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Updated status on the BFI Water Projects for George – Components 7,8,9,10,11 and 12

George Municipality received a Budget Facility for Infrastructure Funding (BFI) grant to the value of R1.107 billion from National Treasury in the 2021/22 financial year and the BFI project with its various project components, has shown significant progress and expenditure in the 2022/23 financial years. George Municipality is actively working to keep our economy on the go, by ensuring adequate long-term planning and investment into our resources – that is water, sewerage and electricity.

The full BFI project is planned to be completed by 30 June 2025. George Municipality provides water services to over 243 996 residents from 67 787 households across 28 wards including the coastal areas of Kleinkrantz, Wilderness, Victoria Bay, Herold’s Bay and Gwaing in the city of George area. The objectives of the project are to ensure adequate potable water supply to meet the demand of the current population and to provide security for future development, both social and economic, and to reduce pollution of certain main water courses.

Updates on the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works components funded by BFI Grant
The project consists of 12 components, some of which will be executed in more than one construction phase.

Component 7
The rehabilitation of the Old Water Treatment Works, located at 9th Avenue Denneoord will allow for the refurbishment of the 20 Ml/ per day treatment plant.

Status: This component consists of four separate contracts and the tenders were awarded at the beginning of 2022. Construction is under way at the Old Water Treatment Works(Denneoord)  and some condition assessments of the existing infrastructure necessitated design changes at the start of the contract, causing unforeseen delays. The air extraction from the filter galleries was completed and the emergency chlorine scrubbers have been ordered. Both shipments of filter media arrived in 2022 and fence construction has reached completion, with only minor works still outstanding.

The Old Water Treatment Works  Module 1 upgrade has been  completed, with the exception of lamella pack installation. Module 2 is completed and Module 3 is partially completed.  A temporary package water treatment plant was installed and commissioned in mid-December 2022 to facilitate scheduled plant shutdowns to enable work to proceed uninterrupted. This temporary plant also increased the volume of potable water available to meet the peak holiday season demand in December 2022.

Component 8
Refurbishment of the Kaaimans River Pumpstation equipment will include the installation of six (6)  new submersible vortex impeller pumps in the sump, a strainer system and six  new high lift centrifugal pumps and includes the replacement of the electrical control equipment. The Kaaimans Pumpstation discharges into the Garden Route Dam and contributes significantly to the George raw water resource requirements.

Status: The project construction contract was awarded for an amount of R 16.5 million on 2 June 2023. The manufacturing and shipping of the twelve pumps and associated equipment will take several months, with delivery to site expected in January 2024. The planned commissioning date for the project is May 2024.

Component 9 and 10
The new 14,5 Ml Pacaltsdorp West Reservoir and Pumpstation; 3 Ml Pacaltsdorp East Reservoir, 300 kl Tower and pumpstation will address the inadequate emergency and balancing storage in this suburb.

Status: The detail designs are completed and procurement of a contractor for the construction of the works has commenced. The environmental and town planning processes are well advanced and aligned with the design and procurement timelines. It is planned that these projects will be commissioned in June 2025.

Component 11 and 12
A new pumpstation and control valves will be provided at the existing Thembalethu West Reservoir and Tower; an existing bulk supply pipeline will be upgraded, a new 8 Ml Thembalethu East Reservoir, 1000 kl Tower and Pumpstation will be provided to ensure adequate potable water storage and increase security of potable water supply to Thembalethu, as well as provide capacity to meet future development water demands.


Thembalethu West Bulk Supply Pipeline Upgrade – The procurement of a contractor has commenced. The planned completion date is June 2024.
Thembalethu West Pumpstation: The detail designs are completed and procurement of a contractor for the construction of the works will commence in due course.
Thembalethu East Reservoir, Tower and Pumpstation: The design of the works is in progress and procurement of a contractor for the construction of the works will commence mid September2023. It is planned that these projects will be commissioned in June 2025.

Media Release: Gwaiing Wastewater Treatment Works Upgrade Progress

The Gwaiing Wastewater Treatment Works current upgrade is nearing completion and it involves maximising and upgrading the existing structures’ capacities to increase the design flow capacity from 7.3 megalitres per day to 11 megalitres per day.

The works is located next to the landfill site adjacent to the old airport road, and is already at full capacity. Substantial development has already taken place within the drainage area. The completion for the current phase is expected in October 2023. Proposals for further rapid development in this area are under review, and a process was started in October 2020 to prepare a plan for the incremental upgrade at the Gwaiing Wastewater Treatment Works to cater for current and future development. The provisional capacity extension plan was finalised in 2021 already, and a contractor was appointed in April 2022 for the current Phase 1A for approximately R24 million.

According to Jannie Koegelenberg, Director: Civil Engineering Services, “This current phase will add much needed capacity to address the short-term flow requirements until the next phase of the capacity extension can be implemented.”

He said a master plan for the Gwaiing Wastewater Treatment Works is in process to plan for the incremental expansion of the works to meet the medium term (28Ml/day) and long term (50Ml/day) requirements. This allows the Municipality to plan and budget timeously as demand increases. It is anticipated that the next phase of the upgrading of the works will commence in 2024/25, subject to funding availability.




Photograph above:

New 75kW aerator in operation.

New Motor Control panel to control new equipment at the plant.

George Municipality is strengthening public safety by expanding its CCTV building

On the photo from left: Zahoor Brey (Contractor from Zabs Enterprises), Alderman Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George), Dr Michele Gratz (Municipal Manager), Dawie Adonis (Director of Community Services) and Ruan Espach, (Urban Engineer Consultants Pty).

The George Municipality is taking proactive measures to keep its citizens safe by expanding its Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) building. This week, the Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk, and the Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz, visited the building as the extension and upgrading commences.

With more than 600 cameras spread throughout the city, including Municipal Buildings, criminal activities and potential threats are being monitored to protect municipal property and identify unlawful actions. This expansion is a crucial step towards making George a safer city for all.

George Municipality Supports our Boys in Green and Gold 🇿🇦

Back: Henko Lourens, Monique Isaks, Shane Horne, Keith Meyer, Sinazo Moshani
Eddie Koeberg , Ronel Valla, Lindelwa Allam Front: Martin Botha, Peter-Jon du Plessis, Josephine Mpembe , Amanda Joubert
(Human Settlements, Planning & Development & Property Management Department & Finance Department)

It is that time again when South Africans stand fully behind our boys as they go and defend their title as the World Champions in this year’s 2023 Rugby World Cup Game.

The first game of the Rugby World Cup kicks off tonight and our very own Officials at the George Municipality showed their support to the Springboks today by wearing green and Gold! The Springboks will be playing against Scotland on Sunday @17:45

Picture 2:
Lauren Louw and Angelo Prins
(Community Services Department)

Picture 3: 
Back: Veronica Badenhorst, Zimaza Bulo, Klopper Mabunda, Jennifer Schoeman, Xolisile Sothushe
Front: Nadine Payle, Bongiwe Mgwali, Jomeila Apollis, Heybrè Ellis, Anga Gxoyiya 
(Office of The Municipal Mayor & Corporate Services Department)
Picture 4: 
Back: Gerard Goliath Renaldo Coetzee, Riaan du Plessis, Magda Meyer, Hein Diemont 
Front: Elrina Bothma, Elaine Diemont 
(Finance Department)

Updated status on the BFI Water Projects for George – Component 3, 4, 5 and 6

George Municipality received a Budget Facility for Infrastructure Funding (BFI) grant to the value of R1.107 billion from National Treasury in the 2021/22 financial year and the BFI project with its various project components, has shown significant progress and expenditure in the 2022/23 financial years. George Municipality is actively working to keep our economy on the go, by ensuring adequate long-term planning and investment into our resources – that is water, sewerage and electricity.  The full BFI project is planned to be completed by 30 June 2025.

George Municipality provides water services to over 243 996 residents from 67 787 households across 28 wards including the coastal areas of Kleinkrantz, Wilderness, Victoria Bay, Herold’s Bay and Gwaing in the city of George area. The objectives of the project are to ensure adequate potable water supply to meet the demand of the current population and to provide security for future development, both social and economic, and to reduce pollution of certain main water courses.

Updates on the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works components funded by BFI Grant
The project consists of 12 components, some of which will be executed in more than one construction phase.

Component 3
The refurbishment of the existing Sludge Discharge System Phase 1 and 2 at the Eden, Meul and Schaapkop Pumpstations will improve the reliability of the aged pump stations.

Status: Construction of the first phase has reached completion at the Meul and Eden Pump Stations

Phase 1: The first phase of the upgrading and refurbishment of the Meul Sewage Pumpstation was completed in June 2023, including a new standby generator and motor control centre. This is also the case for the new motor control centre at the Eden Sewage Pumpstation.  The Schaapkop Sewage Pumpstation implementation was delayed and the tender for the Phase 1 implementation had to be cancelled.
Phase 2: Civil engineering construction on the Meul Sewage Pumpstation Phase 2 as well as the Eden Pump Station are currently in  the tender stage.  The design process is under way for Schaapkop Pump Station, incorporating both Phases 1 and 2 to be implemented as a single project.

Component 4
The upgrading of the Garden Route Dam Outlet and Supply project includes the replacement of the existing 600 mm diameter raw water pipeline from the intake tower at the Garden Route Dam to the raw water pumpstations, with a new 800 mm diameter stainless steel pipeline to accommodate a higher flowrate in accordance with the future raw water flow requirements.

Status: The project construction contract was awarded for an amount of R 34.2 million on 26 May 2023. The 800mm diameter Stainless Steel pipes are being manufactured in China and will arrive in SA in December 2023, whereafter the on-site installation will commence in early 2024. The estimated completion date for the project is July 2024.

Component 5
2 x 1250 kVA generators have been installed at the Garden Route Dam raw water pumpstation.  These generators will ensure that during loadshedding or any other power outage, raw water can continue to be pumped uninterrupted to the Water Treatment Works for processing for drinking water supply.
Construction and installation have been completed and the project has been commissioned. The generators automatically start and operate during load-shedding.

Component 6
An additional 40 million litre raw water storage and balancing dam will be constructed, as well as a 340m long 800mm diameter raw water outlet pipeline and an 800mm diameter raw water pump main extension, to secure sufficient raw water storage capacity to supply the 20Ml/day extension to the Water Treatment Works and the existing two treatment plants. The new raw water dam will supplement the existing storage dams that provide raw water to the two water treatment plants.

Status: The preliminary design process considered two alternative positions in order to select the most cost-effective solution. Final designs of the selected position have been completed and procurement of a Contractor to construct the works has commenced. It is planned that this new raw water storage dam will be commissioned in June 2025.

Follow link for update on Components 1 and 2



September is Tourism Month!

This year we are celebrating the theme ‘Tourism for Good’ with inspiring stories of businesses impacting the local hospitality space.  Here are a few:

The Garden Route Botanical Garden (GRBG), a nonprofit and Public Benefit Organisation, is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year!  Approximately 16 hectares in size, the garden showcases and conserves the incredible biodiversity of the district. Indigenous forests, wetlands, fynbos, and coastal dunes support a wide variety of plant and animal species, including those which are threatened and endemic.  Scientists and researchers come to the garden to study the ecosystems and species, as well as make use of the herbarium. Educational programs and interpretive materials are offered.  Declared a nature reserve, there are many things to see and enjoy such as hiking, markets, guided tours, and medicinal plant lectures.  There is also a restaurant, parkrun, and indigenous nursery. The garden is a haven for birdwatchers, with numerous bird species calling it home. Bird hides and viewing platforms are available for bird enthusiasts to observe the local avian wildlife.

The Herold Meander is a secluded rural settlement of cultural and historical significance.  From an abandoned and derelict farm, it has been developed into a sustainable Agri-Village.  Environmental, water rights and heritage approvals were obtained to ensure a sustainable farming development, primarily focused on proteas, honeybush tea and sheep. The Honeybush shrub is proudly South African and grows naturally in the Garden Route and Tsitsikamma areas.  The Khoikhoi used honeybush to make medicinal tea.  Slightly sweet and caffeine-free, this herbal tea has high antioxidants and low tannins. The project has resulted in upgrades to the infrastructure, capacity building of workers, repair of historical buildings and the creation of local jobs.  Herold Meander offers honeybush tea tasting, donkey cart rides, fishing, and accommodation facilities on a pre-booking basis.

Empower is a George based NPC and PBO. In December 2022, Empower hosted a crowd-funding campaign, Run It Back.  Through the efforts of 15 volunteers who ran 5kms every day for 8 days, they raised enough funds to purchase 8 generators. Empower gifted the generators according to set criteria, in partnership with the George Business Chamber, to local businesses. 3 out of the 8 generators went to Explore our Hood, the Garden Route Botanical Garden and George Backpackers.

Explore our Hood is a Thembalethu-based tourism business with awesome, authentic township experiences.  George Backpackers offers an affordable overnight accommodation, with dormitories and private rooms.  The hosts speak English, Afrikaans, and German.

Discover more about George, Wilderness and Uniondale tourism offerings and destination stories at


GM’s Community Development appreciation day for nutritional centre volunteers

George Municipality held an appreciation day for the custodians of the municipal soup kitchens and nutritional centres last week for the amazing work they do in our communities.
The ladies and men were spoiled with a scrumptious lunch at the event.
Deputy Executive Mayor of George, Cllr Raybin Figland, the keynote speaker at the event in the George Banquet Hall, said these people running the nutritional centres are the true heroes of our communities. “We are here to celebrate and give thanks to those who dedicate their time and efforts to feed some of the most vulnerable people within the jurisdiction of our Municipality and we cannot thank you enough for the undertaking of this mammoth task to serve,” Figland said.
Figland said nutritional centres or as we used to refer to them soup kitchens, play a critical role in any community by providing meals and sustenance to those who are in dire need. The Municipality currently has 119 centres that have been operational for more than 25 years. He said the pandemic we’ve faced has made the importance of these centres even more apparent as more people were left on the verge of extreme poverty.
“However, it is not just the nutritional centres itself that are essential, what would these centres be without the amazing people who run them? I call you ‘superheroes in aprons’ because you save the day for so many children, the elderly, and the frail. You volunteer, out of selflessness and commitment and it should be an inspiration to us all to do better, to do more so that we make a difference in the lives of those who need it so desperately,” Figland said.
Edward Ganza, Deputy Director: Corporate Services, announced that the George Municipality is in discussions with other stakeholders, like Correctional Services, to get even more products to assist the nutritional centres. He said Correctional Services inmates run successful gardens and they are looking to sign a memorandum of understanding with this department.
He also thanked the volunteers for feeding the adults of tomorrow.
Sophia Fanelo, Manager: Community Development, said this selfless project of people who use their own time and mostly their own products to provide to hungry people in our communities is so close to her heart as she was once one of those children who was fed by a soup aunty. She told the women and men who do this selfless job, that they are earthly angels. “You don’t have a job, you have a calling and your payment come straight out of heaven,” Fanelo said. Fanelo said when her birth mom passed away, her soup aunty, Ma Rachel, took her in and became her mother. She said these people not only feed people but invest in they youth and in people.
Rosina Gordon from Jacaranda Street, Pacaltsdorp, a nutritional centre volunteer said she has respect for women and men who serve their community. She said she prayed to the Lord before she started the soup kitchen and wanted to help young men especially. She says young men help her now in her kitchen. She started feeding 6 children and today she feeds 300 people and the kitchen is 33 years old.
Past Veronica Horne encouraged people to keep on doing good, it is part of life and people need each other.
Follow the link for a video of the day:
Above photograph: Cllr Melvin Roelfse, Elizabeth Swelindawo, Rosina Gordon, Eva Jansen, Edward Ganza, Deputy Director: Corporate Serivces, Magdalena Oktober, Cllr Brendon Adams, Portfolio Councillor for Community Development and Willma Heydenrycht.
Elizabeth Swelinddawo and Cynthia Rasmeni.
Pearly Lewis, Leona Witbooi and Ann Smit at the George Municipality’s appreciation day for nutritional centres.
The Executive Deputy Mayor of George, Cllr Raybin Figland, delivers his keynote address at the event. Looking on is Jonathan Fortuin (in black), the MC at the event and Edward Ganza, Deputy Director: Corporate Services.

Updated status on on the BFI Water Projects for George – Component 1 and 2

George Municipality received a Budget Facility for Infrastructure Funding (BFI) grant to the value of R1.107 billion from National Treasury in the 2021/22 financial year and the BFI project with its various project components, has shown significant progress and expenditure in the 2022/23 financial years.

George Municipality is actively working to keep our economy on the go, by ensuring adequate long-term planning and investment into our resources – that is water, sewerage and electricity. The full BFI project is planned to be completed by 30 June 2025.

George Municipality provides water services to over 243 996 residents from 67 787 households across 28 wards including the coastal areas of Kleinkrantz, Wilderness, Victoria Bay, Herold’s Bay and Gwaing in the city of George area. The objectives of the project are to ensure adequate potable water supply to meet the demand of the current population and to provide security for future development, both social and economic, and to reduce pollution of certain main water courses.

Updates on the Potable Water Security and Remedial Works components funded by BFI Grant
The project consists of 12 components, some of which will be executed in more than one construction phase.

Component 1 and 2
The 20 Ml/d extension to the New Water Treatment Works (New WTW) is component 2 of the 12. Component 1 adds the Water Treatment Works residuals treatment facility to the project.

Status: The first contract, valued at R263 million, was awarded for the civil engineering works and construction is continuing on site. The tender for the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation (MEI) works was awarded for R217 million. Component 1and 2 form the largest sub-projects of the overall BFI project.
• Placing of concrete is progressing well and the concrete structures are progressing above ground level. The civil engineering works on the main component currently stands at 54% complete and the most difficult parts of the construction has been completed.
• The construction on the 600m long, 900mm diameter, clear water HDPE pipeline started in late 2022, is currently at 70% completion. The river crossing is ready to commence plus the two tie-ins at the start and end of the pipeline, which will require shut downs of the clear water feed pipeline to the reservoirs.
• The concrete for the three tanks of the dewatering facility for the water treatment residuals process, are complete. This forms part of Component 2 of the BFI project and will reduce the load on the sewage conveyance system and pumpstations, as well as reduce the load on the wastewater treatment processes and the main sludge dewatering facility.
• A number of plant shutdowns are required at the new Water Treatment Works to enable tie-ins on the raw water feed to the plant, the clear water feed from the plant to the reservoirs, valve chamber construction, injection chamber construction and some refurbishment of pipework in the existing new Water Treatment Works. These shutdowns have to be carefully co-ordinated to avoid unnecessary downtime or reduction in water supply to George and also contributes to the reasoning for extended water restrictions due to the inability to supply treated water in larger quantities.
• The civil engineering construction is scheduled for completion at the end of February 2024 and the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation by December 2024

Empowering Businesses with Instant Data Insights – new  Bulk Meter Access Portal for George!

In the contemporary business landscape, the significance of real-time data and transparency has transcended convenience, expanding into the realm of operational optimisation, cost prediction, and the avoidance of unforeseen financial surprises. In light of this, the George Municipality is proud to introduce its Bulk Meter Access Portal. This powerful tool offers a comprehensive view of their electricity consumption, enabling informed decision-making and driving enhanced profitability.

In today’s business world, having up-to-the-minute information is critical to success. That’s why George Municipality is excited to unveil the Bulk Meter Access Portal. This powerful tool helps businesses keep a close eye on their electricity use and make smarter decisions, ultimately boosting profits.

According to Mr. Bongani Mandla, the director of electrotechnical services at George Municipality, this new portal lets businesses, that is our bulk and SSEG customers registered with the municipality, see precisely how much electricity they’re using whenever they want.

“Imagine having a dashboard that shows not only how much electricity is being consumed right now, but also how much was used in the past. This helps companies plan better and avoid surprises in their bills,” says Mandla

This new portal is made possible by Open Access Energy. George Municipality was the first electricity provider in the country to pilot Amptera, Open Access Energy’s freely licensed software solution that automates the reading, processing, and billing of electricity smart meter data.

Easy Access for Property Owners

This portal is designed for property owners in the George Municipality area who use bulk meters. Getting started is a breeze. Just go to and fill out a short form.

Top-Notch Security

“Making sure your information is safe is a big deal,” says Gerjo Hoffman, Chief-Executive-Officer and co-founder of Open Access Energy, the company that developed this software solution.

“We’ve set up a super strong security system. It’s like the security systems banks use to keep your money safe,” says Hoffman.  When signing up another email will explain next steps to follow.

Seeing Your Electricity Info

Once the unique key has been received and activated, customers can use it to unlock the portal at Inside, they’ll find a bunch of great helpful information. They can see how much electricity they’ve used over time, including right now. They can also check how much their bill will be for the month. If they need info about other meters, they can request that too.

Getting Help Fast

George Municipality wants to make sure everything goes smoothly. If customers have any problems or are not receiving the emails mentioned above, they can contact Derek Baxter on for assistance.

Making Better Choices with Data

In today’s world, knowing your numbers is super important. That’s where the Bulk Meter Access Portal comes in. It gives businesses all the necessary information to use electricity wisely and save money. Instead of just guessing, companies can now make decisions based on actual facts.



Career Readiness training targets the LGBTIQ+ Community for the job market

On the photo: Job readiness session in Touwsranten

The Special Programs Desk from George Municipality hosted two Career Readiness training sessions aimed to educate members of the public with skills that will better equip them for the job market. The training took place on 22 and 23 August 2023 in Touwsranten (Ward 4) and Lawaaikamp (Ward 7), respectively.

According to Sophia Fanelo the Manager for Community Development in the George Municipality, various skills were shared amongst the attendees such as how to draw up a CV, how to conduct yourself during an interview, how to dress etc. “Although the training was open to the general members of the public, the target group was the vulnerable population within the communities including the LGBTIQ+ Community. This community was specifically targeted since it is often marginalised and discriminated against when it comes to employment opportunities,” Fanelo said.

“Sensitisation also took place to educate and inform the partners which includes local and governmental organisations on the rights and existence of transgender persons. This is also a strategy to bring about change and to champion Legal Gender Recognition within corporate workplaces,” she added.

A follow-up workshop will take place and this session will focus on drawing up a map of historic advocacies and to reflect critically on the present/current systems that are preventing access to Gender Recognition and gender-affirming Healthcare. This initiative will also be rolled out in the other Wards falling under the auspices of George Municipality.

The George Municipality wished to acknowledge the following stakeholders who all played a vital role in the success of the programme which reached about 125 persons during the two days. They are the Department of Labour and Employment, Social Health and Empowerment, ABSA bank, National Youth Development Agency (NYDA), George Municipality’s HIV/Aids Subsection and Youth Development.

Lawaaikamp Job readiness

Newly Installed Solar Energy Plant Energised

On the photo from left: Roland Appels (Sub-Contractor from MTDJ Projects), Thabo Yiga (Project Manager: Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality), Cllr Nosicelo Mbethe (Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality), Daniel Greeff (Deputy Director Electro for Planning & Design in the Electrotechnical Services Directorate), Bongani Mandla (Director of Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality) and Menno Sulsters (Main Contractor from SEM Solutions Pty Ltd).

Exciting news! The Outeniqua Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) in Pacaltsdorp, South of George has just completed the installation of a 400-kilowatt peak (kWp) solar PV system, this is another milestone for the Municipality’s strive for energy resilience.

The energising process was witnessed by Cllr Nosicelo Mbethe, Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services on Wednesday, 30 August 2023. She was accompanied by George Municipality’s Electrotechnical Services team, Bongani Mandla the director of Electrotechnical Services, Daniel Greeff the deputy Electro for Planning & Design and Thabo Yiga the Project Manager.

Demonstrating the Successful energising process was the main contractor Menno Sulsters from SEM Solutions and local sub-contractor Roland Appels from MTDJ Projects who delivered this very exceptional project. The next phase will be the establishment of a Battery Energy Storage System. The official handover of the power plant to the municipality will be announced soon.

Demonstration of From left: Menno Sulsters (Main Contractor from SEM Solutions Pty Ltd), Daniel Greeff (Deputy Director Electro for Planning & Design in the Electrotechnical Services Directorate), Cllr Nosicelo Mbethe (Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality), Thabo Yiga (Project Manager: Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality), Bongani Mandla (Director of Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality), and Roland Appels (Sub-Contractor from MTDJ Projects).

From left: Bongani Mandla (Director of Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality), Cllr Nosicelo Mbethe (Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality) Menno Sulsters (Main Contractor from SEM Solutions Pty Ltd), Thabo Yiga (Project Manager: Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality), Roland Appels (Sub-Contractor from MTDJ Projects), and Daniel Greeff (Deputy Director Electro for Planning & Design in the Electrotechnical Services Directorate).

On the photo from left: Roland Appels (Sub-Contractor from MTDJ Projects), Thabo Yiga (Project Manager: Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality), Cllr Nosicelo Mbethe (Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality), Daniel Greeff (Deputy Director Electro for Planning & Design in the Electrotechnical Services Directorate), Bongani Mandla (Director of Electrotechnical Services in the George Municipality) and Menno Sulsters (Main Contractor from SEM Solutions Pty Ltd).

George Municipality’s Dynamic Women Fuzisa Nomlala

Join us today in celebrating our very own dynamic woman from the George Municipality: Fuzisa Nomlala, Plans Examiner

“I am consistently a woman of integrity, kind and supportive. A beautiful personality makes a woman special at every turn, be it at home, work or in society.” Fuzisa said.

Since October 2020 Fuzisa has been working as a Plans Examiner. Her daily duty is to scrutinise and evaluate building plan applications but is also responsible for other Building Control matters including inspections, enforcement and administration.

Fuzisa joined George Municipality in October 2018 as an Assistant Building Control Officer. Academically, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Construction Management, National Diploma in Building Science and has just completed her Master’s degree in Town and Regional Planning.


In preparation for the roll-out of the GO GEORGE bus service to Thembalethu, a dry run through the area will take place over several days from Tuesday 29 August 2023, supported by safety, infrastructure and system planning teams.

During these drives, undertaken in the blue and green branded buses, the real time it takes to complete the various proposed routes by bus will be established and checked against the proposed timetables.

According to George Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk, a final date for the first stage of the three-stage roll-out is still to be announced. “We know the residents in those areas are anxiously awaiting the bus service and this survey is one of the final steps in the roll-out process,” he said.



Ter voorbereiding vir die uitrol van die GO GEORGE-busdiens na Thembalethu, sal ‘n proeflopie deur die gebied oor etlike dae plaasvind vanaf Dinsdag 29 Augustus 2023, ondersteun deur veiligheid-, infrastruktuur- en stelselbeplanningspanne.

Tydens hierdie ritte, wat in die blou- en groen gemerkte busse onderneem word, sal die werklike tyd wat dit neem om die verskillende voorgestelde roetes per bus te voltooi, vasgestel word en teenoor die voorgestelde tydroosters nagegaan word.

Volgens George se uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Leon van Wyk, moet ‘n finale datum vir die eerste fase van die driefase-uitrol nog aangekondig word. “Ons weet die inwoners in daardie gebiede wag angstig op die busdiens en hierdie opname is een van die laaste stappe in die uitrolproses,” het hy gesê.



Ukulungiselela ukunatyiselwa eThembalethu kwenkonzo yebhasi iGO GEORGE, kuza kwenziwa umfuziselo weehambo kulo mmandla iintsuku eziliqela ukususela ngoLwesibini umhla wama-29 Agasti 2023, mfuziselo lowo uza kuxhaswa liqela lezokhuselo, eleziseko eziluncedo nezingundoqo kunye nelesicwangciso senkqubo.

Ngethuba lalo mfuziselo wokuqhuba, oza kwenziwa kusetyenziswa iibhasi ezinombhalo ozuba kunye noluhlaza, elona xesha lithathwayo ukugqiba imizila eliqela ecetywayo ngebhasi kuza kumiselwa kwaye kukhangelwe ngokuthelekiswa nesicwangciso samaxesha esicetywayo.

NgokukaSodolophu waseGeorge, uAlderman Leon van Wyk, useza kwaziswa umhla ekugqitywe ngawo wenqanaba lokuqala kumanqanaba amathathu okunatyiswa kweenkonzo. “Siyazi ukuba abahlali kuloo mimandla bazilinde ngonxunguphalo iinkonzo zeebhasi kwaye olu phando-zimvo lolunye kumanyathelo okugqibela kwinkqubo yokunatyiswa kweenkonzo.


George Municipality’s Dynamic Women

Join us today in celebrating our very own dynamic woman from the George Municipality- Janine Wells
Manager: Traffic and Licensing

“Working in a male-dominated environment and still remaining a woman, able to juggle work, family and home, makes me unique as a woman,” Janine said.

Janine manages the Traffic Department which includes traffic law enforcement which is general traffic law enforcement, parking enforcement, training and education for creches, schools, universities, old age homes, pedestrian awareness and any other non-motorised transport mode as well as public transport which includes buses, taxis, scholar transport, freight and speed enforcement.

The Traffic Chief is also in charge of the learner and driving license section, traffic fine management, motor vehicle registration and licensing and vehicle testing.

Janine is responsible for the implementation of all relevant policies, amended legislation, and adherence to relevant municipal legislation including directives received from the National Department of Transport and the Western Cape Government: Mobility Department.

She is responsible for the development of a strategic plan and annually reviews the plan, to provide for new developments.

Community Spirit Makes Karoo to Coast a Lasting Success

On the photo: Departing the Klein Karoo, from Uniondale, the Lions Karoo to Coast takes riders via the – Wagon Trail, Price Alfred Pass and Komsepad – to Knysna, on the coast, 95-kilometres later. Photo by

Supported by the George Municipality: George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism Partnership 2023 

The Lions Karoo to Coast is one of South Africa’s most enduring and popular mountain bike races for a reason. Yes, the route is spectacularly beautiful. It is challenging enough to attract the most competitive of riders, while being an achievable challenge for relative newcomers to the sport.  What really makes the event so special though is that the whole community gets involved in ensuring it is a success.

From Uniondale to Knysna and all along the route, from Avontuur to De Vlugt, the community of the Lions Karoo to Coast make the race the annual festival of mountain biking it rapidly became and has always remained. In 2023 George Municipality has once again, through the tourism division George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism, added their expertise to the efforts, to better celebrate some of the tourism region’s less heralded towns.

“We market George, Wilderness and Uniondale to South Africa and the world,” says Tourism Manager, Joan Shaw. “Uniondale is certainly the hidden gem of the three. It boasts incredible small-town charm and warm hospitality, gives visitors a taste of the vast, arid Klein Karoo – within a 1.5-hour drive from the George and Wilderness coastlines – and is the gateway to adventures along Prince Alfred’s Pass, the Langkloof and even the Baviaanskloof.”

“For the town of Uniondale, the Lions Karoo to Coast is a massive event; it brings thousands of cyclists to the town,” Shaw continues. “Every B&B is fully booked and the restaurants are full. The supermarkets are busy too and all manner of tourism affiliated businesses thrive. For the participants and their families, Uniondale, Avontuur, De Vlugt and the rest of the route do everything they can to make the race a memorable one. From manning water points and marshalling the route, to cheering on every rider as they pass by, the community makes the Lions Karoo to Coast.  By entering the Lions Karoo to Coast, you can give yourself a pat yourself on the back for being a part of this amazing, charitable experience where you will have directly impacted the livelihoods of people living in a really small ‘dorpie’.  Nowhere else in South Africa will you encounter a MTB race with a heart as big as the Lions Karoo to Coast, and you can be a part of that.”

The event, which was founded by the Lions of Knysna and Uniondale in 1999, has always had a charitable mission. Having risen to Helen Keller’s challenge to Lions Clubs globally to become Knights of the Blind the Knysna and Uniondale chapters have channelled the funds raised though the race to local charities. This has helped many individuals with visual impairments. Some of the practical interventions and operations the event has funded include 5 824 cataract operations, in the Southern Cape region; 66 guide dogs puppies donated through South African Guide Dog Association; the sponsorship of 20 cornea grafts; and an average of 300 pairs of spectacles every year, through the Operation Brightsight division of Lions.

Another aspect of the Lions Karoo to Coast is the entries which the Lions of Knysna and Uniondale sponsor to cyclists from communities along the route. The most famous of these riders is John Ketchen, of De Vlugt. He has ridden each of the 23 editions of the race, since its inaugural edition in 1999. Ketchen rode the first edition as a 24-year-old, and now, at the age of 47, is proud to have never missed a race; regardless of how sick he was or how bad the weather was.

“The highlight for me is always the vibe and meeting new people,” Ketchen explained. “The old ox wagon trail, leaving Uniondale, is always the toughest part of the race. I’m always in a late start group and there are so many bikes on that narrow section of road.”

As one can imagine, Ketchen has a story or two to tell from his 23-year history with the race. “After the second race, in 2000, I had to take a bus back from Knysna, via the Outeniqua Pass, back to Uniondale. The bus overheated a couple of times before finally breaking down at Harold,” he retold. “We didn’t have much choice, so another cyclist and I decided to ride home. It was already dark when we started the approximately 70-kilometre cycle back to De Vlugt. We were both very tired and about 7 kilometres from home I fell asleep on my bicycle and rode into a bush! I’d never thought it was possible to fall asleep while cycling, but apparently, it can happen.”

When asked what he’s found as the essentials to take with him during the Lions Karoo to Coast he replied: “Faith in God and yourself, plus a couple of Rennie’s for the cramps!” Ketchen’s favourite section of the route is the downhill to De Vlugt on the Prince Alfred Pass. The fastest speed he ever reached on that 15-kilometre-long downhill was nearly 100 kilometres per hour.

When asked when he would hang up his bike Ketchen smiled. “I’ve ridden the Lions Karoo to Coast with my wife and my son. But I’d love to do it with my daughter. She will only be 18, and eligible to ride, in 5 years’ time. So, I have a few more Lions Karoo to Coasts in me still.”

The 2023 Lions Karoo to Coast is set to be more festive than ever. “The Springboks play Ireland in what should be the key match for us in the pool stages of the Rugby World Cup on Saturday night, before the race,” Race Director Zandile Meneses pointed out. “The Showgrounds bar will have live coverage of the match. There’s always a festival atmosphere when there’s rugby on during registration, but I suspect this year might be more intense than usual.”

“We’re also improving the e-Bike riders’ experience this year, so that they can enjoy the Lions Karoo to Coast without the worry of running out of battery power,” Meneses confirmed. “e-Bike riders can bring a spare, fully charged, battery to registration in Uniondale.  e-Bikers should note that this service is only available until 06:15 on Sunday morning, as the truck needs to leave for Buffelsnek before the race starts.”

“These spare batteries will be transported to the Squirt Cycling Products e-Bike Lubrication Station gazebo at Buffelsnek, where riders will be able to swap out their depleted batteries for the final 36 kilometres. For more information on the e-Bike Battery Management regulations please see the Lions Karoo to Coast race rules.”

“We’re really looking forward to hosting the Lions Karoo to Coast Riders in Uniondale on the 24th of September. Entries close on the 5th of September and substitutions are currently open. Substitutions can be done on the race website and close at the end of August.”

To enter the 2023 Lions Karoo to Coast visit


2023 Lions Karoo to Coast
Race Date: 24 September 2023
Entries Close: 5 September 2023
Entry Fee: R720 per person (Including dinner in Uniondale)
Registration & Start: Uniondale Show Grounds
Finish: Knysna High School Sports Fields
Facebook: Karoo to Coast
Instagram: @karoo2coast
Twitter: @karootocoast

Photo Captions and Credits:

Founded by the Lions of Uniondale and Knysna the Lions Karoo to Coast brings the communities along the route together through the race’s focus on raising funds for charity. Photo by
The beauty of the Prince Alfred Pass, as it bisects the magnificent Outeniqua Mountains, brings riders back year after year, to take part in the Lions Karoo to Coast. Photo by



The event also serves as a vehicle for private fundraising, like that conducted for the Avontuur Primary School by the Camargue Group. Photo by Oakpics.comJohn Ketchen, who has ridden every edition of the Lions Karoo to Coast, reflects on some of his fondest memories from the last 23 years. Photo supplied
Departing the Klein Karoo, from Uniondale, the Lions Karoo to Coast takes riders via the – Wagon Trail, Price Alfred Pass and Komsepad – to Knysna, on the coast, 95-kilometres later. Photo by
Buffelsnek, 59-kilometres into the race, will feature the Squirt Cycling Products Lubrication Station and will host the e-Bike battery change station, for those e-Bikers who hand in a spare battery at registration. Photo by
Lions Karoo to Coast is a family-friendly event, so bring yours along to cheer you on and support the host towns. Photo by

To download the high-resolution versions of these images, click here.

For more information about the Lions Karoo to Coast please visit or contact Zandile Meneses on 082 851 3622 or via email at

About George

George is situated in the Western Cape province of South Africa and is set in the very centre of the magnificent Garden Route. ‘George’ spans all the way from Herolds Bay to Uniondale to Wilderness. It has exceptional natural surroundings – oceans, mountains, waterways, forests, and farmlands – making it a paradise for outdoor and nature enthusiasts. George is known for its premier golf courses, pristine beaches, arts, culture, and history as well as wining and dining, and adrenalin-fuelled adventures and trails. The temperate climate, outstanding tourism offerings and national airport make it a sought-after destination for leisure and holidays. Plan your stay and find out more at

Food Gardens Project offers gardening training to the youth

On Wednesday 16 August 2023, the Food Gardens Project embarked on a youth training programme in gardening. The Training took place at the Community Gardens of the New Dawn Park Creche in Pacaltsdorp

The programme aims to get young people, with risky behaviour, back into the education system and assist those who dropped out early. The programme also aims to address gangster behaviour and drug abuse amongst the youth.

The programme was facilitated by Jonathan Fortuin who co-ordinates the Household food gardens Project within the Municipality.

Food Gardens Project embarked on a youth training programme in gardening

The programme aims to get young people, with risky behaviour, back into the education system and assist those who dropped out early

New outdoor gym equipment officially opened in Conville

On the photo from left: Cllr Brendon Adams (Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Social Development, Libraries and Sport who is also the Councillor for Ward 17), Cllr Jean Safers (Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Parks, Refuse & Environment, Sivuyile Mtila (Senior Manager for Environmental Services), Nosidima Vumindaba (Manager for Parks and Recreation), and Raphael Goeieman (Ward Committee member for War 17).

The George Municipality officially opened new outdoor gym equipment that is situated in a play park at Suikerbekkie Street, in Ward 17, Conville which was donated by the National Department of Sports, Arts, and Culture (DSAC) as part of its roll-out for the 2022/23 and 2024/25 financial years. George is one of more than 70 recipients of outdoor gyms nationally.

The Portfolio Councillor (Cllr) for Community Services: Parks, Refuse & Environment Jean Safers, accompanied by the Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Social Development, Libraries and Sport Brendon Adams who is also the Councillor for Ward 17 handed over the gym equipment on 11 August 2023. Also, present were George Municipality’s Senior Manager for Environmental Services Sivuyile Mtila and Manager for Parks and Recreation Nosidima Vumindaba.

Cllr Safers thanked the representatives of DSAC for their generous donation. “This donation will make a significant difference to all residents living in this ward. By working together, we are bringing tangible benefits and changes to adults and children alike with initiatives such as these. Our children and youth need such options that aid in boosting physical activity,” Councillor Safers said. “Intergovernmental initiatives such as these are what is needed to help obliterate social ills amongst the youth and hopes to see many collaborative efforts in the future.”

The Councillors and officials that attended the handover treated the approximately 40 children that were cheerfully playing in the park with a demonstration on how to use the gym equipment, and Ward Councillor Adams also gave each of the children a pack of chips. Theo Arries one of the citizens who lives with a disability came to witness the official opening of the new gym equipment and said he’s excited that he has a place that he can comfortably use for exercising.

In a written handover document of the DSAC, the department indicated that the donation of the gym equipment is inspired by the National Development Plan (NDP) recognition of the importance of sport and recreation as tools to promote wellness and social cohesion. The Strategic objectives of DSAC aim to create an enabling environment for communities across the country by availing adequate facilities for basic exercise and sporting activities.

Please watch the demonstration of the use of the outdoor Gym equipment:

The George Municipality officially opened new outdoor gym equipment that is situated in a play park in Conville

Theo Arries one of the citizens who came to witness the official opening of the new gym equipment

From left: Sivuyile Mtila (Senior Manager for Environmental Services), Nosidima Vumindaba (Manager for Parks and Recreation), Cllr Brendon Adams (Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Social Development, Libraries and Sport who is also the Councillor for Ward 17), and Cllr Jean Safers (Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Parks, Refuse & Environment).


George Municipality’s Dynamic Women- Grace Notshokovu

Join us today in celebrating our very own dynamic woman from the George Municipality- Grace Notshokovu, Project Coordinator: Street Cleansing

Grace plans, organises, coordinates, and directs waste management programmes or long-term projects in the Cleansing and Environmental department. She usually spearheads the cleaning of illegal dumping sites with the help of other officials, volunteers from the community and other state departments.

Some of Grace’s duties include inspecting waste/ dumping sites, storage containers and facilities, characterizing waste, and documentation of solid, liquid, hazardous, and/or mixed waste. “All in all, part of my job is to ensure that the community’s needs are met for service delivery,” Grace explained.

“What makes me, and being a woman, special is being a mother, which has given me the ability of being selfless,” Grace said