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Heatherlands High explaining: Tyron Jeyi, GO GEORGE Community Liaison Officer, explains to a learner at Heatherlands High School how to use the school route map to plan her bus trip to and from school. Hoërskool Heatherlands verduidelik: Tyron Jeyi, GO GEORGEgemeenskapskakelbeampte, verduidelik aan ‘n leerder by Hoërskool Heatherlands hoe om die skoolroetekaart te gebruik om haar busrit na en van die skool te beplan.

GO GEORGE has embarked on their annual educational campaign in schools to familiarise the younger generation with the bus system and how to best make use of the facility.

A series of school visits and learner engagements at bus stops, focusing mainly on high schools, aims to equip learners with information and rules of carriage to use the service optimally and independently.

Heatherlands questions: The youngsters at Heatherlands High School participated by asking questions about the bus service during engagement with the grade eight learners. The communications team was impressed with their knowledge when tested with some random questions about GO GEORGE.

Primary schools in George are invited to support this local flagship project by incorporating it as part of their existing curriculum about transport. “Our proposal to the schools is that they use GO GEORGE as an example or practical application to complement the theoretical curriculum in subjects such as Technology,” says Morné Lakay, GO GEORGE Manager. “Transport is already a part of the curriculum, and now the learners in George have the added advantage of a local public transport system to study.

“The goal of the GO GEORGE schools programme is to inform learners about the system, educate them about the benefits, and introduce them to transport terminology and concepts such as how to read a map, interpret timetables and plan a trip. If we can create a positive association with public transport at an early stage, we hope to motivate learners to use GO GEORGE as a transport option,” Lakay says.

The school programme is being expanded this year to include schools in Thembalethu where the bus service was rolled out in November 2023. A visit to the Tyholora Primary School was high on the agenda. Situated adjacent to the GO GEORGE Smart Card kiosk and a bus stop, it became clear that the learners would need to be educated about being safe around the buses on their way to and from school.

The youngsters were excited to meet the dressed-up communication team and mascot Georgie. They sang along heartily while learning more about the scheduled public transport service.

Tyholora Primary: GO GEORGE visited Tyholora Primary School in Thembalethu to educate the learners about pedestrian safety around the buses. Their school is adjacent to a GO GEORGE kiosk and bus stop.

High school learners from Thembalethu who attend schools in George were reached during the Grade 8 outreach at the beginning of the first term, while learners within Thembalethu were also reached at stops nearest to their schools following the launch last year.

School visits will continue after the school holidays. Schools are welcome to request a visit from the GO GEORGE team by phoning the Call Centre on 0800 044 044 or sending an email to Visits will be scheduled according to the team’s capacity, prioritising schools on GO GEORGE routes.



GO GEORGE het hul jaarlikse opvoedkundige veldtog in skole begin om die jonger geslag vertroud te maak met die busstelsel en te leer hoe om die fasiliteit ten beste te benut.
‘n Reeks skoolbesoeke en gesprekke by bushaltes wat hoofsaaklik op hoërskole fokus, het ten doel om leerders toe te rus met inligting en vervoerreëls om die diens optimaal en onafhanklik te gebruik.
Laerskole in George word genooi om hierdie plaaslike vlagskipprojek te ondersteun deur dit as deel van hul bestaande kurrikulum oor vervoer in te sluit.
“Ons voorstel aan die skole is dat hulle GO GEORGE as voorbeeld of praktiese toepassing gebruik om die teoretiese kurrikulum in vakke soos Tegnologie aan te vul,” sê Morné Lakay, GO GEORGE-bestuurder. “Vervoer is reeds deel van die kurrikulum, en nou het die leerders in George die bykomende voordeel van ‘n plaaslike openbare vervoerstelsel om te bestudeer.
“Die doel van die GO GEORGE-skoleprogram is om leerders oor die stelsel in te lig, hulle oor die voordele op te voed en hulle bekend te stel aan vervoer-terminologie en -konsepte soos hoe om ‘n kaart te lees, tydroosters te interpreteer en ‘n rit te beplan. As ons in ‘n vroeë stadium ‘n positiewe verbintenis met openbare vervoer kan skep, hoop ons om leerders te motiveer om GO GEORGE as vervoeropsie te gebruik,” sê Lakay.

Die skoolprogram word vanjaar uitgebrei om skole in Thembalethu in te sluit waar die busdiens in November 2023 van stapel gestuur is. ‘n Besoek aan die Laerskool Tyholora was hoog op die agenda. Geleë langs die GO GEORGE Slimkaart kiosk en ‘n bushalte, het dit duidelik geword dat die leerders opgevoed moet word om op pad na en van die skool veilig te wees in die omgewing van die busse. Die jongklomp was opgewonde om die gelukbringer Georgie en die kommunikasiespan in hul kleurvolle uitrustings te ontmoet. Hulle het hartlik saamgesing terwyl hulle meer oor die geskeduleerde openbare vervoerdiens geleer het.

Hoërskoolleerders van Thembalethu wat skole in George bywoon, is aan die begin van die eerste kwartaal tydens die graad 8-uitreik bereik, terwyl leerders in Thembalethu ook ná die bekendstelling verlede jaar by die bushaltes naaste aan hul skole bereik is.
Skoolbesoeke sal ná die skoolvakansie voortgaan. Skole is welkom om ‘n besoek van die GO GEORGE-span aan te vra deur die inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel of ‘n e-pos aan te stuur. Besoeke sal volgens die span se kapasiteit geskeduleer word en skole op GO GEORGE-roetes prioritiseer.

365 days of Human Rights

Caption: People living on the streets gathered together on Human Rights Day. Standing in from the left Captain Floris, SAPS; Sargeant Plaatjies, SAPS; Mr Fail, SAHARA and Mr Gelderbloem, Kidstop.

On March 20, 2024, George Municipality marked Human Rights Day with a meaningful event involving 80 individuals living on the streets. The South African Police Service participated in the day with the municipality facilitating a dialogue between the police service and the homeless population. The primary objective of the day was to reaffirm the rights and responsibilities inherent to all individuals, including those experiencing homelessness. Attendees, which included representatives from the Police service, Kidstop, SAHARA, and CREMHOG, collectively emphasized the need for a year-round (365 days) commitment to human rights, rather than confining it to a single day of observance.

Asavela Mandongana, a Social Worker at the Municipality, addressed the gathering, highlighting the crucial message that homelessness is not a choice, and individuals should not be defined by their circumstances. “We do not choose to be homeless, but we can choose to change our circumstances to become a better version of ourselves and reduce homelessness,” Mandongana stated, underscoring the importance of avoiding labels that can perpetuate human rights violations.

Estelle Fredericks, who is actively involved in working with the homeless community, offered further insights and can be reached for additional information on upcoming Forum meetings or ongoing programs and projects aimed at assisting the homeless on 044 802 2000. The event served as a reminder of the collective responsibility to uphold and protect the rights of all individuals within society. By fostering understanding, dialogue, and practical initiatives, George Municipality continues its commitment to promoting human rights and addressing the challenges faced by vulnerable communities.

George Municipality Calls for Protection of Community Infrastructure Against Vandalism

George Municipality continues to face a significant challenge with ongoing vandalism, particularly cable theft, resulting in substantial financial losses and service delivery disruptions. Over the past six to eight months, the municipality has suffered losses exceeding R 3.5 million due to vandalism, severely impacting various departments and causing prolonged electricity outages affecting residents, schools, and businesses.

The Electrotechnical Services Department has been the hardest hit, reporting 811 cable theft incidents from July to December 2023 alone, amounting to over R 3.5 million in losses. This vandalism extends beyond cable theft, affecting infrastructure such as streetlight poles, kiosks, and low-voltage lines.

Various other incidents of vandalism have been reported across different departments.
• Corporate Services reported damage to Lawaaikamp Hall’s fence, costing approximately R 80,000.
• Parks and Recreation reported vandalism at Gwaing beach, with an estimated cost of approximately R 5,000.
• Sports facilities, including stadiums in Thembalethu, Blanco, Rosemore, Pacaltsdorp, and Maraiskamp, have also been targeted, resulting in damages and theft amounting to approximately R 37,000.
• Law Enforcement efforts have led to arrests in connection with cable theft and vandalism.

Vandalism incidents continue to pose challenges and inconvenience to residents. We implore the citizens of George to assist in combating vandalism by promptly reporting incidents to the official channels of the George Municipality and the police. Vandalism is a criminal act that ultimately burdens ratepayers and deprives communities of essential services.

The public is requested to please report people tampering, painting, breaking, or stealing municipal property with the SAPS and George Municipality Law Enforcement (044 801 6350 or 044 801 6300 after hours) as soon as you see it happening. If you can take pictures of the culprits in the act without endangering yourself, it will help a lot. Thank you in advance for helping us protect our infrastructure.

To incentivize cooperation, George Municipality offers a reward of R2500 for information leading to the successful conviction of vandals in a court of law. Informants may provide their details to relevant authorities, and their identities will be protected by the municipality. To be eligible for the reward, please report to 0860 044 044.

Introduction of Weevils to Control Kariba Weed in Garden Route Dam

The Garden Route Dam, a vital freshwater system in the region, has been grappling with the invasive aquatic fern known as Salvinia molesta, or Kariba Weed. Originating from South America, this fern has spread rapidly across various freshwater bodies in South Africa since its introduction in the early 1900s. Its aggressive growth rate poses a severe threat to local biodiversity and ecosystem health.

In response to this ecological challenge, the George Municipality has implemented a biological control program utilizing the weevil Cyrtobagus salviniae. This initiative aims to provide a sustainable, environmentally friendly solution to manage the proliferation of Kariba Weed in the Garden Route Dam.

Cyrtobagus salviniae, the chosen biocontrol agent, targets Salvinia molesta by feeding on its buds and leaves. The weevil’s life cycle unfolds entirely on the Salvinia molesta plant, with adult females laying eggs on the foliage. These eggs hatch into larvae, which then feed on the roots and buds of the fern before maturing into adult weevils. This natural process effectively reduces the population of Kariba Weed over time.

The Garden Route Botanical Garden, in collaboration with the Centre for Biological Control at Rhodes University, has established a weevil breeding satellite station to support this endeavor. Since the inoculation of weevils into rearing tanks in late 2022, the program has witnessed promising results.

Recent observations in December revealed a surge in Salvinia molesta growth in the Kat River above the George Dam. Prompt action was taken, with the manager of Parks and Recreation at George Municipality coordinating efforts to obtain weevils for inoculation. Subsequent collaborations with the Centre for Biological Control and the Garden Route Botanical Garden facilitated the collection and dispersal of weevils into the dam.

With the assistance of passionate environmentalists like Petrus Crous, who volunteered to disperse weevils to heavily infested areas in the dam, significant progress has been made. Follow-up assessments have indicated notable damage to Salvinia molesta plants by the weevils, underscoring the efficacy of this biological control strategy.

Looking ahead, further inoculations are planned before winter sets in, targeting areas yet to receive weevils. This ongoing initiative underscores the commitment of stakeholders to safeguarding the ecological integrity of the Garden Route Dam and its surrounding ecosystems.

Report by Doug Cooke (plant specialist), Garden Route Botanical Garden


George Libraries celebrate Library Week


In the photograph above, the crowd that took part in the walk from Unity Park to George Municipality in celebrating South African Library Week were personnel from George Library, Olympia Skills School, Provincial Library Service (George Region) and Friends and Patrons of the library that were addressed by Edward Ganza, Deputy Director: Corporate Services (in the middle front).

George Libraries took to the Streets of George to announce the start of South African Library Week which is being celebrated from 18 to 24 March 2024.

George Library along with numerous other libraries in South Africa, like the South African Library for the Blind, had an official launch this week on Friday, 15 March. The theme of the week is Libraries Foster Social Cohesion.

Edward Ganza, Deputy Director: Corporate Services at George Municipality addressed the crowd that walked from Unity Park to George Civic Centre to promote Library Week.  Ganza said in his address with social cohesion in mind George libraries create safe places for all residents and visitors to interact with each other. He also promised that the activities the libraries arrange are of a high standard. Schools and other groups are invited to be part of activities at the libraries. Part of the crowd that took part in the walk were personnel from George Library, Olympia Skills School, Provincial Library Service (George Region) and Friends and Patrons of the library.

According to the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA), the theme underscores the crucial role libraries play in uniting communities as they serve as hubs where people from diverse backgrounds can come together to exchange ideas and learn and engage in cultural and intellectual activities. By providing access to information, technology, resources and programmes, libraries broaden horizons, connect individuals, and foster a shared sense of purpose and identity. They also provide safe spaces for marginalised communities to address social and development issues, share experiences and thus promote social cohesion.

The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture defines social cohesion as “the degree of social integration and inclusion in communities and society at large, and the extent to which mutual solidarity finds expression itself among individuals and communities”. Libraries as community institutions are central to achieving this idea.

Rachel Williams, Manager: George Libraries, said inclusivity is a hallmark of libraries, where everyone is welcome, fostering connections and trust among diverse societal groups. Libraries thus play an instrumental role in social cohesion by enabling informed community participation, stimulating dialogue, and promoting mutual respect among people from diverse backgrounds. She said libraries tailor their services to meet community needs, promote lifelong learning and support literacy development.

Libraries play a critical role in fostering social cohesion through supporting initiatives and programmes. They provide access to information and contribute to addressing socio-economic disparities, climate justice and environmental awareness, among others.

Libraries actively contribute to nurturing social cohesion by offering educational programmes that strengthen the social fabric of communities. Through these programmes, libraries promote an understanding of diverse cultures, histories, local history, and traditions; encourage tolerance, and enhance literacy skills which are all essential for social cohesion.

Libraries bridge the digital divide by providing access to information and communication technologies and engaging communities through social media and online platforms. They empower individuals and communities by building inter-connected and inclusive societies.

George Library and the branch libraries are hosting different activities at creches, schools and other institutions during the library week.



The crowd that took part in the walk were personnel from George Library, Olympia Skills School, Provincial Library Service (George Region) and Friends and Patrons of the library that were addressed by Edward Ganza, Deputy Director: Corporate Services (in the middle front).  

Learners from Olympia Skills School with their colourful placards they’ve made in celebration of the South African Library Week. With them is Malibongwe Luyenge (middle), Senior Librarian at George Library.

Garelene Muller, Librarian at George Library at a gazebo library services put up in front of the George Museum to create awareness around South African Library Week.


George Traffic Services – Easter Holiday Awareness Campaign

Janine Wells, George Traffic Chief in photograph above.

The Western Cape Province’s first school term comes to an end on March 20th, 2024 with a week of school holiday, Human Rights Day on the 21st of March and an Easter long weekend.

Many citizens will take this opportunity to embark on long-distance travelling to visit neighbouring districts or provinces to spend time with family or friends. Janine Wells, George Traffic Chief said George municipal area commonly sees an increase of visitors to the area, whether local and/or foreigners, visiting beaches and popular establishments. Traffic volumes on all major routes increase whether to travel locally or to neighbouring towns or across provinces.

“George Municipal Traffic is geared to deal with these volumes of traffic and will be on high alert by ensuring visible policing and deal appropriately with offenders whether for excessive speeding, reckless and negligent driving, inconsiderate driving or drunk driving. Increased activities are aimed at reducing fatalities during this Easter and school holiday period. Various vehicle checkpoints will be set up on major routes in conjunction with other enforcement entities. Patrols will also be done throughout urban and residential areas focussing on pedestrian safety and jaywalking,” Wells said.

She said the N2 is still a major concern with regards to pedestrian safety. George Traffic Department and other enforcement entities will continue with awareness campaigns on the N2 highway and provincial roads within the George Municipal area. The vehicle checkpoints will focus on driver and vehicle fitness, overloading of public transport and private vehicles, driving under the influence of alcohol and the wearing of safety belts by all occupants.

Operations will further focus on long-distance public transport such as taxis, midi-buses, and buses to ensure compliance with the National Land Transport Act and National Road Traffic Act. Simultaneously, these checks will allow for rest periods in an attempt to address driver fatigue and ensure safety of commuters and other road users. Any suspected unroadworthy vehicles will be taken to the nearest Vehicle Testing Station for detailed checks. Random breathalyser screening will be done at all operations.  According to Wells, the ongoing focus will be on excessive speeding and driving under the influence which is a huge contribution to accidents and fatalities.

Residents and visitors alike should take note in coastal areas, if foggy conditions are encountered with poor visibility, drivers are requested to switch on headlights and reduce speed.

Members of the public are urged to join the campaign to reduce road carnage by reporting reckless and negligent drivers or unattended/broken down vehicles on dark roads to George Municipality on emergency number 044 801 6300.

Wells wished all residents and visitors a safe journey over the holidays and the Easter period.


George Fire Brigade Acquires State-of-the-Art Fire Engine to Meet City’s Growing Needs

George Fire officials in front of their new state of the art fire engine. In the centre of the back row are Johan Crause (Station Commander); Neels Barnard (Fire Chief), Dr Michele Gratz (Municipal Manager); Johan Brand (Divisional Commander and Santa Sternsdorf (Station Commander). Kneeling in front with fire officials is Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk.

 Today marked a momentous occasion for the George Fire Brigade as they proudly welcomed a brand-new Fire Engine into their fleet, sourced from Scania, a renowned leader in transportation solutions. The vehicle underwent a remarkable transformation into a Fire Engine by Rosenbauer South Africa, utilizing cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques. This new Fire Engine is equipped with a major pumper featuring a built-in foam system, specifically designed to combat high-hazard flammable liquid fires such as gasoline, oil, and jet fuel, ensuring enhanced effectiveness and safety during firefighting operations.

As the urban landscape of George continues to evolve and expand, so does the demand for exceptional fire and disaster services. Recognizing this imperative, the acquisition of this advanced Fire Engine reflects the commitment of George Fire and Disaster Management Services to meet the evolving needs of a smart city and to uphold legislative requirements aimed at protecting residents. Director for Community Safety, Dawie Adonis, was presented with the key to the vehicle during a prestigious event hosted by the George Fire Brigade, attended by the Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk, MAYCO Members, Municipal Manager Dr Gratz, Directors, and distinguished guests from Rosenbauer and Scania.

Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk expressed his pride in the municipality taking ownership of a Rosenbauer major pumper fire tender built onto a Scania chassis. “Both of George and Rosenbauer are steeped in histories of over 200 and 150 years respectively. It is therefore fitting for George to have acquired the newest fire technology and equipment available from a world leader. We are blessed with a top-notch fire and emergency services team that are professional, alert, prepared and constantly focussed to be ahead of the game,” he said.

Highlighting the significance of this acquisition, Adonis emphasized the importance of embracing technological advancements to effectively combat modern fires, both in urban developments and the surrounding wildlands cherished by the community. “Our fire officials will undergo comprehensive training conducted by Rosenbauer technicians as well as the brigade’s own training officials to ensure proficient and reliable use of the equipment,” Adonis stated.

Reflecting on the journey leading to this acquisition, George Fire Chief, Neels Barnard, recalled the humble beginnings of the George Fire Brigade’s first Rosenbauer pump in 1989, emphasizing its continued reliability and service to the community. Overcoming financial obstacles and navigating procurement processes and regulations, the Fire Brigade has persevered to procure the new vehicle, knowing it will play a vital role in saving lives and protecting property for years to come.

“The addition of this state-of-the-art Fire Engine underscores the George Fire Brigade’s unwavering commitment to excellence in service delivery and community safety, ushering in a new era of firefighting capabilities for the city of George,” Barnard said.

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk and Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz taking a look at the drivers cabin of the new major pumper.

From left Station Commander Santa Sternsdorf, Director Community Services and Safety Dawie Adonis, Cllr Johan Du Toit, Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk and Municipal Manager Dr Gratz holding the ceremonial key, Portfolio Cllr for Community Safety Marais Kruger, Portfolio Cllr for Community Services: Social Development, Libraries, Sport and Customer Care Brendan Adams, Chief Whip Marlene Barnard, Portfolio Cllr Civil Engineering Services: Capital Projects and BFI Johan Stander, Divisional Commander Johan Brand and Portfolio Cllr Community Services: Refuse, Environment and Parks) Theresa Jeyi.


George Municipality with the Pacaltsdorp Community Business Association held patternmaking workshop

In the photograph above Catherine Stoffels the facilitator/instructor addresses attendees at the patternmaking workshop.

The Youth Development section of George Municipality in conjunction with the Pacaltsdorp Community Business Association (PCBA) held a patternmaking workshop for 11 people in February.

The workshop was facilitated by Catherine Stoffels, an entrepreneur and seasoned trainer, who has lectured at FET colleges as well as training on other programmes. According to Jonel Kerspuy, Coordinator of the George Municipality Youth Development section, these skills transfer workshops aim to equip young and old with the skills and knowledge to become employable and or start their own businesses.

Business mentoring and coaching are provided by the PCBA to these and other entrepreneurs. The training took place at the PCBA venue in Pacaltsdorp on the corner of Kerk and Mission Streets. The training included the basic theoretical aspects of Patternmaking and practical exposure to patternmaking.

For more information regarding possible training and programmes at Community Development please contact the office at 044 802 2000.



Trainees hard at work during the patternmaking workshops.

Trainees hard at work during the patternmaking workshops.

Trainees hard at work during the patternmaking workshops.

Trainees hard at work during the patternmaking workshops.

Trainees hard at work during the patternmaking workshops.

Illegal Dumping in Stormwater Infrastructure leads to flooding and road damage

George Municipality has highlighted the dangers of illegal dumping in our communities in recent weeks, but another form of illegal dumping is under the spotlight now. The dumping of litter and other items into toilets, stormwater drains, and sewer manholes causes a massive headache for the municipality. Overflowing storm water drains are generally found to be blocked by illegal materials and rubbish dumped directly into the drain causing damage and flooding down the line.

One of the main reasons for blocked drains and sewerage spills is the wrong stuff being flushed down toilets or thrown into manholes. Items that should not be flushed down toilets include baby nappies, sanitary pads and tampons, newspaper, cloth and fabric, fatty food or fat. Regular items that municipal staff have to clear from manholes include branches, tyres, rocks, mattresses and other solid items.

So not only does illegal dumping into civils drainage infrastructure led to flooding, but it can also cause this infrastructure to fail. Most recently the road surface and pavement structure of a newly built road showed signs of damage which had to be investigated and it was found that a contributing cause to the failure was the condition of the subsoil drainage. All of the stormwater structures alongside this street (see photographs) were found to be filled with illegally dumped rubbish and dirt which clogged the outlets of the subsoil drains draining into these stormwater structures.

The subsoil drains could not function to protect the road layer works from subsurface moisture, which is one of the factors leading to the premature failure of the road. Preliminary estimates indicates that the repair work could cost between R1.2-1.8 mill which would entail the reconstruction of the effected layer works, resurfacing the road as well as cleaning the subsoil drains.

The municipality appeals to communities to NOT flush unsuitable items down the toilet, and to help prevent people from throwing stuff down manholes.
• Report blocked stormwater drains and sewerage complaints to Civil Engineering Services on 044 801 9262/66 during office hours or 044 801 6300 after hours.
• Waste should be collected in refuse bags and placed for collection on your areas waste removal days.
• Builders’ rubble and waste not suitable for bags must be dropped at the municipal refuse site on the R102 (airport road).

If you can provide names, vehicle registration details or addresses of alleged perpetrators who have dumped illegally and you are willing to make a statement in this regard, please report it to Law Enforcement at 044 801 6350 or You don’t need a photograph of the perpetrator, but it will strengthen the case for a warning or fine to be issued.

Kan George 2024 KWÊLA se dorp van die jaar wees?

Kyknet se Kwêla het op 3 Maart 2024 weer hulle immergewilde “Dorp van die Jaar” kompetisie aangekondig en dit is tyd dat inwoners van George saamstaan om die gesogte titel te wen!

Waar in George kry jy die lekkerste gebak? Is dit die een dorp in die land waar jy altyd sal tuis voel as jy in die strate afry? Hoeveel skatte lê versteek in jou gemeenskap? Is jou gunsteling slaghuis die beste in die land? Wat is juwele in die dorp, waarop jy trots is. Benoem nou vir George as jou gunsteling dorp en staan ’n kans om met die dorp en die mense daar te spog!

Enige dorp in Suid-Afrika of Namibië kan benoem word, mits dit minder as 500 000 inwoners het en nie ’n streekswenner in die laaste twee jaar was nie.

Benoem jou gunsteling dorp uit enige streek, deur die dorpsnaam na 33157 te SMS (SMS’e kos R1,50). Inskrywings het op Sondag, 3 Maart om 19h00 geopen en sluit Vrydag, 15 Maart 2024 om 12h00 die middag. Jy kan soveel dorpies benoem soveel keer as wat jy wil (net een dorpsnaam per SMS, en soveel sms’e as jy wil in hierdie nominasie rondte).

Uit elke streek sal die drie dorpe met die meeste benoemings deurdring na die semi-finale rondte (op 14 April, 21 April en 28 April). Hier kry die publiek vir ‘n week lank elke rondte ’n geleentheid om vir hul gunsteling-dorp uit die 3 semi-finaliste uit elke streek te stem. Die rondte laat net 30 sms’e per selfoonnommer toe. Die dorp met die meeste stemme sal die kompetisie-streek as hul finalis-dorp in die finale rondte verteenwoordig.

Kwêla sal ’n insetsel op elk van die nege dorpe wat die finale rondte gehaal het kom verfilm en wanneer al nege dorpe op Kwêla gewys is, sal die publiek van 19h00 op 14 Julie tot 12h00 die middag, 19 Julie, vir die wendorp kan stem.

Die wendorp word op 28 Julie 2024 op Kwêla aangekondig en wen dan die Dorp van die Jaar titel sowel as ’n ongelooflike R1 miljoen se bemarkingswaarde van Kyknet. Homebrew Films, die vervaardigers van Kwêla, sal ’n 45 sekonde advertensie oor die dorp maak, wat gedurende kykNET se advertensietyd uitgesaai sal word. Daar sal ook ’n groot opskop in die wendorp gehou word – musiek, kos, pret en sommer baie van daai wendorp-gees! Kwêla sal weer daar wees om dit te verfilm, en dit sal later die jaar uitgesaai word. Lottoland het ook ‘n verrassing vir die wendorp, wat aangekondig sal word. Lottoland skenk ook in hulle eie hoedanighed ‘n R1miljoen kontantprys vir die dorp om in hul dorp terug te ploeg en wat deur hulle geoudit sal word.

Indien u meer inligting versoek of groter ondersteuning aan die veldtog wil verleen, kontak gerus George Munisipaliteit se Toerismebestuurder, Joan Shaw by


Look no further than this video highlighting the best that George has to offer!

Kyknet’s Kwêla launched their popular ‘Dorp van die Jaar’ competition for 2024 on 3 March 2024, and it is time that the beautiful town of George took centre stage to show off its magnificent attributes. All towns in the 9 provinces of South Africa or Namibia with less than 500,000 residents, that have not been regional winners in the past three years qualify to be nominated.

What do you find special about George?  What are the special things that make you feel at home when you drive down the roads?  How many treasures are hidden in your community?  What are the jewels of your town that you are proud of?  Name George as your favourite town and you may win bragging rights for your entire town and its people!

John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address inspired citizens to see the importance of civic action and public service. His historic words, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” challenged every American to contribute to the public good. This is your opportunity, George!  In this case, ‘Ask not what your town can do for you – ask what you can do for your town.’  (with apologies to JFK).  The ultimate winner of the Town of the Year will receive R1 million in advertising on Kyknet.  This will be an invaluable boost to promoting our town as a tourist destination in the domestic and Namibian market, so please send an SMS to the benefit of every resident in George.

Nominate George by SMSing GEORGE to 33157 (SMS’s cost R1,50).  Entries of nominations close on Friday, 15 March at noon.  You can name as many towns as many times as you wish, but only one town name per SMS. 

Three towns with the most nominations from every region will go through to the semi-finals that will be announced on 14 April, 21 April, and 28 April 2024, when the public will have a weeklong opportunity to vote for their favourite town of the three finalists.  Only 30 SMSs per person will be allowed in this round.  The town with the most votes will represent their region as a finalist. Kwêla will film an insert on each of the 9 finalists, and once all nine towns are announced, the public can vote for their favourite between 19:00 on 14 July and noon on 19 July 2024.

The winning town will be announced on 28 July 2024, on Kwêla and take home the coveted title of Town of the Year, and an incredible R1 million advertising contract with Kyknet.  Homebrew Films, the producers of Kwela will make a 45-second advertisement on the town that will be broadcast during Kyknet’ s advertising time.  In addition to this, a festive function will be held in the town to celebrate with music, food, and fun, showing off the winning team’s spirit.  Lottoland has another surprise in store for the winning town as they will also donate a cash prize of R1 million to the town to invest back into the town.  Go on, it will be worth it!

This project will take a mammoth effort from the town, but if everyone pitches in, we can make it happen!  Residents and businesses that wish to be more involved in the process can contact George Municipality’s Tourism Manager, Joan Shaw, on for more details.

Mayor’s Newsletter for the week ending Friday 8 March 2024

Ald Leon van Wyk, Executive Mayor of George

On Friday, 1 March 2024 it was reported that Knysna Municipal Council had accepted the Western Cape Government’s diagnostic assessment and financial recovery support plan to address the deepening service delivery crisis in our neighbouring municipality.

This decision is the first step of the many that will need to be taken over the coming months and years. In all municipalities, the budget is delicately balanced between the collection of budgeted revenues and planned expenditure, often only leaving a surplus of 1% or less. This calls for responsible management by the administration and oversight by the council. In Knysna, it is not only a collapse of service delivery in respect of water, refuse and sewage services and under-collection of outstanding debtors. There is also a substantial bank overdraft along with outstanding creditors. The recovery process will be a long haul. Knysna is a case study for citizens to reflect on how the votes that they cast in the 2021 local government elections have contributed to the instability in the council and the administration. Councils need to practise good governance to ensure that municipalities are able to deliver the services that they are mandated to deliver.

The collapse of state capacity in Knysna has had direct knock-on effects on the lives of citizens and the economy. This also affects George and the region where the leadership and management of local authorities have been working hard to make improvements that will benefit communities and ethe economy.

During the past week, I have been involved in a series of engagements to address the challenges being experienced in the Province and the country. During the regular quarterly meeting where the premier meets with mayors and municipal managers, we were briefed on the ongoing energy crisis and the efforts to get additional megawatts of renewable energy being generated privately into the grid as soon as possible. We also reviewed the disaster management measures put in place to counter the 12-day electricity blackout across Central Karoo towns after grid pylons collapsed in a severe thunderstorm. Lessons learnt have also been noted. During the current summer season there was an alarming increase in the number of mountain and veld fires. During the fires in Overstrand, teams from George were sent to provide assistance.

During a workshop held in Cape Town, we were briefed on the importance of implementing successful international practices in our cities and towns. This reinforced the approach and work that is being undertaken in George. The maintenance and upgrade of infrastructure, whilst ensuring basic service provision are proven ingredients to attract investment and jobs. Employment is the key driver to improve the quality of life for our citizens. It is therefore important to create the linkages to ensure that entrepreneurs and economic stakeholders step forward to collaborate in moulding opportunities that will benefit our citizens. In addition, it is critical that measures are introduced to reduce crime. The sustainability of energy and water provision will require attention. The education and health systems require improvements along with practical measures to reduce levels of poverty.

Alderman Leon van Wyk
Executive Mayor of George

OCC visitors impressed by GO GEORGE features

Dep Mayor and Georgie:
George Deputy Mayor, Cllr Raybin Figland and mascot Georgie sent of the athletes with inspiring words of support.

Raven Benny, a wheelchair user for the last 24 years, has missed only one OCC to date. This was after he coincidentally happened to visit the Garden Route during the first race and was faced with closed streets and red flags as he entered town. Awed by the concept, Benny has been bringing groups of wheelchair users to the OCC ever since.

This year, he was intent on using the most affordable, available, safe public transport from KZN to George (using a long-distance bus service) and in and around George. He made email enquiries about the GO GEORGE ticketing system and where to buy cards before they embarked on their journey.

Putting public transport to the test
“It has been a predominantly rewarding experience to have been in a town that has a working accessible public transport system in place,” Benny said. “My friends and I used the past four days to really put accessible public transport to the test and were sadly dissatisfied and disappointed at times at the level of service received from the long-distance carrier.
“However, we are in awe of the efficiency of the GO GEORGE bus service. We appreciated it from the first trip on Friday morning. We had time for six trips in all directions and found it safe and easy to use, accessible to navigate independently and surprisingly affordable. The only time we felt let down, was when we could not top up our cards to load more rides at the recommended vendor. But this was resolved by doing it at the George Transport Hub with the support and guidance of the GO GEORGE Call Centre.

“All the other moments were fun and memorable, and the bus service allowed us to circulate independently throughout the town during our two-day stay. We disembarked from the long-distance bus at the George station and used only GO GEORGE buses for the next two days – to our accommodation, from there to the registration point, to the shops, and even when we forgot our meal tickets on the morning of the event, we sent one of our helpers to go fetch it using GO GEORGE. We have trips left on our cards and will definitely be back to use them!”

Ghana’s champ loves the minibus hoist
Participants from Ghana were equally impressed with the GO GEORGE service as they tested the hydraulic hoist on the GO GEORGE minibus exhibited at the OCC. Star marathon athlete and winner of the 42-km racing cycle category, Raphael Botsyo Nkegbe participated for the fifth time this year and says the OCC is a fixture on his calendar.

“Our club minibus in Ghana is also fitted with a hoist but seeing it on public transport in South Africa is awesome. I look forward to the day we can boast the same kind of universal accessibility on the public buses in my country too,” Nkegbe said.

Capetonians felt safe on the buses
Another regular group of visitors and participants in the 5-km event is the Mandla Sport 4 Change organisation from Cape Town of whom several members tested the minibus hoist. According to Chairperson Vanessa Baadjies, they felt safe to travel with GO GEORGE, having enough space to board in their wheelchairs and being able to strap into the wheelchair bay.

GO GEORGE participation
Eighteen members of the GO GEORGE communications team pulled out all the stops to support participants and visitors, manning an information gazebo next to the demonstration minibus and telling visitors more about the service and its focus on universal accessibility. As always, the mascot Georgie and communication champions were there to cheer on the participants and pose for photos with “fans”. This time, they also participated in the fun go-kart race, making the finish line exhausted but chuffed with themselves.

Peter Sampson on hoist:
Peter Sampson, part of the Mandla Sports 4 Change team from Cape Town, said he felt very safe to travel with GO GEORGE, having enough space to board in his wheelchair and being able to strap into the wheelchair bay.

Raven Benny and Shirnae:
Raven Benny led a team from Kwazulu-Natal, using only public transport to and in George and back home. To accommodate their five wheelchairs on one bus, some of the team members were assisted to sit on the seats while folding up their wheelchairs. With him is Shirnae van Coller from the GO GEORGE Call Centre who guided the group to get to the Transport Hub to top up their cards with trips.

KZN group at bus stop:
This group of wheelchair users from Kwazulu-Natal spent their entire journey and time in George using only public transport. Here they are waiting for a GO GEORGE bus, supported by GO GEORGE communication champions.

Raphael Botsyo Ghana:
Ghana’s star marathon athlete and winner of the 42-km racing cycle category, Raphael Botsyo Nkegbe said he is looking forward to the day they can boast the same kind of universal accessibility on the public buses in his country. He enjoyed the informative demonstration by driver Johndré du Plessis.

Go-kart team:
George Municipality’s Public Transport Oversight Official, James Robb (second from right), wishing the GO GEORGE go-kart team well before they “take on the open road in their first attempt at the coveted title”. The driver in front is Akhona Gxumisa and at the back from left are Tyron Jeyi, Thobile Simelele, Robb and Ryan Manuel.

OCC-besoekers beïndruk deur GO GEORGE-funksies
Raven Benny, ‘n rolstoelgebruiker vir die afgelope 24 jaar, het tot dusver net een Outeniqua-rolstoelmarathon (OCC) gemis. Dit was nadat hy toevallig tydens die heel eerste wedren die Tuinroete besoek het en op geslote strate en rooi vlae afgekom het toe hy die dorp binnekom. Met groot waardering vir die konsep bring Benny sedertdien groepe rolstoelgebruikers na die OCC.
Vanjaar was hy van voorneme om die mees bekostigbare, beskikbare, veilige openbare vervoer van KZN na George (met ‘n langafstandbusdiens), en in en om George te gebruik. Hy het per e-pos navraag gedoen oor die GO GEORGE-kaartjiestelsel en waar om kaarte te koop voordat hulle weg is by die huis.

Openbare vervoer getoets
“Dit was grotendeels ‘n bevredigende ervaring om in ‘n dorp te wees wat ‘n werkende, toeganklike openbare vervoerstelsel bedryf,” het Benny gesê. “Ek en my vriende het die afgelope vier dae gebruik om werklik toeganklike openbare vervoer op die proef te stel en was ontevrede en teleurgesteld oor die vlak van diens wat ons op die langafstandbus ontvang het.

“Ons is egter in verwondering oor die doeltreffendheid van die GO GEORGE-busdiens. Ons het dit waardeer vanaf die eerste rit Vrydagoggend. Ons het tyd gehad vir ses ritte in alle rigtings en het dit veilig en maklik gevind om te gebruik, toeganklik om onafhanklik te navigeer, en verrassend bekostigbaar. Die enigste keer dat ons in die steek gelaat gevoel het, was toe ons nie ons kaarte kon aanvul met ritte by die aanbevole verkoper nie. Maar die probleem is opgelos deur ons kaarte by die George-vervoerkern (Transport Hub) te herlaai met die ondersteuning en leiding van die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum.

“Al die ander oomblikke was lekker en onvergeetlik en die busdiens het dit vir ons moontlik gemaak om onafhanklik deur die dorp te beweeg tydens ons verblyf van twee dae. Ons het by die George-stasie van die langafstandbus afgeklim en vir die volgende twee dae slegs GO GEORGE-busse gebruik – na ons verblyf, van daar na die resiesregistrasiepunt, na die winkels, en selfs toe ons die oggend van die marathon ons etekaartjies vergeet het, het ons een van ons helpers gestuur om dit met ’n GO GEORGE-bus te gaan haal. Ons het ritte oor op ons kaarte en kom beslis terug om dit te gebruik!”

Ghana se kampioen hou van minibushyser
Deelnemers van Ghana was ewe beïndruk met die GO GEORGE-diens toe hulle die hidrouliese hyser op die GO GEORGE-minibus wat by die OCC uitgestal is, getoets het.
“Ons klub in Ghana se minibus is ook toegerus met ‘n hyser, maar dit is wonderlik om dit op openbare vervoer in Suid-Afrika te sien. Ek sien uit na die dag wat ons ook met dieselfde soort universele toeganklikheid op die openbare busse in my land kan spog,” het Nkegbe gesê.

Kapenaars voel veilig op die busse
Nog ‘n gereelde groep besoekers en deelnemers aan die 5 km-byeenkoms is die Mandla Sport 4 Change-organisasie van Kaapstad van wie verskeie lede die minibushyser getoets het. Volgens voorsitter Vanessa Baadjies het hulle veilig gevoel om met GO GEORGE te reis, en was daar genoeg ruimte om met gemak op die bus te kom in hul rolstoele en in die rolstoelruimte vas te gespe.

GO GEORGE-deelname
Agtien lede van die GO GEORGE-kommunikasiespan het hul kant gebring om deelnemers en besoekers te ondersteun, ‘n inligtingsgazebo langs die demonstrasie-minibus te beman en besoekers meer oor die diens en die fokus op universele toeganklikheid te vertel. Soos altyd was die gelukbringer Georgie en passasiersdiensbeamptes daar om die deelnemers entoesiasties aan te moedig en saam met “bewonderaars” vir foto’s te poseer. Hierdie keer het hulle ook aan die prettige kaskarwedloop deelgeneem en die wenstreep uitgeput maar hoogs in hul skik gehaal.

Peter Sampson op hyser:
Peter Sampson, deel van die Mandla Sports 4 Change-span van Kaapstad, sê hy voel baie veilig om met GO GEORGE te reis, met genoeg spasie om in sy rolstoel op die bus te kom en in die rolstoelruimte vas te gespe.

Raven Benny en Shirnae:
Raven Benny het ‘n span van KwaZulu-Natal gelei en slegs openbare vervoer na en in George en terug huis toe gebruik. Om hul vyf rolstoele in een bus te akkommodeer, is van die spanlede gehelp om hul rolstoele op te vou en op die bus se sitplekke te sit. Saam met hom is Shirnae van Coller van die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum wat die groep gehelp het om by die Vervoerkern (Hub) uit te kom om hul kaarte met ritte aan te vul.

KZN-groep by bushalte:
Dié groep rolstoelgebruikers van KwaZulu-Natal het hul hele reis en tyd in George deurgebring deur slegs openbare vervoer te gebruik. Hier wag hulle vir ‘n GO GEORGE-bus, bygestaan deur GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeamptes.

Raphael Botsyo Ghana:
Ghana se ster-marathonatleet en wenner van die 42 km-renfietskategorie, Raphael Botsyo Nkegbe, het gesê hy sien uit na die dag waarop hulle met dieselfde soort universele toeganklikheid op die openbare busse in sy land kan spog. Hy het die insiggewende demonstrasie deur die busbestuurder Johndré du Plessis geniet.

Go-kart team:
George-munisipaliteit se toesigbeampte oor openbare vervoer, James Robb (tweede van regs), wens die GO GEORGE-kaskarspan sterkte toe voordat hulle “die oop pad aanpak in hul eerste poging tot die gesogte titel”. Die bestuurder voor is Akhona Gxumisa en agter van links is Tyron Jeyi, Thobile Simelele, Robb en Ryan Manuel.

Dep Mayor and Georgie:
George se onderburgemeester, raadslid Raybin Figland, en gelukbringer Georgie het die atlete met inspirerende woorde by die wegspringplek ondersteun.

George Municipality participates in an Annual Career Exhibition in Uniondale

Approximately 744 learners from schools in Uniondale, Haarlem and surrounding areas attended the Career Exhibition

George Municipality’s commitment to fostering educational and career development was prominently demonstrated through active participation in the annual Career Pathing and Awareness open day held in Uniondale on 20 and 21 February 2024.

The event witnessed enthusiastic involvement from various Service Departments of George Municipality, including Electrotechnical Services, Civil Engineering Services Department, Traffic Department, Law Enforcement, and Fire & Rescue Services. Organised by Cape Nature in collaboration with the George Municipality’s Youth Office, this annual Career Exhibition serves the Uniondale, Haarlem surrounding rural areas.

Aiming to create awareness and introduce students and youth to diverse career paths available locally and across South Africa, the event also seeks to inspire hope and guide informed decision-making regarding subject choices. Approximately 744 learners from schools in Avontuur, Vlakteplaas, Kommandantsdrift, Dirk Boshoff Primary School in Haarlem, and Uniondale High School actively participated in the exhibition.

The event featured not only George Municipality’s departments but also various stakeholders, including Cape Nature, Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), Forensic Pathology Services, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), South African NAVY, South African Police Services (SAPS), Explosive Unit, K9 SAPS, Department of Correctional Services (DCS), Ka Attiqua and other organisations. By bringing together these diverse entities, the collective effort aimed to provide valuable insights and information, empowering the youth to make informed decisions about their future careers.


Peer Educators: Front from left: Robyn Parks (Career Guidance Officer- GM) and Howard Maganie (volunteer).
Back from left: Grayham De Bruin & Marowayne Ruiters (Peer educators at Uniondale Youth Office).
Edward Nqumse from George Municipality Electrotechnical Services
George Municipality Youth Office exhibiting their services.
George Municipality demonstrates its career development commitment.
The event featured not only George Municipality’s departments but also various

55 750 bags of illegally dumped refuse collected in one month!

Assisting EPWP workers, Cindy Potts, Sue-ne Jacobs and Theresa Snyman was Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Parks, Refuse and Environment, Theresa Jeyi.

In the final week of Illegal Dumping Awareness Month, our Community Services cleaning teams have collected another 13 100 bags of illegally dumped rubbish bringing the grand total to an astonishing 55 750 bags collected for the month of February. Areas cleared this week include Rosemoor (Beer Street); Blanco (Steepkoppie Street, near the Cemetery, Main Entrance and Golden Valley Street) and five Tyre and Beautification Projects were finalised in Rosedale, Parkdene, Rosemoor and Thembalethu. Municipal Law Enforcement officials have continued patrolling hot spots and issued another R4000 in fines and three warnings. The fine for being caught illegal dumping is R1000.

Tanja Botha (Environmental Health Practitioner) and EPWP workers with the Hazardous Waste collected on Friday 23 February.

The Hazardous Waste Open Day held on Friday 23 February was a resounding success with Microwaves, Vacuum cleaners, TV’s, irons, computers, printers, ink cartridges, light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, LED lights, small gas bottles, cell phones, power banks, alarm batteries, A4 batteries, paint, thinners, motor oil, poison, herbicide and pesticide clock radios and radios, CD’s, tape gazettes and medical waste handed in. Please keep an eye on our social media channels for our next Hazardous Waste Open Day due to be held in May 2024.


Law Enforcement Officers Verona Botha and Nicole Smith issuing fines in Rotary Street, Parkdene.

Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz extended her thanks and congratulations to the teams who have worked so hard this month to clear the illegal dump hot spots. “We really need cooperation from everyone to keep their communities clean and hope that the tyre beautification projects which encourage the growing of plants will stop people from repeatedly dumping at the same places. There are over 97 illegal dumping hot spots that have been identified by the Directorate Community Services and it is impossible to monitor all of them. We ask the public to assist by not only reporting illegal dumping but also to put their waste into refuse bags and keep them at their house until their refuse collection day.”

Report Illegal Dumping
Help the municipality to curb illegal dumping by spreading the news in your community that the dumping of waste is dangerous and a health hazard. Waste should be collected in refuse bags and placed for collection on waste removal days. Builders’ rubble and waste not suitable for bags must be dropped at the municipal refuse site on the R102 (airport road). If you can provide names, vehicle registration details or addresses of alleged perpetrators who have dumped illegally and you are willing to make a statement in this regard, please report it to Law Enforcement at 044 801 6350 or You don’t need a photograph of the perpetrator, but it will strengthen the case for a warning or fine to be issued.


George Municipality Recognises 35 Years of Dedicated Service

On the photo from left: Deon de Jager (Deputy Director of Water and Sanitation), Benjamin Ndzipho (Artisan Plumber, Water Distribution), Joelian Scheepers (Superintendent of Water Distribution)

George Municipality proudly congratulates Benjamin Ndzipho an artisan plumber, for an outstanding 35 years of dedicated service. Mr Ndzipho commenced his journey with George Municipality on 22 February 1989, appointed at the Directorate of Civil Engineering Services in the Street and Stormwater Section.

Reflecting on the early days, Ndzipho recalls a time marked by rules and respect within the Municipality during the 1980s and 1990s. He played a significant role in various projects, including the Upgrading of Montagu Street in Blanco, covering the stretch from Blanco Post Office to Fancourt. His involvement also extended to the construction of Platner Boulevard, connecting Checkers in York Street to Barkhuizen Drive. During this period, the Loerie Park area was in its pristine state, with Benjamin actively participating in its clearing.

In the 1980s and 1990s, all road-building materials, kerbs, and concrete were sourced from the quarry above the Old Water Treatment Plant, located on 9th Avenue in Denneoord. Mr. Ndzipho transitioned from Streets and Stormwater to Water Distribution in 1995, where he continues to make valuable contributions.

Beyond his professional achievements, Benjamin Ndzipho is a humble golfer, boasting a handicap of 10 at the George Golf Club and a handicap of 5 at the Glenwood Golf Course.

The Director of the Civil Engineering Services Department, Mr. Jannie Koegelenberg, extends heartfelt congratulations to Benjamin Ndzipho on behalf of the Directorate for his remarkable achievement. “We appreciate and acknowledge his enduring commitment to service,” Koegelenberg said.



National Treasury visits George for 2023/24 mid-year budget and performance assessment

Photographed in the Link, George Municipal Main Building are from left George CFO, Riaan Du Plessis; National Treasury, Dr Letsepa Pakkies; Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz; Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk; National Treasury, Mandla Gilimani and National Treasury, Sibusiswe Mchani with senior officials from George Municipality and National Treasury standing.

A delegation of National Treasury officials visited George last week for the 2023/24 mid-year budget and performance assessment which focused on the state of services including electricity, waste, and water and sanitation services.

A full day of interactive presentations by each directorate was held on Thursday 22 February. This was followed by site visits on Friday 23 February to the existing 20 Ml/d Water Treatment Works which has been upgraded, the new 20 Ml/d module, a new residual handling facility and the clear water rising main which is in process of being upgraded. The group also visited the Garden Route Dam Pumpstation suction pipe upgrade project and the 1Megawatt Peak (MWp) solar PV plant.

CFO for George, Riaan Du Plessis noted that the Finance Directorate appreciates the opportunity to partner with Nation Treasury in strengthening inter-governmental relations by using engagement such as these to share information and ideas on how we can collectively improve the local government sphere in the Garden Route.

“The session last week provided National Treasury with a valuable opportunity to get a clearer understanding of the practical day-to-day challenges the municipality deals with in ensuring effective service delivery in the current difficult fiscal climate of high interest rates and costs of living. The visit further gives opportunity for National Treasury to visit in person the projects that are funded by the various grants allocated in the Division of Revenue Act,” said Du Plessis.


Civils – 20 Ml/d WTW : Residuals Pumpstation and Settling Tanks

Civils 1 – 20 Ml/d Module 3 and 4 and Existing WTW on Left

Civils 2 – Clearwater Pumpstation – new pumps

Civils 3 – Garden Route Dam Suction Pipework : At pump mains connection chamber – Andre Scheepers, CES Project Manager (BFI) in in the photograph pointing out details to the National Treasury officials.

1 MW Plant: Acting Director Electrotechnical Services, Daniel Greeff with the National Treasury delegation at the 1 Megawatt Peak (MWp) solar PV plant under construction in George.

George Municipality Addresses Homelessness Through Holistic Approach

In the photo standing on the left is a facilitator of Parenting Training, Ms Sonika Bardenhorst (Social Worker at Kidstop) and sitting on the right is Mr Jonathan Gelderbloem, the Chairperson of PLOTS, Kidstop

The George Municipality is actively engaged in addressing homelessness through a comprehensive forum dedicated to working with People Living on the Streets (PLOTS). The primary focus of this initiative is reunification services, aiming to integrate people back into communities successfully. Sophia Fanelo, the Community Development Manager at George Municipality, emphasises the complexity of this process, highlighting the need to address the root causes of homelessness to ensure a permanent and successful reintegration.

The municipality coordinates a collaborative effort, bringing together various stakeholders such as the Department of Social Services (DSD), the South African Police Service (SAPS), Christian Rehabilitation Ministries to the Homeless of George (CREMHOG), People Against Substance Abuse (PASA), Smoking & Alcohol Harms Alleviation & Rehabilitation Association (SAHARA), the Department of Health, Stop Trafficking, and the Department of Justice. Fanelo invites other organisations to join the forum to collectively contribute to holistically addressing homelessness.

As part of their holistic approach, the Community Development Department at George Municipality tackles all factors influencing reunification. The ongoing jobseekers programme assists in economic empowerment by providing support in creating CVs and completing application forms for homeless individuals.

Fanelo highlights recent initiatives, including surveys conducted with SAHARA from 5 to 8 February 2024 to identify new residents on the streets and intervene accordingly. A wellness program on 16 February 2024, in partnership with the Department of Health, focused on sexually transmitted diseases and HIV testing.

The proactive efforts have resulted in positive outcomes, with three people relocating to night shelters and seven individuals successfully reunified with their families in George. Referrals are made to the Department of Social Services for minors found on the streets.

The municipality hosted a parent training from 20 to 22 February 2024 for parents currently on the streets, aiming for future reunification with their loved ones. The programme was facilitated by Kidstop. Additionally, a sewing program has been initiated, accommodating a limited number of participants due to resource constraints.

Fanelo concludes by urging collective action, emphasising that everyone can make a difference, one step at a time, and encouraging individuals to contribute solutions rather than complaints.

R8000 in fines issued for illegal dumping

Law Enforcement Officials Verona Botha and Nicole Smith issuing a R1000 fine for illegal dumping in Sarah Crescent, Rosedale.

Municipal Law Enforcement officials have been patrolling illegal dumping hot spots over the past month and have issued fines to the value of R8000 and 15 warnings. In terms of the applicable By-Laws being enforced, the fine for being caught illegal dumping is R1000. The law enforcement has been in support of the Community Services cleaning teams who have continued to clear hot spot areas in February, with a total of 29 430 black bags of refuse picked up. This past week illegal dump sites were cleared in Thembalethu (Phelandaba, Nelson Mandela Boulevard); Borcherds (Spandiel Street); Rosemoor (Miller Street); Blanco (Golden Valley); Conville (Fiskaal, Valk and Pienaar Street, Nelson Mandela Boulevard) and Uniondale (Du Preez Street). Eva Crescent in Rosedale received a tyre beautification.

The Community Services Directorate has concluded the Illegal Dumping month with a Hazardous Waste Open Day on Friday 23 February. The public are encouraged to hold onto their dangerous items and to safely dispose of them when the municipality hosts its quarterly Open Day. The municipality will take motor oil, oil filters, brake fluid, used antifreeze, paint, paint thinner, turpentine, pesticides or herbicides, household batteries, old TV’s, electronics, tyres, fluorescent tubes, globes, and household medical waste such as needles, old medicine and tablets. The public is requested to bring the items you wish to dispose of in a strong box preferably in their original, labelled containers. Please do not mix the products together. We are unable to take explosives, ammunition, radioactive materials and controlled substances.

Report Illegal Dumping
Help the municipality to curb illegal dumping by spreading the news in your community that the dumping of waste is dangerous and a health hazard. Waste should be collected in refuse bags and placed for collection on waste removal days. Builders’ rubble and waste not suitable for bags must be dropped at the municipal refuse site on the R102 (airport road). If you can provide names, vehicle registration details or addresses of alleged perpetrators who have dumped illegally and you  are willing to make a statement in this regard, please report it to Law Enforcement at 044 801 6350 or You don’t need a photograph of the perpetrator, but it will strengthen the case for a warning or fine to be issued.

Eva Crescent in Rosedale was given a tyre beautification after the illegal dump site was cleared.



This route map indicates the rerouted bus routes and the OCC route that will apply this year.

GO GEORGE will be making temporary changes to certain routes to accommodate the Outeniqua Chair Challenge (OCC) on Saturday 24 February 2024.

With the race village at Carpe Diem School in Lang Street, the impact of this annual event on the bus service is minimal. Below is a summary of the affected routes.

Route 9 Industrial Loop
All scheduled trips on this route, reverse trips included, will operate in the forward direction only, until about 12:30. All stops on the side of the street normally serviced by the reverse route will be closed for the duration of the race.

Route 13 City Loop Forward & Reverse, R18 Parkdene – Blanco and R18A Thembalethu – Blanco
Due to the closure of Union Street between Meade and York Streets until 12:30, these routes will turn right into Meade Street from Union Street, left into Palgrave, left into York, and right into Plattner Blvd to continue as usual. Route 13 Reverse will follow the same rerouting, just in reverse.

Routes 53 Rosemoor and 53B Rosemoor Express
Due to the partial closure of Park Road in front of Blue Mountain, these two routes will travel via Knysna Road when departing from the Garden Route Mall, turn left into St George Road at CTM and right into Park Road to continue the normal route. The same rerouting will apply to trips from town in the direction of the Mall. Park Road should be open by 10:00.

Delays to be expected
Accommodating the start of the 21-km and 42-km races from the starting point in Lang Street, via Hope Street to the airport road circle, there will be delays on all routes passing through the circle, mainly between 07:00 and 07:20.
Due to single-lane traffic from 06:00 along the entire OCC route, from Carpe Diem School to the turning point behind Eden Meander, delays must be expected on all routes, with traffic of-ficers controlling traffic to let athletes pass. York Street from the circle at Unity Park to Churchill Street should be back to normal by 10:00; from Churchill Street to Union Street, single lane traffic will apply until 11:30.

Passengers are advised to take an earlier bus to ensure being on time for work, while GO GEORGE also calls on employers to be understanding and patient, should any workers arrive a little bit late.

For more information, please phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044, or visit the GO GEORGE Facebook page for details.


GO GEORGE herlei busse vir rolstoelmaraton

GO GEORGE sal tydelike veranderings aan sekere roetes aanbring om die Outeniqua-rolstoelmaraton (OCC) op Saterdag 24 Februarie 2024 te akkommodeer.

Met die maratonsentrum by Carpe Diem-skool in Langstraat is die impak van die geleentheid op die busdiens minimaal. Hier onder volg ‘n opsomming van die roetes wat geraak word.

Roete 9 Industrial Loop
Alle geskeduleerde ritte op hierdie roete, omgekeerde (reverse) ritte ingesluit, sal kloksgewys (forward) ry tot 12:00. Alle bushaltes aan die kant van die straat wat normaalweg gediens word deur die omgekeerde roete sal gesluit word vir die duur van die wedloop.

Roete 13 City Loop F & R, R18 Parkdene – Blanco en R18A Thembalethu – Blanco

As gevolg van die sluiting van Uniestraat tussen Meade- en Yorkstraat tot 12:30 sal hierdie roetes uit Uniestraat regs draai in Meadestraat, links in Palgravestraat, links in Yorkstraat, regs in Plattnerboulevard, en van daar af soos gewoonlik voortgaan. Roete 13R sal dieselfde roete omgekeerd volg.

Roetes 53 Rosemoor en 53B Rosemoor Express
As gevolg van die gedeeltelike sluiting van Parkweg voor Blue Mountain sal hierdie twee roetes via Knysnaweg ry wanneer dit van die Garden Route Mall vertrek, links draai in die St Georgeweg by CTM, en regs in Parkweg om die normale roete van daar af voort te sit. Dieselfde herleiding sal geld vir ritte uit die dorp in die rigting van die Mall. Parkweg behoort oopgestel te wees teen 10:00.

Wees vertragings te wagte
Tydens die wegspring van die 21-km en 42-km-wedlope vanaf die beginpunt in Langstraat, via Hopestraat na die lughawepad-sirkel sal vertragings voorkom op alle roetes wat deur die sirkel gaan, veral tussen 07:00 en 07:20.
Enkelbaanverkeer sal vanaf 06:00 geld op die hele OCC-roete, van Carpe Diem-skool tot by die omdraaipunt agter Eden Meander en verkeersbeamptes sal verkeer beheer om atlete te laat verbygaan. Passasiers moet dus vertragings op alle roetes te wagte wees. Yorkstraat vanaf die sirkel by Eenheidspark tot by Churchillstraat behoort teen 10:00 terug te keer na normaal; vanaf Churchillstraat tot by Uniestraat sal enkelbaanverkeer tot 11:30 van toepassing wees.

Passasiers word aangeraai om ‘n vroeër bus te neem om te verseker dat hulle betyds vir werk opdaag, terwyl GO GEORGE ook ‘n beroep op werkgewers doen om begrip en geduld te toon indien enige werkers ‘n bietjie laat kom.

Vir meer inligting, skakel asseblief die GO GEORGE inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044, of besoek die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad vir besonderhede.

Hierdie roetekaart toon die herleide busroetes asook die OCC-roete wat vanjaar van toepassing sal wees.