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Buses rerouted during road upgrades in CJ Langenhoven Road

 Buses rerouted during road upgrades in CJ Langenhoven Road

Issued Friday 5 August 2022


Planned construction activities on CJ Langenhoven Road during August and September 2022 will have an impact on GO GEORGE services. Hospital staff and visitors to George Hospital and Geneva Clinic will be impacted, amongst other bus users. Construction will commence on Thursday, 11 August.

The section to be upgraded is between George Hospital and York Street, with one lane open in each direction, allowing access to road users along this section of road. Since traffic congestion is expected, it was decided to reroute Route 2 Blanco-CBD via Davidson Street on its way from Blanco to the CBD. The rerouting will be from the hospital circle to the York Street circle, where the route will run along York Street and turn left into Hibernia Street on its normal route to the Transport Hub in Cradock Street.

Affected bus stops

Bus stop 346 Sports Club on the hospital side of the street behind George Hospital will be closed temporarily. Passengers who usually board the bus at this stop are advised to use stop 143 Hospital in Davidson Road.

The other two bus stops that will be closed temporarily are 144 Herrie and 587 Palm. Passengers disembarking at these stops will now be deviated via Davidson and York Streets to Hibernia Street, and those usually boarding at these stops will now have to board at stop 313 York D in Hibernia Street.

Passengers who need assistance with planning their trips are welcome to phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 or send an email to


Three bus stops in CJ Langenhoven Road will be closed temporarily during the planned roadworks.



 Busse herlei tydens padopgraderings in CJ Langenhovenweg  

Uitgereik Vrydag 5 Augustus 2022


Beplande konstruksieaktiwiteite in CJ Langenhovenweg gedurende Augustus en September 2022 sal ‘n invloed op GO GEORGE-dienste hê. Hospitaalpersoneel en besoekers aan die George Hospitaal en Geneva-kliniek sal onder meer geraak word. Konstruksiewerk sal op Donderdag 11 Augustus begin.

Die gedeelte van die pad wat opgegradeer moet word, is tussen George Hospitaal en Yorkstraat, met een baan oop in elke rigting, wat toegang tot padgebruikers langs hierdie gedeelte van die pad toelaat. Aangesien verkeersopeenhopings verwag word, is daar besluit om Roete 2 Blanco-CBD via Davidsonstraat te herlei in die rigting van Blanco na die middedorp. Die herleiding sal strek van die hospitaalsirkel tot by die Yorkstraat-sirkel, waar die roete in Yorkstraat sal indraai en dan weer links in Hiberniastraat op sy normale roete na die Vervoerkern (Hub) in Cradockstraat.

Bushaltes wat geraak word

Bushalte 346 Sports Club aan die hospitaalkant van die straat agter die George-hospitaal sal tydelik gesluit word. Passasiers wat gewoonlik by hierdie halte op die bus klim, word aangeraai om die 143 Hospital-halte in Davidsonweg te gebruik.

Die ander twee bushaltes wat tydelik gesluit word, is 144 Herrie en 587 Palm. Passasiers wat gewoonlik by hierdie haltes afklim, sal nou via Davidson- en Yorkstraat na Hiberniastraat herlei word, en diegene wat gewoonlik by hierdie haltes opklim, sal nou by die 313 York D-halte in Hiberniastraat aan boord moet gaan.

Passasiers wat hulp nodig het met die beplanning van hul ritte is welkom om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel of ‘n e-pos aan te stuur.


Drie bushaltes in CJ Langenhovenweg sal tydelik gesluit word tydens die konstruksietydperk.