by the Covid-19 lockdown. Project roll-out was revised and construction finally restarted in December 2020. Completion is expected by 30 June 2021.”

Large diameter pipes, up to 1m diameter, are being installed in places and residents are advised to avoid the construction areas where possible. As construction is taking place in the road reserves this will impact on vehicular and pedestrian traffic. George Municipality apologises for any inconvenience and appeals to road users and residents to be patient, exercise caution near roadworks and adhere to traffic and construction signage.

The municipality continues to develop plans per area and setting out projects. Implementation is subject to the availability of capital funding on the annual budget. The municipality continues to pursue alternative funding and applies for MIG-funding where applicable. “We are confident that more of these upgrades will follow in the next few financial years, which will ultimately mean better overall stormwater systems of the entire municipal area,” said Mr Daniels.

The Thembalethu Zone 9 Stormwater project is one of four currently underway.

24 new flush toilets handed over to Kleinkrantz Informal Settlement

The Executive Mayor of George, Ald Leon van Wyk and senior Councillors from George Municipality were delighted to officially hand over 24 new flush toilets to residents of the Kleinkrantz Informal Settlement on Wednesday, 10 March.
Ald van Wyk noted that this was an important project where the municipality installed concrete slabs for the toilets, and the flush toilets were connected the existing water pipeline providing a positive change for residents who have used chemical toilets for many years.
Claudine van Staden and her husband, William, have been living in the Kleinkrantz Informal settlement for 26 years. Claudine, who runs a soup kitchen in the settlement says the flush toilets are more hygienic for her family and the rest of the residents.
Jonathan Miggels was so excited with his new ‘throne’ that he almost immediately painted it. “I am proud of the new facility and will keep it clean and maintain it. I’ve been a resident for 26 years in the settlement and this new toilet is definitely more convenient than the chemical toilets they used previously.”
Cllr Raybin Figland, Portfolio Councillor of Housing Settlements, says he is proud of the upgrade to a better facility and that this was a step in the right direction, to restoring the dignity of residents. Cllr Marlene Barnardt, Ward Councillor for Kleinkrantz, says she and the residents can hardly contain their excitement with the new facilities and together with the residents, she has many plans to make the toilet facilities even more attractive.
Edwin Herandien, Deputy Director: Human Settlements confirmed plastic doors have been used for the facilities to deter vandals from breaking the doors.
There are 66 families residing in the settlement. During the roll-out of the Informal Settlements’ masterplan, a total of 24 chemical toilets and 8 taps were provided to the inhabitants residing in this settlement. The toilets were provided from grant funding on a ratio of 1 sanitation facility for every 5 structures and 1 tap for every 25 structures as per the norm prescribed by the National Department of Human Settlements. The area where the settlement is situated is not level and the Municipality had to move toilets closer to structures where the elderly or disabled people live.
The George Municipality made funding available on the budget for the upgrading of informal settlements and this settlement was chosen due to the fact that water-borne toilets could easily be connected to the sewer system at a minimal cost. Existing toilet structures, harvested from another project, were upgraded (new toilet pots and cisterns installed) and utilised for this project which further reduced the cost. An additional 12 taps were also provided to the settlement.
Herandien said the service of 24 chemical toilets cost the Municipality an astronomical amount of around R18 000 per month. The project commenced at the end of January 2021 and the completion date of the project was February 2021.
Hendriena Terblanche (50) has been living in the settlement for more than 30 years. Here she is with her grandchild, Lee-Ché Terblanche at one of the new toilets. At the back are Mayor Leon van Wyk and to the right is Cllr Raybin Figland.
Short Clip:
Jonathan Miggels was so excited with his new ‘throne’ that he almost immediately painted it. Miggels has been a resident for 26 years in the settlement. He is here with Mayor Van Wyk who officially handed over the facilities. –



Latest update: 16 March 2021 (current Level 1 amended)

George Municipality hereby confirms that it is open for business, services are being rendered and administration buildings are open except for halls, venues and sport facilities.

While in-person services are rendered where required, we appeal to the public to consider doing transactions and business online, per telephone or via email to avoid coming to the municipality in person and helping to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. During the Covid-19 crisis period, certain staff may be working from home or on rotation, which means contact details and office hours of some services may differ from usual operations. Please see below for more details per directorate.

Please note access to all municipal buildings by members of the public, when open, is subject to Covid-19 protocols which include registration, temperature-checking, sanitising of hands and always wearing a face mask.
Depending on the size of foyers and reception areas, the number of people allowed into a specific department or section may differ and you will be advised accordingly upon arrival. We kindly request the public to be patient and to allow for extra waiting time.


Depending on the requirements of a specific department, staff are working on rotation or from home, and access by the public may be limited. Please phone or email as far as possible as per details below.

Switchboard: 044 801 9111
All after-hours George Municipality emergencies: 044 801 6300
General Public Email for all matters:
Garden Route District Municipality Disaster Management emergencies: 044 805 5071 (all hours)

Protection Services administration offices are closed to the public.

Fire emergencies only: 044 801 6311 (all hours)

General fire department enquiries: 044 801 6300
Law Enforcement: 044 801 6350/89
Anti-Land Invasion: 044 801 6310
GIPTN PTOO: 044 801 6345
All after-hours emergencies: 044 801 6300

Traffic Department Offices, Driving and Learners Licences:
Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp 044 878 2400
Open to the public Monday to Friday 8am-3pm unless otherwise announced as per Covid-19 measures.

The department is open for new appointments for driving and learner’s licences as per usual rules (see Driving and Learners Licence section under Protection Services at for details).

Pick-up times for newly issued driving licences from the Pacaltsdorp offices: Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm, except if your confirmation SMS indicates a Saturday collection opportunity. Please bring your ID document and show the pick-up confirmation SMS to the official at the entrance.

Please note that learner’s licences, driving licences, temporary driving licences and professional driving permits which expired from 26 March 2020 up until 31 December 2020 are deemed valid and validity is extended for a further grace period ending 31 August 2021.

Traffic fines
To pay your traffic fines online, use the account details below and use the traffic fine number printed on the fine as reference.
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Account Name: George Municipality
Account Type: Public Sector Cheque Account
Account Number: 62869623168
Branch Code: 210554
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Vehicle Testing Station
Hibernia Street (next to train station) 044 801 9312
Open to public Monday to Friday 8am-3pm, access control from gate at the street.

Motor Vehicle Registration and Licencing
Please note the email addresses for proof of payment of online payments has changed.
Hibernia Street (next to train station) 044 801 9310
Open to the public weekdays 8am-3pm, except Wednesdays when closed at 2pm due to compulsory training, or if otherwise indicated as per Covid-19 measures.

Access control is from the gate at the street, when necessary.

Please consider ONLINE RENEWAL of vehicle licenses as per details below instead of in-person renewals at the vehicle licencing centre as Covid-19 regulations significantly impacts on the amount of people that can be served in a day. Bulk transactions are being handled separately or after hours when required. Pregnant women, the elderly and disabled can pre-arrange preferential treatment by calling 044 801 9310.

While vehicle licence RENEWALS CAN be done online, the REGISTRATION of vehicles CANNOT be done online as RICA requirements stipulate that the owner of the vehicle must physically appear in front of the official and the documentation must be original – this is, among other things, a measure against fraudulent registration of vehicles.

1. The customer starts by registering a profile online at or download the RTMC mobile application for Android from Google PlayStore.

2. Choose between registering as an individual or business.
The following information will be required:
Individual: initial, name, surname, ID number, driving license number, contact details via mobile phone or email.
Organisation: name of business, ID number of proxy, driving license number of proxy, contact details via mobile phone or email.
3. A one-time pin will be sent to your email or mobile phone number, which you must enter online.
4. Go to the ‘View motor vehicle renewals’ section and verify the information of the vehicle for which you are renewing the licence.
5. Access and/or download your electronic motor vehicle license RENEWAL NOTICE (also known as a MVL2 notice).
6. If your licence disk is valid but near expiry or if it has expired but is still in the 21-day grace period after expiry, the amount for the renewal of your vehicle will be on the notice.
7. If your license has already expired beyond the grace period, it will not indicate an amount on the system and clients must please phone the George Motor Vehicle Licensing office at 044 801 9310 to confirm the amount due.
8. Pay the amount due into the George Municipality, FNB Public Sector Cheque Account, Number 62869623150 (Branch Code 210554). Use the relevant vehicle license number as a reference such as CAW ###### / Private number ##### WP.
9. Email the proof of payment to Please note the forementioned email addresses are no-reply addresses and are set up for proof of payments only and cannot be used for enquiries. Please phone 044 801 9310 for enquiries.
10. Keep a copy of your proof of payment in the relevant car until you receive your license disk but keep your expired disk on your window in the meantime. Traffic law requires officials to still issue you with a ticket for displaying an invalid disk, but you can appeal the fine and submit the proof of payment as part of your request to have the fine cancelled (details for the appeal process is on the back of the fine).
11. Once payment reflects on the municipality’s bank statement, the vehicle license will be processed, and you will be contacted to arrange collection. Please do not collect unless pre-arranged and notified via telephone – you won’t have to queue in the transaction lines when you collect.

If you want the licence posted to you, please give the person who phones you the address to which you require it posted.

Licences that have not been collected within two weeks from the notification phone call, will be posted to the address listed on the NaTIS system – onus is on the vehicle owner to ensure the correct address is logged on the national system.

The turnaround time for online license renewals is about two weeks.


Administration offices (old City Hall) and Customer Services (corner York and Progress Streets) remain closed to the public.
Urgent appointments that cannot be dealt with via online meetings on MS Teams or other electronic means will be attended to by prior arrangement. Please phone 044 801 9354 or 044 801 9277 to obtain relevant email address.
Report water leaks and burst pipes, sewerage blockages, leaks and spillages and urgent road and stormwater issues to:
044 801 9262/6 (7.45am-4.30pm)
044 801 6300 (after hours)
Estimated response times are 24-48 hours from recorded time of complaint at the above numbers.


Services continue as usual and the administration offices are open to the public weekdays 7.45-4.30pm.
Two people are allowed in the foyer at any given time and members of the public will be allowed into offices following screening at the security desk.
Planned maintenance continues and essential repairs for which planned outages are required will be communicated.
Please report power outages, broken street lights and faulty traffic lights to:
044 801 9222 (7.45am-4.30pm)
044 801 9202
044 801 6300 (after hours)
Estimated response times from recorded time of complaint at above numbers:
Low voltage electricity – within 24 hours.
High voltage electricity faults – can be longer than 24 hours depending on type of fault.
Street lights – three to four weeks.
Pre-paid electricity queries to Itron/Ontec: 044 873 5474 (8am-4pm).


Community Services Administration, 82 Meade Street, is open to the public on weekdays 7.45am-4.30pm unless otherwise indicated as per temporary Covid-19 measures.
One person is allowed in the foyer at any given time. Visits to officials only on appointment. Please contact the specific person via telephone or email as listed below to arrange for online meetings if necessary.

Reception/all departments: 044 802 2900 or
Office of the Director: 044 802 2904 and
Parks and Recreation complaints: 044 802 2921 and
Uncollected BLACK bags 044 802 2900/20/27 or /
Uncollected GREEN and BLUE bags: 044 802 2900/ /
Environmental Health: /
Transfer Station:

Landfill Site and Transfer Station, Airport Road, open to public weekdays 7am-6pm and Saturdays 7am-1pm. Covid-19 protocols in place, bring your own pen to sign in for extra safety.

Street cleaning crews continue to operate in and around the CBD and entrance roads to the city at selected hours, seven days a week.

Public toilets at the CBD taxi rank and Doneraile Square open every day, toilets at Shoprite open on weekends.

Please report illegal dump sites to 044 802 2900 or or The municipality appeals to communities to remain safe and to not dump waste, which is illegal and can be hazardous to their health.

Attendance of funerals is limited to 100 persons or less provided that no more than 50 percent of the capacity of a venue is being used. Attendees must observe a distance of at least 1.5m, wear face masks and adhere to all health protocols. Night vigils and ‘after-tears’ are not allowed.

Visitation to cemeteries by small groups are allowed at weekends provided that all Covid-19 protocols are observed.

Municipal sport facilities and public swimming pools are open to Sport federations and associations with approved ministerial plans, but NOT the general public. Most of the Municipal sporting facilities are multi code facilities being utilized by a variety of codes and clubs and this should be factored in when compiling the safety plans for the respective venues.

Take note that neither the compliance nor the policing of compliance to the conditions set out for the return to sport is the responsibility of the George Municipality and includes, but is not limited to the amount of people allowed on the premises, screening and sanitation of those involved, the wearing of masks etc.
Enquiries Gerald de Villiers on or 044 801 9488.
This measure does not apply to municipal sport facilities rented out to clubs and sports bodies, such as tennis and squash courts. Please contact relevant clubs in this regard.

Community Development offices behind the Main Building are open on weekdays 7.45am-4.30pm. Contact 044 802 2000 or
The municipality continues to support 129 municipal soup kitchens. Strict social distancing and hygienic practices apply. Emergency essential social services enquiries 072 693 3488.

The Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP) unit is open to the public by appointment only, weekdays 7.45am-4.30pm. Contact 044 802 2010 or to arrange appointments or phone 072 070 7234 for emergencies only.

All libraries are open with protocols in place. Opening hours remain reduced and admittance to the George Main Library remains by appointment only, while the community libraries will be access-restricted based on the amount of people inside the library according to the size of the facility.

A new service is available in which patrons can select books via the online library portal (see details below) and email a list of materials they want to loan. Librarians will make up piles of available materials and arrange a time for collection. You can also phone your librarian to inquire about a book-by-phone service.

Library services remain limited as follows:
Issue and return of books.
Ten books per library member for lending period of a month at a time.
Admittance to adults and children older than 12.
Children’s section is closed to children, but adults can take out books on behalf of children.
Research and reference services arranged by phone and/or email.
Internet services – preference given to pre-booked patrons, maximum two people at any given time.
Study area limited in compliance with regulations.
Wearing of masks and sanitising of hands are compulsory.
Your temperature will be taken before entering the library area, no admittance if it is 37.5C and higher.
Library materials handed in will be quarantined for 72 hours as per national and Western Cape safety standards and plastic covered materials wiped with sanitiser before being made available for loan.

Avontuur Library: 044 752 3351 – Monday 12pm-3pm, Tuesday 11am-2pm, Wednesday and Thursday 10am-1pm.
Blanco Library: 044 870 7047 – Monday to Friday 9am-4pm
Conville Library: 044 801 9320 – Monday 9am-4pm
George Library: 044 801 9288 – Monday to Friday 9am-4pm, Saturday 9am-12pm
Haarlem Library: 044 763 1023 – Monday, Thursday and Friday 2pm-5pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 2pm-5pm
Noll Library: 044 745 1014 – Monday and Wednesday 12pm-3pm, Saturday 9am-12pm
Pacaltsdorp Library: 044 803 9340 – Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm
Thembalethu Library: 044 803 9260 – Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm
Touwsranten Library: 044 803 9285 – Monday to Friday 9am-4pm
Uniondale Library: 044 752 1024 – Monday to Friday 10am-4.30pm
Waboomskraal Library: – Monday to Friday 10am-2pm

George Municipality library portal link:
You can search online according to author, title, subjects, keyword, publisher or ISBN number.
Type in your library number on your card to check your library materials status including due date and opportunity to renew your books yourself.


Records are open to the public weekdays 8am-4pm unless otherwise announced as per temporary Covid-19 measures.
Central Records Main Building:  044 801 9286/9431/9125/9178
Building Plan Records (corner York and Progress Streets) 044 801 9367
Emergency Records Queries Only: Timothy Craak  0824594522

Area offices are open to the public on weekdays 8am-3pm and contactable by phone until 4.30pm as per below list unless otherwise announced as per temporary Covid-19 measures. After-hours emergencies to 044 801 6300.

Covid-19 protocols are in place and thresholds apply as to how many people are allowed into each applicable building.

Services available at area offices and service points include reporting essential services faults such as water and electricity problems, all other municipal complaints, account inquiries, indigent applications, housing waiting list enquiries, property valuation roll queries and general inquiries.
Blanco: 044 803 9275
Conville: 044 803 9261
Pacaltsdorp: 044 803 9286
Protea Park: 044 801 9111 ask for extension 2796 (Tuesday, Thursday)
New Dawn Park: 044 801 9111 ask for extension 2797
Rosedale: 044 803 9295
Rosemoor: 044 801 9379 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Touwsranten/Wilderness/Kleinkrantz: 044 803 9280
Thembalethu: 044 801 9448


Thusong Centres reception are open weekdays 8am-3pm, but other departments’ tenants are open as per their usual individual office hours.
Waboomskraal Thusong Centre: 044 886 0040
Thembalethu Thusong Centre: 044 801 9448

After hours emergencies: 044 801 6300

Community halls and venues are closed to the public. Enquiries to Rozendra Thysse on 044 8019111/5 or and Alwyn Joseph 044 801 9005.
Acting Superintendent Halls: 060 823 3607 (on rotation with Maintenance)
Acting Superintendent Maintenance: 083 418 4588 (on rotation with Halls)

Human Resources offices are closed to the public unless otherwise arranged, HR functions continue. Enquiries to


Human Settlements administration offices are open to the public weekdays 7.45am-4pm. Covid-19 protocols are in place and only two people are allowed into the foyer at any given time.

For basic services (water and sanitation in informal areas) queries and complaints in informal settlements please contact 044 802 2003.
For assistance with emergency structures following disaster (fire, flooding etc) please phone 044 802 2029.
Queries and complaints for water leakages and sewerage complaints (indigent cases) can be reported at the office on above times, but preferably by phone on 044 801 9210/9994/9453 or or

Existing Housing Offices
Existing Housing offices are open to the public weekdays 7.45am-4pm.
Covid-19 protocols are in place and only two people are allowed into the foyer at any given time.
Enquiries: 044 801 9113 or 044 801 9078

New Housing
New Housing Department (St Johns Street) offices are open to the public weekdays 7.45am-4pm.
Covid-19 protocols are in place and only two people are allowed into the foyer at any given time.
Please note only the person making the enquiry will be allowed access.
There may be a waiting period and/or the person can leave their contact details and enquiry on the form provided at the security point where after an official will make contact.
Enquiries: 044 802 2003


Please note Town Planning, Building Control and Property Management offices are closed until further notice but officials can still be contacted by phone or email or can arrange a virtual Zoom or Microsoft Teams appointment with the relevant official to discuss any matters.

Town Planning General enquiries: 044 801 9477

Property Transfer Certificates: Marina Welman / 044 801 9171
Zoning Certificates: Lorraine Malangeni / 044 801 9477
Zoning Rectifications: Jeanne Fourie / 044 801 9138 and Ilané Huyser / 044 801 9550
Illegal Land Use Complaints: Robin Hector / 044 801 9475 and Mawethu Bonga / 044 801 9520
Neighbouring property owner address details: Marisa Arries 044 801 9473

Land use applications
Please note new email address for the submission of land use applications:

Land use applications can be submitted as per instruction sheets on website. See ‘Covid 19 Level 1 Land Use Applications Submission Guidelines – March 2021’ and ‘Public Participation Instructions Covid 19 Level 1 – March 2021’ on the link

Enquiries land use applications as below:
Erven and farm portions ending with an even number (i.e. 0, 2, 4, 6, 8): Primrose Nako 044 801 9416
Erven and farm portions ending with an odd number (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9): Marina Welman 044 801 9171

Building Control
Building plans can be submitted online. See for more information.

Building Control General enquiries: 044 801 9019 / 044 801 9370 / 044 801 9166
Request for existing building plans (Registration Department):
Phindiswa Lingani: 044 801 9370
Sinazo Moshani: 044 801 9019
Musa Dyakop: 044 801 9166
Status on building plan approvals: Vasti Laws: 044 801 9509
Andrea Griessel: 044 801 9502

Please contact Building Inspectors directly during office hours:
James Vollenhoven: 076 823 0412
Fuzisa Siguba: 083 949 8651
Illegal activity: Nolan Noemdoe 083 757 3717

Property Management
Donald Gelderbloem: Manager Property Management 044 801 9073
Leasing of properties: Josephine Mpembe 044 801 9190
Sale of properties: René Hendricks 044 801 9472
General enquiries: Monique Isaks 044 801 9375

Economic Development
Cathedral Square office is open to the public 9am-4pm, strict protocols apply.
Business queries: Joan Shaw 081 412 9995
Other queries: 044 801 2820

IDP Office
Closed to the public but contactable during office hours.
Ronel le Fleur: 044 801 9075 / 071 870 7887

Ward committee operations
Closed to the public but contactable during office hours.
Paulina Saaiman: 044 801 9074 / 060 579 6829

George Tourism
Open to the public weekdays 8.30am-4.30pm, strict protocols apply.
044 801 9295

Wilderness Tourism
Open to the public weekdays 8.30am-4.30pm, strict protocols apply.
044 877 0045


The Finance Hall in the Main Building is open to the public weekdays from 8am-3.30pm.
Covid-19 protocols are in place and only six people are allowed inside the Finance Hall at any given time.
Estimated waiting time is 20 minutes depending on the type of queries of the customers ahead of you in the queue.

While electronic payments are recommended (see details below), the Finance Hall is open for account payments in addition to municipal account queries, opening of accounts, new connections, duplicate accounts, arrangements on arrears, indigent applications etc.

Printed municipal accounts are being issued every month. If you have not received your account by the due date of the 15th of each month, please contact us to forward an email copy or pay your monthly average amount. Online accounts via email have not been affected by lockdown. If you want to receive your account via email please mail a request to

Ratepayers are requested to use one of the below-mentioned methods to make payments.
Accounts can be paid via electronic transfer (EFT – see details below), via pay@ mobile applications (see details below) and at Pick n Pay, Checkers, Shoprite, USave and SPAR.
Please take your most recent available account statement with you so that the shop can access the bar code that connects your payment to your GRG account number.

Meter readings
Online submissions of water meter readings are welcomed and can be provided via the below email address along with the accountholder’s name, contact details and GRG account number.

Please note that meter readings are done per area at different times of the month and it is important that your meter reading email is submitted around the same time as your area’s reading time. Please check the date of the previous reading at the bottom of your account to determine your meter reading slot. A new service provider, Electro Cuts, has commenced water meter reading services for George Municipality

Consumers must please note the change in email address  to

Bank Details for electronic payment (please note bank details changed 1 December 2020)
The old account is being phased out so please amend as soon as possible. For now it is still active and payments made so far will have been received.

If you have a debit order on your account, details will automatically be updated. If you have created an account for online banking, please delete the old account and create a new one with the details as below.

First National Bank (FNB)
Account Type: Public Sector Cheque Account
Account Name: George Municipality
Account Number: 62869623150
Branch Code: 210554
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference: your GRG account number
Proof of payment to be sent to

pay@ mobile applications
Download Masterpass, Snapscan or Zapper application on your mobile phone and complete your profile.
Load your credit or debit card.
To pay the account, open ‘Wallet’ inside the App you have downloaded and scan the QR code (the black square with the little squares inside it on the bottom right of your account).
Enter the amount you are going to pay and complete the transaction.
The App will confirm your successful, secure transaction.

You can also use the following link for payment of your account:
Click on the link and enter the Pay@ reference number (number starting with 11413) which appears on your account. Your customer information will appear with payment options to choose from.

Prepaid electricity purchases
The electricity token is automatically sent to the client via SMS or email.
Mobile apps belonging to banks also have a pre-paid electricity purchase function.
For prepaid enquiries please contact 044 873 5474.

General enquiries to or 044 801 9111.
Please provide your GRG account number with all enquiries.
Please note that limited assistance is available as personnel may be working offline.

Credit Control enquiries: 044 801 9111

The George Municipal Court is open to the public on weekdays 7.45am-4.30pm unless otherwise indicated due to temporary Covid-19 measures.

Please note the office of the Clerk of the Court is closed every day 1pm-1.45pm for representations and other transactions.
Enquiries: 044 801 9400

Offices are open to the public on weekdays 7.45am-4.30pm (not open over lunch 1pm-1.45pm) unless otherwise indicated due to temporary Covid-19 measures.

Fire: 044 752 1225
Switchboard and fault reporting: 044 752 1024
Tourism: 044 752 1076
Haarlem: 044 763 1013
After hours: 044 801 6300