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As part of the holiday safety awareness and welcoming programme, the Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk, the members of the Executive Mayoral Committee, the Municipal Manager, and the Chairperson of the George Business Chamber welcomed tourists and visitors to the heart of the Garden Route, George, during a friendly Mayoral Roadblock that was held at the entrance to George, N9 on Wednesday, 14 December 2022.

The entourage consisted of Ald van Wyk, Dr Willie Cilliers Chairperson of the George Business Chamber, Executive Deputy Mayor Raybin Figland, Portfolio Councillor for Corporate Services and Human Resources Christiaan Neethling, Councillor Johan du Toit MPAC Chairperson, Portfolio Councillor for Community Safety Charlotte Clarke and the Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz who handed over holiday goody-bags to motorists.

Also present, were key stakeholders and role-players in tourism, safety and transport such as GO GEORGE represented by James Robb the Acting Public Transport Oversight Official, George Tourism (including Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism), Municipal Traffic Services, George Fire Services and Disaster Management, municipal Law Enforcement, Cluster CPF Chairperson, Rupert Pretorius and the South African Police Service (SAPS).  To add more excitement for our younger visitors, the ever-popular mascots Georgie from GO GEORGE and Daantjie Kat from the George Traffic Services were there for entertainment.

“Today we are conducting a holiday safety awareness programme to welcome visitors to George who will be spending their holidays here; we are accompanied by our community safety services and display of equipment, to demonstrate our readiness to receive and host our visitors and tourists and to ensure a safe, festive holiday for all,” said Ald van Wyk.

One of the highlights of this year’s Mayoral Friendly Roadblock was the participation of the George Business Chamber, represented by Chairperson Dr Willie Cilliers. “As the world of business, we warmly welcome our clients, and it is a great pleasure to be here to witness people coming on holiday. It is extremely important to us as businesses to get the people here and strengthen our partnership with the Municipality and other stakeholders during this annual event. We look forward to a bumper season and sustaining our business into the next year, 2023.

Municipal Manager Dr Gratz expressed her satisfaction with the success of the friendly Mayoral Roadblock. “I’m pleased with the success of the Mayoral Roadblock; this was certainly a great display of George’s readiness for the festive season. Our emergency personnel as well as all service delivery Departments are prepared to ensure maximum safety for visitors and locals and to ensure that our visitors enjoy their stay in a clean and well-run city where all services are working”.


For quick links to all the tourism information you may need in the greater George area, please follow the links below for quick access to Tourism Information, Safety for Visitors Information and Useful Municipal Contacts!…/tourism/safety-for-visitors/


Euwel van verstopte stormwaterdreine en kabeldiefstal lei tot groot skade en probleme met dienslewering

Mediavrystelling: Euwel van verstopte stormwaterdreine en kabeldiefstal lei tot groot skade en probleme met dienslewering

Uitgereik deur George Munisipaliteit 15 Desember 2022 vir onmiddellike vrystelling


Die aandag is vandeesweek weer opnuut op die euwel van verstopte stormwaterdreine en kabeldiefstal geplaas toe strate in Rosemoor, George oorstroom het en bykans onbegaanbaar was, weens ‘n drein in O’Connellstraat wat met ‘n bondel gesteelde elektriese kabels en gemors verstop was.

Amptenare van ons Siviele Ingenieursdienste moes spook om die kabels uit te kry wat aan ander vullis, soos volgestopte plastieksakke, koeldrankbottels en nog vele gemors vasgedraai was.

Ons Elektrotegniese Dienste Direktoraat het bevestig dat dit kragkabels is, wat reeds van koper gestroop is.

Volgens Lionel Daniels, adjunkdirekteur van Siviele Ingenieursdienste, kry hul afdeling gereeld klagte oor ons stormwaterstelsel wat nie behoorlik werk nie, maar sê hy hierdie is die tipiese voorvalle waarmee sy spanne bykans elke dag moet sukkel en wat dienslewering kelder.

Daniels sê in hierdie spesifieke geval het het talle strate oorspoel met die swaar reens weens die een verstopte drein.

Wonder jy ooit hoekom sekere gebiede meer oorstromings en rioolstortings as ander het? In meeste gevalle kan die probleem direk verbind word met wat in die drein afgaan.

Verkeerde goed wat toilette afgespoel of wat in stormwaterafvoerpype gegooi word, is een van die grootste oorsake van riool wat oorloop en verstopte dreine en oorstromings. Probleemitems sluit in, kosverpakking, koeldrankbottels en tot dooie diere en meubels, sanitêre produkte, babadoeke wat in die mangate en afvoerpype gegooi word.


Om dreinpype skoon te maak is duur en kos die munisipaliteit geld en mannekrag wat vir iets anders gebruik kon word. Oorstromings weens verstopte dreine kan huise, motors en eiendom beskadig en kan selfs die oorsaak van verdrinkings wees.

Ons vra die publiek om asseblief die area voor stormwatergate in die pad skoon te hou van blare en gemors. Moenie rommel strooi nie, hou dit in a swartsak tot vullisopteldag. Plaas babadoeke, koshouers, sanitêre produkte in ‘n plastiek inkopiesak, bind dit toe en plaas dit in ‘n swart sak. Moenie die toilet as ‘n vullisblik gebruik nie. Gooi bourommel, voertuigbande en ander groot goed by die munisipale stortingsterrein of binne-in ‘n skepbak in u gebied.

Verjaag enigiemand wat vir kwaadgeld rondloop en probeer om dreindeksels oop te maak of rapporteer dit.

Rapporteer onwettige stortings by Omgewingsdienste: 044 802 290

Verstopte riool en stormwaterpype by Siviele Ingenieursdienste: 044 801 9262/66

Dooie diere vir verwydering by Tuinroete DBV: 044 878 1990

Mense wat groot items in dreinpype gooi by Wetstoepassing: 044 801 6350

Dooie diere op die N2 vir verwydering by Sanral: 082 553 4878

Of na-ure by George Munisipaliteit nooddienste 044 801 6300.


Vandalisme – groot oorsaak van kragonderbrekings

Vandalisme van munisipale eiendom kos die George Munisipaliteit miljoene rande per jaar. Kabeldiefstal lei dikwels tot kragonderbrekings, wat rioolpompstasies en huishoudings beïnvloed, en dus ‘n groot invloed het op dienslewering. Gebiede waar sub-stasies, mini-substasies, straatligte en rioolpompstasies geteiken is, sluit in die industriële gebiede Tamsui en Pacaltsdorp, Rosedale, Lawaaikamp, Parkdene, Conville, Borcherds, Rosemoor, Blanco, Gwaing en Thembalethu.

George Munisipaliteit het nog steeds die probleem van kriminele wat elektriese strukture klim, en hulself en ander se lewens in gevaar plaas deur hierdie kriminele en nalatige dade. George Munisipaliteit word gedwing om groot bedrae van die belastingbetalers se geld te bestee op die herstel van elektriese (en ander) netwerke wat gevandaliseer word. Hierdie bates behoort ook aan die belastingbetalers en die munisipaliteit bestuur hierdie bates wat deur die publiek betaal word. George Munisipaliteit versoek dus alle inwoners om ons te help om ons bates te beskerm. Meld sulke oortredings soos kabeldiefstal aan by George Munisipaliteit of by u naaste polisiekantoor.

Rapporteer by 0860 044 044 of 044 801 6300 na-ure.

 Foto-onderskrif: Twee George munisipale amptenare spook om ‘n groot bondel elektriese kabels wat aan ander gemors soos volgestopte vullissakke en koeldrankbottels verstrengel geraak het, uit ‘n stormwaterdrein te verwyder. O’Connellstraat en omliggende strate in Rosemoor het vandeesweek met die swaar reens oorstroom  en was bykans onbegaanbaar weens die verstopte drein.

Public Notice: Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status

Public Notice: Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status

George Municipality wishes to inform all dog owners that in order to adhere to the Blue Flag international standards at all of our beaches, it is imperative to enforce strict rules of NO DOGS ON BEACHES (SAND AREAS) that is in line with the Municipality’s By-law, Keeping of dogs, cats and animals.

Dog excrement can contaminate the water and jeopardise the Blue Flag status of our beaches-even if the dog poop is picked up. Dog owners are therefore warned to keep dogs on a leash and off the sandy areas at the beaches. Law Enforcement officers will not hesitate to act against those that do not adhere to the By-law.

Wilderness Beach and Herold’s Bay both have full Blue Flag status and Victoria Bay has Pilot status for the 2022 festive season. Blue Flag is an international coastal management programme that accredits beaches that meet standards of excellence in water quality, environmental management, environmental education and information as well as safety and services. In South Africa the programme is implemented by the Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA). The Blue Flag season runs from 1 December 2022 to 31 January 2023.

Further to this By-Law no dog or other animal may be in any public street or public space (any open public space the public has access to which falls under the George Municipal jurisdiction for example beachfronts, parks, sport fields and sidewalks) except on a leash and under control. This is unless the animal is in an area designated by the George Municipality as a free-running area.

A person is not allowed to walk a dog other than a guide dog, ON A BEACHFRONT, a public street, public place, without carrying enough plastic or paper bags or wrappers, to place the excrement into, in the event of the dog defecating. Please note that dogs are allowed on the sidewalk areas, (tarred, brick-paved etc.) of beachfronts, if these conditions are adhered to.
The beach areas under the control of the George Municipality include Herold’s Bay, Gwaiing River Mouth Beach, Victoria Bay and the Leentjiesklip and Wildnerness beach areas up until the NSRI (Salina’s Restaurant). The area to the left of Salina’s Restaurant (facing the sea) falls under Sanparks.

The George Municipal By-Law may differ from that of other municipalities. Please humanely muzzle and keep dogs under control, which could be considered dangerous, vicious or ferocious. No animals should be left in an unattended and or closed vehicle or open bakkie in any public street or space. If this by-law is not adhered to, a fine from R500 and up can and will be imposed.

Animal owners leaving on vacation should please ensure that they have their animals cared for by a reliable person or at an animal boarding facility such as kennels or catteries.
We ask dog owners to familiarise themselves with a map of Sanparks attached, to see where dogs are allowed on beaches and where not.



Openbare Kennisgewing: Honde op strande (sandgebied) is nadelig vir Blouvlagstatus

George Munisipaliteit wil alle honde-eienaars in kennis stel dat om aan die Blouvlag internasionale standaarde by al ons strande te voldoen, dit noodsaaklik is om streng reëls van GEEN HONDE OP STRANDE (SANDGEBIEDE) af te dwing wat in lyn is met die Munisipaliteit se Bywet, Aanhou van honde, katte en diere.
Honde-ontlasting kan die water besoedel en die Blouvlagstatus van ons strande in gedrang bring – selfs al word die honde-afval opgetel. Honde-eienaars word dus gewaarsku om honde aan ‘n leiband en van die sanderige gebiede by die strande af weg te hou. Wetstoepassingsbeamptes sal nie huiwer om op te tree teen diegene wat nie by die Verordening hou nie.
Wilderness strand en Heroldsbaai het albei volle Blouvlag-status en Victoriabaai het loodstatus vir die 2022-feesseisoen. Blouvlag is ‘n internasionale kusbestuursprogram wat strande akkrediteer wat aan standaarde van uitnemendheid in watergehalte, omgewingsbestuur, omgewingsopvoeding en -inligting sowel as veiligheid en dienste voldoen. In Suid-Afrika word die program deur die Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA) geïmplementeer. Die Blouvlagseisoen strek van 1 Desember 2022 tot 31 Januarie 2023.
Ingevolge hierdie Verordening mag geen hond of ander dier in enige openbare straat of openbare ruimte wees (enige oop openbare ruimte waartoe die publiek toegang het en wat onder die George Munisipale jurisdiksie val, byvoorbeeld strandfronte, parke, sportvelde en sypaadjies) behalwe aan ‘n leiband en onder beheer. Dit is tensy die dier in ‘n gebied is wat deur die George Munisipaliteit as ‘n vrylopende gebied aangewys is.
‘n Persoon word nie toegelaat om met ‘n ander hond behalwe ‘n gidshond, OP ‘N STRAND, ‘n openbare straat, openbare plek, te loop sonder om genoeg plastiek- of papiersakke of omhulsels te dra, om die ontlasting in te plaas, in die geval die hond ontlas nie. Neem asseblief kennis dat honde op die sypaadjie-gebiede, (geteer, baksteen geplaveide ens.) van strandfronte toegelaat word, indien hierdie voorwaardes nagekom word.

Die strandgebiede onder beheer van die George-munisipaliteit sluit in Heroldsbaai, Gwaiingriviermondstrand, Victoriabaai en die Leentjiesklip- en Wildnerness-strandgebiede tot by die NSRI (Salina’s Restaurant). Die gebied links van Salina’s Restaurant (wat na die see kyk) val onder Sanparke.

Die George Munisipale Verordening kan verskil van dié van ander munisipaliteite. Snoer asseblief jou hond op ‘n menslike manier,om die hond onder beheer te hou, indien die dier as gevaarlik, boosaardig of wreed beskou word. Geen diere moet in ‘n onbewaakte en/of toe voertuig of oop bakkie in enige openbare straat of ruimte gelaat word nie. Indien hierdie verordening nie nagekom word nie, kan en sal ‘n boete van R500 en hoër opgelê word.
Diere-eienaars wat met vakansie vertrek, moet asseblief seker maak dat hulle hul diere deur ‘n betroubare persoon of by ‘n diere-instapfasiliteit soos honde-herberg of katte-herberg versorg word.
Ons vra honde-eienaars om hulself te vergewis van ‘n kaart van Sanparke wat aangeheg is, om te sien waar honde op strande toegelaat word en waar nie.

Mayor’s Newsletter for George Herald of 15 December 2022

At the time of writing, we are experiencing welcome soft rains in George. Water restrictions have been implemented following lower-than-normal rains in 2022 which has resulted in the level of our Garden Route Dam dropping below 50% of its increased capacity.

The catchment area for our Dam is relatively small, dependent on the run-off from the Outeniqua Mountains. In 2020 and 2021, George’s annual rainfall was over 800mm and 1000mm respectively, compared to only 600mm up to November 2022. During normal average rainfall years, inflow to the Dam would therefore be sufficient for ten months when full.

Since December 2021, the daily usage of water has risen by 17-20% partly due to in-migration. With the aging of water infrastructure, it is also evident that there are more leakages and breakages throughout the water network. Over the past two years, the municipality has progressively allocated more financial and other resources to address pipe replacement and network management. We are adding more pressure release valves, meters, smarting metering devices and telemetry to the system to improve management of the system.

Over the past year, it has become noticeable that usage levels risen from 75% to 90% of the maximum treatment capacity, even exceeding 100% on some days, before allowing for losses through pipe bursts and regular maintenance needed at treatment plants. This has periodically placed enormous pressure on the water available in the reservoirs.

Readers will be aware that construction is currently underway on a 50% increase in treatment capacity, a R480 million project which is due for completion in 2025. In the meantime, we have begun to undertake refurbishment work on some of the treatment modules at the old water works to improve their efficiency. To cater for the increased usage of water, a temporary water treatment plant that can treat an extra 5 million litres of water (roughly 15% of daily usage) is being installed. This plant will be connected into the network by mid-December. In the past few weeks, in addition to the above projects, there have been unplanned interruptions in Eskom’s supply of electricity. This combination of interruptions caused our main reservoirs to be depleted to only having 2-3 hours’ water available at times. Even though communication alerts were sent out by the municipality they were largely ignored.

The water restrictions have accordingly been introduced to appeal to consumers to understand that our water resources are limited due to lower rainfall. Water is essential for the existence of earth’s inhabitants. Our appeal is therefore that each household or business should reduce usage by 15% to ensure that we can stretch our available water until we receive sufficient rain to replenish the water stored in the Dam.


Ald L van Wyk

Executive Mayor of George


George Municipality is the first electricity provider in the country to pilot freely licensed software that automates the reading, processing, and billing of electricity smart meter data. The wheeling pilot that was approved by Council and offered limited wheeling as a service is open to everyone who wants to wheel energy.

The first wheeling transaction took place in May 2022 at George Municipality, following the signing of the use-of-system agreements in July 2021. The billing process has for many years been done manually, requiring extensive time for verification and preparation of bills once the data was retrieved from the meters.

“The need for this freely licensed software pilot became evident when we considered the scaling of wheeling and renewable energy on the George Municipality’s electricity grid. The manual billing process was one of the main challenges and resolving this meant reducing reliance and pressure on key human resources, reducing potential errors that could occur in the billing process. Engagement with Open Access Energy on showcasing their software that they license for free, has assisted in addressing the challenge for us and we are now piloting the automation of our metering and billing services.” said Mr Bongani Mandla, the director of electrotechnical services at George Municipality.

Wheeling is the delivery of electricity generated by a private operator in one location to a buyer or off-taker in another location via a third-party network (Utility or Municipality).

According to Gerjo Hoffman, Chief-Executive-Officer and co-founder of Open Access Energy, the software company aims to boost the use of renewable energy by simplifying wheeling. “Our products aim to automate wheeling and serve the needs of anyone that wants to wheel energy. Our initial focus is South Africa, but our future aspiration is to offer solutions in all emerging markets globally,” says Hoffman.

Open Access Energy currently has two products in the market. Access Energy is a freely licensed software solution that reads smart meters, stores the meter data in a meter data sharing system, and exposes that data to municipalities. The software allows the Municipality to create and load their electricity tariffs and then apply them to a bill. The final bill is sent to the municipalities Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, which then sends the bill to the end customer.

Open Access Energy’s second product is called EnergyPro. This Software as a Service (SaaS) solution focuses on IPPs and Energy traders and assists wheelers to wheel to multiple customers. “Our clients are renewable energy producers and energy traders who want to sell their energy to customers all over South Africa,” says Hoffman.

“Mr Bongani Mandla highlighted that the current George Municipality wheeling pilot consists of trade between one generator and four off-takers through Enpower Trading (a NERSA licensed Energy Trader) and this entire process has now been automated using Open Access Energy’s software. The Municipality is working on further improvements to its wheeling projects and to incentivise the private sector (both generators and off-takers) to participate in this program. These include creating a platform for customers to view their accounts and access their consumption and billing data in real-time, forming various committees to expedite the process of standardising the use-of-system contracts as well as moving from the 30-minute reconciliation to a Time-of-Use reconciliation.

“It is essential to thank our Engineering Services team under the leadership of Mr Kobus Wilken and Mr Derek Baxter for their determination in driving this process, as well as Open Access Energy leadership for piloting this freely licensed software with George Municipality. We will continuously keep pushing hard to provide the people of George an improved electricity service,” said Mr Bongani Mandla






The Executive Mayor of George, Ald Leon van Wyk recently visited Emmaüs, a protective work centre for disabled adults to show appreciation for the valuable work that is being done by the centre. Mayor van Wyk visited the centre on Friday, 2 December 2022, a day before the organisation’s annual X-mas market.

According to Emmaüs, the X-mas market was a huge success. “The first Emmaüs Bazaar after Covid-19 was a huge and very successful event, and we would like to thank the Community for their excellent support.  Despite load-shedding and bad weather we still managed to host a very big fundraising event with a lovely atmosphere.  We could see that the community of George was hungry for a good old-fashioned Emmaüs get-together since 2019,” said Emmaus

We wish to thank the Executive Mayor, Ald Leon van Wyk and Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz for their visit to our Centre. Also, a very big thank you to all our donors and volunteers, without their contributions and help our bazaar would not have been such a huge success.

Mayor van Wyk wishes to encourage the public, businesses, and donors to continue supporting Emmaüs as they have recently lost about 40% of their funding. This organisation is doing an amazing job and is relying heavily on public support. Emmaus can only fulfil its vision of providing adult disabled persons with optimal protection and care if the community continues to support them.

Emmaüs provides the adult disabled with accommodation, food, and therapeutic job opportunities irrespective of race, culture, sex, or religious beliefs. About 85 beneficiaries receive transport and meals daily.

Emmaüs is located at 6 Memorium Street, George, the head of the centre, Mrs. Elsabee Badenhorst can be reached on or 044 873 4196.



The Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk, accompanied by Councillors Marlene Barnardt, the Chief Whip, Erika Brown councillor for Ward 3 and Donovan Gultig, councillor for Ward 18 visited the George Night Shelter on Friday, 2 December 2022. This is part of a series of visits the Executive Mayor and his entourage visited to appreciate and show support for social and community development programmes and activities in the City of George.

There are about 120 people in the night shelter every evening. The night shelter opens its doors to the homeless for R25 an evening which includes a cooked meal and breakfast. There is a permanent social worker based at the shelter who assists the homeless to apply for their IDs, helps them create CVs and assists them in applying for work. The George Night Shelter enjoys the support of both the George Municipality and the Department of Social Development (DSD), as well as donations from the community and businesses.

The assistant manager, Mr Chris Classen, gave the mayor and his delegation a tour of the shelter and spoke about their zero tolerance when it comes to the consumption of any substances. He said that occupants are expected to leave the shelter at 08h00 and return by 15h00, upon their return they are tested with a breathalyser. He also mentioned that the social worker based at the shelter tries to reunite occupants with their families. The delegation was also shown an artwork from a woman who lives in the night shelter, Tanja Roux who is pleased to share her work.

“I am highly grateful for the work being done at this night shelter. We have a homelessness problem in our town. Our service industry who are lending a helping hand should be commended for their work, the social workers, people like Mr Classen – you help make our town better with the selfless work you do,” said Alderman van Wyk.



George achieves another Clean Audit

The Auditor-General advised late last week that a clean audit for 2021/22 has been achieved by George Municipality. Chief Financial Officer, Riaan Du Plessis expressed his gratitude for the results and confirmed that this is testament to the hard work being put in by the administration to continuously improve service delivery whilst also maintaining the highest quality in our administrative processes.

“There remain further improvements to be made to continue our drive to modernise the municipality’s administration, but we are confident that the leadership and guidance of the Executive Mayor and Municipal Manager will direct us in the way forward, just as it did during the past financial year. The commitment and exceptional effort by our staff is inspirational and sets a sure foundation for us from which to grow George Municipality to be the best intermediate city in the South Africa,” he said.

Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz noted that the management team is working hard to create a performance-driven municipality and improve service delivery. “This Auditor-General report acknowledged the great strides which the municipality has made over the past two years and specifically commended the implementation of consequence management to ensure officials do their work diligently and efficiently. Thank you to the management team and all officials involved for the commitment and hard work to achieve a clean audit, an outcome which very few municipalities achieve. We are committed to clean governance and will strive to continue to improve on systems and processes.”

Ald Leon Van Wyk offered his congratulations and expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Municipal Manager, CFO, Finance team, Directors and officials who have all contributed to this team effort. “During the past year we have worked towards the modernisation of systems while also tackling some major improvements in infrastructure and services as part of the turnaround. The achievement of a clean audit is therefore something special. The Clean Audit also cements access to additional Grant opportunities that we are applying for, that will benefit the broader George community and especially those areas requiring improvements.”

Portfolio Councillor for Finance, Dirk Wessels said that he was enormously proud to be a part of this team. “As MMC I am delighted with the audit outcome, it shows the municipality is on the right trajectory in the quest to be the best municipality in the country. I would like to thank the administration for the amazing work undertaken in difficult circumstances.”

Qualified Opinion – The financial statements contain material misstatements in specific amounts, or there is insufficient evidence for us to conclude that specific amounts included in the financial statements are not materially misstated.

Unqualified Opinion- The financial statements contain no material misstatements. Unless the Auditor-General expresses a “clean audit outcome”, findings have been raised on either reporting on predetermined objectives or non-compliance with legislation, or both these aspects.

Clean Audit – The financial statements are free from material misstatements (in other words, a financially unqualified audit opinion) and there are no material findings on reporting on performance objectives or non-compliance with legislation.

Issued by George Municipal Communications Department
Office of the Municipal Manager


Preparations for the GO GEORGE bus service to roll out to Thembalethu are well under way but activation of services to this area unfortunately did not make the November goal as planned.

According to George Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk, the George Integrated Public Transport Network (GIPTN) submitted an item at the last Council meeting. The item stated that the announcement of the November date had allowed critical progress to be made but that more time is needed to ensure a smooth roll-out.

“As stated in my earlier announcement, discussions about existing agreements would continue with stakeholders,” said Van Wyk. “However, in the weeks following the announcement, new and unrealistic demands have been put on the table by these parties, some of which have created potential safety risks that are being addressed. Government remains committed to the previous undertakings made to both parties, but the team is now re-aligning all resources towards roll-out.

“The expansion of service to Thembalethu is happening. We are literally in the process of roll-out. The majority of taxi operators have come forward to honour their original agreements to turn in their licences for compensation, but a little more time is also required to conclude this process. Eleven additional buses have been delivered; construction of infrastructure in Thembalethu is almost complete; top-up vendors are being recruited. Thembalethu communication champions have been appointed and are engaging with prospective passengers, and residents will soon see buses driving through the area testing schedules and routes,” Van Wyk said.

The Council resolution states that service should roll out as soon as possible with a further announcement to be made at least one week before the activation of the routes.

George Municipality handed over 700 home composting bins to residents

Media Release: George Municipality handed over 700 home composting bins to residents

Issued by George Municipality 12 December 2022 for immediate release


George Municipality handed over 700 home composting bins the past week to residents who qualified to receive a composting bin.

According to Grace Notshokovu from Environmental Services, they’ve had a good turnout and residents are very excited to start their composting projects. This was the first cycle of the project, and it will continue to be rolled out over the next three years.

Notshokovu said people are welcome to apply for bins in the meantime. They must however be patient as bins can only be bought as funding from the Municipal budget becomes available. However, if someone fails to fetch their bin or cancels it, the next person on the database will receive a bin.

George Municipality invited households, NGO’s, churches and schools to apply for composting bins in July.  The household bin is 150 litres and the bigger bin for organisations is 200 litres. Approximately 30% of all household waste being disposed of at a landfill site consists of organic waste that could potentially be diverted from the landfill by means of household composting.

Complex residents are also encouraged to apply.

Minimum criteria

  1. Must reside permanently in the George municipal area for the project (proof of address must be submitted).
  2. Must generate kitchen waste e.g., raw vegetable and fruit waste.

Application forms to participate in the project are available on the George Municipal website: or can be obtained from the George Environmental Services Municipal offices, 82 Meade Street, George.

Follow the link to the application form:

Submit application forms to or or at George Environmental Services Municipal Offices, 82 Meade Street.

For more information on composting follow the link:

To enquire, contact Grace Notshokovu/ Karin Stoffels (044 802 2900).


George Municipality officials at the handover of the composting bins. With them are Gaston Lehmann (second from right) a beneficiary of a composting bin.


Compost2: Gail Hagemann (beneficiary) with George Municipal officials Khayalethu Khau, Karin Stoffels, Rodriques Opperman (beneficiary) and Zikhona Thungu at the handover of the composting bins.


Compost3: Elize Herbst, Zikhona Thungu and Chris Herbst at the handover.

GO GEORGE schedules and hours during holiday season 

PRESS RELEASE: GO GEORGE schedules and hours during holiday season

Issued 12 December 2022


All GO GEORGE services will continue throughout the holidays, with special provision for shoppers and employees at the Garden Route Mall and Eden Meander shopping centre where extended business hours will be implemented.

Later buses at Garden Route Mall and Eden Meander

To accommodate later business hours, the following amendments will apply from 16 Dec 2022 to 2 Jan 2023:

Departing from the Garden Route Mall:

  • Route 12 to Pacaltsdorp – 19:00 trip to depart at 19:15
  • Route 16 to Parkdene – 19:08 trip to depart at 19:15 & 19:33 trip to depart at 19:40
  • Route 53 via Rosemoor to CBD – 19:00 trip to depart at 19:15 & extra trip at 19:35


Departing from the CBD:

  • Route 2 to Blanco: 19:30 trip from CBD to depart at 19:40


Public holidays

Buses will be running according to the Saturday schedule on 16 and 27 December, as well as 2 January. The Sunday schedule will be followed on 25 and 26 December and 1 January.

Anyone needing assistance with trip planning can phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 – the agents take calls from 05:00 until 20:00, seven days a week, throughout the holiday season as well.


The GO GEORGE schedule for the festive period has been adjusted to accommodate staff or shoppers leaving the Garden Route Mall and Eden Meander shopping centre later than usual.



PERSVERKLARING: GO GEORGE-skedules en -ure gedurende vakansieseisoen

Uitgereik 12 Desember 2022


Alle GO GEORGE-dienste sal deur die vakansie voortgaan, met spesiale voorsiening vir klante en werknemers by die Garden Route Mall en Eden Meander-winkelsentrum waar verlengde besigheidsure geïmplementeer sal word.

Later busse by Garden Route Mall en Eden Meander

Om langer besigheidsure te akkommodeer, sal die volgende wysigings van 16 Des 2022 tot 2 Jan 2023 geld:

Vertrek vanaf die Garden Route Mall:

Roete 12 na Pacaltsdorp – 19:00-rit sal 19:15 te vertrek

Roete 16 na Parkdene – 19:08-rit sal 19:15 vertrek en 19:33-rit om 19:40

Roete 53 via Rosemoor na CBD – 19:00-rit sal 19:15 vertrek en ’n ekstra rit om 19:35

Vertrek uit die middedorp:

Roete 2 na Blanco: 19:30-rit sal om 19:40 vertrek

Openbare vakansiedae

Busse sal op 16 en 27 Desember, asook 2 Januarie volgens die Saterdagskedule loop. Die Sondagskedule sal op 25 en 26 Desember en 1 Januarie gevolg word.

Enigiemand wat hulp nodig het met ritbeplanning kan die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 skakel – die agente neem oproepe van 05:00 tot 20:00, sewe dae per week, ook gedurende die vakansieseisoen.



Die GO GEORGE-skedule is aangepas vir personeel of klante wat die Garden Route Mall en Eden Meander-winkelsentrum later as gewoonlik verlaat oor die feestyd.





With less than a month to Christmas, a period that is characterised by the exchange of gifts, care and family time, the Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk, and Councillor Brendon Adams, the Portfolio Councillor for Community Services, Social Development, Libraries and Sport went out to the townships of George on Wednesday, 7 December 2022 and handed over Gas stoves to eight (8) City’s nutritional centres, formerly known as ‘soup kitchens.

“Today we were in Conville, Pacaltsdorp, Thembalethu, Rosemore and Maraiskamp. I’m sure that many children in these areas rely on a hearty cup of soup as their only meal of the day. I would like to thank these women for the wonderful work that they do in our communities,” said Mayor van Wyk.

Dina Witbooi serves 120 – 130 people a day, four times a week
Mayor van Wyk and Portfolio Councillor Adam’s first stop was at Dina Witbooi’s soup kitchen on Cain Road, Rosedale. Ms Witbooi serves 120 – 130 people a day four times a week. Handing over the stove to Witbooi, Mayor van Wyk said: “I am very happy that I had the opportunity to hand over this stove to Ms Dina to assist her in the noble work that she is doing for her community. I commend every soup kitchen for their amazing work and service.”

Witbooi could not contain her excitement and appreciation of receiving the new stove the Municipality bequeath to her. Reacting to the Executive Mayor, Ms Witbooi happily bragged to the Mayor that she will be making biryani on her new stove.

Rosina Gordon has been feeding her community for 30 years
The second stop was Ms Rosina Gordon in Jacaranda Street Pacaltsdorp. Ms Gordon told Mayor van Wyk and Cllr Adams that she has been feeding her community for 30 years and that she will be 70 years old in a little over a year.

She also indicated that they need more donations, as there is a genuine need for soup kitchens and feeding schemes in the area. “The nutritional value of these foods needs attention as well and I try my best with what I get,” Gordon said.

On the flip side, Gordon, proudly mentioned that she hosts a Christmas party for residents every year where she feeds those in need. Last year she fed over 300 people.

As Mayor van Wyk and Cllr. Adams took a tour of her home, and Ms Gordon informed them that her husband built a kitchen space for the work that she does with her soup kitchen. Upon receipt of her stove, she expressed gratitude for the stove and said that they will make space for her new stove. Gordon feeds between 250 – 300 people twice a week (Monday & Thursday).

Mayor van Wyk commended Gordon for her work and reiterated that she is a hero of her community ensuring that people, young and old, are fed. She even made sandwiches for her visitors and told Mayor that she refused to have anyone leave her home without having something to eat and that the Mayor and Cllr Adams would not be an exception.

Ms Stella Lottering in Blanco feeds 85 people three times a week
The last stop on the Mayor’s tour was to Ms Stella Lottering in Blanco. She feeds 85 people three times a week.

“Today I have met a few heroes in our society. I have so much admiration and appreciation for the work that all these amazing women do for their communities. These stoves will go a long way in aiding them in their pursuit.” Mayor van Wyk concluded.

Ms Stella thanked Mayor van Wyk and Cllr Adams and said that they will never fully understand how much this means to her. She thanked the municipality for this contribution. People wanting to support the nutritional centres can contact 044 802 2000.




 Find all the tourism information you need in the greater George area:

Boat cruises along the rivers and lakes in Wilderness with Wilderness River Safaris

56 activities to dip into George, Wilderness and Uniondale! 

  1. 4×4
  2. Abseiling
  3. Animal Parks and Rehabilitation Centres
  4. Art Galleries and Routes
  5. Beaches
  6. Big Tree
  7. Bike Park
  8. Birdwatching
  9. Boat Rides
  10. Botanical Gardens and Guided Tours
  11. Bubble Ball (children)
  12. Bumper Boats (children)
  13. Canoeing
  14. Canyoning / Kloofing
  15. Coffee and Chocolate Pairings


Explore the vast and open Outeniqua Mountains and many other scenic trails in the area. Find routes at

  1. Craft Your Own Gin Class and Pairings
  2. Culinary Cooking Classes
  3. Dine with a Local
  4. E-Bike Rides
  5. Farm Stalls
  6. Fishing
  7. Game Drives (only for accommodation guests)
  8. Go Cart Track
  9. Golf Courses
  10. Guided Cultural and Historical Tours
  11. Helicopter Flips and Charters
  12. Horseback Rides
  13. Indoor Play Centres (children)
  14. Kayaking
  15. Kloofing

The George area has several spectacular beaches to enjoy – Victoria Bay, Herolds Bay, the Wilderness beaches and Gwaing.

  1. Learn to Surf
  2. Local Guided Day Trips
  3. Markets
  4. Microlight Flights
  5. Miniature Train Rides
  6. Museums
  7. Oyster Shucking, Show and Tell Experience
  8. Paragliding
  9. Pedal Go Carts
  10. Picnic Spots
  11. Pony Rides (children)
  12. Power Van Railway Experience
  13. Quad Biking
  14. Rock Climbing
  15. Scenic Drives and Lookout Points

Art, culture and history abound, if you know where to look.  Contact George Tourism for a list of site guides and experiences.

  1. Segway
  2. Spa and Wellness Emporiums
  3. Stand Up Paddle Boarding (SUP)
  4. Strawberry Picking
  5. Township Bicycle and Cultural Tours
  6. Trails for hiking, MTB and running
  7. Trampoline Park (children)
  8. Treetop Aerial Obstacle Courses
  9. Tuk-tuk Tour
  10. Wine Farms and Tasting Rooms
  11. Pottery and Ceramic Classes/ Experiences

Canoeing and kayaking is one of the most sought-after experiences in the destination.

Contact the tourism office for a list of suppliers or go to our website.


There are so many fabulous and festive events and markets to look forward to!  See more at

05 – 21 December: Uncle George Christmas Party
Step Aside Farm, George | | 071 433 6961

This is a fun and festive evening for families!  Come together in a picnic setting and enjoy a Christmas-themed evening where children meet Santa.  There’s also a magical castle, a marching band and Noddy and friends, as well as carols under the stars.  From 17h30 to 21h30.

10 December: Pacaltsdorp Lights Festival
Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre, Pacaltsdorp | Jonathan Fortuin: 044 802 2000 or 061 624 7431

The annual George Lights Festival has moved to the Kaptein Dikkop amphitheatre in Pacaltsdorp, and heralds the start of the festive season with the switching on of festive Christmas lights..  This year, there will be live performances by local artists, food stalls, arts and crafts, as well as a kiddie’s corner. The programme is from 14:00 and 20:00. Seats are limited, so be sure to get there early for this festive community event!

The Garden Route Botanical Gardens in George is home to the Garden Route Birds of Prey Rehabilitation Centre and the Marshmallow Cafe.

Garden Route Botanical Garden, George
044 874 1558 | |

  • 10 December – The Story of Fire
  • 14 December – Golden Oldies Picnic in the Park
  • 15 December – Turn to Nature for Health
  • 19-20 December – Carols by Candlelight
  • 22 December – The Story of Fire

Explore the largest permanent hedge maze in the Southern Hemisphere at Redberry Farm in George.

Redberry Farm
044 8707123 | |

  • 17 December – Jakkalberry Extreme MTB Race | From R225 to R950 | 071 678 7147 | |
  • 21 December – Carols by Candlelight | R15 – R25
  • 15 – 31 December (Closed Sundays) – Boerevintage Gift Market

Dotsure Insurance George Arts Theatre, George
044 873 3938 | |

  • 07-17 December – Jack and the Beanstalk | R70-120

George Tens 15 – 18 December
071 457 2696 |

  • 15 December – Golf at Oubaai Golf Resort & Spa, Herolds Bay
  • 16 December – Touchies at Wilderness Beach
  • 16-17 December – Netball at Outeniqua Park Stadium, George
  • 16-18 December – Rugby at Outeniqua Park Stadium, George
  • 17 December – Mountain Biking from Outeniqua Park, George
  • 17 December – Volleyball at Wilderness Beach
  • 18 December – Trail Running from Outeniqua Park, George

Bush Lapa Musiekfees 16-31 December
044 851 0113 | | 044 851 0133 | |

  • 18 December – Spoegwolf | R180 – R280
  • 20 December – Bok van Blek | R120 -R250
  • 21 December – Bernice West | R120 – R250
  • 23 December – Juan Boucher | R120 – R250
  • 26 December – Fatman Live | R120 – R250
  • 27 December – Elandre Live | R120 – R250
  • 28 December – Steve Hofmeyer | R120 – R250
  • 30 December – Jo Black | R120 – R250
  • 31 December – Jakkie Louw | R175 – R395


Outeniqua Family Market – Every Saturday 08:00-14:00
N2, George | 082 465 2952 | |

Showcasing the best mouth-watering local produce, as well as a large variety of craft stalls, this market is popular with locals as a weekend hang out. Live music, acres of parking, a huge kiddies play area and plentiful shaded seating make this a weekend winner.

Sunday Funday Market – Every Sunday 10:00-15:00
Milkwood Village, Wilderness | 061 547 0625 |

The Milkwood Village is situated in the heart of Wilderness, with a variety of shops and restaurants, as well as a craft market in the centre of the village. Every Sunday morning the market has live music and a craft market. There is a dedicated kids zone with a big lawn to play ball and relax.

Hinenni Community Market – Every Wednesday 08:30-15:00
63Bo-Langvlei Road, Rondevlei, Wilderness | 082 788 8500 | HinenniFS

This vibrant hub supports local farmers and entrepreneurs.  Find arts and crafts, farm fresh produce and eggs, homemade meals, baked goods such as breads, cakes and bakes, homemade pickles and preserves, Kimchi, Kombucha, yoghurt and so much more.

The Moederkerk is a heritage landmark in the George city centre.

Outeniqua Kersmark  – 10-22 December
Moederkerk, George | 083 772 8252 |

This event is a staple on the December calendar, offering a range of crafts and gifting at the iconic Moederkerk in George.

Boerevintage Gift Market – 15-31 December (Closed Sundays)
Redberry Farm, George | 083 398 0205 | |

Bespoke, beautiful and carefully selected items line the tables of the Boerevintage market.  This is a market not to be missed and a great place to shop for unique Christmas gifts for others… or yourself!

Hilltop Herolds Bay Garden Market – 17 December
c\r Rooidraai \ Rooiktansie Street Herolds Bay Heights | 082 490 6200 |

Share your holiday with hashtags #visitgeorge #exploregeorge #visitwilderness #explorewilderness #visituniondale #exploreuniondale

Want to know more about what you can see, do, eat and where you can stay?

044 801 9295
124 York Street, George Central, George, 6529

+27 44 877 0045 198 George Road, Wilderness, 6560

+27 44 518 0030 Virtual assistance



Issued by George Municipality, 9 December 2022

The George Municipality wishes to confirm that the George Lights Festival 2022 will continue tomorrow, 10 December 2022, at the Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre in Pacaltsdorp despite the probability of load-shedding (Note that at the time of issuing this statement the new load-shedding schedule had not been issued by Eskom).

Without any compromise to the quality, the line-up of artists and other features of the festival, such as the display and sale of vendors’ products, the organisers have amended the duration of the George Festival to adjust to possible power outages while also ensuring much-desired convenience for the festival goers.

The festival is supported by the Pacaltsdorp Religious Leaders Forum of the George Lights Festival. The Municipality commends the role played by the Pacaltsdorp Religious Leader Forum in relation to the history of the Pacaltsdorp Lights Festival and is grateful that there is a mutual understanding regarding the hosting of a successful George Lights Festival in Pacaltsdorp.

The amended official duration of the programme will be 14:00 until 20:00 and not until 22:00, as originally planned. The organisers have carefully amended the programme to finish two hours earlier, but still provide the same quality of entertainment for the festival goers. Thus, the Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk will switch on the lights at 19:50 so that all festival goers can be released by 20:00 and get home before it is too dark.

The George Lights Festival remains a very important event in the Events Calendar of the City of George. Its contribution to kicking off a good-spirited festive season, the showcasing of the best talent George has on offer, and providing much-needed opportunities to local traders, cannot be overlooked.

The main artists for this year’s festival are Gregory Noble, Geraldo Lewis, Wesso’s, T.B.C and Veronique Ferndale among others. This is a celebration not to be missed as it will be fun-filled, and everyone has been catered for, from children to adults. There will be live performances by local artists, food stalls, arts and crafts stalls and a kiddie’s corner. Bring your family, neighbours, and friends and hail in the festive season.

George Municipality Law Enforcement, South African Police Service (SAPS) Pacaltsdorp and local Neighbourhood watches will be present, as the safety of the attendees is a priority. Law enforcement agencies will have ZERO tolerance towards any criminal or undesired activities.

The festival event details are as follows:

Date: 10th December 2022
Venue: Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre, Mission Street, Pacaltsdorp
Time:14h00 – 20h00


• Georgie Mascot (Go George)

16H35 – MAX GOZO-(RAP)
16H55 – BLXCK(RAP)
17H00 – GEPPE(RAP)
17H50 – KEADE (SING)
18H40 – WESSO’S
18H50 – WIMPEE
19H40 – TBC

Below street closure for Light’s Festival:
Closure of Church Street [c/o Mission & Church Street; c/o Church & Populier Street.
The closure will be done from 11H00 – 22H00 to allow for set-up as well as pack-up after the event.

Seats are limited, so be sure to get there early. If you have any enquiries, please contact Special Programmes & Project Coordinator for Community Development in the George Municipality, Jonathan Fortuin: 044 802 2000 or 061 624 7431.


Note to editors:
The Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre in Pacaltsdorp is a unique amphitheatre, built to honour the memory of Chief Dikkop, who was the leader of the Khoi – Khoi, the first inhabitants of Hoogekraal – now known as Pacaltsdorp. The amphitheatre is used for community gatherings like the monthly Pacaltsdorp Market Day, and now, the annual Pacaltsdorp Lights Festival.


The George Municipality hosted two World Aids Day celebrations events one was held on 01 December 2022 at the Touwsranten Community Hall and another on 02 December 2022 at Haarlem Community Hall. This year’s World Aids Day was themed, “A Healthy Mind is a Healthy Body”.

World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1st each year around the world to raise awareness, commemorate those who have passed on, and celebrate victories such as increased access to treatment and prevention services.

Approximately 200 citizens attend the Touwsranten World Aids Day celebrations

According to Sophia Fanelo, Manager for Community Development in the George Municipality, the event was attended by approximately 200 citizens. She says, as part of the celebrations, various organizations were allowed to present their services to the community. This was coupled with educational games by the community members, while the youth spread the HIV motivational messages. Five (5) Community members received food parcels and a gift each with a certificate of excellence for the commitment they have shown in taking their treatment.

The keynote speech was done by the Executive Deputy Mayor of George, Councillor Raybin Figland. In his address, Cllr. Figland implored the community to be responsible for their own health and to be safe over the festive season. Cllr. Figland was preceded by the Portfolio Councillor for George Municipality’s Community Services, Social Development, Libraries and Sport, Brendon Adams who gave the background of HIV&AIDS.

World Aids Day commemorated in Haarlem

The second event was in Haarlem, and we also reached 200 community members.  Ward 24 Councillor Justin Fry welcomed the attendees and gave a background on the HIV&AIDS. Hanilie Meiring from Women Against Drugs Motivated the community and shared a success story of Seven (7) young men from Uniondale and Haarlem that went to rehab and have fully recovered from the abuse of drugs.



Photo 1: Back row, from left: Willbedine Jordaan (Acting HIV&AIDS Coordinator), Sr Annete Glad (Touwsranten Clinic), Sr Patience Shipalane , Executive Deputy Mayor of George Rayben Figland,  Sr Katrina Elbrecht Councillor Brendon Adams (Portfolio Councillor for Community Services, Social Development, Libraries and Sport), Councillor Charlotte Clarke(Portfolio Councillor for Community Safety), Councillor Enrico Figland and Jonathan Fortuin (Project Co-Ordinator, Special Programmes & Community Development).

Front row, from left: Sr Gloria Windvogel and Sr Paulina Ewerts.




The organisers of the George Lights Festival happening this coming Saturday, 10 December 2022, released a jam-packed programme of this annual celebration that will, for the first time, take place at the Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre in Pacaltsdorp.

The four-pronged programme which will take place from 14:00 and 22:00 comprises the Kiddies Corner Activities, youth programme, classic programme, and main performance.

This is a celebration not to be missed as it will be fun-filled, and everyone has been catered for, from children to adults. There will be live performances by local artists, food stalls, arts and crafts stalls and a kiddie’s corner. Bring your family, neighbours, and friends as we officially switch on the lights and reign in the festive season.

The Law Enforcement, South African Police Service (SAPS) Pacaltsdorp and the local Neighbourhood watches will be present to ensure the safety of the attendees. Law enforcement agencies have promised to practice the ZERO crime tolerance policy say the organisers.


The festival event details are as follows:


Date: 10th December 2022

Venue: Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre, Pacaltsdorp

Time:14h00 – 22h00


Master of Ceremonies: Peter Jafta


  • Jumping Castles
  • Face Paint
  • Dantjiekat – (Traffic Department)
  • Poppe Kas (Sanca George)



17h00 Official Welcoming – Delegate of the Council

17h05 Opening & Short Word –

17h10 Team Curiosity

17h15 Change the Mindset Dance Crew

17h20 Pacaltsdorp Primary School Choir

17h25 Annointed  Youth -Dance Crew

17h30 Breath Life Dance Group

17h40 Heidedal Primary Dance Group

17h45 Parkdene Primary School Girls Choir

17h50 Beronique & Lynette

17h55 Ilitha Special School(Sing)



18h00 Opening Act – Fanatic Stage Band

18h05  Glm Academy Jaz Z Band

18h10 Ayanda Gutsha (Rap)

18-15   Suenell Ruiters (Sing)

18h20 Blxck (Rap)

18h25 Geppe (Rap)

18h30 Megan Appels (Sing)

18h35 Lee-Quion Stalmeester (Dance)

18h40 Afrika Rise & Shine (Rap)

18h45 Carly Adams (Lip Sing)

18h50 Max Gozo-(Rap)

18h55  Rodger Hld(Rap)

19h00  Dorothy Van Wyngaard (Sing)

19h05  Graziel Heathcote (Rap)

19h10  Zoe Meyer-(Sing)

19h15  Bradley Brink (Rap)

19h20  Slauter House (Dance)

19h25  Musisean (Sing)

19h30  Stivi G & Poke (Rap)

19h35  Keade (Sing)

19h40  Lorenzo Pretorius (Sing)

19H45  Le Clue Sonday (Sing)

19h50  Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk (Keynote address & switch on of lights)


  • Gregory Noble
  • Geraldo Lewis
  • Wesso’s
  • B.C
  • Veronique Ferndale

Below street closure for Light’s Festival:

Closure of Church Street [c/o Mission & Church Street; c/o Church & Populier Street.

The closure will be done from 11H00 – 24H00 to allow for set-up as well as pack-up after the event.

Seats are limited, so be sure to get there early. If you have any enquiries, please contact Special Programmes & Project Coordinator for Community Development in the George Municipality, Jonathan Fortuin: 044 802 2000 or 061 624 7431.


Note to editors:

The Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre in Pacaltsdorp is a unique amphitheatre, built to honour the memory of Chief Dikkop, who was the leader of the Khoi – Khoi, the first inhabitants of Hoogekraal – now known as Pacaltsdorp. The amphitheatre is used for community gatherings like the monthly Pacaltsdorp Market Day, and now, the annual Pacaltsdorp Lights Festival.

New Traffic Manager Appointed

Janine Wells has been welcomed into the  George Municipality as Traffic Manager on the 1st December 2022. She has joined us with 21 years’ experience in Local Government (Traffic Services) of which 13 years were held in managerial positions.

Janine has extensive knowledge and experience in the management of road safety (accident response; public transport; speed enforcement & general enforcement), Driving License Testing Centre, Vehicle Testing Station, Court Section, Motor Vehicle Registrations, parking management and Bylaw enforcement. Ms Wells is a career driven individual with strong managerial and leadership skills which will put her in good stead for the busy festive season ahead.

New Civils Director for George

George Municipality welcomes newly appointed Civil Engineering Director, Jannie Koegelenberg who started with us a month ago and has enthusiastically thrown himself into the position. He hails from Oudtshoorn with a long track record of working within the Southern Cape and on a number of projects with the George Municipality Civil Engineering officials.

Jannie noted that the city of George is growing at a rapid rate. “Civil engineering infrastructure forms the heart of a City and has a direct impact on all residents’ lives on a daily basis. Our aim at Civil Engineering Services is to be an institute of excellence that develops world class sustainable and innovative infrastructure, through advanced smart/digital engineering,”

Mr Koegelenberg obtained his Civil Engineering degree (Cum Laude) at the University of Stellenbosch in 2002 and started his career at BKS (now Aecom) in Pretoria, moved to Stewart Scott International and then Black and Veatch (a leading US consulting engineering firm) before returning to George in 2007 to join SSI now Royal HaskoningDHV. Adding to his skillset, he obtained his Bachelor of Commerce with specialisation in Financial Management through the University of South Africa (UNISA) in 2010.

In 2011 Jannie was appointed as Office Manager for the George SSI office and later also for the Knysna SSI Office. In 2014 he was appointed as the Principal in Charge for the Southern Cape Region until the company changed the management structure in 2016.

“I have worked in close collaboration with the municipal sector my entire career with many years focussed specifically on the important projects here in the Southern Cape. I was the project manager and engineer for various George Municipality projects, and I have successfully completed these projects. I know the George municipal infrastructure very well and am well acquainted with many of the staff members at the municipality on a professional level, “ he said.

Jannie serves on the Executive Council of Institute of Municipal Engineers of South Africa (IMESA) and was recently appointed as the national treasurer for the institute. He also serves on the management committee for the South Cape Karoo branch as the treasurer. He is married to Ilza and has two daughters Suane’ and Mienke. As a family they are active and love being outdoors. Jannie is an avid mountain biker and enjoys hiking, running, gardening and doing projects around the house.

GM: Mayoral Message for 2022 Festive Season

GM: Mayoral Message for 2022 Festive Season
Issued George Municipality

As we review the year 2022, we are thankful for the progress that we are making in improving service delivery and in advancing key infrastructure projects that will benefit all of us.

We have successfully completed the construction of additional capacity at the Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works. Construction of the 50% capacity increase at the Water Treatment Works has commenced as has the complete refurbishment of our main sewer pumpstations. We have also completed upgrades to major roads that are also used by the GO GEORGE bus service.

As part of our budget, bold decisions were made to invest in renewable energy projects over the next three years with the objective to provide relief from some of the stages of the ongoing loadshedding that we are experiencing.

These investments in improving infrastructure define George as a destination for investment that will drive employment.

Across George, we have improved infrastructure in our living areas while also assisting citizens with soup kitchens and vegetable gardens. Actions have been undertaken to foster sport and recreational activities and to provide additional opportunities for SMME’s and training of entrepreneurs.

The safety of citizens is reaching attention with priority being given to assist neighbourhood watches, boosting our existing CCTV camera network and enlarging our law enforcement complement.

As we continue to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, we continue to pay attention to the after-effects including the loss of jobs, destitution, loss of dignity and the impact on well-being.

During 2022, the Municipality has taken various steps to improve management capacity, systems, technology and infrastructure maintenance that will also cater the for the increases in economic activity arising from in-migration.

As we approach our traditional holiday season, we have begun with preparations to benefit and assist the tourism sector and our visitors.

We wish to thank all our employees and our citizens for all their efforts either through employment, as volunteers or as part of civil society to make George a better place.

We also welcome all holidaymakers and visitors to George over the summer holiday season and wish them excellent weather, safety (on the roads and while swimming) and good times enjoyed with friends and family. Where possible, we should assist those less fortunate than ourselves. We send good wishes to all residents and visitors.



Terwyl ons die jaar 2022 hersien, is ons dankbaar vir die vordering wat ons maak in die verbetering van dienslewering en in die bevordering van sleutelinfrastruktuurprojekte wat tot voordeel van ons almal sal wees.

Die konstruksie van die bykomende kapasiteit by die Outeniqua-afvalwatersuiweringswerke is suksesvol voltooi. Konstruksie van die 50% kapasiteitsverhoging by die Waterbehandelingswerke het begin, asook die volledige opknapping van ons hoofrioolpompstasies. Ons het ook opgraderings aan hoofpaaie voltooi wat deur die GO GEORGE-busdiens gebruik word.

As deel van ons begroting is dapper besluite geneem om oor die volgende drie jaar in hernubare energieprojekte te belê met die doel om verligting te bied van sommige van die stadia van die voortdurende beurtkrag wat ons ervaar.

Hierdie beleggings in die verbetering van infrastruktuur kenmerk George as ‘n bestemming vir belegging wat indiensneming sal aandryf.

Regoor George het ons infrastruktuur in ons woongebiede verbeter, terwyl ons ook burgers bygestaan ​​het met sopkombuise en groentetuine. Aksies is onderneem om sport- en ontspanningsaktiwiteite te bevorder en om bykomende geleenthede vir  (Klein, Medium en Mikro Ondernemings)KMMO’s en opleiding van entrepreneurs te bied.

Die veiligheid van burgers kry aandag en prioriteit word gegee om buurtwagte by te staan, ons bestaande kringtelevisiekameranetwerk te versterk en ons wetstoepassingskomplement te vergroot.

Terwyl ons aanhou herstel van die Covid-19-pandemie, gee ons steeds aandag aan die nagevolge, insluitend die verlies van werksgeleenthede, armoede, verlies aan waardigheid en die impak op welstand.

Gedurende 2022 het die Munisipaliteit verskeie stappe geneem om bestuurskapasiteit, stelsels, tegnologie en infrastruktuurinstandhouding te verbeter wat ook voorsiening sal maak vir die toenames in ekonomiese aktiwiteit wat voortspruit uit in-migrasie.

Soos ons ons tradisionele vakansieseisoen nader, het ons begin met voorbereidings om die toerismesektor en ons besoekers te bevoordeel en by te staan.

Ons wil al ons werknemers en ons burgers bedank vir al hul pogings hetsy deur indiensneming, as vrywilligers of as deel van die burgerlike samelewing om George ‘n beter plek te maak.

Ons verwelkom ook alle vakansiegangers en besoekers aan George oor die somervakansieseisoen en wens hulle uitstekende weer, veiligheid (op die paaie en terwyl jy swem) en goeie tye saam met vriende en familie toe. Waar moontlik, moet ons diegene wat minder bevoorreg is as onsself bystaan. Ons stuur goeie wense aan alle inwoners en besoekers.




Njengoko siqwalasela unyaka wama-2022, sinombulelo ngenkqubela esiyenzayo ekuphuculeni unikezelo lweenkonzo nasekuqhubeleni phambili iiprojekthi ezingundoqo zeziseko ezingundoqo eziya kuba luncedo kuthi sonke.

Sigqibe ukwakhiwa komthamo owongezelelweyo kwiMisebenzi yokuCoca Amanzi Amdaka yase-Outeniqua ngempumelelo. Ulwakhiwo lokunyuswa komthamo wama-50% kwiMisebenzi yokuCoca Amanzi Amdaka sele luqalisile njengoko kuye kwahlaziywa izikhululo zethu zokumpompa ezingundoqo zemijelo yamanzi amdaka. Sikwagqibe nokuphucula iindlela ezinkulu ezikwasetyenziswa yinkonzo yeebhasi zeGO GEORGE.

Njengenxalenye yohlahlo lwabiwo-mali lwethu, kwathatyathwa izigqibo zobunganga zotyalo-mali kwiiprojekthi zamandla ahlaziyekayo kule minyaka mithathu izayo ngenjongo yokubonelela ngesiqabu kwezinye zezigaba zokucinywa kombane okuqhubekayo esijongene nako.

Olu tyalo-mali ekuphuculeni iziseko ezingundoqo luchaza iGeorge njengendawo yotyalo-mali eya kuqhuba ingqesho.

KwiGeorge iphela, siphucule iziseko ezingundoqo kwiindawo zethu zokuhlala lo gama sikwanceda abemi ngamakhitshi esuphu kunye nezitiya zemifuno. Amanyathelo enziwe ukukhuthaza imisebenzi yezemidlalo nolonwabo kunye nokubonelela ngamathuba awongezelelekileyo kwiiSMME kunye noqeqesho loosomashishini.

Ukhuseleko lwabemi lufikelela kwingqwalaselo kuqwalaselwa phambili ekuncediseni abalindi basebumelwaneni, ukomeleza uthungelwano lwethu olukhoyo lweekhamera zeCCTV nokwandisa ukufezekiswa konyanzeliso-mthetho lwethu olufunekayo.

Njengoko siqhubeka nokufumana obekusilahlekile kubhubhani weCovid-19, siqhubeka nokunika ingqwalasela kwiziphumo zasemva ezibandakanya ukuphelelwa yimisebenzi, ukuswela, ukuphulukana nesidima kunye nefuthe kwintlalontle.

Ngexesha lika-2022, uMasipala uthathe amanyathelo ahlukeneyo okuphucula amandla olawulo, iinkqubo, ubuchwephesha kunye nokugcinwa kweziseko ezingundoqo eziya kujongana nokonyuka kwemisebenzi yezoqoqosho ngenxa yemfuduko.

Njengoko sisondela kwixesha lethu leeholide zemveli, siqalile ngamalungiselelo okuxhamla nokuncedisa icandelo lezokhenketho kunye nabatyeleli bethu.

Sinqwenela ukubulela bonke abasebenzi bethu kunye nabemi bethu ngazo zonke iinzame zabo mhlawumbi ngokuqeshwa, njengamavolontiya okanye njengenxalenye yoluNtu ukwenza iGeorge ibe yindawo engcono.

Sikwamkela bonke abakhenkethu kunye neendwendwe eziza eGeorge ngexesha leeholide zasehlotyeni kwaye sibanqwenelela imozulu entle, ukhuseleko (ezindleleni naxa bequbha) kunye namaxesha amnandi okonwaba nabahlobo kunye nosapho. Apho kunokwenzeka, kufuneka sincede abo basweleyo kunathi. Sithumela iminqweno emihle kubo bonke abahlali kunye neendwendwe.


Last year we entered December knowing that the Garden Route Dam had overflowed at its 25% capacity increase level. However, we then faced 17% plus increase in water used which placed enormous pressures on our treatment capacity, particularly on our 1950-era Old Water Works (“OWW”). During December-January there were often days where water usage exceeded treatment levels by 2-3ML per day which depleted the reservoirs. We also experienced numerous pipeline breakages resulting from flood damage to our network. In February, there were 2 weekends where purified water available in the main reservoirs was depleted to 2 hours’ supply!

Our appeals to the public to use water sparingly appeared to have no effect.

We took the decision to authorise spending on valves, meters and telemetry to improve management on the 1000km water network built over many decades. This expenditure has resulted in improved access to data and management of the network.

As we enter December 2022, we face further risks through increased water usage. Our rainfall during 2022 has been well below the annual average of 715mm. From July to November, the cumulative rainfall average is 300mm whereas in 2022 we have only had 117mm. The level of our Dam was only 51,88% last week with the hot months ahead. We have therefore imposed further water restrictions.

While the 3-year construction project for our 50% increase (or 20ML per day) in treatment capacity is underway, we also started to refurbish some modules of the OWW to be completed in the next few days. The 17% increase in usage from last year has effectively continued due to ongoing in-migration into George. The daily management of balancing treatment and usage levels has therefore been extremely stressful.

Based on booked accommodation levels, we are expecting an influx of holiday visitors in the coming weeks.

In addition, a 5ML per day containerised water treatment plant has been leased as a temporary solution. It is being installed over the next 2-3 weeks to provide additional treatment capacity over the coming peak season and to permit the further refurbishment on the OWW during 2023. Even when this plant is operational, there is a risk that water usage could exceed the availability of treated water.

Our appeal is that all households should immediately reduce water usage to no more than 15KL per month to adhere to the new water restrictions. At present, we only have 4-5 months’ supply of water left in our Dam.

Our usage has grown dramatically this past year and our residents now need to assist to conserve our water supplies. We desperately need rain to increase the level of our Dam. Please share this message widely to help save Water.

Ald L van Wyk

Executive Mayor of George