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Victoria Street Building Collapse – Municipal Relief and Charitable Fund

George Municipality would like to confirm that we have issued details of our Municipal Relief and Charitable Fund Bank account following requests from the public and organisations with regard to financial donations for the families affected by the incident on Monday 6th May when a building site collapsed. Currently 44 people remain unaccounted for and the rescue operation has reached over 71 hours.

We have been informed of other individuals and/or organisations issuing their bank account details for a similar purpose. We request that the public assure themselves of the accuracy of the bank details they wish to utlize.

George Municipality: Relief and Charitable Fund
ABSA BANK Cheque Acc: 9149554208
Branch Code: 632005

Your contributions and support during this challenging time are greatly appreciated.

MEDIA STATEMENT: 12pm Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

Issued George Municipality, 9 May 2024, @ 12pm

GRDM JOC requests that members of the public avoid the surrounds of the incident site at Victoria Street due to the constant movement of heavy vehicles that are assisting with the removal of building rubble. A total of 3000 cubic tonnes of concrete must be removed from the site in the ongoing rescue response.

Total Number on site at time of incident: 81
Patients retrieved: 37
Patients blue: 8 (deceased)
Patients red status on recovery from site: 16 (critical)
Patients yellow status on recovery from site: 6 (life-threatening injuries)
Patients green status on recovery from site: 7 (minor injuries)
Unaccounted: 44

The rescue operation has reached 70 hours, as of 12pm 9 May.

An update will be issued by 3pm on Thursday, 9 May 2024, – South African Time.

On-site Triage Description
Blue: Deceased
Red: Critical
Yellow: Life-threatening injuries
Green: Minor injuries

Note: Medical Status of patients is not disclosed. The status given is as at recovery from the incident site.

MEDIA STATEMENT: 9am Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

Issued George Municipality, 9 May 2024, @ 9am

Rescue operations continue at the Victoria Street Building Collapse and the emergency response team continues to utilize more substantive concrete breakers and additional trucks to remove building rubble from the site.

Total Number on site at time of incident:

Patients retrieved:

Patients blue:
8 (deceased)

Patients red status on recovery from site: 16 (critical)

Patients yellow status on recovery from site: 6 (life-threatening injuries)

Patients green status on recovery from site: 7 (minor injuries)

Unaccounted: 44

The rescue operation is approaching 67 hours, 9 May.

An update will be issued by 12pm on Thursday, 9 May 2024, – South African Time.

On site Triage Description
Blue: Deceased
Red: Critical
Yellow: Life-threatening injuries
Green: Minor injuries

Note: Medical Status of patients is not disclosed. The status given is as at recovery from the incident site.

MEDIA STATEMENT: 6am Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

Issued George Municipality, 9 May 2024, @ 6:30am

The Garden Route District Joint Operational Centre established for the Victoria Street Building Site collapse has updated the figure for those present on site at the time of the incident on Monday 6 May. This follows intensive discussions and scrutinization of the safety records  with the responsible contractors. The contractor has now confirmed that the number of workers on site at the time of collapse was 81. (previously reports as 75).

Total Number on site at time of incident:               81
Patients retrieved:           37
Patients blue:                    8 (deceased)
Patients red:                      16 (critical)
Patients yellow:                6 (life-threatening injuries)
Patients green:                  7 (minor injuries)
Unaccounted:                    44

The rescue operation is at 64 hours as of 6:11 this morning, 9 May.

Rescue efforts have continued overnight. The emergency response team is implementing more substantive concrete breakers and additional trucks to remove building rubble from the site.

An update will be issued by 9 am on Thursday, 9 May 2024, – South African Time.

MEDIA STATEMENT: 9 pm Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

Issued George Municipality, 8 May 2024, @9:00 pm

George Municipality confirms that as of 7:32 pm on Wednesday, 8 May the total number of deceased persons is eight (8). The rescue efforts are ongoing overnight, the emergency response team is implementing more substantive concrete breakers and additional trucks to remove building rubble from the site to free the remaining entrapped patients.

37 patients retrieved.
8 are blue (Deceased).
16 red patients (Critical).
6 yellow patients (Life-threatening injuries).
7 green (minor injuries).
A total of 38 of the initial 75 workers on site remain unaccounted for at present.

The rescue operation is approaching 55 hours as of 21:00 this evening, 8 May.

An update will be issued by 3 am on Thursday, 9 May 2024, – South African Time.

On-site Triage Description:
Blue: Deceased
Red: Critical
Yellow: Life-threatening injuries
Green: Minor injuries

Photos by: Herman Pieters, Garden Route District Municipality

MEDIA STATEMENT: 6 pm, Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George, 8 May 2024, @19:00 pm

MEDIA STATEMENT: 6 pm Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

Issued George Municipality, 8 May 2024, @19:00 pm

George Municipality confirms that figures remain unchanged at this point, 6:00 pm 8 May. As the rescue effort is ongoing overnight, the emergency response team will now implement more substantive concrete breakers and additional trucks to remove building rubble from the site to free remaining entrapped patients.

36 patients retrieved.
7 are blue (Deceased).
16 are red patients (Critical).
6 are yellow patients (Life-threatening injuries).
7 are green (minor injuries).
A total of 39 of the initial 75 workers on site remain unaccounted for at present.

The rescue operation is approaching 53 hours as of 18:45 this evening, 8 May.

An update will be issued by 9 pm on Wednesday 8 May 2024, – South African Time.

On-site Triage Description:
Blue: Deceased
Red: Critical
Yellow: Life-threatening injuries
Green: Minor injuries

Photos by: Herman Pieters, Garden Route District Municipality

MEDIA STATEMENT: 3 pm Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George,  8 May 2024

Dr Carla Hauman and Vilje Maritz, a Garden Route Volunteer

George Municipality confirms that figures remain unchanged at this point, 3:00 pm 8 May.

36 patients retrieved.
7 are blue (Deceased).
16 are red patients (Critical).
6 are yellow patients (Life-threatening injuries).
7 are green (minor injuries).
A total of 39 of the initial 75 workers on site remain unaccounted for at present.

Support to the rescue personnel

The rescue operation is approaching 49 hours as of 14:30 this afternoon, 8 May.

An update will be issued by 6 pm on Wednesday 8 May 2024, – South African Time.

On-site Triage Description:
Blue: Deceased
Red: Critical
Yellow: Life-threatening injuries
Green: Minor injuries

Support for Emergency Personnel at Victoria Street Building Collapse Site

In light of the exhaustive rescue operations and the high physical stress endured by the multi-disciplinary emergency personnel working tirelessly at the Victoria Street Building collapse site, volunteers have stepped in to provide essential support.

Vitamin B complex for rescue workers

Recognising the critical need for sustaining these dedicated workers’ health and energy levels, volunteers are supplying vitamin B complex boosters. These supplements play a vital role in releasing energy through metabolism and supporting overall bodily functions under strenuous conditions.

The George Municipality thanks all volunteers and medical professionals for their invaluable assistance during this critical time.


PhotoS by: Herman Pieters, Garden Route District Municipality

MEDIA STATEMENT: 12pm Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

George Municipality confirms that figures remain unchanged at this point, 12pm 8 May:

36 patients retrieved;

7 are blue (Deceased);

16 are red patients (Critical);

6 are yellow patients (Life-threatening injuries)

7 are green (minor injuries).

A total of 39 of the initial 75 workers on site remain unaccounted for at present.

A specialised asbestos removal company is currently tasked with deconstructing the old parking structure located at the back of the site. This structure is not a part of the new development that was under construction. This is to aid access for rescue operations which continue at the building collapse site on Victoria Street.

The rescue operation is now approaching  46 hours as of 12:00 this afternoon, 8 May.

An update will be issued by 3pm  on Wednesday 8 May 2024,  – South African Time.

On site Triage Description:

Blue:      Deceased

Red:       Critical

Yellow: Life-threatening injuries

Green: Minor injuries

Photograph Credit Herman Pieters, GRDM Communications

MEDIA STATEMENT: 9am Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

George Municipality confirms that thirty-six (36) patients have been retrieved from the collapsed building as at 09:00 Wednesday 8 May.

Of the 36 retrieved, 7 are blue (declared deceased), 16 are red patients (critical); 6 are yellow patients (Life-threatening injuries) and 7 are green (minor injuries).

A total of 39 of the initial 75 workers on site remain unaccounted for at present.

Rescue operations continue at the building collapse site on Victoria Street today with a multi-disciplinary rescue team of more than 200 emergency services available.

The rescue operation is now approaching 43 hours as of 09:00 this morning 8 May.

An update will be issued by 12pm on Wednesday 8 May 2024, – South African Time.

On site Triage Description:
Blue: Deceased
Red: Critical
Yellow: Life-threatening injuries
Green: Minor injuries

MEDIA STATEMENT: 6am Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

Issued George Municipality, 8 May 2024, 05:33

The tally of retrieMEDIA STATEMENT: 6am Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George
Issued George Municipality, 8 May 2024, 05:33

The tally of retrieved patients has risen to thirty-six (36) as at 5:33 this morning Wednesday 8 May.
This leaves 39 persons unaccounted for at present.

Rescue operations at the building collapse site on Victoria Street continue with a multi-disciplinary rescue team of more than 200 emergency services. Seven (7) patients have been declared deceased.

Seventy-five (75) construction workers were present on the site at the time of the collapse which occurred at 14:09 on Monday 6 May and the rescue operation is now approaching 39 hours as of 5:33 this morning 8 May.

An update will be issued by 9am on Wednesday 8 May 2024, – South African Time.
ved patients has risen to thirty-six (36) as at 5:33 this morning Wednesday 8 May.
This leaves 39 persons unaccounted for at present.

Rescue operations at the building collapse site on Victoria Street continue with a multi-disciplinary rescue team of more than 200 emergency services. Seven (7) patients have been declared deceased.

Seventy-five (75) construction workers were present on the site at the time of the collapse which occurred at 14:09 on Monday 6 May and the rescue operation is now approaching 39 hours as of 5:33 this morning 8 May.

An update will be issued by 9am on Wednesday 8 May 2024, – South African Time.

MEDIA STATEMENT: 9pm Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

Issued George Municipality, 7 May 2024, 21:30

The tally of retrieved patients has risen to thirty-four (34) as at 21:09 this evening, 7 May.
This leaves 41 persons unaccounted for at present.

Rescue operations at the building collapse site continue with a multi-disciplinary rescue team of more than 200 emergency services. Seven (7) patients have been declared deceased.

Seventy-five (75) construction workers were present on the site at the time of the collapse which occurred at 14:09 on Monday 6 May and the rescue operation is now approaching 31 hours as of 21:09 today, 7 May.

An update will be issued by 6am on Wednesday 8 May 2024, – South African Time.

Photograph Credit: Herman Pieters, GRDM Communications

MEDIA STATEMENT: Update on Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George (7 May, 20:30)

A multi-disciplinary rescue team of more than 200 emergency services personnel are continuing to conduct rescue operations and as of 19:40 this evening, 7 May 2024, seven (7) patients have been declared deceased.

Thirty-three (33) patients have been removed from the rubble of the collapsed multi-story construction site at 75 Victoria Street, leaving 42 persons unaccounted for.

Seventy-five (75) construction workers were present on the site at the time of the collapse which occurred at 14:09 on Monday 6 May and the rescue operation is now approaching 30 hours as of 20:00 today, 7 May.

An update will be issued at 21:00, 7 May 2024 – South African Time.

Photograph Credit: Herman Pieters, GRDM Communications 

MEDIA STATEMENT: Update on Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

Issued George Municipal, 7 May 2024, 15.00

The rescue operations continuing and as of 14:30 this afternoon, 7 May 2024 a total of six (6) patients have been declared deceased.

Twenty-eight (28) patients have been removed from the rubble of the collapsed multi-story construction site at 75 Victoria Street, leaving 47 persons unaccounted for.

Seventy-five (75) construction workers were present on the site at the time of the collapse which occurred at 14:09 on Monday 6 May and the rescue operation is now approaching 24.20 hours as of 14:25 today, 7 May.

An update will be issued at 18:00, 7 May 2024 – South African Time.

Note: Should any member of the public wish to provide safety goggles, Headlamps, drinking water, energy drinks, wine gums, or food for the emergency services while they are on-site – kindly deliver to the tent site via Ivy Street at 79 Victoria Street, Delplan Consulting which is being manned by Gift of the Givers and Herman Pienaar of LoveGeorge which will remain operational throughout the night.

For enquiries to give please contact: Gift of the Givers: Mario Ferreira (082 490 2752) and Herman Pienaar (082 829 6428)

Safety equipment including helmets, safety goggles, headlamps and construction gloves are needed. If anyone can assist, please deliver to GRDM Fire Station, Pearl Road, Tamsui Industria.

We have had requests from the public about financial donations. Please use below banking details:

George Municipality: Relief and Charitable Fund
ABSA BANK Cheque Acc: 9149554208
Branch Code: 632005

MEDIA STATEMENT: Update on Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George, 7 May 2024, 15:00

The rescue operations continuing and as of 14:30 this afternoon, 7 May 2024 a total of six (6) patients have been declared deceased.

Twenty-eight (28) patients have been removed from the rubble of the collapsed multi-story construction site at 75 Victoria Street, leaving 47 persons unaccounted for.

Seventy-five (75) construction workers were present on the site at the time of the collapse which occurred at 14:09 on Monday 6 May and the rescue operation is now approaching 24.20 hours as of 14:25 today, 7 May.

An update will be issued at 18:00, 7 May 2024 – South African Time.

Note: Should any member of the public wish to provide safety goggles, Headlamps, drinking water, energy drinks, wine gums, or food for the emergency services while they are on-site – kindly deliver to the tent site via Ivy Street at 79 Victoria Street, Delplan Consulting which is being manned by Gift of the Givers and Herman Pienaar of LoveGeorge which will remain operational throughout the night.

For enquiries to give please contact: Gift of the Givers: Mario Ferreira (082 490 2752) and Herman Pienaar (082 829 6428)

Safety equipment including helmets, safety goggles, headlamps and construction gloves are needed. If anyone can assist, please deliver to GRDM Fire Station, Pearl Road, Tamsui Industria.

We have had requests from the public about financial donations. Please use below banking details:

George Municipality: Relief and Charitable Fund
ABSA BANK Cheque Acc: 9149554208
Branch Code: 632005

MEDIA STATEMENT: Update on Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

Issued George Municipal, 7 May 2024, 9am

George Municipality confirms that as of 9am this morning, 7 May, a total of five (5) patients have been declared deceased.

Twenty-six (26) patients have been removed from the rubble of the collapsed multi-story construction site at 75 Victoria Street, leaving 49 persons unaccounted for.

Status of patients: 11 red / 3 yellow / 7 green / 5 blue

75 construction workers were present on the site at the time of the collapse which occurred at 14:09 on Monday 6 May.

Three teams of rescue personnel are currently working on three different areas within the site of the collapsed building.
An update will be issued at 12pm, 7 May 2024 – South African Time.

Note: Should any member of the public wish to provide safety goggles, Headlamps, drinking water, energy drinks, wine gums, food for the emergency services while they are on site – kindly deliver to the tent site via Ivy Street at 79 Victoria St, Delplan Consulting which is being manned by Gift of the Givers and Herman Pienaar of LoveGeorge which will remain operational throughout the night.

For enquiries to give please contact: Gift of the Givers: Mario Ferreira (082 490 2752) and Herman Pienaar (082 829 6428)

Safety equipment including safety goggles, headlamps and construction gloves are needed. If anyone can assist please deliver to GRDM Fire Station, Pearl Road, Tamsui Industria.


Photograph Credit Herman Pieters, GRDM Communications Manager

MEDIA STATEMENT: Update on Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George (7 May, 5:15am)

Issued George Municipal, 7 May 2024, 5.15am

George Municipality confirms that as of 5:15am this morning, 7 May, a total of four (4) patients have been declared deceased.

Twenty-four (24) patients have been removed from the rubble of the collapsed multi-story construction site at 75 Victoria Street, leaving fifty-one (51) persons unaccounted for.

Status of patients: 10 red / 3 yellow / 7 green / 4 blue

Seventy-five (75) construction workers were present on the site at the time of the collapse which occurred at 14:09 on Monday 6 May.

Three teams of rescue personnel are currently working on three different areas within the site of the collapsed building.

An update will be issued at 9am, 7 May 2024 – South African Time.

Road Closures
Victoria Street remains closed for access at the York Street intersection, as well as midway down the street which means the Victoria Street gate to the George Municipal Building is not accessible to pedestrians or vehicles.

We request the public to please avoid this general area due to the constant presence of moving emergency vehicles and personnel.

Kindly access the municipal building via the Progress Street gate.

Thank you to volunteers
Municipal Manager Dr Gratz expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the organisations and individuals who have sprung into action to assist with the rescue operation. “We thank everyone who has volunteered of their time or provided sustenance to the rescue personnel. We continue to keep the families, friends and colleagues of those involved in this tragedy in our thoughts and prayers,” she said.

Note: Should any member of the public wish to provide drinking water, Lucozade, wine gums, or any food for the emergency services while they are on site – kindly deliver to the tent site via Ivy Street at 79 Victoria St, Delplan Consulting which is being manned by Gift of the Givers and Herman Pienaar of LoveGeorge.

For enquiries to give please contact: Gift of the Givers: Mario Ferreira (082 490 2752) and Herman Pienaar (082 829 6428)

MEDIA STATEMENT: Update on Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

Issued George Municipal, 7 May 2024, 3am

George Municipality confirms three (3) patients extracted from the rubble of the multi-story construction site at 75 Victoria Street, have now been declared deceased. At 12:45am another red patient was extracted from the rubble which brings the total number extracted to twenty-four (24).

Emergency personnel from the City of Cape Town and Breede Valley Local Municipality have joined the Emergency and Disaster personnel on site and continue the search for the 51 unaccounted persons trapped.

An update will be issued at approximately 6am, 7 May 2024 – South African Time.

MEDIA STATEMENT: Update on Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George (12pm)

Issued George Municipal, 6 May 2024, 12pm

One red patient has been extracted at 11pm tonight at the site of the multi-storey construction site which collapsed at 75 Victoria Street this afternoon at 14:09. This brings the total number of patients extracted to twenty-three (23) of which two (2) have been declared deceased.

Over 111 Emergency and Disaster personnel are currently on site to locate and retrieve the remaining fifty-two (52) persons unaccounted for.  Two sniffer dogs are currently involved in the rescue operation.

Emergency personnel en-route from City of Cape Town and Breede Valley Local Municipality will be on site by 12pm tonight.

Minister Anton Bredell, Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning arrived this evening at 11pm and is currently at the site of the rescue operation.  Premier Alan Winde will arrive in George tomorrow morning.

Garden Route District Municipality has established a Joint Operations Centre (JOC) with multiple stakeholders present as well as Western Cape Provincial Disaster Services.

Over 100 Family and friends of the local construction workers involved in the incident are gathered at the  main municipal building and continue to be assisted by Department of Social Services and Correctional Services Social Workers.

The construction companies involved are working with the GRDM Joint Operations Centre to establish a list of names of those remaining unaccounted for.

An update will be issued at about 3am tomorrow, South African Time.

Note: Should any member of the public wish to provide drinking water, Lucozade, wine gums, or any food for the over 111 emergency services while they are on site – kindly deliver to the tent site via Ivy Street at 79 Victoria St, Delplan Consulting which is being manned by Gift of the Givers and Herman Pienaar of LoveGeorge which will remain operational throughout the night.

For enquiries to give please contact: Gift of the Givers: Mario Ferreira (082 490 2752) and Herman Pienaar (082 829 6428)


MEDIA STATEMENT: Update on Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George

Issued George Municipal, 6 May 2024, 6pm

Following the collapse of a multi-storey building under construction in Victoria Street this afternoon, Disaster Service teams from George and Garden Route District Municipality are currently involved in the rescue operation. SAPS are on site.

53 Emergency personnel are on their way from the City of Cape Town and Worcester Disaster Services as well as Colin Deiner, Western Cape Provincial Disaster Services will be on site as soon as is possible to assist.

The collapse occurred just after 2pm today, 6 May with a construction crew of approximately 70 on site. 22 patients have been retrieved and sent to hospitals throughout the province. Currently the rescue operation remains underway with over 80 rescue personnel on site.

Family and friends of the construction workers involved in the incident are being given space to gather at the foyer of the main municipal building and will be assisted.

A second update will be issued at about 9pm tonight South African Time.

Western Cape Government supporting and monitoring response to building collapse in George

The Western Cape Government (WCG) is closely monitoring and sending resources to assist the emergency response to a construction site collapse in George, in the Southern Cape.

Premier Alan Winde and relevant provincial ministers and government are being briefed on the incident.

Premier Winde said, “All the necessary support has been offered to emergency personnel to expedite their response. At the moment, officials are focused on saving lives. This is our top priority at this stage.”

The Western Cape Government is sending personnel support as well as emergency response support.

The Premier is receiving ongoing updates on the situation. He has urged the public to allow emergency services officials the carry out their duties and to not put their own lives at risk by travelling to the site.

Further updates will be provided in due course.