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Press Release Archive


Issued by George Municipality 17 December 2021 for immediate release

George Municipality is allowing restaurants to apply for ‘pavement permits’ over the festive season, to assist restaurants to inch closer to their original capacities as they have to implement social distancing measures due to COVID-19.

A ‘pavement permit’ will provide restaurants with additional floor space to place their tables, taking Covid-19 amended level 1 regulations into account. These permits will be applicable until 16 January 2022.

If your establishment would like to apply for this permit, download the application form here and submit it together with the required documents to Lauren Waring, Director of Planning and Development:  Any additional queries can be directed to the same email address.

Appreciation Service held for representatives of Nutritional Centres

Issued by George Municipality on 15 December 2021 for immediate release

The George Municipality Community Development Section hosted an Appreciation Service dedicated to the Nutritional Centre representatives on Tuesday, 14 December.

There are currently 125 active centres across the George Municipal area.

The ceremony took on a formal programme and certificates of appreciation were handed over to all the representatives of the nutritional centres. Candles were lit during the programme in memorium of those who lost their lives in the past two years. The Executive Deputy Mayor of George, Cllr Raybin Figland, did the official address at the event and thanked all the good Samaritans from the centres for all their hard work and dedication to their communities.

Apostle Charlotte Roberts, the Guest Speaker at the event, shared a powerful motivational message with the attendees. After the formalities, the ladies and gents were treated to a cooked meal with dessert. The meals were sponsored by EBK Distributors who regards this as their part in giving back to the community that they are a part of. The function was well attended and appreciated by all who were present.

The newly appointed Portfolio Councillor for Community Development, Cllr Brendon Adams, did the official opening and welcoming at the event.

Nutrition 1 and 2: The representatives from the 125 Nutritional Centres across George attended an Appreciation Service at Lawaaikamp Community Hall. Here they are proudly showing off their appreciation certificates for a job well done.

Festive Lights switched on at Unity Park

Festive Lights switched on at Unity Park

Mayor Leon van Wyk switched on the Festive Lights at Unity Park tonight. With him him are the Electrotechnical team that worked tirelessly to get the lights ready during wet and difficult weather conditions the past two weeks. Deputy Mayor of George, Cllr Raybin Figland, more Councillors and Acting Municipal Manager of George, Dr Michele Gratz, supported the mayor at the switch on.

George Municipality wants to bring good cheer and signal the start of our festive season by switching on our Christmas lights. Although no official event was planned for the official switching on of the lights this year, mainly due to COVID restrictions, the lights bring holiday cheer to tourists and residents alike.

George is a holiday town and tourism destination for many and the Mayor of George and Coucil wish everyone a happy and safe festive season. ISSUED BY GEORGE MUNICIPALITY 11 December 2021 at 20h26


ALERT: MR347/404 GEORGE AIRPORT ROAD TO THE N2, NOW OPEN AND SAFE TO USE10 December 2021 at 17h00Issued by Garden Route District Municipality CommunicationsSince last week the Roads and Transport Planning Department of Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) worked non-stop to repair the MR347/404 Road between the George Airport and the N2 highway.This followed the appearance of a sinkhole that was as a result of the torrential rain that largely impacted infrastructure in George and Oudtshoorn. Consequently, the section of the road from the entrance of Bargain Nursery and Elvis Brew to the entrance of the George Airport, was prioritised and repaired. Executive Manager for Roads and Transport Planning at GRDM, John Daniels, said: “Our Roads team worked non-stop since Wednesday, 1 December 2021, to repair the road. We know that this road gets extremely busy over the festive season as many visitors to our region arrive by plane. Two popular businesses would also have been severely impacted if we didn’t prioritise this project. We also want the experience of those visiting our region be the same as those who already reside here.””The road is now open and safe to use,” Daniels said.

Girls Beach Day with Bianca Buitendag cancelled due to rising Covid-19 numbers

Due to the rise in Covid 19 cases and the physical nature of the Girls Beach Day with Bianca Buitendag, it has been decided with great regret and in the interests of the health and safety of all participants, volunteers and staff, that the “Girls Beach Day with Bianca Buitendag”, on Saturday 11 December 2021, has been cancelled.

George Tourism and local Olympian surfer Bianca Buitendag teamed up earlier this year to host a fun, free community event. However, the nature of the event involved direct, physical contact between participants, volunteers and staff. The Girls Beach Day had little to no economic impact as it was a free event, with no external infrastructure required, and was focused on the local surfing community interacting predominantly with school children. Due to the announcement of the fourth wave, and in consultation with the George Municipality Disaster Management unit and key stakeholders, it was decided in the interests of public safety to cancel the event.

Lauren Waring, Director of Planning and Development at George Municipality, says “We are very disappointed but given the current situation we are grateful to Bianca and the surfing fraternity for taking a cautious approach. Whilst we all want to be able to enjoy our beautiful beaches and outdoors, we must take joint responsibility for ensuring the health of our community “. Buitendag added, “We were really hoping to have a fun and motivational morning with girls of all ages, centred around our amazing beach and surfing culture. We are so disappointed that the event cannot take place but in the current climate, it is unfortunately a known and real risk when planning an event. A special thanks to the Eden Surf Riders for their hard work and contribution. We wish the community of George a safe and festive Christmas season”.

Photos by Ian Thurtell

GO GEORGE schedules and hours during holiday season

Issued 8 December 2021

All GO GEORGE services will continue throughout the holidays, with special provision for shoppers and employees at the Garden Route Mall and Eden Meander shopping centres where extended business hours will be implemented.

Later buses at Garden Route Mall and Eden Meander

On weekdays, from 13 to 31 December, the last two trips of the day on Route 12 Pacaltsdorp – Garden Route Mall will be delayed for 10 minutes to accommodate passengers who will be working until 19:00 during the festive season. The 19:00 trip to Pacaltsdorp will depart at 19:10, and the 19:20 trip at 19:30.

Public holidays

Buses will be running according to the Saturday schedule on 16 December and 1 January. The Sunday schedule will be followed on 25, 26 and 27 December.

Anyone needing assistance with trip planning can phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 – the agents take calls from 05:00 until 20:00, seven days a week, throughout the holiday season as well. 

Covid-19 safety

Passengers are once again reminded to adhere to the simple but effective Covid-19 safety measures required on the bus: wearing a mask covering both the mouth and nose, sanitising or washing of hands, keeping a safe distance where possible, and very importantly: keeping bus windows open for good ventilation.


Make sure that your face mask covers both your mouth and nose for maximum protection – the virus tends to attach itself to certain cells in the nose.

Afrikaans op volgende bladsy

PERSVRYSTELLING: GO GEORGE-ure en -skedules gedurende vakansieseisoen

Uitgereik 8 Des 2021

Alle GO GEORGE-dienste sal regdeur die vakansie voortgaan, met spesiale voorsiening vir kliënte en werknemers by die Garden Route Mall en Eden Meander-winkelsentrums waar verlengde besigheidsure geïmplementeer sal word.

Later busse by Garden Route Mall en Eden Meander

Op weeksdae, van 13 tot 30 Desember, sal die laaste twee ritte van die dag op Roete 12 Pacaltsdorp – Garden Route Mall met 10 minute uitgestel word om passasiers te akkommodeer wat tot 19:00 werk tydens die feesseisoen. Die 19:00-rit na Pacaltsdorp sal om 19:10 vertrek, en die 19:20-rit om 19:30.

Openbare vakansiedae

Busse sal op 16 Desember en 1 Januarie die Saterdagskedule volg terwyl die Sondagskedule op 25, 26 en 27 Desember sal geld.  

Enigiemand wat hulp benodig met ritbeplanning is welkom om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel – die agente neem oproepe van 05:00 tot 20:00, sewe dae per week, regdeur die vakansieseisoen.


Passasiers word weereens daaraan herinner om te voldoen aan die eenvoudige maar doeltreffende Covid-19-veiligheidsmaatreëls wat op die bus vereis word: die dra van ‘n masker wat beide die mond en neus bedek, ontsmet of was van hande, handhawing van ‘n veilige afstand waar moontlik, en baie belangrik: oop busvensters vir goeie ventilasie.


Maak seker dat jou gesigmasker jou mond sowel as jou neus bedek vir maksimum beskerming – die virus is geneig om aan sekere selle in die neus vas te heg.

PRESS RELEASE: GO GEORGE schedules and hours during holiday season

Issued 8 December 2021

All GO GEORGE services will continue throughout the holidays, with special provision for shoppers and employees at the Garden Route Mall and Eden Meander shopping centres where extended business hours will be implemented.

Later buses at Garden Route Mall and Eden Meander

On weekdays, from 13 to 31 December, the last two trips of the day on Route 12 Pacaltsdorp – Garden Route Mall will be delayed for 10 minutes to accommodate passengers who will be working until 19:00 during the festive season. The 19:00 trip to Pacaltsdorp will depart at 19:10, and the 19:20 trip at 19:30.

Public holidays

Buses will be running according to the Saturday schedule on 16 December and 1 January. The Sunday schedule will be followed on 25, 26 and 27 December.

Anyone needing assistance with trip planning can phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 – the agents take calls from 05:00 until 20:00, seven days a week, throughout the holiday season as well. 

Covid-19 safety

Passengers are once again reminded to adhere to the simple but effective Covid-19 safety measures required on the bus: wearing a mask covering both the mouth and nose, sanitising or washing of hands, keeping a safe distance where possible, and very importantly: keeping bus windows open for good ventilation.


Make sure that your face mask covers both your mouth and nose for maximum protection – the virus tends to attach itself to certain cells in the nose.

Afrikaans op volgende bladsy

PERSVRYSTELLING: GO GEORGE-ure en -skedules gedurende vakansieseisoen

Uitgereik 8 Des 2021

Alle GO GEORGE-dienste sal regdeur die vakansie voortgaan, met spesiale voorsiening vir kliënte en werknemers by die Garden Route Mall en Eden Meander-winkelsentrums waar verlengde besigheidsure geïmplementeer sal word.

Later busse by Garden Route Mall en Eden Meander

Op weeksdae, van 13 tot 30 Desember, sal die laaste twee ritte van die dag op Roete 12 Pacaltsdorp – Garden Route Mall met 10 minute uitgestel word om passasiers te akkommodeer wat tot 19:00 werk tydens die feesseisoen. Die 19:00-rit na Pacaltsdorp sal om 19:10 vertrek, en die 19:20-rit om 19:30.

Openbare vakansiedae

Busse sal op 16 Desember en 1 Januarie die Saterdagskedule volg terwyl die Sondagskedule op 25, 26 en 27 Desember sal geld.  

Enigiemand wat hulp benodig met ritbeplanning is welkom om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel – die agente neem oproepe van 05:00 tot 20:00, sewe dae per week, regdeur die vakansieseisoen.


Passasiers word weereens daaraan herinner om te voldoen aan die eenvoudige maar doeltreffende Covid-19-veiligheidsmaatreëls wat op die bus vereis word: die dra van ‘n masker wat beide die mond en neus bedek, ontsmet of was van hande, handhawing van ‘n veilige afstand waar moontlik, en baie belangrik: oop busvensters vir goeie ventilasie.


Maak seker dat jou gesigmasker jou mond sowel as jou neus bedek vir maksimum beskerming – die virus is geneig om aan sekere selle in die neus vas te heg.

10 Point Holiday Check for your car!

Just as we all need our health checks annually, it is a good idea to have your vehicle checked before departing on a long trip. The George Municipal Vehicle Testing Station will be open on 13th (10h00 -15h30, 14th and 15th December (08h30 -15h30), and again 3rd, 4th and 5th January 2022 (08h30 -15h30), for a free 10 Point Check of your vehicle.

Bring your vehicle to our VTS on the corner of Hibernia Street on the dates listed above and please note the policy will be first come first served.

The 10 Point inspection includes:

  • Identification of vehicle
  • Lights
  • Equipment and Body structure
  • Braking Systems 
  • Wheels and Tyres
  • Suspension and undercarriage 
  • Steering 
  • Oil leaks
  • Exhaust System
  • Transmission 

The full inspection will take approximately 10 minutes and you will be free to go with a clear bill of health – or know that something needs to be repaired before you leave for that long drive.

Safety is our first priority – make use of the opportunity to ensure you and your family travel safely this festive season.


Check that vehicle is roadworthy before you start your journey 

Carry the necessary equipment and tools to assist you on the road in case of breakdown 

Have enough rest before you start your journey and take a rest every 2 hours 

Adhere to all road signs and rules of the road

Maintain a safe following distance

Adhere to and stay within the speed limits

Follow instructions that are given by Law enforcement or Traffic Officials

No overloading of passengers because it affects the braking system of the vehicle

Have the necessary contact numbers in case of emergency

Be patient towards other road users 

Mayoral Festive Message 2021

The year 2021 has provided further challenges for all of us.

The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on all our lives, with many citizens being affected through illness along with families and friends losing loved ones. The economy has been harmed with some sectors suffering more than others. Jobs and employment opportunities have been lost leaving many families destitute. The Municipality has within its means, provided assistance to vulnerable residents experiencing hunger, the loss of dignity and increased levels of concern about safety. As at the end of November we are faced with risks about a further wave of the pandemic. We therefore need to continue to take the necessary precautions to remain safe. 

During 2021 various actions have been taken within the Municipality to improve levels of service delivery, improve management capacity and to attend to infrastructure maintenance and improvements in capacity to allow for increases in economic activity.

As we approach our traditional holiday season, we have taken note of the numerous positive signals where sectors of the economy are embarking on efforts to rebuild the economic activity. It is therefore important that we all assist our broader tourism sector in the recovery phase.

We wish to thank all our employees and our citizens for all their sacrifices and patience during this year as we learn more about the “new normal” behavioural patterns. We also welcome all holidaymakers and visitors to George over the summer holiday season and wish them excellent weather, safety (on the roads and while swimming) and good times enjoyed with friends and family.

We should all remember to adhere to the health and safety guidelines during the holiday season. We are all together as we face these challenges. Where possible, we should assist those less fortunate than ourselves. We send good wishes to all residents and visitors.

GO GEORGE commemorates 7 years of high-tech service to the George community

Issued 7 Dec 2021

Seven years ago, the first scheduled buses of George’s own public bus service departed from the York Street depot at 05:00 on 8 December 2014, rolling out Phase 1 of the George Integrated Public Transport Network (GIPTN).

Today, 24 of the planned routes have already been activated and are covering a network of 142 km, crisscrossing the streets of George, enabling residents to travel to work, school, medical and community services and shops anywhere in town.

“Although there have been many challenges along the way and we would have loved to have made further progress with more roll-outs to date, we are very proud of what we have achieved thus far,” says GO GEORGE Manager, James Robb. “Apart from the dedicated and hard-working workforce behind the bus service, the advanced level of technology keeping this intricate system running, is constantly developing and being customised to suit the needs of a top-class, scheduled public bus service such as GO GEORGE.”

Intelligent Transport System

The GIPTN has an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) that allows real-time remote monitoring of route and timetable adherence as well as several other operational performance indicators such as speeding, harsh braking and acceleration, and emergency calls from drivers. The system provides alerts in respect of deviations from any of the prescribed parameters and keeps an ongoing record of the mileage, idling times, standing times, etc. of all vehicles.

In parallel with vehicle tracking, buses are also fitted with on-vehicle cameras, linked to a tracking device, that allow the observation of the bus interior and “road ahead” views.

The ITS monitoring facility is based in the GIPTN control centre, in the same space as the GO GEORGE Call Centre, allowing real-time feedback to passengers phoning in, as well as the functionality to track older footage to investigate complaints. As the system is reliant on constant connectivity, there are, however, periods of frustration when service cannot be provided at the preferred level and speed, as is the case with many local businesses having to deal with unstable internet connection.


“A very sad reality of our operations is the constant vandalising of our buses and infrastructure,” says Robb. “The on-board cameras are definitely helpful in this regard and should act as deterrent for this kind of behaviour, but still, we do not see the decline one would expect. We are rolling out a focused anti-vandalism campaign this month and are aiming to change people’s attitude and get communities’ direct involvement in the new year, to help us stop vandalism.”

Automated Fare Collection

The GO GEORGE Automated Fare Collection (AFC) system replaced the interim paper ticket late in 2018. With over three years of operations, the AFC System has created a cashless tap-on solution that allows passengers to travel conveniently on the GO GEORGE bus service using their personal Smart Card.

Linked to the ITS, the AFC system is providing valuable insights that are being used to improve the quality of the GO GEORGE service for the commuters. Some of these insights include:

  • A better understanding of passenger travelling patterns to improve planning and ensure that bus scheduling decisions align with passenger demand data.
  • A more data-driven improvement of the Smart Card products sold using the AFC system to ensure that it meets the needs of passengers.
  • Development of strategic top-up vendor and mobile kiosk deployment to areas where boarding is high and trip top-up facilities low.

Digital fuel management system

At the George Link depot, three on-site diesel tanks with a combined capacity of 69 000 litres have been installed in 2018.

John Heathcote, George Link Operational Manager, says the saving to the Municipality by refuelling on site instead of driving several kilometres to do so at an outside vendor at the end of every day, is about R90 000 per month.

“We now fill up on site at the end of each shift. Managing the stock and consumption through a digital system allows me to be on top of everything from anywhere in the country through an application on my smartphone or laptop computer. Downloading the data in spreadsheet format, I can check each refill by bus fleet number, driver’s and fuel attendant’s identity and the amount of fuel that was taken in, from which pump,” Heathcote says.

This constant eye on the fuel consumption of each vehicle as well as on the driver handling the bus on that shift, also alerts management to excessive consumption which might call for a mechanical check-up or a look into the driver’s skills in terms of fuel economy.

People remain the core of the service

“Even though all the technological aids sound impressive, we are acutely aware that at the core of our services lie the attitude, dedication and perseverance of an amazing team of humans,” says Robb.

“There is often a perception that the system is designed and run by people who are far removed from the ground but in reality, every one of our team members spend many hours in the field every week, observing passenger behaviour and movement out on routes. This includes the entire management team – we are constantly reviewing data from reports, keeping an eye on complaints or requests coming through.

“There’s a drive and an effort across the organisation not to plan routes and schedules on a piece of paper, but to assess and walk things out on site, to touch and feel and see what the passenger would. We may not get it right all the time, but every challenge makes us want to try harder and do better to serve our community.”


GO GEORGE and George Link management and staff gathered at the George Transport Hub in high spirits to sing “Happy birthday, GO GEORGE!”

GO GEORGE herdenk 7 jaar van hoë-tegnologie diens aan die George-gemeenskap

Uitgereik 7 Des 2021

Sewe jaar gelede het die eerste geskeduleerde busse van George se eie openbare busdiens op 8 Desember 2014 om 05:00 uit die Yorkstraat-depot vertrek en Fase 1 van die George Geïntegreerde Openbare Vervoernetwerk (GIPTN) uitgerol.

Vandag is 24 van die beplande roetes reeds geaktiveer en dek dit ‘n netwerk van 142 km wat die strate van George deurkruis en inwoners in staat stel om werk en skool toe as ook na mediese- en gemeenskapsdienste en winkels oral in die dorp te ry.

“Hoewel daar baie uitdagings langs die pad was en ons baie graag verder gevorderd sou wou wees, met meer fases uitgerol, is ons is baie trots op wat ons tot dusver bereik het,” sê GO GEORGE-bestuurder, James Robb. “Afgesien van die toegewyde en hardwerkende arbeidsmag agter die busdiens, word die gevorderde vlak van tegnologie wat hierdie ingewikkelde stelsel aan die gang hou, voortdurend ontwikkel en aangepas om aan die behoeftes van ‘n topklas, geskeduleerde openbare busdiens soos GO GEORGE te voldoen.”

Intelligente vervoerstelsel

Die GIPTN het ‘n Intelligente Vervoerstelsel (ITS) wat intydse afstandsmonitering van roete- en roosternakoming moontlik maak, asook verskeie ander operasionele gedragsaanwysers soos spoed, harde rem en -versnelling, en noodoproepe van bestuurders. Die stelsel vertoon waarskuwings ten opsigte van afwykings van enige van die voorgeskrewe grense en hou ‘n deurlopende rekord van die kilometers, luiertye, wagtye, ensovoorts van alle voertuie.

Samelopend met voertuigopsporing, is busse ook toegerus met kameras op die voertuie wat gekoppel is aan ‘n opsporingstoestel wat die waarneming van die binnekant van die bus en die pad voor die bus moontlik maak.

Die ITS-moniteringsfasiliteit is gebaseer in die GIPTN-beheersentrum, in dieselfde ruimte as die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum wat intydse terugvoering aan inbellers kan bied, asook die funksionaliteit om ouer beeldmateriaal op te spoor om klagtes te ondersoek. Aangesien die stelsel afhanklik is van konstante konnektiwiteit, is daar egter periodes van frustrasie wanneer diens nie op die verkose vlak en teen die nodige spoed verskaf kan word nie, soos die geval is met baie plaaslike besighede wat onstabiele internetverbinding moet hanteer.


“‘n Baie hartseer werklikheid van ons bedrywighede is die konstante vandalisering van ons busse en infrastruktuur,” sê Robb. “Die kameras aan boord is beslis nuttig in hierdie verband en moet as afskrikmiddel vir hierdie soort gedrag dien, maar ons sien steeds nie die afname wat ‘n mens sou verwag nie. Ons ontplooi vandeesmaand ‘n gefokusde anti-vandalisme-veldtog en mik om mense se houding te verander en in die nuwe jaar gemeenskappe se direkte betrokkenheid te kry om ons te help om vandalisme te stop.”

Outomatiese tariefinvordering

Die outomatiese GO GEORGE-tariefinvorderingstelsel het die tussentydse papierkaartjie laat in 2018 vervang. Met meer as drie jaar in bedryf het die stelsel ‘n kontantlose skanderingsfunksie ontwikkel wat passasiers toelaat om die GO GEORGE-busdiens gerieflik te gebruik deur hul persoonlike Slimkaart te skandeer.

Gekoppel aan die ITS, bied hierdie stelsel waardevolle insigte wat gebruik word om die gehalte van die GO GEORGE-diens vir die passasiers te verbeter. Sommige van hierdie insigte sluit in:

  • ‘n Beter begrip van passasiers se reispatrone om beplanning te verbeter en te verseker dat busskeduleringsbesluite in lyn is met passasiersaanvraag.
  • ‘n Meer datagedrewe verbetering van die Slimkaartprodukte met behulp van die stelsel om te verseker dat dit voldoen aan die behoeftes van passasiers.
  • Ontwikkeling van strategiese ontplooiing van herlaaipunte en mobiele kiosks na gebiede waar opklimsyfers hoog is, en herlaaifasiliteite laag.

Digitale brandstofbestuurstelsel

George Link, die voertuigbedrysmaatskappy, het in 2018 drie dieseltenks met ‘n gesamentlike kapasiteit van 69 000 liter by die busdepot laat installeer.

John Heathcote, bedryfsbestuurder van George Link, sê die besparing aan die munisipaliteit deur op die perseel te hervul in plaas daarvan om etlike kilometers te ry om dit aan die einde van elke dag by ‘n buiteverkoper te doen, is sowat R90 000 per maand.

“Ons hervul nou op die terrein aan die einde van elke skof. Die bestuur van die voorraad en brandstofverbruik deur ‘n digitale stelsel laat my toe om deur ‘n toepassing op my slimfoon of skootrekenaar op hoogte van alles te bly vanaf enige plek in die land. Deur die data in sigbladformaat af te laai, kan ek elke hervulling nagaan deur middel van die busvlootnommer, die drywer en brandstofjoggie se identiteit, en die hoeveelheid brandstof wat ingeneem is, en uit watter pomp,” sê Heathcote.

Hierdie konstante oog op die brandstofverbruik van elke voertuig sowel as op die bestuurder wat die bus op daardie skof hanteer, waarsku ook die bestuur van oormatige verbruik wat ‘n meganiese ondersoek of die nagaan van die bestuurder se vaardighede in terme van brandstofekonomie kan vereis.

“Hoewel al die tegnologiese hulpmiddels indrukwekkend klink, is ons deeglik bewus daarvan dat die kern van ons diens in die houding, toewyding en deursettingsvermoë van ‘n ongelooflike span mense lê,” sê Robb.

“Daar is dikwels ‘n persepsie dat die stelsel ontwerp en bestuur word deur mense wat ver van grondvlak verwyder is, maar in werklikheid spandeer elkeen van ons spanlede elke week baie ure in die veld met waarneming van passasiersgedrag en beweging op roetes. Dit sluit die hele bestuurspan in – ons hou voortdurend data van verslae dop, asook klagtes of versoeke wat deurkom.

“Daar is ‘n dryfkrag en ‘n poging regoor die organisasie om nie roetes en skedules op ‘n stuk papier te beplan nie, maar om dinge op die terrein te evalueer en uit te tree, aan te raak en te voel en te sien wat die passasier sou doen. Ons kry dit dalk nie die hele tyd reg nie, maar elke uitdaging maak dat ons harder wil probeer en beter wil doen om ons gemeenskap te dien.”


GO GEORGE- en George Link-bestuurslede en personeel het in vrolike luim by die George-vervoerkern (Transport Hub) bymekaargekom om ‘n verjaarsdagliedjie vir GO GEORGE te sing.

Blue flag hoisted today!

Blue flag hoisted today!

Issued George Municipality, 8 December 2021

George Municipality is proud to announce the blue flag was hoisted today at Wilderness Beach, and a pilot blue flag at Herold’s Bay. Wilderness Beach has full Blue Flag status and Victoria Bay and Herold’s Bay both gained Pilot status.

Blue Flag is an international coastal management programme that accredits beaches that meet standards of excellence in water quality, environmental management, environmental education and information as well as safety and services. In South Africa the programme is implemented by the Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA).Following heavy rains on Monday, 6 December 2021 and flash floods of Monday 22nd November our cleansing teams have been working non-stop every day to remove debris from the beaches. The teams are still working at Victoria Bay.Blue Flag status offers many benefits including improved tourism facilities, enhanced management of coastal ecosystems, increased awareness of the coast and capacity building of coastal municipalities as well as carrying significant international merit. The Blue Flag season runs from 1 December 2021 to 31 January 2022. Compliance includes high standards of water quality monitoring, public safety and lifeguard services, and well-maintained coastal amenities. South Africa has participated in the Blue Flag programme since 2001.

Captions: Selenas: Acting Supervisor at Wilderness Beach, Virgil Carolus (far right) with our EPWP employees this morning (8 December 2021) with the hoisted Blue flag at Wilderness Beach.Caption

John Magwa Supervisor in Herold’s Bay with the pilot Blue Flag at the beach.

Cleaning crews from George Municipality Community Services cleaned the beach at Wilderness and Leentjiesklip until late yesterday. Teams are still clearing Victoria Bay beach of debris after heavy rainfall on Monday to be able to hoist the pilot Blue Flag at the beach.

George Municipality celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities, HIV/Aids Day and 16 Days of Activism in Herold

Issued by George Municipality 8 December 2021 for immediate release

George Municipality Gender and Disability subsection hosted a joint event in Herold last week to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities, HIV/Aids Day and 16 Days of Activism. The subsection joined with the Department of Health as well as the local communities to have a one day event.

The department of Health did HIV testing, vaccinations, eye testing and prostate cancer testing on the day. The George Municipality would also like to thank the local VGK church, Franken Primary School and the farmers in the area  who greatly assisted in the event and made sure the event is a success. The HIV/Aids subsection of George Municipality played educational games with the children in the community and did face painting with them to make the day more enjoyable.

16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children Campaign (16 Days Campaign) is a United Nations campaign which takes place annually from 25 November (International Day of No Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). Other key commemorative days during this period include World Aids Day on the 1st of December and the International Day for Persons with Disabilities, on 3 December of every year.

Her1: Speaker of George Council, Cllr Sean Snyman and Ejustley Boshoff, Coordinator of the Gender and Disability subsection, Community Services lighting a candle in Herold in remembrance of all that passed away due to abuse and HIV-related illnesses.

Her 2: Ejustley Boshoff, Coordinator of the Gender and Disability subsection, Community Services, draws a funny face with face paint on a child’s face at the event in Herold.

Her 3: Officials from George Municipality get the children ready for games at the event.

Heading: George Municipality celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities, HIV/Aids Day and 16 Days of Activism in Herold

Issued by George Municipality 8 December 2021 for immediate release

George Municipality Gender and Disability subsection hosted a joint event in Herold last week to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities, HIV/Aids Day and 16 Days of Activism. The subsection joined with the Department of Health as well as the local communities to have a one day event.

The department of Health did HIV testing, vaccinations, eye testing and prostate cancer testing on the day. The George Municipality would also like to thank the local VGK church, Franken Primary School and the farmers in the area  who greatly assisted in the event and made sure the event is a success. The HIV/Aids subsection of George Municipality played educational games with the children in the community and did face painting with them to make the day more enjoyable.

16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children Campaign (16 Days Campaign) is a United Nations campaign which takes place annually from 25 November (International Day of No Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). Other key commemorative days during this period include World Aids Day on the 1st of December and the International Day for Persons with Disabilities, on 3 December of every year.

Her1: Speaker of George Council, Cllr Sean Snyman and Ejustley Boshoff, Coordinator of the Gender and Disability subsection, Community Services lighting a candle in Herold in remembrance of all that passed away due to abuse and HIV-related illnesses.

Her 2: Ejustley Boshoff, Coordinator of the Gender and Disability subsection, Community Services, draws a funny face with face paint on a child’s face at the event in Herold.

Her 3: Officials from George Municipality get the children ready for games at the event.

Festive lights bring some festive cheer

George Municipality in welcoming tourists to George, and as a signal to the start of our festive season will be putting up and switching on our Christmas lights soon.   Although no official event is planned for the official switching on of the lights this year, mainly due to COVID restrictions, the lights bring holiday cheer to tourists and resident alike, and our teams are working on having the lights fully operational by Friday. Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk will switch lights on at Unity Park, Saturday, 11 December at 20h00.

For those wondering about loadshedding and energy saving, please be reminded that loadshedding is essentially Eskom’s inability to provide reliable electricity. George Municipality has implemented a number of energy-saving initiatives, including the commissioning of the newly built PV Plant at the Main Municipal Building, as well as the conversion of a large part of George’s streetlights and traffic lights to LED. All municipal buildings have been converted to energy saving lights.

George is a holiday town and tourism destination for many, the switching on of festive lights plays a part in celebrating unity, joy and are a symbol of life and happiness.  They are also a beloved attraction of visitors to George, who often make a special family trip to view the lights in the different areas of George and the now famous Denneoord home displays.  We have noticed that more communities are joining in on this practice, so if you want to show off your display this year, please list your property with George Tourism by sending an e-mail to and they will put you on the viewing list.

Gwaiing Landfill site access control improvements

Visitors to the Gwaiing Landfill site will be pleasantly surprised at the number of changes that have taken place over the past few months. In August this year stricter access control was implemented to address safety concerns and ten Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) workers were employed to assist around the site and to address safety concerns.

All vehicles now use the access gate for the refuse transfer station, and must go over the weighbridge for weighing and then proceed via the 2nd gate inside the transfer station, towards the Gwaiing landfill site. Every vehicle entering the facility is then recorded and weighed when it enters, and when it exits. This system enables the municipality to capture correct waste management data and complies with the Provincial Department of Environmental and Development Planning’s requirements.

  • All household and office refuse must be dumped at the refuse transfer station. Only green waste, organic waste, woodcuttings, sawdust, builders rubble, construction waste and soil are permitted on the landfill site.
  • No hazardous waste, light tubing, any vehicle parts, tyres, all asbestos products, e-waste, plastic or cartons  are permitted on the landfill site.
  • No mixed waste: waste must be separated at the source and disposed of at the right waste facility. (Landfill site or refuse transfer station) If you are not sure ask one of the officials on duty at the weighbridge.


The municipal garden refuse site and transfer station is closed on 25 and 26th,  December and will be open on New Year’s day for business as usual,weekdays 7am-6pm and Saturdays 7am to 5pm. The site is situated on the R102 (airport road turn-off from York Street).  For queries contact 044 802 2296 or email

The municipality asks the public to assist and work together with the security personnel and municipal officials at these facilities to ensure that all occupational health and safety regulations, COVID -19 protocols and all licensing conditions of the refuse transfer station and Gwaiing landfill site are adhered to.


To address the disposal of household hazardous waste, the George Municipality will host its second Open Day for the collection of household hazardous waste on 10 December, in the parking lot opposite Outeniqua Stadium, Augusta Street. Open from 08:00  – 15:00, the public to please note all Covid-19 protocols will be observed.


  • Motor oil, oil filters, brake fluid
    • Used antifreeze
    • Paint, paint thinner, turpentine
    • Pesticides or herbicides
    • Household batteries
    • CRTs, old TVs, miscellaneous electronics
    • Tyres
    • Fluorescent tubes and Globes
    • Household medical waste (needles and old medicine and tablets)


  • Explosives
    • Ammunition
    • Radioactive Materials
    • Controlled Substances


  • Bring the items you wish to dispose of in a strong box preferably in their original, labelled containers.
    • Do not EVER mix products together.
    • Be prepared to leave your containers, due to permitting requirements, and the volume of people that may utilise the program.

This is your opportunity to get rid of these items at NO COST and at a convenient, nearby location. For any enquiries, Grace Notshokovu 044 802 2917.

Mayor’s newsletter for George Herald of 2 December 2021

The first week of office for the new Council has required focussing on the damage of the 22 November storm and flooding that coincided with the Council meeting to elect and inaugurate the office bearers. After the conclusion of the meeting the acting municipal manager and I joined the fire chief as night fell on a tour of areas where significant damage occurred.

I thought it might be worthwhile to provide some insight into the “behind the scenes” operations.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we concentrated on the Oewer Street 500mm pipe-burst that was precipitated by the floodwaters engulfing the southern bank of the Kat River. The contractors brought in an excavator to work on the unstable and muddy bank. Part of that repair required bringing in stone and gravel to provide a stable base for the replacement pipe and constructing gabions to protect the newly-laid pipe. At one stage, our new incident command vehicle was placed on the driveway of a private house. This was the base from where some decisions were being made on what tools and equipment had to be sourced to use in the muddy hole to ensure that the pipe jointing could take place smoothly.

With a key pipeline in the network out of use, it also appeared from the continuing water loss on the system that there was another breakage at a location that had not yet been detected. This meant that the lines had to be walked to ultimately locate the break in an isolated wooded area. At the same time there are key roleplayers in the dairy industry who are critically reliant on their daily water supply being delivered within certain pressure tolerances. All available water tankers, including some being rented in or borrowed, were being used to give our residents access to much needed water.

Once the pipelines had been repaired the emphasis shifted to refilling George’s 900 km water pipeline network and the various reservoirs while also removing air-locks. On Friday morning some critical decisions had to be made to balance water availability and pressure in the network to ensure that most areas across George had water without reservoirs running empty. This balancing process required constant adjustment and management over the weekend.

In simple terms George can treat up to 40 Ml (40 million litres) per day with daily usage normally at 30-31 Ml. The outage that we had experienced over Monday through Thursday had depleted our reservoirs and the minimum buffer of 48 hours’ supply. The daily difference between water treated and used is the equivalent of 6 hours’ supply and painstakingly helps to restore the necessary reserves and pressure levels day by day.

Mayor’s newsletter for George Herald of 2 December 2021

The first week of office for the new Council has required focussing on the damage of the 22 November storm and flooding that coincided with the Council meeting to elect and inaugurate the office bearers. After the conclusion of the meeting the acting municipal manager and I joined the fire chief as night fell on a tour of areas where significant damage occurred.

I thought it might be worthwhile to provide some insight into the “behind the scenes” operations.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we concentrated on the Oewer Street 500mm pipe-burst that was precipitated by the floodwaters engulfing the southern bank of the Kat River. The contractors brought in an excavator to work on the unstable and muddy bank. Part of that repair required bringing in stone and gravel to provide a stable base for the replacement pipe and constructing gabions to protect the newly-laid pipe. At one stage, our new incident command vehicle was placed on the driveway of a private house. This was the base from where some decisions were being made on what tools and equipment had to be sourced to use in the muddy hole to ensure that the pipe jointing could take place smoothly.

With a key pipeline in the network out of use, it also appeared from the continuing water loss on the system that there was another breakage at a location that had not yet been detected. This meant that the lines had to be walked to ultimately locate the break in an isolated wooded area. At the same time there are key roleplayers in the dairy industry who are critically reliant on their daily water supply being delivered within certain pressure tolerances. All available water tankers, including some being rented in or borrowed, were being used to give our residents access to much needed water.

Once the pipelines had been repaired the emphasis shifted to refilling George’s 900 km water pipeline network and the various reservoirs while also removing air-locks. On Friday morning some critical decisions had to be made to balance water availability and pressure in the network to ensure that most areas across George had water without reservoirs running empty. This balancing process required constant adjustment and management over the weekend.

In simple terms George can treat up to 40 Ml (40 million litres) per day with daily usage normally at 30-31 Ml. The outage that we had experienced over Monday through Thursday had depleted our reservoirs and the minimum buffer of 48 hours’ supply. The daily difference between water treated and used is the equivalent of 6 hours’ supply and painstakingly helps to restore the necessary reserves and pressure levels day by day.

Blue flag soon to be hoisted at Wilderness Beach

Blue flag soon to be hoisted at Wilderness Beach
Issued George Municipality, 30TH November 2021
Immediate Release

Caption: Proudly holding up the Wilderness Blue Flag are from left Manager Parks and Recreation, Nosidima Vuminda; Acting Municipal Manager, Michele Gratz; Ward 4 Councillor Marlene Barnardt; Deputy Mayor Raybin Figland; Portfolio Councillor Electrotechnical Services, Nosicelo Mbete; Project Coordinator Environmental Services, Grace Notshokuvo and Chief Clerk Environmental Services, Yolanda Mail.


Caption 2: Cllr Figland, Cllr Barnardt, Dr Gratz and Ms Vuminda inspect the recently updated public facilities readied for the 2021 festive season and Blue Flag status.


Deputy Mayor Raybin Figland, together with Ward Councillor Marlene Barnardt and Acting Municipal Manager Michele Gratz today proudly inspected the facilities at Wilderness beach that have been readied for the hoisting of the Blue Flag for the 2021/22 summer season. Nosidima Vuminda Manager Parks and Recreation for George Municipality accompanied the trio during their site inspection of the public facilities.


Wilderness Beach has full Blue Flag status and Victoria Bay and Herold’s Bay both gained Pilot status. Blue Flag is an international coastal management programme that accredits beaches that meet standards of excellence in water quality, environmental management, environmental education and information as well as safety and services. In South Africa the programme is implemented by the Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA).


Blue Flag status offers many benefits including improved tourism facilities, enhanced management of coastal ecosystems, increased awareness of the coast and capacity building of coastal municipalities as well as carrying significant international merit.


The Blue Flag season runs from 1 December 2021 to 31 January 2022. Compliance includes high standards of water quality monitoring, public safety and lifeguard services, and well-maintained coastal amenities. Following the flash floods of Monday 22nd November large piles of debris is still in process of being removed from the beaches and as such the Blue Flag will officially be hoisted on Friday 3rd December 2021. South Africa has participated in the Blue Flag programme since 2001.


George ready for fire season 2021/22

George Municipal Fire and Rescue Services are ready for the fire season, which officially runs in the Western Cape from December 2020 to March 2021.

George Fire Chief Neels Barnard said the municipality’s own fleet was well-equipped and the Southern Cape would once again have additional air support from its Denneoord Emergency Airbase ensuring a comprehensive response to the diverse firefighting challenges in our municipal area.

A chopper, three spotter planes and two water bombers will serve the Garden Route district from the airbase during the 2021/22 fire season with a second chopper on standby.

The municipality appeals to residents and visitors to be mindful of hot summer conditions and to act responsibly to ensure that there are no unnecessary fires to contend with during a time when emergency services are stretched to the limit.  The public is reminded that fireworks are illegal because of the fire risk and that no controlled burns are allowed until fire season is over. Always remember to make fires in protected and designated areas only and dispose of cigarette butts safely.

George Fire emergency number: 044 801 6311
General emergency number: 044 801 6300

George blazes a trail – First non-metro ever to receive BFI Funding

George Municipality has successfully applied for a Budget Facility for Infrastructure funding (“BFI”), the first non-metro municipality to ever receive such a grant in South Africa. The overall funding required for the project is R1.197 billion, to be formally gazetted, and which will be provided over the next forty (40) months for the full phases of the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works projects.

The BFI funding is allocated to George Municipality through the Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant managed by the Department of Water and Sanitation. Acting Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz said that the impact of this funding will be immense for George and the 212 120 residents we service. “The Department of Water and Sanitation in a meeting noted that George Municipality is extremely privileged and a trailblazer being the first B-municipality to receive such a grant. Out of a total of 17 applicants which included government departments, George Local Municipality was the only approved application.”

The potable Water Security and Remedial Works projects include a new sludge treatment plant; new 20 Ml/d Water Treatment Works (“WTW”) Plant upgrade; refurbishment of the existing sludge discharge system; upgrade of Garden Route Dam outlet supply; new generator for Garden Route Dam pump station to ease supply of raw water during power failures; new 30Ml Balancing Dam and pipeline to New Water Treatment Plant; rehabilitation of Old water treatment works; replacement for Kaaimans River Pump station pumps; new Pacaltsdorp (West) Reservoir; new Pacaltsdorp (East) Reservoir, Tower and pump station; new Thembalethu (West) Reservoir and Pump station and a new Thembalethu (East) Reservoir, Tower and pump station.

Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk made the announcement of the successful application in the Ordinary Council of Friday 26th November during the tabling of the Adjustment Budget 2021/22. “We are grateful for the show of National Treasury’s faith in the municipality as a responsible recipient of grant allocation funds and are committed to provide services in line with the city’s ongoing needs as one of the fastest growing municipalities in the country.

“This is a major milestone project for the sustainability of our city that will stimulate housing and economic development that had to be halted in recent years as bulk water and sanitation infrastructure has reached capacity. The project will also eradicate the current sludge spillage in municipality’s river and dam water sources, in turn, improving the water quality of the municipality. Water security is a key component of the Medium-Term Strategic Framework 2019 – 2021 (MTSF) which calls for increased investment in water infrastructure funded by both the public and private sector. Water security is required to improve the quality and amount of investment to support growth and job creation.”

This project is aligned with the South African Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan specifically in relation to investment in infrastructure , employment creation and support of tourism recovery and growth by a) maintaining the planned level of investment in the public sector b) ensuring that local communities particularly historically marginalised communities are removed from the cycle of under-development and c) strengthening the production capacity of the economy.

“The Council of George can rightly be proud of the team of senior management and officials who put together this funding application at short notice and the subsequent approval is a testament to the skilled and innovative Civil Engineering Services planning staff we have in George, “ said Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk.

The BFI funding will extend the water treatment capacity and will be implemented in two phases over three years (2022 – 2025): Phase 1 and 2 is an additional 20 Mℓ/day extension to the New George WTW and Phase 3 is an additional 30 Mℓ raw water balancing dam at the New George WTW.

The first allocation approved of the total amount of R1.197 billion, is R81.345 million and this amount was included in the 2021/22 Adjustments Budget tabled at the Ordinary Council of Friday 26th November.

The municipality has started the procurement processes for the development of major drinking water infrastructure projects in anticipation of national funding over the next few years.

The BFI was introduced in 2016 to cater for large strategic infrastructure projects. It is well-known that there is widespread concern about the state of water and waste-water infrastructure in South Africa and that significant amounts of funding will be required to rehabilitate this infrastructure within municipalities.

The George management team recognised that the capital expenditure required for this project would be significant and place enormous strain on the municipality’s financial resources. The initiative was taken to approach National Treasury to search for a solution. This approach culminated in the application being launched. In being awarded the BFI facility, George becomes the flag-bearer among non-metro municipalities to lead the restoration of water treatment as well as waste-water facilities in the country.

Innovative engineering wins the day as Garden Route Dam overflows

George Municipality and the engineering community this week celebrated the success of the award-winning Garden Route Dam spillway as the dam overflowed for the first time since the spillway and dam wall was raised in 2019/20.

George Municipality Civil Engineering Services Acting Director Lionel Daniels said the heavy rainfall and flash floods that occurred on Monday had understandably overshadowed the dam’s overflowing on the same day (22 November 2021), but it remained a significant milestone in the city’s long-term water security. “There are many reasons we are celebrating this project including an increased capacity of 25% by raising the full supply level of the dam by only 2.5 metres. The ingenious duckbill-shaped spillway design improved the dam’s safety in a practical and cost-effective way that earned the designers, Zutari (formerly Aurecon), a win in the Technical Excellence category at the South African Institute of Civil Engineering (SAICE) Awards in November 2020.

“The design is relatively new in the engineering world, and as far as we know is not being used in this way in South Africa. It was extensively researched and tested at the University of Tshwane and its shape is designed to slow down water flow using basic physics principles. The design is brilliant in its simplicity and it was a real victory to see the dam overflow and the spillway working so effectively,” said Mr Daniels.

The Garden Route Dam, situated just outside the north-east urban edge of George, is the main source of potable water for the city and its capacity had become a concern as the municipal area continued to grow exponentially since the early 2000s.

In addition, the Southern Cape had experienced two major droughts in seven years, which had been unheard of in this prolific all-year rainfall area. The dam recorded its lowest ever level of 16.9% in February 2010 and again dropped to 41,2% in September 2017.

The Garden Route Dam spillway and wall project was completed in January 2020 and increased the dam storage capacity by 25% from 10 million cubic metres to an estimated new capacity of 12,5 million cubic metres.

Project details:
The previous Garden Route spillway was 25m wide, which was extended to 80m by curving the spillway in the upstream direction. The new spillway consists of a reinforced concrete cantilever structure, which is unusual for hydraulic structures of this type, as these are normally self-stable by their mass. To enhance the stability, the structure is provided with rockfill on the upstream side of the wall footing, in addition to rock anchors.

Although the full supply level (FSL) of the dam was raised by 2.5 m, due to the local terrain the tallest portion of the new spillway wall is 4.9 m tall. A total of 1,780 m3 of concrete was used (750 m3 mass concrete, 300 m3 for the walls, 390 m3 for the wall footing, and 340 m3 for the channel).

The main dam wall was also raised by 1.76m to prevent overtopping by placing earth fill on top of the existing embankment. Selected material was placed as follows: general fill (12,500 m3), rip-rap (2,500 m3), filter sand (750 m3), and topsoil (2,050 m3).

The Garden Route Dam overflowed for the first time since its spillway had been raised in 2019. The award-winning bill-shaped design increased the dam’s overall capacity by 25% by raising the spillway by only 2.5m.



Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk photographed at the Oewer Street repair site this morning for an update on the status of repairs. The repair work is progressing well and it is expected that the pipeline repair will be completed by 14h00. “I would like to thank the residents of George for their patience and understanding during this unprecedented weather disaster. We have now seen the extensive infrastructure damage that such flash flooding can do, with our water infrastructure taking the bulk of the force of the water.”

George measured 105mm of rainfall in a two-hour period on Monday 22nd November which led to extensive flash flood damage to private as well as municipal infrastructure. In total George received 148.5 mm of rain from Monday to this morning (Wednesday 24 November). It is with immense gratitude that the municipality can advise that no injuries or fatalities were reported following the storm. The George Fire and Emergency Services is aware of 26 formal houses that flooded, and to date over 800 families of informal structures have been identified as  affected by flooding and requiring assistance. Emergency Services responded to one motor vehicle accident on Monday.

Roads which remain closed
Our traffic officials dealt with 10 traffic callouts from early morning on Monday, which included the closure of four roads that were completely impassable for a number of hours. Saasveld Road from Madiba Driver (Pine Lodge) to NMU is closed with extensive damage and repair work to be undertaken by Garden Route District Municipality which has jurisdiction over this road. In George itself, the Pienaar Street Bridge remains closed and the railway line opposite Correctional Services, Union street has been damaged.

Gunplast requests
The George Municipal Human Settlements directorate has worked solidly since Monday addressing requests for gunplast. Members of the public who require assistance with the supply of  “Gunplast” please register their requests as follows:

  1. Telephonically report the matter to the George JOC on 044 801 6316 or After Hours 044 8016300
  2. Visit your nearest Area Office or Ward /other Councillor who will report on your behalf.
  3. Email to providing the necessary Contact Details, Names of residents affected and Street Address.
  4. Log via the Municipal App, Housing Queries OR General Request with the necessary Contact Details, Names of Residents affected and Street Address

Such faults will be assigned to the Human Settlements Directorate for assessment and assistance where possible. An application form must be completed and the resident must provide an Identity Document.

Beaches, streets and rivers being cleaned, refuse collection backlog being cleared
Community Services have been hard at work cleaning up the beaches including Victoria Bay (79 black bags collected), Herold’s Bay (220) and Ballots Bay(137 ) and will continue today.. Community Services thanks members of the public who voluntarily assisted with the clean-ups. Street cleaning teams will be clearing the streets which are full of debris. Community Workers will begin assisting the municipality with the clearing of debris from the Meul, Kat and Molen Rivers today.

Refuse Collection was unable to take place on Monday due to impassable roads. The backlog for Monday will however be addressed on Wednesday 24 November, after the Wednesday areas are cleared. The refuse teams will work until the backlog has been cleared.

Water outages, roads cleared
George Municipality has experienced severe infrastructure damage following the flash flooding. This resulted in several pipebursts affecting water supply to a large portion of the city. The municipality is managing this crisis  and continues to circulate water trucks to strategic areas throughout mostly the eastern side of the city. The water situation remains critical with reservoir levels supplying the eastern and CBD areas very low. Currently Thembalethu, Pacaltsdorp , Blanco, Conville, Borcherds, Lawaaikamp, Protea Park, New Levallia, Blue Mountain and surrounds are the only areas not affected by the water outage. The civil engineering road teams will also continue clearing sand and flood debris as they are able to throughout the city.

Power outages
Our electrotechnical teams have attended to over 30 high voltage repairs and countless low voltage matters over the past days. Currently the only areas that remain affected are the Strydom Line (Wilderness Heights)  which remains off due to two broken poles that will be replaced and lines repaired and a portion of Victoria Bay where one transformer needs replacement.

Humanitarian Relief
The Social Services department has spent most of yesterday collating a list of families and structures worst hit by the floods and which are located in informal settlements. This list will be used for the various humanitarian relief operations currently underway in George.  A family of 7 persons was sheltered in a Thembalethu community hall on Monday evening and have since returned to their structure.

The municipality has been inundated with offers of assistance for those affected by the flash flooding.
Any donations of food, blankets, clothing, mattresses, bedding, toiletries  can be delivered to the Garden Route Food Pantry located at 1 Glaze street, next door to Takelot depot.
Contact Carl on 0828260731 or Tillie on 0721881207 in this regard. George Municipality will handle the assigning of donations to those in need.

Municipal Offices closed, except Finance Cashier Hall

Due to lack of water supply in the city centre, all municipal administration in the CBD except the Finance/Client Services Hall in the main building, are closed. Chemical toilets are available nearby – please enquire from security as to their location should you need to use the facilities. Phones of administration staff have been transferred to relevant numbers and staff are working remotely.

George Municipality remains committed to service delivery. Thank you for your support, understanding and cooperation during the challenging time.

South African Weather Service has released a Level 4 Yellow Warning for Damaging Winds for George and other areas from Friday 26 November in the morning. Gale force winds gusting up to 80-100km/h are predicted. Updates will be issued by the SA Weather Services, please pay attention to local news and social media.

Disability sensitization in Touwsranten during Disability Month, November

Disability sensitization in Touwsranten during Disability Month, November
Issued by George Municipality, 16 November 2021

George Municipality Gender and Disability subsection and APD (Association for Persons with Disabilities) is using November, Disability Awareness Month, to raise awareness of what it means to be an inclusive society where the rights of persons with disabilities are upheld.
The Disability and Gender subsection personnel in the Community Development department held an outreach in Touwsranten to sensitize the community about the rights of people with disabilities.
November is celebrated globally as Disability Awareness Month. The international theme proclaimed by the United Nations for this year is: “Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all.”
Ejustley Boshoff, Coordinator of the Gender and Disability subsection for George Municipality, said the purpose of the outreach in Touwsranten was not only to raise awareness about the rights of people with disabilities, but also to collect data. “We assisted a mother who has a daughter who have a mental disability. She knew her child is not well but did not know where to go for help,” Boshoff said.
APD staff arranged for assistance for the mother and child to identify what type of disability the child has so that she can get the necessary help.
The group used the outreach to sensitize the children about disability matters, a positive self-image, sexuality and more.

Touws 2(1): Ejustley Boshoff speaks to young children about disability issues.

Touws2(2): Staff from George Municipality Gender and Disability subsection and APD speak to a disabled person in her home in Touwsranten.