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Road upgrades impacting GO GEORGE bus service

The next phase of municipal road upgrades in George impacting the GO GEORGE bus service will commence on Monday 24 August 2020. This resurfacing of Knysna Road between Fourth Street and Mandela Road as well as the intersection at Pine Lodge comprises an asphalt wearing course placed over all four lanes and is expected to be done by the first week of October.

As work will be done one lane at a time, no rerouting is expected. However, due to slower one-lane traffic in this area, delays should be expected all over the system and especially routes servicing the eastern parts of town. Passengers are advised to allow more time for their bus trips during this time, especially during peak hours.

Bus stops temporarily closed
Affected bus stops on the lane under construction will be closed for short periods at a time and temporary stops will be erected in close proximity for passengers’ convenience. The two bus stops in Knysna Road which will be affected intermittently are 709 Fourth B in front of PnP, in the direction towards the Garden Route Mall from the CBD, and 706 Saasveld, in the direction towards the CBD from the Garden Route Mall. Posters informing passengers about the situation are being erected at these stops.

GO GEORGE apologises for the inconvenience and appeals to road users to be patient and exercise caution near roadworks and bus stops.


Die volgende fase van munisipale padopgraderings in George wat ‘n uitwerking op die GO GEORGE-busdiens sal hê, begin op Maandag 24 Augustus 2020. Hierdie werk aan die padoppervlak tussen Vierdestraat en Mandelaweg asook die kruising by Pine Lodge in Knysnaweg behels ’n asfalt-sluitlaag bo-oor al vier bane en sal na verwagting teen die eerste week in Oktober voltooi wees.
Aangesien die werk in een laan op ’n keer gedoen sal word, word geen herleiding van roetes verwag nie. Weens stadiger enkelbaan-verkeer moet vertragings egter te wagte wees oor die hele stelsel en veral op roetes wat die oostelike dele van die dorp bedien. Passasiers word aangeraai om meer tyd toe te laat vir hul busritte, veral gedurende spitstyd.

Bushaltes tydelik gesluit
Bushaltes wat hierdeur geraak word, sal vir kort periodes op ’n keer gesluit word en tydelike bushaltes vir passasiers se gerief sal in die nabye omgewing opgerig word. Bushaltes in Knysnaweg wat met tussenposes geraak sal word is 709 Fourth B voor PnP, in die rigting van die Garden Route Mall uit die middedorp, en 706 Saasveld, in die rigting van die middedorp vanaf die Garden Route Mall. Plakkate wat passasiers bedag maak op die situasie word by hierdie bushaltes aangebring.

GO GEORGE maak verskoning vir die ongerief en doen ’n beroep op padgebruikers om geduldig en versigtig te wees naby die konstruksiegebied en bushaltes.

Knysna Road Phase 2 roadworks: Road resurfacing project in Knysna Road, George  Phase 2

Knysna Road Phase 2 roadworks: Road resurfacing project in Knysna Road, George  Phase 2
Issued by George Municipality
For immediate release: 21 August 2020

George Municipality would like to advise the residents of George that road resurfacing will be done in Knysna Road between 24 August to 2 October 2020.

Physical construction for the complete section between 4th Street and Madiba Drive(Pine Lodge), the repair of base layerworks and resurfacing of Knysna Road will be done.

Sections of Knysna Road will be closed to traffic from 07:30 to 17h00 daily. The road will be open to two-way traffic for the construction period but will be limited to one lane per direction.

Site access will be managed and communicated with residents and businesses to ensure that minimum disruption is caused. Extra care is to be taken by road users throughout the duration of the entire construction period. Adherence to temporary road signs and markings will be required. Herewith the current planning  and  execution programme of the contractor:

All work will be done on the slow lane  from 4th street to Pine Lodge (Madiba Drive) – milling and other works from 24 – 28 August 2020 and again from 31 August to 4 September. The overlay process will start from 14 to 17 September 2020.

There will be height differences occurring in the road where repairs are being constructed. Caution will be required when driving or walking in the area, especially under wet and dark conditions. Low profile vehicles and motorcycles to take extra care.
There might be more delays and inconveniences, but we will keep the public up to date regarding unforeseen changes that can happen on site.

George Municipality apologises for the inconvenience and appeals to road users to be patient and exercise caution during the upgrade. Please look out for and adhere to temporary road signage and roadworks personnel.

Please note that access to site will be strictly controlled. Any member of the public who enters the site will have to comply with the relevant requirements in terms of the National State of Disaster: COVID-19 Regulations.

PROJECT ENQUIRIES: iX Engineers Representative – 082 944 3654

Media Statement: Issued George Municipality, 20th August 2020

Charles Lubbe, Acting Municipal Manager advised today of the sudden loss of our Acting Director for Electrotechnical Services, Mr Paul Gerber who passed away yesterday afternoon following a heart attack.

Mr Lubbe expressed his deepest condolences on behalf of the municipality and its officials, to Paul’s wife and three children, his friends and his colleagues.

Paul was a gently spoken, genuine man who was committed to his work and family and will be sorely missed said Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk who expressed his condolences on behalf of the George Council.

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by his passing.


George Municipality would herewith like to publish details of Covid-19 related expenditure, to date a total of R11,781m, following the example set by the Western Cape Provincial Government. Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk has noted that he believes in being open and transparent with regard to the spending of public funds and that the residents of George should be assured of the integrity of the administration. The abuse of Covid-19 relief funds in other areas of the country is shocking and can partly be attributed to, not only a lack of transparency about spending, but also a clear lack of controls in place. The Covid-19 pandemic has placed a huge burden on George’s financial resources and on its personnel.  It is important that our residents understand what has been spent to date, in implementing the necessary COVID-19 safety protocols and the ongoing impact on the municipality as it continues to provide services.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been sourced from in excess of 30 different suppliers, with a list showing the breakdown of the expenditure as well as the various suppliers available for public scrutiny on the George Municipality website  Where possible, services were contracted from local suppliers and Supply Chain Management principles were adhered to at all times. Under the Disaster Management Regulations, George Municipality reports its Covid-19 Expenditure on an ongoing basis to both National and Provincial Treasury.

The figures as per the spreadsheet are also subject to Internal Audit in the normal course of business operations.   The Risk Management Department performed a re-assessment of the risks and facilitated the identification, assessment and mitigation of COVID-19 related risks with the risk owners.  Internal Audit adjusted the Internal Audit Plan and re-prioritized the Internal Audit budget in order to address the new COVID-19 related risks as well as those risks impacted by COVID-19. Internal Audit performed reviews on COVID19 expenditure and deviations, as well as on non-cash donations given that the Auditor-General will audit COVID-19 expenditure in the scope of their external audit.

As at 31 July 2020, George Municipality has spent R3,379m (28,7%) on Covid-19 related Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) expenditure since the commencement of the pandemic.  This largest category of expenditure relates to face masks, hand sanitizers, thermometers and gloves.

The second highest expenditure has been the installation of additional mobile toilets within our informal settlements together with the added day of servicing (i.e three in total per week) which has to date incurred a cost of R3,115m  (26,4% of the total). This was an absolute necessity to allow for increased levels of hygiene during the health pandemic in our informal areas. A provincial grant from the Department of Human Settlements to the value of R 506 000 was received towards this expenditure.

The third major category relates to food parcels and food items purchased for R1,729m (14,7% of the total) in the initial Covid-19 period when many vulnerable members of the community needed to be assisted. George Municipality received a Humanitarian Grant to the value of R1 million rand so actual municipal expenditure is R0,729m and this was over and above the thousands of rands worth of food items that were donated by business and private individuals for distribution.

An amount of R1,267m (10,8%) has been spent to date on deep cleansing and disinfecting of the municipal buildings and public transport facilities since the pandemic started.  An amount of R1,252m has been spent on overtime related to the pandemic while the balance of the PPE expenditure was incurred on a decontamination cabin, a range of equipment and sundry items. As a responsible employer, the Municipality has paid R102 605 for the Covid-19 screening and counselling for symptomatic and positive officials.

All municipal buildings, although not open to the public under Level 3 Lockdown have been supplied with the required safety measures including sanitizers, masks and temperature scanners. No official or councillor may enter a municipal building without adhering strictly to the protocols that are in place.  George Municipality within the confines of the Disaster Regulations and serious health pandemic we find ourselves in, continues to do its utmost to protect its officials while at the same time maintaining a high standard of service delivery to the residents of George.

Note: It must be noted that the spreadsheet is not conclusive and will be added to as further expenditure is incurred.

Condolences: senior municipal official dies

Municipal Manager, Trevor Botha expressed his shock following the death of a  municipal official, who tragically lost her life in a road accident yesterday in George.
Mr Botha on behalf of the municipality and its officials, offered his deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Elizabeth Mathenjwa. Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk expressed his sorrow at the tragic loss of life, on behalf of the George Council.

Ms Mathenjwa worked at the Corporate Services Directorate in the position of HR MANAGER: RECRUITMENT AND ADMIN.

Hamba Kahle Leah

Motor Vehicle and driving license department: Validity of licenses and grace periods

All learner’s licences, driving licence cards,
temporary driving licences
All learner licences, driving licence cards temporary driving licences,
PRDPs and professional driving permits that expired during 26 March
2020 up to and including 31 August 2020, are deemed to be valid and
their validity period is extended for a further grace period ending on:

31 January 2021

Motor vehicle licence discs
All motor vehicle licence discs, temporary permits and roadworthy
certificates that expired during 26 March 2020 up to and including 31
May 2020, are deemed to be valid and their validity period is
extended for further grace period ending on:

1 August 2020

Motor trade number licences
Motor trade number licences that expired during
26 March 2020 up to and including 31 May 2020, are deemed to be
valid and are extended for a further grace period ending on:

30 November 2020

Road Resurfacing George: Knysna Road (Phase 2) from 4th Street to Madiba Drive

Road Resurfacing in Knysna Road (Phase 2) from 4th Street to Madiba Drive, George will start in August. No businesses will be affected and the contractor will only work on one lane at a time. George Municipality will update the public soonest with exact dates.

Road Resurfacing project in Knysna Road, George.
Repair of base layerworks and resurfacing of Knysna Road between 4th Street and Madiba Drive (Saasveld
PROJECT PERIOD: August 2020 to end of September 2020
No service disruptions are foreseen.
Sections of the street will be closed to traffic from 07:30 to 17h00 daily. Site access will be managed and
communicated with residents and businesses to ensure that minimum disruption is caused. Extra care is to be
taken by road users throughout the duration of the entire construction period. Adherence to temporary road signs
and markings will be required. The road will be open to two-way traffic for the construction period but will be limited
to one lane per direction.
There will be height differences occurring in the road where repairs are being constructed. Caution will be
required when driving or walking in the area, especially under wet and dark conditions. Low profile vehicles and
motorcycles to take extra care.
Please note that access to site will be strictly controlled. Any member of the public who enters the site will have to
comply with the relevant requirements in terms of the National State of Disaster: COVID-19 Regulations.
The project will utilise use EPWP registered labour, sourced from the adjacent wards, in terms of the EPWP
policy and strict compliance with the relevant requirements in terms of the National State of Disaster: COVID-19
We want to assure the general public that all businesses in Knysna Road are open for business and are accessible
at all time during the construction process.
PROJECT ENQUIRIES: iX Engineers Representative – 082 944 3654

The George Municipality apologises for the inconvenience and appeals to road users to be patient
and exercise caution near roadworks and adhere to traffic signs

Recycling programme to continue from 1 September

The George Municipality regrets to inform the public that due to unforeseen delays the collection and delivery of blue and green bags will only recommence from the 1st September. The municipality remains committed to waste reduction and recycling, and believes that its efforts will soon regain momentum. Collection of green and blue bags will start on Tuesday 1st September 2020, and will be collected in neighbourhoods on the same day as the black bag refuse removal.

The municipality would like to encourage residents to continue recycling and to store their blue and green bags for collection OR Green bags can be taken to the TRANSFER STATION – PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR RECYCLING AND/OR GREEN BAGS OUT FOR COLLECTION AGAIN UNTIL 1 SEPTEMBER 2020 AS COLLECTION WILL NOT TAKE PLACE. Our municipal trucks will not collect the recycling and green bags and ONLY pick up your black bags. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Black bags, blue and green bags, dumped waste collection:
George Municipality Environmental Services
82 Meade Street, George. Phone 044 802 2900

Households may put out seven black, three green and an unlimited number of blue bags.
Additional tied bundles of branches are allowed if they are shorter than a metre in length and can be picked up by one person.

BLUE bags are for non-soiled recyclable materials, including plastic, paper, card board, glass etc.
GREEN bags are for green waste, including organic kitchen waste such as fruit and vegetable peels, as well as garden waste, including grass cuttings, leaves etc. No soil is allowed in the green bags.
BLACK bags are for ‘wet’ waste, things that cannot be recycled.

All refuse bags must be put out by 7am on removal day.
Please don’t put bags out the day or night before removal.
Please wrap broken glass in newspaper before placing in bags to prevent injuries to workers.
A pack of 26 black bags are distributed to households quarterly.

Blue and green bags are collected on the same day as black bag refuse removal, but by different trucks – before or after the black bag collection and may be hours apart.
Collected full blue bags will be replaced with the same colour on the same day. If you do not receive the same amount of replacement blue bags and want more, please phone 044 802 2900 during office hours.
While you can put out three green bags at a time, a maximum of two new replacement green bags are issued per collection.
Households or businesses that are actively recycling and require additional green or blue bags, can collect from the municipal Environmental Services offices at 82 Meade Street.

MONDAY: Blanco, Riverlea, Heatherpark, Heatherlands, Glen Barrie, Kraaibosch, Groenkloof, Blue Mountain Village, Herold’s Bay, Victoria Bay
TUESDAY: Levallia, Rosemoor, Conville, Protea Park, Parkdene, Ballotsview, Borchards, Lawaaikamp, Thembalethu, Wilderness (excluding Wilderness Heights), Touwsranten, Constantia Kloof
WEDNESDAY: Camphersdrift, Fernridge, Denneoord, Bo-Dorp, Blommekloof, Tweerivieren, Hoogekraal, Hoekwil
THURSDAY: Wilderness Heights, Dormehlsdrift, George South, Le Grand, Bos en Dal, Groeneweidepark, Sinksabrug, Herold, Geelhoutboom, Eselsjacht, Hansmoeskraal, Jonkershoek, Rooirivierrif, Pacaltsdorp, Rosedale, Waboomskraal
FRIDAY: Glenwood, Loerie Park, Eden, Genevafontein, Denver Park, Bergsig, Eastern Extension
BUSINESSES: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Cost of illegal connections: Request Thembalethu communities to report

High cost of illegal connections: George Municipality asks Thembalethu communities to report illegal connection activities
Issued George Municipality, 6th August 2020

George Municipality continues to battle with ongoing illegal connections which most recently have caused approximately R65 000 worth of damage to a mini-substation in Asazani, Thembalethu this past week with the power remaining off from the 3rd August and only due to be reconnected by Thursday 6th August.

In terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, George Municipality has a responsibility to maintain a safe electrical network and for that reason a service provider has been appointed to clear illegal connections, on an as and when basis. Municipal officials are unable to work on, or maintain the network unless all illegal connections on the line have been cleared. The repairwork to the mini-substation in Area 4 started on Monday 3rd August.

“We ask that law-abiding citizens take it upon themselves to report illegal connection activities to SAPS as soon as they see them taking place. The delay in repairwork means that each time, paying consumers are left without electricity for days while we try to secure and make safe the lines to work on them,” said Acting Director Electrotechnical Services, Paul Gerber.

The dangers of illegal connections have consistently been re-emphasized to the communities of George, with such actions having cost several lives in 2019. Since February 2020, several charges have been laid against individuals caught making illegal connections. In terms of the Criminal Matters Amendment Act 18 of 2015, a maximum term of imprisonment of thirty (30) years can be given, as the interference with, and damage to Municipal property, can be regarded as sabotage.
George Municipality will continue to act decisively in such matters and it is well-known that the practice of illegal connection puts the perpetrator in danger of electrocution, risking injury and death to themselves as well as the rest of the community. These connections lie across pathways and walkways where anyone passing can easily be electrocuted.
An electricity connection is considered illegal when it is connected to the George Municipal network without the organisation’s permission. Wires are connected to pole-mounted transformers, pole kiosks and overhead lines. The forms of electricity theft include illegal connections, illegal electrification schemes and meter tampering and bypassing. These illegal electrical thefts are mostly in areas where illegal informal structures are built.
Illegal connections should be reported to 044 803 9222 or 044 801 9222 or after hours on 044 801 6300 or to the nearest SAPS office.

Recycling programme to continue in-house

The George Municipality confirms that as of the 11th August, the collection and delivery of blue and green bags will be handled in-house. Following the announcement of the unfortunate closure of Interwaste, the appointed service provider, discussions were held to try and extend the service by one month. Unfortunately these discussions were not successful and the Community Service Directorate requests the patience of the public for one week to afford them the opportunity to put everything in place for a smooth collection process to start on 11th August.

The municipality remains committed to waste reduction and recycling, and believes that its efforts will soon regain momentum.  Collection of green and blue bags will start on Tuesday 11 August 2020, and will be collected in neighbourhoods on the same day as the black bag refuse removal. PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR RECYCLING AND/OR GREEN BAGS OUT FOR WEEK MONDAY 3/08 – FRIDAY 7/08 AS COLLECTION WILL NOT TAKE PLACE.

Municipal trucks will collect the black bags, while blue and green bags will be collected by different trucks on the same day – before or after the black bag collection, and can be hours apart. Every week on the same day as collection, blue bags will be replaced and two green bags will replace those put out. The areas currently serviced by recycling include all suburbs of George as well as the outer areas of Wilderness, Kleinkrantz, Hoekwil, Victoria Bay, Herolds Bay, Haarlem and Uniondale.

Black bags, blue and green bags, dumped waste collection:
George Municipality Environmental Services
82 Meade Street, George. Phone 044 802 2900

Households may put out seven black, three green and an unlimited number of blue bags.
Additional tied bundles of branches are allowed if they are shorter than a metre in length and can be picked up by one person.

BLUE bags are for non-soiled recyclable materials, including plastic, paper, card board, glass etc.
GREEN bags are for green waste, including organic kitchen waste such as fruit and vegetable peels, as well as garden waste, including grass cuttings, leaves etc. No soil is allowed in the green bags.
BLACK bags are for ‘wet’ waste, things that cannot be recycled.

All refuse bags must be put out by 7am on removal day.
Please don’t put bags out the day or night before removal.
Please wrap broken glass in newspaper before placing in bags to prevent injuries to workers.
A pack of 26 black bags are distributed to households quarterly.

Blue and green bags are collected on the same day as black bag refuse removal, but by different trucks – before or after the black bag collection and may be hours apart.
Collected full blue bags will be replaced with the same colour on the same day. If you do not receive the same amount of replacement blue bags and want more, please phone  044 802 2900 during office hours.
While you can put out three green bags at a time, a maximum of two new replacement green bags  are issued per collection.
Households or businesses that are actively recycling and require additional green or blue bags, can collect from the  municipal Environmental Services offices at 82 Meade Street.

MONDAY: Blanco, Riverlea, Heatherpark, Heatherlands, Glen Barrie, Kraaibosch, Groenkloof, Blue Mountain Village, Herold’s Bay, Victoria Bay
TUESDAY: Levallia, Rosemoor, Conville, Protea Park, Parkdene, Ballotsview, Borchards, Lawaaikamp, Thembalethu, Wilderness (excluding Wilderness Heights), Touwsranten, Constantia Kloof
WEDNESDAY: Camphersdrift, Fernridge, Denneoord, Bo-Dorp, Blommekloof, Tweerivieren, Hoogekraal, Hoekwil
THURSDAY: Wilderness Heights, Dormehlsdrift, George South, Le Grand, Bos en Dal, Groeneweidepark, Sinksabrug, Herold, Geelhoutboom, Eselsjacht, Hansmoeskraal, Jonkershoek, Rooirivierrif, Pacaltsdorp, Rosedale, Waboomskraal
FRIDAY: Glenwood, Loerie Park, Eden, Genevafontein, Denver Park, Bergsig, Eastern Extension
BUSINESSES: Monday, Wednesday and Friday