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The wide-spread upgrading of roads used by the GO GEORGE bus service has been ongoing since July 2024, impacting traffic flow and road users’ normal travel patterns. Some of these projects have been completed while others are nearing completion, with a few projected to be completed in 2026.

A list of George Integrated Public Transport Network (GIPTN) infrastructure requirements had been assessed by the National Department of Transport last year after which additional Public Transport National Grant funding of R505 million was allocated for some of the projects needed to improve and expand GO GEORGE infrastructure, and which needs to be spent within an agreed timeframe to meet Grant conditions as agreed with the National Department of Transport.

Streets earmarked for rehabilitation were selected based on physical inspections to identify areas showing critical signs of deterioration. Rehabilitation will entail reparation of severe crocodile cracking, structural failures and low points on roads where stormwater concentrates without catch pits, rightsizing of intersections, road re-alignments and kerbside improvements to conform with universal accessibility requirements.

The infrastructure upgrade projects will include the installation of new bus stops and shelters, road rehabilitation, upgrading of stops, transfer locations and sidewalks, maintenance of detour routes, traffic management and road maintenance.

Road rehabilitation (current % progress and activities on site)
Details of road closures and proposed rerouting will continuously be shared with the public, as well as progress on site in the form of current progress and indication of what activities to expect the next month.

Work in Pacaltsdorp started in September 2024, with planned construction timelines as follows:
• Mission Street: 18 October 2024 – 1 June 2026 (21% complete, box-cut, road layer works, kerbing, stormwater structures)
• Protea Street: 30 September 2024 – 26 May 2025 (42% complete, kerbing, stormwater structures, road layer works)
Heather, Haydn and Rose Streets: 25 September 2024 – 30 June 2026 (20% complete, box-cut, kerbing, road layer works, stormwater structures, exposing existing services)

The planned timelines in Thembalethu are as follows:
• Ngcakani and Ncamanza Streets: 21 October 2024 – 17 November 2025 (13% complete, box-cut, road layer works, stormwater structures, exposing existing services)
• Tabata and 26th Streets: 25 September 2024 – 18 March 2026 (42% complete, box-cut, road layer works, stormwater structures, exposing existing services)

In George Industria the planned timeline for the PW Botha Boulevard project is from 26 September 2024 to 25 July 2026. The road is closed at three sections with stop-and-go systems in place (17% complete, box-cut, kerbing, road layerworks, stormwater structures, retaining structures, exposing existing services).

Work in Rosemoor commenced in August last year with planned timelines as follows:
• Beer and Woltemade Streets: 13 August 2024 – end of June 2025 (34%, box-cut, kerbing, road layerworks, stormwater structures, relocation of existing services)
• O’Connell Street: 19 August 2024 – end of June 2025 (50%, kerbing, road layerworks, stormwater structures, relocation of existing services)

In Heather Park a small section of Airway Street has been under construction from 27 September 2024 and should be finished by 11 March 2025 (84% completion, kerbing, road layer works, road markings).

The Wellington Street intersection improvement in Bo-Dorp has been completed in February 2025.

The George Municipality apologises for the inconvenience and appeals to road users to adapt their travelling patterns (departure times, planning of trips, etc), be patient and exercise caution for the duration of the projects. Please look out for and adhere to temporary road signage and be aware of roadwork personnel, as well as heavy machinery in the proximity of construction sites.

Details of further road upgrade work will be published as may be necessary

Die wydverspreide opgradering van paaie wat deur die GO GEORGE-busdiens gebruik word, beïnvloed verkeersvloei en padgebruikers se normale reispatrone sedert Julie 2024. Sommige van hierdie projekte is voltooi terwyl ander voltooiing nader, met ‘n paar wat na verwagting in 2026 voltooi sal word.

Die Nasionale Departement van Vervoer het verlede jaar ‘n lys van die George Geïntegreerde Openbare Vervoernetwerk se infrastruktuurbehoeftes geassesseer en bykomende befondsing uit die nasionale openbarevervoerfonds bewillig vir sommige van die projekte wat nodig is om GO GEORGE-infrastruktuur te verbeter en uit te brei. Hierdie geld moet binne ’n bepaalde tydraamwerk spandeer word om te voldoen aan die befondsingsvoorwaardes soos ooreengekom met die Nasionale Departement van Vervoer.

Strate wat vir rehabilitasie geoormerk is, is gekies op grond van fisiese inspeksies om gebiede te identifiseer wat kritieke tekens van agteruitgang toon. Rehabilitasie behels die herstel van ernstige krokodilkrake, strukturele ineenstorting en lae punte op paaie waar stormwater konsentreer sonder vangputte, regstelling van grootte by kruisings, padherbelynings en verbeterings aan randstene om aan universele toeganklikheidsvereistes te voldoen.

Die infrastruktuuropgraderingsprojekte sal die installering van nuwe bushaltes en skuilings, padrehabilitasie, opgradering van bushaltes, oorklimpunte en sypaadjies, instandhouding van ompadroetes, verkeersbestuur en padinstandhouding insluit.

Besonderhede van padsluitings en voorgestelde herleiding sal deurlopend met die publiek gedeel word, asook vordering op die terrein in die vorm van huidige vordering en aanduiding van watter aktiwiteite om die volgende maand te verwag.

Werk in Pacaltsdorp het in September 2024 begin, met beplande konstruksietydlyne soos volg:
• Missionstraat: 18 Oktober 2024 – 1 Junie 2026 (21% voltooi, bokssny, padlaagwerke, randstene, stormwaterstrukture)
• Proteastraat: 30 September 2024 – 26 Mei 2025 (42% voltooi, randstene, stormwaterstrukture, padlaagwerke)
• Heather-, Haydn- en Rosestraat: 25 September 2024 – 30 Junie 2026 (20% voltooi, bokssny, randstene, padlaagwerke, stormwaterstrukture, blootlegging van bestaande dienste)
Die beplande tydlyne in Thembalethu is soos volg:
• Ngcakani- en Ncamanzastraat: 21 Oktober 2024 – 17 November 2025 (13% voltooi, bokssny, padlaagwerke, stormwaterstrukture, blootlegging van bestaande dienste)
• Tabata- en 26ste Straat: 25 September 2024 – 18 Maart 2026 (42% voltooi, bokssny, padlaagwerke, stormwaterstrukture, blootlegging van bestaande dienste)
In die George Industriële Gebied is die beplande tydlyn vir die PW Botha Boulevard-projek van 26 September 2024 tot 25 Julie 2026. Die pad is in drie gedeeltes gesluit met stop-en-ry-stelsels in plek (17% voltooi, bokssny, randstene, padlaagwerke, stormwaterstrukture, behoudstrukture, blootlegging van bestaande dienste).

Werk in Rosemoor het in Augustus verlede jaar begin met beplande tydlyne soos volg:
• Beer- en Woltemadestraat: 13 Augustus 2024 – einde Junie 2025 (34% voltooi, bokssny, randstene, padlaagwerke, stormwaterstrukture, verskuiwing van bestaande dienste)
• O’Connellstraat: 19 Augustus 2024 – einde Junie 2025 (50% voltooi, randstene, padlaagwerke, stormwaterstrukture, hervestiging van bestaande dienste)
In Heatherpark is ‘n klein gedeelte van Airwaystraat vanaf 27 September 2024 onder konstruksie en behoort teen 11 Maart 2025 voltooi te wees (84% voltooi, randstene, padlaagwerke, padmerke).

Die verbeterings aan die Wellingtonstraatkruising in Bo-Dorp is in Februarie 2025 voltooi.

Die George Munisipaliteit vra om verskoning vir die ongerief en doen steeds ‘n beroep op padgebruikers om hul reispatrone (vertrektye, beplanning van reise, ens.) aan te pas, en geduldig en versigtig te wees vir die duur van die projekte. Wees asseblief op die uitkyk vir (en gehoorsaam) tydelike konstruksieborde en neem padwerkpersoneel in ag, sowel as swaar masjinerie in die nabyheid van konstruksieterreine.

Besonderhede van verdere padopgraderingswerk sal gepubliseer word soos nodig.


The George Council has approved a proposal to lease a portion of commonage land, situated along Olympic Drive and behind Europe, to the Pacaltsdorp Riding Community (PRC) for a period of three years. The decision was taken at the Ordinary Council meeting held today, 27 February 2025.

The PRC is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) established on 15 October 2018 in response to the growing need for an organised horse-riding club within the Pacaltsdorp community. With an increasing number of horses owned by local residents, the PRC aims to provide a structured environment where these animals can be properly managed and cared for.

The organisation recognises the positive impact that horses have on both young and old members of the community. Pacaltsdorp residents have limited access to constructive recreational activities, leaving many youth vulnerable to social challenges such as drug abuse, gangsterism, and teenage pregnancy.
The PRC seeks to address this by offering a safe and engaging equestrian environment.

The key objectives of the PRC include managing and sheltering stray horses, organising horse-riding activities in a secure setting, providing facilities for feeding, grooming, and training horses for participation in official events sanctioned by the South African Horse Federation (SAHF), promoting participation in equestrian activities, developing and enhancing skills in equestrian sport and making such expertise accessible to members, and contributing to the overall development of equestrian sport in South Africa.

Additionally, the PRC is committed to coordinating horses and horse clubs within Pacaltsdorp and surrounding areas, addressing concerns from and within the community regarding horses, collaborating with authorities on horse-related complaints, identifying horses for impoundment when necessary, providing temporary shelter for lost horses, and educating members and the broader community on animal welfare.

The leased property has been earmarked for future housing projects, and as such, the lease period is subject to specific restrictions. During the three-year tenure, the PRC will have the opportunity to identify alternative land that may serve as a permanent home for its facilities.

The George Municipality remains committed to fostering community development initiatives that promote social upliftment and recreational opportunities for residents.

Caption BBS Bhutan (2025) Stray horses, another challenge for the farmers. BBS Bhutan. Available at: (Accessed: 27 February 2025)

George Municipality Intensifies Crackdown on Illegal Dumping

Law enforcement issued fines totalling R55,000

As part of the Illegal Dumping Month campaign, George Municipal Law Enforcement officials have been patrolling known illegal dumping hotspots since the beginning of February, issuing fines to offenders. By 16:00 on Monday, 24 February 2025, law enforcement had issued fines totalling R55,000 and 15 warnings to individuals caught dumping illegally. Under municipal by-laws, offenders face a R1,000 fine per violation.

“This increased enforcement aims to deter illegal dumping and support the Community Services cleaning teams, who continue clearing hotspot areas throughout the city,” said the Senior Manager for Community Safety, Lee-Anne Meiring.

Meiring furthermore commended the law enforcement team for their efforts: “This operation highlights the strong collaboration between our Law Enforcement and Cleansing teams. It demonstrates our firm commitment to curbing illegal dumping and maintaining a clean environment for all residents.”

The municipality urges residents to report illegal dumping and dispose of waste responsibly. Cleaning teams have been actively removing waste from hotspots across George, covering areas including Pacaltsdorp, Rosedale, Heatherlands, Groene Weide Park, Lawaaikamp, Borchards, Conville, Protea Park, Lavalia, Rosemoor, Kleinkrantz, Touwsranten, Wilderness, Wilderness Heights, Thembalethu, the Garden Route Mall routes, Saasveld Road, CBD, Bo-Dorp, the Garden Route Dam, and the Industrial Area.

To promote safe waste disposal, George Municipality will host a Hazardous Waste Open Day on Friday, 28 February 2025, from 08:00 to 15:00 in the Outeniqua Stadium parking area. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to safely dispose of hazardous materials, including:

• Automotive waste: Motor oil, oil filters, brake fluid, used antifreeze
• Paint & chemicals: Paint, paint thinner, turpentine, pesticides, herbicides
• Electronics & lighting: Household batteries, old TVs, electronics, fluorescent tubes, globes
• Tyres & medical waste: Tyres, needles, expired medicine, tablets

Residents are requested to bring these items in a strong box, preferably in their original labelled containers, and not to mix different types of waste. Please note that the municipality cannot accept explosives, ammunition, radioactive materials, or controlled substances.

For enquiries, please contact 044 802 2900 during office hours.

Illegal dumping is a serious health and environmental hazard, and residents are urged to dispose of waste responsibly.

Senior Manager for Environmental Services, Sivuyile Mtila, encourages residents to make use of municipal waste services: “Household waste should be bagged and placed out for collection on designated waste removal days. Builders’ rubble and bulk waste must be taken to the municipal refuse site on the R102 (airport road).”

To report illegal dumping, contact Law Enforcement at 044 801 6350 or email If you witness illegal dumping and can provide names, vehicle registration details, or addresses of those responsible—and are willing to make a statement—this will greatly assist enforcement efforts. While a photograph is not required, it will strengthen the case.

Together, we can keep George clean!

Officials issuing a fine using a hand-held fine-issuing technological device


George Municipality hosts successful Events Compliance and Support Workshop

The George Municipality successfully hosted an Events Compliance and Support Workshop on Friday 17 February, providing event organisers with essential insights into legal and compliance matters relevant to event planning and execution.

According to Melanie Martins, George Tourism Officer and organiser of the event, “this year’s Annual Events Support Conference saw strong participation, with 56 stakeholders from various event organisations and sports clubs in attendance. She said the workshop featured discussions on key topics affecting event management and compliance, with contributions from multiple municipal departments.”

Emergency Services emphasised the importance of event compliance and safety measures. Town Planning provided guidance on land-use rights for hosting events, while Parks and Gardens explained the process of obtaining permission to use municipal open spaces and beaches. Building Control clarified outdoor advertising regulations and their relevance to event promotions. The Electrotechnical Directorate covered electrical requirements and safe electricity installations for events. Environmental Services highlighted the importance of noise exemption applications and noise control.

Tourism discussed event promotion, the application processes for the 2025/2026 fiscal year, and guidelines for event posters and billboards. The Sport department provided information on municipal sports facilities and rental procedures, while Auxiliary Services explained municipal venue rental procedures. Traffic Services outlined the application process for traffic management services at events. Additionally, Legal and Compliance provided essential insights into legal requirements when partnering with George Municipality for events in 2025/2026.

The workshop also focused on event funding, marketing, and general support, equipping organisers with a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and procedures necessary for securing municipal support. The session served as a valuable platform for fostering collaboration between various stakeholders.

 Key Takeaways and Reminders

Event organisers are reminded that applications for George Municipal event support and funding, administered by George, Wilderness, and Uniondale Tourism, will close on 6 March 2025. This year, all applications must be submitted online.

In addition to municipal support, Wesgro, the promotion and development agency of the Western Cape, is also offering event support, with applications closing on 7 March 2025.

Wesgro has opened applications for its Leisure Tourism Event Partnerships, running from 17 February to 7 March 2025. This initiative allows Wesgro to collaborate with niche and smaller leisure events across the Western Cape, promoting the region’s diverse tourism experiences while driving economic impact, job creation, and combating seasonality. The focus will be on events that highlight Culture and Heritage, Active Adventure, Sustainability, Gastronomy, and Halal Tourism. Applications must be submitted online, and organisers seeking more information can contact

All event-related stakeholders are encouraged to register on the Events Database by requesting to be added via Those who were unable to attend the workshop and require guidance on compliance or support are encouraged to reach out to George, Wilderness, and Uniondale Tourism via the same email.

A significant highlight of the conference was the announcement that George recorded the highest number of accommodation check-ins among all Garden Route towns in 2024, based on top online travel agency (OTA) statistics. This figure does not include direct or trade bookings, and it underscores the central role that events played in driving tourism growth in the region.

For more information or assistance, event organisers are encouraged to reach out via

Photo: Presenters and stakeholders at the Events Compliance and Support Workshop are in front from left, Xolani Henge (Acting Manager: Auxiliary Services in Corporate Directorate), Santa Sternsdorf (Station Commander: Fire and Disaster Management), Melanie Martins (George Tourism Officer and Coordinator of the workshop), Cllr Marlene Barnardt (MMC for Planning and Development including Tourism), Sharon House (Senior Tourism Officer), Fuzisa Nomlala (Plan Examiner: Building Control) and Heloine Crowley (Tourism Officer). At the back are Johannes Labuschagne (Plan Examiner: Building Control), Eddie Koeberg (Plan Examiner: Building Control), Fickerie Toyer (Manager: Building Control), Edward Nqumse (Electrotechnical Directorate) and Leveinia Botha (Sport Department).



George Municipality’s Youth Office conducted a Career Guidance Survey on 19 February 2025 in Nature’s Valley, Kleinkrantz, to help young people explore career options and access essential services.

This survey is designed to identify individuals’ strengths, interests, and potential career paths. Through a series of questions and assessments, it gathers insights into their skills, values, and work styles. Additionally, the survey determines the type of support participants may need, such as psychosocial assistance, Home Affairs-related services, career guidance, or entrepreneurial support. By identifying these needs, the initiative connects individuals with appropriate service providers, ensuring necessary services reach their communities.

Given the transportation challenges faced by remote communities, providing services locally is essential. In the past, workshops did not always align with actual community needs. The George Municipality is committed to bridging this gap by offering free, targeted training programs and plans to extend this initiative to more rural areas.

Service providers interested in contributing are encouraged to contact Career Guidance Officer, Robyn Parks at 044 802 2000 or visit the Community Development Office at St. John’s and Varying Avenue. Collaboration is key to ensuring that support reaches those who need it most.


Pacaltsdorp Library launches Innovation Centre to empower the community

In the photo above ladies busy knitting and crocheting during the classes.

The Pacaltsdorp Library is proud to announce the launch of its new Innovation Centre, a community-driven space designed to foster creativity, learning, and connection among residents.

According to Rachel Williams, Manager: George Libraries, as part of its exciting initiatives, the Innovation Centre is offering knitting and crocheting classes every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 11:30.

“These sessions, led by skilled women from the community, are open to anyone eager to learn or improve their craft. Participants will have the opportunity to create handmade items, which will be donated to a local old age home, ensuring that their work makes a meaningful impact,” Williams said.

She said looking ahead, the Innovation Centre will introduce a reading programme for adults, set to launch in March 2025. This initiative aims to encourage literacy and lifelong learning within the community.

Residents of Pacaltsdorp are warmly invited to visit the Innovation Centre, get involved in these enriching programmes, and be part of a movement that strengthens community ties.

For more information, visit the Pacaltsdorp Library or contact 044 803 9340.


Some of the products that residents of Pacaltsdorp have finished at the Innovation Centre, Pacaltsdorp Library.


George Library Inspires Young Minds on International Day of Women and Girls in Science

In the photo: Sandile Lingani of George Library engages with students from York High School and their teacher

The George Public Library proudly celebrated International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February, reinforcing its commitment to promoting education and inclusivity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.

Library staff, led by Mr Sandile Lingane from the Reference Section, curated a series of engaging posters and displays showcasing the significant contributions of women throughout history in scientific discoveries and advancements. The interactive exhibit aimed to inspire young minds and challenge outdated perceptions about gender roles in science.

Students from York High, Curro, and Glenwood Schools visited the library and engaged with the displays, learning about pioneering women scientists and their groundbreaking work. “Recognizing the achievements of women in science is crucial in encouraging young girls to consider careers in STEM. These initiatives not only educate but also empower,” said Lingane.

The George Municipality continues to support educational initiatives that inspire and equip young people with the knowledge and confidence to pursue their aspirations. Events such as this reaffirm the library’s role as a dynamic hub of learning and community engagement.

For more information, contact George Municipality’s Library Services at 044 801 9288.Malibongwe Luyenge Senior Librarian with Glenwood pupil and teacher.

George Municipality expands Safer City Initiative with new high mast lighting in George

In the photo above switching on the high mast light in George Industria are from left Stiaan Adams from Clickscales Maughan-Brown Consulting Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Mayor Jackie von Brandis, Cllr Donovan Gultig, MMC for Electrotechnical Services, Cllr Brendon Adams, Ward Councillor for Ward 17 and MMC for Community Safety, Johan Stander from MDL Engineering, Edward Nqumse from Electrotechnical Services and Thomas Scheepers from Electrotechnical Services.

As part of the ongoing Safer City Initiative, Mayor Jackie von Brandis officially launched the installation of two high mast lights in Geoge Industria as part of Ward 17 and one in Rosedale.  The initiative, spearheaded by the municipality’s Electrotechnical Directorate, aims to enhance security and reduce crime in key areas.

Mayor Jackie von Brandis said, “These high mast lights serve as a crucial crime deterrent, improving visibility and allowing for better monitoring of cable theft and vandalism.”

“With an effective lighting radius of approximately 50 to 60 meters, they significantly enhance community safety and security.”

Funded through the George Municipality’s capital budget for the 2024/2025 financial year, the installations address longstanding concerns from residents regarding vandalised streetlights and cable theft. The new lighting system not only improves safety but also reduces ongoing maintenance costs.

Cllr Donovan Gultig, MMC for Electrotechnical Services, highlighted that two high mast lights were switched on in George Industria and Rosedale, forming part of the 21 installations completed in the past financial year. “George now has a total of 54 high mast lights, with an additional two in Uniondale. This project represents an investment of over R10 million,” he stated.

The project was carried out with expertise from Clickscales Maughan-Brown Consulting Mechanical and Electrical Engineers (consulting engineers) and MDL Engineering (contractor).

George Municipality Intensifies Clean-Up Efforts During “Illegal Dumping Month”

In the photo from left: Hadley Booysen (Peer Educator), Monica Mnyamana (Coordinator), Shafika Biel (EPWP – General Worker), Karin Stoffels (Project Co-Ordinator: Street Cleansing), Councillor Marchell Kleynhans (MMC for Parks, Refuse and Environmental Services), Henrico Gertze (EPWP General Worker and the Garden Route District Municipality’s mascot, Rocky, the Recycling Rooster), Alfonso Delarey (EPWP General Worker), Anelisa Yani (Environmental Health Practitioner), Louw-Anne Lourens (EPWP General Worker), Rivaldo Roelfse (Peer Educator) and Ceavan Booi (Peer Educator).

The George Municipality’s Cleaning Teams continue their dedicated efforts to maintain cleanliness across all wards by picking up litter, sweeping streets, and educating the public. February has been declared Illegal Dumping Month, with a special focus on eradicating illegal waste disposal.

Director of Community Services, Mr. Dawie Adonis, confirmed that cleaning teams have been deployed across George to clean various areas. “From 3 to 7 February 2025, our teams collected a total of 5,471 brown bags of refuse across multiple areas,” said Adonis. “Additionally, we transported and disposed of 3728 cubes of illegally dumped waste at the Gwaing Landfill Site during this period,” said Adonis.

“We covered Pacaltsdorp, Rosedale, Heatherlands, Groene Weide Park, Lawaaikamp, Borchards, Conville, Protea Park, Lavalia, Rosemoor, Kleinkrantz, Touwsranten, Wilderness, Wilderness Heights, Thembalethu, the Garden Route Mall routes, Saasveld Road, CBD, Bo-Dorp, the Garden Route Dam, and the Industrial Area,” Adonis added.

Ongoing Cleaning Operations

Before and After – teams have been deployed across George to clean various areas

In addition to routine street-cleaning efforts, municipal teams have undertaken various operations to enhance public spaces and combat illegal dumping:
• Street sweeping & litter collection – Roads in the CBD were cleaned over the weekends, with continued cleansing efforts in residential areas and key public spaces.
• Dumpsite rehabilitation – Soil backfilling was carried out at identified dumping sites, along with beautification projects to discourage future dumping.
• Roadside maintenance – Entrances and exits to George were cleaned, and regular maintenance was conducted along the N2.
• Community spaces & beach cleaning – Litter was collected in parks and open spaces, public ablution blocks were cleaned, and coastal areas were maintained.

MMC for Parks, Refuse, and Environmental Services, Cllr Marcell Kleynhans, emphasized the importance of community involvement. “Illegal dumping is not just an eyesore—it poses serious health risks to our communities. While the municipality continues to clear recurring dumping sites, we also urge residents to take responsibility and help maintain a cleaner environment,” said Kleynhans.

As part of the ongoing awareness campaign on illegal dumping, the Garden Route District Municipality’s mascot, Rocky the Recycling Rooster, made special appearances at illegal dumping hotspots. His presence helped to engage residents, especially children, in conversations about responsible waste disposal and the importance of recycling.

Report Illegal Dumping

Our teams collected a total of 5,471 brown bags of refuse across multiple areas

Residents can play a crucial role in combating illegal dumping by ensuring waste is disposed of correctly.
• Household waste should be properly bagged and placed out for collection on designated waste removal days.
• Builders’ rubble and bulk waste should be taken to the municipal refuse site on the R102 (airport road).
• Report illegal dumping to the Community Services Directorate at 044 802 2900 (for site clearance).
• For law enforcement assistance, call 044 801 6350 or email

If you have information on illegal dumping—including names, vehicle registration details, or addresses—and are willing to make a statement, this will greatly assist enforcement efforts. A photograph is not required but will strengthen the case. Together, we can keep George clean!


From left: Karin Stoffels (Project Co-Ordinator: Street Cleansing), Councillor Marchell Kleynhans (MMC for Parks, Refuse and Environmental Services), Anelisa Yani (Environmental Health Practitioner), and Gavin Esau (Project Coordinator: Community Services).

George Municipality’s Community Development Section outreach during National HIV Testing

In above photo Zinzi Simawuse, Sesethu Sakathi and Thabisa Xokozela assist the public at the stall.

In support of National HIV Testing Week (February 3-7, 2025) and STI/Condom Week (February 10-16, 2025), the George Municipality’s Community Development Section conducted outreach programs in the communities of Borcherds and Metrogrounds last week.

As part of this initiative, residents received free condom packs and vital health and social development information to promote safe practices and encourage regular HIV testing. The campaign aimed to raise awareness, empower individuals to take charge of their well-being, and reduce the stigma around HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Community members are encouraged to participate in these efforts to stay informed and prioritise their health.



Sophia Fanelo, Manager: Community Development, assists one of the community members at Metrogrounds with information regarding National HIV Testing Week.

Member of the community of Metrogrounds came to the stall of Community Development services’ stall that they had last week during the National HIV Testing Week .

Jayme September speaks to members from the community at Metrogrounds during their outreach in National HIV Testing Week.

Officials from George Municipality did walkabouts from door to door at the Metrogrounds area to inform people about HIV testing and related information.

Heropening van die Ou Klipgebou in Pacaltsdorp vir bejaardes en gemeenskapsgebruik

In die foto hierbo is burgemeester Jackie von Brandis, raadslede en lede van die gemeenskap knip die lint om die gebou oop te verklaar vir die gemeenskap.

Die Uitvoerende Burgemeester van George, Rdd. Jackie von Brandis, het Vrydag die historiese Ou Klipgebou in Missionweg, Pacaltsdorp tydens ‘n seremonie amptelik heropen vir die gebruik van die bejaardes van Pacaltsdorp, die plaaslike sakevereniging en die Creative Community Development Project (CCDP).

Met die opening het Von Brandis benadruk hoe belangrik dit is om gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid te bevorder. Sy het simbolies ‘n groen uitrusting gedra, en die ruikers by die seremonie het haar herinner aan stingels wat blomme ondersteun – ‘n metafoor vir ‘n sterk regering wat sy mense dra. Sy het die rol van die plaaslike raadslede uitgelig en beklemtoon hoe hulle haar vroeër versoek het om ‘n oplossing te vind vir die benutting van die Ou Klipgebou, wat nou terugbesorg is aan die bejaardes van Pacaltsdorp.

Die George Munisipaliteit het besluit om die gebou vir ‘n periode van 9 jaar en 11 maande beskikbaar te stel aan die bejaardes onder leiding van Maria Kissen, voorsitter van die CCDP. Die Pacaltsdorp Community Business Association (PCBA), onder leiding van Luwayda Trantraal, sal ook die fasiliteit benut.

Von Brandis het in haar toespraak die munisipale amptenare geloof vir hul harde werk en die gemeenskap bedank vir hul insette. “Dankie aan al die senior burgers wat saam met ons hande vat. Julle kennis en geskiedenis is van onskatbare waarde, en ek hoop dit word oorgedra na die volgende generasies,” het sy gesê. Sy het die gemeenskap ook aangemoedig om rentmeesterskap van die gebou te neem en dit te beskerm.

Luwayda Trantraal het namens die PCBA gesê dat hulle uitsien na samewerking en reeds projekte saam aangepak het. Maria Kissen het hulde gebring aan die oorlede Sandra Tait en beklemtoon hoe die Jafta-familie ‘n belangrike rol in die gemeenskap gespeel het. Blanche Benjamin van die Erfenistrust het die raad bedank vir die terugbesorging van die gebou aan die bejaardes en die erfeniswaarde daarvan beklemtoon.

Die Ou Klipgebou, geleë op Erf 8536 Pacaltsdorp, het ‘n ryk geskiedenis. Dit is gebou in die vroeë 1980’s en het gedien as ‘n inligtingskantoor. Later is dit verhuur aan die Pacaltsdorp Dienssentrum vir Bejaarde Persone, maar na die Covid-19-pandemie in 2020 moes die sentrum sy deure sluit. Sedertdien het die gebou leeg gestaan totdat die huidige besluit geneem is om dit vir gemeenskapsgebruik te heropen.

Die program is gelei deur Rdl. Melvin Roelfse, Burgemeesterskomiteelid vir Gemeenskapsontwikkeling, terwyl Rdl. Marchell Kleynhans, Burgemeesterskomiteelid vir Gemeenskapsdienste, die bedankings gedoen het. Pastoor Allen Spies het die seremonie met ‘n boodskap uit die skrif geopen, en na afloop van die geleentheid is die bejaardes bederf met versnapperings.


Luwayda Trantraal, voorsitter van die Pacaltsdorp Community Business Association (PCBA)gedurende haar spreekbeurt by die openingseremonie.

Maria Kissen, voorsitter van die Creative Community Development Project (CCDP) spreek die gehoor toe by die seremonie.

Alice Jafta, suster van die afgestorwe, Sandra Tait, wat baanbrekerswerk gedoen het vir die opheffing van die bejaardes van Pacaltsdorp, het ‘n kers aansteek om hulde te bring aan Sandra.

Burgemeester Jackie von Brandis, raadslede en lede van die gemeenskap knip die lint om die gebou oop te verklaar vir die gemeenskap.

Blanche Benjamin van die Erfenistrust het oor die belangrikheid van die erfenis van die perseel gedeel.

Marchell Kleynhans het die bedankings gedoen by die seremonie.

Rdl Melvin Roelfse was die programleier vir die seremonie.

Rosemoor Tartan Track Nears Completion

Rosemoor Stadium – A community sports hub to transform it into a world-class venue

The highly anticipated Rosemoor Synthetic Athletics track, funded through the Integrated Urban Development Grant (IUDG), is nearing completion. The track itself has been successfully constructed on schedule and within the allocated budget of R40.59 million. Construction began in May 2024, with practical completion of the track achieved in January 2025. The official site handover is set for March 2025.

While the track is complete, finishing touches—including the crowd control fence, steel structure pavilions, and minor masonry work—will be finalized over the next six weeks, subject to supply chain timelines and weather conditions.

Meanwhile, the George Municipality is actively engaging stakeholders regarding the grand opening of the facility, ensuring an inclusive and celebratory launch for this historic milestone. In partnership with Athletics SWD, the Municipality will soon announce the official opening date and unveiling plans.

The multi-million-rand upgrade of the Rosemoor Stadium, a key community sports hub, will eventually transform it into a world-class venue with the completion of future phases, subject to the availability of adequate funding. The new Synthetic Track will be a Class 2 athletic facility in terms of World Athletics Criteria, ensuring athletes’ times and achievements are officially recognized. This significant investment is expected to elevate the region’s sports infrastructure, drive athletics development, and encourage greater participation in the sport.

Upon completion, the state-of-the-art Rosemoor Stadium will be fully equipped to host regional and national events —boosting the local economy and positioning George as a key player in sports tourism.

The Rosemoor Stadium will be fully equipped to host major athletics events.


George Municipality Communication Team Wins SALGA Award for Social Media Excellence

In the photo: Front row (from left) is Ald. Jackie von Brandis (Executive Mayor of George) and Godfrey Louw (Acting Municipal Manager).
Back row (from left): Chantel Edwards (Communication Manager), Nadine May (Social Media Officer), Debra Sauer (Communication Officer), and Ntobeko Mangwengqwe (Senior Communication Officer).

The George Municipality Communication Team has been recognized as the most active local municipality on social media in South Africa, receiving an award at the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) National Communicators’ Awards. The award was accepted by George Municipality’s Senior Communications Officer, Ntobeko Mangqwengqwe, at a ceremony in Jeffrey’s Bay on 10 February 2025.

This achievement highlights the municipality’s commitment to keeping the community informed and engaged through effective communication strategies. The team’s approach to digital engagement ensures timely and transparent communication on key municipal matters.

The Executive Mayor of George, Ald Jackie von Brandis, congratulated the George Municipality’s Communication Team for this achievement: “This is great servanthood from our team. Digital and social media are among the most effective communication tools today, allowing for fast message delivery and two-way engagement with communities. Excelling in this communication technique contributes greatly to the excellent service delivery that the George Municipality strives for. We are proud of our Communication Team—well done!”

Mangqwengqwe also delivered a presentation on crisis communication, sharing lessons from the municipality’s handling of major incidents, including the Victoria Street building collapse in 2024. He emphasized the importance of collaboration with the private sector, media, and key stakeholders in managing crises.

Additionally, Mangqwengqwe participated in a panel discussion on strengthening crisis communications and building resilience in disaster management. His contributions provided insights into the role of local government in ensuring clear and accurate information flow during emergencies.

George Municipality remains committed to high communication standards and will continue using digital platforms to serve residents efficiently. This award recognizes the team’s efforts in engaging the public and improving service delivery through transparent communication.


Ntobeko Mangwengqwe, Senior Communications Official for George (right), receives an award from SALGA Chief of Operations, Lance Joel (left).


The George Municipality urges all operators within the George Municipal precinct to complete their registration before the new deadline.
For detailed information on how to apply for a business licence and the specific requirements for spaza shops, please visit the following link:
👉 Licensing Information for Spaza Shops and Food Premises

MEDIA RELEASE -Issued by GCIS on behalf of the NATJOINTS, 12 February 2025

On 18 December 2024, President Cyril Ramaphosa decided to extend the registration period deadline for all Spaza Shops and other food handling outlets to 28 February 2025. In this regard and as from today, Wednesday, 12 February 2025, Spaza Shop owners and other food handling facilities are left with exactly thirteen (13) days to register their businesses.

The registration is open on business days only and excludes public holidays and weekends. Business owners who are eligible to register for this purpose are urged to visit their registration centres in their respective municipalities. The list of the registration centres and centre managers is attached as Annexure A.

The end of the registration period, on the 28 February 2025, does not in any way suggest that the foodborne illness challenges have been fully addressed as more work still needs to be done to ensure that this sector is fully regulated and that it adheres to applicable legislation and health regulations.

A lot still needs to be done in the value chain of business registration and compliance processes. This includes a sustained campaign on multi-disciplinary enforcement interventions, continued awareness campaigns, support and training for business owners, regular sustainable nationwide cleanup campaigns to deal with the challenges of waste management across the country.

It is worth mentioning once again that business owners must adhere to all the applicable legal requirements relating to the registration and ownership of a business in South Africa – compliance is not a once off matter upon registration but rather continuous throughout the life cycle of the business. In addition to the requirements prescribed in the Businesses Act 71 of 1971, and municipal by-laws related to conducting a business, business owners must comply with the requirements of the Immigration Act, 2002 (Act No. 13 of 2002) (Immigration Act) as administered by the Department of Home Affairs.

During the initial period of the registration cycle, it has come to our attention that there are concerning incidents of fronting by illegal foreign nationals and in most instances aided by local business owners, landlords and ordinary members of the public.

It must be emphasised that this practice is a punishable criminal offence in terms of section 42 of the Immigration Act. Section 42 of the Immigration Act prohibits anyone, South African or foreigners from aiding, assisting and abetting illegal foreigners in any way, including registering a business on their behalf.

Foreigners who are legally in the country either through a valid asylum, visa or permanent resident status are also obliged to abide by the terms and conditions of their status in terms of the Immigration Act.

Government will continue to monitor this phenomenon as the deadline for registration looms and anyone who is found to be in contravention of the legal requirements will be subjected to the full might of the law this may include the possibility of closure of business.

Eligible business owners must take note that registration alone does not mean that a business is eligible to trade. To obtain a licence or a permit to trade in food handling, business owners must also comply with all health regulations and municipal by-laws related to conducting such a business.

As mentioned previously, there will be zero tolerance for non-compliance with health, environmental and food handling regulations and other requirements, even as we allow time for others to first register their applications and secondly have their final business licenses issued.

The message is therefore clear and simple, where a business does not comply with health, environmental and food handling regulations and other requirements, they will not be allowed to trade. This will apply for both registered and non-registered businesses.

The previous period has proven that our multi-disciplinary response to the food-borne illness outbreak has helped us to curb the immediate threat and has strengthened our focus on addressing the challenges and gaps in the legal and regulatory framework environment. Fostering a whole of society approach, we can build a safer, healthier, environmentally friendlier and more equitable food ecosystem for all South Africans.

These multi-disciplinary enforcement interventions will continue to be undertaken by our Law Enforcement Agencies and Environmental Health Inspectors on both registered and unregistered establishments in terms of the existing legal and regulatory framework. These interventions help ensure that areas where such businesses are conducted are free from the use of harmful, hazardous and  dangerous pesticides including other banned chemicals.

As part of government’s response to curb foodborne illnesses, the President also announced a National Cleanup Campaign initiative which would ensure that waste is managed in a safe and secure manner. It has been observed that poor waste management practices create conditions for infestation of rodents, cockroaches and other illness carrying pests which necessitate the increased   use of harmful restricted or banned chemicals and pesticides.

In his statement, the President made a clarion call to all the municipalities to improve their capacity to deliver waste management services and ensure waste collection service is provided to all households.

This call extends to all South Africans to play their part in ensuring that we properly dispose of waste and foster a culture of cleanliness in our neighbourhoods.  Everyone can play their part by working together to clear litter and rubble that threatens our efforts to build a healthy South Africa.

Since this announcement, stakeholders in the waste collection business from both government and private sector have been collaborating to develop sustainable national cleanup campaigns and eco system. The program is aimed at fixing the regulatory environment in waste collection services but also to foster a culture of behavioural change in as far as environmental health and cleanliness is concerned.

Various municipalities and members of the public have since engaged in localized clean-up campaigns thus raising awareness about the challenges of illegal dumping and littering in our various communities.

In the coming weeks, the President will personally participate in a National Cleanup Campaign initiative to be announced shortly. He has made a commitment to make this a regular, consistent and sustainable national cleanup program as opposed to a once off event.

In the previous registration period, it has also been observed that some of the Spaza Shop owners and food handlers did not have adequate information and knowledge regarding issues of compliance with health and safety requirements for running a business.

This is also true regarding compliance with municipal by-laws and other requirements regarding the registration of their business establishments. In this regard, government has put together a training and support program to assist all eligible owners to comply with these requirements.

The Department of Small Business Development, in partnership with other government entities in the business development and support environment, have been conducting training sessions to empower   small businesses with knowledge and information required in the sector. This program will continue beyond the deadline of the 28 February 2025 to ensure that business owners comply with the legal and regulatory requirements. You can contact Sedfa at +086 010 3703 or 012 748 9600 for more details of training taking place in your area or support offered to small business.

As government continues to implement the interventions that were announced by the President, to deal with the challenges of foodborne illnesses, it is important to emphasize the food handling and safety awareness messages both in the households and at the school environment.

Harmful restricted or banned chemicals and pesticides like Terbufos and Aldicarb (Galephirimi) are strictly prohibited in the household environment.   Parents, schools and care givers must ensure that our children are kept safe and healthy from contaminated food products.

The government wishes to thank all those who have taken the time to register their businesses and urge those who are still to register to do so urgently as this is an important step in ensuring that these businesses uphold dignity, protect the human lives of the public they serve in which they derive their livelihoods from.


George Municipality Establishes LGBTQI Forum

The George Municipality Community Development division successfully convened a meeting on 5 February 2025 with key stakeholders and Human Rights Implement partners to establish the George Municipality LGBTQI Forum.

The well-attended gathering brought together representatives from NGOs, government departments, the private sector, and civil society to advance LGBTQI rights and inclusivity in the region. A significant milestone of the meeting was the election of the forum’s executive committee, which will oversee and coordinate efforts to ensure that organizations remain accountable and committed to creating inclusive environments. The elected leadership is as follows Chairperson, Bernelee Wonderlik, Vice-Chairpersons Jasmine Malimayovha and Angelique Vazasie and Secretary, Khanyisile Fortuin.

The newly established LGBTQI Forum will focus on policy review, inclusivity advocacy, and fostering a culture of acceptance and tolerance. Through this forum, the LGBTQI Help Desk aims to strengthen collaboration between stakeholders and drive impactful initiatives that promote and safeguard LGBTQI rights. The meeting was attended by representatives from the following departments and organizations Department of Correctional Services, Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of Employment and Labour, Nelson Mandela University (George Branch), Nedbank LTD, S.H.E. (Social, Health and Empowerment Feminist Collective of Transgender Women of Africa), Legally You and George Municipality.

The George Municipality LGBTQI Help Desk remains committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for the LGBTQI community. The establishment of the LGBTQI Forum marks a significant step towards achieving this goal and ensuring sustainable progress in LGBTQI advocacy within the municipality.

For further information, please contact:

Khanyisile Fortuin, LGBTQI Help Desk Coordinator – George Municipality & District Sector Leader LGBTQI Sector


From left Alex Hendry (Coordinator), Jasmine Malimayovha (Vice-Chairperson), Bernelee Wonderlik (Chairperson), ,Angelique Vazasie (2nd Vice-Chairperson), Khanyisile Fortuin (Secretary).

From left back Vincent Muller (Department Correctional Services), Nina Abrahams (DCS), Melany Martuinis and Wilhelmina Fortuin (DOH), Carin-Leigh Stoffels (SHE), Smamkele Pindani (NMU), Zinzi Simawuse (EPWP Intern), Thandabantu Ndamase (WCED), Sulette Cronje (DEL), Ayanda Mjojubana (Nedbank LTD).


George, South Africa – A dynamic new expo, set to become the Garden Route’s premier platform for tourism industry players, will take place from 27 February to 02 March 2025 at Garden Route Mall.

In another successful public-private sector collaboration, George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism is proud to partner with the Garden Route Mall to create an affordable and high-visibility opportunity for local tourism stakeholders to showcase their unique offerings. This partnership underscores the power of collaboration in boosting local tourism, fostering economic growth, and strengthening community ties.

The aptly named E.T.A. Expo is a clever play on the travel term Estimated Time of Arrival while also representing its core focus areas: Events, Tourism, and Activities. This event is designed to shine a spotlight on the incredible tourism experiences available in the region, giving businesses the chance to market themselves effectively in a bustling, high-footfall environment.

To maximize this opportunity, George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism has secured a large exhibition space, offering a complimentary platform for registered local activity providers to promote their experiences. This initiative is particularly valuable for small tourism businesses that deliver world-class experiences but may lack the resources for extensive marketing.”Many of our tourism operators wear multiple hats in their businesses, making it challenging to promote themselves widely,” says Joan Shaw, Tourism Manager for George, Wilderness and Uniondale. “The E.T.A. Expo is a fantastic opportunity for them to engage directly with the public, connect with potential partners, and grow their visibility in a supportive environment.”

Residents are encouraged to explore the expo to discover the wealth of activities available right in their own backyard. Whether it’s for weekend adventures or sharing recommendations with visiting friends and family, the expo is a chance to celebrate the best of what George, Wilderness, and Uniondale has to offer.

With additional exhibitor spaces filling up fast, Sonja Anderson, Sales and Events Coordinator at Garden Route Mall, urges businesses to secure their spot before the 21 February deadline. “This is an incredible opportunity to showcase your offerings to thousands of potential customers while also networking with industry peers who could become valuable collaborators,” says Anderson.

This event is yet another example of how the public and private sectors can work together to strengthen tourism, support small businesses, and enhance visitor experiences in the Garden Route.

For new or existing tourism stakeholders interested in registering with the official tourism bureau of George Municipality – George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism, contact:
Joan Shaw, Tourism Manager

For more information about tourism in George, Wilderness, and Uniondale, go to

Newly elected Deputy Mayor Browen Johnson

Cllr Browen Johnson has been nominated and voted in as the new Executive Deputy Mayor by a Special Council, 7 February 2025.

Cllr Browen Johnson expressed his gratitude stating, “I am honoured and excited to serve as the Executive Deputy Mayor for George. I look forward to working with my fellow councillors, the Mayor, and our community to continue the work of building a strong, vibrant, and inclusive George.”

Photographed shortly after receiving the honour, Deputy Mayor Browen Johnson is joined by his wife Lucille Johnson and Executive Mayor Jackie von Brandis.

George Municipality Launches Illegal Dumping Awareness Month

In the photo: The George Municipality officially launched Illegal Dumping Awareness Month in Cane Street, Rosedale

The George Municipality officially launched Illegal Dumping Awareness Month in Cane Street, Rosedale (Pacaltsdorp area) on Monday, 3 February 2025. Executive Mayor Ald Jackie von Brandis kicked off the campaign at one of the identified illegal dumping hotspots, reinforcing the Municipality’s commitment to addressing this ongoing challenge.

Throughout February, the Community Services Directorate will lead a dedicated effort to clean and rehabilitate illegal dumping sites while raising awareness of the environmental and health risks associated with illegal dumping through targeted education campaigns.

Mayor von Brandis emphasized the importance of community involvement: “We launched this campaign to drive meaningful change in our communities. To tackle this issue, we have employed Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) workers to help clean illegal dumping hotspots. However, illegal dumping drains valuable resources and funds that could have been used for community improvements. It is not a job creation opportunity—we urge residents to take ownership of their surroundings and protect these spaces, which could be transformed into parks and recreational areas for our children. Let’s all act responsibly and dispose of waste properly. I also commend the Community Services Department for leading this initiative and wish them success throughout the month.”

The Director of Community Services, Mr Dawie Adonis, announced that R16.34 million has been allocated to the campaign to ensure its sustainability. “This funding covers street cleansing, refuse removal, hiring ward-based coordinators, and running education and awareness campaigns. Our goal is to create long-term change by addressing both the behavioural and systemic factors contributing to illegal dumping.”

Welcoming attendees at the launch, MMC for Community Services, Marchell Kleynhans, stressed the importance of public involvement: “Illegal dumping is not just an environmental problem—it’s a community issue. Sustainable enforcement, coupled with community involvement, is key to the campaign’s success. We need every resident to take responsibility and work towards a cleaner George.”

The campaign will see the municipal area divided into 12 blocks, with 14 coordinators and 310 EPWP workers deployed across George communities. A comprehensive communication strategy—including news articles, radio interviews, advertisements, social media engagement, and educational material distribution—will support the initiative.

Ward 14 Councillor and MMC for Community Development, Melvin Roelse, delivered the vote of thanks, highlighting the far-reaching effects of illegal dumping:

“Illegal dumping negatively impacts public health, the environment, and the overall cleanliness of our city. We urge all residents, businesses, and community groups to join us in this crucial effort. Let’s work together to keep George clean and beautiful—say NO to illegal dumping!”

Watch Executive Mayor Jackie von Brandis during the launch:

Mayor Jackie von Brandis emphasized the importance of community involvement
The Community Services Directorate will lead the campaign to clean and rehabilitate illegal dumping sites
Illegal dumping drains valuable resources and funds that could have been used for community improvements

George’s Festive Season Success: Tourism Wrap-Up

In the photo, George, Wilderness, and Uniondale Tourism interns Viwe Zokufa and Benicia Bergstedt running a tourism info activation at Redberry Farm in December 2024.

George experienced a festive season filled with vibrant events, strong visitor engagement, and remarkable revenue growth in the tourism sector. Extended operating hours, strategic activations, and collaborative partnerships ensured a seamless experience for both domestic and international tourists.

Joan Shaw, Tourism Manager at George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism, remarked, “This festive season exceeded our expectations, reflecting the unwavering appeal of our region and the dedicated efforts of our tourism teams and partners. From bustling markets to full visitor activations, George and its surrounds once again proved to be a premier destination.”

Enhanced Visitor Engagement
To meet the increased demand, the George, Wilderness, and Uniondale Visitor Information Centres extended operating hours during the festive season, providing in-person assistance, maps, brochures, and digital resources. Key statistics include 272 enquiries recorded across centres, with top interest categories about activities and attractions, accommodation, as well as picking up maps and brochures. Promotional materials like the “60+ Things to Do” brochures and maps were distributed widely at accommodations and attractions. A permanent display has also been implemented at the Outeniqua Powervan check-in point, reinforcing the region’s offerings.

Dynamic Activations Across the Region
Tourism activations ran every Saturday at the Outeniqua Family Market (14 December–11 January) and at major events such as the WeBuyCars George Tens, as well as popular attraction Redberry Farm. Visitors had access to brochures, maps, and interactive activities, including a ‘win and spin’ prize wheel.

A Season of Events
The festive calendar was packed with highlights, including:
• Christmas Markets: Boerevintage Market, The Market at the Transnet Transport Museum, and the Outeniqua Christmas Market at the George Museum.
• Holiday Events: Carols by Candlelight at Redberry Farm and the Garden Route Botanical Garden, as well as Uncle George’s Kids’ Christmas Parties and Heartbeat Gospel Sunday.
• Live Music: Performances at Bush Lapa and Fancourt featured top South African artists, including Bok van Blerk and Matthew Mole.
• Sports Events: WeBuyCars George Tens, Finovo Jakkalberry Extreme Gravel/MTB Race, Fancourt 10km Run, Redberry Farm Charity Trail Run, and December Discing.

Occupancy and Revenue Performance
Metrics were gleaned from aggregated data on leading Online Travel Agent (OTA) platforms. This information excludes direct bookings, tourism trade bookings, as well as bookings made on other popular OTA channels not included in the dataset. It, therefore, provides a ‘yardstick’ of what took place at the destination.

Occupancy rates from 11 December 2024 to 12 January 2025 averaged 71%, peaking at 88% on 28 December. Occupancies started climbing from 13 December, with 80% highs from December 24th until January 2nd. From January 12th, occupancies tapered off, dropping to the 40%’s. The ADR shows strong rate performance, increasing by R621,63. The biggest number of check-ins took place in week 50 (1,516 check-ins) and 51 (1,424 check-ins) of the year for 2024, and week 1 of 2025 also showed strong performance (1,403 check-ins).

Festive season key figures include:
• Average occupancy: 71% (1% decrease from the previous season)
• Average daily rate: R2,537.70 (32% increase from the previous season)
• 0-21 Day booking window: The 0–21-day window is a significant number of bookings, illustrating an opportunity for accommodation to capitalise on last minute bookers.
o December: 41%
o January (up until 20 January 2025): 54%

While some January averages are still pending on the aggregated statistics platform, December metrics offer valuable insights:
• December revenue: R51.7 million (28% growth year-on-year)
• Average length of stay: 3.5 days (dropping by half a day from 2023)
• Number of check-ins: 6,086 (897 more than the previous year). The only Garden Route town to exceed George’s number of check-ins was Knysna, with 7,146. Following on George’s heels, Plettenberg Bay had 4,926, Mossel Bay 3,946 and Oudtshoorn 3,030.
• Visitor Insights: Domestic tourists dominated (56%), with a strong international presence (44%). Top source markets included:
o South Africa: Cape Town (41%), Johannesburg (19%)
o International: Germany (15%), UK (7%), USA (6%)

Local Tourism Sector Highlights Mixed Performance
A survey of 18 restaurants revealed that 11 performed better than the previous year, with all Wilderness establishments reporting growth. In contrast, George restaurants faced challenges, citing more conservative customer spending, particularly on wine and liquor. Several new restaurants also opened in the George area in December.

Activity and tour operators fared well overall, with 11 out of 14 reporting improved results. The Outeniqua Powervan saw an unprecedented demand, requiring additional trips to accommodate early bookings. The Wilderness section of the Garden Route National Park also had a standout season, with visitor numbers expected to surpass pre-pandemic levels. However, some operators observed tighter budgets among visitors, affecting additional revenue streams.

For more information on George and its greater area, go to: 🌐

Visitor engagement…Key statistics include 272 enquiries recorded across centres, with top interest categories about activities and attractions, accommodation, as well as picking up maps and brochures.
George, Wilderness, and Uniondale Tourism interns Viwe Zokufa and Benicia Bergstedt running a tourism info activation at Redberry Farm in December 2024.

George Municipality Appoints Michael Rhode as New Director for Electrotechnical Services

George Municipality Appoints Michael Rhode as New Director for Electrotechnical Services

George Municipality is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael J Rhode as the new Director for Electrotechnical Services, effective 1 January 2025. With over 20 years of experience in managing electrical distribution and energy engineering operations within utility environments in Local Government, Michael brings a wealth of expertise to the role. He also possesses experience in water, sewerage, roads, stormwater engineering, and waste management.

Michael has worked in various municipalities across the Western Cape. Before joining George Municipality, he served as the Director of Technical Services at Knysna Municipality from June 2013 to December 2024. During his tenure, he managed the Technical Services Directorate, overseeing water, sewerage, roads, stormwater, traffic, and facilities engineering activities. He was also instrumental in dealing with the Knysna fire disaster during his tenure there

His extensive experience includes similar roles at the City of Cape Town, Drakenstein, Stellenbosch and Bitou municipalities. Michael is no stranger to George Municipality, having previously served as the Director of Electrical Engineering Services from 2003 to 2007.

Michael’s expertise is backed by a B. Eng (Elec) degree from Stellenbosch University. His diverse skill set and leadership experience position him as a key asset in advancing George Municipality’s electrotechnical infrastructure development and service delivery goals.

The Municipality extends its warmest welcome to Michael J Rhode and looks forward to his contributions to the community.