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George Municipal Community Safety takes fire safety to ECDs

On the photos are some of the principals of different ECD centres.
Front row: Zukiswa Nkone, Vuyelwa Pityana, Neziswa Moyakhe, Nikelwa Mafalala, Lemise April, and Charlene Engelbrecht.
Back row: Nomawabo Poti, Nozibele Maqabanga, Nompumelelo Mkhonqo, Noxolo Peterson Julia Futha, Asive Dobela, Wildene Borcherds, Nozipho Ngqoshana, Pascal Joseph, Zimasa Ndoni, Nolindelo Tembiso, Wandiswa Nkonjane, Liesel Joseph, Diana Maart, Rosemarie Mehlo, and Rachel Tamboer

The George Municipal Community Development Unit hosted a Fire Safety Workshop at Lawaaikamp with the principals of the various Early Childhood Development Centres (ECDs) in George on Friday, 28 July 2023.

The Workshop was aimed at equipping the Early Childhood Development (ECD) Centres on how to be fire-safe at school and on how to evacuate when their workplace is on Fire. The acronym, ECD refers to children aged from birth to nine years old. An ECD centre can be a crèche, a daycare centre for young children, a playgroup, or a preschool or after-school care facility.

According to Sophia Fanelo, the George Municipality’s Community Development Manager, the principals of the ECDs were taught practical fire safety and prevention skills such as evacuation floor plan utilisation, crawling under the smoke, stop drop and roll exercises and how to use Fire extinguishers. Ms Fanelo reflected that the training was successful and that the participation of the trainees was positive.

The George Municipality’s Dynamic Women- Tahseen Raiman

Dear all,

Join us today in celebrating our very own dynamic woman from the George Municipality- Tahseen Raiman
Civil Engineering Services, Manager: Water Distribution (middle management category)
Tahseen is middle management and is relatively new to the George Municipality. Her job is to ensure the efficient running of the Water Distribution Section so that all residents of George Municipality receive potable, clean drinking water.

Part of her job is to make strategic corporate decisions as a member of the Strategic Management Team representing the Civil Engineering Directorate. She is involved in devising new policies, decision-making and in financial and functional planning.

Tahseen manages, controls and co-ordinates all the key performance areas related to the water distribution network within the jurisdiction of the George Municipality in order to comply with the National Standards prescribed by South African Bureau of Standards and enforced by the applicable National Departments (Departments of Water Affairs and National Treasury).

“What makes me special is being a problem solver and proactive in my field,” Tahseen said

A joint outreach with Police encourages healthy lifestyles to people living on the streets

On the photo from left to right: Janine Adams (Department Social Service), Constable Louw, Sergeant Hendricks and Estelle Fredericks (George Municipality).

The George Municipality’s Community Development team in conjunction with the Provincial South African Police Service took to the streets of George to reach out to People Living on the Streets (PLOTS).

This was a Provincial SAPS initiative in collaboration with the Municipal Community Development team, that comprised an information session with Women living on the streets who were supplied with toiletries as an additional treat. The Municipality gave toiletries to the ladies and prepared catering for the day.

The information session was aimed at creating awareness of Healthy Lifestyles as well as sharing and demonstrating self-defence lessons to the women who are alone on the streets, most often with no recourse to personal safety.

The information session took place on 28 July 2023 at the George Police Station in the Heatherlands. Women living on the street were also motivated to leave the street life and go home.

Recipients of toiletries George Police Station

South Africa’s Internal Auditor of the Year Award brought home to George

Caption: CAE JP Rossouw was presented with the National Internal Auditor of the Year Award by on his left, Arlene-Lynn Volmink (CEO of the IIASA) and on his left, Tshepo Mofokeng (Chairman of the IIASA Board) at the IIASA Gala Dinner held in Johannesburg this week.

George Municipality’s Chief Audit Executive (CAE), Mr. Jean-Pierre Rossouw, has been announced this week as the recipient of the coveted National Award for Internal Auditor of the Year for 2023 in South Africa, along with the Excellence in Internal Audit (Public Sector) Award. These prestigious accolades were presented to Mr Rossouw by the Institute of Internal Auditors South Africa (IIASA) at a Gala Dinner held in Johannesburg on August 15th.

Mr Rossouw was nominated for these prestigious awards based on stringent criteria. His ability to demonstrate exponential growth and a deep understanding of internal auditing processes, while consistently adding value to the department, as well as his embodiment of high-level integrity and the promotion of ethical conduct, were among the key factors considered. IIASA, a professional body and a part of the international network representing the interests of internal auditors globally, annually hosts these awards with the aim of recognizing and rewarding excellence and professionalism in internal audit. The awards encompass both the public and private sectors, including the banking industry.

Caption: Chief Audit Executive for George Municipality, JP Rossouw proudly displays his awards.

In addition to the strict criteria for each award category, recipients are selected based on their ability to exhibit exponential growth and a profound understanding of internal auditing processes. They are recognized by their peers as exceptional professionals, standing out for their unwavering dedication to the profession and consistent display of passion. Their track record should reflect trailblazing, innovation, mentorship, diversity advocacy, and being a game changer.

This achievement marks a significant milestone for the young professional, as well as for George Municipality, which receives national recognition for its outstanding work in this specialized field. Mr. Rossouw’s exceptional growth in the internal audit profession and the significant impact he has made within the organizations he has served, including George Municipality, are noteworthy.

Dr Michele Gratz, Municipal Manager, congratulated Mr Rossouw on his remarkable achievements, stating, “George Municipality takes immense pride in having JP as a part of our management team. His outstanding performance within a short span of time has set a benchmark for internal auditing within the province. These accolades are a testament to his dedication and expertise. This recognition underscores the commitment to excellence within George Municipality and the broader field of internal auditing, “ she said.


Municipal Woman’s Month Campaign– My Inspirational Woman

The month of August is dedicated to celebrating women all over the world and at the George Municipality we would like to celebrate the phenomenal women who are an inspiration to their colleagues.

This week we celebrate Geraldine Joy Wolmarans, Refuse Removal Assistant, nominated by Debra Sauer, Communications Officer at George Municipality.

“As a woman, I celebrate my individuality, I’m unique, there is only one of me…. there is only one blueprint of me. Whatever I want in life, I go for it and that is what makes me so unique as a woman. The fact that I can also do a man’s job means any woman can do it, so I’m actually a beacon for women out there so they can see whatever they want to do, they CAN do”, Geraldine said.

Geraldine, also known as Joy to her colleagues, removes refuse from homes and businesses. She does a job that has previously been seen exclusively as a man’s job.

Geraldine and 3 other women made history in 2022 when they were the first women appointed at George Municipality as refuse collectors.  “I pick up refuse bags, hook the wheelie bins on the refuse truck and hang them onto the truck, just like the men do,” Geraldine said. She says she is in service of the public, but her job is exciting and fun.

“I’m a fitness fanatic and do my squats while picking up bags. I’ve worked in an office before, but I wouldn’t trade my current job for an office job, I love my job! Squatting assists me in not hurting myself when I pick up a heavy bag.

Geraldine says safety is most important in her job. They take care not to injure themselves and everyone gets a turn to operate the machines at the back of the refuse trucks. She previously worked in the government’s Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) at the George Municipality.

To commemorate our own inspirational women within the municipality, we invite all officials from all departments to nominate a female colleague who is inspirational to you – tell us what makes this person so special. Please send us a description of what this person means to you (100 -150 words maximum and a recent photograph).

You can send your nomination anonymously or proudly state who you are and why you have chosen your nominee. The ‘My Inspirational Woman’ and her story will then be shared with all officials!

Please email your story to

Deadline for Nominees: Nominate your Inspirational Female Colleague for next week by Wednesday 23 August 2023.

You cannot lead, if you cannot follow- Thuli Madonsela

Demolition started on Pacaltsdorp Pavilion

The demolition of the unsafe pavilion at the Pacaltsdorp Sportgrounds has officially started this week. The existing pavilion roof was deemed dangerous and a decision was taken earlier this year to remove and completely replace the structure.

The demolition of the existing structure will be quite complex, requiring specialised equipment and skill, with a portion of the back brick wall and a large concrete beam also having to be demolished and rebuilt. The current structure was not galvanised, whereas the proposed new structure will be hot-dip galvanised to ensure a longer service life. The hot-dip galvanising process also adds to the lead time.

The pavilion remains closed for the duration of construction.

The Rosemore Fan Park Reaches It’s Peak

Wednesday was an incredible day for sport in Rosemore, George. Schools from across George were invited to attend the Netball Fan Park’s school tournament which started on 2 August and was scheduled to finish today 4 August.
School and George Club Tournaments Postponed

Regrettably, due to transport challenges, the school final playoffs as well as the George Social Clubs tournament scheduled for this weekend have been postponed. We will be sending out communication on newly selected dates for both tournaments on all our platforms, so please keep an eye on our social platforms.

Live Viewing remains open
The Fan Park remains open for live viewing of the 2023 Netball World Cup at Rosemore Stadium. Pop in to watch the final games and join us for the Closing Ceremony on Sunday at 14h00.

To catch a view of some of the Netball action from earlier this week, click


The George Municipality’s Dynamic Women

Join us today in celebrating our very own dynamic woman from the George Municipality- Mrs Lauren Waring:Director: Planning, Human Settlements and Development

Lauren served as the Municipal Manager, as well as Director: Community Services and Director: Planning and Development at Knysna Municipality between 2006 and 2014; and as Executive Director: Planning and Development at Drakenstein Municipality from 2016 to 2021. Lauren has vast leadership experience in local government, honed over many years at municipal level. Her passion for land and development was ignited during her first appointment at the Regional Land Claims Commission: Western Cape.

With extensive management and strategic leadership experience, Lauren has consulted government, private sector and non-profits on a broad range of projects and held positions on various Boards.

Lauren holds a Masters in Town and Regional Planning from the University of Stellenbosch amongst various other tertiary qualifications.

Lauren has a nineteen-year-old daughter, Nina, and enjoys hiking, reading and the arts.




From left to right: Ross Hannes (Registry Clerk: Transport), Sophie Fanelo (Manager: Community Development), Harriet Van Schalkwyk (Environmental Officer), Leigh Kelly (Environmental Officer) and Sheldon Hendricks (Environmental Intern).

The George Municipality’s Community Development Services division assisted the victims of sporadic residential fire incidents and individual flooding incidents in their properties by providing them with food, clothing, blankets, and matrasses. They also opened their hearts to the People Living on the streets with clothes and toiletries.

The Municipality would also like to acknowledge the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs for the donation of clothing to the Municipality clothing bank. The officials continue to appeal to the community to donate to the Municipality as Municipality relies on donations to assist needy communities. “We cannot overemphasize the importance of these donations being given to organisations such as the George Night Shelter or Kidstop than giving money or handouts to adults or children begging at streets intersections, as this has increasingly become a concern,” said Sophie Fanelo, the George Municipality’s Manager for Community Development.

George Municipality continues to provide clothing and toiletries to persons living on the street. The toiletries include soap, facecloths, toothpaste, toothbrushes, roll-on and sanitary pads. The municipality maintains a clothing bank where residents of George donate clothing for this purpose. Many of the homeless ask for clothing or toiletries to be presentable and a register is kept for this purpose. It would assist the Municipality if more residents could donate clothing and toiletries as no funding is available for this purpose.

Living on the streets is not a crime; therefore, these people cannot be arrested or moved without their consent. Our Social Development and Law Enforcement department’s mandate is limited as the bulk of the functions to assist people living on the streets fall under SAPS and the National Department of Social Development.

George Residents, Business Owners and organisations, who want to help the homeless and /or submit innovative ideas on how to help the homeless, are invited to join the PLOTS monthly meeting. You can contact Estelle Fredericks on 044 802 2000, ext. 2015 during office hours for more information.

The public may also contact these organisations: Freddy Trout, PASA (People Against Substance Abuse) at 068 487 4848, Jonathan Gelderbloem, YFC Kidstop at 044 874 2624/044 875 1794, Department of Social Services at 044 814 1920 or Andre Olivier from Cremhog on



On the photo are peer educators: FRONT: Ramonde Meyer (Sitting) MIDDLE: Neliswa Ngcoko, Rocko Cornelius, Jonathan Fortuin (Special programmes coordinator), Kevin Coetzee, Jaylon Stuurman, Nolabantu Mgwenya, Khayakazi Ntlantsana and Ncediswa Malayisha. BACK: Renaldo Boezak

The George Municipality recently held a Gala dinner as a gesture of appreciation and to bid farewell to the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Peer Educators, who served in different subsections of the Municipal Community Development Division to gain experiential training for 12 months.

The Gala dinner took place at the Banquet Hall in the Civic Centre, on 29 June 2023, and was attended by the Speaker of the George Municipal Council, councillor Sean Snyman, councillors, and officials of the George Municipality among other guests. EPWP is a key government initiative, which contributes to Government Policy Priorities in terms of decent work & sustainable livelihoods, education, health; rural development; food security & land reform and the fight against crime & corruption.

These Peer educators have been trained as Early Childhood Development practitioners, Adherence Counsellors and Facilitators and have undertaken a 12-month exposure into the working environment in the George Municipality from July 2022 to June 2023. Sophia Fanelo, the George Municipality’s Manager for Social Development says that the Forty (40) EPWP peer educators who were appointed through the EPWP fund are now ready for the corporate working environment. “The training these peer educators had undergone in the Municipal Community Development was intended at empowerment and learning working skills.”

After 12 months of experiential training at the George Municipality, five of the peer educators have already secured appointments at Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Government Departments. “We are thrilled and proud to announce that five peer educators have subsequently been permanently employed, two (2) by the Department of Education, one at Kekkel & Kraai, one at Bell and another one at the Department of Health,” Fanelo added. “Some of the Peers also got their Learners Licence through the Public Work programme.”

Councillors: From left to right: Sophia Fanelo (Manager: Social Development), Councillor Brendon Adams (Portfolio Councillor: Social Development, Libraries and Sport), Councillor Jacqulique Von Brandis (Portfolio Councillor: Civil Engineering Services: Capital Projects & BFI), and Councillor Sean Snyman (Speaker).

Municipal Woman’s Month Campaign – My Inspirational Woman

The month of August is dedicated to celebrating women all over the world and at the George Municipality we would like to celebrate the phenomenal women who are an inspiration to their colleagues.

This week we celebrate Ms. Ishenique Felix, nominated by Megan Hopewell, Prosecutor at the George Municipality.

I’d like to nominate Ms. Ishenique Felix, Legal Advisor and Prosecutor employed under the Legal and Compliance Department.

I met Ms. Felix 3 months ago when I started my position as prosecutor at the Municipal Court. She welcomed me with open arms, and we instantly became not only good colleagues, but also good friends. She was very patient while teaching me the in’s and out’s of my new position and took time out of her busy schedule to assist me however she could.

Ishenique is a resilient yet soft woman with a strong faith and resolute morals and values. Despite always being a paragon of professionalism, she is compassionate; always approachable, kind, and helpful. She is dependable, trustworthy, and hardworking, always doing more for the institution than what is expected of her. Her presence in my work- and personal life brings me great comfort and I am blessed and privileged to have her as both a colleague and friend.

– Megan Hopewell, Prosecutor at the George Municipality.

To commemorate our own inspirational women within the municipality, we invite all officials from all departments to nominate a female colleague who is inspirational to you – tell us what makes this person so special.
Please send us a description of what this person means to you (100 -150 words maximum and a recent photograph).

You can send your nomination anonymously or proudly state who you are and why you have chosen your nominee. The ‘My Inspirational Woman’ and her story will then be shared with all officials!

Please email your story to
Deadline for the next Nominee: Nominate your Inspirational Female Colleague for next week by Wednesday 16 August.

There is something so special about a woman who dominates in a man’s world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness and the nerve to never take no as an answer- Rihanna

George Municipality Addresses Increasing Electrical Infrastructure Vandalism in Greater George

The George Municipality is deeply concerned about the escalating incidents of electrical infrastructure vandalism within the greater George area. With the recent implementation of load-shedding, these acts of vandalism have significantly intensified, posing a serious threat to the overall functioning of the municipality.

The Electrotechnical Directorate of the George Municipality has reported a distressing rise in the number of cases registered at various South African Police Stations (SAPS) within town. In excess of 200 theft and vandalism related cases have been reported since the beginning of the 2022/2023 Budget year. The directorate had 81 open cases in the 2021/2022 Budget year, which shows an increase in cases of 119. These are just those cases that George Municipality has decided on pursuing, while the number of incidents runs to over 1000 a year. These criminal activities not only disrupt the provision of essential services but also leave entire communities without electricity for extended periods, causing untold hardship and inconvenience.

According to Bongani Mandla, Director: Electrotechnical Services, the impact of these thefts and acts of vandalism is far-reaching, affecting crucial service delivery to our valued community members. The municipality recognizes the severe consequences, and all stakeholders must join forces in addressing this pressing issue.

In light of these challenges, the George Municipality urgently appeals to the community for their unwavering cooperation and support in curbing electrical infrastructure vandalism. It is time for us all to unite and take a stand against these unlawful activities that undermine the well-being and progress of our town. “We implore community members to act as vigilant watchdogs and report any suspicious activities or wrongdoing they observe within their neighbourhoods’. By doing so, we can enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement efforts and protect our vital electrical infrastructure from further damage,” Mandla said.

The municipality earnestly requests that the community refrains from turning a blind eye to these incidents and instead report any acts of theft, vandalism, or tampering directly to the relevant authorities. By reporting such incidents promptly, we can work together to bring the perpetrators to justice and safeguard the smooth operation of our electrical infrastructure.

The George Municipality is committed to exploring all available avenues to combat electrical infrastructure vandalism, including collaborating with law enforcement agencies, implementing enhanced security measures, and educating the community about the grave consequences of these criminal acts.
We believe that by fostering a sense of unity and collective responsibility, we can successfully overcome the challenges posed by electrical infrastructure vandalism and ensure a safe and reliable electricity supply for all residents of the greater George area.

Vandalism is a crime and ultimately costs all ratepayers money. Please report people tampering, painting graffiti (vandalism), damaging or stealing municipal property with your nearest SAPS office, as well as George Municipality Law Enforcement (044 801 6350 or 044 801 6300 after hours) as soon as you see it happening. If you can take pictures of the culprits in the act without endangering yourself, it will help a lot.
Thank you in advance for helping us protect our infrastructure.

Photographs attached are of cut cables, vandalism and illegal connections all over George.


Mayor’s newsletter for George Herald of 3 August 2023

We have recently experienced the culmination of Outeniqua High School’s centenary celebrations. The chief whip, Marlene Barnardt and I along with our spouses were privileged to attend their gala dinner for 400 guests on 28 July 2023 where attendees reflected on the achievements of alumni in later life, the dedication of the teaching staff and the enthusiasm of current learners displaying artistic talents, serving meals to guests and their achievements in sport and academia. We could only marvel at the outstanding organisation of the dinner and indeed of all the events.

The success of Outeniqua can be attributed to the teaching staff ably led by excellent headmasters over decades and the support of the parents, alumni, donors, corporates and the public. Schools and the education system form an integral partnership with municipalities and the community.

In my discussions with some of our leading educators it is evident how inter-dependent the stakeholder relationships are as each partner aspires for a more beneficial environment. Schools fulfil a critically important role in society and the municipality continues to play a facilitating role in engaging the provincial department of education to address the particular challenges being experienced within George to meet the increased demand for quality education.

In celebrating Outeniqua’s birthday, we are reminded how fortunate and blessed we are to have many role-players in George’s civil society who enthusiastically champion and care for important causes. This caring nature helps drive our vibrant society.

The enterprise of the Outeniqua community provides inspiration to those of us serving within the public sector to undertake further collaborative efforts to foster linkages and partnerships that will benefit our broader community. In recent years, Council has approved frameworks whereby various whole of society initiatives can be undertaken. The corporate social responsibility and adopt-a-spot frameworks provide opportunities for assistance in numerous fields.

Within our less fortunate communities, we find that many citizens experiencing extreme poverty. The municipality supports around 120 soup kitchens and over 500 vegetable gardens that are operated by caring citizens within these areas. These efforts could do with support through the provision of additional ingredients for nutritious meals, assisting to ensure sustainable gardens, facilitating sporting and hobby activities among youngsters to keep them busy after school and over weekends, etc.

We are experiencing more homelessness around George. While this is a complex societal issue, a whole of society approach can assist in alleviating this deprivation. Within some areas, the bad habit of illegal dumping of refuse has taken hold. Often, the creation of a garden on these sites helps to encourage habits of pride within communities.
Readers who believe they can contribute to a better George are welcome to make contact by emailing:


Photo 1: From left: Jannie Koegelenberg (Director of Civil Engineering Services), Councillor Jacqulique Von Brandis (Portfolio Councillor: Civil Engineering Services: Capital Projects & BFI), Councillor Browen Johnson (Portfolio Councillor Civil Engineering Services: Operating Aspects), and Alderman Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George).

While Eskom’s loadshedding continues in South Africa, the George Municipality intensifies its efforts to protect Municipal facilities through the installation of generators at the various pump stations to protect its infrastructure and ensure the uninterrupted delivery of services to the citizens, because of loadshedding.

According to the George Municipality’s Civil Engineering Service Department, generators have been installed at 13 municipal facilities. The Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk recently visited the Garden Route Dam to witness the two largest generators that the Municipality has installed to date. Mayor van Wyk was accompanied by the Portfolio Councillor for Civil Engineering Services Capital Projects & BFI Jacqulique Von Brandis, Portfolio Councillor for Civil Engineering Services Operating Aspects Browen Johnson and the director for Civil Engineering Services in the George Municipality Jannie Koegelenberg.

“We are grateful for these two generators, thanks to the Bulk Facility for Infrastructure grant awarded by National Treasury to George Municipality in 2021,” said Mayor van Wyk. “There are two 1250 kVA generators, and we need these two generators to power our pump stations to pump raw water from the dam to our water treatment works when loadshedding or any other power outage occurs. Together these two generators use 500 litres of fuel an hour, being two of a number of generators providing backup energy for essential services.”

Deon de Jager, the Deputy Director for Water and Sanitation in the Civil Engineering Directorate confirmed that the Municipality has secured the services for the installation of generators for a three-year period. “The municipality currently has a three-year tender in place for the supply and installation of standby generators for municipal facilities such as sewer and water pump stations,” he said.

Backup emergency generators were installed at the following sewer pump stations in the last year, funded by the Municipality:
• Central Pumpstation (Wilderness) = 30kva generator
• Fancourt PS = 30kva generator
• Herolds Bay PS = 150kva
• Proefplaas PS (George) = 300kva
• Rooi Rivier (George) = 200kva
• Tamsui PS (George) = 50kva
• Thembalethu PS No.1 = 200kva
• Thembalethu PS No.2 = 60kva
• Touwsranten PS E (Wilderness) = 20kva
• Touwsranten PS A (Wilderness) = 100kva
• Touwsranten PS D (Wilderness) = 60kva
• Serpentine (Wilderness) = 100kva
• Ebb n Flow Sewer Pump Station = 300kva

“An emergency backup generator project is funded through the Emergency Load Shedding Relief Grant, and the scope of works is essentially the provision of backup power to water and sewer treatment facilities to ensure uninterrupted operation during load shedding, therefore, avoiding sewage spills and subsequently preventing pollution to the environment, as well as securing potable water supply. The total project cost is R11 million and will provide four new sewer/water generators benefiting the entire George Municipal Area,” de Jager added.



Photo 1: Councillor Jacqulique Von Brandis (Portfolio Councillor: Civil Engineering Services: Capital Projects & BFI), Councillor Browen Johnson (Portfolio Councillor Civil Engineering Services: Operating Aspects), Alderman Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George), and Jannie Koegelenberg (Director of Civil Engineering Services)

The George Municipality is proud to announce that the phase 1 upgrade of the Meul Sewage Pump Station, which is valued at approximately R31.67 million, has been completed. In recent years, this pump station, which is one of George’s most critical pump stations experienced frequent and costly breakdowns that threatened the integrity of the sewage system it serves, as well as the surrounding environment.

The Executive Mayor of George Alderman Leon van Wyk flanked by Portfolio Councillor for Civil Engineering Services Capital Projects & BFI Jacqulique Von Brandis and Portfolio Councillor for Civil Engineering Services Operating Aspects Browen Johnson recently visited the newly refurbished pump station, which is situated in Parkdene, to see the work that has been done.

“We would like to commend the Civil Engineering Services for the upgrades we’ve seen here as well as the repairs to the pump station that include the refurbishment of the internal of the pump station. We’ve also seen a new Motor Control Centre (MCC) room, a generator room, and a permanent backup generator, as well as a new valve chamber to the rising main and sump modifications,” said Mayor van Wyk. “Thanks to the National Treasury’s Budget Facility Infrastructure (BFI) award to George last year which makes this upgrade a reality.”

Photo 2: Councillor Browen Johnson (Portfolio Councillor Civil Engineering Services: Operating Aspects), Alderman Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George), Councillor Jacqulique Von Brandis (Portfolio Councillor: Civil Engineering Services: Capital Projects & BFI) and Jannie Koegelenberg (Director of Civil Engineering Services)

According to the George Municipality’s Civil Engineering Services (CES) Director, Jannie Koegelenberg the Meul pump station provides more energy-efficient pumps with higher capacity that meet future flow needs, as well as provide additional reliability by adding an emergency power generator to keep the installation operational during load shedding, amongst other critical upgrades. This upgrade comprises three main components which are civil engineering construction, mechanical refurbishment and upgrading, and a new electrical and control installation.

“The mechanical component includes new pumps, pipework, valves, screens, and equipment, while the electrical upgrade comprises electronic and instrumentation refurbishment and new bulk electrical works, a new motor control centre, a permanent standby generator, instrumentation, and related cables,” Koegelenberg added.

Phase 2 of the upgrade will follow shortly and will include mechanical equipment at the inlet works to remove screenings and grit automatically, and the replacement of a portion of the rising main. Site access and security will also be improved as part of the upgrade.




Netball World Cup Murals at the Rosemore Stadium

The Department of Correctional Services assisted George Municipality with maintenance at the Rosemore Stadium prior to the opening of the Fan Park last week Friday.

One of their offenders put his incredible talents to work and painted these murals in support of the Netball World Cup 2023.

These murals are open for public viewing at the Rosemore Stadium during the live games at the Rosemore Fan Park from 09h00 in the morning up until the last game is done.


GO GEORGE passenger satisfaction measured through survey

Parents all over town welcome the safe travel option for their children to get to school and back home.

The latest results of an annual passenger satisfaction survey conducted among users of the GO GEORGE bus service have confirmed that most passengers are highly satisfied with the GO GEORGE service and the opportunities it provides in terms of accessibility and mobility. They appreciate the flexibility of the system and say it is safer and more secure and affordable than their means of transport before the implementation of the GO GEORGE service.

The survey done on behalf of GO GEORGE by research specialists in the socio-economic field aims to determine the overall socio-economic impact of GO GEORGE, including the macro-economic and transport economic impact.

According to Morné Lakay, Acting GO GEORGE Manager, the outcome of the survey is compared with previous results for benchmarking and to guide GO GEORGE regarding specific areas that need to be addressed.

“In this way, we continuously work to improve overall user satisfaction and ensure a high-quality, reliable, affordable system that addresses the needs of all users – both existing and potential future users,” he said.

Most user satisfaction scores have improved significantly from the previous year, confirming the continued commitment from GO GEORGE to provide a public transport service of high quality, resulting in a positive passenger experience.

Safety on the bus scores almost 100%

99,63% of interviewees reported feeling safe and secure on-board the GO GEORGE buses.

Lakay says this “statement of trust” would have been celebrated under normal circumstances. “However, the incident earlier this year of the petrol bombing of a bus carrying passengers is casting a shadow over this positive result that was recorded at the end of last year. Still, the bus service is not vulnerable because of one isolated incident.

Criminality is ultimately a social issue that needs to be addressed. Although GO GEORGE does not have control over criminal actions from outside, we want to provide a safe travel experience for our passengers as far as possible and will continuously reinforce resources and efforts to do so,” he said.


With accessibility such a high priority for GO GEORGE, it was gratifying to learn that most passengers with disabilities and other special needs find GO GEORGE very accessible, both at bus stops and on board the buses, addressing their travel requirements. It was interesting to note that 35% of interviewees indicated that they have special needs when travelling. This includes people who are disabled, elderly, pregnant, travelling with small children or who experience some form of mobility challenge.


By using GO GEORGE, 92% of passengers interviewed have noted that they pay less for transport than before. The fact that passengers do not pay again to transfer between buses within one hour from starting their journey, significantly contributes to reducing their monthly travel expenses.

“This kind of feedback is heart warming,” commented Lakay. “The prioritisation of public transport investment is no longer a nice to have; it is an absolute necessity. Government subsidises public transport – GO GEORGE trips included – so that nobody should have to turn away a job opportunity because they cannot afford to travel to work.”

George Municipality’s Home Composting Project

The George Municipality is initiating a household composting project in the George municipal area.

Permanent residents within the George Municipal area are urged to apply and join the project to turn organic household waste into compost.

Approximately 30% of all household waste being disposed of at a landfill site consists of organic waste that could potentially be diverted from the landfill by means of household composting. Residents in Housing Complex’s are encouraged to also apply.

Minimum criteria

  1. Only residents permanently living in the George municipal area may apply.
  2. Proof of residents to be submitted along with your application form.
  3. Must generate organic material e.g., raw vegetable and fruit peels, eggshells, grass cuttings.
  4. Material that does NOT qualify as organic material: Meat or related meat products, oil, fat or grease, diseased plant material, sawdust or woodchips from treated wood, dog or cat faeces, weeds that have seeds, dairy products, coal ash, cooked foods, nappies and used tissues, glossy or coloured paper.

How to apply.

  1. Download the application form.
  1. Email the completed application form along with your proof of residency to  or

Alternatively, you can collect an application form from our George Environmental Services Municipal offices at 82 Meade Street, George.

NB: Please note that only new applicants will be provided with a composting container/ bin.

Netball Friyays in Rosedale

Caption: Four teams came together last Friday in Rosedale. The clubs played are Rising Stars, Active United, Teenage stars and Peace Lovers.

In the build-up to receiving the Vitality Netball World Cup Trophy last Friday, 7 July 2023 four of our local school teams partook in a friendly game last Friday.

In support of the Netball World Cup, the schools will be playing friendly games around various parts of George.

The school tournament will be taking place at the Fanpark at Rosemore Stadium from 28 July to 6 August 2023 where we will be displaying the 2023 Vitality Netball World Cup on a big screen.

We urge the public to come out in numbers to share and bring the Gees to this fun-filled family event.

A maximum of six stalls will be successful. To download an application form, click on the link:

Watch the Youtube clip:

Netball Friyays in Lawaai Kamp, George

Western Cape Government Cultural Affairs and Sport

Netball World Cup 2023

Last week Friday our girls turned up the heat in Lawaai Kamp, George. This time around, we had eight teams playing it out on the field as they passionately entertained their fans.

The public is once again reminded that George Municipality will be hosting a fan park for all our netball enthusiasts to come out and enjoy the day with their families and friends while enjoying the world cup games on the big screen that will be put up at the Rosemore stadium from 28 July to the 6 August.
