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Press Release Archive

 Civil Engineering Services addresses Water Services, Water and Sanitation By-laws and a new Public Transport By-Law


The purpose of the Water Restrictions by-law is to regulate and restrict the use of potable water in the George Municipal Area.  South Africa’s status as a water-scarce country is reflected in the formulation of our legislative framework pertaining to water. This legislation has placed emphasis on water scarcity and the effective management of national resources coupled with the need to rectify historical inequalities and promote justice and equity in the availability and use of water resources.

The three principal sources of national water legislation are the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996, the National Water Act 36 of 1998 and the Water Services Act 108 of 1997. The executive power to deliver water services falls, in terms of the Constitution, on local government. The statutory legislative framework for effective management of local government consists of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998, the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 and the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003.

The Water Restriction by-law provides a mechanism for the George Municipality to secure, control, manage and protect our highly valued water resources.  Minor amendments were made and the By-law deals with the restriction of the supply of water services under certain circumstances, measures for the promotion of water conservation and the procedure to institute such restrictions. One of the Water Restriction “triggers” is linked to dam levels and other raw water resources in terms of the Drought Management Policy that is currently under review (as part of the Bulk Raw Water Resources Study update/review). This policy allows the introduction of water restrictions for any number of valid reasons. The Tariff Policy will also be amended in 2023/24 to remove any reference to a specific cause as related to the Emergency Tariffs.


The purpose of the Water and Sanitation bylaws are to regulate the provision of water and sanitation services in the area of jurisdiction of the George Municipality and to provide for matters connected therewith.  South Africa’s status as a water-scarce country is reflected in the formulation of our legislative framework pertaining to water. This legislation has placed emphasis on water scarcity and the effective management of national resources coupled with the need to rectify historic inequalities and promote justice and equity in the availability and use of water resources. The executive power to deliver water and sanitation services falls, in terms of the Constitution, on local government.

The Water and Sanitation by-law provides a mechanism for the George Municipality to secure, control and manage water and sanitation services within the sphere of local government as highlighted above.  Some of the improvements entail the following:

The amended by-law makes provision for improved water quality control and will ensure that potable water distributed for consumption will comply with the standards as prescribed in SANS 0241. The amended by-law also allows for the testing of defective water meters. If a consumer has reason to believe that a water meter is defective, he or she may apply in writing to the Municipality to have the meter tested free of charge. Many more improvements on the existing water and sanitation bylaw were made by officials and representatives of the George Municipality.

The Public Transport By-Law is an important new addition to Council’s By-Laws which sets out to better regulate and manage matters related to all modes of public transport, including minibus taxis and buses. The by-Law deals with matters such as the use of public transport infrastructure, controlled facilities, administrative matters, as well as conditions related to the behaviour of both passengers and public transport operators and drivers. This by-Law also greatly strengthens the enforcement framework within which traffic and law enforcement officers can effectively ensure the safety and security of public transport passengers and road users alike.

The principles and objectives of this By-law are to:-

  1. Provide a regulatory framework for the public transport service provided within the municipal area, subject to and in addition to the Act and other legislation, and to provide for ancillary aspects such as a framework for safety and security in relation to public transport.
  2. Ensure that the provision of public transport services within the municipal area are provided for and executed in a safe and secure environment that is regulated and managed appropriately.
  3. Control and regulate the use of public transport facilities for public transport services and their operations.
  4. Promote the effective and efficient operation of public transport that serves the travelling public within the municipal area.
  5. Provide for the promotion of non-motorised transport in support of public transport infrastructure and operations, and
  6. Provide for the promotion of universal access, to the maximum extent possible, in the provision of public transport infrastructure, support infrastructure and services provided.

The aim of this By-Law is to ensure that all road users and public transport passengers, irrespective of the modal choice, experience a safer journey and that Municipal public transport infrastructure is well-managed and efficiently utilised.


Full particulars of the proposed amendments to the above By-laws and the proposed adoption thereof are available for inspection at the following places:

  1. Old Town Hall Building: York street, Civil Engineering Services
  2. Libraries: George Library; Blanco Library; Conville Library; Pacaltsdorp Library; Thembalethu Library; Uniondale / Haarlem Library;
  3. Municipality’s Website:

Written comments to the intention of the Municipality as outlined above, if any, must be lodged:

  1. via mail to reach the Director: Civil Engineering Services, P.O. Box 19, George, 6530 before 12 June 2023 ; or
  2. via e-mail with subject line “Comment to CES By-laws ” to and copied to

Any person who is unable to write, can submit their input, verbally to the Council’s offices where they will be assisted by a staff member to put their comments in writing. Enquiries can be directed to Mr Jannie Koegelenberg (044 801 9278 ).


George Tourism at Africa’s Travel Indaba


Media Release:  5 May 2023 – For Immediate Release

Tourism Manager, Joan Shaw will be attending the South African Tourism Indaba from 8th to 11th of May in the City of EThekwini (Durban).

Africa’s Travel Indaba brings together tourism stakeholders from across the African continent to promote diverse tourism products and experiences. In doing so, all exhibitors contribute to showcasing that Africa is a vibrant region that is geared up to cater to various traveller needs, and the Garden Route is an ever-popular destination.

The George Tourism Office has been buzzing with preparations for the show where Joan will meet more than 30 hosted buyers and media in a packed calendar of meetings and events, armed with a new Trade presentation, information brochures, loaded USB’s, maps and other promotional goodies.

Although many of the traditional markets are being targeted (UK, Germany, Netherlands), Joan has many meetings with byers and media from the USA, which is proving to be a growing market for George and the Garden Route.  George has also targeted eastern European countries as well as the Middle East, for meetings to showcase what the region has to offer.

With a huge target to return to Pre COVID-19 attendance and participation numbers and to contribute to driving sustainable economic growth and development, this year’s Africa’s Travel Indaba, is really the platform for showcasing new ideas and innovations and for connecting businesses with potential partners and investors.



The New Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) project is one that the Junior City Council has been running since 2022. Beanies, jackets, and booties are knitted and then donated to the George Hospital. These clothes are used for babies in the hospital that are premature and in Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Tuesday 2 May 2023 was the first drop-off for 2023! Glenwood, as well as York High’s knitting club, contributed immensely, and two members of York High were present at the drop-off.



The George Municipality would like to urge private landowners to act and clear Cortaderia selloana, commonly known as Pampas grass which is invading the George Area. George Municipality is currently clearing the Pampas grass on Municipal property in line with its Alien Vegetation Management Plan. The Pampas grass has become inundated around the industrial areas, along the highways, local dams, and factory areas.

The George Municipality has given notices to Transnet to clear the Pampas grass on their land and they have made the commitment to act as soon as possible. The pampas grass seeds can be dispersed by wind and human activities. Pampas grass can germinate quickly after they flower causing them to spread rapidly.

It would be advisable to get rid of the grass in its early growth stage before it flowers and produce seeds which can be easily dispersed by wind. The methods that can be used to remove pampas grass include digging, burning, and using herbicides.

The process of eradicating pampas grass is not a one-size-fits-all, but it is important to note that the most effective way to remove pampas grass is to use both the physical and chemical methods simultaneously. Private landowners can contact the George Municipality Parks and Recreation Department for details on registered and approved herbicides for the control of Pampas grass.

To contact the Parks and Recreation division for enquiries place visit the offices as follows:
Parks and Recreation
82 Meade Street, George
044 802 2900 (all complaints via this address)


The Planning and Environment Section of the George Municipality’s Directorate for Human Settlements, Planning and Development and Property Management recently hosted the George Environmental Management Stakeholders Forum on a virtual platform to discuss topical issues in the environmental sector that affects George. This engagement was the first of what the Directorate intends to host as bi-annual engagements aimed at sharing knowledge, creating awareness, and keeping participants abreast of planned projects, investigations and challenges relevant to the environmental sector.

According to Delia Power, Deputy Director for Planning and Environment in the George Municipality the stakeholders’ forum which took place on the 27th of March 2023 was well attended by a spectrum of environmentalists and related stakeholders from George and surrounds. Participants were informed of the quarterly municipal outreach engagements held between the Municipality and the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP) whose mandate is to “enable a resilient, sustainable, quality and inclusive living environment for all”. The Municipality thanks DEA&DP for their attendance and participation in this engagement, wherein a summary of its policies, interventions, and projects that impacts the George Municipal Area was shared.

The George Municipal Planning and Development team led a presentation on the amended Municipal Spatial Development Framework, a core component of the Integrated Development Plan. Delia says that City’s MSDF is to Develop George as a resilient, regional development anchor of excellence for prosperity, inclusive and smart growth. It furthermore comprises six key themes which are: Infrastructure, Economic Growth, Growth Management, Integrated Housing, Natural assets & resilience, and Heritage.

The highlights of the discussion during the forum meeting focussed on the mechanism applied to ensure environmental sustainability in everyday planning and development practices, a task which becomes increasingly difficult as our community and economy grow. With many newcomers to our area, it is essential that environmental awareness is raised and strategies to protect natural resources and improve resilience are embedded in our legislation. To this end, the link between the MSDF and Zoning Scheme By-Law was explained.

The Municipality shared information on operating instruments and programmes being applied and undertaken in our day-to-day operations and included:
• An overview of the OSCA/E Portal which was launched in 2022 to promote ease of doing business and enable applicants to track their applications. Environmental practitioners were advised that all applications are now being processed via this portal and are encouraged to report any challenges experienced as the system is constantly being improved to ensure its efficiency.
• An overview of new environmental layers added to the Municipal Geographical Information Systems (GIS), which may be accessed under the Public Viewer tab of the municipal GIS portal. Participants were made aware that these resources are applied by decision-makers over the course of deciding on new applications.
• The Directorate for Community Services outlined the municipality’s alien clearing programme and the principles related to the Adopt-a-spot Policy and shared information relating to coastal management practices.
• Participants were informed of efforts to conserve threatened vegetation through approved offsets, management of conservation areas and proposed development of environmental management plans for riverine areas.

Progress relating to the development of Protected Area Management Plans for the Katriver, Van Kervel and Fort Koppie local conservation areas was shared by the service provider and the initiative was well received by CapeNature. The next engagement will be held in the next semester where more participants will be added to the list of speakers and continued updates will be provided on the progress of projects and investigations undertaken by the respective sector departments of the municipality. The municipality thanks each of the participants for their contribution to the meeting and looks forward to forging sound partnerships with practitioners and stakeholders in the environmental sector.


Community Services Directorate, Environmental Services division reviews four by-laws

MEDIA STATEMENT:  Community Services Directorate, Environmental Services division reviews four by-laws

Issued George Municipality,  28 April, for immediate release.


The Community Services Directorate, Environmental Services Division has amended four by-laws recently and the revised documentation was approved in draft format in Council on 20 April 2023, and are now published for public participation purposes. These by-laws hold the same power and force as other national and provincial legislation but are laws managed by the individual municipality in order to regulate the affairs and the services it provides within its area of jurisdiction.



The George Municipality developed the Air Quality Control By-law for its municipal area which was adopted by Council and was subsequently promulgated in the Provincial Gazette and came into operation on 30 November 2010. The current by-law was outdated and not aligned to applicable legislation and will be replaced by the Air Quality Management By-Law.

The intent of this by-law is to elaborate and provide clarity on the following aspects pertaining to air quality management:

  1. Definitions, Purpose & Objectives & Application of the by-law
  2. Duty of care
  3. Designation of Air Quality Officers & Environmental Management Inspectors
  4. Powers and Functions of Air Quality Officers & Environmental Management Inspectors
  5. Local Emission Standards, Norms & Standards and Smoke Control Zones
  6. Smoke Emissions
  7. Public Participation process
  8. Compliance & Enforcement
  9. General Provisions

The following are the most important changes to the current by-law:

  1. Name of the by-law. From Air Pollution Control to Air Quality Management By-law.
  2. Amendments to existing definitions.
  3. New definitions – the Act, air quality management plan, air quality management officer, ambient air, Constitution, environmental management inspector, media blasting, National Framework, NEMA, obscuration, rubber product, soot blowing & spray area.
  4. Additions to the Purpose & objectives of the By-law -Chapter 1, Section1(b) (c) and Section 2.
  5. Amendments to the Application of the by-law, Chapter 1, Section3.
  6. Amendments to the Duty of Care, Chapter 2, Section 4.
  7. New addition to the by-law, Chapters 3, Sections 5, 6 & 7.
  8. New addition to the by-law, Chapter 4, Sections 8, 9, 10, & 11.
  9. Amendments & Additions to Smoke Emissions – Chapter 5, Section 12 (3) & (4), Section 13 (2) (a-d) & 6.
  10. Additions, Chapter 5 Section16, 3 (a-c).
  11. Additions, Chapter 6 Section 18 & 19.
  12. Additions, Chapter 7 Sections 20 & 21.
  13. Additions and Amendments to Chapter 9, Section 26, 3 (a-f), 4 (a-e), 5, Sections 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 & 33.



The intent of this by-law is to:

  • Make provision for the allocation of land for the purposes of the burial of human remains.
  • To develop and maintain existing cemeteries,
  • To permit its residents to dispose of a corpse by cremation and,
  • To provide space allowing the preservation of the remains of a cremation in a dignified manner.


The following are the most important changes to the current by-law:

  • Establishment and maintenance of cemeteries
  • Interment of destitute persons
  • Rules and regulations during burials and responsibilities of persons arranging burials.
  • Penalties and offences in contravention of the rules and regulations.
  • Repeal of by-laws



The intent of this by-law is to:

  • Control access to and use of all public amenities owned by or under the control of the municipality.


The following are the most important changes to the current by-law:

  • Camping on designated camping areas and unauthorized camping.
  • An authorised officer and powers of the authorised officer,
  • Impounded property as a result of unauthorized camping,
  • Repeal of by-laws.



The George Municipality developed the Prevention of Public Nuisances By-law for its municipal area which was promulgated in the Western Cape Provincial Gazette and came into operation on 30 November 2010.

The current by-law was outdated and not aligned to applicable legislation.

The intent of this revised by-law is to elaborate and provide clarity on the following aspects pertaining to public nuisances:

  • The behaviour and conduct of persons which constitutes a public nuisance;
  • the right of entry, inspection and confiscation;
  • the serving of documents and processes to be followed.

The following are the most important changes to the current by-law:

  1. Amendments to existing definitions and referrals to legislation,
  2. New definitions – authorised official.
  3. Addition to the by-law, Section 4 – right of entry, inspection and confiscation
  4. Addition to the by-law, Section 5 – Service of documents and process
  5. Addition to the by-law, Section6 – Appeal
  6. Addition to the by-law, Section 7 – Offences & Penalties
  7. Addition to the by-law, Section8 – Repeal of the by-laws



Notices will be published in the George Herald, on the Municipal Website and municipal social media sites. Please follow this link to access the Community Services By-Law documentation Hard copies will be provided at all public libraries in George for review. Feedback is required within 30 days. Comments and inputs can be emailed to Mr Sivuyile Mtila , phoned in to 044 802 2900 or submitted in person at the George Municipality Community Services Offices, 82 Meade Street.


Draft Integrated Zoning Scheme By-law (Draft Amendments March 2023)

The George Integrated Zoning Scheme By-law was first promulgated in terms of section 13 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) on 1 September 2017 by virtue of P.N 017/2017. The amendment is in terms of Section 27 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013). The draft amended George Integrated Zoning Scheme By-Law was tabled before Council on 26 April for adoption in principle to proceed with public participation.

The intent of this By-law is to:
• Make provision for appropriate rural and urban zoning categories;
• Consider environmental management instruments adopted by relevant environmental management authorities – coastal management setbacks, wetlands, etc;
• Include provisions to permit the incremental management and upgrading of rural areas;
• Include provisions to promote the inclusion of affordable housing in residential land development;
• Provide incentives to promote the effective implementation of the municipality’s spatial development frameworks and other development policies;
• Include provisions that promote the effective implementation of national and provincial government policies;
• Give effect to the Municipal Spatial Development Framework and the Integrated Spatial Development Plan.

The following are the most important changes to the current by-law:
• The present list of consent uses was revisited to see which can become primary uses;
• Establishing special zones (overlay zones) to address development priorities in the municipal areas;
• Providing for minor deviations from the conditions (land use development parameters) of the zoning scheme, excluding deviations which have a material effect on the use;
• To accommodate the business tourist, we make accommodation in the zoning scheme for guest accommodation in town – like guest houses, bed and breakfasts, and hotels.
• The eco-tourist may stay longer, want other types of accommodation – resorts, farm cottages, guesthouses on The beach, self-catering rooms.
• Accommodating the eco-tourist must not however come at the expense of other objectives such as the protection of the natural environment (rivers, wetlands, dunes, forests, etc) or agricultural activities on farms.

Public Participation Details
The George Integrated Zoning Scheme (Draft Amendments March 2023) will be published on 4 May 2023 in the George Herald, on the Municipal Website and Municipal social media sites. The George Integrated Zoning Scheme (Draft Amendments March 2023) will be available on our website for review.

Follow this link for the documentation on our website

Hard copies will be provided at all public libraries in George for review. Feedback is required by no later than 5 June 2023.

Comments and inputs can be emailed to, phoned in to 044 801 9435 or submitted in person at the George Municipality, 5th Floor, 71 York Street, George, 6530.

Enquiries to Clinton Petersen (; Ilane Huyser ( or Jeanne Muller (

Promulgated in Western Cape Provincial Gazette
A municipal by-law may be enforced only after it has been published in the official gazette of the Western Cape Province on request of the local municipality. The promulgated by-law is then uploaded to the municipal website for easy access by the public. Transgression of a by -law is treated the same as a normal law, if you break a by-law, you can be fined or prosecuted. Most transgressions are handled in the George Municipal Court.

Draft Informal Trading By-Law

The draft informal trading by-law was provisionally approved by Council on 23 February 2023 and a public participation process was also approved.

The intent of this by-law is to:

  • provide for the right to engage in informal trading;
  • to establish informal trading areas and informal trading sites on municipal property;
  • to provide for the granting of trading permits to trade on municipal property;
  • to restrict and prohibit informal trading in certain areas;
  • to regulate the conduct of informal traders;
  • to regulate informal trading at special events;
  • to provide for measures to ensure health and safety;
  • to create offences and penalties;
  • to provide for the repeal of laws; and
  • to provide for matters incidental thereto.

The following are the most important changes to the current by-law:

  • Adoption of Trading Zones in areas where there is significant overlap between formal and informal trading;
  • changes to types of trading- roving traders who can move around from place to place in the municipal area;
  • food trucks/mobile trading- which is regarded as trading from caravans, trailers, light delivery vehicles or a trolley or a similar device;
  • transfer of payments in certain cases;
  • boundaries of trading; and
  • demarcation of trading areas.

The draft Informal Trading By-Law notice will be published in he George Herald, on the Municipal Website and municipal social media sites. The draft Informal Trading By-Law will be available on our website, follow this link

Hard copies will be provided at all public libraries in George for review. Deadline for feedback is 5 June 2023. Comments and inputs can be emailed to,  phoned in to 044 801 9148 or submitted in person at the George Municipality Ground Floor ,71 York Street, George ,6530


Enquiries to Dr Kosie Haarhoff

Amendments to By-Law Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places               

George Municipality, acting under the Constitution and relevant legislation, and being aware of its duty to control the use of streets and sidewalks and to manage any work undertaken in such streets and sidewalks so as to provide a safe environment for all people within the municipal area, adopts this by-law to provide mechanisms and guidelines for such control and management.

The Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places By-law was first promulgated in 2010. Minor amendments have been made to the existing document. The by-law addresses a wide variety of actions that may or may not be permitted on a street, a sidewalk or a public place:

  • Advertisements in streets
  • Animals or objects causing an obstruction
  • Trees or growth causing an interference or obstruction
  • Refuse, motor vehicle wrecks, waste material, etc.
  • Parking of heavy vehicles and caravans
  • Parking attendants
  • Encroachments
  • Vehicle repairs in streets
  • Games and other acts in streets
  • Use of explosives
  • Conveyance of animal carcasses or other waste products through streets
  • Fences on street boundaries
  • Building materials in streets
  • Balconies and verandas
  • Drying of washing on fences on boundaries of streets
  • Damaging of noticeboards
  • Street, door-to-door collections and distribution of handbills
  • Poison in streets
  • Roller-skating and skating on skateboards
  • Persons to be decently clad
  • Amusement shows and devices
  • Animals in a street
  • Restriction of access to streets
  • Use of vehicles that may damage street surface
  • Obstruction on streets
  • Work in streets
  • Discharge of water on streets
  • Prohibited conduct
  • Street numbers
  • Closure of or restriction of access to streets
  • Construction, maintenance and naming of streets
  • Declaration of streets
  • Processions

The draft Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places By-Law notice will be published in the George Herald, on the Municipal Website and municipal social media sites. The document is available on our website, follow this link Hard copies will be provided at all public libraries in George for review. Feedback is required within 30 days.

We encourage the residents of George to keep an eye out for the notices and to provide input. Once the input has been received from the public and addressed, the final by-law then goes back to Council for approval. Comments and inputs can be emailed to Lionel Daniels, phoned in to 044 801 9111 or submitted in person at the Civil Engineering Services Building, Corner of Market and York Street, George ,6530

By-laws differ between municipalities.
The Constitution of South Africa gives municipalities the power to pass their own legislation, in the form of by-laws, for subject areas. These by-laws hold the same power and force as other national and provincial legislation but are laws managed by the individual municipality in order to regulate the affairs and the services it provides within its area of jurisdiction.  The details of by-laws can differ from one municipality to another, and the public is always advised to check their local municipal by-laws which can be found on the relevant municipal website.

Promulgated in Western Cape Provincial Gazette
A municipal by-law may be enforced only after it has been published in the official gazette of the Western Cape Province on request of the local municipality. The promulgated by-law is then uploaded to the municipal website for easy access by the public. Transgression of a by -law is treated the same as a normal law, if you break a by-law, you can be fined or prosecuted. Most transgressions are handled in the George Municipal Court.

New Stormwater By-law

The new Stormwater By-law focuses on stormwater drainage from domestic as well as trade (business and industrial) premises. This includes open areas discharging to the George Municipality stormwater system and natural streams or rivers.

Stormwater management was previously dealt with under the George Municipality Water and Sanitation Services By-law and the By-law Relating to Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places.

The need for a separate By-law which deals exclusively with stormwater management was therefore identified. The purpose of the by-law is to regulate stormwater management and activities that may have an adverse impact on the development, operation and maintenance of the stormwater system.

The draft Stormwater By-Law notice will be published in the George Herald, on the Municipal Website and municipal social media sites. The document will be available on our website, follow this link copies will be provided at all public libraries in George for review.

Feedback is required within 30 days. We encourage the residents of George to keep an eye out for the notices and to provide input. Once the input has been received from the public and addressed, the final by-law then goes back to Council for approval.

Comments and inputs can be emailed to Lionel Daniels, phoned in to 044 801 9111 or submitted in person at the Civil Engineering Services Building, Corner of York and Market Street, George ,6530


Community Safety Services amends three by-law’s

The Community Services Directorate, division Community Safety has amended three of its by-law’s recently and which were approved in draft format in Council on 20 April 2023, and are now published for public participation purposes. These by-laws hold the same power and force as other national and provincial legislation but are laws managed by the individual municipality in order to regulate the affairs and the services it provides within its area of jurisdiction.


The intent of this by-law is to provide for, interalia:

  • The control over the number of dogs , cats and other animals that may be kept, the breeding with these animals, and the control over these animals by their owners.
  • Impoundment of stray animals as mentioned in this chapter, the prevention of nuisances and the provision for incidental matters.

The following are the most important changes to the current by-law:

  • An authorised officer and powers of the authorised officer.
  • The terms of Nuisance in relation to comfort, convenience , peace and quiet of other people or which adversely effects the safety of people.
  • The Definition of the establishment of the Municipality was corrected with reference to Section 12 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act,1998 ( Act 117 of 1998).
  • The definition of a Municipal Manager in Terms of Section 54 A of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 and an acting Municipal Manager was included in the definitions.


The intent of this by-law is to provide for, interalia:

  • The control over the number of dogs , cats and other animals that may be kept, breeding with such animals, and the control of these animals by their owners.
  • Impoundment of stray animals as mentioned in this chapter, and the prevention of nuisances as well as the provision for incidental matters.

The following are the most important changes to the current by-law:

  • The clarification of the Director Community services and the relevant scope of appointment, in Terms of Sec 56 of the Municipal Systems Act.
  • An authorised officer and powers of the authorised officer.
  • Defining the terms of Nuisance in relation to comfort, convenience , peace and quiet of other people or which adversely effects the safety of people.


The intent of this by-law is to:

  • Provide for the days and hours on which the holder of a Liquor license may sell liquor to the public.

The following are the most important changes to the current by-law:

  • The definition of Municipality with reference to George Municipality in terms of Section 12 of the Municipal structures act, 117 of 1998.
  • The Appeal process for people who feel their rights has been affected, with relevant terms and references, inclusive of how the process must be directed.
  • The By-Law Trading days and hours promulgated in the Provincial Gazette 7102 dated 8 March 2013, are repealed.
  • The Trading Days and Hours known as the George Municipal By-law on Liquor Trading would come into  operation on the date of the publication thereof in the Provincial Gazette.


Notices will be published in the George Herald, on the Municipal Website and municipal social media sites. Please follow this link to access the Community Services By-Law documentation  Hard copies will be provided at all public libraries in George for review. Feedback is required within 30 days. Comments and inputs can be emailed to Ms Lee-anne Meiring , phoned in to 044 801 6367 or submitted in person at the George Municipality Law Enforcement Offices, 25 B Cathedral Street, George.

Draft Electricity Supply By-Law

The draft Electricity Supply by-law was provisionally approved by Council on 20 April 2023 and a public participation process was also approved. The main purpose of the by-law is to supplement the Electricity Regulation Act, 2006 (Act 4 of 2006) and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act 85 of 1993) issued to regulate the supply of electricity within the George Municipality jurisdictional area.

The objective of the by-law is to improve organizational efficiency and articulate the rules concerning the processes and practices in the electricity supply that are otherwise not expressed in the Act, thereby providing additional clarity on the aspects addressed in the draft by-law.

The proposed by-law elaborates and provides clarity on the following aspects pertaining to electricity supply including;
• approval required for all small scale embedded generation;
• unauthorized connections and reconnections;
• notified maximum demand;
• offences and penalties;
• and appeals.

The draft Electricity Supply By-Law Notice will be published in the George Herald, on the Municipal Website and municipal social media sites. Follow this link to find the draft by-law on our website. Hard copies will be provided at all public libraries in George for review. Feedback is required by no later than 12 June 2023. Comments and inputs can be emailed to, phoned in to 044 801 9148 or submitted in person at the George Electrotechnical Services Offices, Brick Road, George Industria.

Enquiries to Edward Nqumse and copy Nolubabalo Jikija

Promulgated in Western Cape Provincial Gazette
A municipal by-law may be enforced only after it has been published in the official gazette of the Western Cape Province on request of the local municipality. The promulgated by-law is then uploaded to the municipal website for easy access by the public. Transgression of a by -law is treated the same as a normal law, if you break a by-law, you can be fined or prosecuted. Most transgressions are handled in the George Municipal Court.

Issued on Behalf of George Municipal Communications Department, Office of the Municipal Manager


The Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk accompanied by the Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services and Fleet Management Nosicelo Mbethe did a sod turning in an approximately 1ha open land in the George Industrial area, to mark the beginning of the construction of 1 MWp solar farm.

“This plant is the forerunner of our fleet of 10MW plants that we will be erecting in George over the next couple of years to provide electricity not only to support our infrastructure that is owned by the Municipality but also to provide electricity into George’s grid so that we are ultimately able to get off stage 1 and stage 2 of load-shedding that we are suffering under and we wish to complete this project to get off stage 2 by the end of 2024,” said Mayor van Wyk.

The renewable energy power that will be generated through this plant, will be connected to the grid to reduce the municipal bulk purchases. This sod turning, therefore, signals the beginning of our initiative to take George off Stages 1 and 2 off load-shedding by the end of 2024.

The 1MWp PV plant will consist of approximately 1728 PV Panels & 10 x 110kW inverters at a total cost of R 24 843 090.36. The plant is expected to generate in the order of 1780 MWh per year.



The Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk accompanied by the Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services & Fleet Management, Nosicelo Mbete, last week visited the Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) situated in Pacaltsdorp to see the start of the erection of the PV installation of a 400-kilowatt peak (kWp).

“We are happy to witness the commencement of the construction works for the installation of our 400 kiloWatt peak (kWp) solar PV plant that will, once erected in the next couple of months, be able to power most of the Wastewater Treatment Works electrical loads during the daytime. It is essential that we make use of renewable energy along with a battery pack which will be added in due course so that we can have the Power to operate our sewerage always works,” said Mayor van Wyk during his visit last week Thursday, 13 April 2023.

The system, according to the director for the George Municipal Electrotechnical Services, Bongani Mandla will comprise 736 panels, with each panel rated at 545 Watts. “Then we have the inverters that convert the DC power from the panels into AC electricity that’s required by the loads. We have a total of eight (8) inverters, with each inverter rated at 50 kilo Watts (kW).”

“The system will be grid-tied with no storage. However, it will allow for integration of battery storage to be installed in the next financial year,” Mandla added. “The power generated will be fed into the facility’s main low-voltage distribution board where the loads (pumps and motors) required to operate the wastewater facility are connected.”

The expected annual energy yield is 678 680 kWhs, and at a rate of R1,6 per kWh, the cost of the annual energy generated is R1 085 888. The calculated payback period of the system is 7 years. The lifespan of PV systems is 25 years. The system’s total cost, including a 24-month operation and maintenance period and training of 4 municipal staff, is R7,8 million (inclusive of VAT).

In addition, the PV system will have a weather monitoring station equipped with a bunch of sensors to measure parameters such as the irradiance, wind speed and wind direction, humidity, ambient temperature, PV panels temperature, etc. This data, including the PV production data, will be sent to a cloud, and then pulled off from there and displayed on the SCADA system, for remote monitoring (in near real-time).

In terms of environmental sustainability, the carbon emissions that will be avoided using energy generated from a clean and renewable source is 12 809 tonnes over 25 years. The installation will occupy an area of approximately 4 800 square metres.



From left: Rasmus Esterhuysen: Manager: Projects, Portfolio Councillor Nosicelo Mbethe (Electrotechnical Services & Fleet Management), Alderman Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George), Menno Sulsters (Project Manager for SEM Solutions, appointed contractor), Thabo Yiga (Manager: Projects) and Danie Greeff (Electro-Technical Services: Deputy Director – Planning & Design).


The Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk, is calling all residents of the George Municipal area to participate in the annual City Nature Challenge, which will run from 28 April 2023 to 01 May 2023 for the observation period, and the upload and identification period ending 08 May 2023. It is as easy as downloading a free application from your App Store and starting to snap within the specified dates.

There is nature all around us, and knowing what species are in our city and where they are, helps us to study and protect them, as a community – scientists’ land managers and the public working together to find and document our unique natural environment.
Participating in this event will teach you about your local environment and can also improve the environment for humans and other species that live in this wonderful place.

To date, the Garden Route has joined forces and competed in 6 international biodiversity events as a district, placing within the top 10 every time. The City Nature Challenge draws over 400 entrants worldwide per year and includes other Western Cape cities such as Cape Town, Hermanus, the Theewaterskloof district and more. With the assistance of the residents of George, we can make an even bigger impact in 2023.

Mayor Leon van Wyk says, “Benefit of supporting the challenge is that it provides an excellent opportunity for municipalities to gather biodiversity information that can be used in the management of properties for environmental, tourism and rezoning purposes, assisting George Municipality to make informed decisions about these aspects.”

“Participation will showcase the George area as a tourism destination and develop pride and awareness of the local environment, offering educational opportunities, especially for children, learning to value their natural heritage.”, says Tourism Manager, Joan Shaw.

Planning to spend time in nature over this long weekend period, is the activity to involve friends and family while showcasing the beauty and diversity of our home region in this global event.

Whether you capture nature in your own backyard, or the urban sidewalks, visit the Garden Route Botanical Garden or the Garden Route National Park, climb a mountain, or submerge yourself in a local forest, you are bound to find a varied selection of plants, insects, and animals.

Prepare for the challenge by downloading and familiarising yourself with the iNaturalist application before the end of the month. To find out more about how you can contribute, contact Tourism Manager Joan Shaw at 044 801 9103.



The photos you take during the City Nature Challenge are there to provide evidence of the organism you saw and to help confirm the identification of that organism. Therefore, taking good photos is key to participating in the CNC! Here are some tips for taking photos:

• Focus on one species in each observation in a close-up that fills the frame.
• Take several photos in one observation, including the leaves, the bark, flowers, or fruits.
• Discard blurry photographs.
• Get close, especially for small organisms – it will aid identification.
• An ideal observation has a picture showing the full organism and close-ups of important features.
• Remember only one species per observation. The more species, the more observations.

WORLD TRAVEL MARKET AFRICA 2023 – A great Garden Route Collaboration

WORLD TRAVEL MARKET AFRICA 2023 – A great Garden Route Collaboration
Issued by George Municipality, 18 April 2023 for immediate release

George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism successfully represented the destination at the World Travel Market Africa tourism trade show held in Cape Town last week.  The Garden Route stand was a great collaboration, with areas George, Knysna, Hessequa, Plettenberg Bay and Oudtshoorn represented.  Other exhibitors on the stand included Redberry Farm and Woodlands Villa from George, where Woodlands Villa was a first-time exhibitor at the show.  The stand was well positioned opposite SATSA, who represent over 1,100 inbound tourism products in Southern Africa.  Other Garden Route exhibitors spotted at the show included Knysna Elephant Park, Highgate Ostrich Show Farm, Tsitsikamma Canopy Tours, Lilypond Lodge, Ocean Sailing Charters.  This resulted in a strong Garden Route offering being represented to the tourism trade interested in Africa.


This year a Sustainability segment was included in the destination overview, which was identified as one of the most talked about themes on the buyer profiles.   Buyers who George Tourism met with, based on our destination overview, were mostly interested in adventure, cultural exchange, mountain biking and hiking, nature and scenery, power van, National Park, Redberry Farm, gastronomy, nature guides, Dine with a Local, sporting events in the destination, wine, wellness experiences,  and golf.  Across the board, interest by tour operators is mostly for 4 and 5 Star properties that include breakfast.


A number of buyers are new to selling South Africa and or the Garden Route and were on a ‘fact finding mission’ where George Tourism was able to provide destination awareness and positioning. Where buyers know the Garden Route area quite well they used the trade show to understand what George, Wilderness and Uniondale has to offer their clients.  Clients of the tour operators met with are from a wide variety of source markets covering Spain, India, Argentina, Australia, Netherlands, USA, South Korea, Russian, Belgium, Germany, France, UK, Nigeria, SA, Cameroon, Congo, Swiss, Austria, Malaysia, Norway, Scandinavian.



Managing  Director, Chris Ndlovu, from Boyang Gape Tours and Travel who represents Indian and US group tour markets with Sharon House, Senior Tourism Officer for George.

BFI Water Projects progressing well for George

Aerial photographs of the new Water Treatment Works Residuals Handling Facility and construction site.

National Treasury, accompanied by the representatives from the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), Neighbourhood Development Partnership Programme and Provincial Treasury visited the George Municipality on a two-day programme as part of the Mid-Year Budget and Performance Assessment for Municipalities.

This included a National Treasury delegation visit to the 20 Ml/d extensions to the New Water Treatment Works (New WTW) earlier in March 2023. George Municipality received a Budget Facility for Infrastructure Funding (BFI) grant to the value of R1.107 billion from the National Treasury in the 2021/22 financial year. The BFI project with its various components has shown significant progress and expenditure to date in the 2022/23 financial year. George Municipality is actively working to keep our economy on the go – by ensuring adequate long-term planning and investment in our resources with the current main focus on water, sewerage, and electricity.

National Treasury praised the Municipality for its well-maintained infrastructure. “Service delivery is clearly visible with well looked after roads networks and cleanliness of the town. This will go a long way in attracting investments into the city.”

The full BFI project is to be completed in the next twenty seven (27) months. George Municipality provides water services to over 212 120 residents from 62 722 households (STATSSA 2017) across 28 wards including the coastal areas of Kleinkrantz, Wilderness, Victoria Bay, Herold’s Bay and Gwaing in the city of George area. The objectives of the project are to ensure adequate potable water supply to meet the demand of the current population and to provide security for future development, both social and economic, and to reduce pollution of certain main water courses.

Updates on the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works components funded by BFI
The project consists of 12 components, some of which will be executed in more than one construction phase.

Component 1 and 2
Residuals Handling Facility and the 20 Ml/d extension to the New Water Treatment Works (New WTW).

The first contract, valued at R263 million, was awarded for the civil engineering works and construction is progressing on site. The second contract, for the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation (MEI) works, was awarded for R217 million. Component 2 is the largest single component of the BFI project. The completed earthworks for the Water Treatment Works extension consisted of some 20 000 metric cubes of earth material that has been stockpiled on site for re-use elsewhere on other components of the BFI project as well as other municipal projects. Placing of concrete is progressing well and the structures are now above ground level.

The construction on the 600m long, 900mm diameter, clear water HDPE pipeline commenced towards the end of 2022 and is currently nearing 50% completion. The forestry permit was issued in early January 2023 and the remaining construction through sensitive indigenous forest can now proceed.

The dewatering facility for the water treatment process residuals is also progressing well and the concrete wall of two of the three tanks was cast while the third tank will be done shortly. This facility will eliminate the abrasive residuals from being discharged to the sewer system and therefore reduce the load on the sewage conveyance system and pumpstations, reduce the abrasive effect on pumpstation mechanical equipment as well as reduce the load on the wastewater treatment processes and the main sludge dewatering facility. The aim of this facility is to free up capacity that is currently being utilized by residuals discharged to the Eden, Meul and Schaapkop sewage pump station system as well as the Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works.

Component 3
The refurbishment of the existing Sludge Discharge System Phases 1 and 2 commenced at the Eden, Meul and Schaapkop Pumpstations.

Construction of the first phase is progressing well at the Meul and Eden Pump Stations

Phase 1: The first phase of the upgrading and refurbishment of the Meul Sewage pumpstation is well progressed and certain components have been completed, including a standby generator and new motor control center panels. The new Motor Control Centre at the Eden Sewage pumpstation has been completed. Civil construction on the Meul Sewage Pumpstation is progressing well and over-pumping is currently taking place, involving a temporary pumping installation to allow work to be done in the pump sump and in the pump room.  Phase 1 of the Schaapkop Sewage Pumpstation implementation was delayed, and the design process is now under way to incorporate both phases 1 and 2 to be implemented as a single project.

Phase 2: Consultants have been appointed for the design of the second phase of the pump station upgrades of the Meul and Eden sewage pump stations.

Component 4
The upgrading of the Garden Route Dam Outlet and Supply project includes the replacement of the existing 600 mm diameter raw water pipeline from the intake tower at the Garden Route Dam to the raw water pumpstations, with a new 800 mm diameter stainless steel pipeline to accommodate a higher flowrate in accordance with the future raw water flow requirements.

Tenders were requested and have closed, with construction planned to commence in June 2023.

Component 5
2 x 1250 kVA generators are being installed at the Garden Route Dam raw water pumpstation. Once completed, it will ensure that during loadshedding or any other power outage, raw water can continue to be pumped uninterrupted to the Water Treatment Works for processing for drinking water supply.

Status: Construction is well progressed, the generators and associated equipment are currently being installed, and full operation of the generators is scheduled for the end of June 2023.

Component 6
An additional approximately 30 mega litre raw water storage balancing dam, including a 340m long 800mm diameter raw water pipeline, will be constructed to secure sufficient raw water storage capacity to supply the 20Ml/day extension to the Water Treatment Works. The new raw water dam will supplement the 60Ml provided by the two existing storage dams that provide raw water to the two water treatment plants.

Status: The preliminary design process has been completed with consideration of two alternative positions in order to select the most cost-effective solution. Final designs are nearing completion, to be followed by the procurement of a Contractor to construct the works.

Component 7
The rehabilitation of the Old Water Treatment Works, located at 9th Avenue in Denneoord includes the refurbishment of the 25 Ml/d treatment plant which is currently rated at only 20.5 Ml/ per day.

Status: This component consists of four separate contracts and the tenders. Construction is under way at the Old WTW and some condition assessments of the existing infrastructure necessitated design changes at the start of the contract, causing unforeseen delays. The air extraction from the filter galleries was completed and the emergency chlorine scrubbers have been ordered, and delivery is scheduled for July 2023, but with a possible further slight delay due to shipping from the United States. Both shipments of filter media have been delivered and fencing construction is practically complete.

A temporary package water treatment plant was installed and commissioned in mid-December 2022 to facilitate scheduled plant shutdowns to enable work to proceed uninterrupted. This temporary plant also increased the volume of potable water available to meet the peak holiday season demand. Partial plant shutdowns will take place at the old WTW during April 2023. Remedial works is scheduled to be done at the Old WTW and the existing New WTW, and water demand will have to be very carefully managed during any of the planned partial shutdowns to ensure that potable water demand can be met.

Component 8
Refurbishment of the Kaaiman’s River Pumpstation equipment will include the installation of six (6) new submersible vortex impeller pumps in the sump, a strainer system and six (6) new high lift centrifugal pumps, with the replacement of the electrical control equipment also included in the upgrade. The Kaaiman’s Pumpstation discharges raw water into the Garden Route Dam and contributes significantly to the George raw water resource requirements.

Status: Tenders have been requested and closed, and construction is planned to commence in May 2023.

Component 9 and 10
The new 14,5 Ml Pacaltsdorp West Reservoir; 3 Ml Pacaltsdorp East Reservoir, 300 kl Tower and pumpstation will address the inadequate emergency and balancing storage in this suburb.

Status: The designs are in process for both sites, to be followed by the procurement of a contractor for the construction of the works. The detailed design process will be aligned with the environmental and town planning processes.

Component 11 and 12
A new pumpstation and control valves will be provided at the existing Thembalethu West reservoir and tower; a new 8 Ml Thembalethu East Reservoir, 1000 kl tower and pumpstation will provide adequate potable water storage and increase security of potable water supply to Thembalethu as well as provide capacity to meet future development water demands.

Status: The design of both the works is in progress and will be followed by the procurement of a contractor for the construction of the works, scheduled for early 2024.



The George Municipality’s drive to improve the quality-of-service delivery is yielding good results said the Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk after visiting two pilot projects in Syferfontein, an informal settlement South of Pacaltsdorp, aimed at introducing alternatives on-site sanitation technology in informal settlements to replace chemical toilets.

“Today we went on-site to Syferfontein to view the pilot project of a new technology toilet instead of the chemical toilets,” said Mayor van Wyk during his visit on Thursday, 13 April 2023. “These new toilets get erected on-site and make use of enzymes to dissolve solids and it also makes use of water, so there’s a water flush mechanism that is able to drain away into tanks underneath the ground and this improves the whole service routing where previously chemical toilets had to be serviced two to three times a week, this type of toilet would only require servicing once a month.”

George Municipality solicited proposals from suitably experienced service providers to implement a pilot project for alternative on-site sanitation technology in Informal Settlements to replace chemical toilets. The hiring and maintenance of chemical toilets is an expensive and unsustainable sanitation commodity which is unfortunately also the quickest method to respond to when an emergency situation presents itself.

It was thus imperative that sustainable alternative sanitation solutions be tested to replace chemical toilets in informal settlements where there is no sewer network and to alleviate the heavy financial burden on the Municipality and the Department of Infrastructure.

The Human Settlements, Planning and Development and Property Management Directorate of the George Municipality confirmed that this is a pilot project which will be tested for three months and the sanitation solution which is found to be most successful and sustainable will be extended to other informal settlement areas in the George Municipal precincts. “For this pilot project, we will be installing 3 different alternative sanitation units in Syferfontein, three in Wilderness Heights Informal Settlement and 9 units in Thembalethu in various Settlements,” said Lauren Waring, the department’s director.



Photo 1: From left: Charne Floris (George Municipality Human Settlements), Brumilda Kirchner (George Municipality Human Settlements), Councillor Bazil Petrus (Portfolio Councillor for Human Settlements), Madoda Boke (Clerk of Works: Human of Settlements) Jurgen Graupe (Buffalo Tanks (Pty) Ltd, Alderman Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George) Wendy Mentor (Manager Human Settlements) Mxolisi Ngwane (Racing Heart Group (Pty) Ltd), Siegfried Graupe (Buffalo Tanks) Lehlohonolo Mandlazi (Racing Group (Pty) Ltd.


Photo 2: From left: Councillor Bazil Petrus (Portfolio Councillor for Human Settlements), Wendy Mentor (Manager of Human Settlements), Alderman Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George) and Jacques Rust (Envirosan).


The George Municipality’s Communication team was nominated as one of the top three most proactive communication teams in local municipalities in South Africa during the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) Communications Awards last week.

The other two nominees were Umzimvubu Local Municipality from the Eastern Cape towns of Mount Frere and Mount Alyliff (the winners) and Thaba Chweu Local Municipality from Mashishing, previously called Lydenburg, in the north-western region of Mpumalanga.

The Awards Ceremony formed part of the SALGA 6th Annual National Communicators’ Forum that took place between 12 – 14 April 2023 at Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC). SALGA’s National Communicators Forum offers a platform for Municipal Communicators to share insights, developments, and the latest trends in the communications industry. Municipalities across South Africa are nominated for various Communication Awards at the forum.

According to SALGA, the award for which the George Municipal Communications team was nominated, is for a communications team that is always proactive in its work. “It ensures that it takes part in information sharing, creates more awareness, or even profiles certain service delivery programmes and events. This team remains committed to actively participating in various platforms and programmes in the three spheres of Government. This is quite an outstanding team indeed!”

“We would like to congratulate our communication team for doing outstanding work that caught the attention of the SALGA adjudication team, as there was no entry submitted. This certainly is a sign that the George Municipal Communication team strives to ensure that the municipality communicates in an effective, transparent, coordinated and professional manner, which increases public confidence in the municipality and participation in the municipal processes,” said Dr Michele Gratz, George Municipal Manager.

The George Municipal Communication team comprises Chantel Edwards (Communications Manager), Ntobeko Mangqwengqwe (Senior Communication Officer) and Debra Sauer (Communication Officer).

Watch highlights of the Award Ceremony:


From left: Chantel Edwards (Communications Manager), Ntobeko Mangqwengqwe (Senior Communications Officer) and Debra Sauer (Communications Officer)