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Press Release Archive

Media Statement: George Municipality responds on allegations made by Gardag

George Municipality takes note of the duplicity of Gardag in attempting  to relate the Cholera infections experienced in Tshwane, Hammanskraal  to the water quality available in George. Cholera is most likely to occur and spread in places with inadequate water treatment, poor sanitation, and inadequate hygiene.  George Municipalities water quality is of an excellent standard with all of the parameters complying with SANS 0241 standards for drinking water.

The George Municipality publishes information on the quality of drinking water supplied to consumers as recommended by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) .  The Drinking Water Quality will going forward be reported on the George Municipal website on a quarterly basis and to DWS on their IRIS system on a monthly basis, as part of the Blue Drop Compliance programme. Samples of raw water at both the old and new water treatment facilities are taken once a week.  Samples of the final treated water at the treatment facilities are taken twice a week.  Strategic sample points in the water distribution network and reservoirs are also monitored by the George Municipal Laboratory.  Different bacteriological, chemical and physical parameters are measured and monitored.

With reference to the two spillage incidents as reported on by GARDAG:

On 1 May 2023, Pump set No 1 tripped out at the Eden Sewer pump station.  On 24 May 2023, during scheduled loadshedding, the backup electrical generator at the pump station had a mechanical failure. In both instances this was picked up through the telemetry and SCADA early warning systems. Tanker suction and mobile pump services were obtained to control the situation while remedial measures were implemented.  As per protocol George Municipality notifies the Department of Water Services, the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, the Garden Route District Municipality and the Breede-Gourits Catchment Management Agency of all spillages. The Eden Pump Station is still under upgrade and the next phase will start soon.

George Municipality recently received an Emergency Load Shedding Relief Grant to assist with the ongoing load-shedding crisis.  Backup power generating units have been installed at our critical sewer pump stations along water courses and at our water and wastewater treatment facilities as from 2022 and others remain in progress.

George Municipality is aware of continued concerns pertaining to the proposed development at the Garden Route Dam after Interested and Affected Parties (IAP) were all informed of the decision by the Provincial Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP) to grant the Environmental Authorisation on 19 September 2022. In these communications full details were provided for the reasons for the decision, as well as information pertaining to the right to appeal the decision.


Junior Traffic Training Centre opens to delight of all

Photo 1: Mayor van Wyk spent a happy morning assisting toddlers on tricycles along the various ramps and Stop Streets.

The George Junior Traffic Training Centre was a scene of great joy and much laughter on Wednesday last week when it opened its doors to the public for the first time. The centre which is intended to enable children to learn more about general road safety aspects, was officially launched on Wednesday the 24th May with groups of very excited toddlers from Heeltyd Speeltyd, Esethu Kwakhanya and Pacaltsdorp creche enjoying Daantjie Kat at top volume. One very lucky toddler was presented with a prize by Daantjie Kat for her astounding vocal abilities.

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk and Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz spent a happy morning assisting toddlers on tricycles along the varous ramps and Stop Streets.  Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk thanked the department for this initiative and the efforts that went into getting the centre opened and launched. “ It is very important to know when and where we cross the road and at what time. This is a big opportunity to educate our youth and we encourage schools in our area to make use of this facility so that we all benefit from this centre”, said Ald Van Wyk.

As the day progressed the children were trained on various road safety aspects such as buckling up when getting into a vehicle, crossing the road when safe and how to educate their parents to do the same. The George Junior traffic centre has specifically incorporated a foot bridge, in order to teach children the correct method of how to use and when to use it. A road map with various landmarks including road signs painted by Carl Thomas from Human Settlements, gives children a fun way to learn about road safety measures. Director for Community Services, Dawie Adonis applauded and thanked previous employees and political figures who had all played a part in bringing the junior traffic centre to life.

Watch our video on our YouTube channel by clicking:

Photo 2: Mayor Leon van Wyk, Carl Thomas, from the Directorate of Human Settlements, George Municipality and Dr Michele Gratz, George Municipal Manager, at some of the traffic sign artwork Thomas did at the George Junior Traffic Training and Road Safety Centre. 

Photo 3: Daantjie Kat (Danny Cat), the Road Safety Mascot for Traffic Services, finally arrived in a traffic vehicle after the children called him a few times at the top of their lungs. One of the children even received a prize for screaming the loudest for Danny Cat to make his appearance. He sang and demonstrated to the children to buckle up with their safety belts when in a vehicle. 




Celebrating Africa Day

Caption: Coffee art- proudly showcasing our appreciation for our local artist 

The George Library celebrated Africa day by showcasing the diverse African artwork in a pop-up exhibition of work by Arleen Duff last week. Various art can still be viewed at the library during office hours.

Caption 2: Various artist displaying their talents at the George library 

Caption 3: “My Africa” artwork. 

Mondays to Thursdays @ 09h00 – 19h00
Fridays 10h00 – 17h00
Saturdays 09h00 – 12h00

George Library can be contacted on 044 801 9288

Mayors newsletter for George Herald of 25 May 2023

This newsletter is being written on the eve of completing my third year in office as Executive Mayor. What an honour and privilege it has been to participate in taking George forward! On this occasion, I am reporting on some engagements that have recently taken place in relation to our economy and in shaping the strategy and approaches for increased economic activity.

Over the past two weeks, our management team have held their requisite engagements with both of Provincial and National Treasury (George is one of 17 cities in SA who report directly to National Treasury) for our draft budget to be assessed according to the criteria of being credible and fundable. George has been commended for the thorough preparation and presentation of the budget and its financial position and received approval for the presentation to Council for formal approval of the budget for 2023/24.

These engagements also enabled discussions about approaches to and complexity of incorporating renewable solutions, the maintaining and improving of infrastructure, and on economic activity.

We were invited to make a presentation to property development clients of a legal firm and a bank specialising in this sector. We covered progress over the past three years in improving management, the strategy of growing infrastructure and the work being done to update the spatial development framework and planning sphere.

A meeting with the country head of the multi-national business that has started its contact centre operations also proved to be fruitful. This enthusiastic company is already exploring how to grow their work force that will enable expansion into another workstream. This analytics, digital and AI business opens up opportunities for matriculants in the under 25 age bracket to receive training and work in the fast growing outsourcing sector where work is conducted internationally from South Africa.

I have also had the opportunity to meet Provincial Ministers for Education, Infrastructure and Economic Development to discuss the needs of a growing George. Many schools experience challenges in accommodating the growing pool of learners. The Minister is assessing the alternatives to either expand existing campuses and/or to build new facilities. As a result of financial limitations, it is likely that new financial models to fund schools will become necessary.

Detailed discussions will shortly take place regarding the build programme for roads infrastructure around George and how improvements to gravel roads can be done for key sectors such as agriculture. The need to provide additional housing at an affordable level continues to receive attention. We continue with engagements to determine the best approach and strategy to facilitate economic development across key sectors where George is a suitable location.

As always, the email address can be used for smart ideas.

Mountain Ultra-Trail by UTMB® plays host to Africa’s first UTMB® World Series event this week in South Africa

Mountain Ultra-Trail by UTMB® plays host to Africa’s first UTMB® World Series event this week in South Africa

– George Municipality and Mountain Ultra-Trail by UTMB® announce new partnership that sees the city and tourism board as Official Host Venue; a partnership that will showcase both the event and race venue globally.

– Mountain Ultra-Trail by UTMB® to welcome local and international runners to the Western Cape of South Africa on 26 – 28 May 2023; the event takes place in the city of George.

 – The event features a professional ultra trail line up with local stars Ryan Sandes and Rebecca Kohne who won her category last month at Istria 100 by UTMB® in Croatia.

 Images and race content can be found: HERE

(GEORGE, South Africa) 24 May 2023 – For the first time ever, the UTMB® World Series will head to Africa on 26 – 28 May with the inaugural Mountain Ultra-Trail (MUT) by UTMB® taking place in the Western Cape. George Municipality, the Official Host Venue will welcome over 1 400 registered trail runners that will descend on the heart of the Garden Route in the city of George. The event features six different distances of trail running including 9.5km, 24.5km, 41.8km, 59km, 100km and 100-mile (165km).

“It is truly a privilege to welcome the MUT by UTMB® competitors to George where our urban living borders on the foothills into our beautiful Outeniqua Mountains,” says George Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk. “We look forward to your visit and participation in this inaugural World Series event on the African continent, and that your stay will be enjoyable and successful.”

photo credit goes to Zane Schmahl

Announced in November last year, the MUT by UTMB® was selected as the first ever UTMB World Series event on the African continent, meaning that South Africans now don’t need to travel abroad to get an opportunity to qualify for the pinnacle of all trail races, the UTMB® World Series Finals at Mont-Blanc (28 August – 03 September).

To qualify for a place at the Finals, runners must have at least one Running Stone (which can only be acquired by racing a UTMB World Series Event), and a valid UTMB Index in the necessary category. Find out more here.

MUT by UTMB® finishers will receive Running Stones depending on the distance they run (4 stones for 100-mile; 3 for 100K; 2 for 59K; 2 for 41.1K and 1 stone for the 24.5K distances).

The MUT by UTMB® is a festival of trail running in the garden city of George, on South Africa’s east coast. The Outeniqua Mountains rise from the urban edge and provide a spectacular adventure seeker’s playground, with hundreds of kilometers of hiking trails crisscrossing the peaks, which reach up to 1,578 meters above sea level, and verdant valleys.

Fynbos, one of the world’s most biodiverse floral kingdoms, and old growth indigenous forests line the trails, while the high points along the MUT by UTMB® route provide breath-taking views over the Indian Ocean to the south and across the arid Karoo to the north. Alongside the 9.5km, 24.5km, 41.8km, 59km, 100km and 100-mile race distances the event also boasts a Vertical Kilometer Challenge and a social run with the George Trail Running club, who are responsible for much of the trail building and maintenance on the MUT by UTMB® route.

MUT by UTMB® will feature some well-known runners amongst the trail community such as Red Bull’s ultra-trail runner, Ryan Sandes (RSA). Others to look out for are Egypt’s Omar El Sawy, Iain Peterkin (RSA) and George’s very own Rebecca Kohne (RSA) who won her category last month at Istria 100 by UTMB® in Croatia.

“Trail running is considered somewhat of a new sport, and it is certainly growing by the minute,” says Elite Trail Runner, Rebecca Kohne. “Having MUT by UTMB® opens up a lot of opportunity for us local trail runners. Qualifying for the UTMB® World Series Final in France at the end of the year is almost every keen trail runner’s dream. Having a local race makes it just that much easier to try and live up to our dreams.”

Kohne continues, “It is quite surreal to have the first UTMB® certified race here in our hometown, George. George is the most beautiful place, and we certainly have the most incredible mountain range. Some would say our trails are very similar to European trails in some sense. I am extremely excited for this event to take place, and for us South Africans to show off our spectacular mountains and trails. I hope every runner will get to enjoy them just as much as I do.”

For more information about MUT by UTMB®, please visit For more information on George, visit

For any media related inquiries, please email and for race day media registration, fill in the media credentials form here.


About George

George is situated in the Western Cape province of South Africa and set in the very centre of the Garden Route. ‘George’ spans all the way from Herolds Bay to Uniondale to Wilderness. It has exceptional natural surroundings – surrounded by oceans, mountains, forests, and farmlands – a temperate climate, outstanding tourism offerings, a low crime rate, good schools and a national airport. The city has seen significant growth over the past two decades and is a sought-after tourism, lifestyle, business, and investment destination.

Its diverse landscapes, spanning from the semi-desert open plains and aloes in Uniondale, which are only 1.5 hours away from George and Wilderness’s majestic mountains and cool blue oceans, make it a paradise suited for outdoor enthusiasts. There are over 2,000km of mapped trails and plenty of adrenalin-fuelled adventures.

The area also boasts premier golf courses, pristine beaches and art, cultural and history experiences. Great gastronomic experiences along with wining and dining top picks, make the destination an all-round experience. For more:

The MUT by UTMB 100-Miler “has a real mixture of terrain, including some very technical sections but also a nice variety, from coastal to mountain and then more open running.” Photo by Zane Schmahl.

UTMB® World Series

UTMB® World Series is the world’s ultimate trail-running circuit that unites the sport’s biggest stars and passionate runners through the best, leading international events in the most stunning locations.  Built on a passion for the mountains with sustainability at its heart, UTMB® World Series gives all trail runners the chance to experience the UTMB® adventure across the world, with events taking place across Asia, Oceania, Europe, Africa and the Americas. It is the only place where runners can begin their quest to UTMB® Mont-Blanc, France, where the prestigious UTMB® World Series Finals will be held. For more information, visit

The highest peaks in the Outeniqua Mountains reach up to over 1 500 metres above sea level, which is made more remarkable by their close proximity to the coast. Photo by Emma Rorke.

About UTMB Group

Over the last 18 years, and since the creation of UTMB® Mont-Blanc in 2003 by a group of passionate friends, UTMB Group has been the driving force behind the development of trail running. The UTMB® Mont-Blanc is the sports pinnacle event, and every year, 10,000 runners earn their place on the start line. UTMB Group also pioneered the LiveTrail® technology, an innovative digital service that supports the management of endurance races. Revered by hundreds of thousands of athletes, UTMB® has become a global, premium, and leading brand.

In May 2021, UTMB Group partnered with The IRONMAN Group to launch the UTMB® World Series, which brings together many of the best international events on the planet to provide exclusive access to the sport’s pinnacle event, UTMB® Mont-Blanc. The UTMB® World Series is built on the founding principles of UTMB® Mont-Blanc: surpassing oneself; fair-play; respect for people and the environment; and solidarity. Find out more at

About The IRONMAN Group

The IRONMAN Group operates a global portfolio of events that includes the IRONMAN® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® 70.3® Triathlon Series, 5150™ Triathlon Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll® Running Series, IRONKIDS®, World Triathlon Championship Series, premier running events including the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon™ and City2Surf®, UTMB® World Series events including the Canyons Endurance Runs, Tarawera Ultra and Ultra-Trail Australia™, Epic Series™ mountain bike races including the Absa Cape Epic®, road cycling events including Haute Route®, and other multisport races.

The IRONMAN Group is the largest operator of mass participation sports in the world and provides more than a million participants annually the benefits of endurance sports through the company’s vast offerings. Catering to the full athlete experience, the company portfolio also includes FulGaz® virtual cycling, the most realistic indoor riding experience connected fitness application aimed at preparing athletes for real-world events. Since the inception of the iconic IRONMAN® brand and its first event in 1978, athletes have proven that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE® by crossing finish lines around the world.

Beginning as a single race, The IRONMAN Group has grown to become a global sensation with hundreds of events across 55+ countries. The IRONMAN Group is owned by Advance, a private, family-owned business. For more information, visit




Tourism plays such an important role in the local economy, and for this reason, George Tourism would like to invite all residents of George to share some love and pride for the partnership with the team from All Things.

George Tourism is very excited to announce the partnership with the famous South African actor, Ivan Zimmerman on his YouTube show, All Things. The channel will be focusing on the picturesque sceneries in and around the Garden Route area.

About All Things Garden Route…

As per the All Things Team, “All Things is the very first digital magazine show in South Africa that offers the audience a glimpse of all things Tourism, Community, Events, Positive News, Inspirational Stories and Special Occasions, that exclusively covers a specific district and is driven by the people and beautiful happenings of that area only. This is ALL THINGS, GARDEN ROUTE.

 We are aiming to educate each other on each other, grow tourism and be the visual voice of the district and show the Garden Route off to the rest of South Africa, as well as the World.”

You can click here to watch the first episode that showcases our George Museum, Dotsure, George Art Theatre, Cornerstone Creek in Hoekwil and a cultural tour in our vibrant township Thembalethu, with Explore Our Hood or you can also check the Facebook link by clicking here.

The second episode is also available under the following link

For further enquiries, please contact the George Tourism Offices @ 044 801 9295 or email us



The George Municipality is proud to show off the new additions to its firefighting fleet and the Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk accompanied by the Portfolio Councillor for Community Safety, Councillor Charlotte Clarke, received the fleet in a special handover event that took place at the George Fire Station on Tuesday, 16 May 2023.

Also present at the official handover of the vehicles were Senior Manager of Environmental Services Sivuyile Mtila who represented the Community Services’ directorship, the Manager for George Municipal Fire and Rescue / Disaster Management Cornelius Barnard, Santa Sternsdorf, the Station Commander Training, and the newly appointed Divisional Commander for George Fire and Rescue Services Johan Brand.

“I am delighted to be receiving these vehicles that have been specifically manufactured for us by a local manufacturer,” said Mayor van Wyk as he received the vehicles from a local business owner, Brandon Woolley. “We are extremely proud to take ownership and start using these vehicles,” said Cornelius Barnard, manager for Fire and Rescue / Disaster Management.

Handing over the vehicles to the George Municipality, Woolley, the director and owner of Ramcom Trucks, a George-based company, said: “We are privileged to be able to build these vehicles for the George Municipality Fire Services out of a new material called polypropylene, which is very durable, lightweight and I think for the fire department it will be a good addition to their fleet. We are very proud of the vehicles we’ve manufactured, and we are glad that we can serve and make a difference in the community with our products.

At the George Fire Station, Santa Sternsdorf, the Station Commander Training, described each of the four new additions in the George Municipality’s fleet.

“Engine 1 (Scania) is our major pumper, a vehicle for structural firefighting – a completely rebuilt vehicle after an accident, we’re very proud to welcome her back to the fleet. Then we have one of our new vehicles a Toyota Land Cruiser with a skit unit with a state-of-the-art Polypropylene Unit that allows us to increase the water to a 600-litre tank to join the fleet.”

“Next, we have a rescue vehicle, again state-of-the-art Polypropylene canopy that now is being introduced as part of the rebuild for the vehicle where we gain weight, but we have a vehicle fit for purpose for rescue, with the jaws of life and all the needed equipment that we need for mass rescues.

“Finally, the Polaris 4×4 vehicle allows us to diversify Rescue and firefighting in overall, a good off-road vehicle to add to the fleet of George Municipality,” Sternsdorf added.

Please watch comments on the handover of the new vehicles:


Photos by: Deidré Cloete

From left: Cornelius Barnard (Manager for George Municipal Fire and Rescue / Disaste Management), Brandon Woolley (the Director and Owner of the George-based Ramcom Trucks), Alderman Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George) and Councillor Charlotte Clarke (Portfolio Councillor for the Community Safety).

(Left) Denmar King (Junior Fire Fighter) and Brad Bussack (Fire Fighter),

(Middle) Santa Sternsdorf (George Fire Station Commander Training), Johan Brand (the newly appointed Divisional Commander for George Fire and Rescue Services), Sivuyile Mtila (Senior Manager of Environmental Services, Councillor Charlotte Clarke (Portfolio Councillor for the Community Safety), Brandon Woolley (the Director and Owner of the George-based Ramcom Trucks), Alderman Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George) and Cornelius Barnard (Manager for George Municipal Fire and Rescue / Disaster Management),

(Right) Moses Mongo (Fire Fighter), Simpiwhe Sikhosana (Junior Fire Fighter), Heinrich Pienaar (Junior Fire Fighter).

The George Municipality is proud to show off the new additions to its firefighting fleet



 MEDIA STATEMENT: George Municipality confirms SAMWU strike will not take place  

George Municipality confirms that an interim interdict has been granted on SAMWU’s intended Strike Action for 24 May 2023. The municipality expects service delivery to continue with no disruptions.
George Municipality as the employer remains committed to following due process and engaging in discussion with SAMWU to resolve their issues.

 The municipality remains open on Wednesday 24 May 2023, and municipal service delivery/essential services will continue.

 SWITCHBOARD: 044 801 9111 (7.45am-4.30pm)
FIRE EMERGENCIES: 044 801 6311

George Municipality held an Aids Candlelight Memorial ceremony to raise awareness about HIV/Aids

Media Release: George Municipality held an Aids Candlelight Memorial ceremony to raise awareness about HIV/Aids

Issued by George Municipality 23 May 2023 for immediate release

 George Municipality held an Aids Candlelight Memorial ceremony last week to raise awareness about HIV/Aids and break down the stigma around this illness.

According to Cllr Enrico Figland, Member of the Community Development Committee in Council, said the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, is not only an opportunity to remember the people we have lost but also to honour those who dedicated their lives to helping people living with and affected by HIV and continue to mobilise our communities in solidarity. People living with HIV started the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial in 1983 and since then there have been thousands of events organised across the world by community-based organisations, from motorbike rallies by women living with HIV to uplifting ceremonies in places of worship and workplaces. Such events have helped raise awareness about HIV and more importantly have helped break down stigma within our communities.

“The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial is also a campaign to mobilise communities and raise social consciousness about HIV and AIDS. With almost 8.5 million people living with HIV today since June 2022, the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial serves as an important platform for global solidarity, breaking down barriers of stigma and discrimination, and giving hope to new generations,” Figland said.

The event was held at the Lawaaikamp Community Hall with members from the community who assist people affected by HIV/Aids or people who have directly been affected by the virus. Teachers and learners from Tyholora Primary School were also invited to the event as part of the community outreach.

Past Allen Spies, lead pastor at the Pacaltsdorp AFM church, was a motivational speaker at the event.  He asked the attendees at the event to not stop doing good. Spies said even if people do not acknowledge you, God will reward you. He especially asked the adults to help and assist the youngsters in need to the top of the mountain.

Jonathan Fortuin, official from George Municipality Community Development said the theme for 2023 is “Spread Love and Solidarity to Build Stronger Communities”. It highlights the significant challenges that people living with HIV face due to persistent stigma and discrimination leading to feelings of shame, self-doubt and isolation. This may prevent individuals from seeking the care and support they need. By addressing both stigma and self-stigma, we can help stop the perpetual negative language around HIV transmission, myths and misinformation about life with HIV, and end HIV stigma and discrimination that have long been a barrier to effective HIV prevention and treatment.


Officials and members of the public and representatives from Tyholora Primary School with hampers that will go to vulnerable families.


 Lighting candles at the ceremony are from Willbedine Jordaan, Coordinator of the HIV/Aids office at Community Development, George Municipality, Janine Edwards, Social Worker at George Municipality, Past. Allen Spies, motivational speaker, Cllr Enrico Figland, motivational speaker and Jonathan Fortuin, MC at the event and official from Community Development.


Community members at the event take part in the candlelight ceremony to remember those that passed on due to the illness.


Community members at the event take part in the candlelight ceremony to remember those that passed on due to the illness.

What’s happening in George, Wilderness and Uniondale – Tourism Update May 2023

Follow our monthly #GettoknowGeorge tourism update to discover interesting snippets happening in our beautiful area, curated just for you, as well as upcoming events you can look forward to!

Find all the tourism information you need in the greater George area at – the official tourism destination website.

#GeorgeTourism #GettoknowGeorge

One of the seventeen Ramsar sites in South Africa is in the Wilderness section of the Garden Route National Park.
The Wilderness system comprises three lakes – Rondevlei, Langvlei and Eilandvlei. These and the Serpentine wetlands form part of an internationally proclaimed
RAMSAR site which means they are wetlands of global significance for biodiversity conservation.


Here’s a preview of a selection of events taking place over the next month:


20 May: Texas Sheriff Monster Eating Contest at Texas Grill Restaurant, George     

044 873 3435 | |

The Texas Sheriff Monster Eating Contest is for hungry cowboys or girls up for the challenge!  40 participants could win the first-place prize of R10 000 in cash and R10 000 vouchers/hampers along
with amazing second and third place offerings. Spectators can also join in on the fun by buying a R40 raffle ticket to win a hamper and vouchers worth R10 000!  Raffle proceeds will be donated to the Food Pantry.
There is only 1 space left – so hurry and snap it up!

24 – 28 May: Flock to the Wilderness 2023 at the Wilderness Hotel, Wilderness        

011 789 1122 | |

BirdLife South Africa, with The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (University of Cape Town) will host the 6th Learn About Birds (LAB) Conference during
BirdLife South Africa’s Flock to Wilderness, as well as a host of exciting birding excursions and activities.  The LAB Conference was originally established to provide a
platform for laymen and scientists to present their research, share their knowledge and network with ornithologically inclined people and birding enthusiasts from across
South Africa and the world.

The interesting event programme includes excursions to the George Forest Birding at Witfontein, Ebb and Flow, and so many more, along
with fun activations like a quiz night at the Girls on the Square in Wilderness, as well as workshops like the Canon SA Photography Workshop ensure that birding enthusiasts
will be thoroughly educated and connected to their peers.

03 June:  Re-Store, Re-Invent and Re-Claim Joy Ladies Tea at Fancourt Hotel and Spa, George

044 874 0424 | |

Enjoy a morning of fun, laughter, and rejuvenation at George’s coveted Fancourt estate, while doing a good thing and contributing to George Child and Family Welfare.
The tea includes a fashion show by Mooi at Meade, Johannesburg-based guest speaker Ronaldo Silvestre who is an author, actor, and film producer, goodie bags,
lucky draw raffle, a silent auction, and a fantastic breakfast.

Tickets are limited to 300 guests.  George Child and Family Welfare, established in 1926, is an organisation
that works with children and families in crisis.  With the help of social workers, the organisation provides one-on-one therapeutic and statutory services to children in need of care
and protection and their families, as well as various other programs.


 SWD Eagles Rugby at Outeniqua Park Stadium, George

044 050 0660 | | | Entry from R10 – R30

  • 20 May: SWD Eagles vs Boland Cavaliers
  • 27 May: SWD Eagles vs Goshawks
  • 03 June: SWD Eagles vs Simbas

26 – 28 May: The Mountain Ultra-Trail by UTMB® at Witfontein Forestry Station, George           

021 422 4836 | |

For the first time ever, a trail-running event on the African continent has been invited to join the UTMB® World Series Adventure, and it is none other than our own homegrown
George Mountain Ultra Trail (MUT), now proudly known as the MUT by UTMB®.  In less than 2 weeks, the MUT will be bringing trail runners from all corners of the globe right here to George.

Traversing the Outeniqua Mountains.  Photo Credit: MUT by UTMB®

 From 26-28 May 2023, the majestic Outeniqua Mountains will be the scene of determined trail runners making their way up and down its many rocky trails, through forests and our famed fynbos landscapes, and
even parts of the arid Klein Karoo, depending on the race category. It’s been confirmed that top-field international trail runners, mostly from France and America, but also as far afield as China, Peru, and
Japan will take part as well as most of the national trail-running heroes, including celebrity athletes Ryan Sandes and Rebecca Köhne.

Traditionally, the MUT sports five race categories, namely the MUT 100 (100 km),
MUT 60 (59 km), MUT Marathon (41,8 km), the MUT Challenge (24,5 km), and the MUT Lite (9,5 km). This year, however, a new category has been included which is the MUT Miler, a whopper of 165 km taking
participants to the George and Cradock Peaks.

It features steep climbs with elevations of up to 2 000 m, crossing rivers like the Kaaimans, running on the Wilderness Beach, and technical down hills.  Entries for all
categories are closed, but spectatorship is encouraged for all running enthusiasts.  There will be two main spectator points. One is at the well-known cross on the Outeniqua Mountain for more “active” spectators,
as it involves a bit of hiking to get there.

The other one is at Herold Wines where people can get acquainted with the superb products of this little gem of a winery. This spot is one of the water points and 830 athletes
will pass there; it’s thus a good place to see the runners in action. Spectators can also cheer the runners on from the Wilderness Commonage and Oakhurst Farm Cottages.  Read more about this event.

Victoria Bay has become one of the premium surfing contest venues in South Africa.

 02 – 04 June: Vic Bay Quad at Victoria Bay Beach, George    

082 454 1149 | |

The 57th annual Vic Bay Quad in memory of John Pfaff is a Surfing South Africa inter district event between Eden, Nelson Mandela Bay, Cape Town, and
Buffalo City Surf Riders where over 100 surfers travel to George to compete.  Since 2011 the competition has grown into one of the largest amateur surf contests in South Africa.
In preparation for a major contest like this, each district must select its best surfers within certain age categories. They do this by running trials in the months prior to the event.

The top surfers from each age group are selected to represent their district in the following categories; Over 60, Over 50, Over 45, Over 40, Over 30, Open Women and Open Men.
This ensures the cream of the surfing talent is represented at the event. In 2021, for the first time in over a decade, Eden Surfriders were the proud winners.


27 May: South African Championships of Performing Arts (SACOPA) Semi-Final Auditions at the Pacaltsdorp Hope Centre, George    

082 496 2842 | |

The South African Championships of Performing Arts are hosting the Western Cape semi-final auditions in George.  The event is a national competition for both
novice and experienced performers and results in representation of South Africa at the World Championships of Performing Arts in the USA.

This ‘Talent Olympics’
style international meet for aspiring entertainers is held annually, representing more than 60 countries.  Celebrity judges, awards including recording contracts and
performing school scholarships to the value of $500,000 make this a pivotal competition for those in the performing arts industry.  The South African semi-final options
include solo or group acting, dance, instrumentals, modelling, variety acts and vocals.  Participants must also qualify for at least two styles, for example open, hip hop,
contemporary, gospel and dramatical.

Last year Garden Route local violinist Maya Snyman won the South African championship and is representing South Africa this

year at the July/August World Championships in California.  Only one winner across any category with the highest points continues to the World Championships.
Performers have until Monday, 22 May to register for the semi-finals in George.

Dotsure George Arts Theatre, George

044 873 3938 | WhatsApp: 062 851 0751 | | | Tickets available from Computicket and the Theatre Box Office

  • 20 May: Viviamo per L’Arte
  • 26 – 27 May: Dance Mosaic
  • 29 May: The Collector Auditions
  • 31 May: George Has Got Talent
  • 07 June: Vang Jou Man Se Slang
  • 11 June: Deur My Oë


Take advantage of these deals and special happenings:


Pensioners can visit Redberry Farm every Tuesday and indulge in their famous scones with cream and strawberry jam, along with a coffee or tea for only R45!
This incredible deal also includes a free train. Also, at Redberry Farm during May, buy one of Redberry Farms’ juicy burgers and get one FREE. Valid until 31 May 2023.

There’s lots of happiness happening at the Hawthorn Hotel.  Enjoy the perfect date night on Wednesdays from 6-9pm in an intimate and cosy atmosphere.
For only R550 per couple, the evening includes a three-course set menu, complimentary bottle of house wine and a romantic treat.  There’s a Hawthorn Royal Tea on Friday, 26 May from 2-4pm at R220pp (bookings close 22 May).

Get your feet tapping with a meal and live music at iLali Restaurant and Social Bar this month.
The line-up includes 19 May – Rhino and the Rasta, 21 May – And the Riddle, 26 May – Gypsey, 28 May – Michael G.

At Mozambik they’re making Lunch Dates a thing this May!  Pop into Mozambik on your lunch break and indulge in these great specials paired with a refreshing Sol beer!
Crumbed Hake Sticks & Chips served with a Sol – R69; Chicken Prego & Chips served with a Sol – R72; 1/4 Chicken & Chips served with a Sol – R79.

Treat your tastebuds to midweek delights at the Bench Eatery and Bar with incredible 30% discounts! Tuesdays are for pizza lovers, and Thursdays are for burger enthusiasts.

Join Hussar Grill for an incredible culinary experience when you book your Boplaas pairing experience. For only R480, visitors receive an array of mouth-watering dishes, including Bone Marrow Ribeye,
Kingklip with your choice of lemon or garlic butter, Kudu fillet served with Wild Berry sauce, and a delectable Espresso Crème Brûlée for dessert.

These dishes will be perfectly paired with a selection of Boplaas wines,
including Cabernet Sauvignon, Stoepsit Sauvignon Blanc, Tinta Barocca, and Cape Ruby. Purchase the pairing or any bottle of Boplaas wine and stand a chance to win a wine tasting and cheeseboard at Boplaas Vineyards.
Valid until 31 July 2023.

Coming soon to beautiful Portobello Italian Kitchen are Amore Mio Mondays. Date Nights at Portobello will consist of 2-course set menu from R480 per couple,
including a glass of house wine. Spend the night gazing into your amore’s eyes and enjoying delicious food and wine as Portobello transports you to Italy.

Activities and Relaxation

Don’t miss out on the Views Wellness Emporium Autumn Promotion.  The autumn massage and exfoliation package includes a skin brightening back exfoliation, 45 min back,
neck and shoulder massage and a signature foot ritual at R950. Save 15%! Free use of the hydro lounge is included.  Bookings essential. Valid until 31 May 2023.

Every birthday party booked at Elevate Trampoline Park and Go-Karts in May and June will also receive a voucher for 20% off at Bain’s Bench Eatery & Bar.

Elevate Trampoline Park and Go-Karts is a fun action centre for children with more than 70 connected trampolines (600+ m²) and a state of the art go-kart track
to  expend your kids energy!


Premier Express Inn is offering a great Winter holiday sale!  Get 30% off, pay for two and stay three on stay dates until 31 August 2023.

Find more deals at’s apply on all deals.


Share your awesome experiences with us on your socials!





Want to know more about what you can see, do, eat and where you can stay?


044 801 9295 | | 124 York Street, George Central, George, 6529




+27 44 877 0045 | | 198 George Road, Wilderness, 6560




+27 44 518 0030 | | Virtual assistance



Go to for all your local tourism information.


Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk last week together with Portfolio Cllr Civil Engineering Services: Capital Projects and BFI, Jackie Von Brandis and Portfolio Cllr Civil Engineering Services: Operating Aspects, Browen Johnson visited the Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works site to view the status of the current upgrade and review the changes that have been implemented to reduce the unfortunate odours experienced recently.

Ald Van Wyk noted that it was a great pleasure and privilege to visit the old works now back in operation after its refurbishment, looking brand new. “We wish to thank the engineers and construction teams for the work on this entire project over the past few years along with the Municipal teams, senior management, the Municipal Manager and the members of the Mayoral Committee for their management, guidance and oversight. It is also heart-warming to experience the speed of the installation of the solar PV plant that will provide power to the Treatment Works,” he said.

The remedial works on the old carousel reactor has been completed and filling of the reactor started on 04 May 2023. This has reduced the load on the new 10Ml/d reactor since the current inflow to the Wastewater Treatment Plant is between 12 and 16 Ml/d (mega/million litres per day), with 60% to be treated in the old plant and 40% in the new reactor. The situation with unfortunate odours recently experienced in the Pacaltsdorp area will be largely addressed by the re-commissioning of the old carousel reactor. Odour from the inlet works has been mostly eliminated by the new covers over the inlet channels plus the installed odour control system. The odours from the wastewater treatment process will be addressed by the improved aeration treatment capacity.

The three screw pumps from the RAS (Return Activated Sludge) pump station between the settling tanks and the reactors are currently being refurbished and will only be re-installed later in May 2023 when the plant can be operated as per the design intent. In the meantime, some minor imbalance between the two process streams is expected and can prevent the reactors from performing optimally.

The upgrading and capacity extension of the Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works (OWWTW) will allow for an increased capacity from 15Ml/dl to 25Ml/d. The total additional number of households benefiting from the proposed wastewater treatment works upgrade is calculated at 19 049. The number of people per household was calculated at an average family size of 4.25 persons estimating the total then at 80 958 persons. The recent development and future growth requirements necessitate the need to increase the capacity of the Outeniqua WWTW. The area to be served by the proposed upgrades to the treatment plant include newly developed and proposed low-cost housing units for the Pacaltsdorp West zone.

The civil works for the 10Ml/day extension were completed in 2019, and the Mechanical-Electrical component of the work commenced in early 2021 after a contractual delay. The full commissioning of the new 10Ml/day extension concludes in June 2023.


Ald Van Wyk, Cllr Von Brandis and Cllr Johnson standing on the refurbished carousel reactor with the newly installed aerators in the background.

While on site Ald Van Wyk, Cllr Von Brandis and Cllr Johnson viewed the progress of the PV installation (400-kilowatt peak kWp) that will be able to power most of the Wastewater Treatment Works electrical loads during the daytime.  The system will consist of 736 panels and will occupy an area of approximately 4 800 square metres. 





The George Municipality’s Strategic Growth and Development division has recently hosted a Women’s Entrepreneurship Workshop to empower women entrepreneurs in the George Municipal area. The workshop focused on Entrepreneurship, Business Leadership, and Human Resources for SMMEs, as well as creating a platform for a local women entrepreneur to share her success story.

“With the anticipation of the City of George’s economic development growing rapidly in the coming years, it is critical that the Municipality continues to create opportunities for all to flourish, including the empowerment of women,” said Dr Kosie Haarhoff, the Deputy Director for Strategic Growth and Development in the George Municipality in his opening remarks, during the workshop which took place on 20 April 2023 at the Workers Collection Point.

The core functions of the Municipal Strategic Growth and Development comprise business support tools and guides, investment promotion, agriculture and rural development, enterprise development, support and capacitation on the informal sector and support to the formal sector. “We aim to reduce poverty and stimulate greater social and economic progress, and the workshop is the premise of building a more stable and resilient community,” Dr Haarhoff added.

Karwynn Meyer from the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) shared the importance of networking in a business environment. SEDA is an agency of the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD). SEDA provides non-financial support to small enterprises and cooperatives. The Agency’s services include business information, business training, incubation, access to markets, technology assistance, and marketing support.

SEDA’s involvement in the workshop was fitting as its programmes and interventions prioritise SMMEs, and cooperatives based in townships and rural areas and those owned by women, youth, and persons with disabilities. SEDA aims to ensure that these SMMEs and cooperatives improve their competitiveness, the quality of products, and the production processes.

A local entrepreneur, Myrtle Bartle also addressed the attendees sharing her success stories with her range of businesses under her Playtime Productions enterprise.


MEDIA STATEMENT: George Municipality response to proposed SAMWU Strike

George Municipality notes a media statement issued by SAMWU on 17 May 2023, with regard to a strike due to start on the 24 May 2023 and confirms receiving a notice to strike in terms of the Gatherings Act based on a Strike Certificate issued 6 March 2023.

George Municipality would like to assure all residents of George that we are addressing the matter at hand to avoid a strike and will endeavour to ensure that all contingency plans are in place to ensure that service delivery continues. We apologize to residents in advance for matters which remain out of our control.

Unfortunately, SAMWU has consistently evaded all attempts dating back to 13 September 2022 to discuss their alleged issues at legislated monthly Local Labour Forums and other meetings as requested by the employer as well as removing themselves from a conciliation meeting held on 20 January 2023. The employer has resorted to written responses being sent to SAMWU on matters raised. George Municipality as the employer remains committed to following due process and engaging in discussion with SAMWU to resolve their issues.

The municipality remains open on Wednesday 24 May 2023, and municipal service delivery/essential services will continue.

SWITCHBOARD: 044 801 9111 (7.45am-4.30pm)
FIRE EMERGENCIES: 044 801 6311

Community Services: SAFETY  – By-law Relating to the Use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Model Aircraft in Public Open Spaces and Streets

The Community Services Directorate, division Community Safety has developed a new by-law relating to the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Model Aircraft in Public Open Spaces and Streets.

DRAFT NEW BY-LAW Relating to the Use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Model Aircraft in Public Open Spaces and Streets

In terms of the by-law a “model aircraft” means a heavier-than-air aircraft of limited dimensions, with or without a propulsion device, unable to carry a human being and to be used for competition, sport or recreational purposes rather than unmanned aeronautical vehicles (UAV) developed for commercial or governmental, scientific, research or military purposes, and not exceeding the specifications as set by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale as more fully described in the Schedule hereto.

The municipality has a duty to promote a safe and healthy environment for all its residents and to protect municipal property. The municipality therefore adopts this by-law to regulate and manage the operation of remotely piloted aircraft which is operated from a remote pilot station (drone)  and model aircraft in all public places and streets in the municipal area and to regulate behaviour that endangers or is likely to endanger municipal property or members of the public.

The municipality is proposing an application process be followed for permission (issue of permit) and this process considers the potential impact on bird- or wildlife; safety of users of public places or streets; potential damage to municipal property; noise disturbance; weather conditions; compliance with the Regulations; or any other criteria the municipality may find necessary to consider.

Written comments to the intention of the Municipality as outlined above, if any, must be lodged at:  via mail to reach Ms Lee-Anne Meiring, Community Safety, P.O. Box 19, George, 6530 before 12 June 2023; or via e-mail with subject line “Comment to Community Safety By-laws” to and copied to

Any person who is unable to write, can submit their input, verbally to the Council’s offices where they will be assisted by a staff member to put their comments in writing. Enquiries can be directed to Ms Lee-Anne Meiring (044- 801 6350).




The month of May is International Internal Audit Awareness Month and the Internal audit professionals play an important role in raising awareness and elevating the Internal Audit (IA) profession. Therefore, it is an ideal opportunity to showcase The George Municipality’s Internal Audit Team and the value-adding Role of Internal Audit.

The Municipality’s internal audit has taken up the challenge to launch an awareness campaign as part of the celebrations. According to JP Rossouw, the George Municipality’s Chief Audit Executive, the Municipal IA has been engaging its stakeholders and has also collaborated with the Municipal communication and media office to create content that will be published on the municipal social media platforms throughout the month of May in celebration of International Internal Audit Awareness month.

“The George IA Team is truly proud to be associated with such an amazing profession. Being able to Add Value and improve processes of the municipality should be one of the key drivers for young South Africans to choose a career in internal audit,” Rossouw said.

Below, Rossouw explains the purpose of Internal Audit, motivates why young South Africans choose a career in internal auditing, simplifies internal audit for someone who has never studied internal audit and introduces George Municipality’s Internal Audit team.

Purpose of Internal Audit

The George Municipality’s internal audit activity aims to provide independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the municipality’s operations. The internal audit activity helps the municipality accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control processes.

To elaborate on the functions and importance of Internal Auditing, we have used this opportunity to showcase our Internal Audit Team and the Role of Internal Audit within the municipality with some frequently asked questions.

Why should young South Africans choose a career in internal auditing?

Internal Auditing is a very exciting career. One where you can change any organisation’s direction by improving efficiency and effectiveness based on internal audit observations and recommendations. You get exposed to all aspects and levels of a business, making Internal Audit a perfect development environment for other strategic management positions.

Internal Auditors assist management to address the business’s high strategic risks and assist the organisation to achieve their goals and objectives. We act as Change Catalysts to initiate and manage strategic and procedural change by providing assurance, advice, and insight at Board and Organisational levels.

How would you define internal audit to someone who has never studied internal audit?

All organizations have goals and objectives. However, there are risks/ events that will hamper the organisation in achieving those goals and objectives. That is why the organisation institute various controls in place to govern and manage those risks and processes. Now Internal Audit assists organizations to achieve those goals and objectives.

We do this by providing a comprehensive service (what we call assurance and advisory services) to add value and improve the organization’s processes. This is done by assessing and reviewing the organization’s risks, controls, and governance processes. We are independent and impartial in providing these services. (Independence is maintained by a dual reporting line: administratively to the Accounting Officer and functionally to the Council / Audit Committee).

The Internal Audit Activity strives to provide value-added service to an organisation by providing workable and sustainable solutions.

George Municipal Internal Audit Team: 

  • Jean-Pierre Rossouw (Chief Audit Executive)
  • Heybré Ellis (Manager: Internal Audit)
  • Zimasa Bulo (Senior Internal Auditor)
  • Kloper Mabunda (Internal Auditor)
  • Natacha Martins (IA Intern)
  • Xolisile Sotushe (IA Intern)
  • La-Chuney Jansen (Admin Intern)
  • Sinovuyo Robile (Admin Intern)


CAPTION: From Left: Zimasa Bulo (Senior Internal Auditor), Natacha Martins (Intern: Internal Audit), La- Chuney Jansen (Intern: Internal Audit), Sinovuyo Robile (Intern: Internal Audit), Jean-Pierre Rossouw (Chief Audit Executive), Heybré Ellis (Manager: Internal Audit), Xolisile Sotushe (Intern: Internal Audit) and Kloper Mabunda (Internal Auditor).


The Western Cape Government (WCG) on Friday, 12 May 2023 held a Strategic Integrated Municipal Engagement (SIME) with the George Municipality in the George Council Chambers.

This follows the completion of the assessment of the George Municipality’s tabled budget, Integrated Development Plan (IDP), Spatial Development Framework (SDF) and related documents. The province’s assessment of the municipality was discussed during the SIME engagement as well as a strategic discussion on key developmental priorities over the medium term.

During the discussions with the Provincial representation, the George Municipality was represented by the Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk, the Portfolio Councillor for Financial & Strategic Services Dirk Wessels, George Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz, Chief Financial Officer Riaan du Plessis and senior management from various Municipal Departments.


Mayor’s newsletter for George Herald of 11 May 2023

As part of the ongoing tasks of our management team to consistently deliver services of a high standard, there are also the ongoing challenges of electricity and the creation of an enabling environment for the economy.

We continue to experience 4 hours of loadshedding at Stage 6. In the last week we experienced damage to electrical installations caused by loadshedding resulting in prolonged outages requiring repairs to electrical installations. At one stage, an Eskom sub-station tripped in the early evening creating additional difficulties for households. Of major concern is the spiking caused by excessive loads on the municipal grid and the risk of the entire network tripping. To protect the municipal grid and to avoid exceeding the maximum capacity of our main sub-stations, George’s Electro-tech team is forced to switch on zones one by one. The charging of batteries by consumers is no doubt adding to this pressure. We do require the assistance of citizens to exercise discipline in not turning on geysers and appliances in the first half-hour after a loadshedding period to avoid tripping the grid.

Over the past couple of years discussions have taken place with CapeBPO, a strategic partner of Wesgro to explore the prospects of Business Process Outsourcing businesses opening offices in George. CapeBPO has attracted overseas companies to the Western Cape to set up operations to offer contact centre services for companies and their customers located elsewhere in the world. The industry is particularly attractive to young persons, often in the 25 and younger age group, to receive training and employment in a sector that already employs 50000 persons in Cape Town.

One of these global analytics and digital solutions companies that services the insurance, healthcare, banking and financial services industries is about to open offices in George that will then service clients in the United States and elsewhere. This US based company is already a big employer in Cape Town and will therefore add to the diversity of employment opportunities in George.

We have received a high-level presentation on the Western Cape Growth for Jobs Strategy 2023-2035. The target is to achieve a R1 trillion inclusive economy growing at 4-6% per annum in partnership with the private sector.

To achieve this objective, we need to create opportunities through enabling the economic environment, stimulating market growth and supporting growth opportunities.

Over the first three year period this means driving economic opportunities through investment, stimulating market growth through exports and domestic markets, increasing energy resilience and water security, promoting technology and innovation, improving infrastructure and connectivity, as well as improving access to the economy and employability.

The strategy includes the tripling of revenue from the exports of goods, services and tourism by 2035.



The George Municipality is pleased to announce the appointment of Dawie Adonis as the Director of Community Services with effect from 1st May 2023. The Community Services Directorectorate incorporates two components; the environmental services which comprise solid waste, environmental health, refuse removal, street cleaning & ablution, parks & recreation, and sports. The second component of the directorate’s responsibility is community Safety which includes traffic services, law enforcement, fire, rescue and disaster management, anti-land invasion and customer care.

The Malmesbury-born Adonis comes with 39 years of local government experience from various municipalities across the Western Cape and occupied a range of different positions. His first job in local government dates to 1984 as a Housing Clerk for the Malmesbury Municipality, now known as Swartland Municipality and thereafter joined the Saldanha Municipality as Housing Officer in 1988.

In his pursuit of growth and better work opportunities, Adonis joined the management echelon of the local government in 1994 as Town Secretary, of the then-disestablished Caledon Municipality. In 2001, he was appointed Director of Corporate Services at Theewaterskloof Municipality (TWK). He played a pivotal role in the historic amalgamation of seven disestablished municipalities into one and developed an organisational structure without any external support.

Adonis’ vast experience in local government includes serving in different municipalities such as Langeberg Municipality (Ashton, Robertson), Knysna Municipality, Cederberg Municipality and Overberg District Municipality holding various positions from manager of human settlements, Manager of Parks and Recreation, Director of Community Services to Municipal Manager between 2001 to 2023. Adonis’ experience is backed by an Honours Degree in Public Administration and a Diploma in Public Accountability.

“Local government is my passion. I spent my entire working life serving communities. As a senior manager at George Municipality, I will strive to take the Directorate of Community Services to a level of excellence and responsiveness when executing our service delivery mandate,” said Adonis.

Adonis is an ardent motorsport enthusiast and keen golfer in his leisure time. He is married and has two children.


Public Notice: Unauthorised cutting and pruning of trees located on municipal land

Following a number of incidents of unauthorised cutting and pruning of trees by residents where the trees are located on municipal land, the George Municipality’s Parks and Recreation department and the George Tree Committee would like to communicate details of George Municipality Tree Management Policy for public awareness. According to Nosidima Vumindaba, Manager: Parks and Recreation, George Municipality has a Tree Management Policy that is a guide to a uniform approach for the management of trees. The municipality strives to manage trees in a professional manner under the guidance of skilled professionals.

Tree Management Policy

The Tree Management Policy regulates the protection, planting, and removal of trees by ensuring an integrated city-wide approach based on sound arboriculture practices. Integrated spatial development frameworks and service level agreements between Municipal Directorates to prevent unnecessary damage to trees during construction works or related activities. Vumindaba says the tree management policy seeks to develop partnerships with suppliers, property developers, ratepayers’ organizations, environmental groups (and others) to promote tree planting and the importance of trees within the urban context and promote the protection of arboreal landscapes, tree lanes and tree avenues of heritage significance.

She said the tree management strives to improve understanding and awareness of the importance of lifecycles of trees within the habitats and environments found in George, including their contribution to reducing the Municipality’s carbon footprint, together with oxygen production.

Tree Removal according to the Tree Management Policy:

  • The premise that underpins the management of trees in George is that all trees are valuable and therefore any request or decisions for removal of trees need to be carefully considered on a case-by-case basis by the Parks and Recreation section.
  • No person may prune or remove a tree planted on Municipal land without prior authority from the Parks and Recreation Department. In the event of a person or persons being guilty of such an act, the municipality may impose the necessary fines as a result of contravention.
  • Trees declared as a protected species in terms of the Forest Act, 1998 (Act 84 of 1998) may not be pruned or removed without the permission from the Ministery of Forestry Fisheries and the Environment.
  • In order to prevent unnecessary damage to trees during construction work, all developers and utility companies/contractors should obtain a wayleave from Parks and Recreation prior to commencing construction work.
  • Pruning or removal of all trees on municipal property shall be done by Parks and Recreation or its appointed service providers. In the event of a person or persons being guilty of such an act, the municipality may impose the necessary fines as a result of contravention.

The municipality has also noted the ongoing destruction of Camphor trees through bark stripping especially in forested areas. Bark stripping damages the tree and might expose the trees to insect diseases. Harvesting of bark of the Camphor trees located on municipal land is illegal. The George Municipality urges the community to immediately report any suspicion of unauthorized cutting , pruning of trees and harvesting of barks of trees to the Parks Department.

For further information you can make contact with the Parks and Recreation department on 044 802 2900 or email