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Press Release Archive

GO GEORGE passenger survey to be undertaken during Transport Month

GO GEORGE passenger survey to be undertaken during Transport Month

An independent GO GEORGE user survey to measure the socio-economic and funding impact of the public transport system will be conducted all over George from 19 October until 13 November 2020. According to James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, the study will be compared with previous studies to determine the actual impact of the system in George.
“Feedback from our passengers has always been and will remain core to our planning and improvement of the system. We can plan and implement with all the data at our disposal, but we need to know whether we are meeting our communities’ needs and whether the bus service is improving quality of life and access to economic opportunities. That is what the George Integrated Public Transport Network (GIPTN) is all about,” Robb said.
The planned survey is a continuation of an independent socio-economic study undertaken in George in 2018 and 2019 under the joint auspices of the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works and the George Municipality. This was 10 years after a baseline study – including an economic efficiency assessment, macro-economic analysis and a socio-economic survey for the introduction of scheduled public transport services in George – had been undertaken. There was a need to measure it again in 2018, and to compare it with the previous studies to determine actual impact for future evaluation. This was followed up in 2019 and now again in 2020 with user surveys.

Independent trained surveyors with appropriate identification cards will be stationed at bus stops to conduct the survey by using a survey App. More information can be obtained by phoning the GO GEORGE Call Centre at 0800 044 044.

The independent team of surveyors was deployed at the Blanco terminus on Monday to ask GO GEORGE passengers’ opinion on their use and experience of the bus service. Here Mauchan Koelman (right) works through their questionnaire with Winnie Smith from Parkdene. Left is Zola Bityi, a GO GEORGE champion awaiting her turn to inform Winnie about the new schedule for mobile Smart Card vehicles.

GO GEORGE-passasiers se mening gevra gedurende Vervoermaand

‘n Onafhanklike GO GEORGE-gebruikersopname om die sosio-ekonomiese en befondsingsimpak van die openbare vervoerstelsel te meet, sal van 19 Oktober tot 13 November 2020 regoor George gedoen word. Volgens James Robb, GO GEORGE- bestuurder, sal die studie vergelyk word met vorige studies om die werklike impak van die stelsel in George te bepaal.

“Terugvoer van ons passasiers was nog altyd die kern van ons beplanning en verbetering van die stelsel. Ons kan beplan en implementeer met al die data tot ons beskikking, maar ons moet weet of ons aan ons gemeenskappe se behoeftes voldoen en of die busdiens lewensgehalte en toegang tot ekonomiese geleenthede verbeter. Dit is waaroor die George Geïntegreerde Openbare Vervoernetwerk (GIPTN) gaan,” het Robb gesê.

Die beplande opname is ‘n voortsetting van ‘n onafhanklike sosio-ekonomiese studie wat in 2018 en 2019 in George onderneem is onder die leiding van die Wes-Kaapse Departement van Vervoer en Openbare Werke en die George-munisipaliteit. Dit was 10 jaar nadat ‘n grondstudie – insluitende ‘n ekonomiese doeltreffendheidsbepaling, makro-ekonomiese analise en ‘n sosio-ekonomiese opname vir die instelling van geskeduleerde openbare vervoerdienste in George – onderneem is. Daar was ‘n behoefte om dit weer te meet in 2018 en om dit te vergelyk met die vorige studies om werklike impak vir toekomstige evaluering te bepaal. Dit is in 2019 en nou weer in 2020 opgevolg met gebruikersopnames.

Onafhanklike, opgeleide data-opnemers met toepaslike identifikasiekaarte sal by bushaltes geplaas word om die opname deur middel van ‘n opname-toepassing (app) te doen. Meer inligting kan verkry word deur die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel.

Die onafhanklike span data-opnemers is Maandag by die Blanco-terminus ontplooi om GO GEORGE-passasiers se mening te vra oor hul gebruik en belewenis van die busdiens. Hier werk Mauchan Koelman (regs) deur hul vraelys met Winnie Smith van Parkdene. Links is Zola Bityi, ‘n GO GEORGE-passasiersbeampte wat haar beurt afwag om Winnie oor die nuwe skedule vir mobiele Slimkaartvoertuie in te lig.

Holiday bookings filling up quickly after Covid-19 tourism slump

After months of uncertainty and frustrations linked to the Covid-19 lockdown, things are looking up for local tourism as holiday season bookings for accommodation establishments in George and surrounds are filling up quickly.

George Tourism Manager Joan Shaw said its members in George, Wilderness and Uniondale had reported a significant increase in bookings over the past two weeks. “The phone in Wilderness Tourism office in particular has not stopped ringing and the establishments that are members of George Tourism in the village are already fully booked for December high season as per the Covid-19 capacity restrictions.
“We invite all accommodation and associated businesses to become members, free of charge, to take full advantage of the benefits that membership offers – and to let us know their capacity rates so we can send enquiries their way.

“The lockdown months have been really tough on tourism and related industries, but the recent surge in bookings are really encouraging and we anticipate a busier season than was initially anticipated. Local establishments are really excited about incoming visitors from all over the country and remain committed to uphold Covid-19 protocols to limit the spread of the virus.

“George and surrounds boast some of the most spectacular outdoor spots in the world that offer more than enough social distancing, fresh clean air and the friendliest people – albeit behind a mask and a sanitising bottle!

“After one of the most challenging years in recent history, everyone deserves a break – George Tourism is ready to receive you,” said Ms Shaw.

Tourism and related industries in George and surrounds, the Garden Route, Southern Cape and beyond are invited to become members as soon as possible to take advantage of the associated benefits. These include:
• Brochure placement at George Tourism information offices.
• Inclusion on the information lists that are distributed to potential tourists, tourism operators and trade.
• Lead and booking referrals generated at the George Tourism information offices in George, Wilderness and Uniondale as well as George Tourism social media platforms, its website, trade enquiries or other relevant platforms.
• Business listing on the George Tourism website.
• Events calendar listing where appropriate.
• Social media inclusion where appropriate and subject to editorial team.
• Access to networking opportunities.
• Destination marketing.
• Destination statistics.
• Tourism educational participation subject to selection.
• Trade show opportunities subject to selection.
• Official communications from Local Tourism Organisations (LTOs).
• Access to Tourism staff for advice and insights.

To become a member, please mail George Tourism on or or phone 044 801 9295.

Street name replacement programme underway

The George Municipality’s annual street name replacement programme is well underway. Among name boards recently replaced are the interconnecting streets in Caledon Street, which had been removed by the municipality prior to roadworks and replaced with a new type of street name plate, which will be used across the city to systematically standardise street names across the municipal area. This year’s street name replacement included boards for Pacaltsdorp, Conville, Borchards, Denneoord, Loeriepark, Parkdene, Rosemoor, Levallia and Blanco. The municipality is currently erecting street name boards in Uniondale and Haarlem.

Report street sign-related matters to 044 801 9262/6 during office hours.


GO GEORGE refines mobile schedule for Smart Card users

GO GEORGE refines mobile schedule for Smart Card users
Issued 13 Oct 2020

GO GEORGE has announced refinements to their current Smart Card mobile vehicle schedule to benefit passengers who are not within easy reach of fixed top-up facilities.
The Smart Card is currently the only means of payment for trips since the adoption of a no-cash policy in June this year as one of the bus service’s Covid-19 precautions. Passengers can top up their cards with trips at any of the fixed Smart Card kiosks or businesses/individuals registered as top-up vendors, or at one of the two Smart Card vehicles that travel and park around town on a fixed weekly schedule.
According to James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager, the uneven distribution of vendors in the various areas of town has prompted the revision of the mobile vehicle schedule. “We are currently engaged in a vendor recruitment campaign to address the needs of passengers in all areas but in the meantime, we have assessed the sales figures of all mobile locations and balancing that with areas with a low vendor footprint, we have come up with a schedule that we trust will serve passengers better.”
The new schedule will be implemented on Wednesday 21 October 2020.
Robb says passengers frequently ask when and whether the service will be returning to the option of cash as alternative to using the Smart Card. “Research results released just this week, indicate that the virus can survive for as long as 28 days on hard surfaces such as glass and metal as well as paper bank notes. It was previously thought that the survival period was much shorter. Therefore, we would much rather make plans to take the top-up service to our passengers than risking their health as well as that of our bus drivers who would have to handle the cash.”
The GO GEORGE communication champions will be distributing flyers with the new schedule from Wednesday 14 October. The flyers will also be available at all Smart Card kiosks and mobile vehicles, as well as the info kiosk at the Transport Hub. Passengers can also visit the GO GEORGE Facebook page for the mobile schedule and the latest bus-related news, the website, write an email to, or phone the Call Centre on 0800 044 044 to enquire about their closest mobile spot.

The Smart Card mobile vehicles are clearly branded and cannot be missed where they park for about three hours at a time to render service to passengers who do not have close access to other top-up points. The vehicles also sell Smart Cards.

GO GEORGE verfyn mobiele skedule vir Slimkaartgebruikers
Uitgereik 13 Okt 2020

GO GEORGE het verfynings aan hul huidige skedule vir mobiele Slimkaartvoertuie aangekondig om passasiers wat nie binne maklike bereik van vaste herlaaifasiliteite is nie, te akkommodeer.
Die Slimkaart is tans die enigste manier van betaling vir ritte sedert die aanvaarding van ‘n geen-kontantbeleid in Junie vanjaar as een van die busdiens se Covid-19-voorsorgmaatreëls. Passasiers kan hul kaarte met ritte herlaai by enige van die vaste Slimkaartkiosks of besighede / individue wat as herlaaipunte geregistreer is, of by een van die twee Slimkaartvoertuie wat deur die dorp rondbeweeg en parkeer volgens ‘n vaste weeklikse skedule.
Volgens James Robb, GO GEORGE-bestuurder, het die oneweredige verspreiding van herlaaipunte in die verskillende gebiede van die dorp die hersiening van die mobiele skedule genoodsaak. “Ons is tans besig met ‘n werwingsveldtog vir mense en sakeondernemings wat as herlaaipunte kan registreer, juis om die behoeftes van passasiers in alle gebiede aan te spreek. Intussen het ons die verkoopsyfers van alle mobiele parkeerplekke ontleed en opgeweeg teen gebiede met ‘n lae voetspoor van herlaaipunte, en ‘n nuwe skedule opgestel waarby ons werklik vertrou ons passasiers sal baat vind.”
Die nuwe skedule sal op Woensdag 21 Oktober 2020 geïmplementeer word.
Robb sê passasiers vra gereeld wanneer en of die diens sal terugkeer na die opsie van kontant as alternatief vir die gebruik van die Slimkaart. “Navorsingsresultate wat vandeesweek vrygestel is, dui aan dat die virus vir so lank as 28 dae op harde oppervlakke soos glas en metaal asook papierbanknote kan oorleef. Daar is voorheen gemeen dat die oorlewingstydperk baie korter is. Daarom sal ons eerder planne maak om die herlaaidiens na ons passasiers toe te neem as om hul gesondheid sowel as dié van ons busbestuurders wat die kontant sal moet hanteer, te waag.”
Die GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeamptes sal vanaf Woensdag 14 Oktober pamflette met die nuwe skedule versprei. Die pamflette sal ook by alle Slimkaartkiosks en -mobiele voertuie beskikbaar wees, asook die inligtingskiosk by die Vervoerkern (Transport Hub). Passasiers kan ook die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad besoek vir die mobiele skedule en die nuutste busverwante nuus, na die webwerf gaan, ‘n e-pos skryf aan, of die inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 skakel om navraag te doen oor hul naaste mobiele dienspunt.

Die Slimkaartvoertuie is duidelik gebrandmerk en kan nie misgekyk word waar hulle vir omtrent drie ure op ‘n slag parkeer om diens te lewer aan passasiers wat nie nabye toegang tot ander herlaaipunte het nie. Die voertuie verkoop ook Slimkaarte.

Garden Route Dam level heads towards new high

Excitement is growing as the Garden Route Dam is filling up towards its new capacity following the raising of the dam wall and completion of its new spillway last December (2019).

George Municipality Director Civil Engineering Regenald Wesso said the dam level had not risen above its previous capacity since the spillway project was completed, but recent abundant rainfall had filled the dam up relatively quickly and reached its ‘old’ 100 percent capacity today (7 October 2020). “Everything from here upwards is new territory and we are excited to see the real capacity of the dam – the expected additional capacity is 20% but will be confirmed with a new calibration in due course.”

The process of appointing a service provider to do the calibration is underway. In the meantime, locals are keeping a close eye on the rising dam level as more rain is expected this week and for the summer. The dam level has risen by more than 20% (from 78,76% to 100%) since the first week in September and 141,8mm rainfall has been recorded from 2 September until today.

The previous capacity of the dam was 10 million cubic metres. The new estimated capacity is 12,5 milion cubic metres.

It is unknown how quickly the additional dam capacity will fill up, especially taking into consideration that the ‘new’ top edge of the dam is wider and the incline flatter than before. “We are nonetheless grateful for a good rainy season and the additional capacity our dam will hold to support sustainable water management of our fast-growing city,” said Mr Wesso.

George Municipal Manager Trevor Botha said although the current water situation was a great relief, the municipality remained mindful of the bigger picture and would continue to promote long-term water security.

“The city will continue to promote water saving and will not forget that our dam level had dropped to 41.21% during the height of the previous drought in September 2017. Water restrictions are expected to remain at its current Level 2B for the foreseeable future – restrictions promote a mindset change that is globally supported: drinkable water from a tap is a privilege that should be respected and is not guaranteed. Population growth, climate change and economic challenges are just some of the factors that will affect potable household water supply in all nations in the foreseeable future.

“While the George municipality understands that citizens feel it is their right to use the water they have helped save, national and global water issues are bigger than us. We have been blessed by rains and our dam is reaching new heights, but we must do the right thing and that is cultivating a permanent lifestyle of water conservation,” said Mr Botha.

The Garden Route Dam, photographed in January 2020 when the dam level was at 100% of the ‘old’ capacity. The duckbill-shaped spillway (foreground) and raised dam wall (right) were completed the month before. When the water spills over the cement spillway in the foreground, the dam will be considered 100% full at its ‘new’ capacity.

Update on UISP Project Thembalethu

The construction of the 700 top structures is in the final stage (Consolidation, Building of top structures) in Phase One of Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme (UISP) in Thembalethu. This project was made possible by Western Cape Provincial funding with George Municipality acting as the agent.

Lawula and Marnol JV (Joint Venture) contractors were appointed for the construction of 603 of the 700 top structures in this project and Nokhanyo Services for the remaining 97 top structures in terms of the approved subsidy quantum. Twenty-five houses were handed over to proud owners in the past four weeks.
The Enhanced People’s Housing Process (EPHP) Housing Programme was the housing delivery programme implemented in this project. With the EPHP programme, beneficiaries are provided an opportunity to be involved in the planning with regards to their homes including the selection of which contractor they preferred. Houses either with or without a patio could be selected.

Phase One of the UISP commenced on 27th February 2017. A total of 638 houses have been built and handed over to date. Following the relaxation of the lockdown levels, the contractor and Marnol JV (Joint Venture) have commenced with the completion of the rest of the homes where the erven was previously utilised as a Temporary Relocation Area during the construction process.

There are a total of 62 houses which need to be built to bring Phase One of the UISP top structure project to a close. Once the construction of the 700 top structures is completed, no further work will be done except on those houses which are in the retention phase. The retention period is that in which defects can be reported, within three months after the house has been handed over and defects must be corrected by the responsible contractor.

Soup kitchens continue to feed communities

The George Municipality continues to feed communities through its longstanding soup kitchens programme.

The 137 soup kitchens, which operate from private homes in vulnerable communities across the municipal area, were the backbone of feeding programmes throughout the height of the Covid-19 lockdown period, serving up to 22 000 meals twice a day.

George Municipality Director Community Services Walter Hendricks said the soup kitchen programme had recently returned to its normal operations. “We currently serve 8000 meals a week to mostly children and the elderly three times a week. Covid-19 protocols remain in place at soup kitchens for as long as is necessary.

“The ongoing success of the municipality feeding scheme is proof of the extraordinary people who work and live here – from dedicated staff who run the day-to-day logistics to the people who selflessly host soup kitchens in their homes and volunteers who serve there every day, no matter the circumstances.

“The support from individuals, businesses and NGOs who had generously donated food during lockdown will always be remembered and we thank them again for their role in feeding our people. Individuals and organisations that want to continue supporting soup kitchens can drop off food and supplies at the municipality’s Community Development offices or phone the number below.”

Soup kitchen enquiries: 044 802 2000

Food and supplies donation deliveries to:
George Municipality Community Development offices (8am-4pm)
c/o Varing and St Johns Streets (diagonally behind main building)


Olivia Swiegelaar serves food at the municipal soup kitchen in Wilderness Heights which she and her partner Colin Wildemans run from their home.


Illegal dumping causes flooding

The heavy rainfall experienced this week and that which is expected this weekend in the George area raises the ongoing complication our Civil Engineering Services directorate has to deal with – that is the illegal dumping of material into stormwater drains. Overflowing storm water drains are generally found to be blocked by illegal materials and rubbish dumped directly into the drain causing damage and flooding down the line.

Please help reduce blocked drains and how to report illegal dumping:
One of the main reasons for blocked drains and sewerage spills is the wrong stuff being flushed down toilets or thrown into manholes. Items that should not be flushed down toilets include baby nappies, sanitary pads and tampons, newspaper, cloth and fabric, fatty food or fat. Regular items that municipal staff have to clear from manholes include branches, tyres, rocks, mattresses and other solid items which are suspected to be dropped in there by mainly children getting up to mischief.

The municipality appeals to communities to NOT flush unsuitable items down the toilet, and to help prevent people from throwing stuff down manholes. Report sewerage complaints to Civil Engineering Services on 044 801 9262/66 during office hours or 044 801 6300 after hours.

Please spread the news in your community that the dumping of waste is dangerous and a health hazard. Waste should be collected in refuse bags and placed for collection on your areas waste removal days. Builders rubble and waste not suitable for bags must be dropped at the municipal refuse site on the R102 (airport road).

If you can provide names, vehicle registration details or addresses of alleged perpetrators and are willing to make a statement in this regard, please report illegal dumping to Law Enforcement at 044 801 6350 or You don’t need a photograph of the perpetrator, but it will strengthen the case for a warning or fine to be issued.

If you notice dumped waste, please report for collection to 044 802 2900.

Emergency After Hours Number 044 801 6300

Officials from George Municipality plant a tree for Arbor Week

Joan Shaw, George Tourism Manager, (front left) with Clinton Petersen (Town Planning), Stephen Saunders (Building Control) and Delia Power (Acting Director: Planning and Development donated and planted a White Stinkwood tree on 18 September in celebration of Arbor Week which was from 1 – 7 September 2020 at the Garden Route Botanical Garden in George. A total of 143 trees were planted in the garden on the day in celebrating Arbor Week in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), as the custodian of forestry in South Africa, that is responsible for the campaign and more organisations.

GO GEORGE reinstates last of suspended routes

Covid safety measures remain in place
Issued 28 Sep 2020

With the recent implementation of Level 1 of the national lockdown, GO GEORGE will reinstate the last two routes that have been suspended during Covid-19 lockdown. From Sunday 4 October 2020, routes 58 Heather Park-Heatherlands and 53B Rosemoor Express will start running according to the normal schedule again.
Covid safety measures still in place
Drivers and passengers are still required to wear masks on the bus and wash or sanitise their hands regularly. Dispensers with sanitiser have been installed on all buses for the convenience and safety of passengers.
At the George Link depot, the rigorous cleaning and sanitising regime stays unchanged with the interior of buses being sanitised before and after every duty.
Proper ventilation reduces risk
Global studies have shown that proper ventilation and short trips can greatly reduce the risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus on buses and trains by mitigating the spread of airborne droplets that carry the virus.
In line with these findings, our government’s Covid directives regarding public transport require the windows of all public transport vehicles to be kept open 5 cm on both sides. All windows are opened when GO GEORGE buses leave the depot, and passengers are requested not to close windows, but rather dress warmly.
For more information, please phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 where agents are on duty from 05:00 until 20:00, seven days a week. Alternatively, visit the GO GEORGE Facebook page for the latest service updates, or send an email to
From Sunday 4 October 2020, all GO GEORGE routes will be active again after a reduced service had been implemented at the beginning of the national lockdown.

Covid-veiligheidsmaatreëls steeds in plek
Uitgereik 28 September 2020

Met die onlangse implementering van Vlak 1 van die nasionale inperking, sal GO GEORGE die laaste twee roetes wat opgeskort is weens die Covid-19-inperking ook terugstel in diens. Vanaf Sondag 4 Oktober 2020 sal roetes 58 Heather Park-Heatherlands en 53B Rosemoor Express weer volgens die normale skedule begin ry.
Covid-veiligheidsmaatreëls steeds in plek
Bestuurders en passasiers moet steeds maskers dra op die bus en hul hande gereeld was of ontsmet. Houers met ontsmettingsmiddel is vir die gerief en veiligheid van passasiers op alle busse geïnstalleer.
By die George Link-depot bly die streng skoonmaak- en ontsmettingsroetine onveranderd met die binnekant van busse wat voor en ná elke diensrondte ontsmet word.
Behoorlike ventilasie verminder risiko
Wêreldwye studies het getoon dat behoorlike ventilasie en kort ritte die risiko om die Covid-19-virus op busse en treine op te doen deur die verspreiding van virusdraende druppels in die lug, aansienlik kan verminder.
In ooreenstemming met hierdie bevindings vereis ons regering se Covid-riglyne oor openbare vervoer dat die vensters van alle openbare vervoer-voertuie 5 cm oopgehou moet word aan albei kante. Alle vensters word oopgemaak wanneer GO GEORGE-busse die depot verlaat, en passasiers word versoek om nie vensters te sluit nie, maar eerder warm aan te trek.
Vir meer inligting, skakel gerus die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 waar agente van 05:00 tot 20:00, sewe dae per week, aan diens is. Die jongste diensinligting is ook beskikbaar op die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad, of kan verkry word deur ‘n e-pos te stuur aan
Van Sondag 4 Oktober 2020 sal alle GO GEORGE-roetes weer aktief wees nadat ‘n beperkte diens in werking gestel is aan die begin van die nasionale inperking.

Western Cape Human Settlements develops fire safety plan for informal settlements


27 September 2020

As part of its Informal Settlement Support Programme (ISSP), the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements in collaboration with the University of Stellenbosch’s Fire Engineering Research Unit (FireSUN), developed a response plan to improve fire safety in informal settlements.

This detailed report and guideline on fire safety engineering for informal settlements, which is part of phase 1 of the plan contains extensive information, analysis, case studies and discussions on fire safety interventions in informal settlements. A chapter on fire safety interventions for backyarders has also been included.

Provincial Minister of Human Settlements, Tertuis Simmers said: “I welcome this initiative, as it demonstrates our commitment to not only improving fire safety, but also the health and dignity of people living in informal settlements. Fire safety in informal settlements is a huge concern to the entire Western Cape Government as on an annual average 1260 fires occur, destroying 4000 structures, displacing close to 13000 people, while more than 100 people are fatally wounded. It is also pleasing to note that our backyarders have not been excluded from this process.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the University of Stellenbosch for their assistance in developing this document. We will continue to work with all relevant stakeholders, which includes all sister departments, the private sector, communities as well as academia to improve the quality of life in informal settlements.”

In phase two of the plan which will follow in due course, the document will be used to produce pictoral, visual and graphic illustrations. This will communicate simplified messages in a visual way illustrating various safety interventions and options available that could save lives and property, while also helping to further strengthen fire safety in informal settlements.

Councillors support #ScreenHerSaveHer


In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month taking place 1 – 31 October 2020, Deputy Mayor Charlotte Clarke together with a delegation of female councillors joined Leon Van Der Vyfer of Keystone Medical this morning to take a closer look at the inner workings of their Mobile Breast Cancer Screening Unit currently located in the grounds of the NG Church, Courtenay Street.

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in women of all races with a lifetime risk of 1 in 27 in South Africa and early detection of the condition can lead to effective treatment and a positive prognosis. About 90% of patients survive for many years after diagnosis when breast cancer is detected at the early stages. Regular self-breast examination and regular mammograms are the key to early detection.

The mobile unit is imported from Germany and contains state of the art equipment run by an all female staff to ensure the comfort and privacy of female clients. The unit is the first mobile breast cancer screening unit of its kind in Africa and George is the first city Keystone Medical has visited as part of their public outreach programme to amplify the message of #ScreenHerSaveHer, together we can make a difference! The mobile unit returns to Johannesburg on the 10 October.

In the photograph from left to right are Leon van Der Vyfer, Keystone Medical; Kathryn Du Plessis, Sonagrapher Keystone Medical; Liza-Mari Carroll, Mammogram TechnicianKeystone Medical; Deputy Mayor Charlotte Clarke; Cllr Iona Kritzinger; Cllr Jacqulique Von Brandis; Cllr Erica Brown and Cllr Nosicelo Mbete.

George Municipality and stakeholders clean in Covid-19 hotspots, Thembalethu and Pacaltsdorp

George Municipality and stakeholders clean in Covid-19 hotspots, Thembalethu and Pacaltsdorp
Issued 22 September by George Municipality

George Municipality in conjunction with other stakeholders used the International Coastal Cleanup theme day to clean in Covid-19 hotspots, Thembalethu and Pacaltsdorp. The Municipality environmental team, in conjunction with the department of Environmental Affairs teamed up with EPWP workers and Pacaltsdorp Primary School on Friday and Saturday to clean up their areas.
The teams did a cleanup in Thembalethu last Friday (18 September) and anther cleanup in Pacaltsdorp on Saturday (19 September). Grace Notshokovu from the George Municipal Environmental section said instead of doing cleaning at beaches, it was decided that the focus would rather shift to cleaning the two communities most affected by illegal dumping and high numbers of infections for Covid-19.


Clean1: Officials from George Municipality, department of Environmental Affairs and EPWP workers getting ready to clean an illegal dumping site next to the Fire Department in Thembalethu in Nelson Mandela Boulevard.

Wilderness 100 Festival

Issued George Municipality, Monday 21 September 2020

July 2021 marks the Centenary of Wilderness and a public meeting to establish a Centenary Committee to facilitate the festivities leading up to July next year, took place last week with Covid-19 protocols in place. Marlene Barnardt, Ward Councilor with Dirk Wessels, Portfolio Councilor for Finance and Strategic Services and Joan Shaw, Tourism Manager shared ideas with the attendees.

The idea of a Wilderness Centenary was initially suggested by Hugo Leggatt, well known Wildernarian to take place in 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic halted all plans in that regard and George Tourism took the opportunity to support the centenary celebrations for 2021 as means to make up for the economic losses experienced by tourism service providers, following the impact of the the bans on domestic and international travel.

Cllr Barnardt noted that a festival will not make up for all of the losses experienced by the tourism industry, but it will go a long way to continue establishing Wilderness as a destination of choice. “I would love to see a strong focus on wellness which could provide the sustainability to lead to ongoing annual events going forward. There are so many experts in the field of wellness living in Wilderness and with the unique and incredible scenic beauty at our disposal, I could not think of a better way to encourage visitors to Wilderness to enjoy the peace and serenity that attracted the residents in the first place. Wellness tourism is a world-wide trend that has grown tremendously and post Covid-19 will certainly peak interest in a wellness experience that embraces local culture, foods and the natural assets of an area such as Wilderness. I am very excited by the enthusiastic response to the proposed celebrations and trust that ongoing sustainable events that will keep Wilderness on the map, become my legacy as ward councilor.”

The concept for the centenary celebrations is to put together several events, possibly as many as 100, that take place over the next few months that lead up to July 2021. All events that form part of the Centenary will be marketed with a Centenary logo and George Tourism will play a supporting role in terms of the marketing with the Wilderness Ratepayers Association (WRRA). An event does not have to be a huge happening, it can be as simple as a beach clean-up, a musician at a restaurant or a wine tasting! Organizations will be responsible for arranging their own events and these events will be coordinated by the Committee to form a part of the overall festivities. Some of the existing events that have been suggested to form a part of the Centenary programme include: the annual SPCA Woof-a-thon; the Hoekwil Open Gardens, sailing regattas and music evenings. Other suggestions from the floor included a Centenary Dinner, a soap box derby, beach yoga classes, an Island Lake swim and much more. One of the highlights of the Centenary will be a launch of Hugo Leggatt’s book on the history of the area which is almost ready to go to print.

Cllr Dirk Wessels highlighted that he would like to see the festivities continuing for the whole of 2021. “The Centenary should lead to sustainable, annual events that will generate an income for local businesses and create jobs, even on a temporary basis,” said Wessels who stressed that what makes Wilderness so special is that it is unique and pristine – a rare offering that few other regions have.

The final committee consisting of volunteers was selected and which included representatives from the community and the Wilderness Ratepayers as members. Chris Boshoff, a local businessman and tourism expert has agreed to act as chair. Regular media releases will keep the public informed of events and activities.
Contact either Lindi Harley on or 044 877 0045 or Chairman Chris Boshoff on

Attached: extract from Wilderness: a history, Author Hugo Leggatt

Wilderness : A History. By Hugo Leggatt
There is increasing evidence that the coastal plains of southern Africa were the early
home to modern man, Homo sapiens. From here some would have moved out of Africa,
ultimately to people the world. Others remained here and their descendants became the
hunter-gatherers known to us as San or Bushmen. Figuratively, they trod lightly on the
earth and the soft sands of the Wilderness soils contains little of their story but the tale is
there to be read in the coastal shell middens, certain caves and the pictorial record in the
rock art of the mountains.

Later still, the Khoekhoe appeared with their sheep and cattle and it is they who first
appear in the written record when Batholomeu Dias rounded the Cape in 1488 and,
sighting land near Mossel Bay, mentioned “the many cows, watched by their herdsmen.”
Even after the Dutch settlement at the Cape in 1652, it would be more than a century
before settlers moved into the area which we call Wilderness. The deep gorges of the
Kaaimans and Touw Rivers were always a difficult obstacle to ox wagons and it was only
the building of a proper road to Knysna in the late 1860s that opened the lakes area to
settlement. This is the road now known as the Seven Passes Route. Although it generally
kept to the heights near the foot of the Outeniqua Mountains, it did open the forests and,
more particularly, made it much easier to get wheeled traffic through the river gorges.

In 1877 George Bennett of Liverpool bought land at the mouth of the Touw, built a house
and laid out a farm which he named “The Wilderness”. George and Henrietta Bennett
built up the farm over the next seven years and had a son and twin daughters before
George died in his early thirties. It was a remote spot and Henrietta left to marry her late
husband’s cousin in England. It was to be more than thirty-five years before the property
again had a resident owner.

Until the end of the 19th century Henrietta’s family kept an eye on the property for her,
sometimes letting the farmhouse. After the end of the South African War in 1902, The
Wilderness was bought by a syndicate headed by Montagu White. He did not live there
himself, using his other property “Fancourt”, but he was instrumental in getting the
farmhouse running as a guest house. He built White’s Road at a reasonable gradient up
the hills above the lagoon and, together with the arrival of the motor car, this put the
place on the map.

White’s death in 1916, followed by the end of World War I two years later, brought a
new beginning to The Wilderness. The property was bought by Wilderness (1921) Ltd,
headed by Owen Grant. OG, as he was widely known, settled on the property and
immediately set about developing it as a seaside resort with a name that was soon to be
known worldwide.

It is likely that the romantic legend of the foundation of The Wilderness was circulated at
this time. In this story a young man meets the beautiful orphan Theresa and she, insisting
on being taken away from “the hauntings of memory”, sang to him from Haydn’s
Creation “..In the wilderness build me a nest, let me remain there forever at rest..”. They
finally settled here after various trials, tribulations and adventures which included
difficult and dangerous wagon journeys over the Outeniquas, the clearing of jungle and a
wedding in which Theresa wore “an ancient bridal gown that once had graced her
grandmother in the courts of France”! A great story, much better than much which fills
many publicity brochures. Most who read it would never know that it was a total figment
of the imagination.

By the end of the 1920s, the old farm buildings had been transformed into a proper hotel,
roads had been laid out, plots had been sold and houses were being built. Many of the
thatched rondavels in the village date from that era.

On top of all this, the railway from George to Knysna was opened in 1928 with The
Wilderness as the only station on the line between George and Knysna. As early as 1932,
OG completed negotiations with Union Airways ( the predecessor of SAA ) whereby he
hoped that the Wilderness would receive a tremendous impetus. Arrangements were
made for an inclusive rate for Wilderness Hotel visitors coming by plane.

In some ways much of the basis for the future development of the area was already in
place by this time, but there was one exception. Apart from the three railway bridges,
there was no proper crossing on the Touw, other than the bridge on the Seven Passes
Road. All motor traffic between George and Knysna still travelled on the inland route.
Another World War had to be fought before the necessary machinery and finance could
be directed to building the initial National Road network. By 1952 the N2 was at last
opened and George and Knysna were linked by a tarred coastal road – in a sense the
modern infrastructure was complete.

Until the coming of the new road, the focus of the village had been towards the lagoon,
where the shop, post office and petrol pumps stood at the bottom of the village green.
Now all commercial activity swung round to be accessible to the highway.
More significant than this was the fact that now a vast new area was opened to
development. All the area known as Wilderness East began from this time, to be followed
in due course by Kleinkrans and Die Duine. Fortunately, in the mid-1980s the
proclamation of the Wilderness National Park placed limits on the destruction of the
environment which is the greatest asset of the Wilderness.

Blowing out the fire

It’s not every day you see a leaf blower being used to extinguish a fire, but this nifty tool proved quite handy during a veld fire in George yesterday. Firefighters Shane Fisher and Joseph Fortuin (the one using the leaf blower in this video) were travelling in a non-dedicated vehicle – which means it is equipped with support equipment, not water – when they passed a small veld fire. The industrial strength blower, which is generally used at vehicle accident scenes to clear the road of debris, made quick work of killing the fire. The blower was bought during the drought in 2018 as an alternative, water-saving, fire extinguishing method in cases where fires are manageable without the use of much or any water. While one might think that a blower would fuel rather than extinguish a fire, the industrial strength blower is effective on a small fire in the same way one would blow out a candle – enough wind with enough force in a concentrated area.

Follow the link to see the video:

Anthony Noble art demonstration – George Library

Anthony Noble art demonstration
Issued on 10 September 2020 by George Municipality

Anthony Noble busy with an art demonstration and discussion at George Library. His next and last demonstration will be next week Tuesday, 15 September at 15h00 at George Library. The public can attend. Members of the public can phone 044 801 9288 to book a seat. The usual Covid-19 protocol will apply with sanitising hands, taking of temperature and people will not be allowed without wearing a mask.

George Fire Brigade assists with mountain rescue

George Fire Brigade assists with mountain rescue
Issued George Municipality, 10 September 2020

George Fire Brigade was part of a mid-morning rescue yesterday, after a 71 year old female fell and injured her ankle while on a hike in the Outeniqua Mountains. The hiking group called for help around 10h30 and were able to remain in cellphone contact with the rescue team throughout. The Fire Brigade utilized their drone to establish contact and assist with determining the necessary co-ordinates.
The injured person was carried out by the rescuers to the Outeniqua Cross whereafter she was transported to the nearest ambulance using a smaller EMS All Terrain Vehicle(ATV). The rest of the hiking group were able to walk out safely with the rescue team. The patient was transported to hospital by ER24 in a stable condition. Fire Chief , Neels Barnard of George Municipality who attended the rescue, thanked the combined efforts of Metro Rescue, Hikers Network, Outeniqua Trail Search and Rescue group and ER24 Ambulance Services which led to the successful operation.

George Municipality update on heavy rainfall related incidences

Issued Monday, 7 September @ 17h52

Photo: Road near Witfontein impassible following heavy rainfall.

George received welcome rain over the weekend, with the Garden Route Dam area recording 80mm but at the same time a number of residents were faced with evacuating their homes due to flooding and related issues. Officials were kept busy from the early hours of Sunday morning with the George Fire, Rescue and Disaster Management section providing 73 mattresses, blankets and a pack of 100 facemasks to families temporarily given shelter in the Pacaltsdorp and New Dawn Park Community Halls as well as residents from Wilderness Heights at Hope Church. Certain of these families are from the Moeggeploeg Informal Settlement.

Our Social Development section provided these residents each with a hot meal on Sunday and today, Monday and we note with gratitude donations of food and blankets from Love George and other members of the public. Not all of the residents chose to stay at the community halls with some preferring to sleep at family members’ homes or other places. There are currently 85 people (50 adults and 33 children) housed in the Pacaltsdorp Community Hall and 22 housed in the New Dawn Park Community Hall (12 adults and 10 children).

The municipal Disaster Call Centre was inundated with hundreds of calls from residents that were received via the control room and responded to between Friday 4 to Sunday 6 September 2020.
12 Calls were received for the supply of gunplast, 73 were stormwater related complaints, two calls were received of roofs that were blown off, five calls regarding motor vehicle accidents were received, seven calls about informal house fires, two calls about formal house fires, one building fire, 216 calls were received about civil engineering and technical complaints and 70 calls were received about electrical faults.
Our Human Settlements division handled approximately 200 complaints yesterday with residents mostly requesting assistance with gunplast. On Sunday, the directorate delivered 111 pieces of gunplast to affected people based on the complaints received. The remainder of the complaints will be finalised today (Monday, 7 September). The Electrotechnical teams addressed power outages in Wilderness Village, Wilderness East as well as Parkdene and surrounding areas.
The Civil Engineering teams had to do repair work on three roads that were damaged and several pipelines where joints came loose, as a direct result of blockages caused by unwanted objects thrown into the stormwater system which then caused flooding and damage to pipelines. Cleaning operations and repairs are currently underway in all of these cases. An inlet at Gwaing Sewage Works was blocked due to particles passing through the filters of the pump station.The sea at Ballots Bay was polluted again by the accumulated mess in the Meulen River which was pushed downstream following the heavy rainfall. There was no failures at any of the pump stations along the river that caused a flood or the pollution. The Welgelegen pump station was flooded due to a high inflow with storm water entering the system and which may have caused damage. The cleaning operation is currently underway.

Municipal Manager, Trevor Botha, thanked all officials for their hard work in the extreme weather conditions and noted that coupled with loadshedding throughout the weekend, as well as having to adhere to Covid-19 safety protocols, it made the work so much more difficult and challenging. Botha thanked the public for their patience and understanding.

2020 Digital National Book Week

The use of online resources (e-resources) has come to play an important role in the way we work and conduct research. This is particularly the case where an increasing number of people are working and studying from home where they rely on internet-connected devices to access information.

The Western Cape Library Service would like to highlight some of our current and future e-resources, which are all freely available to the public. These include:

• Online version of the Cape Librarian magazine
• Online version of the Annual Review publication
• Online version of the Insider’s View publication, profiling the operational activities, sections and units of the Library Service
• Contact details of public libraries in the Western Cape
• Online catalogues of the CDs, DVDs, vinyl records and 16mm films held by the Library Service
• Public internet access at public libraries
• Online research studies conducted such as Community Profiles and Comparative Provincial Library Staff Analysis
• Online examples of campaign promotion posters
• Online Living Atlas (see below)
• Projects and online events such as the Oral History Initiative project and the upcoming online National Book Week
• In-house Hospital Street Depot – a loan library for government employees
• We have also attached a document containing useful links to online story- and audiobooks

Find and explore our libraries
Our Living Atlas allows you to find any public library; cultural facility; MOD centre; regional sport centre; or museum in the Western Cape. It provides more information on public libraries, such as their location, opening hours and updated contact details.

Here are the 3 easy-to-follow-steps to find a specific library:

1. Click on the link and wait a moment for the page to update
2. Click on ‘Library’
3. Select the library in the browser and click ‘Apply’

Western Cape Library Service
The Western Cape Library Service forms an important part of the services offered to the people of the Western Cape. The entire community has the right to free access to library and information services. The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) seeks to develop, transform and promote sustainable library and information services. Providing information is a key service. The reason for this is that it promotes a culture of reading, library use and learning that enriches the whole community. Library Services ensures that this information is free, equitable and accessible to everyone. Sustainable library and information services contributes to nation building; good governance; social and human capital development; and sustainable economic growth and opportunities.

For more information, please visit

Covid-19 workplace safety kits provided to businesses

George Municipality Economic Development section with the help of the Western Cape Government provided COVID-19 business workplace safety kits to Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises so that these businesses can continue to operate in a safe and responsible manner. The distribution of the safety kits was linked to the identification of COVID-19 hotspots in the province and Garden Route district.

According to Brendan du Plessis from the Economic Development section who spearheaded the operation at the George Municipality, the safety kist were aimed at small businesses, both formal and informal but with under ten employees. Du Plessis said they prioritised the hotspot areas to combat a possible rising infection rate due to  increasing community transmission. The intent is to build resistance where community transmission is prone to occur and strengthen the economic resilience and recovery of these local businesses.

The small businesses that were willing to provide contactable details to ensure the section can adhere to audit compliance, and that they can be reached post this initiative were considered. Allocations were also based on the municipal databases of all permitted informal traders and spaza shops. By complying to certain  rules, small vendors can be encouraged to apply and qualify for financial and non-financial support offered by government through initiatives such as  the spaza shop support scheme.

You can visit the Economic Development office on appointment at 62 Cathedral Street, Unit BB03, CCMA building 1st Floor. For appointments phone 044 801 911 and ask for extension 2820. For business queries phone 079 366 2621 and any other queries phone 073 621 0099 or visit


Caption: The informal trader Reon Fortuin(right) from Blanco was excited to receive his COVID-19 Workplace SMME safety toolkit from Economic Development official, Brendan Du Plessis. Fortuin’s shop is called Sarah’s Shop.