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Media Statement: Updated status on the BFI Water Projects for George

George Municipality received a Budget Facility for Infrastructure Funding (BFI) grant to the value of R1.115 billion from National Treasury in the 2021/22 financial year and the BFI project with its various project components, has shown significant progress and expenditure up to the 2023/24 financial years. The full BFI project is planned to be completed by October 2025.

George Municipality is actively working to keep our economy on the go, by ensuring adequate long-term planning and investment into our resources – that is water, sewerage and electricity. The Municipality currently provides water services to over 294 929 residents from 85 931 households across 28 wards including the coastal areas of Kleinkrantz, Wilderness, Victoria Bay, Herold’s Bay and Gwaing in the city of George area as per STATSSA 2022. The objectives of the project are to ensure adequate potable water supply to meet the demand of the current population and to provide security for future development, both social and economic, as well as to reduce pollution of certain main water courses.

The project consists of 12 components, some of which will be executed in more than one construction phase.

Component 1 and 2
The 20 Mℓ/d extension to the New Water Treatment Works (New WTW) is component 2 and component 1 is the new WTW Residuals Treatment facility of the project.

Status: The first contract, valued at R263 million, for the civil engineering works – construction is nearing completion. The tender for the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation (MEI) works to the value of R217 million – the installation on site is progressing at pace. Components 1 and 2 form the largest sub-projects of the overall BFI project.

A number of plant shutdowns are required at the new Water Treatment Works to enable tie-ins on the raw water feed to the plant, the clear water feed from the plant to the reservoirs, valve chamber construction, injection chamber construction and some refurbishment of pipework in the existing new Water Treatment Works. These shutdowns have to be carefully co-ordinated to avoid unnecessary downtime or reduction in water supply to George and also contributes to the requirement for the continued water restrictions due to the inability to supply treated water in larger quantities.

The civil engineering construction was scheduled for completion at the end of February 2024 and the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation by December 2024. The latter is still true for the MEI contract, but additional work required on the raw water pipeline and intake works extended the completion date of the civil works. The civil construction Practical Completion dates are as follows:

Portion 1 – Modifications to existing works: Scheduled for 24 June 2024
Portion 2 – Main works 20 Mℓ/d plant: Scheduled for 24 June 2024
Portion 3A – Residuals facility: 26 Mar 2023
Portion 3B – Residuals facility: 20 March 2024
Portion 4 – New clear water pipeline: 20 Dec 2023

Component 3
The refurbishment of the existing Sludge Discharge System Phase 1 and 2 at the Eden, Meul and Schaapkop Pumpstations will improve the reliability of the aged pump stations.

Status: Construction of the first phase has reached completion at the Meul and Eden Pump Stations
• Phase 1: The first phase of the upgrading and refurbishment of the Meul Sewage Pumpstation was completed in June 2023, including a new standby generator and motor control centre. This is also the case for the new motor control centre at the Eden Sewage Pumpstation. The Schaapkop Sewage Pumpstation implementation was delayed and the tender for the Phase 1 implementation had to be cancelled.

•Phase 2: Civil engineering construction on the Meul Sewage Pumpstation Phase 2, as well as the Eden Pump Station have been awarded. While construction at Eden Ps is being delayed by a DFFE permit, the construction at Meul Pump Station has reached Practical Completion. The contract for Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation works at Meul Pump Station has also been awarded and construction is due to start. Similarly, the tenders for both portions under the Schaapkop Pump Station have been awarded, incorporating both Phases 1 and 2 to be implemented as a single project.

Component 4
The upgrading of the Garden Route Dam Outlet and Supply project includes the replacement of the existing 600 mm diameter raw water pipeline from the intake tower at the Garden Route Dam to the raw water pumpstations, with a new 800 mm diameter stainless steel pipeline to accommodate a higher flowrate in accordance with the future raw water flow requirements.

Status: The project construction contract was awarded for an amount of R 34.2 million in May 2023. Construction progress is currently at 70%. The estimated completion date for the project is October 2024.

Component 5 – COMPLETED
2 x 1250 kVA generators have been installed at the Garden Route Dam raw water pumpstation. These generators will ensure that during loadshedding or any other power outage, raw water can continue to be pumped uninterrupted to the Water Treatment Works for processing for drinking water supply.

Construction and installation have been completed and the project has been commissioned. The generators automatically start and can operate during load-shedding.

Component 6
An additional 40 million litre raw water storage and balancing dam will be constructed, as well as a 340m long 800mm diameter raw water outlet pipeline and an 1000mm diameter raw water pump main extension, to secure sufficient raw water storage capacity to supply the 20Mℓ/day extension to the Water Treatment Works and the existing two treatment plants. The new raw water dam will supplement the existing storage dams that provide raw water to the two water treatment plants.

Status: The project construction contract was awarded for an amount of R 93,1 million in December 2023. Construction commenced on site in May 2024 after receiving all statutory approvals. Construction progress is currently at 10%. The estimated completion date for the project is August 2025.

Component 7 – COMPLETED
The rehabilitation of the Old Water Treatment Works, located in Denneoord will allow for the refurbishment of the 20 Mℓ/d treatment plant.

Status: This component consists of four separate contracts and the tenders were awarded at the beginning of 2022. All work has been completed under this component.

Component 8
Refurbishment of the Kaaimans River Pumpstation equipment will include the installation of six (6) new submersible vortex impeller pumps in the sump, a strainer system and six new high lift centrifugal pumps and includes the replacement of the electrical control equipment. The Kaaimans Pumpstation discharges into the Garden Route Dam and contributes significantly to the George raw water resource requirements.

Status: The project construction contract was awarded for an amount of R 16.5 million IN June 2023. Construction progress is currently at 80%. The estimated completion date for the project is August 2024.

Component 9
The new 14,5 Mℓ Pacaltsdorp West Reservoir and Pumpstation will address the current inadequate emergency and balancing potable water storage and provide adequate water security for the medium-term future developments in the western area of Pacaltsdorp.

Status: The project construction contract was awarded for an amount of R 106,9 million in January 2024. Construction commenced on site in May 2024 after receiving all statutory approvals. Construction progress is currently at 10%. The estimated completion date for the project is October 2025.

Component 10
The new 3 Mℓ Pacaltsdorp East Reservoir, 300 kl Tower and pumpstation will address the inadequate emergency and balancing potable water storage in the eastern area of Pacaltsdorp.

Status: The project construction contract was awarded for an amount of R 59,9 million in December 2023. Construction commenced on site in May 2024 after receiving all statutory approvals. Construction progress is currently at 11%. The estimated completion date for the project is July 2025.

Component 11
A new pumpstation and control valves will be provided at the existing Thembalethu West Reservoir and Tower and an existing bulk supply pipeline will be upgraded to ensure adequate potable water storage and increased security of potable water supply to the western area of Thembalethu, as well as provide capacity to meet future development water demands.

Status: Two construction contracts were awarded for a total amount of R 23,9 million in December 2023 and March 2024. Construction commenced on site in May 2024 after receiving all statutory approvals. Construction progress is currently at 7%. The estimated completion date for the project is November 2024.

Component 12
A new 8 Mℓ Thembalethu East Reservoir, 1000 kl Tower and Pumpstation will be provided to ensure adequate potable water storage and increased security of potable water supply to the eastern area of Thembalethu, as well as provide capacity to meet future development water demands.

Status: The project construction contract was awarded for an amount of R 106,5 million in February 2023. Construction commenced on site in April 2024. Construction progress is currently at 10%. The estimated completion date for the project is June 2025.

George Municipality Seeks Funding for Alternative Sanitation Solutions in Informal Settlements

In the photo: After a year of use, residents have praised the new sanitation units

The George Municipality has applied for funding from the Western Cape Provincial Department of Infrastructure to install alternative sanitation solutions for approximately 900 units. This follows the successful implementation of pilot projects in various informal settlement areas last year.

In April 2023, the George Municipality introduced two pilot projects in Syferfontein, an informal settlement south of Pacaltsdorp, to replace chemical toilets with alternative on-site sanitation technology. These new toilets use enzymes to dissolve solids and include a water flush mechanism that drains into underground tanks, reducing servicing frequency from two to three times a week to once a month.

Testing sustainable alternative sanitation solutions is crucial for informal settlements without sewer networks, to replace chemical toilets and alleviate the financial burden on the Municipality and the Department of Infrastructure.

After a year of use, residents have praised the new sanitation units. If the funding application is approved, the targeted areas for the implementation of this solution are all informal settlements that are serviced by chemical toilets.

On-site sanitation technology

Rebuilding of Flood-Damaged Houses in George Underway

A geotechnical report for the rebuilding of Five (5) houses has been completed. These houses are in Blanco, Maraiskamp, and Thembalethu, and will undergo reconstruction.

These old RDP houses, now known as Breaking New Ground (BNG) houses, have been identified by a Structural Engineer who recommended rebuilding due to recurrent flooding during heavy rains.

The Western Cape Provincial Department of Human Settlements has approved the funding for this project and the George Municipality’s Human Settlements Department will be responsible for the appointment of a contractor and the construction monitoring during the implementation of the project.

George Municipality Officers Complete Peace Officer and Warden Training

In the photo: Front row from left:
Adam Roelfse (Officer), Daniellia Laws (Officer), Sgt. T van Schalkwyk (Training facilitator), Verona Botha (Officer) and Xoliswa Zokoza (Officer).
Middle Row from left:
Curtley Joseph (Officer), Ashely Joseph (Officer), Andre Baartman (Officer), Jan Adams (Officer), Africa Mpembe (Officer), Adrian Jansen (Officer) Fadiel Luiters (Officer), and Roland Hardnick (Inspector).
Back Row from left:
Wyatte Crowley (Officer), Nathan Jonas (Officer), Charwin van Wyk (Officer), Heinrico Standers (Officer) and Juandre Prins (Officer).

The George Municipality’s Law Enforcement officers have completed a Peace Officer and Warden Training course from 3 to 29 June 2024. All participants were found competent.

This course was presented by the City of Cape Town’s Metro Police Services Training & Development Programme to seventeen (17) Community Safety staff members, including land invasion and law enforcement officers.

According to Lee-Ann Meiring, the Senior Manager for Community Safety in the George Municipality, this training will allow the Municipality to appoint more Peace Officers with the authority to enforce by-laws. “The training is certified and covers three main areas: Professional Conduct, Peace Officer & Warden Training, and Point Duty. At the end of the course, the trainees will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role and functions of a peace officer and traffic warden,” said Meiring.


George Municipality on High Alert for Level 6 Storm Surge

Issued by George Municipality, 07 July 2024, For Immediate Release

The George Municipality is on high alert following a Level 6 Storm Surge warning issued by SA Weather Service on Saturday. The warning predicts waves of 6-8 metres, reaching up to 10 metres on the south-western coast, including George’s coastal areas. This surge, combined with high waves and strong winds, poses a significant threat to coastal communities and infrastructure.

In response, the municipality has activated a contingency plan that integrates various services to effectively manage the anticipated floods on the coastal areas. Residents in Victoria Bay are requested to move their vehicles to the caravan park for the night. As a preventative measure, George Disaster Management Services will close Sands Road to Leentjiesklip Beach on Sunday afternoon. Fire officers will patrol during the peak hours of the storm surge, and Community Services will deploy additional traffic and law enforcement officers as necessary.

Residents are strongly encouraged to remain vigilant and exercise caution, as localised low-lying areas could experience flooding. The high-energy waves may also damage coastal infrastructure, including walkways, pipelines, property, roads, and rail routes along extended stretches of coastline. Beachfront activities such as swimming and shore/rock angling will be disrupted. Residents are advised to remove temporary structures on the beach or along the shoreline if possible.

For emergencies, please use the following contact details:
• After-Hours and Emergencies: 044 801 6300
• Fire and Rescue: 044 801 6311 or 044 801 6300
• Law Enforcement: 044 801 6350/89

Residents are encouraged to stay informed by following George Municipality’s social media pages, visiting the official website, and tuning in to local media for updated information.


Nelson Mandela International Day 2024

Issued by the Government Communication and Information System

Have you already thought about what you are going to do for Nelson Mandela International Day? This year’s Nelson Mandela International Day on 18 July will be celebrated under the theme: “It’s still in our hands to combat poverty and inequity”. The theme is a clarion call to all of us to get involved and participate in activities which will assist in combatting poverty and inequality in our society.

Have you already thought about what you are going to do for Nelson Mandela International Day? This year’s Nelson Mandela International Day on 18 July will be celebrated under the theme: “It’s still in our hands to combat poverty and inequality.” The theme is a clarion call to all of us to get involved and participate in activities that will help combat poverty and inequality in our society.

Though this call to action can be translated into your suitable programmes, below are the suggested activities for the public:

• Volunteer your services to those in need around you and to places that care for vulnerable groups
• Bring some warmth by donating blankets, warm clothes
• Alleviate hunger and malnutrition by supporting kitchen soups, and food donation drives for the vulnerable communities
• Support Community Food gardens
• Support educational activities by putting a smile on a child by giving them some brand new shining school shoes
• Help a child to read by donating library books
• Donate sanitary and menstrual products for girls in need.
• Create activities and initiatives to foster youth employment and development
• Make a sustainable contribution by caring for your environment- cleaning drives in your communities
• Care for your community infrastructure- Revive and refurbish community service buildings such as community halls, libraries, schools, ECDs etc.

The official Hashtags are: #MandelaDay2024 #ItIsInYourHands

MEDIA STATEMENT: George Municipality confirms NERSA Tariff Approval

George Municipality confirms that, following the Council Resolution approving the Budget on 31 May 2024, electrical tariffs will increase by 12,72% effective from 1 July 2024.
We have noted the MyBroadband news article referencing the Gauteng High Court interdict against several municipalities that failed to conduct the necessary cost studies before increasing electricity tariffs. George Municipality is correctly listed as having conducted the required cost studies, and NERSA has issued the necessary approval this past week.
On 28 June 2024, NERSA released a media statement announcing the completion of the consideration and approval of tariff applications for all 178 licensed electricity distributors (both municipal and private) for the 2024/25 financial year, with implementation set for 1 July 2024.

George Municipality officials folds flowers for Wings of Hope Cancer Support benefit

Officials from the Planning Directorate kicked off with an early Madiba day project with the folding of paper flowers that was used for decoration at a benefit for Wings of Hope Cancer Support, celebrating cancer survivors. The event took place over the past weekend.

The Planning staff have all pitched in on the production of the colourful decorations.  On the attached pic, from left, clockwise around the table are Khuliso Mukhovha, Martin Botha, Robert Janse van Rensburg, Ilane Huyser (Town Planners); Lauren Josias (Environmental Officer); Mpilo Ngcobo (intern); Marisa Arries (Admin Officer); Lynette Groenewald, Henriette Koch (Spatial Planners); Soso Mhobo (intern); Myself; Naudica Swanepoel (Inspector); Amelia Lombard (intern); Henko Lourens (Spatial Planner); and Nathi Timakwe (Inspector).


Youth Day celebrated in Uniondale and Haarlem

In the photograph above youngsters take part in games at the Haarlem Youth Day event.

George Municipality Youth Office in Uniondale celebrated National Youth Day in Uniondale and Haarlem in June 2024. The Municipality held two successful events in collaboration with SAPS, Cape Nature, the Department of Social Development and Nikwe Enterprise. The two events that were held on different days were held at the Uniondale Lyonville Sports Ground and at the Haarlem Community Hall.

According to Christal Jansen, Coordinator of the Youth Office in Uniondale, the programmes included motivational speakers, entertainment, indigenous games, and sports. Jansen said both events were very well attended by the youth with approximately 450 youngsters in attendance.



Youngsters in the Haarlem Community Hall during the event.

Haarlem United Congregational Church Youth Dance group.

Justin Jooste gave a speech on the background and history of Youth Day in Uniondale.

Masibulele Ndlela from the Department of Labour speaks to the youth about employment and opportunities.

 Sergeant  Eslin Du Preez speaking on crime to the Youth in Uniondale.

Youngsters playing soccer at the Haarlem event.

The Uniondale Boys brigade walking through the streets of Uniondale.

Youngsters challenge each other during a basketball game.

A young boy getting his face painted during the Uniondale event.

The Uniondale Junior dance group entertaining the youngsters at the event.

Some of the youngsters took part in different sport codes including Netball

Games at Haarlem Youth Day event

Executive Mayor Jacqulique von Brandis, Inaugural Speech, 21 June 2024

“We can only make George Municipality the place we want it to be if we do this together. So, as we move our secondary city into a new direction, I want all of you to know that my primary goal is that we work together to get things done for the betterment of all residents within George Municipality, thank you.”

Issued George Municipality, 25 June 2024

Local Sewing Group Gaining Support and Expanding Business

In the photo above members of the public viewing the impressive creations in the form of bags, aprons and beadwork.

George Municipality’s local sewing group, S&D Creations, is making significant strides in expanding its business and gaining support from the community. The group operates under the umbrella of the bigger Project Hope programme that is assisting people living on the streets.

Local Businesses such as This is Me and Bleu Forest Books, both situated on York Street, are actively promoting the group’s products in their stores. Additionally, West Coast Fisheries, located on Knysna Road, stands out as one of the group’s biggest supporters.

In a recent boost to their advertising efforts, Tastebuds Eatery, located on Market Street, purchased aprons from the group, and three municipal employees have used their services to make garments. This demonstrates the growing recognition and demand for their quality craftsmanship.

In April, the sewing group received a quotation request to make bags for a local church in George. The group’s primary business comes from alterations and the creation of custom garments. They are also in the process of applying for contracts with businesses in need of professionally made uniforms. Currently, they are awaiting an order to make 60 aprons, highlighting their increasing workload.

The group called S&D Creations showcased their products, including bags and aprons, on June 12 at the Smart Procurement Conference Supplier Open Day hosted by George Municipality and Provincial Treasury at Wilderness Hotel. This exhibition further elevated their profile and attracted more business opportunities.  A&A Jewellery Designs, a new business also started under the Project Hope umbrella, also showcased their products at the exhibition.

Members of the public can visit the businesses for products or services at the Community Development Offices on the corner of St.John’s and Varing Streets, George or phone 044 802 2000 for more information.


Luvo Bomvana, Manager: Economic Development at George Municipality, Danesy Goliath from S&D Creations and Estelle Fredericks with some products at the Wilderness exhibition.

 Members of the public viewing the impressive creations in the form of bags, aprons and beadwork.

George Municipality Observes National Child Protection Week

In the photo: Child Protection Programme at K’Nareb Aftercare on 5 and 6 June 

The George Municipality has joined South Africa in observing National Child Protection Week from 29 May to 5 June 2024. This week is dedicated to raising awareness about children’s safety and the importance of their protection. The Children’s Act ensures that children are safeguarded and supported by their parents, families, or foster families.

As part of this observance, the George Municipality’s Community Development Department participated in a Child Protection Programme at K’Nareb Aftercare on 5 and 6 June 2024. The program aimed to educate children about their rights and how to stay safe.

The following topics were discussed:
• Children’s Rights
• Body Protection
• Stranger Danger
• Human Trafficking
• Substance Abuse: The dangers of alcohol and cigarettes.
• Environmental Safety: Staying safe in daily surroundings.
• Emergency Numbers: Who to call in various emergencies.

The children engaged in activities and discussions, interacting with scenarios illustrating the different topics. The programme was successful, with children providing feedback on the issues discussed.

It’s crucial to remember that ensuring the safety and well-being of our children is a shared responsibility. We must continue to raise awareness about the importance of child protection.

In a related effort, the George Municipality’s Community Development team also distributed pamphlets on York Street, encouraging people not to give money to children begging on the streets. Providing money to begging children deprives them of essential services. Instead, contributions should be directed to institutions working with minors.

When children attend school, they gain access to social workers, education, school feeding schemes, and community soup kitchens. The safest place for children is in school.

Kidstop is an organisation that assists children on the streets. They can be contacted at 044 874 2624.

Pamphlets distribution…PNA George staff
Pamphlets distribution…Eden FM Administration Team
Dedicated to raising awareness about children’s safety


George Municipality Launches Energy-Saving Smart Lighting Pilot

Energy-Saving Smart Lighting Pilot aiming to transform the city’s lighting infrastructure.

George Municipality is conducting a pilot project to test a new smart energy-saving technological system on the City’s streetlights. The Smart Lights initiative aims to replace existing lights with technology that can monitor their status and adjust brightness during times of low traffic, adding to the efficiency of already installed LED lights.

The Municipality has partnered with one of South Africa’s leading lighting suppliers, Beka Schréder, which is sponsoring the software, setup, and configuration for this trial period. According to Daniel Greeff, Deputy Director of George Municipality’s Electrotechnical Services Department, this project is set to transform the city’s lighting infrastructure, making George a model of technological advancement and sustainable urban living.

“The benefits of the smart lighting project extend beyond technical efficiency. The project aims to enhance George’s residents’ safety, comfort, and well-being by reducing lighting failures and optimising resource use. This advanced system will also foster community pride as citizens experience the tangible benefits of living in a forward-thinking, well-managed city,” said Greeff.

A key feature of this system is its commitment to open standards and protocols, avoiding the pitfalls of proprietary systems that can lead to vendor lock-in. This open, interoperable platform can integrate seamlessly with existing and third-party systems and devices, promoting innovation and flexibility. By aligning with global standardisation alliances, the lighting supplier ensures that George’s smart lighting infrastructure is future-proof and capable of evolving with technological advancements.

George Municipality is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for its residents through sustainable and innovative urban development. This smart lighting pilot project is a testament to George’s commitment to being at the forefront of technological implementation and excellence.

“Should this pilot project yield the desired outcome, and feasibility and assist in increasing service delivery, the Municipality may roll it out to the main roads and possibly other areas,” Greeff concluded.

Hillbillies Trails Receives Funding from George Municipality to Maintain Network in Witfontein Forest


Hillbillies Trails Receives Funding from George Municipality to Maintain Network in Witfontein Forest

George, South Africa – 12 June 2024 – Hillbillies Trails, George’s local club dedicated to trails in the area, is pleased to announce that they have received R200,000 in funding from the Tourism section of George Municipality. This financial support is specifically allocated towards a project aimed at maintaining the trail route network in the picturesque Witfontein Forest, nestled in the Outeniqua Mountains of South Africa.

The cash contribution provided by George Municipality on behalf of George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism will significantly aid Hillbillies Trails in ensuring the upkeep and preservation of the routes within the Witfontein Forest region, and various areas, including Cape Nature reserves, Kat Rivier, Saasveld, and the scenic Garden Route Dam areas.

“This funding marks a crucial milestone in our endeavours to facilitate access to the country’s pristine wilderness areas, creating a way for mountain bikers, hikers, trail runners and walkers to enjoy the forests and natural landscape that George is renowned for,” remarked Braam Pretorius, Chairman of Hillbillies Trails. “We deeply appreciate this support, as it empowers us to sustainably create enriching outdoor experiences, all while fostering environmental preservation, for the benefit of residents and visitors to the area. The Hillbillies are dedicated to fostering a deep appreciation of nature.”

Hillbillies Trails remains committed to maintaining the routes and caring for the environment in South Africa’s awe-inspiring Outeniquas. ‘Trails like the ones built by the Hillbillies have led to the possibility of trail running, hiking and mountain biking economic opportunities for locals such as events in these segments, nature guiding and more,says Joan Shaw, Tourism Manager. ‘They also contribute to the overall tourism offerings of George, contributing to the areas attractiveness as a destination to visit.

For more information about Hillbillies Trails and their conservation initiatives, please  For more information on George Tourism link to

George Municipality Enhances Safety with Peace Officer and Warden Training Programme

In the photo: Front row from left: Lee-Anne Meiring (Senior Manager: Community Safety), Verona Botha (Officer), Daniellia Laws (Officer), Adrian Jansen (Officer), Adam Roelfse (Officer) and Cllr Marais Kruger (Portfolio Councillor for Community Safety)

Middle Row from left: Curtley Joseph (Officer), Nathan Jonas (Officer), Ashely Joseph(Officer), Fadiel Luiters (Officer), Andre Baartman (Officer), Juandre Prins (Officer), Xoliswa Zokoza (Officer) and Roland Hardnick (Inspector)

Back Row from left: Charwin van Wyk (Officer), Jan Adams (Officer), Africa Mpembe (Officer), Heinrico Standers (Officer) and Wyatte Crowley (Officer)

The George Municipality’s Land Invasion and Law Enforcement officers are undergoing a Peace Officer and Warden Training course from 3 to 29 June 2024. This course is presented by the City of Cape Town’s Metro Police Services Training & Development Programme to Seventeen (17) Community Safety staff in training consisting of land invasion and law enforcement officers.

According to Lee-Ann Meiring, the Senior Manager for Community Safety in the George Municipality, this training will allow the Municipality to appoint more Peace Officers with powers to enforce by-laws. “The training is certified and covers three main areas: Professional Conduct, Peace Officer & Warden Training, and Point Duty. At the end of the course, the trainees will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role and functions of a peace officer and traffic warden,” said Meiring.

Training consisting of land invasion and law enforcement officers
This training will allow the Municipality to appoint more Peace Officers


Municipality announces GO GEORGE tariff increase

The George Municipality has announced the annual increase in the GO GEORGE bus fares from 1 July 2024. The increase forms part of the annual municipal tariff adjustments.

Bundles still the best buy
Smart card trips bought in bundles of 10 or more will increase by 85c per trip to R12.75 and
bundles of 2 – 8 trips will cost R14.15 per trip (95c increase). The price of single trips loaded on the Smart card increases with R1 to R17 to encourage passengers to load the multiple, cheaper bundles on their Smart cards and to avoid long queues to top up every few days.

The bundles of 10 trips and more remain the best buy. Purchasing this bundle saves a passenger who travels to work or school and back home five days per week, R170 per month in travel expenses compared to the same number of single trips.

Free trips for first-time card buyers
The cost of the smart card is R37. For first-time buyers presenting a valid form of identification, the price includes two free, preloaded trips. New cards with no identification and replacement cards also cost R37 and do not include any free trips. There is no profit for the Municipality in the sales of smart cards; on the contrary, the cards are sold at much less than their cost to the Municipality.

Trips loaded on a smart card never expire. This means that trips bought before the tariff increase stay valid. Passengers are welcome to buy more trips than usual before the increase to save money but are cautioned to keep their cards safe – if lost or stolen, the trips cannot be transferred to a new card.

Utilise existing Smart cards
Passengers are encouraged to utilise their existing cards to top up and not to unnecessarily purchase new cards if they do not need it. Similar to bank cards, smart cards expire five years after issuing by the bank. Hence, it makes even more sense to rather use existing cards you may have in reserve rather than purchase a new one if it is not really necessary.

For more information and an up-to-date list of top-up vendors all over town, please call the GO GEORGE Call Centre at 0800 044 044, follow the GO GEORGE Facebook page or visit the website

Smart Cards can be topped at Smart Card kiosks or any of more than 150 top-up vendors all over town. The latest list of vendors is available at


Munisipaliteit kondig GO GEORGE-tariefverhoging aan

Die George-munisipaliteit het die jaarlikse verhoging van die GO GEORGE-bustariewe vanaf 1 Julie 2024 bekendgemaak. Hierdie verhoging is deel van die jaarlikse munisipale tariefaanpassings.
Bondels steeds die beste koop
Slimkaartritte wat in bondels van 10 of meer gekoop word sal met slegs 85c per rit verhoog na R12.75 en bondels van minder as 10 ritte sal R14.15 per rit kos (’n 95c-verhoging). Die prys van enkelritte verhoog met R1 na R17 om passasiers aan te moedig om liewer die goedkoper ritte te koop en om lang rye elke paar dae te vermy.

Die bondels van 10 ritte en meer bly die beste koop en kan ’n passasier wat vyf dae per week werk of skool toe en terug huis toe ry, R170 per maand in vervoeruitgawes spaar, vergeleke met enkelritte wat op die kaart gelaai word.

Gratis ritte vir eerstekaartkopers
Die prys van die slimkaart is R37 vir kopers van hul eerste kaart wat twee gratis, voorafgelaaide ritte op die kaart insluit indien hulle ‘n geldige bewys van identiteit toon. Nuwe kaarte sonder identifikasie en vervangingskaarte kos ook R37, maar sluit geen gratis ritte in nie. Daar is geen wins vir die munisipaliteit in die verkope van slimkaarte nie; inteendeel, die kaarte word teen baie minder as die aankoopkoste daarvan vir die munisipaliteit verkoop.

Ritte wat op die slimkaart gelaai is, verval nooit nie. Dit beteken dat ritte wat voor die tariefverhoging gekoop is geldig bly. Passasiers is welkom om voor die verhoging meer ritte as gewoonlik te koop om geld te spaar, maar word gemaan om hul kaarte veilig te hou – indien dit wegraak of gesteel word, kan die ritte nie op ’n nuwe kaart oorgedra word nie.

Gebruik bestaande slimkaarte
Passasiers word aangemoedig om hul bestaande kaarte te gebruik om ritte op te laai en nie onnodig nuwe kaarte aan te koop as hulle dit nie nodig het nie. Soortgelyk aan bankkaarte, verval slimkaarte vyf jaar nadat dit deur die bank uitgereik is. Daarom maak dit selfs meer sin om eerder bestaande kaarte wat jy in reserwe het, te gebruik as om ‘n nuwe een te koop as dit nie regtig nodig is nie.

Vir meer inligting, skakel gerus die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044, volg die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad of besoek die webblad

Slimkaarte kan by Slimkaartkiosks herlaai word, of by enige van meer as 150 herlaaipunte (vendors) regoor die dorp. Die nuutste lys van sulke herlaaipunte is beskikbaar by

MEDIA STATEMENT: Provincial Legislature elects George Mayor and Portfolio Councillor

George Municipality warmly congratulates Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk on his election to the Western Cape Provincial Legislature. He is joined by colleague Portfolio Councillor Financial Services, Dirk Wessels, in representing the Democratic Alliance (DA).

Ald Van Wyk said today, 11 June, that it has been a tremendous honour and privilege to serve as Executive Mayor and to work closely with the Municipal Manager in dealing with the challenges facing George. “We have had a common vision to deliver a high standard of services, to tackle upgrades of infrastructure, and to plan for the increase in economic activity and investment being experienced. There has been a common objective to improve levels of productivity so that our citizens can benefit through improved living conditions,” he said.

Municipal Manager, Dr. Michele Gratz, echoed these sentiments and said that she has worked exceptionally well with Alderman Van Wyk and believes they have taken George forward due to their common vision and good working relationship. “I wish Ald Van Wyk well on this new chapter of his political career. Our collaborative efforts have significantly advanced the infrastructure and economic growth of George, creating a foundation for continued progress and development,” she added.

Cllr Dirk Wessels expressed excitement for the journey ahead. “It has been an honour to serve the George community. Moving to the Western Cape Legislature gives me the opportunity to once again make a difference. I hope to make George proud.” Dr. Gratz thanked Cllr Wessels for his input over the past years within the Financial Directorate. “Cllr Wessels has been instrumental in strengthening our financial systems and ensuring fiscal responsibility. I am confident that he will bring the same level of commitment and expertise to his new role in the Provincial Legislature,” she stated.

The Deputy Executive Mayor, Raybin Figland, assumes the acting Mayoral role until the council appoints a full-time Executive Mayor, who will be announced in due course.

Caption: Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk and Portfolio Councillor Dirk Wessels photographed together at the Provincial Legislature chambers in Cape Town today.

George Tourism Conference Highlights Regional Success and Future Plans

George Tourism Conference Showcases Collaboration and Innovation

On Thursday, May 9th, 2024, the annual George, Wilderness, and Uniondale Tourism Conference convened at the esteemed Fancourt Hotel in George, attracting over 70 local stakeholders eager to engage in discussions about the region’s tourism landscape.

 The conference served as a platform to update attendees on the achievements of George, Wilderness, and Uniondale Tourism in the current financial year, while also providing insights into upcoming plans for the new budget cycle.  Tourism Advisory Committee member, Leroy Ferreira, who is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Fancourt, opened the function with a warm welcome, setting a tone of hospitality and collaboration.

Joan Shaw, manager at George, Wilderness, and Uniondale Tourism, delivered a comprehensive overview of the organisation’s yearly accomplishments and future aspirations. Key destination statistics, airport arrivals, and market insights were presented, offering valuable information on visitor demographics and trends. Sharon House, from George, Wilderness, and Uniondale Tourism, emphasized the importance of engagement and updates for the CRM system, outlining various marketing opportunities available to stakeholders. Strategies for promoting the greater George area as a premier tourism destination were discussed, underscoring the collective effort required for success.  Representatives from the Tourism office shared insights into upcoming plans, including a sneak peak about the ‘George, Naturally’ campaign and marketing strategy objectives, as well as supported events for the 2024/25 financial year and future development plans aimed at sustainable growth.

Paul Hoffman from H2P Project Management provided insights into the George Municipality Economic Development Strategy, encouraging feedback from attendees to ensure alignment with community needs.  Engaging presentations were delivered by fellow tourism stakeholders from the Garden Route and Klein Karoo Avitourism Project, Wide Open Spaces, Francois Ferreira Academy and Apprentice, and the Garden Route National Park, fostering connections and collaboration within the tourism community.

A highlight of the conference was the lively competition offering attendees the chance to win exciting prizes, generously sponsored by local businesses. From accommodation vouchers to adventure experiences and culinary delights, the prize lineup showcased the diverse offerings of the George area.  The amazing prize line up included accommodation vouchers from Buff and Fellow, Pirates Creek, Livingstone Villa, Harvil House, Woodifields Estate, Oubaai Hotel, Golf and Spa, as well as Libertas Guest Farm.  Experience and activity prize vouchers were diverse, with adventure offerings from Side Street Adventures (guided tour for 4 people on an e-bike to the Map of Africa), Guided Wine Walk with Wide Open Spaces, entries to the Karoo to Coast mountain biking event, and a guided hike or trail run by Explore with Cobro.  The George Golf Club offered an 18- hole round of golf for 4 players, Elevate Action Centre gave away multiple jump vouchers, and there were also vouchers for the fun Insomniac Party Bus experience, as well as a cooking class at Francois Ferreira Academy.  The scenic Outenqiua Powervan sponsored 10 tickets for a trip up the mountain, while Ezet’s Tours gave away a Garden Route Tour experience for 2 people.  Kruisaar Padstal sponsored a sit-down roosterkoek meal, the Noshery pizzeria and deli at Redberry Farm offered a wood-fired pizza voucher and Kontrei Padstal gave away two breakfast vouchers.  Rounding it off was a Wine Lover’s Executive Gift Box and 3 Moleskin notebooks by the George Airport, and R500 in vouchers from the Garden Route Mall.

The conference was a resounding success, with attendees praising the organisation and quality of the event.  “Thank you for a superbly organised and very informative and enjoyable conference. We were inspired”, said Rika Sarvant from Seabreeze Cabanas. Mariska Louw from Golf in the Garden Route thanked the team, saying that it was very informative. “I wanted to extend my sincere gratitude for hosting the Tourism Conference at Fancourt. The event proved to be both insightful and necessary for our industry. Also, a good opportunity to network. Thank you for this initiative” added Linda Potgieter from Libertas Guest Farm. “This year’s conference was wonderful,” concluded Anthony Rosenbaum from Wide Open Spaces.

The Tourism office expressed gratitude to sponsors and delegates for their support and participation, reaffirming their commitment to the local tourism industry.  “We had an RSVP list of approximately115 stakeholders but only around 70 people were able to make it, and we understand that the servicing of the influx of rescue personnel to our area took the highest precedent.  It was an incredibly tough week in George, and we are proud of how the local Tourism industry responded to the Victoria Street crisis by sponsoring rooms and breakfast to frontline workers, providing donations to the rescue efforts at company level and the individual responses of residents across the city,” says Joan Shaw.  “We would also like to extend an enormous vote of thanks to Fancourt for sponsoring the venue and catering, to SND Productions for the big discount applied on the audiovisual services and to every delegate who could attend.  It was great to connect with you all in person”, added Shaw.

Relevant stakeholders residing and operating in George Municipality interested in becoming a part of the local tourism community, such as activities and experiences, restaurants, accommodation and events, can complete the Digital Registration application. For any questions or further assistance in this regard, stakeholders are welcome to contact Lindi Harley from George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism via email: or telephone: 044 877 0045.


With National Youth Day coming up on Sunday, 16 June and celebrated with a public holiday on Monday, 17 June, GO GEORGE passengers need to take note that the Saturday schedule (which is different to the weekday schedule) will be followed on all routes on this public holiday.

For any enquiries, please phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044, or visit the GO GEORGE Facebook, or the web page ( where all routes, maps and schedules can be viewed and downloaded.


Met nasionale Jeugdag wat voorlê op Sondag, 16 Junie en gevier word met ’n openbare vakansiedag op Maandag, 17 Junie, moet GO GEORGE-passasiers asseblief kennis neem dat die Saterdagskedule (wat verskil van die weeksdagskedule) gevolg sal word op alle busroetes op hierdie openbare vakansiedag.

Vir enige navrae, skakel gerus die GO GEORGE-inbelkantoor by 0800 044 044, of besoek die GO GEORGE Facebook- of webblad ( waar alle roetes, kaarte en skedules besigtig of afgelaai kan word.

GO GEORGE passenger satisfaction higher than ever

In the photograph above George Municipal Manager, Dr Michelle Gratz, and Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk were pleased to learn about the positive results in the latest annual passenger satisfaction survey handed over to them by James Robb (far right), Public Transport Oversight Official of the George Municipality.

George se munisipale bestuurder, dr. Michelle Gratz, en uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Leon van Wyk, was bly om te verneem van die positiewe resultate in die jongste jaarlikse passasierstevredenheidsopname wat James Robb (heel regs), toesigbeampte oor openbare vervoer van die George-munisipaliteit, aan hulle oorhandig het.

The results are in: A whopping 93% of passengers are highly satisfied with the GO GEORGE service and the opportunities it provides in terms of safety, accessibility, mobility, and affordability. George residents experience GO GEORGE as a positive public transport option that contributes significantly to their environment and the economic development of the town.

This is the outcome of the latest annual passenger satisfaction survey conducted among users of GO GEORGE, special-interest groups and other stakeholders indirectly affected by the bus service.

According to Morné Lakay, GO GEORGE Manager, an all-inclusive public transport service is an essential contributor to economic growth, poverty alleviation, social integration and job creation in communities. “We need to know whether we hit the mark and find this survey the optimal tool to obtain feedback on passenger experience regarding systems operation. It helps us to understand passenger trip characteristics and how passengers plan and execute a trip.  We get an indication of passenger perceptions in terms of value for money, cost, and affordability,” Lakay said.

Feedback from passengers and special-interest groups

The survey done on behalf of GO GEORGE by research specialists in the socio-economic field aims to determine the overall socio-economic impact of GO GEORGE, including the macro-economic and transport economic impact. It was done in all the operational areas over six weeks, from 21 September 2023, Mondays to Fridays from 07:00 until 17:00. In addition to interviews with passengers, special-interest groups were also approached for insight. These included formal as well as informal businesses, forums impacted by universal accessibility such as special-needs schools and the GO GEORGE Disability Forum, and town planners – both private and municipal.

Higher scores confirm overall satisfaction

Most passenger satisfaction scores have improved from 2022, indicating that GO GEORGE successfully achieved its stated aims of providing a high-quality public transport service. The following areas obtained very high levels of satisfaction:

  • Bus stop accessibility (100%)
  • On-board bus accessibility (94,1%)
  • Safety and security at bus stops (95,8%)
  • Skilled drivers (96,4%)
  • Bus drivers are knowledgeable, courteous, friendly and helpful (94,6%)
  • Smart Card kiosk cashiers are knowledgeable, courteous, friendly and helpful (95,4%)
  • Solving Smart Card problems (94,4%)
  • Ease of understanding timetables and route maps (96,5%)
  • Reliability of services (92,9%)
  • Destination and bus stop proximity (93,7%)

“This kind of feedback is heartwarming,” commented Lakay. “The prioritisation of public transport investment is an absolute necessity. Government subsidises public transport – GO GEORGE trips included – so that nobody should have to turn away a job opportunity because they cannot afford to travel to work.”


GO GEORGE-passasierstevredenheid hoër as ooit

Die uitslae is in: ‘n Allemintige 93% van passasiers is hoogs tevrede met die GO GEORGE-diens en die geleenthede wat dit bied ten opsigte van veiligheid, toeganklikheid, beweeglikheid en bekostigbaarheid. George-inwoners ervaar GO GEORGE as ‘n positiewe openbare vervoeropsie wat beduidend bydra tot hul omgewing en die ekonomiese ontwikkeling van die dorp.

Dit is die uitkoms van die jongste jaarlikse passasierstevredenheidsopname wat gedoen is onder gebruikers van GO GEORGE, spesiale belangegroepe en ander belanghebbendes wat indirek deur die busdiens geraak word.

Volgens Morné Lakay, GO GEORGE-bestuurder, is ‘n allesomvattende openbare vervoerdiens ‘n noodsaaklike bydraer tot ekonomiese groei, armoedeverligting, maatskaplike integrasie en werkskepping in gemeenskappe. “Ons moet weet of ons ons doel bereik het en vind hierdie opname die optimale hulpmiddel om terugvoer te kry oor passasierservaring rakende die werking van stelsels. Dit help ons om passasiers se reispatrone te verstaan en hoe hulle ‘n rit beplan en uitvoer. Ons kry ‘n aanduiding van passasierspersepsies in terme van waarde vir geld, koste en bekostigbaarheid,” het Lakay gesê.

Terugvoer van passasiers en spesiale belangegroepe

Die opname wat namens GO GEORGE deur navorsingspesialiste op sosio-ekonomiese gebied gedoen is, het ten doel om die algehele sosio-ekonomiese impak van GO GEORGE, insluitend die makro-ekonomiese en vervoerekonomiese impak, te bepaal. Dit is oor ses weke in al die operasionele gebiede gedoen, van 21 September 2023, Maandae tot Vrydae van 07:00 tot 17:00. Benewens onderhoude met passasiers, is spesiale belangegroepe ook genader vir insig. Dit sluit in formele sowel as informele ondernemings, forums wat geraak word deur universele toeganklikheid soos skole met spesiale behoeftes en die GO GEORGE-gestremdheidsforum, en stadsbeplanners – privaat sowel as munisipaal.

Hoër tellings bevestig algehele tevredenheid

Die meeste passasierstevredenheidstellings het verbeter vanaf 2022, wat daarop dui dat GO GEORGE sy verklaarde doelwitte om ‘n hoëgehalte openbare vervoerdiens te lewer, suksesvol bereik het. Die volgende gebiede het baie hoë vlakke van tevredenheid getoon:

  • Toeganklikheid van bushalte (100%)
  • Toeganklikheid aan boord van busse (94,1%)
  • Veiligheid en sekuriteit by bushaltes (95,8%)
  • Vaardige bestuurders (96,4%)
  • Busbestuurders is kundig, hoflik, vriendelik en behulpsaam (94,6%)
  • Slimkaartkiosk-kassiere is kundig, hoflik, vriendelik en behulpsaam (95,4%)
  • Die oplossing van slimkaartprobleme (94,4%)
  • Gemak om roosters en roetekaarte te verstaan (96,5%)
  • Betroubaarheid van dienste (92,9%)
  • Nabyheid van bestemming en bushalte (93,7%)

“Hierdie soort terugvoer maak ons harte warm,” het Lakay gesê. “Die prioritisering van belegging in openbare vervoer is ‘n absolute noodsaaklikheid. Die regering subsidieer openbare vervoer – GO GEORGE-ritte ingesluit – sodat niemand ‘n werksgeleentheid hoef weg te wys omdat hulle nie kan bekostig om werk toe te ry nie.”