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Press Release Archive

Launching QR Codes – Your safety is important to us this festive season! Ald Leon Van Wyk explains QR Codes for 2022 Festive Safety

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk is pleased to announce a new initiative of the George Tourism Department to assist visitors and locals alike with festive safety information.  “In our preparations for this year, we will be making use of QR codes that will provide access to websites containing information on tourist activities and events, important municipal contact details as well as water and other safety tips for our visitors. These QR codes give easy access via mobile phone, as we often don’t have a brochure on hand, when we most need it.  This method also assists in keeping our festive season earth friendly as we save on printing costs of various publications, as well as keeping the town clean and green.“

The municipality has created QR codes for three webpages  – one is a link to George Tourism for easy access to information on events, activities, accommodation etc; one is a link to the Municipal Website with the most important contact details any homeowner, holiday renter etc would need during the festive season and finally the third is a link to a Visitor Safety page on the municipal website which gives you information on safety at our beaches, safety in our mountains as well as a list of emergency contacts.

The QR Codes will be publicized extensively by means of posters up at our beach facilities, flyers handed out at roadblocks and tourism site activations to be held throughout George, printed in the George Holiday Guide due out by the 15th December 2022,  and on all of our municipal and tourism social media sites.

The information on the website can be updated immediately if needed and will be supplemented by the daily George Festive Monitoring Committee meetings which start off on 1 December and will be attended by municipal as well as external stakeholders such as NSRI, SAPS, SANParks and others. The purpose of the daily meeting is to assess available resources, identify possible risks  and to put in place actions plans to address these risks so as not to impact on our holidaymakers. Our goal is to ensure consistent service delivery during this busy period and to keep George running as efficiently as possible.

What is a QR Code
A QR code works similarly to barcodes at the supermarket.  Each QR code consists black squares and dots which represent different pieces of information. When scanned, the unique pattern on the barcode translates into human-readable data. Scan the code using your phone’s camera or make sure you have a QR Code scanner app installed.

Links to relevant sites:


George – How will the stricter water restrictions affect your household?

The George Council last week tabled stricter water restrictions for George to curb the excess use of potable water (treated drinking water). Residents have been requested to provide their inputs on the proposed Water Restrictions before 12 December 2022. These restrictions are specific to the George city area, and not Uniondale and Haarlem.

What are the new proposed restrictions and how will they affect your household? In short, the most important differences to the current restriction to take note of are:

  1. Every household is now limited to using 15 kilolitres of water per month. Emergency tariffs will be charged for any household which uses more than 15kl.
  2. Businesses dependent on municipal water, including commercial car washes must reduce their use of water by 15% of their past 6-month average.
  3. Large industry must reduce their use of municipal water by 10% of their past 6-month average.
  4. Gardens can be watered any time of the day but only with watering cans or buckets, no hosepipes are allowed.
  5. The Irrigation or watering of ALL sport fields using municipal water is prohibited.
  6. Washing of vehicles with a garden hose is prohibited. Only buckets are allowed.
  7. Cleaning of any outside surface areas using a water hose is prohibited.
  8. Filling up of swimming pools with municipal water is prohibited.
  9. Applications for exemption can be submitted to the Deputy Director Water for consideration.
  10. Those making use of their own water must display a visible sign stating “Own Water”.
    (Please see for the full list of proposed restrictions.)

Why Water Restrictions?
The Garden Route Dam level remains low due to poor rainfall and predictions for the next three months ahead are not positive. The ongoing loadshedding has also had a negative impact on the ability to treat raw water (despite the use of generators) reducing the reliability of daily treatment volumes. The Existing water treatment works cannot meet peak demands and is increasingly under pressure to meet daily potable water demand. The new 20Ml extension to the capacity of the works will only be completed in the next three years. If demand is not managed new growth and development and peak seasons cannot be accommodated.

Appeal to Residents to save Water
“Our appeal is that all households should immediately reduce their water usage to no more than 15KL per month to adhere to the new water restrictions. At present, we only have 4-5 months’ supply of water left in our Dam, and in addition there is limited water treatment capacity. Our usage has grown dramatically this past year and our residents now need to assist to conserve our water supplies. We also desperately need rain to increase the level of our Dam. Please share this message widely to help save Water,” said Ald Leon Van Wyk.

Public Participation Process  Follow this link to find the proposed Water Restrictions and the applicable Emergency Tariffs.

Your comments can be emailed to Ms Sam Gcagcaso at, or delivered as a handwritten submission on weekdays (07h45- 16h30) to the Department: Civil Engineering Services, Old Town Hall, corner of Market and York Streets, and by no later than 16h30 on 12 December 2022. The information will also be placed in the form of notices at our  public libraries, area offices, Municipal offices and the Municipal Notice Boards.

Basic Checks
Simple basic checks can be done to ensure that your indoor and outdoor taps as well as your toilet/s are not leaking. Close all taps on your property and don’t flush any toilets. Take a water meter reading and wait 15 minutes before taking a second reading. If the units on the water meter have increased with the taps closed and no toilets flushed it means that there is a leak. Note that  one leaking toilet can waste between 2600 – 13 000 litres of water per month, and one leaking tap can waste between 400 – 2600 litres of water per month.


Report contraventions of the current Water Restrictions on 0800 424477 – fines apply.
Report all water leaks on 044 801 
9262/66  or A/ h 044 801 6300

Water Leaks can also be reported at your nearest Area Office or Thusong Centre, emailed to , via the Municipal App or phoned in to 044 801 9311.

Stricter Water Restrictions announced – Adherence critical to manage treated drinking water capacity

Stricter Water Restrictions will be implemented for George following a decision taken at Council today, 24 November 2022. The restrictions in place since 25 January 2022 will be replaced with intensified Water Restrictions to better manage the use of potable (treated drinking water).

Low rainfall over past three months
The catchment area of George received a much lower than predicated rainfall with a total of only 117.2mm recorded from 1 July  – 14 November 2022. Predictions by the Cape Town Forecasting Office(South African Weather Service)  for the Garden Route for the next three months (December – February 2023) currently remain uncertain, but not positive.

Temporary Water Treatment Package Plant
The Municipality has noted a marked increase in daily water usage since the first week of November this year marking the start of what is expected to be an unusually busy festive season. With the additional 20Ml/day Water Treatment Works (treats raw water to drinking water standard) under construction for the next three years (Completion 2025) and various improvements at the Old WTW (circa 1950) still in process, the water treatment capacity remains limited, and a temporary water treatment package plant will be installed to supplement the potable (drinking water)  with an extra 5 Ml/day. This temporary plant will be operational from mid-December and provide much needed additional capacity to meet the peak season demand, however there remains a high risk of not being able to meet the full demand.

Current Dam Level at 51%
The Garden Route Dam level this week (21 November 2022) was recorded at 51.88% current storage for the new raised dam wall height. The dam was at 100% this time last year after the flood events, and the level has steadily declined since then due to poor rainfall. The official calibration of the dam will be concluded in the coming months, however the current volumes are deemed to be acceptably indicative.

At the moment George falls within the category of Medium Risk in terms of Water Storage Risk Classification ( 3 to 6 months raw water supply) as we are dependent on river abstraction for water supply.

Stricter Water Restrictions Announced
The limited water treatment capacity, and ongoing non-compliance with the water restrictions by certain consumers, necessitates the implementation of increased water restrictions together with the introduction of more punitive measures to encourage reduced water consumption. The ongoing loadshedding also has a negative impact on the ability to treat raw water (despite the use of generators) reducing the reliability of daily treatment volumes.

The enhanced water restrictions will have financial implications for residents, businesses and industry who do not manage their water use conservatively. The implementation of punitive rates is seen as a last resort as an incentive to adhere to restrictions and reduce consumption.

These restrictions are specific to the George city area, and not Uniondale and Haarlem.

Public Participation Process
The intended Water Restrictions and applicable Emergency Tariffs will be made available for public comment for a period of 14 days with notices published in the local media.  The notice can be viewed on the website. Notices  will be placed at public libraries, area offices, Municipal offices and the Municipal Notice Boards.

Comments can be emailed to Ms Sam Gcagcaso at, or delivered as a handwritten submission on weekdays (07h45- 16h30) to the Department: Civil Engineering Services, Old Town Hall, corner of Market and York Streets, and by no later than 16h30 on 12 December 2022.

Report contraventions of the current Water Restrictions on 0800 424477 – fines apply.
Report all water leaks on 044 801 
9262/66  or A/ h 044 801 6300

Water Leaks can also be reported at your nearest Area Office or Thusong Centre, emailed to , via the Municipal App or phoned in to 044 801 9311.


Success of the beautified illegal dumping spots

Media Release: Success of the beautified illegal dumping spots

Issued by George Municipality 24 November 2022 for immediate release


George Municipality had some great successes by cleaning up illegal dumping hotspots in and around George and beautifying these areas by creating parks and/or gardens.

An illegal dumping site in Rose Street, Pacaltsdorp was beautified and is still in a good condition as well as in Vuyani Ncamazana Street, Lawaaikamp, two spots in Tabata Street, Thembalethu, 32nd Street, and Nelson Mandela Boulevard. Unfortunately, after the Beer Street, Rosemoor site was beautified, everything including plants, tyres and ecobricks were stolen from the site.

According to Janine Fernold: Manager: Environmental Services,  six coordinators have been appointed to lead cleansing teams and an additional 15 workers will be appointed in the near future to tackle illegal dumping and hotspots. These teams will also be used to clean other illegal dumping sites that are not considered hotspots at this stage.

Georgians can now “Adopt a Spot”, which means the process through which applicants approach the George Municipality to adopt a piece of Municipal-owned land for the purpose of maintenance and beautification within a specific timeframe, at no cost to the Municipality. The public is allowed to apply to adopt public open spaces, private open spaces and nature reserves across a vast area within municipality boundaries.

The programme has been approved by Council and is applicable to all land zoned “Open Space” or “Undetermined” and helps in establishing a partnership between the Municipality and the applicant.  The purposes of the partnership agreements is to make use of, control, or manage a public open space to maintain and enhance its functionality as a form of a contribution to the management and maintenance of such an open space.

The Adopt a Spot programme aims to overcome the challenges of ecological degradation, illegal land use, illegal dumping, criminal activities and lack of safety in public open spaces. The public and all interested parties are hereby invited to approach the Municipality to adopt a piece of Municipal-owned land for any of the purposes mentioned. There is no cost to Adopt a spot from Municipality, however it is expected that the “adopters” will assist in the maintenance and upkeep of the site.

The policy is available on the George Municipality’s website at

Download the application form here:

Enquiries or request for more information on the process may be directed to Nosidima Vumindaba at or on 044 802 2900 at the Parks and Recreation department.

If you throw your junk just anywhere, it will eventually become your problem some way or another. It can make you sick or kill you.

What is illegal dumping?

  • Illegal dumping is anything you throw away in a place where it does not belong.
  • If you know who is dumping illegally, report them to 044 801 6350 or  or 044 801 6300 (a/h).
  • Information that will help the case for a warning or fine: car description and/or registration number, address of alleged perpetrator, type of waste and address of where it was dumped. A cellphone photo of dumping in action will help, but is not essential.
  • Report dumped waste for collection to 044 802 2900 or 044 801 6300 (a/h).


Captions: A before photo of an illegal dumping spot on the corner of Nelson Mandela Boulevard and Gcakani Street being cleaned by cleansing staff.


  1. The after photo of the same area after it was beautified by George Municipality and members of the community.



 We have a goal – to turn the George’s TENS into the biggest social sport and lifestyle event in South Africa! Will you join us?

Kicking off in 2019 as a rugby only festival, the event has now evolved to include Netball, Golf, a Trail run, Mountain Biking, Men’s and Women’s Rugby, and for the 2022 edition, Beach Volleyball and Touchies!  Oh, and we forget, for good measure, Boeresport!

We took a break in 2020 due to Covid 19, but got right back on track in 2021, all be it with a couple of natural disasters and restrictions still in place.  The 2022 Event is going to be SPECTACULAR!  That’s our story, and we’re sticking to it!

Once again, squads and fans alike, will gather from across the country, at Outeniqua Park and surrounds on 15 – 18 Dec ’22, to play their favourite sports, experience the vibe, enjoy the shows, forge new friendships, create memories and share a couple of cold ones!

Co-founded by former Springbok Coach Heyneke Meyer and IG van der Merwe, and presented in collaboration with the George Municipality, the 2022 event is proud to welcome some of SA’s biggest icons, including the likes of Victor Matfield, Pieter Hendriks, Vlok Cilliers, Anton Leonard, and many many more!!

Want to meet them in person?  Join these legends for a round of golf at Oubaai Golf Estate & Spa or Pinnacle Point Golf Estate on 15 Dec ’22!  Limited 4-balls still available!

On 16 & 17 Dec, Wilderness Beach will gear up with Boeresport, Touchies and Volleyball!

(Did we mention the Boeresport is open to all and free to participate in! – no registrations required; you just need to be on the beach!)

Netball will hit Outeniqua Park on 16 & 17 Dec, Rugby on 16, 17 & 18 Dec.

The Mountain Bike event, 17 Dec, and Trail Run, 18 Dec, will kick off from Outeniqua Park and travel across some of the most awe-inspiring views of the Garden Route.

Not really into the activities? No problem, here’s the Festival Village line-up:

16 Dec ’22:  Die Heuwels Fantasties;

17 Dec ’22:  Spoegwolf;

18 Dec ’22:  Early B

1925 band will be opening for all, supported by our MC’s Mickey Louw & Pieter Rischmüller, aka Piet Pompies from DJ Ossewa!

“The George Municipality is delighted to support this important and exciting event.  This event has the promise of stimulating and developing the George economy in a tremendous way and I encourage all role-players in the George economic community to get behind this initiative,” says Portfolio Councillor for Finance and Strategic Services, Dirk Wessels.

Meyer reiterates, “Whether you are young or old, want to join as a sponsor, vendor, participant or spectator, there’s an activity for you!  We’ve paid our dues with Covid – it’s time for a December event of note – one that not only provides an amazing holiday experience, but benefits an entire community!  We can’t wait you welcome you!”

Follow @George10s on Facebook and

Here follows the registration information for the all the specific codes:

All prices, registration information and more on


15 December

Oubaai Golf Resort & Spa & Pinnacle Point Golf Estate

Women’s & Men’s Rugby

16, 17 & 18 December

Outeniqua Park

Schools:                      Bulletjies, Primary Schools, High Schools


Social:                         Amateurs: (U/35), Veterans (Above 35)

Premier Division:        Professional, Semi-Professional


Ladies & Mixed teams Netball

16 – 17 December

Outeniqua Park

School:                        Primary Schools, High Schools


Social:                         Social/Amateurs (U/35), Veterans (O/35)


16 December



17 December



Schools:                       Primary Schools, High Schools

Social:                         Amateurs (U/35) / Veterans (Above 35)

Mountain Biking,

17 December


Trail Running

18 December

5 km




Social Media Tags / Handles:











Facebook:                   George TENS

Invictus Sport and Entertainment

Instagram:                   @george_tens



Community Development celebrates Transgender Awareness Week

Media Release: Community Development celebrates Transgender Awareness Week

Issued by George Municipality 23 November 2022 for immediate release

George Municipality Community Development Services in collaboration with the Social Health and Empowerment organisation, took the initiative of starting organic food gardens at two local Educare centres, Rosedale Educare centre and Golden Valley Creche in Blanco last week week to celebrate Transgender Awareness Week. Transgender Week runs from 13-19 November each year and is a one-week awareness and celebration event with the aim to advance advocacy around issues of prejudice, discrimination and violence that affect the transgender community.

Jonathan Fortuin (District Sector Leader LGBTQIA++ Garden Route District and municipal official) said, “We are not only starting the gardens but will look after them with the help of the community. We want to show the world that we take ownership and are active and responsible citizens. We will be starting food gardens for members of LGBTQIA++community at homes to give needy people and people who use chronic medication, access to healthy food.”

For any queries or information regarding LGBTQIA++ please contact George Community Development  at 044 802 2000.

Gardengroup: The group of the George Municipality the LGBTQIA++ helpdesk and the Social Health and Empowerment organisation with some of the toddlers from Rosedale creche with seeds for the garden.

 Gardengolden: The group of the George Municipality the LGBTQIA++ helpdesk and the Social Health and Empowerment organisation at Golden Valley creche.

 Garden 1,2,3: Some members of the group work the land at the creches to start the organic food gardens.

Law Enforcement officers sweep 95 shops for fireworks

George Municipality Law Enforcement has visited more than 95 shops in George and surrounds in the past week to put up posters about the ban on fireworks in the George Municipal area and has already written out warnings and issues a number of fines to shop owners.

Law Enforcement officers, Roland Hardnick, Daniella Laws and Verona Botha have confiscated fireworks to the value of R1120 at different shops and have written out three fines in the amount of R4500 each.

We remind the public that due to the high fire risk, the setting off, and possession of fireworks, firecrackers, flares, paper lanterns and other such paraphernalia in the George municipal area is not allowed. The fireworks confiscated by our Law Enforcement officers will be handed over to the police for disposal. Confiscation notices are issued to the offending shops.

George has strict firework legislation and according to the Bylaw on Community Safety, Section 58 (13) No person may discharge fireworks outside of a designated Fire Works Area. No Fire Works area has been made available in George and should someone be caught discharging a firework, a flare, or lighting a Chinese lantern an immediate fine of R1000 is applicable as well as a potential charge of arson.

Setting off marine rocket flares for fun is hugely dangerous and irresponsible. NSRI is compelled to log and investigate every incident in case it is a real emergency which of course takes up their time and valuable resources and could detract from genuine flare sightings. It is also hugely dangerous for those setting off the flares, as they are quite costly, and sometimes also out of date.

Marine guidance notes explain that all old flares need to be disposed of correctly.
Rocket flares degrade with time and there have been cases where the rocket propellant separates from the parachute, and you are left with an uncontrolled flare which then comes back down and hits the person who has fired it off.

George Municipality will firmly enforce the applicable by-laws and additional Law Enforcement officers will be deployed at various areas and beaches over the festive season to attend to fireworks complaints. This will hopefully assist in reducing the noise levels and allow people (and their pets) to plan for “noisy” periods thus allowing for a quieter, safer environment for all concerned. For some pets, especially dogs and cats with particularly noise-sensitive ears, the sound of fireworks can cause intense fear responses. Some pets will go to extremes to hide, others get startled and run away, and general anxiety caused by unexpected loud sounds can have long-lasting effects on animals.

Please report the illegal setting off of fireworks to 044 801 6350 or after hours at 044 801 6300.
Please report the illegal trade in fireworks to 044 801 6350 or after hours at 044 801 6300.

FIRE EMERGENCIES: 044 801 6311


Caption: Roland Hardnick from Law Enforcement Services at George Municipality hands over a poster to Shakiel Mohammed from George Superette that warns about the ban on fireworks in the municipal area.



The Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk on Monday, 21 November 2022 announced that this year’s George Lights Festival, an annual celebration that marks the beginning of the festive season will, for the first time in history, take place at Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre, Pacaltsdorp.

“It is my honour as your Executive Mayor to announce that the lights Festival will be held at Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre in Pacaltsdorp. This site was chosen for our lights festival as it is a unique amphitheatre, built to honour the memory of Chief Dikkop, who was the leader of the Khoi – Khoi, the first inhabitants of Hoogekraal – now known as Pacaltsdorp.” Mayor van Wyk said during his visit to the venue on Monday, 21 November 2022.

The amphitheatre is used for community gatherings like the monthly Pacaltsdorp Market Day, and now, the annual Pacaltsdorp Lights Festival.

“This year, we are bringing the official lights festival to this historic site and opening it up to every resident in George to celebrate with us. Having this festival here will not only provide much-needed exposure to this venue but will also boost the local economy and showcase the vendors that play such an important role in this part of our beautiful city,” Alderman van Wyk added.

“Having looked at the arrangements made by the organisers, this festival promises not only to boost the local economy but also to be a fun-filled evening, with something to do for EVERYONE! There will be live performances by local artists, food stalls, arts and crafts stalls and a kiddie’s corner! Bring your family, neighbours, and friends as we officially switch on the lights and reign in the festive season, I cannot wait to see you all there!”

The festival event details are as follows:

When              : 10th December 2022

Where            : Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre, Pacaltsdorp

Time                :14h00 – 22h00

Seats are limited, so be sure to get there early. If you have any enquiries, please contact Special Programmes & Project Coordinator for Community Development in the George Municipality, Jonathan Fortuin: 044 802 2000 or 061 624 7431.

Executive Mayor’s announcement video in English

In Afrikaans:



Pacaltsdorp residents are invited to submit their home residence to be considered as a temporary film set for a television production, faciliated through the Tourism section of George Municipality.

The Tourism section of George Municipality facilitates film support as an economic impact activity to boost the local industry.  The section has been assisting Meerfout Films with various aspects of their production for Juffrou X, a drama about a group of teachers and parents who work together to rid their school of bad influences, set to air on kykNET.  The producers are looking for residential homes in Pacaltsdorp which can be used as a film set for a specified duration. “We will need about 5 homes, preferably close together, where we can film for one day at each house”, says Producer and Director Berdene Burger.

Dates:              January and February 2023 (exact dates TBC)

Home Impact: Film crews understand that additional care must be taken when filming in a residential residence.  They bring their own porta loos, catering, chairs and gazebos. The family will need to vacate the home for approximately 12 hours on the day of filming.

Rate:               R3,500 per house

Interested Pacaltsdorp residents should make contact with by Friday, 25 November 2022.  Please submit your contact details, residential address and a photo of the outside of the house.


18 November 2022

They are the smallest patients, coming into this world too early. The road is not always easy and on 17 November 2022, we show compassion and support for families who are experiencing the anxiety of premature births by observing World Prematurity Day.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that every year, 15 million infants worldwide are born preterm. Sadly, the complications of preterm birth are among the leading causes of death in children under five. All infants born preterm require immediate and significant medical care that pose unexpected challenges –  emotional and financial – to their parents and family system.

A premature birth occurs when a baby is born before 37 weeks of gestation (pregnancy). In humans, a normal gestation period is from 38 to 42 weeks. Ideally, babies remain in the womb until they are full term, but for various reasons this does not always happen. The causes of preterm birth vary, but in most cases the exact cause is unknown.

Claudine Damons (36) gave birth to her beautiful baby girl, Aria-Lee Damons, on 7 September 2022 at George Hospital. At only 28 weeks, little Aria-Lee weighed 930 g and went to ICU for further care and treatment. Before the birth of her daughter, Claudine was a mom of two boys. ‘Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to give birth prematurely. This was my first experience and I had to adapt,’ she added.

Two months later, baby Aria-Lee is still in her premature stage and a healthy baby.

Another mother who has walked the road with her preemie is Thembisa Saptoe (29) from Thembalethu, George, who gave birth on 10 August 2022 at 28 weeks. She adds that caring for and nursing her preemie baby was one of the most challenging and toughest experience of her life. ‘I am really grateful for the fact that she is a survivor; she fought with everything that she had. At one point we thought we were going to lose her, but she really, really made it through,’ she said.

Western Cape Government Health and Wellness walks a journey with mothers in every stage of their pregnancy. It starts with the antenatal visits during which chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes can be picked up and managed accordingly. It is important for mothers to go to all their antenatal classes, to speak to a healthcare worker when they are unsure or worried about their health or the babies’. This also forms part of the first 1 000 days in a child’s development, starting from conception, moving through pregnancy, birth, and after the first 2 years of life, which are crucial for securing a child’s bright future. Your child’s health is most vulnerable during the first 1 000 days of their life. The right care and nutrition during this time helps to develop their brains, fuel their physical growth, build up a strong immune system, improve their school readiness and educational achievement, and reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease later in life.

Caption: Thembisa Saptoe and her baby daughter who was born premature.

Caption: Claudine Damons and daughter Aria-Lee

Caption: Miles Moos with his dad

Caption: Prem Day event at Knysna Hospital






In an effort to provide better health and wellness opportunities to people of all ages, abilities, and socio-economic statuses, the George Municipality has established three Outdoor Gym Trim, one on Knysna Road and another one at the Corner of Mission and Fern Streets in Pacaltsdorp, and ERF 80 Van Riebeeck Gardens.

The Executive Mayor of George Aderman Leon van Wyk this week visited the Outdoor Gym Trims to officially open this easy-to-use outdoor gym equipment which is accessible to the public for recreation purposes.

“This initiative is part of a pilot project that we launched to provide outdoor gym equipment for communal use. We look forward to seeing how the equipment is going to be utilized by community members so we can continue the rollout of such equipment in other wards. At this stage, this open-air gym is one of three pilot sites; one is in Van Riebeek Park (between Heatherlands and Camfersdrift), and Mission Street (Pacaltsdorp),” said Mayor van Wyk.

Councillor Monique Simmers who was also part of the mayor’s entourage during the official launch of the Outdoor Gym Trim also shared her thoughts about this gym facility, as the ward councillor for Ward 5 wherein Lavallia is located, “I am pleased that this amenity is now available for all the residents, young and old, in my ward.  These initiatives provide forms of recreational activities for our residents, and I would like to invite everyone to come and try them out. Thanks to our portfolio Cllr Jean Safers and our officials for making this possible.”



The George and Knysna Municipalities’ fire departments collaborated to present a Fire Instructor 1 course to the fire services staff in the Garden Route, Southern Cape. The training which was a hybrid course of face-to-face training and home-based training took place during September and October 2022 and the final assessment was concluded on the 10th and 11th of November 2022.

“Professional Fire Fighting training is a very specialised training and because of that, the places that can present accredited training are few and far between. Until now firefighter training required us to send staff to Cape Town or other provinces to obtain these IFSAC accredited training,” said Santa Sternsdorf, Station Commander Training, at the George Fire Station. “With the City of Cape Town Fire and Rescue Training Academy, obtaining their IFSAC accreditation, they are now willing to assess and accredited the training that we can present ourselves. This allows us as “smaller” Municipalities to train our staff, and in doing so we can reduce the cost of training and ensure a high level of quality training for our staff,” Sternsdorf said.

Western Cape Province Disaster Management Fire and Rescue has been instrumental in this process, through their capacity building grants will assist the Training with resources and costs of assessments to support training in the Western Cape. The instructor training is part of a strategic process to increase the training capabilities of the “Smaller” fire services in the Southern Cape.

This training will, according to Sternsdorf, increase the training capacity of the Fire Services in the area. “Through collaboration with other Municipalities, we can present the training each Municipality Fire service requires locally.” The Fire Instructor 1 course was attended by George, Knysna, Bitou, Mossel Bay, and Hessequa Municipalities. The course was presented as a “hybrid” course where a combination of self-study and classroom training was done. The final assessments will be done the second week in November with a City of Cape Town Fire and Rescue Training Academy assessor.




As we rapidly head towards our holiday season, preparations have begun to receive our visitors.

This year there is pent-up enthusiasm for the season ahead as we prepare to receive the influx of visitors over the next few weeks. We have already had several preparatory meetings with key municipal staff in anticipation of this season in readiness for the daily early morning meetings from 1 December to deal with service delivery issues.

We have noted that passenger traffic through the George Airport during each month of 2022 has returned to levels from a low of 86% of 2019 levels for January rising into the high 90% to over 100% monthly compared to 2019 levels, resulting in George reflecting among the best recovery rates for the country post the pandemic. It also appears that occupancy rates for the Garden Route National Park and accommodation establishments have been climbing during the months of 2022. Expectations accordingly are that we should experience a good season.

The recent airing of the My Kitchen Rules (MKR) television cooking show that was held at Victoria Bay should assist in boosting the tourist attractions offered by our locations. I recently visited the NSRI station in Wilderness where, as expected, the crew were meticulously checking their equipment and practising their training procedures for the summer. We spoke about the importance of avoiding those parts of the beach where rip currents are prevalent.

This year, George has been awarded Blue Flag status for the Wilderness and Herold’s Bay beaches and pilot site status for Victoria Bay beach. Blue Flag is recognised internationally for water quality along with a host of tests and requirements that need to be met throughout the season. There are a number of beaches, e.g., around Durban, that have failed to retain their status as a result of not meeting the water quality requirements.

In our preparations for this year, we will be making use of QR codes that will provide access to websites containing information on tourist activities and events, important municipal contact details as well as water and other safety tips for our visitors. We are preparing the checklists for season preparedness that will include the provision of refuse and cleansing services, parking, signage, ablutions, traffic control, communications, al fresco dining, etc.

The holiday season is a great boost to many sectors of the broader tourism economy and to employment. It is therefore important for all citizens to be friendly and welcoming to our visitors to make their stay spectacular. Every experience, including each meal, activity or swim, should be so memorable as to ensure they return next year. As always, if there are good ideas, please send us an email at


Ald. Leon van Wyk

Executive Mayor of George




The George Municipal Vehicle Testing Station (VTS) is again offering a FREE 10-Point Check for your vehicle on 12 to 15 December 2022 and 10 to 13 January 2023 (08h30 -15h30). Bring your vehicle to the VTS situated at Hibernia Street, George on the dates listed above and please note first come first served rule will apply.

The 10 Point inspection includes:

  • Identification of vehicle
  • Lights
  • Equipment and Body structure
  • Braking Systems
  • Wheels and Tyres
  • Suspension and undercarriage
  • Steering
  • Oil leaks
  • Exhaust System
  • Transmission

The full inspection will take approximately 10 minutes and you will be free to go with a clean bill of health – or know that something needs to be repaired before you leave for that long drive.

Safety is our priority – make use of the opportunity to ensure you and your family travel safely this festive season.

Check that vehicle is roadworthy before you start your journey
Carry the necessary equipment and tools to assist you on the road in case of a breakdown
Have enough rest before you start your journey and take a rest every 2 hours
Adhere to all road signs and rules of the road
Maintain a safe following distance
Adhere to and stay within the speed limits
Follow instructions that are given by Law enforcement or Traffic Officials
No overloading of passengers because it affects the braking system of the vehicle
Have the necessary contact numbers in case of emergency
Be patient towards other road users







Glenwood avenue extension got its first public hydrant. The existing fire hydrants in the Glenwood Ave extension area are all located within the private developments.  Access to these fire hydrants is challenging during times of high risk/emergency and the Civil Engineering Services Directorate decided to rather install two additional hydrants along Glenwood Ave Extension.  The area North of the Glenwood Ave extension is a high-risk fire area, and the hydrants will assist the George Municipal`s Fire Department during emergency situations.  The installation was completed successfully.





Team registrations are heating up for the George Tens Sport & Lifestyle Festival. Will we see you there?


Returning to Outeniqua Park and surrounds, the 2022 George Tens takes place on 15 – 18 Dec 2022. The event will see a week of exciting Tens rugby coupled with additional events including Women’s Rugby, ladies & mixed teams Netball, Touchies, Volleyball, Golf, Trail running, Mountain biking …. and just for a bit of extra fun, ‘boeresport’!


“The response to the announcement of the festival has been incredible!” says Heyneke Meyer, co-founder of the festival and former Springbok Coach. “We are getting emails and calls from right across the country as sports lovers prepare to enter their teams for the range of events. Some of SA’s biggest rugby icons will also be joining us this year.


Join legends like Anton Leonard, Wynie Strydom, Victor Matfield, Johan Kapp & more on Oubaai Hotel, Golf & Spa or Pieter Hendriks, Vlok Cilliers, Meyer Bosman & Hein Truter on Pinnacle Point Golf Estate on 15 December ’22!


From there, we hit the beach at Wilderness Beach on 16 & 17 Dec ’22 for Touchies & Beach Volleyball! Oh, and for warm-up we thought a bit of old fashioned ‘Boeresport’ will be just the thing!


Rugby & Netball is starting at Outeniqua Park on 16 December and Trail Running & Mountain Biking will hit the ground from the park on 17 & 18 Dec respectively!


BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! ….. closing off the festivities daily, is the 1925 Band, opening for Heuwels Fantasties on 16 Dec, Spoegwolf on 17 Dec & Early B on the 18th!


“The George Municipality is delighted to support this important event and I encourage all role-players in the George economic community, but also the rest of the country, to once again join us for this epic event” says Portfolio Councillor for Finance and Strategic Services, Dirk Wessels.

“Working with Heyneke Meyer is a delight and this event has the promise of stimulating and developing the George economy in a tremendous way. An ethos that we as the George Municipality live by and aspires to uphold! “


Meyer reiterates, “I am grateful for the support from the George Municipality and that of the George community! We kicked off the festival in 2021 amidst a lot of Covid restrictions. This year, all are welcome, and we can’t wait to welcome YOU! It’s going to be SPECTACULAR!

Follow @George10s on Facebook and to stay up to date on all the latest details.

Here follows the registration information for the all the specific codes:


All prices, registration information and more on


15 December

Oubaai Golf Resort & Spa & Pinnacle Point Golf Estate


Women’s & Men’s Rugby

16, 17 & 18 December

Outeniqua Park

Schools: Bulletjies, Primary Schools, High Schools


Social: Amateurs: (U/35), Veterans (Above 35)

Premier Division: Professional, Semi-Professional


Ladies & Mixed teams Netball

16 – 17 December

Outeniqua Park

School: Primary Schools, High Schools


Social: Social/Amateurs (U/35), Veterans (O/35)



16 December




17 December



Schools: Primary Schools, High Schools

Social: Amateurs (U/35) / Veterans (Above 35)


Mountain Biking,

17 December


Trail Running

18 December

5 km




Social Media Tags / Handles:











Facebook: George TENS

Invictus Sport and Entertainment

Instagram: @invictussportan



The 1000mm diameter Glass Reinforced Polymer (GRP) potable water supply pipeline, one of the Western area’s main water supply pipelines suffered stormwater damage during the November 2021 flooding events has been repaired. The value of the repairs is just over R 500 000, inclusive of VAT.

According to Deon de Jager, the deputy director of the George Municipality’s Civil Engineering Services Directorate the November 2021 floods caused a leak to the pipeline, leading to the need for repair and replacement. We have replaced about 6 meters of GRP pipe.

“The work was executed successfully with minimal disturbance to the water distribution system.  The Directorates operational teams ensured that the areas affected by the pipe failure could still obtain water by feeding the affected areas through other parts of the network,” de Jager added.

The Municipality appointed one of the panel contractors ‘a specialist contractor’ to assist the Directorate with remedial measures to ensure that the supply is restored to its full potential.



Mayor pays NSRI Station 23 a visit

NSRI Station 23 in Wilderness received a pre-festive season visit from Ald Leon Van Wyk last week. The station manned entirely by volunteers has been a fixture in Wilderness since 1984. Ald Van Wyk (centre)is photographed with the team of Sea Rescue volunteers at Station 23, Wilderness.

“As we approach our traditional holiday season, we have begun with preparations to benefit and assist the tourism sector and our visitors. The George daily Festive Monitoring Committee meetings kick off on 1 December and NSRI forms a valuable part of the stakeholders who attend. The successful season hosted for 2021 in terms of beach safety and little to no serious incidents taking place can be attributed to the excellent working relationships between municipal departments and civil society organisations. I want to thank our citizens for all their efforts either through employment, as volunteers or as part of civil society who work so hard to make George a better place,” said Ald Van Wyk.

The NSRI need to be commended for constantly training and practicing their skills, conducting maintenance to their life-saving equipment and always being available 24/7. As a volunteer service they are a critical asset to George and we encourage all citizens and visitors to acquaint themselves with the publicity about safe swimming areas and practices when visiting our beaches.

Follow this link for information on visitor safety

Get to know George

Get to know George – 11 NOVEMBER 2022



Tourism news and lesser-known gems to inspire you:

 1. New! Blue Flag Full Status for Dreamy Herolds Bay

 It’s a yay for Herolds Bay!  Our family-friendly cove has officially joined the ranks of our other full status Blue Flag beach, Wilderness.  This warm, Indian Ocean beach is situated at the bottom of a long and winding hill and features a tidal pool, lawn area and promenade, beach showers and ablutions, as well as ice cream and food vendors for a truly enjoyable day soaking up the rays.

 2. Hidden Gem Bucketlist – Microlight flight at Louvain

Did you know that the captivating Louvain Guest Farm offers exhiliarating microlight flights? Flights are enjoyed over the mountain to the Garden Route coastline or to the north over the Kammanassie Mountains and the Langkloof Valley or in the Klein Karoo, departing at sunrise.  Costs range from R500 to R1500.  We recently sent Travel Bug Rose on this experience; see her first-person experience Facebook video here.

  1. New Art Gallery in Wilderness – Ninette Steyl

Enjoy a visit to the new gallery at the Palms Square Centre in Wilderness. Steyl’s work is an emotive portrayal of feelings experienced at a specific setting.

  1. When’s the last time you visited Timberlake Village?

 Did you know that Timberlake Village is home to several small local businesses which feature mohair, gemstones, wine, fine art, leather, resin art, pottery and driftwood sculptures?  There’s a trendy bakery, proper coffee roastery, oyster bar and a German deli. And Acrobranch tree top adventures recently-ish added a giant zipline over the village where you can zip down and enjoy a fun ride.  Timberlake has play areas for children and a Faerie Garden walk where kids can meet strange and wonderful creatures.  Fur babies of the canine variety are also welcome.  The village is a member of the Paradise Ridge conservancy, which means that they capture rain water, recycle grey water, compost wet waste, use no harmful chemicals, plant trees (400+ to date) and clear alien Wattle annually.  Isn’t that awesome!  A skillfully crafted driftwood sculpture exhibition of South African wildlife is also on display; these pieces are sold to collectors all over the world. Timberlake is open 7 days a week.


 There’s a full line up of local events you can participate in and enjoy from now until the end of the year.



Every Wednesday                              08:30-15:00 Hinenni Community Market 63Bo-Langvlei Road, Rondevlei, Wilderness 082 788 8500

Every Saturday                              08:00-14:00 Outeniqua Family Market N2, George, Outeniqua Family Market 082 465 2952

Every Sunday                                                       10:00-15:00 Sunday Funday Market Milkwood Village, Beacon Street, Wilderness 061 547 0625

10-22 December Outeniqua Kersmark Moederkerk, George 083 772 8252

15-31 December

(Closed Sundays)

Boerevintage Gift Market Redberry Farm, George 083 398 0205

17 December Hilltop Herolds Bay Garden Market  c\r Rooidraai \ Rooiktansie street Herolds Bay Heights 082 490 6200




12 George Open Gardens Various Locations, George

12-13 Trail Girl Trail Run Fairy Knowe Hotel, Wilderness 083 662 2022

13 Big Walk by Binah Garden Route, Botenical Garden, George 083 270 6382

19-20 Eden LC Champs Conville Swimming Pool, George 082 458 7427




5-21 Uncle George Party Step Aside Farm, George 071 433 6961

9-13 Western Cape Swimming Championship Conville Swimming Pool, George 082 458 7427

15-18 George Tens Outeniqua Stadium, George 071 457 2696

16-31 Bush Lapa Musiekfees Herolds Bay Resort Bush Lapa, George 044 851 0113

17 Cairo to Cape Trail Run Map of Africa, Wilderness 082 457 5675


Is your event not yet listed here?  Please let us know at


When exploring the destination, share your photos and experiences on social media with the hashtags:


#visitgeorge #exploregeorge

#visitwilderness #explorewilderness

#visituniondale #exploreuniondale


We’d love to see your adventures and experiences, and may even share them on our official social media pages (with your permission, of course!).


Find information about things to do, places to stay, upcoming events, eateries and gastronomic experiences as well as tourism transport at or pop in at our Visitor Information Centres where our friendly staff are ready to assist you.


124 York Street, George Central, George, 6529 | +27 44 801 9295 | |



198 George Road, Wilderness, 6560 | +27 44 877 0045 | | wildernesstourism



Virtual assistance | +27 44 518 0030 | |



GO GEORGE staff sensitised to the world of persons with disabilities

GO GEORGE staff sensitised to the world of persons with disabilities
Issued 7 November 2022
“Knowledge does not lead to change – understanding does.”
This statement was the point of departure during a series of sensitisation workshops with GO GEORGE frontline staff presented by Glen Fortuin, Community Development Worker at the George Association for Persons with Disabilities (APD).
With November being Disability Rights Awareness Month, GO GEORGE is once again collaborating with key stakeholders who take an interest in people with disabilities, to raise awareness and achieve greater efficiency towards an inclusive service. The focus is on the attributes of GO GEORGE that make it accessible to all and to empower the community to access work, economic and educational opportunities.
Persons with disabilities include those who have perceived and or actual physical, psychosocial, intellectual, neurological and/or sensory impairments and who, as a result of various attitudinal, communication, physical or information barriers, are hindered in participating fully and effectively in society on an equal basis with others.
According to Morné Lakay, Acting GO GEORGE Manager, the bus service aims to empower frontline staff such as Call Centre agents, information officers and communication champions with skills to support persons with disabilities. “We want to assist with the process of attitude change among passengers. People’s intentions might be pure, but they might not know how to approach a person with a disability when offering assistance. We need to keep in mind that not all disabilities are visible when we interact with people in public and that many people might require different ways of interaction. People might refer to ‘wheelchair-bound’ people while the correct terminology is wheelchair users – Glen rightfully taught us that a wheelchair is a mode of transport and not a prison,” he said.
A few hints from Glen Fortuin:
• Always speak to the person with the disability and not the person accompanying them.
• Do not push a person’s wheelchair without their permission.
• When talking to a wheelchair user, sit on a chair so that you sit at their eye level.
• People using canes or crutches need their arms to balance themselves, so never grab them by the arm.
• Be prepared to offer assistance to persons with limited hand, wrist or arm function.
• If the person is unable to shake your hand, it is acceptable to fist-bump or put your hand on their arm or shoulder.
• For people with hearing loss, speak one at a time; don’t cover your mouth; face them while talking.
Anyone with a disability feeling uncertain about using the GO GEORGE bus service is welcome to phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 to request personal guidance and assistance by passenger support staff.
Glen Fortuin, Community Development Worker at the George Association for Persons with Disabilities (APD), explains the importance of being sensitive towards people with invisible disabilities too.
GO GEORGE-personeel gesensitiseer om die wêreld van persone met gestremdhede te verstaan
Uitgereik 7 November 2022
“Kennis lei nie tot verandering nie, maar begrip wel.”
Hierdie stelling was die vertrekpunt tydens ‘n reeks sensitiseringswerkswinkels met GO GEORGE-frontliniepersoneel wat deur Glen Fortuin, gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerker by die George Vereniging vir Persone met Gestremdhede (George APD), aangebied is.
Met November wat die bewusmakingsmaand vir persone met gestremdhede is, werk GO GEORGE weereens saam met belanghebbendes in dié sektor om bewustheid te verhoog en groter doeltreffendheid vir ‘n inklusiewe diens te bereik. Die fokus is op die eienskappe van GO GEORGE wat dit vir almal toeganklik maak en om die gemeenskap te bemagtig om toegang tot werk-, ekonomiese en opvoedkundige geleenthede te verkry.
Persone met gestremdhede sluit in diegene wat fisiese, psigososiale, intellektuele, neurologiese en/of sensoriese gestremdhede het en wat as gevolg van verskeie houdings-, kommunikasie-, fisiese of inligtingshindernisse verhoed word om ten volle en effektief, op gelyke basis met ander in die samelewing deel te neem.
Volgens Morné Lakay, waarnemende GO GEORGE-bestuurder, het die busdiens ten doel om frontliniepersoneel soos inbelsentrumagente, inligtingsbeamptes en passasiersdiensbeamptes te bemagtig met vaardighede om persone met gestremdhede te ondersteun. “Ons wil help met die proses van houdingsverandering onder passasiers. Mense se bedoelings kan suiwer wees, maar hulle weet dalk nie hoe om ‘n persoon met ‘n gestremdheid te benader wanneer hulle hulp aanbied nie. Ons moet in gedagte hou dat nie alle gestremdhede sigbaar is wanneer ons met mense in die openbaar omgaan nie, en dat mense verskillende maniere van interaksie benodig. Iemand kan na ‘rolstoelgebonde’ mense verwys terwyl die korrekte terminologie rolstoelgebruikers is – Glen het ons met reg geleer dat ‘n rolstoel ‘n vervoermiddel is en nie ‘n tronk nie,” het hy gesê.
‘n Paar wenke van Glen:
• Praat altyd met die persoon met die gestremdheid en nie die persoon wat hulle vergesel nie.
• Moenie ‘n rolstoel sonder die gebruiker se toestemming stoot nie.
• Wanneer jy met ‘n rolstoelgebruiker praat, sit op ‘n stoel sodat jy op hul oogvlak sit.
• Mense wat kieries of krukke gebruik, het hul arms nodig om hulself te balanseer, so moenie hulle ooit aan die arm gryp nie.
• Wees gereed om hulp aan persone met beperkte hand-, pols- of armfunksie te bied.
• As die persoon nie jou hand kan skud nie, is dit aanvaarbaar om vuis te stamp of jou hand op hul arm of skouer te sit.
• Vir mense met gehoorverlies, praat een op ‘n slag; moenie jou mond bedek nie; praat met jou gesig na hulle gedraai.
Enigiemand met ‘n gestremdheid wat onseker voel oor die gebruik van die GO GEORGE-busdiens is welkom om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel om persoonlike leiding en hulp deur passasiersondersteuningspersoneel te versoek.
Glen Fortuin, gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerker by die George-vereniging vir persone met gestremdhede (APD), verduidelik hoe belangrik dit is om ook sensitief te wees teenoor mense met onsigbare gestremdhede.