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Press Release Archive

Netball Friyay in Pacaltsdorp!

Front: New Dawn Park Primary School; Middle: Young stars Green Team; From the back: Young starts Red Team

Young netball enthusiasts from Pacaltsdorp, created much excitement last week Friday as the teams competed in a friendly game at the New Dawn Netball court, in Pacaltsdorp. Girls and boys from New Dawn Primary School and the Young Stars Netball Team played an impressive game, noticeably showing how much they love the sport.

In support of the Netball World Cup 2023, the girls and boys showed off their artwork of all the various countries that will be competing this year. Some of our own staff at the George municipality showed their support by having a bit of their own fun. In partnership with the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport and George Municipality will host the World Cup Trophy Tour on 5th July and a Netball World Cup 2023 Fan Park at Rosemore Stadium from the 28 July to 6th August. The trophy will be received with great excitement, by Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk and Western Cape MEC for Cultural Affairs and Sport upon its arrival in George on the 5th of July at Unity Park.

Watch video:

Alongside municipal officials are the girls and boys showing off their artwork of various countries competing in the World Cup this year.

Multi-journey top-ups on Smart Card much cheaper

GO GEORGE Smart Card top-up vendors all over town and in residential areas are clearly marked with branded signage.

Buy before tariff increase and save
Buying bulk is the smart choice when you top up your Smart Card with bus trips – it’s much cheaper and also more convenient. Top up before you have completely run out of trips, and do so when you’re not in a rush to get to work or school.

This is the core message conveyed by GO GEORGE in the period running up to the annual tariff increase this weekend, on Saturday 1 July 2023.

Cheaper the more you buy
From 1 July, Smart Card trips bought in bundles of 10 or more will cost R11.90 per trip and remain the best buy. Bundles of two to eight trips will cost R13.20 per trip, and single trips will cost R16. A passenger who uses the bus five days per week could save up to R180 per month by buying bundles of 10 trips and more, instead of loading one trip at a time.

Buy before tariff increase and save
Trips on the Smart Card never expire, so there is no risk of losing trips, even if you don’t travel regularly. For the same reason, it is a smart move to load more trips before the tariff increase kicks in, but passengers are advised to treat their Smart Cards as cautiously as they would treat cash, since trips on a lost or stolen card cannot be refunded.

Top up in time
Passengers are advised not to wait until they have no trips left, and to always keep at least two emergency trips on their Smart Cards. Having to top up on your way to work or school could be frustrating when the queues are long, or when vendors experience connectivity issues due to loadshedding. It would be better to top up outside of peak times, and at a time when you’re in no rush to be somewhere on time.

You can top up at any of the Smart Card kiosks and mobile kiosks, as well as 105 top-up vendors all over town. Look out for the GO GEORGE vendor signage, “TOP UP YOUR SMART CARD HERE”, or for a detailed list of all top-up vendors, visit the GO GEORGE website at Alternatively, phone the Call Centre on 0800 044 044 where agents are on duty from 05:00 until 20:00, seven days a week. Enquiries can also be e-mailed to

Multirit-aankope op Slimkaart baie goedkoper

Koop voor tariefverhoging en spaar
Om grootmaat te koop, is die slim keuse as jy jou Slimkaart met busritte aanvul – dit is baie goedkoper én boonop geriefliker. Herlaai voordat jy geen ritte oor het nie, en doen dit wanneer jy nie haastig is om by die werk of skool te kom nie.

Dit is die kernboodskap wat GO GEORGE oordra in die tydperk wat die jaarlikse tariefverhoging op 1 Julie voorafgaan.

Goedkoper hoe meer jy koop
Slimkaartritte wat in bondels van 10 of meer gekoop word, kos vanaf 1 Julie R11.90 per rit en bly die beste koop. Bondels van twee tot agt ritte sal R13.20 per rit kos, en enkelritte R16. ‘n Passasier wat die bus vyf dae per week gebruik, kan tot R180 per maand bespaar deur bondels van 10 ritte en meer te koop, in plaas daarvan om een rit op ‘n slag te laai.

Koop voor tariefverhoging en spaar
Ritte op die Slimkaart verval nooit nie, so daar is geen risiko om ritte te verloor nie, selfs al ry jy nie gereeld bus nie. Om dieselfde rede is dit ‘n slim skuif om meer ritte te laai voordat die tariefverhoging inskop. Passasiers word egter aangeraai om hul Slimkaarte so versigtig soos kontant te hanteer aangesien ritte op ‘n verlore of gesteelde kaart nie terugbetaal kan word nie.

Herlaai betyds
Passasiers word aangeraai om nie te wag totdat hulle geen ritte oor het nie, en om altyd ten minste twee noodritte op hul Slimkaarte te hou. Om op jou pad werk of skool toe te herlaai, kan frustrerend wees wanneer die rye lank is, of wanneer herlaaipunte probleme ondervind weens beurtkrag. Dit sal beter wees om buite spitstye te herlaai op ‘n tyd wanneer jy nie jaag om betyds by jou bestemming te wees nie.

Jy kan by enige van die Slimkaartkiosks en mobiele kiosks ritte koop, asook by 105 herlaaipunte regoor die stad. Wees op die uitkyk vir die “HERLAAI JOU SLIMKAART HIER”-uithangborde, besoek die GO GEORGE-webblad by vir ’n volledige lys, of skakel die inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044. Agente is van 05:00 tot 20:00, sewe dae per week aan diens. Navrae kan ook per e-pos gestuur word aan

Herlaaipunte vir Slimkaartritte regoor die stad en in woonbuurte word aangedui met duidelike uithangborde.

George invited to participate in WC Property Development Forum Conference

George Municipality was well represented at the most recent tenth annual Western Cape Property Development Forum (WCPDF) Conference held from 8-9 June in Cape Town, CTICC.  The WCPDF is a registered non-profit organisation founded in 2008 to create awareness, address the challenges that face the property development and construction industry and to be the collective voice of the industry in the Western Cape. The Forum is a representative body for the property development and construction industry in the Western which promotes the interests of the industry. The Forum also facilitates relations between the industry and authorities, as well as actively engaging in the education and transformation of the industry.


Executive Mayor, Ald Leon van Wyk, noted that the value of George attending the WCPDF conference was recognised in having the Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz and the Director Human Settlements, Planning and Development, Lauren Waring participating in two panel discussions relating to the role of municipalities and their policies in unlocking land for development and the ease of doing business.They proudly communicated George’s offering to the 350 delegates. The conference also covered micro-development, the product offered by the Western Cape and infrastructure. We believe that there will be positive outcomes from useful discussions that took place on the sidelines of the conference,” he said.


While the rest of South Africa remains suspended in a political and economic holding pattern, the Western Cape is moving forward, with the huge contribution made by the property development and construction industry. This trend is certainly being seen in George, where the city is experiencing exponential investment and growth. The annual WCPDF conference brings together thought leaders from the public and private sectors involved in fixed capital investment, and who aim to work together to tackle the challenges and celebrate the achievements of our sector. Delegates range from across the built environment, representative of the many facets that make up the industry, from large-scale developers to micro-developers and the many professional consultants, contractors and other service providers who work within the sector.


Ms Waring formed part of a panel for Day One which discussed how to unlock municipal land for development, and which was facilitated by Kobus Munro, Director Development Management: Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. Dr Gratz participated in a panel discussion on the role of the Municipal Manager facilitated by Deon Van Zyl, Chairperson of the WCPDF.  Discussions ranged from the challenge of obtaining clean audits,  to stressing the importance of being development-orientated and making provision for the growth of the town through the provision of adequate infrastructure. Dr Gratz highlighted the phenomenal expansion in infrastructure projects over the past three years and the allocation of the BFI funding, with George being the first non-metro to be awarded such funding which has raided the city’s budget over the R1 Billion mark.


The invitation to participate  on the panels emanated from a presentation at the 2022 WCPDF Conference, where Ald Van Wyk presented the opportunities that George offers. Another result from last year’s conference was the establishment of a local chapter of the WCPDF: the Southern Cape Property Development Forum which has been actively engaging with the municipality.


In the photograph George team take a selfie in auditorium – from left Lauren Waring, Director Human Settlements, Planning and Development; Dr Michele Gratz, Municipal Manager and Ald Leon Van Wyk.

Dr Michele Gratz Municipal Manager for George and Joggie Scholtz, Municipal Manager for Swartland Municipality.



Municipal Manager launches internal competitions to raise OHS Awareness

George Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz, created an avenue for staff to share their ideas and suggestions on improving health and safety awareness in the workplace. The best ideas are rewarded with a gift voucher sponsored personally by the Municipal Manager.

Winning ideas included a Health and Safety “Treasure Hunt”, a handy QR code providing a quick link to forms for reporting incidents and a point system per department for documentation handed in timeously.

In the photograph: Dr Michele Gratz (second from left), George Municipal Manager, with the winners of the Occupational Health and Safety awareness ideas from left, Jonique Gozongo from Community Services, Tracy du Plooy from the Municipal Manager’s Office and Cobus Smit from Finance Services.


Attendees of the Youth Summit that was focusing on economic funding and mentorship opportunities

The Economic Development Division of the George Municipality hosted a two-day Youth Summit on 14 and 15 June 2023 in the Pacaltsdorp Community Hall as part of the commemoration of the Nationally celebrated Youth Month. The focus of the two days was on economic funding and mentorship opportunities that young people can access.

The first day was attended by 17 youth-owned Companies and the second day by 15 youth-owned Companies. Fifty-nine (59) attendees attended on day one and 45 on day two.

According to Dr Kosie Haarhoff, the George Municipality’s Deputy Director for Strategic Growth and Development, the summit was a success. “We are confident that the youth who attended the summit came back armed with a wealth of information for their businesses and will grab the growth opportunities that are out there.”

“Some great news that was shared during the summit is that Youth Stakeholders such as The South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) and the Landbank of South Africa have set aside targets for youth in their procurement processes,” Dr Haarhoff added.

“We also had an Entrepreneur from the United States of America, Justin Cheesman, who has invested and specialises in start-ups in South Africa. Cheesman shared his experiences with the audience and information to provide support through training and capacity building.

The following Stakeholders shared information with the youth:

1. Garden Route Skills Mecca
2. Africa Skills
4. The Landbank of South Africa
5. Department of Agriculture
6. Department of Economic Development and Tourism
7. The Office of the Consumer Protector
8. First National Bank
9. The George Municipality Electro-Technical Department
10. Gabex Enterprises- Energy Company
11. Empower- A NPC who provides opportunities to Youth Companies

The George Municipality would like to take the opportunity to thank all the stakeholders who supported the Youth Summit, and we are grateful for the economic opportunities that our youth can access.

Dr Kosie Haarhoff, Deputy Director for Strategic Growth and Development says the Youth Summit was a success

The Municipality is confident that the youth came back armed with a wealth of information for their businesses


Follow our monthly #GettoknowGeorge tourism update to discover interesting snippets happening in our beautiful area, curated just for you!  Find all the tourism information you need in the greater George area at, the official tourism destination website.

#GeorgeTourism #GettoknowGeorge


Have you heard the news? Prince of Tarts has new neighbours! Good Company are a new social eatery and bar situated at 05 Hibernia Street, George, open Mondays to Fridays from 7am-3pm.  Decorated in a boho-style with Malawian chairs, cane and earthy vibes, the food styling looks as good as the décor.  For us late sleepers, we were so happy to discover that breakfast is served until 11:30.  They also serve tapas and ‘big plates’ with nachos, gourmet burgers, arancini and more. Don’t Google what ‘arancini’ is – instead – go to Good Company and let your tastebuds find out firsthand! For the healthy there are green, orange and red nourishing juices, as well as delicious smoothies. Find sour dough and gluten free here too. We can’t wait to try it out!

The latest episode (3) of All Things, Garden Route has a feature on the historic Old Toll House on the Montagu Pass, an interesting watch!

If you, YouTube, make sure to follow All Things, Garden Route.  This YouTube channel presented by Ivan Zimmerman – yes, you know that name from Egoli, Platteland and 7de Laan – is about the amazing people and their extraordinary stories in the breath-taking places that surround them. We have loved following these 15-minute episodes filled with the interesting stories of our area.

Bayleaf Café now delivers!  Call them to place an order, and they will bring the Bayleaf deliciousness right to your doorstep.  And on June 24th, they are presenting the 2nd instalment of their pasta-making series. Dive into the art of crafting gnocchi and ravioli to enhance your foodie skills.  At R550pp the class includes a glass of wine, light meal and coffee. And of course, the delectable pasta you made!

Fancourt is upgrading and elevating. The luxurious spa at Fancourt – one of our absolute favourites – is getting a makeover. We can’t imagine how it can get any better, so we wait in eager anticipation to see the outcome! A temporary spa facility is available while they are busy with the upgrades. Fancourt golfers will also be happy to know that a brand-new halfway house is being constructed on the Montagu golf course.



This Sunday is Father’s Day!  Take the opportunity to make memories and enjoy some quality time with Dad.

For the more refined Dads, celebrate your hero with a delicious three-course family lunch at the gorgeous Hawthorn Boutique Hotel – R395 per person from 12-3pm.

Join Carmel Coastal Retreat for an affordable 3-course Father’s Day lunch on Sunday, 18th June at 12:30pm.  R180 per adult and R125 for children aged 12 and under. Carmel is a Christian resort with beautiful gardens and ocean views in Victoria Bay.

The Club Lounge at Fancourt is having a memorable Father’s Day lunch from 13:00 – 15:00 at R380 per person.  A scrumptious menu has been carefully created, helping you bring back memories of having a family meal around the dining room table at home. The ambiance and amazing surroundings will turn the occasion into the perfect time out with dad.  Limited spaces are available.

 At Cornerstone Creek – Hoekwil celebrate your dad figure and show them some love with Burgers and Beer on Father’s Day. This exquisite venue has art displays and gorgeous gardens, with stunning views of the surrounding Hoekwil area.

 Nothing says ‘I appreciate you, Dad’ like a meticulously crafted cocktail! Treat your dad this week at The Bench Eatery & Bar during their happy hour: Mondays and Wednesdays 16:00-19:00 and Sundays 12:00-16:00.


At Pollocks at Wilderness, join in for Father’s Day. There will be live music and the Milkwood Village Market also taking place from 10am.   Offerings include pizza and Devils Peak Lager, kids’ pizza and milkshake, cake of the day and activities Paint a pot or do-it-yourself cupcake decorating.

Paint a ‘World’s Best Dad’ mug at The Pottery this Saturday, 17 June. Celebrate Dad and make new memories with some painting fun while getting 50% off mugs.

Usually, Dad is your wingman but this Sunday he can be your GIN man at the Views Restaurant.  Enjoy an amazing Six Dogs Distillery Gin and Food Pairing. The pairing starts at 12pm and costs R420 per person.  It features four pairings in the gorgeous Views Boutique Hotel restaurant, which has floor to ceiling windows showing off the alluring Indian Ocean below.

If a getaway is what you’re after, the  Premier Express Inn and 17 on Wellington have you covered.  At 17 on Wellington, get a 15% discount over the Father’s Day weekend to treat your dad. Make it a Father’s Day weekend to remember at Premier Express Inn when booking a 2-night stay. Receive a R500 restaurant voucher to spoil Dad.



As South Africans we just love a good deal and getting a little more bang for our buck.  Have you spotted these local deals?

Pollocks at Wilderness at the Milkwood Village has specials every day!  Nacho Mondays. Burger Tuesdays, Pizza Wednesdays, Eisbein Thursdays and Happy Hour on Fridays.

Craving delicious burgers? Look no further than The Bench Eatery and Bar! They are serving mouthwatering patties with a 30% discount on THURSDAYS.

Sushi lovers, Nina’s offers a sushi special every day where you get 20% off!  Every Monday to Friday from 3pm to 5pm and Saturdays from 12pm to 4pm.

Get in the good books with your loved one with the help of Portobello and Hussar Grill Date Nights. Enjoy the Hussar Grill’s classic 2-course Date Night for R425 per couple, or 3-courses for R525 per couple. Both options include a complimentary bottle of Hussar Grill’s 50th Red, and Chocolate Vodka Martinis. Available every Tuesday.


Bring your loved one to Portobello for Amore Mio Mondays in ‘Italy’.  This date night includes a special 2-course set menu for R480 per couple, including a glass of wine.

At Africamps at Oakhurst experience a working dairy farm and explore the farmlands on horseback or by mountain bike. Hike to the farm’s own waterfall, try a spot of fishing or take out the canoe on one of the farm dams. Africamps have a 3-night stay winter special from R3370 for 2 adults sharing. Valid until 30 September 2023.  Extra adults can be booked at R295 p/n and extra kids aged 3-16 are R195 p/n.  There is also a PENSIONER’s deal for midweek glamping. Get 15% off when using the discount code GoldenGlamping AfriCamps. Discounted rates start from R1096 p/n for 2 adults sharing, valid until 30 September 2023.

Arbour1 Guesthouse has 5 comfortable yet luxurious rooms to select from, all surrounded by an exquisite garden! If you book directly, you get 15% off your stay.

Premier Express Inn is offering a great Winter holiday sale!  Get 30% off, pay for two and stay three on stay dates until 31 August 2023.

Oubaai’s Frosty Getaway Deal is a winter special from R1550 per night.

George Country Resort is offering a long stay special.  Stay 10 nights or more and get 30% off!  Valid until 20 November, and includes the June and July holidays.

At Cinnamon Boutique Guesthouse, stay for 2 nights this winter and get a great discount of 30%. Valid until 31 August 2023.

Please note that T&Cs apply on all deals.


Share your awesome experiences with us on your socials!

    Want to know more about what events are taking place, and what you can see, do, eat and where you can stay?  Go to for all your local tourism information.

044 801 9295 | | 124 York Street, George Central, George, 6529


+27 44 877 0045 | | 198 George Road, Wilderness, 6560


+27 44 518 0030 | | Virtual assistance



George is preparing for its first-ever Pride event, the Garden Route Pride Festival, which is fully supported by organisations such as Social Health and Empowerment (SHE), Love Life, Forum for the Empowerment of Women (FEW) and the George Municipality.

Speaking on behalf of the organisers, Jonathan Fortuin said: “This exciting festival will feature a week-long program of events from 14-17 June 2023 aimed at promoting inclusivity and embracing diversity.

The organisers are inviting the public members to support the pride festival which will take place as follows:

The festival kicks off on 14 June 2023 with the Pride Gala and Achievement Ceremony, a night dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of the LGBTQI+ community. The Gala dinner is not open to the public, we will only accommodate 50 selected delegates from the LGBTQI+ Sector.

The Pride Workshop will provide an opportunity for education and discussions on important topics. This event is open to the public and will take place at the George Municipality’s Banquet Hall between 09:00 and 12:00.

The Mr & Miss Garden Route Pride Beauty Pageant is a public event that will take place at Club which is situated at Beach Road. It will start at 21:00 till late. Before the event, a motorcade will gather at the Conville Community Hall at 15h30, drive through Conville, Maraiskamp, and Parkdene and end off at Conville Community Hall.

According to organisers, the Garden Route Pride Walk/March is a highlight event. The March will take place on York Street in the George CBD, with the gathering point at St Mark’s Square at 12 pm, and the march will commence at 1 pm, down York Street providing an opportunity for the community to come together and advocate for inclusivity. The March will end at Shenanigans Pub, where the Pride after-party will take place. The public is invited to support and join this event.

Fortuin says they are excited about this event and look forward to seeing the Garde route there. For more information contact Jonathan Fortuin, the organiser of the pride festival on 061 624 7431 or 044 802 2000.


Short Term Urgent Electrification projects have addressed 1600 structures to date

In the photograph from left are  Jandre van Zyl(VE Electrical Contractors), Ralton Abrahams(BDE – Electrical Consulting Engineers), Cllr Khayalethu Lose, Louden Roelfse (VE – Electrical Contractors), Nocicelo Mbethe Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services), Deon Esterhuysen (Manager: Projects Planning and Design ), Ward 9 Cllr Thembinkosi Lento, Joubert Theart (Zutari – Civil Consulting Engineers), Mayor of George Ald Leon van Wyk, Kevin Grunewald (BDE – Electrical Consulting Engineers), Bongani Mandla (George Director Electrotechnical Services)  and  Daniel Greeff(Deputy Director Planning and Design).

 George Municipality as with many other municipalities is constantly faced with enormous challenges regarding the electrification of new approved housing projects such as Erf 325, Golden Valley, Thembalethu UISP where these housing projects are implemented by the Western Cape Provincial Department of Human Settlements. The financial responsibility for the supply of services such as water and electricity falls to the George Municipality, and the municipality is reliant on grant funding to implement.

The immense growth in illegal informal housing in areas has further increased the funding deficit, as well as increased damage to the overall electrical infrastructure due to ongoing illegal connections. The Electrotechnical Department in an effort to formalize the provision of electrical services to informal settlements have drafted the minimum criteria that will be adhered to for the electrification of informal areas in the future. As of May 2014, up to April 2023 a total of 1600 informal structures have been added to the network at a cost of just over R17 million. The cost per structure for electrification is between R10 000 – R13 000 which includes a prepaid meter.

In line with Council approved item the Electrotechnical Directorate has embarked on the electrification construction work, which started at Telkom informal area, and is spreading through Sityebi-Sityebi Informal area and thereafter Edameni.

The Municipality is working tirelessly to expedite these connections, in order to roll-out even more electrification of informal settlements connections in the future years. A pilot to supply informal settlements with renewable energy is also progressing well and should be commissioned in the upcoming months. This pilot project will also assist in the plans to expedite electrification of informal settlements.

The Executive Mayor, Ald Leon van Wyk, noted that  is happy to see the progress made in the electrification of the Telkom informal structures and looks forward to switching on the  consumers in the near future. “It is always to good to see the plans approved by Council, being implemented and improving the lives of our residents.. We need to continue this drive and expedite the commissioning of the pilot projects so that the municipality can continue addressing the enormous challenge of illegal connections.


Netball World Cup 2023 FANPARK  coming to George!

Netball World Cup 2023 Local Organizing Committee on the Rosemore Stadium pitch from left are: Eddie Myners (Head of George Correctional Centre); Sisanda Velembe (George Sport Maintenance);  Yonella Kibido (George Community Services);  Aviwe Kroba (DCS:Southern Cape Management Area’s Acting Communications Officer); Fozia Philander (Western Cape Department of Culture and Sport: Head Coach George); Granville Campher (George Sport Development); Suretha Pick (George MVR); Rene Booysen (President of Eden Netball Federation); Jonique Claasen-Gozongo (George Sport Development); Haily Oktober (George Corporate Services); Leandri Soko (George Corporate Services); Roland Hardnick (George Law Enforcement); Claudine Carelse (George Tourism) : Tembani Ngwenze (Western Cape Department of Culture and Sport: Sport Promotion Officer Eden District); Jonathan Fortuin (George Community Services);Rowan Botha (George Law Enforcement; Leveinia Botha (George Sport Development); Lizelle Petersen (George Human Settlements) and Timu-Charlie Pieterse (George Law Enforcement).

It’s World Cup time again – Netball!  George Municipality applied and has received the honour of being the only city in the Garden Route District that has been allocated a Netball World Cup Fan Park to be hosted at Rosemore Stadium in primary partnership with the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport(DCAS) from 28th July to 6th August 2023. The Fan Park will allow up to 2000 residents to participate on a daily basis in the family friendly netball world cup experience with viewing screens, stalls, music and so much more on offer.

George Municipality together with DCAS will jointly host the World Cup Netball Trophy Tour which reaches our shores on 5 July 2023. Western Cape MEC for Cultural Affairs and Sport,  Anroux Marais and Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk will accept the Trophy at a high energy, musical and fun event. The Official Trophy is currently doing its rounds of South Africa and has been received in KZN, Gauteng,  Mpumalanga and Limpopo. From George the Trophy Tour will head to Riversdale and finish up  in Cape Town, the venue for the official World Cup tournament which will consist of 60 games and will take place at the CTICC Arena 1 and 2.

The Local Organizing Committee which includes DCAS, the George Branch of Department of Correctional Services and Eden Netball Federation has been hard at work with all of the planning and logistics and have many more Netball surprises to unveil as we get closer to the 28 July. George is a Legacy point on this whirlwind Trophy Tour having received funding for the upgrade of the Netball Courts at Rosemore Stadium and various schools will receive netball equipment at the Trophy Tour handover.

The Rosemore Stadium Netball World Cup Fan Park will host an official opening ceremony on the 28th July and the closing Ceremony on the 6th August. 25 Schools have been invited to participate in a Primary and High School Netball Tournament during the week running from 3 – 7 July with Federation and Social Clubs being given an opportunity to participate over the two weekends.

Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Social Development, Libraries and Sport Brendan Adams expressed his delight at the opportunity presented to George to host this once in a lifetime Fan Park. “ I am thrilled at the level of awareness of the sport the World Cup Netball Fan Park will create within George and it is an incredible opportunity for the sport as a whole in South Africa.  I am proud that George will host a Fan Park.”

NETBALL World Cup Fridays – every Friday at George Municipality!
In the run-up to the World Cup NETBALL Friday’s are being rolled out across South Africa. George Municipality, DCAS and DCS invite all businesses and institutions to show your solidarity with the participating Netball Teams, by dressing in your netball uniform OR any colours (flags or netball uniforms) of your team of choice, who will participate during the Netball World Cup. Participating Teams will be South Africa, Australia, Barbados, England, Fiji, Jamaica, Malawi, New Zealand, Scotland, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Uganda, Wales and Zimbabwe.

Vendor Opportunities at the Fan Park, Rosemore Stadium
Do you want to run a stall at the Netball World Cup Fan Park? Follow this link, complete the application and submit before 14 July. Only six stalls will be successful.

The Directorate has yet to raise enthusiasm among our male counterparts, but the participants are enjoying the fellowship during lunch breaks and are bonding as colleagues and teams.

Madiba Day Project well underway – supporting CANSA

The Directorate has yet to raise enthusiasm among our male counterparts, but the participants are enjoying the fellowship during lunch breaks and are bonding as colleagues and teams.

Preparations for Madiba Day 2023 started early in the Directorate: Human Settlements, Planning and Development when management agreed in May to mobilize staff to donate and contribute to the production of hand knitted or crochet blankets to comfort Cancer patients, receiving chemotherapy.  This project aligns with a local initiative by volunteers of the Sunflower Support Project who support cancer patients of the George Regional Hospital.  The Directorate has set an ambitious target to deliver 20 blankets by Madiba Day and is relying on donations and the skills of staff to make this happen.  The project has been received with great enthusiasm by some that are keen to learn a new skill and even ticks a box on their list of new year’s resolutions.

Delia Power, (Deputy Director Planning) and Nonki Shelane (Senior Administrative Officer to Director’s office),  are shown the finer points of crochet by Pat Brits.

Two ladies that are actively involved in this community project, Pat Brits and Bets Martins, or known to the municipal staff as the ‘breitannies’ visited the offices during the last week of May, to provide lessons in how to crochet and knit.  In just two days, many grasped the basics and became ‘hooked’.  The trend has caught on at speed and in less than two weeks the directorate is proud to say that a supply of squares, sufficient to produce two blankets has been built up.

Zanele Norawana (Chief Clerk to Planning office),  concentrates hard while Pat Brits provides encouragement.


COMMENT DATE EXTENDED – New Development Charges Policy relating to land development applications

George Municipality has developed a new policy which sets out the development charges a developer will be required to pay and which are calculated based on the anticipated external infrastructure requirements of the proposed development. The policy is intended to ensure that developers contribute their fair share towards the cost of providing municipal engineering services infrastructure.

By charging developers development charges, municipalities can generate revenue to finance the installation and maintenance of infrastructure needed to support growing needs. This ensures that the costs of infrastructure are shared by developers who will benefit from the infrastructure. In turn, developers benefit from the provision of reliable and adequate infrastructure, which enhances the attractiveness of the development to potential buyers or tenants. This results in a win-win situation for both municipalities and developers, and ultimately contributes to the sustainable and resilient growth of the local economy.

The new Development Charges Policy as proposed by George Municipality is an important tool to provide economic infrastructure and to ensure sustainable infrastructure investment in all the required engineering services. It provides the key details of the development charges for engineering services, covering water, roads, stormwater, sewerage, solid waste and electricity.

Public Participation
As previously advertised in the George Herold of 18 May 2023 and 25 May 2023

Please note that the above-mentioned public participation has been extended from 12 June 2023 to on or before 19 June 2023.

Written comments for the intention of the Municipality as outlined above, if any, must be lodged in writing to the Deputy Director: Legal and Compliance, Ms Müller, at the Municipal Court, 71 York Street, George, 6529; or via email with subject line “Comment on Development Charges Policy 2023” to and copied to

Persons who are unable to write or read can submit their inputs verbally at the Municipal Court, 71 York Street, George, 6529, where they will be assisted by a staff member to put their comments in writing. Enquiries can be directed to Ms Isabelle du Plessis (044 -801 9082). Late submissions will not be considered.

Please follow this link to access the new draft policy

Issued on behalf of George Municipal Legal Department, Office

Clean Audit Trophy Awarded to George

n the photograph are from left Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz, Ald Leon Van Wyk holding the trophy, Portfolio Councillor for Finance and Strategic Services,, Dirk Wessels and Chief Financial Officer, Riaan Du Plessis.

Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk and Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz were thrilled to be awarded a Clean Audit Trophy at the most recent Municipal Manager/Mayor Forum held in Saldanha Bay on 2 June 2023.. George Municipality has attained a clean audit two years in a row now for 2020/21 and the 2021/22 financial years. For the 2021/22 financial year the  Auditor-General report acknowledged the great strides which the George Municipality has made over the past two years and specifically commended the implementation of consequence management to ensure officials do their work diligently and efficiently. George remains committed to clean governance and will strive to continue to improve on systems and processes.

“George Municipality has undergone a major turnaround in the past 2 years and the success of the turnaround strategy is reflected in the two consecutive clean audit outcomes. Thank you to the management team and all officials involved for the commitment and hard work to achieve a clean audit, an outcome which very few municipalities achieve,” said Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz.



George Municipality is proud to introduce its newly appointed Divisional Commander for Fire and Rescue Service; Johan Brand (53), who assumed his duties on the 1st of May 2023. Brand, whose surname in Afrikaans is brand, means fire, brings 33 years of experience to the George Municipality’s Fire Brigade.

Brand started his career in the Fire and Rescue services in January 1990, in Vereeniging, in the Vaal Triangle, Gauteng. He moved up the ranks in the firefighting pyramid in Municipal Fire Services in Gauteng and Mpumalanga, holding various positions such as Junior Firefighter, Firefighter, Senior Firefighter, and Leading Fire Fighter, where he was introduced to the first level of management in the business. In 2001, he ventured into industrial Fire service as a Fire Officer at Columbus Stainless in Middelburg, to expand his knowledge in industrial rescues and fire prevention, for 14 years.

In 2014, he also studied further in Fire Technology at various institutions and finally achieved his higher diploma with the South African Emergency Services Institute. One of the highlights of Brand’s career is when he had to face the devastating fires of Knysna and George in 2017 and 2018 as the Garden Route District Municipality’s Fire and Rescue Services Station Commander for mountain veld and bushfires.

“I would like to thank George Municipality and our Heavenly Father for this opportunity, and I hope to contribute positively to the service and share my knowledge and skills of the past 33 years with the next generation of young firefighters.”

When cooling off from fighting fire blazes and rescue operations, Brand enjoys watching and playing sports. He played Rugby and Volleyball and achieved provincial colours in Volleyball for Mpumalanga in 2002.

Brand affirms a saying that, “behind every successful man there a standing woman”, as he attributes his career success to his wife, Lynette, who has been his “support and inspiration”. “We were blessed with two beautiful children Bianca and Werner, who have already left the nest and are flying on their own by the grace of The Almighty,” he concluded.

Retaining walls and access improved at 58 properties

Executive  Mayor of George,  Leon van Wyk and Portfolio Councillor for Human Settlements and George Municipal officials visited a home in Preekstoel Street, Blanco where the Directorate of Human Settlements has  improved access to the property. A retaining wall has been built and  the Directorate did earth moving, installed gutters and downpipes to channel and to re-route run-off during rainfall. Similar work to improve access and build retaining  walls has been completed at another 58 properties in Rosedale, Touwsranten and Blanco since the start of the current financial year. Each property was assessed and dealt with to ensure suitable solutions and to alleviate problem areas.

In the photograph from left at the access stairs to the home in Preekstoel Street, Blanco are Cllr Bazil Petrus, Portfolio Councillor of Human Settlements, Madoda Bokwe, Clerk of Works at Human Settlements, Planning and Development, Charne Flores, Project Administrator at Human Settlements, Planning and Development and Mayor Leon van Wyk.




In the Photo, from left: Dawie Adonis (Director of Community Services – George Municipality), Dr Michele Gratz (George Municipal Manager), Cllr Justin Fry (Ward 24 Councillor), Cllr. Jarques Esau (Ward 25 Councillor), Ald Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George), Charlton Majiedt (Department Mobility (WCG), Janine Wells (Manager: Traffic Services – George Municipality), Randal Barreiro – Department Mobility (WCG), Japie Mobele (Deputy Director Driving License Standards from the National Department of Transport).

It was a day of jubilation in Uniondale last week when a new Driving Licence and Testing Centre (DLTC) was officially opened in Uniondale to mark the end of approximately 120 kilometres of travelling for citizens of Uniondale and Haarlem to George to acquire learners license into an era of accessing this service in these residents’ locality.

The Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk officially opened the new facility on Monday, 29 May 2023 and was accompanied by the councillors of Uniondale and Haarlem Cllr Justin Fry for Ward 24 and Councillor Jarques Esau for Ward 25, the Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz, the newly appointed director of Community Services Mr Dawie Adonis and officials from the National Department of Transport, the Western Cape Department of Mobility and George Municipality particularly Uniondale and surrounds. Representatives from key partners and stakeholders such as the Ward Committees, local schools, South African Police Service (SAPS), Department of Correctional Services (DCS), Churches, Uniondale Business Chamber and driving schools attended.
Reflecting on the journey that was travelled to merge George, Uniondale and Haarlem, Mayor van Wyk said: “We’ve travelled this journey for a while for Uniondale and Haarlem, it was a bit of a challenge to have Uniondale and Haarlem as part of the George Municipality, particularly the financial responsibilities that we had to take over as George. At the time, we did not receive sufficient financial support from the National Government to be able to deliver services successfully for both George and Uniondale.
Uniondale is situated approximately 120 kilometres northeast of George. The area Uniondale / Haarlem and the Rural Areas became one area after the Local Government Elections in 2000. This area previously known as DMA (DISTRICT MANAGEMENT AREA), was in JULY 2011, transferred to George Municipality and wards 24 (Haarlem, Avontuur ext) and ward 25 Uniondale and rural area was formed.
“Today, however, we are thrilled to have reached this stage to officially open a Driving Licence Testing Centre (DLTC), which was one of the priorities for Uniondale as it was quite a distance for Uniondale and Haarlem residents to travel to renew their licences including acquiring learner’s licenses. Even though it took years to fulfil, I’m excited to confirm that we are at the point of being able to deliver this much-needed service to this community.”
According to the director for Community Services Dawie Adonis, the George Municipality’s Department of Community Services did an assessment of all services required for the town. “One of the key needs for the town was the establishment of a driving license testing centre since the community had to travel 110km to the closest town for the renewal of driving licenses and Professional Driving Permits (PrDPs) as well as applications for learners’ licenses and the actual learners license testing. In the meantime, the municipality transported applicants to and from Uniondale and Haarlem to complete mentioned applications. This service has been terminated,” Adonis said.
“In March 2021, the George Municipality’s Traffic Department approached the Western Cape Department of Mobility for the establishment of a Grade E Driving License Testing Centre and with the assistance of the Western Cape Government (WCG) and the National Department of Transport (NDoT), the facility was registered for Grade E – Conversions of driving licenses (old ID, foreign licenses)/renewals of driving licenses cards/temporary licenses/duplicate learners/driving licenses,” he added.
• Renewal of driving licenses and PrDPs
• Application, writing and issuing of learners’ licenses.
Driving License Testing Centre operational times:
Wednesday & Thursday
• Wednesday: Learners Class
• Thursday: All applications for Learners Licenses and Renewal Driving Licenses & PrDP
Already provided – Motor-vehicle registration transactions:
• motor-vehicle registration & licensing “renewal of vehicle licenses”
• change of ownership
• de-registration of motor-vehicles
• issuing of permits (special permits and temporary permits)
• duplicate registrations
• personalised and special license number plates
• motor-trade numbers
• change of particulars
• issuing request information on a vehicle or a person
• export of a motor vehicle to another country
• exemptions of motor-vehicles
• issuing of police clearances
• transactions to be authorised by Western Cape Government.
The Uniondale Driving Licence and Testing Centre can be reached at 044 752 1024 during office hours.
“Thank you to everyone who worked together to reach this stage of the opening of this facility, this is an important day to the citizens of Uniondale and Haarlem,” Mayor van Wyk concluded.
Dr Michele Gratz testing the eye-test machine
Attending were stakeholders such as the Ward Committees, local schools, SAPS, DCS, Churches, Uniondale Business Chamber and driving schools

Mayor’s newsletter for George Herald of 8 June 2023

Our citizens and businesses encounter daily challenges with loadshedding.

On social media it is noticeable how many queries are raised about the delays in switching
on power at the end of loadshedding. Previously, George was able to switch on promptly at
the end of a loadshedding stage. The increased installation of batteries and inverters in
combination with 4-hour stages and winter has resulted in greater peak pressures on the
grid. With these peaks, the municipality now needs to stagger the switching-on in sections
to prevent the electricity demand exceeding the normalised maximum demand that Eskom
is contracted to provide. Every sub-station has a maximum rating, which if exceeded will
result in a trip with potentially serious damage to transformers.

I would like to make an urgent and serious appeal to all households and businesses to only
switch on geysers during off-peak night hours, and to delay turning on inverters, battery
chargers and high consuming appliances (kettles, hairdryers, stoves, heaters, etc) until 5-20
minutes after power has been restored. This is a discipline and habit that we all need to
adopt to avoid that our municipal grid trips resulting in lengthy outages.

The Electro-tech Directorate is already under enormous pressure as they repair almost daily
faults and repairs triggered by loadshedding. Other municipalities are reporting extended
outages resulting from such damage.

It is therefore critical that this message is circulated to your friends and to social media
communication groups of which you are a member.

All businesses are being negatively affected by loadshedding as they lose productive hours
during their working days. It is probably important that they introduce shifts to coincide
with power availability in an attempt to maintain the necessary work output.

The municipality is working non-stop to implement alternative energy solutions to replace
electricity that Eskom is unable to provide. Various smaller projects are underway to supply
3MW of solar power (and battery storage) for own infrastructure (e.g. water treatment and
waste water plants) and to save 4MW through energy efficiencies. We have also
commenced with the construction of a 10MW solar PV plant. On completion of these
projects by the end of 2024, we want to be able to avoid Stage 2 of loadshedding. With the
necessary discipline and assistance of our electricity consumers in managing their own use
we can reduce the daily offtake from Eskom and reduce loadshedding.

Technical and financial feasibility studies are already far advanced as we finalise a project
application (to be lodged shortly) that will exceed R1,5 billion to install additional solar PV
and battery storage equipment to generate sufficient power to avoid Stage 4 of
loadshedding by the end of 2026. We need to focus on these goals.


Congratulations were in order when 11 officials from the Town Planning and Environmental Management Division as they received their certificates of proficiency for completing their training as Peace Officers in terms of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act 51 of 1977).
According to the George Municipality’s Director of Human Settlement, Planning and Development and Property Management, Lauren Waring, Section 334 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1977 (Act 51 of 1977) allows the Minister of Justice to declare certain categories of people to be peace officers, with certain powers. “A peace officer may exercise his or her powers in the area of jurisdiction of the local authority, who made the appointment. A peace officer may also exercise some of his or her powers on “public premises under the control of the local authority which appointed him,” Waring said.
“These Peace Officers are responsible for enforcing approved municipal bylaws relevant to their departments as well as the National Building Regulations. The bylaws applicable include, but are not limited to land use planning by-laws, zoning scheme bylaws, building regulations and related building control bylaws, outdoor advertising bylaws and environmental legislation. Once these officials received SAPS clearance, they will be sworn in by the SAPS Commissioner.”
Waring added: “The appointment of peace officers is one of the priorities the Directorate identified to improve the efficiency in the management of land development activities. This goes hand in hand with an application for approval of fines as submitted to the Chief Magistrate, as well as 5 additional posts to be filled by the end of the year to raise the capacity of the departments to enforce the planning and construction-related by-laws.”
Illegal land use and construction activities negatively impact municipal services at the expense of the law-abiding citizen. Landowners who engage in illegal activity act irresponsibly by not allowing the municipality to exercise oversight over their activities and protect the public interest. The municipality spends more than R7 million per annum on redressing illegal activity, which adds to the losses these perpetrators incur on the municipal coffers. The Directorate is committed to its task of ensuring quality living environments and fiscal sustainability is upheld. The work of these Peace Officers will contribute to the achievement of this objective.
Citizens are encouraged to report suspected illegal land use and construction activities by using the My Smart City – George App, launched at the start of this month and report any issues with the app to
PHOTO 1: Front row, from left: Martin Botha (Town Planner); James Vollenhoven (Assistant Building Control Officer); Delia Power (Deputy Director: Planning and Environment), Fakazile Vava (Town Planner), Eddie Koeberg (Assistant Building Control Officer)
Back row, from left: Luthando Fatyela (Assistant Building Control Officer), Priscilla Burgoyne (Environmental Officer, also accredited EMI), Clinton Petersen (Senior Manager: Town Planning), Lauren Waring (Director), Fickerie Toyer (Manager: Building Control), Khuliso Mukhovha (Town Planner), Robert Janse van Rensburg (Town Planner), absent … Robin Hector (Assistant Town Planner); Mkhululi Nyeka (Assistant Building Control Officer); Stephen Saunders (Building Control Officer).


The George Municipality is pleased to announce that, on 29 May 2023, Council approved the new Spatial Development Framework and the Amended Integrated Development Plan 2022 – 2027. These are two of the most important plans for the future development of George.

The Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is a document that outlines the long-term vision, goals, and strategies for the development of the city. It is the roadmap for decision-making and resource allocation for the next five years. The IDP covers a wide range of areas, including infrastructure development, housing, transportation, education, healthcare, and environmental management. It sets goals and targets for each area and identifies the actions and projects needed to achieve them.

The Spatial Development Framework (SDF) is the primary planning tool that focuses specifically on the spatial or physical aspects of development. It is a spatial representation of what the IDP seeks to do. The SDF provides a framework for organizing and guiding the spatial arrangement of land uses, infrastructure, and other elements in the city. The SDF also considers the relationship between different areas and how they interact with each other. It looks at issues like transformation, accessibility, connectivity, and the efficient use of resources.

Overall, the IDP and SDF work together to ensure that development is coordinated, sustainable and meets the needs of the community. The IDP sets the overall goals and strategies, while the SDF provides a spatial framework for implementing those goals in a way that optimizes land use and promotes a well-planned, functional, and attractive urban or rural environment.

Both plans, with their many annexures and supporting documents, have been through public participation processes and assessed by Provincial Government and National Treasury. In both instances, the municipality was congratulated on the excellent work.

Cllr Dirk Wessels, the MMC for Planning, commended the planning and performance management officials of the municipality. “More often than not municipalities make use of consultants to develop these plans. This comes at a great financial cost. However, in George, the IDP and SDF were developed completely in-house by our highly skilled staff. I would like to thank my colleagues for their commitment and hard work to ensure that we have a planning foundation that is sound, pragmatic, and transformative. The results are proof of the excellent staff we have in George Municipality.”

The Director for Human Settlements, Planning and Development, and Properties, Ms Lauren Waring said that besides the cost factor, developing strategies internally was advantageous for several reasons, including internal teams having first-hand knowledge of the complexities of the organisation and the community it serves; internal teams have a long term investment in developing effective strategies; and developing strategies internally promotes a culture of continuous learning within the organisation.

She said: “When employees are involved in the strategy development process, we feel valued, empowered, and motivated to contribute to the organization’s success. This participatory approach encourages collaboration, communication, and a shared sense of purpose, resulting in better implementation and execution of strategies. I am very proud of the work that has been approved by Council.”



Front row from left: Lauren Waring (Director: Human Settlements, Planning and Development and Property Management) Ald Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George) and Cllr Dirk Wessels, (Portfolio Councillor for Finance, Planning and Strategic Services with one of the approved documents).

Second row from left: Dr Kosie Haarhoff, (Deputy Director: Strategic Growth and Development) Siphokazi Maku (Senior Clerk: Ward Committees), Delia Power (Deputy Director: Planning and Environment), Michelle Lee (GIS Spatial Intern), Paulina Saaiman (Administrative Officer: Ward Committees) and Whitney Prins (Manager: IDP, PMS and Public Participation).

Back row from left: Nathi Timakwe (Spatial Planning Intern), Lynette Groenewald (Senior Spatial Planner), Henko Lourens (Spatial Planner), Corlize Bester (Principal Technician GIS Planning) and Ronel Le Fleur-Valla (Principal Clerk: IDP)

Wrapping Up International Audit Month – May 2023

Caption 1: Left-right:  Jean Pierre Rossouw (Chief Audit Executive), Heybré Ellis (Internal Audit Manager) Lauren Waring (Director- Human Settlements, Planning and Development and Property Management), Xolisile Sotushe (Intern: Internal Audit) Kloper Mabunda (Internal Auditor)

George Municipality employees were pleasantly surprised on Wednesday morning as the team from the Internal Audit did a final walkabout to the various internal departments handing out flyers and sweet treats. Over the month of May, the Communications Department has issued several informative emails to give our internal departments a greater understanding of the role of Internal Audit.

“We will continue to create awareness and promote the value-adding role Internal Audit (IA) can play within the municipality. Huge thanks for the warm welcome received from all of the departments visited. I hope this initiative assists all officials with an understanding of what IA does. Our team cannot succeed if we do not have the support and buy-in from Senior Management and all Municipal Officials.  We are privileged at the George Municipality to have the continued support of all our stakeholders” said Jean- Pierre Rossouw, Chief Audit Executive.

Caption 2: Jean – Pierre Rossouw (Chief Audit Executive), Heybré Ellis (Internal Audit Manager), Monique Isaks (Senior Administrator: Investment Properties: Human settlements, Planning and Development and Property Management) Rene Hendricks (Senior Administrator: Investment Properties: Human settlements, Planning and Development and Property Management) Xolisile Sothushe (Intern: Internal Audit) Kloper Mabunda (Internal Auditor)

Caption 3: Xolisile Sothushe (Intern: Internal Audit) Zimasa Bulo (Senior Internal Auditor) Krishenthrie Moodley (Director- Corporate Services) Jean – Pierre Rossouw (Chief Audit Executive).

Caption 4: Megan Hopewell (Prosecutor: Corporate Services), Kloper Mabunda (Internal Auditor)

My Smart City App Goes Live 1 June 2023

Our new citizen App – My Smart City goes live tomorrow 1 June 2023. The App is already available for download on the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or via the My Smart City website (

Stay informed
The My Smart City – George  App gives residents access to the George social feeds which will allow subscribers to engage and share current affairs within their communities as well as extract information around power outages, load shedding schedules, water outages, road closures, and stay updated with community alerts specific to the area they live in.

Logging faults
The My Smart City – George app will act as a conduit for the resolution of service delivery issues – your issues are escalated to the George Municipality and captured within our internal fault logging system which provides a reference number and feedback to you, the resident, via the App, allowing you to track your fault without contacting a call centre.

Simplifying Service Delivery

  • Log municipal faults.
  • Receive local alerts and notifications.
  • Chat to an Agent during office hours:
  • Access and pay your municipal bill; (NEW)
  • Submit self-read meter readings;  (NEW)
  • Have the opportunity to complete Customer Satisfaction Surveys; (NEW)
  • and let you contribute to the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) without needing to attend meetings; (NEW)
  • and gives you Access to Business listings for George and surrounds.(NEW)

With the official launch tomorrow 1 June 2023 , not all of the above functions will be available immediately,  but the municipality will announce each new service as it becomes available. George Municipality has partnered with My Smart City to bring a tailored one-stop solution to your service delivery needs.

The effectiveness of the My Smart City – George App will be determined by residents subscribing and then using the many existing and new features to make communicating and transacting with the municipality easier. It is hoped that residents will embrace the new technology to make their lives easier and to make the municipality more efficient.

Existing subscribers of the George Municipal App have been notified on the existing App about the termination date of 31 May 2023. Your logged faults remain in our system for addressing, but please log any new faults from 1 June 2023 via the new APP only. Please  install the new My Smart City – George App to allow for a seamless transition. Follow the video links below for step-by-step instructions on how to install OR scan the QR Code on your current municipal statement to access OR download via the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.    

Follow this link to a video on the launch of the APP and its capabilities
Follow this link for a step-by-step tutorial on how to install the My Smart City – George APP on your cell phone!

 Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk seen here with the project manager for the APP, Gerard Goliath Deputy Director: Expenditure and SCM, Finance Directorate was thrilled to download the new My Smart City App to his cellphone. “George continues to proactively explore smart city interventions as a means of overcoming the rising challenges of urban development and sustainability, becoming more resilient, innovative and creative. The new functionality offered and potentially available via My Smart City is a step in the right direction for George.”