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This is how Electricity tariffs will work from 1 July 2022

The approval of the 2022/23 budget in May 2022 by Council has introduced a number of changes as to how George Municipality will be charging for electricity.


  • The ESKOM increase to all municipalities in South Africa is 8.61% and George Municipality has approved an overall average electricity price lower than this for our customers at 7.47%. (Please note you will not be charged the Eskom increase + GM increase).
  • To comply with NERSA requirements, the George Municipal tariffs will be structured as cost reflective tariffs, with changes to how the tariff is made up.
  • The tariff structure changes will include a fixed cost made up of a Basic, and a Capacity Charge, and an energy consumption charge according to number of units electricity used.
  • The Basic and Capacity charges will only come into effect for capacities of 30 Amperes and above.
  • Registered indigent, and poor households will not pay any fixed charges but will need to limit their pre-paid meter electricity supply to a 20 AMP capacity.
  • The new tariff rates will be applied as from 1 July 2022, but implementation of the actual capacity selections capacity limit will be rolled out over a period of maximum two years.
  • You can CHOOSE your Capacity now already if you want to manage your load in your household and know how many kilowatt-hours you consume per month.
  • If you can manage with 20 Amps there will be NO Capacity Charge and NO Basic Charge.
  • If you don’t know what your capacity should be – You don’t have to make a CHOICE right now! George Municipality will look at what you have used as a household over the past 12 months and implement an appropriate capacity selection for you – limited to 40 Amps. The majority of consumers, those using less than 600 kWh/m, should be on 20 Amps (4 600 Watts) as this provides adequate capacity if the load is managed and this will ensure that the price increase will not be more than the average increase.
  • If we choose for you, you will have one opportunity to change the selected capacity again between July 2022 – June 2023 as well as once per financial year thereafter.
  • The fixed costs (Basic + Capacity charge) and consumptions charge are linked to the Capacity you choose or that we select for you.
  • Should you be placed on a tariff with a fixed cost, you will be paying a reduced energy charge per kWh unit. Do therefore not purchase units in bulk before the end of the financial year, the cost per kWh on these tariffs will be reduced.
  • Consumers who require more than 20 Amp capacity will be charged a cost-reflective tariff consisting of a fixed monthly basic charge; a capacity charge depending on the capacity limit of the supply and a reduced energy consumption charge as per Table A.

Do you want to reduce your capacity and save costs?

  1. If you don’t make a decision by 1 July, George Municipality will place you on an assumed capacity based on the historical consumption patterns to a maximum of 40 Amp capacity. This should be more than enough for the average household, but If you want to reduce your costs and you can manage your load / times of electricity peak use every day, you can complete this form here and email it to to change your capacity limit.
  2. You have one option per financial year (1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023) to change your capacity as well as once a financial year thereafter.
  3. Do you want to discuss your energy consumption and find out what the best Capacity will be for your needs, phone 044801 9243, have your Municipal Account Number and Prepaid Meter Number handy OR email your query to
  4. Capacity Application form available at:
  5. for further information and frequently asked questions which will assist consumers in understanding the new tariffs, knowing what capacity to select and how to manage their loads within the selected capacity.




JCC donates prem baby clothes for Youth Day

JCC donates prem baby clothes for Youth Day

George Municipal Councillors Thandiswa Qatana and Marais Kruger who play a co-ordinating role providing guidance and coaching to the Junior City Council,  joined two of the members  on 16th June, to donate 212 pieces of hand-knitted premature baby clothes to the George Provincial Hospital . The Junior City Council raised money for the purchase of wool by selling cakes and brownies at their respective schools, and received donations of wool from different organisations and residents. With the wool in hand, they visited a number of old age homes to ask the elderly to employ their considerable skills in knitting a variety of beautiful booties, baby beanies and jackets.

In the photograph from the left are Abi Powell, JCC Member (Glenwood High School) Sister Wendy Uithaler (George Provincial Hospital); Dr Else (George Provincial Hospital); Cllr Thandiswa Qatana; Carla Kruger, JCC Deputy Mayor (Outeniqua High School) and Ward 22 Cllr Marais Kruger with the boxes of premature baby clothes donated to the George Hospital NICU


From left are Moses Williams (actor and comedian), Lizette da Silva (George Herald editor), Lloyd Bosman (athlete), Alet van Tonder (GO GEORGE communications team), Peter Jaftha (Manager, Heartbeat FM), James Robb (GO GEORGE Manager), Charmaine Pretorius (GO GEORGE communications team) and Morné Pietersen (Manager, Eden FM). Zane Kirchner, former Springbok rugby player and assistant coach of the SWD Eagles, is also a member of the panel but could not attend the meeting.

GO GEORGE tackles vandalism with a vengeance

van·​dal·​ism  willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property

A Google search for the word vandalism floods the screen with topics such as:

  • What causes vandalism?
  • What is the impact of vandalism on the community?
  • How can we prevent vandalism?
  • How can we stop vandalism and graffiti?

There are no clearcut answers, but community leaders world-wide keep digging for solutions to this pandemic of senselessly damaging property and breaking down infrastructure serving the community.  Closer to home, municipal property including the buses and facilities of the GO GEORGE bus service is the constant target of vandals stoning buses, defacing shelters with graffiti or breaking shelter panels designed to protect passengers from harsh weather.

Asking all of the above questions, GO GEORGE management seeks to engage the community at large, community leaders and organisations, role models and influencers to actively look into the local situation.

Community influencers join the battle

A panel of six well-known community influencers have already agreed to become “the face” of this anti-vandalism campaign and to put their weight behind the effort to involve the community, to identify causal factors and to seek solutions. They are Morné Pietersen (Manager, Eden FM), Lloyd Bosman (athlete), Moses Williams (actor and comedian), Lizette da Silva (George Herald editor), Peter Jaftha (Manager, Heartbeat FM) and Zane Kirchner, former Springbok rugby player and assistant coach of the SWD Eagles.  Posters with personal messages from each of these campaign ambassadors have been put up all over town.

Following an introductory meeting with them at the GIPTN offices last week, GO GEORGE Manager James Robb was thrilled with the input and ideas bandied about. “The value and insight these participants bring to the table are immensely important,” he said. “Their approach to the issue is fresh and creative. They reach members and sectors of the community that we on our own could never do, so there will definitely be an ongoing effort to involve more ambassadors from all communities to expand the reach and impact of the campaign.”

Multi-pronged approach needed

The lack of understanding of the value of property came up during the discussion, as well as the lack of respect. “If someone does not have respect for a bus stop that was provided for their community’s convenience, how will they ever have respect for other people and authority figures?” asked Lizette da Silva. “We could ask schools, for instance, to take ownership of nearby bus stops, at the same time teaching children respect, and how to take responsibility for the maintenance of facilities provided to them with hard-earned taxpayers’ money,” she said.

Peter Jaftha agreed with the concept of involving communities in their direct vicinity. “People in smaller communities know one another and the challenges faced in their area and will be more likely to get involved to solve a problem that is downgrading their community and its facilities,” he said.

Zane Kirchner could not attend the first think tank due to work commitments but confirmed his allegiance with the campaign. “I am looking forward to helping find solutions and getting the communities of which I am part involved in prevention of vandalism, as well as ways to stop it,” he said.

Morné Pietersen noted that many vandals fall outside formal structures such as schools, which makes it difficult to reach them and change their attitude. “Although there is a crucial educational component to the approach taken, we’ll also have to partner with and empower neighbourhood watches to become our community partners in prevention as well as apprehension of criminals. They are the eyes watching out for clandestine activities after dark, when the perpetrators are at their most active.”

This point was reiterated by Lloyd Bosman who is a teacher and has experience of the value of electronic monitoring via CCTV cameras at schools in terms of evidence, as well as deterring perpetrators.

Moses Williams as entertainer and active social media content creator gave input regarding the use of platforms such as TikTok to reach the youth. He has previously been involved in scriptwriting for anti-vandalism skits performed at schools by the GO GEORGE communication champions and will continue to support efforts involving the performing arts, such as the current rap competition for high schools.

Reward for useful information

George Municipality has recently approved a reward of R2 500 to persons providing information that leads to the successful conviction of vandals damaging GO GEORGE property and infrastructure. Informants should phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre immediately on 0800 044 044 when they witness acts of vandalism in process. Ideally, law enforcement agents should catch the vandals in the act, but photographic evidence will be very useful too.

Any individuals or organisations who are willing to get involved or share advice on addressing vandalism are invited to leave a message at the Call Centre or send an email to


The first six ambassadors of the GO GEORGE anti-vandalism campaign had an introductory meeting with the campaign organisers last week to give input and exchange ideas to curb vandalism of buses and infrastructure.

From left are Moses Williams (actor and comedian), Lizette da Silva (George Herald editor), Lloyd Bosman (athlete), Alet van Tonder (GO GEORGE communications team), Peter Jaftha (Manager, Heartbeat FM), James Robb (GO GEORGE Manager), Charmaine Pretorius (GO GEORGE communications team) and Morné Pietersen (Manager, Eden FM). Zane Kirchner, former Springbok rugby player and assistant coach of the SWD Eagles, is also a member of the panel but could not attend the meeting.


Posters with the six anti-vandalism campaign ambassadors can now be seen all over town, expressing their views regarding vandalism of GO GEORGE buses and infrastructure.


PERSVERKLARING: GO GEORGE pak vandalisme met mening

Uitgereik Maandag 20 Junie 2022

van·​da·l​is·me  opsetlike of kwaadwillige vernietiging of beskadiging van openbare of private eiendom

‘n Google-soektog na die woord vandalisme vul die skerm met onderwerpe soos:

  • Wat veroorsaak vandalisme?
  • Wat is die impak van vandalisme op die gemeenskap?
  • Hoe kan ons vandalisme voorkom?
  • Hoe kan ons vandalisme en graffiti stop?

Daar is geen duidelike antwoorde nie, maar gemeenskapsleiers wêreldwyd hou aan grawe vir oplossings vir hierdie pandemie van sinnelose beskadiging van eiendom en die afbreek van infrastruktuur wat die gemeenskap bedien.  Op eie bodem is munisipale eiendom, insluitend die busse en fasiliteite van die GO GEORGE-busdiens, die konstante teiken van vandale wat busse met klippe bestook, busskuilings met graffiti ontsier of skuilingpanele wat ontwerp is om passasiers teen gure weer te beskerm, breek.

Deur al bogenoemde vrae te vra, poog die GO GEORGE-bestuurspan om die gemeenskap in geheel, gemeenskapsleiers en -organisasies, rolmodelle en beïnvloeders te betrek om aktief na die plaaslike situasie te kyk.

Gemeenskapsbeïnvloeders sluit aan by die stryd

‘n Paneel van ses bekende gemeenskapsbeïnvloeders het reeds ingestem om “die gesig” van hierdie anti-vandalisme-veldtog te word en hul gewig in te gooi by die poging om die gemeenskap te betrek, oorsaaklike faktore te identifiseer en oplossings te soek. Hulle is Morné Pietersen (bestuurder, Eden FM), Lloyd Bosman (atleet), Moses Williams (akteur en komediant), Lizette da Silva (George Herald-redakteur), Peter Jaftha (bestuurder, Heartbeat FM) en Zane Kirchner, voormalige Springbokrugbyspeler en hulpafrigter van die SWD-Arende.  Plakkate met persoonlike boodskappe van elk van hierdie veldtogambassadeurs is regoor die dorp opgerig.

Ná ‘n inleidende vergadering met die span by die GIPTN-kantore verlede week, is GO GEORGE-bestuurder, James Robb, opgewonde oor die insette en idees wat gewissel is. “Die waarde en insig wat hierdie deelnemers tafel toe bring, is geweldig belangrik,” sê hy. “Hul benadering tot die kwessie is vars en kreatief. Hulle bereik lede en sektore van die gemeenskap wat ons op ons eie nooit sal kan doen nie, so daar sal beslis ‘n deurlopende poging wees om meer ambassadeurs uit alle gemeenskappe te betrek om die reikwydte en impak van die veldtog uit te brei.”

Veelvoudige benadering nodig

Die gebrek aan begrip van die waarde van eiendom is tydens die bespreking geopper, asook die gebrek aan respek. “As iemand nie respek het vir ‘n bushalte wat vir hul gemeenskap se gerief voorsien is nie, hoe sal hulle ooit respek vir ander mense en gesagsfigure hê?” het Lizette da Silva gevra. “Ons kan skole byvoorbeeld vra om eienaarskap van nabygeleë bushaltes te neem, terwyl kinders in die proses geleer word om respek te hê vir fasiliteite wat aan hulle voorsien word met swaarverdiende belastingbetalersgeld, en hoe om verantwoordelikheid te neem vir die instandhouding daarvan.”

Peter Jaftha het saamgestem met die konsep om gemeenskappe in hul direkte omgewing te betrek: “Mense in kleiner gemeenskappe ken mekaar en die uitdagings wat in hul gebied in die gesig gestaar word en sal meer geneig wees om betrokke te raak om ‘n probleem op te los wat hul gemeenskap en sy fasiliteite afgradeer.”

Zane Kirchner kon weens werksverpligtinge nie die eerste dinkskrum bywoon nie, maar het sy verbintenis met die veldtog bevestig. “Ek sien uit daarna om oplossings te help vind en die gemeenskappe waarvan ek deel is betrokke te kry by die voorkoming van vandalisme, asook maniere om dit stop te sit,” het hy gesê.

Morné Pietersen het opgemerk dat baie vandale buite formele strukture soos skole val, wat dit moeilik maak om hulle te bereik en hul houding te verander. “Hoewel daar ‘n belangrike opvoedkundige komponent is in die benadering wat gevolg word, sal ons ook met buurtwagte moet saamwerk en hulle bemagtig om ons gemeenskapsvennote te word in voorkoming van vandalisme sowel as die aankeer van misdadigers. Hulle is die mense wat uitkyk vir klandestiene bedrywighede ná donker, wanneer die oortreders op hul aktiefste is.”

Hierdie punt is ondersteun deur Lloyd Bosman wat ‘n onderwyser is en ervaring het van die waarde van elektroniese monitering via CCTV-kameras by skole, ten opsigte van bewyse, asook om oortreders af te skrik.

Moses Williams as vermaaklikheidster en aktiewe sosiale media-inhoudskepper het insette gelewer oor die gebruik van platforms soos TikTok om die jeug te bereik. Hy was voorheen betrokke by die skryf van ’n draaiboek vir anti-vandalisme-sketse wat deur die GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeamptes by skole opgevoer word en sal steeds bystand verleen met aktiwiteite wat die uitvoerende kunste betrek, soos die huidige kletsrymkompetisie vir hoërskole.

Beloning vir nuttige inligting

George-munisipaliteit het onlangs ‘n beloning van R2 500 goedgekeur aan persone wat inligting verskaf wat lei tot die suksesvolle skuldigbevinding van vandale wat GO GEORGE-eiendom en -infrastruktuur beskadig. Informante moet die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum onmiddellik by 0800 044 044 skakel wanneer hulle vandalistiese bedrywighede sien. Ideaal gesproke moet wetstoepassingsagente die vandale op heterdaad betrap, maar fotobewyse sal ook baie nuttig wees.

Enige individu of organisasie wat bereid is om betrokke te raak of advies oor die aanspreek van vandalisme te deel, word uitgenooi om ‘n boodskap by die Inbelsentrum te laat of ‘n e-pos aan te stuur.


Die eerste ses ambassadeurs van die GO GEORGE-anti-vandalisme-veldtog het verlede week ‘n inleidende vergadering met die veldtogorganiseerders bygewoon om insette te lewer en idees uit te ruil om vandalisme van busse en infrastruktuur te bekamp.

Van links is Moses Williams (akteur en komediant), Lizette da Silva (George Herald-redakteur), Lloyd Bosman (atleet), Alet van Tonder (GO GEORGE-kommunikasiespan), Peter Jaftha (bestuurder, Heartbeat FM), James Robb (GO GEORGE-bestuurder), Charmaine Pretorius (GO GEORGE-kommunikasiespan) en Morné Pietersen (bestuurder, Eden FM). Zane Kirchner, voormalige Springbokrugbyspeler en hulpafrigter van die SWD-Arende, is ook ‘n lid van die paneel, maar kon nie die vergadering bywoon nie.

PLAKKATE: Plakkate met die ses anti-vandalisme-veldtogambassadeurs wat hul sienings oor vandalisme van GO GEORGE-busse en infrastruktuur oordra, is nou oral in die dorp te sien.

George mourns former Mayor and Speaker, Mercia Draghoender

George Municipality mourns the death of Mercia Draghoender, who died suddenly yesterday (11 June 2022).

George Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk said the municipality was saddened to hear of the passing of Alderlady Draghoender who had served as Mayor (2010), the first woman to take this leadership role in the George Council. She served as Ward Councillor for Ward 20, Borcherds, as Speaker of Council and a member of MAYCO for George during her long political career.

“Alderlady Mercia Draghoender served for many years as a feisty councillor who cared deeply for the community, constantly seeking to improve lives. Her passing comes as a shock and on behalf of the George Council, I wish to extend my deepest condolences to her family and friends.”

The George Municipality’s flag will be flown half-mast in front of the municipal offices in York Street in remembrance.

Archive Photograph: Formal portrait taken in 2016

A local paraplegic receives “love from Taiwan”, as Mayor lavishes her with a wheelchair

A 39-year-old Thembalethu-based paraplegic and a community worker, Khanyisa Dukumbana started her weekend on a high note, as she received a brand-new wheelchair from the executive mayor of George Ald Leon van Wyk on Friday, 10 June 2022.

“Today, I’m happy to hand over a wheelchair to Khanyisa whom I have also learnt is a community worker for the disabled. This wheelchair, which is printed, ‘Love from Taiwan’ on its back, was donated to the George Municipality by a delegation from the Taipei Liaison Office in Cape Town that visited George late last year,” said Mayor van Wyk as he handed over the wheelchair to the ecstatic Khanyisa.

“I’m certain that Khanyisa will be a lot more mobile with the receipt of this new chair as it will give her a lot more access to the informal areas, and the areas where she is working with disabled people. We are very honoured that we could hand this over to her,” Ald van Wyk added.

Mayor van Wyk also thanked the George Municipality’s gender and disability desk coordinated by Ejustley Boshoff for facilitating the process of finding an eligible beneficiary for this gift. Dukumbana is involved in outreach work to the disabled community. She’s also a member of the Disabled People of South Africa (DPSA).

In response to her unexpected gift, Khanyisa said: “I would like to thank the Mayor for finding me this new ‘BMW’, it has all the necessary features including a seat belt. This gift came at the right time as I was starting to experience mobility problems with my existing wheelchair.”

During their visit last year, the director-general of the Taipei Liaison Office in Cape Town, Mr David Yintso Lin said Taiwan provides medical equipment globally in support of different countries. “We have a saying in Taiwan, true friends stick together, and this is the idea behind this gesture. We would like to be of help during these difficult times,” Lin said. Douglas Chang, First Assistant Director: Taipei Liaison Office in Cape Town, was part of the delegation visiting George last year.

Watch a video of the Executive Mayor handing over the wheelchair to Khanyisa below: 



Photo 1:

Ald. Leon van Wyk, the Executive Mayor of George (left), hands over the wheelchair, which is printed, ‘Love from Taiwan’ on its back, to Khanyisa Dukumbana (right) from Thembalethu.


Photo 2:

Khanyisa Dukumbana (right) thanked the Executive Mayor, Ald Leon van Wyk (left) for the new wheelchair




George completed an Electricity Cost of Supply and Tariff study during 2019/20, being the first such study approved by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA).

This study highlighted the need for more cost reflective electricity tariffs to reflect the different types of electricity supply cost: fixed customer service costs, network costs and energy costs.  These tariffs must ensure that all consumers pay their fair share of costs and to ensure that they manage their loads to minimise their own costs and that of the municipality.

With the extensive expected growth for George, it is critical that electricity capacity must be utilised to its fullest by having consumers limit the maximum demand they place on the network.  The new electricity tariffs will comprise:

  • A tariff for low usage domestic consumers, using less than 700 kWh/m, without any fixed charges but limited to 20 Amp capacity.
  • Consumers who need more than 20 Amp capacity will pay a basic monthly charge, a monthly capacity charge based on the consumers’ capacity and an energy charge. Consumers are reminded to select their capacity, in absence of which the Municipality will select a capacity considered appropriate based on the historical consumption.
  • The Municipality supports the implementation of renewable energy by consumers. Consumers who intend to install such power at their premises will be charged a basic and capacity charge to cover customer service and network costs as well as Time of Use (TOU) energy charges.
  • Consumers need to apply and register with George as required by NERSA. This process includes paying for a 4 quadrant, 4 wire meter which will enable the measurement of energy on a TOU basis and allow for the measurement of energy injected into the George network which will be credited to the consumer’s energy account at 90% of Eskom energy charges.
  • Bulk consumers (>100 kVA) will in future all be charged on a TOU basis and pay an access charge based on the consumer’s maximum capacity / demand with tariffs as supplied at LV (400V), MV (11 000V) and at MV from the HV (66 000V) substation.

These tariffs will allow consumers to save on their electricity costs by shifting loads from more expensive to cheaper times of the day.  It will however provide an incentive to limit the maximum demand it places on the network, not just during every month, but year on year.

Through these new tariffs it is believed that load shifting will take place which will extend the life of the network and reduce Eskom purchase costs to the benefit of all George residents.

Consumers are urged to visit the George Municipality Website to obtain more details.



Residents of Zone 9, in Thembalethu, can brace themselves for properly functioning stormwater infrastructure and paved streets before the end of this year as the George Municipality embarked on a vigorous stormwater upgrade and improvement drive in this area as of the 1st of March 2022.

The existing stormwater infrastructure in the vicinity of Mbewu, Spetose and Dick Streets will be radically structured with an upgrade followed by the paving of several streets. “There was a need to redesign the stormwater system because of the encroachment of properties onto open public spaces. The roadway will be paved after the stormwater work has been completed,” said the Executive Mayor of George, Ald Leon van Wyk during his recent visit to the construction areas.

The Executive Mayor of George, Ald Leon van Wyk, accompanied by the Portfolio Councillor for Planning and Development, Cllr. Henry Hill had nothing but praises for the ongoing infrastructural improvements during his recent visit to the construction areas. “I am elated to see the work that is being carried out in these three streets in Zone 9 in Thembalethu,” said Mayor van Wyk.

“A fair amount of redesign work has been carried out in Mbewu Street to ‘catch’ stormwater that drains from Nelson Mandela Boulevard and ensures that the stormwater flow will be directed safely into the river courses.”

The upgrading of stormwater and streets will affect the following areas:

  • Mbewu Street Area: Sections of Nelson Mandela Boulevard, Mbewu Street, Liwani Street and Tabata Street is being upgraded from 1 March to 30 August 2022.
  • Spetose Street Area: A section of Spetose, Nkohla and Magqazana Streets is being upgraded from 1 March 2022 to 30 September 2022.
  • Dick Street Area: Sections of Dick, Spetose, Qhawa, Magqazana, Mehlo, Nogwaja, Sampisi and Mngoma Streets are affected. The project started on 1 March 2022 and will end on 15 December 2022.

“The works being carried out in these streets will ensure quality service delivery to all who live in them,” Ald van Wyk concluded.




Mr Chris Venter from (WSJ Civils), Ald Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George), and Cllr. Henry Hill (Portfolio Councillor for Planning and Development)



The existing stormwater infrastructure in the vicinity of Mbewu, Spetose and Dick Streets is radically structured with an upgrade that will be followed by the paving of several streets.



The works being carried out in these streets will ensure quality service delivery to all who live in them



Public Notice: Pride Parade in support of Youth Month

Public Notice: Pride Parade in support of Youth Month
Issued George Municipality, 7 June 2022

The Pride Parade (walk) hosted by George Municipality and S.H.E is an initiative to help raise awareness within our communities,  as well as friends ,families  and supporters for the LGBTIQA++ community in celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) social and self-acceptance, achievements, legal rights, and pride!

For many  within the LGBTIQA++ community, in particular those who are still working through their identity – the experience can involve a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts as they try to get to grips with who they are as individuals.  The festive parade provides an opportunity to wave flags, together as a group  – and to celebrate equality and diversity for the Queer family.


The Goal of the gathering:

  • To improve the health, safety and well-being of Lesbians, Gay , Bisexual and Transgender people. As they experience many specific health-related challenges and disparities.

Activities that will take place :

  • Information Stalls
  • Colour Splash
  • Public Speakers
  • Handover of Memorandum to SAPS
  • Performance


We invite all members of the Queer community and those who support the LGBTIQA+ Community, to join us.

Date:               Wednesday 15 June @ 15h30

Venue:            Meet at the Checkers parking area, opposite Steers (York Street)
Contact:          Lady Jojo 061 624 7431 or Benelee 066 204 8832 with any enquiries.




With national Youth Day coming up on Thursday, 16 June, GO GEORGE passengers need to take note that the Saturday schedule (which is different to the weekday schedule) will be followed on all routes on this public holiday.

For any enquiries, please phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044, or visit the GO GEORGE Facebook, or the web page ( where all routes, maps and schedules can be viewed and downloaded.



Met nasionale Jeugdag wat voorlê op Donderdag, 16 Junie, moet GO GEORGE-passasiers asseblief kennis neem dat die Saterdagskedule (wat verskil van die weeksdagskedule) gevolg sal word op alle busroetes op hierdie openbare vakansiedag.

Vir enige navrae, skakel gerus die GO GEORGE-inbelkantoor by 0800 044 044, of besoek die GO GEORGE Facebook- of webblad ( waar alle roetes, kaarte en skedules besigtig of afgelaai kan word.








Christmas comes early for Carpe Diem School!

Handing over the tinned goods on Friday 3rd June are from left: Portfolio Councillor for Social Development, Brendon Stamhoof;  School principal Elzeth Grobler; Kneeling in front are  Gender and Disability Officials Nozipho Stone and Junayne “Slang” Mark.At back, Gender and Disability  Co-ordinator, Ejustley Boshoff; Acting Senior Manager Community Development, Library Services, EPWP and Sport, Granville Campher and Mayor Leon Van Wyk.

George Municipal officials recently took up a challenge issued by the Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz to collect tinned food items for Carpe Diem, School for Physically Disabled Children in George. Principal Elzeth Grobler was overwhelmed at the official handover last week during Child Protection Week and thanked the officials of George Municipality for going the extra mile.

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk together with officials from the Social Services division handed over 467 tins of food. “This is such an important gesture to a school that relies on fund-raising activities to cover their daily expenses. George Municipality challenges other organisations, business and associations to a similar exercise,” said Ald Van Wyk.

Ms Grobler said that the children are sent home during the school holidays and with many coming from an impoverished background, each child is sent home with a hamper of food. She thanked the officials for the generous donation and Mayor personally with a serving platter made by the children.

Dr Gratz, Municipal Manager was full of praise for the officials who contributed so willingly in their private capacity. “This goes to show our officials do have hearts of gold and are committed members of their communities in George.”

Carpe Diem is a school that provides for physical-, learning- and intellectually impaired learners between the ages of 6 and 18 years, that cannot be accommodated in mainstream education. The school also serves a few hearing impaired learners capable of functioning in a normal class situation with the help of hearing aids and/or FM systems (this excludes learners who are deaf). In the autistic unit the school also provides for learners on the autistic spectrum.

Since February 2020 the school has accommodated deaf learners between the ages of 3-8 years in the  Unit for Deaf learners.The school serves all towns and farming communities along the Southern Cape coastal region, which include: Riversdale, Albertinia, Mosselbay, Hartenbos, Klein Brak, Groot Brak, George, Hoekwil, Sedgefield, Karatara, Knysna, Plettenberg Bay and The Craggs. At the moment there are 385 learners in the school, 84 of these learners are also being cared for in the hostels.

George Munisipaliteit en NSRI span saam om verdrinkings te voorkom

George Munisipaliteit en NSRI span saam om verdrinkings te voorkom

Issued by George Mun 31 May 2022, for immediate release


George Munisipaliteit en die NSRI het vir die afgelope jaar en ‘n half in samewerking met Conville Primêr ‘n swem oorlewingsprogram gehou, om verdrinking te voorkom.

Luidens statistieke van die NSRI, verdrink ongeveer 1484 mense elke jaar in Suid-Afrika, 450 daarvan is kinders en nog meer word gestremd gelaat as gevolg van ‘n nie-fatale verdrinking.

Volgens Caville Abrahams, van NSRI, maak dit ‘n mens van vooraf bewus van die groot gevaar wat water inhou – ongeag van ouderom en ervaring , jy moet ten alle tye versigtig wees wanneer jy naby water is!

Die doel van die program is om kinders wat geen swemervaring of glad nie kan swem nie, te leer om hulself te help wanneer hulle in gevaar is, naby of in die water. Die program is ook daarop gemik om kinders gemaklik te maak rondom water. Indien ‘n kind per ongeluk in die water val, hy/sy hulself uit die moeilikheid help.

Volgens Abrahams bestaan die program uit vier kategorieё naamlik: Asembeheer,  Orientasie, Dryf en beweging na veiligheid.

As al hierdie komponte saamgevoeg word en suksesvol aangeleer is kan die student vir meer as 5 meter tot by veiligheid beweeg of hom/haar self bo die water hou tot dat hulp kom om te help.


Die program is in 13 lesplanne opgedeel en daar is alreeds 48 studente wat deel uitgemaak het van die program, van Oktober 2021 tot Mei 2022. Sewentien van die Conville Primêre Skool het die kursus suksesvol voltooi. George Sportafdeling beoog om meer kinders oor die volgende paar jaar bekend te stel aan die program in verskeie gemeenskappe en skole in George.

Rdl. Brendon Adams, Wyksraadslid van Wyk 17 en Portjefeuljeraadslid van Sport het gesê hy is baie trots om so ‘n program in sy wyk te kan hê. “Dit is fantasties dat hierdie programme in ons voorheen benadeelde gebiede uitgerol word.

Granville Campher, bestuurder: Sport by George Munisipaliteit, sê waterveiligheidsprograme  is hulpmiddels om lewens te help red. “Maar onthou ….’n Kind word nooit verdrinkingbestand nie, hou altyd toesig oor kinders rondom water en skakel onmiddelik 112 rapid response in enige noodgeval.”

Campher het gesê die afdeling is van plan om die voetspoor van water sport in  George te vergroot , sodat ons die gemeenskap kan bemagtig en toegang tot die sport kan uitbrei. Daar is reeds samesprekings aan die gang met verskillende rolspelers om die moontlikheid van ‘n swemklub wat gebasseer is by die Conville Swembad te stig. Hier sal ‘n gulde geleentheid wees om kinders van ‘n jong ouderdom af blootstelling in die sport te gee.


Indien jy betrokke wil raak by hierdie projek en as vrywillige wil help, epos Caville by of besoek



Captions: swim 1: Die leerders wat almal die swem oorlewingskursus by die George swembad in Conville suksesvol voltooi het, met Caville Abrahams (NSRI) en Leveinia Botha (voor) asook Granville Campher, Bestuurder van Sport: George Munisipaliteit, Allen Paulse, Direkteur: Gemeenskapdienste en Wyksraadslid Brendon Adams, Portefeuljeraadslid van Sport na afloop van die program.


Swim 2: Van die Conville Primêre Skool leerders wat uitgeblink het in die swem oorlewingskursus by die George swembad in Conville suksesvol voltooi het, is voor van links, Edwardo Jansen, Aden-John Jansen, Timothy Voster en Lenaldo Meyer. Agter hulle staan Carin Potts en Bronwyn Voster. Van links agter is Ainsley Kennedy (NSRI instrukteur), Caville Abrahams (NSRI instrukteur), Wyksraadslid Brendon Adams, Portefeuljeraadslid van Sport, Allen Paulse, Direkteur: Gemeenskapdienste, Granville Campher, Bestuurder van Sport: George Munisipaliteit en Leveinia Botha (Sport).

Municipality announces GO GEORGE tariff increase

Municipality announces GO GEORGE tariff increase

Issued 1 June 2022

The George Municipality has announced the annual increase in the GO GEORGE bus fares from 1 July 2022. The increase forms part of the annual municipal tariff adjustments.

Bundles still the best buy

Smart Card trips bought in bundles of 10 or more will increase by only 50c per trip to R11.00 and bundles of less than 10 trips will cost R12.25 per trip (75c more than before). The price of single trips increases with R1 to R15 to encourage passengers to rather load the multiple, cheaper trips on their Smart Cards and to avoid long queues to top up every few days.

The bundles of 10 trips and more remain the best buy and can save a passenger who travels to work or school and back home five days per week, R176 per month in travel expense, compared to single trips loaded on the card.

Free trips for first-time card buyers

The cost of the Smart Card is R25, with first-time buyers getting two free, preloaded trips when they present a valid form of identification.

Trips loaded on a Smart Card never expire. This means that trips bought before the tariff increase stay valid. Passengers are welcome to buy more trips than usual before the increase to save money but are cautioned to keep their cards safe – if lost or stolen, the trips cannot be transferred to a new card.

For more information, please call the GO GEORGE Call Centre at 0800 044 044, or send an email to


Munisipaliteit kondig GO GEORGE-tariefverhoging aan
Uitgereik 1 Junie 2022

Die George-munisipaliteit het die jaarlikse verhoging van die GO GEORGE-bustariewe vanaf 1 Julie 2022 bekendgemaak. Hierdie verhoging is deel van die jaarlikse munisipale tariefaanpassings.

Bondels steeds die beste koop

Slimkaartritte wat in bondels van 10 of meer gekoop word sal met slegs 50c per rit verhoog na R11.00 en bondels van minder as 10 ritte sal R12.25 per rit kos (’n 75c-verhoging). Die prys van enkelritte verhoog met R1 na R15 om passasiers aan te moedig om liewer die goedkoper ritte te koop en om lang rye elke paar dae te vermy.

Die bondels van 10 ritte en meer bly die beste koop en kan ’n passasier wat vyf dae per week werk of skool toe en terug huis toe ry, R176 per maand in vervoeruitgawes spaar, vergeleke met enkelritte wat op die kaart gelaai word.

Gratis ritte vir eerstekaartkopers

Die prys van die Slimkaart is R25 met kopers van hul eerste kaart wat twee gratis, voorafgelaaide ritte op die kaart kry indien hulle ‘n geldige bewys van identiteit toon.

Ritte wat op die Slimkaart gelaai is, verval nooit nie. Dit beteken dat ritte wat voor die tariefverhoging gekoop is geldig bly. Passasiers is welkom om voor die verhoging meer ritte as gewoonlik te koop om geld te spaar, maar word gemaan om hul kaarte veilig te hou – indien dit wegraak of gesteel word, kan die ritte nie op ’n nuwe kaart oorgedra word nie.

Vir meer inligting, skakel gerus die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044, of stuur ’n e-pos na

George Means Business

Media Statement: #George Means Business
Issued George Municipality, 26 May, for immediate release

Executive Mayor for George, Leon Van Wyk will this week participate in the Western Cape Property Development Forum’s 9th Annual Conference taking place in Cape Town at the CTICC . Session 3 will be hosted by Western Cape Premier, Alan Winde today 26 May, and he will present his vision for attracting and pitching investment to the Western Cape. Thereafter the executive mayors for George, Drakenstein, Overstrand, Saldanha Bay and Stellenbosch will share their own strategies for their respective cities.

“George is thrilled to be at the Western Cape Property Development Forum for the first time. It is an honour and privilege that our city has been invited by the Premier of the Western Cape to showcase George as a leading intermediary city. We have come to learn and understand the needs and aspirations of property development. We believe this will help us drive economic development in George,” said the Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk.

Attending the 2022 WCPDF Conference with Ald Van Wyk will be newly appointed Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz and Director for Human Settlements, Planning & Development, and Property Management, Lauren Waring.

Director Human Settlements, Planning and Development & Property Management, Lauren WaringGeorge Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz

George has long been highlighted as one of the fastest growing intermediary cities in the country with good governance, and a stable political environment and administration. The city has shown itself to be responsive to emerging trends actively utilizing improved data management and analysis thereof to ensure excellent planning and integration between the Municipal Master Plans, Spatial Planning, and the GIS interface.

” George is currently experiencing unprecedented growth, being one of the preferred destinations of semi-migration. It is important that we understand and are responsive to the needs of all the role players in growth and development. This is a unique chance to network and plan growth of our town. The programme is jam-packed with interesting topics and high-profile speakers and George is honoured to be a part of this” said Dr Michele Gratz, Municipal Manager.

The city is currently focused on extending and upgrading water and sanitation infrastructure by a full 50% and was recently awarded R1.197 billion via the Budget Facility for Infrastructure funding (“BFI”), the first non-metro municipality to ever receive such a grant in South Africa. The BFI funding is allocated to George Municipality through the Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant managed by the Department of Water and Sanitation.

The electrical division is spearheading innovative projects such as a possible hydroelectric scheme at the old George dam, being one of the first B- municipality’s  in South Africa to offer wheeling and electricity trading through the municipal grid, keeping traffic flowing with 40 traffic intersections fitted with UPS backup, applying for Loadshedding curtailment and a number of renewable energy projects to be implemented over the next three years in a bid to reduce the municipal reliance on electrical supply.

“Economic growth is a driver of social development. To grow George and encourage sustainable development for the community of George, the municipality interacts with a wide range of stakeholders, and built environment practitioners are key partners. While we are here to showcase George as a best practice city, we are also here to listen and learn from the industry” said Lauren Waring, Director Human Settlements, Planning & Development, and Property Management.

George means business and the municipality is doing all it can to facilitate the ease of doing business as a smart city. The city’s property portfolio is being leveraged to draw investment, micro-developers are being engaged and there is a clear understanding of the residential market needs.

The city provides mobility with an integrated public transport network, an airport and an extensive fibre network. Excellent educational opportunities together with the numerous sporting facilities provide a well-located city, with a relaxed outdoor lifestyle on the doorstep of any resident.

The Western Cape Property Development Forum (WCPDF) is a registered non-profit organisation (246-760 NPO). It was founded in 2008 to create awareness, address the challenges that face the property development and construction industry and to be the collective voice of the industry in the Western Cape. We focus on the full production line of private and public property projects and associated infrastructure provision.

 The WCPDF actively engages and lobbies politicians and government representatives and provides detailed input and feedback on draft legislation and policy to make the public sector aware of the ramifications that decision-making processes and service delivery have on property development and construction and, in turn, the economy and most importantly jobs.

While the industry is also impacted by national legislation, the most critical development issues tend to occur at ground level, and therefore our emphasis is regional. Property is produced at municipal level.




Mayor’s newsletter for George Herald of 26 May 2022

Over the past week, I have once again realised the importance of communication channels between the municipality and the public. The weather forecasts indicated that the berg wind conditions were to be a precursor to the approaching cold front.

On the afternoon of Wednesday, 18 May 2022, we started to receive messages of electricity outages due to wind damage and fires that turned into runaway problems on various fronts. Our Communications team comprising Chantel, Ntobeko and Debra went into overdrive to produce the communications necessary to alert the public. Many councillors have developed messaging groups through which these critical messages can be disseminated. We constantly trust that the persons on our distribution lists are connectors who then share messages to reach a broader audience.

Wednesday’s runaway fires and power outages impacted many communities and through messaging we were able to keep citizens informed on the status of bringing fires under control and then dealing with the more disruptive power outages where our repair teams worked long hours to clear vegetation and re-connect lines. I was touched once again by the positive comments for the work of our communications team, our fire-fighters and electrical teams.

We take pride in having employees (on an ongoing basis we also need to remember our water, sewer, refuse, stormwater teams and others) who are dedicated in keeping our services functioning at a high standard, as well as the privateers who pitch in or are contracted to assist.

It is critically important that our customers and all citizens ensure that their contact details are updated with the municipality so that the communication system can function effectively. The incidents that I have referred to (and the recent floods) are examples where we need to be able to reach our citizens quickly. Our Municipal App can be downloaded onto mobile phones ( to report service faults, download your municipal account and receive communications.

Recently our Chief Whip, Marlene Barnardt attended a regional meeting of the residential estates community where she explained the importance of using the Municipal App and having access to messaging groups. We need to connect with all estates and community interest groups not only in relation to services (or to get counted for the Census) but also for the municipality to be informed about the needs and interests of citizens.

A key feature of becoming a successful, admired and innovative intermediate city is inter-active communication between the municipality and its citizenry and business communities. Communication promotes collaboration and understanding about our challenges and expectations. It would be appreciated if citizens and community groups who wish to be added to communication groups can send their names, addresses/suburbs, mobile numbers and email addresses to

George Municipality under pressure with extreme weather and fires


George Municipality experienced a whirlwind of complaints and callouts last week following some extreme weather conditions in the Southern Cape. Extreme berg wind conditions from Tuesday 17th May contributed to intensifying a veldfire in Hansmoeskraal that was attended to by Garden Route District Firefighters with George Fire Brigade assisting through till Thursday morning when it was finally contained and the 7mm of rainfall recorded at the Denneoord Airbase, cooled everything down.

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk this week thanked all officials for their efforts in bringing fires under control and dealing with disruptive power outages where repair teams worked long hours to clear vegetation and re-connect lines. “I was touched once again by the positive comments for the work of our communications team, our fire-fighters and electrical teams. We take pride in having employees (on an ongoing basis we also need to remember our water, sewer, refuse, stormwater teams and others) who are dedicated in keeping our services functioning at a high standard, as well as the privateers who pitch in or are contracted to assist,” said Ald Van Wyk.

George Fire and Disaster Services
On Wednesday 18 May, the George Fire Department received a total of twenty-seven calls which included three structure fires, including a 3-bedroom house in Denneoord which was extensively damaged. Two informal structures were completely destroyed in Lawaaikamp.

A total of twenty-three calls for Veld and bush fires came in for areas including Hansmoeskraal, Groenkloof, Saasveld Road, Garden Route Dam, Kraaibosch Estate, Glentana, New Dawn Park, Zone 1 Thembalethu, Pacaltsdorp, and Ring Road. The Hansmoeskraal fire, the Saasveld Fire (which included Groenkloof, Saasveld Road and Garden Route Dam) and the Denneoord house fire came in all at the same time. Resources were stretched to the maximum and aerial support was called in to assist with the Saasveld fire. Helicopter operations were however limited at one point due to high wind speeds. Savannah Helicopters were able to provide support for a good hour and 10 minutes before being grounded late afternoon of Wednesday due to poor visibility.

Wind gusts of up to 40 km/h together with temperatures of up to 30 degrees were recorded on Wednesday afternoon at the Denneoord Airbase. Adding to the strain on resources was a motor vehicle accident with luckily no injuries recorded. Our Social Service division provided mattresses, blankets and food parcels to four families who lost their structures in fires from 17 – 21 May.

Power outages and loadshedding
The electrotechnical division had their hands full dealing with 11 high voltage power outages located in the Wilderness area alone, and another 18 in areas such as Hoekwil, Pinedew, Herold’s Bay, Garden Route Dam, Saasveld and Kraaibosch.  238 low voltage complaints were dealt with during the three-day period. Some of these outages were caused by trees that fell on lines, while others were in difficult terrains requiring extreme caution from the teams. In addition to the weather-related power outages, ESKOM called Stage 2 Loadshedding for the 17 – 20 May but George was fortunate not to be affected.  George Municipality is obliged to adhere to the ESKOM Loadshedding Schedule as received and cannot make amendments or give concessions to certain areas. Director for Electrotechnical Services,  Bongani Mandla, thanked his officials for focusing on addressing the key issues to restore electrical supply under such difficult circumstances.

Damaged trees
Parks and Recreation a division of Community Services attended to 15 callouts on 18th May. Seven of these were urgent where trees had fallen onto roads and were obstructing traffic in Denneoord and Blanco and were dealt with immediately despite the inclement weather conditions. The remaining trees were either felled or broken branches were pruned back on Thursday, with teams working throughout George collecting broken branches.

Water, Sewer and streets
Our Civil Engineering teams attended to 143 sewer network callouts, 76 water network callouts and 14 complaints with regards to streets during the three-day period.

Water Restrictions for George – garden watering times amended

George Municipality has taken into consideration the approach of the winter months with sun setting earlier and light fading,  and accordingly amended the times during which gardens can be watered by hand-held garden hose, in terms of the existing Water Restrictions in place. As of 1 May to 31 August, gardens may be watered by hand from 17h00 – 19h00.

The current water restrictions were implemented in January 2022 and are similar to those found in paragraph 2B of the George Municipal Drought Management Policy. An emergency as contemplated in Section 2(4)(b) of the Water Services By-law to limit or restrict the use of water currently exists in George as the water treatment works cannot meet the current potable water demand.

George Municipality has over the past year reported to the public that the consumption of drinking or potable water per day in George, is currently high compared to the amount of raw water that is being purified by our water treatment works.

The Annual Average Daily Demand for drinking water has averaged at 32 Ml per day and the current water treatment works output per day is about 38Ml. This is produced jointly on a daily basis by the Old Water Treatment Works and the New Water Treatment Works which are both operating at full capacity.

Residents should note that although the GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL remains almost full, this is RAW WATER storage and not POTABLE or DRINKING WATER supply. The raw water needs to be treated at the George Old and New Water Treatment Facilities before it goes to the main potable water storage reservoirs for distribution into the reticulation system. The current water demand is higher than the production rate at these facilities.

Forward planning is in place and the remedial and capacity (20Ml) extension projects funded by the Budget Facility for Infrastructure funding (BFI grant) will extend the water treatment capacity for George and will be implemented in two phases over three years. The construction for the 20Ml Water Treatment Works has started and will continue over the next few years. The overall funding required to ensure potable water security in the George system is R1.197 billion and the funding will be provided over the next forty (40) months for the full phases of the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works projects. There are currently 12 sub-components in various stages of procurement and implementation.

In 2021 it was determined that South Africans use 235 litres of potable water per person daily as per the Water Resources Commission. Following the implementation of Water Restrictions in George earlier this year and based on the 2011 STATSA population figure for George at 210 000, the daily consumption of drinking water for the average Georgian is equal to approximately 167 l per day. This shows that the public are responding to the Water Restrictions and using less drinking water. This is commendable and we thank everyone for their combined efforts. We do however have to remind the general public that the restrictions will remain in place until the new Water Treatment Works can be commissioned.

George Municipality has also applied for R238m in disaster funding for remedial work required to repair our water and sewer infrastructure damaged during the floods of November/ December 2021. The Municipality is still awaiting the outcome of the application.

The right of access to basic water supply and sanitation is a basic right for all communities and it is the responsibility of the George Municipality as the Water Services Institution to take reasonable measures to ensure these rights. Water Restrictions in George are therefore in place to reduce use of drinking water to ensure that the Municipality can fulfill this mandate.

The immediate measures to be adhered to are as follows:

  1. The mechanical irrigation of gardens is prohibited.
  2. Gardens may be watered by means of hand-held garden hose only, from 1 May to 31 August between 17:00 to 19:00 and from 01 September to 30 April between 19:00 to 21:00:
    Mondays and Thursdays for even-numbered households ONLY
    Tuesdays and Fridays for uneven numbered households ONLY.
  3. The irrigation or watering of all sports fields is prohibited.  Exemption from restrictions in the following instances only: golf course greens, bowling greens, and cricket pitches which may only be watered between 19:00 and 21:00.
  4. The washing of vehicles with a garden hose, except by a commercial enterprise whose business it is to wash cars, is prohibited;
  5. The cleaning of ANY area using water is prohibited;
  6. The filling of swimming pools is prohibited.
  7. Where own water from a borehole or reservoir is used, the appropriate notice shall be displayed on the premises, e.g. “OWN WATER”.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477 and will be followed up by George Municipal Law Enforcement. Any person who contravenes these restrictions is guilty of an offence and is, upon conviction, liable to a fine as published in the annual tariffs list, or six months imprisonment.

In terms of Section 5 of the By-law, any person may apply in writing for the exemption from the provision of any notice published in terms of the By-law, and the Council may grant an exemption and impose conditions in respect of such an application.  The Policy grants permission to the Directorate Civil Engineering Services to approve applications for exemptions.

Applications for exemptions are to be submitted to the Directorate: Civil Engineering Services for approval. Once approved, a written exemption shall be provided, and individual applications assessed.

Report all water leaks to our Civil Engineering Department on 044 801 9262/66.

GO GEORGE calls on community to help fight vandalism

The alarming increase in incidents of vandalism of GO GEORGE infrastructure and buses has reached a point where service delivery is constantly hampered by a shortage of buses or compromised shelter at bus stops.

“Vandalism of GO GEORGE infrastructure is a serious concern as it affects the quality of the service experience of our passengers and detracts from our mission of delivering a dignified and safe public transport service and associated amenities,” said James Robb, GO GEORGE Manager. “A damaged bus is taken out of service for repairs, which places pressure on the existing fleet. Delays in coordinating a replacement bus may lead to a ripple effect where the service for the day runs late.”

Most at risk are bus shelters, buses (seats inside the bus as well as damage to windows due to stone-throwing that put the lives of passengers and drivers at risk), and public infrastructure at the bus stops such as refuse bins and toilets intended for the convenience of passengers. Graffiti, littering and theft of infrastructure such as tactile pavers, bus stop poles and shelter elements are a daily reality. Of 80 incidents of bus stoning recorded since 2019, 40 have taken place in 2021.

Astronomic replacement cost
The repair of damaged bus windows has cost the George Public Transport Network (GIPTN) an estimated R965 000 in 2021 alone. Damaged and torn vinyl stickers containing service information are currently being replaced on 40 bus shelters – only about one-third of damaged shelters – at a cost of about R3 000 per shelter.

The cost of replacing infrastructure and branding damaged by vandals is astronomic.

Robb says they are now appealing to the community to assist by promoting ownership and responsibility towards bus facilities in their area. “We need the help of the public, community influencers as well as religious and business organisations to make culprits understand the consequences of their behaviour and to put a stop to senseless destruction of buses and facilities.”

High school rap competition
Expanding the bus service’s anti-vandalism campaign, a rap competition for high school learners was launched, with nine local schools having signed on to run the first round internally, entering three finalists whose anti-vandalism rap songs then stand a chance to win them some exciting prizes. The competition will culminate in June, national Youth Month, and the winning songs will become part of the anti-vandalism campaign.

GO GEORGE appeals to the public to discourage and help stop vandalism, and to report any vandalising activities by phoning the GO GEORGE Call Centre at 0800 044 044. Anyone wanting more information or who would like to become involved in some way can also leave a message at the Call Centre or send an email to

Stone throwing:
This bus was stoned while driving through a residential area. A windscreen on the large buses costs R9 367 to replace, and a side window varies between R12 000 and R15 0000.


Shelters, panels and graffiti:
Annoyed Georgians have started coming on board to help stop damage to shelters intended for the convenience of passengers.


GO GEORGE doen ‘n beroep op gemeenskap om vandalisme te help beveg

Die kommerwekkende toename in voorvalle van vandalisme van GO GEORGE-infrastruktuur en -busse het ‘n punt bereik waar dienslewering voortdurend belemmer word deur ‘n tekort aan busse of gebrekkige skuiling by bushaltes.

“Vandalisme van GO GEORGE-infrastruktuur is ‘n ernstige bron van kommer aangesien dit die gehalte van die dienservaring van ons passasiers beïnvloed en afbreuk doen aan ons missie om ‘n waardige en veilige openbare vervoerdiens en gepaardgaande geriewe te lewer,” sê James Robb, GO GEORGE-bestuurder. “‘n Beskadigde bus word uit diens onttrek vir herstelwerk, wat druk op die bestaande busvloot plaas. Vertraging in die koördinering van ‘n vervangingsbus kan lei tot ‘n rimpeleffek waar die diens vir die hele dag laat kan loop.”

Die meeste skade vind plaas by busskuilings, aan busse (sitplekke in die bus sowel as skade aan vensters as gevolg van klipgooiery wat die lewens van passasiers en bestuurders in gevaar stel), en openbare infrastruktuur by die bushaltes soos vullisdromme en toilette wat bedoel is vir die gerief van passasiers. Graffiti, rommelstrooiing en diefstal van infrastruktuur soos geriffelde plaveisel, bushaltepale en skuilingelemente is ‘n daaglikse werklikheid. Van die 80 voorvalle van klipgooiery na busse wat sedert 2019 aangeteken is, het 40 in 2021 plaasgevind.

Astronomiese vervangingskoste
Die herstel van beskadigde busruite het die George Geïntegreeerde Openbare Vervoernetwerk in 2021 alleen R965 000 gekos. Beskadigde en geskeurde vinielplakkers wat diensinligting bevat, word tans vervang op 40 busskuilings – slegs sowat ‘n derde van beskadigde skuilings – teen ‘n koste van sowat R3 000 per skuiling.

Die koste van die vervanging van infrastruktuur en handelsmerkmateriaal wat deur vandale beskadig is, is astronomies.

Robb sê hulle doen nou ‘n beroep op die gemeenskap om te help deur eienaarskap en verantwoordelikheid teenoor busfasiliteite in hul gebied te bevorder. “Ons het die hulp van die publiek, gemeenskapsbeïnvloeders sowel as godsdienstige en sake-organisasies nodig om skuldiges die gevolge van hul gedrag te laat verstaan en om ‘n einde te maak aan sinnelose vernietiging van busse en fasiliteite.”

Rap-kompetisie vir hoërskole
Ter uitbreiding van die busdiens se anti-vandalismeveldtog is ‘n rap-kompetisie vir hoërskoolleerders van stapel gestuur, met nege plaaslike skole wat ingeskakel het om die eerste ronde intern te behartig en drie finaliste in te skryf wie se anti-vandalisme rap-liedjies dan ‘n kans staan om vir hulle ‘n paar opwindende pryse te wen. Die kompetisie sal oploop na ‘n hoogtepunt in Junie, nasionale Jeugmaand, en die wenliedjies sal deel word van die anti-vandalismeveldtog.

GO GEORGE doen ‘n beroep op die publiek om vandalisme te ontmoedig en te help stop, en om enige vandalistiese aksies aan te meld deur die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel. Enigiemand wat meer inligting wil hê of op een of ander manier betrokke wil raak, kan ook ‘n boodskap by die inbelsentrum agterlaat of ‘n e-pos aan stuur.





The Western Cape Minister for the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sports (DCAS), Ms Anroux Marais presented George Municipality with an R 800 000 ceremonial cheque for the development and installation of steel structure pavilions for the Thembalethu and Touwsranten sports fields during a special handover ceremony that took place at the George Municipality on Tuesday, 17 May 2022.

George Municipality is one of three municipalities whose applications for funding from DCAS were granted. Minister Marais officially handed over the cheque to the executive mayor of George, Ald Leon van Wyk and said that the R 800 000 that has been awarded to George will be split in half. “The R 400 000 is for the Thembalethu Sports field pavilion and another R 400 000 for the Touwsranten sports field.”

“I am delighted to be in the beautiful town of George handing over this cheque. George is fast becoming popular with sports tourism events, and this contribution from the DCAS will certainly add value to sport, tourism, and the economy of George. I hope that the spectators from Thembalethu and Touwsranten will own and take care of these facilities for their communities and the future.

Receiving the cheque on behalf of George, Mayor van Wyk said: “We are extremely grateful for this funding, I’m happy that we also discussed various sporting engagements and events that can be facilitated between ourselves (George) and the DCAS. This will help us enormously, both in the development of sport for George as well as the tourism spin-offs.”

Lyndon Bouah Chief Director for Sport and Recreation in the DCAS explained the allocation criteria of the fund. “The Provincial Government allocates these funds based on received applications from the various municipalities in the Western Cape. The annual application process takes place between July and September, the Department would then award three applicants to share the fund of about R 2 million for sports infrastructure upgrade or development. We would like to congratulate George Municipality, as they applied last year, we subsequently considered their application and signed off the R 800 000.

Amongst the attendees of the handover were the Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Social Development, Libraries & Sport Cllr. Brendon Adams, senior management of the George Municipality, officials from DCAS, Eden Sport Council and Eden Netball representatives



Please note: Masks taken off for purposes of the photograph.

Front row (FLTR): Dr Lyndon Bouah (Chief Director for Sport and Recreation in the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport), Dr Michele Gratz (Municipal Manager for George Municipality), Ald Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George), Minister Anroux Marais (Western Cape Minister for the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport), Portfolio Councillor Brendon Adams (Community Services: Social Services, Social Development, Libraries & Sport) and Zelda van Staden (Eden Sport Council).


Back row (FLTR): Jean Neethling (Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport), Jeanetta Rhode (Eden Netball), Allen Paulse (Director: Community Services for George Municipality), Kevin Malan (Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport), Nicolette Pietersen (Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport), Dyllon van der Rheede (Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport), Granville Campher (Manager: Sport Development for George Municipality) and Dirk van der Westhuizen (Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport)

Photo 2:

Minister Anroux Marais says this contribution will certainly add value to sport, tourism, and the economy of George.

Photo 3:

FLTR: Dr Michele Gratz (Municipal Manager for George Municipality), Ald Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George), Minister Anroux Marais (Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport), Portfolio Councillor Brendon Adams (Community Services: Social Services, Social Development, Libraries & Sport), and Dr Lyndon Bouah (Chief Director for Sport and Recreation in the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport)


The Executive Mayor of George Ald Leon van Wyk, during his recent site visit to the construction site of the new composting facility, expressed his satisfaction with the progress made so far. The George Municipality commenced with the establishment of a compost facility in the 2019/2020 financial year.

“Today, we have come to inspect the progress made on the first platform of the new composting facility,” said Mayor van Wyk during his visit on Wednesday, 11 May 2022. “I would like to commend the team from Community Services who have taken the initiative to establish and initiate this project and made the progress we have seen here today. I would also like to thank the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) workers on-site for their invaluable input in making this project a success.”

In June 2021, the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries promulgated Norms and Standards for the Treatment of Organic Waste. In terms of these norms, compost facilities must meet certain standards, and one of them is that the final platform layer works must contain a concrete platform or include a clay layer within its layer structure.

Mayor van Wyk confirmed that this construction is in line with the norms and standards for the Treatment of Organic Waste. “Effectively, builder’s rubble is used to fill the ground to the desired level whereafter a layer of clay is laid on top, and the working surface will consist of a wearing course material classified as G5, according to Committee of Land Transport Officials (COLTO) specifications. The idea is that the green bags that are collected from residents every week will go into a source which will make up compost.  Eventually, we are going to add garden refuse, kitchen waste and sludge from the sewerage works to create the compost. This is all to reduce the amount of refuse going into landfill sites in the municipal area.”

“Work is already underway to expand the size of the platform for future use. We are also introducing a green bag levy so that our residents can become part of the solution in dealing with our refuse and maintaining the critical environmental balance that we, as citizens of George, are custodians of. The levy will provide the funding to launch this project and to make a success of George becoming a Green City,” Ald van Wyk added.

The Municipality’s Department of Community Services assured that the Municipality will finalise the construction of phase 1 of platform A of the composting in the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 financial years. “Phase 2 of platform A is also underway, and the public is requested to divert and dispose of builders’ rubble at the Gwaing waste disposal facility to assist the municipality in finalising phase 2 of platform A,” said Sivuyile Mtila, senior manager for environmental services at the George Municipality.

“An attenuation pond will be constructed in the 2022/2023 financial year to treat and store stormwater runoff. Platform A will only be able to accommodate 76% of the George Municipality’s green waste. However, once platform B is built, all green waste will be accommodated. The maximum number of windrows that platform A can accommodate is 13. This equals a maximum volume of 2 486 m3. The average volume of compost produced for 6 weeks is 243 m3,” said Mtila.

The municipality urges the public to dispose of all builders’ rubble at the Gwaing landfill site instead of dumping illegally, as the material is required to complete the construction of the compost facility.

“We also urge the community to use the three-bag system to the benefit of reducing the landfill footprint. All three bags must be placed out on the same day on the designated refuse collection day,” Mtila added.

The municipality intends to operate the compost facility from 01 July 2023.

