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Author: Ntobeko Mangqwengqwe

Congratulations to the Health and Safety Treasure Hunt Winners

On the photo from the Left: Robin-lee Hector, Zanele Norawana, Ilané Huyser, Robert Janse van Rensburg and Fakazile Vava (all from the Town Planning Department).

George Municipality launched a Health and Safety Treasure Hunt Competition on 06 June 2023, which aimed to identify hazards in the workplace and come up with suggestions on how to address them. We are happy to announce that the competition was a success, with two teams from Human Settlements, Planning and Development and Properties and Civil Engineering Services participating.

The hard work and dedication of all participants in ensuring the safety of our employees and visitors to George Municipality are appreciated. In the Central Health and Safety meeting held on 29 August 2023, the committee members voted for the winning entry and unanimously voted for the Planning team as the winners of this competition.

The Winners are:
– Fakazile Vava
– Ilané Huyser
– Robert Janse van Rensburg
– Robin-lee Hector
– Zanele Norawana

Their winning suggestion, amongst others, addressed the access road along Victoria Street onto the main building’s parking area, which is also used by the public. They proposed the installation of speed reduction signs and speed humps to reduce speed. We’re grateful for their contribution to ensuring the safety of all who visit and work at George Municipality.

Eskom Interruption of Electricity Supply: Wilderness Town


Date: 14 September 2023
Time: 06:00 to 18:00
• Wilderness town,
Enquiries: 08600 37566
Datum: 14 September 2023
Tyd: 06:00 to 18:00
• Wilderness dorp
Navrae: 08600 37566

Water supply interruption in parts of Wilderness due to power outages 14 Sept 2023 @06:40

The Boardwalk Pumpstation in Wilderness is experiencing power outages. According to Emergency Services, there are still a few houses and the pump station without power supply.

The Wilderness Heights Reservoir is empty, due to the inability to pump water as a result of no electricity supply. This affects Wilderness Heights and surrounding areas. Two water trucks have been dispatched from 5:00 this morning to temporarily provide water to residents. One truck will be parked at Bundu Supersave, while another one will be roaming the outer-lying areas (Remskoen Rd, Erica Rd, etc.).

Once power is restored, we request that water be used sparingly during this period and allowance be made for the reservoir level to stabilize in between load-shedding.


Consumers are reminded to please use electricity sparingly when power returns

Issued by George Municipality, 13 September 2023 @19:00

Consumers are reminded to PLEASE use electricity sparingly when power returns after a 4-hour loadshedding slot tonight, 13 September 2023. Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Loadshedding.

Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding is scheduled to return. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network.

Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the after-hours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on i.e. areas are switched on one by one and not all at the same time to avoid overloading the system. Please wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The Electrotechnical Directorate will be aware of a possible substation trip that needs to be sorted out.

Thembalethu power outage to be restored after loadshedding

Parts of Thembalethu were experiencing unplanned outages this afternoon. Our electricians went out to investigate. Repairs were done and the network is being normalized. All power supply should per restored after loadshedding (Load shedding is currently in progress from 16:00 until 20:30 tonight).

Extended Loadshedding Putting Pressure on Water Supply – Wilderness, 13 Sept 2023 @17:36

The Liebenstraum Reservoir serving Wilderness Heights and surrounding area is under immense pressure after unplanned power outages and extended periods of loadshedding during the day.

Two water trucks have been dispatched from George to provide water to residents.

One truck will be parked at Bundu Supersave, while another one will be roaming the outer lying areas (Remskoen Rd, Erica Rd, etc).

We request that water be used sparingly during this period and allowance be made for the reservoir level to stabilize after loadshedding


Municipality partners with Sommer-Net-Ons ATKV to celebrate International Literacy Day

On the photo from left: Magmooda Sylvester (Sommer-Net-Ons-ATKV representative), Desmonique Hector (Current Youth Peer Educator), Mrs Loraine Carolus (Pacaltsdorp Primary School -PPS), Jonel Kerspuy (George Municipality)

International Literacy Day (ILD) was celebrated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on 08 September 2023, with the reminder that literacy is a basic human right and a necessary foundation for learning. To commemorate the ILD, the George Municipality’s Youth Development Division Section, in association with the Sommer-Net-Ons- ATKV branch, provides support at the Pacaltsdorp Primary School (PPS) to learners to help them read better to have a greater understanding of what they are learning.

This takes place through the supportive role provided by one of the Youth Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Peer Educators to the ATKV at the school. The aim of the programme is to create a love for reading amongst the learners. The Sommer-Net-Ons-ATKV branch trains these young people, for them to provide effective support at the school. Two of the previous Youth EPWP Peer Educators, have been absorbed by PPS, after their contracts as Municipal Youth Peer Educators expired.

International Literacy Day (ILD) celebrations have taken place annually around the world Since 1967, to remind the public of the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights, and to advance the literacy agenda towards a more literate and sustainable society. UNESCO is a specialized agency of the United Nations aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture.

From left: Runique Zana (Assistant at School, previous Peer Educator), Desmonique Hector (Current Youth Peer Educator), Jonel Kerspuy (George Municipality)

Eskom Loadshedding Update 12 September 2023 @20:30

⚠️ Power Alert: Tuesday, 12 September 2023: The anticipated return to service of a generating unit each at Kendal, Matla and Matimba power stations has been delayed, necessitating the continuous implementation of Stage 6 loadshedding until further notice. Eskom will publish another update should any significant changes occur.

George will be affected as follows:
Wednesday 13/09/2023
00:00 – 02:30
08:00 – 12:30 **
16:00 – 20:30 **

Thursday 14/09/2023
00:00 – 02:30
08:00 – 10:30
16:00 – 20:30 **

Friday 15/09/2023
00:00 – 04:30 **
08:00 – 10:30
16:00 – 18:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Tuesday 12/09/2023
21:00 – 23:30

Wednesday 13/09/2023
03:00 – 05:30
11:00 – 15:30 **
19:00 – 23:30 **

Thursday 14/09/2023
03:00 – 05:30
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 23:30 **

Friday 15/09/2023
03:00 – 07:30 **
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 21:30

Consumers are reminded to PLEASE use electricity sparingly when power returns after a 4-hour loadshedding slot. Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Loadshedding.

Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding is scheduled to return. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network.

Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the after-hours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on i.e. areas are switched on one by one and not all at the same time to avoid overloading the system. Please wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The Electrotechnical Directorate will be aware of a possible substation trip that needs to be sorted out.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at


Eskom Loadshedding Update 12 September 2023 @14:25

Loadshedding schedule for 12 – 15 September 2023

Tuesday, 12 September 2023: Due to the loss of four generating units, the need to replenish the emergency generation reserves and increased planned maintenance as previously communicated, loadshedding will continue to be implemented at Stage 5 until 16:00 today. Thereafter, Stage 6 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 until 05:00 on Wednesday. This pattern of implementing Stage 5 loadshedding from 05:00 to 16:00 and Stage 6 loadshedding from 16:00 until 05:00 will be repeated daily until Friday morning.

George will be affected as follows:
Tuesday 12/09/2023
18:00 – 20:30

Wednesday 13/09/2023
00:00 – 02:30
08:00 – 10:30
16:00 – 20:30 **

Thursday 14/09/2023
00:00 – 02:30
08:00 – 10:30
16:00 – 20:30 **

Friday 15/09/2023
00:00 – 04:30 **
08:00 – 10:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Tuesday 12/09/2023
13:00 – 17:30 **
21:00 – 23:30

Wednesday 13/09/2023
03:00 – 05:30
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 23:30 **

Thursday 14/09/2023
03:00 – 05:30
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 23:30 **

Friday 15/09/2023
03:00 – 07:30 **
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 21:30

Consumers are reminded to PLEASE use electricity sparingly when power returns after a 4-hour loadshedding slot. Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Loadshedding.

Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding is scheduled to return. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network.

Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the after-hours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on i.e. areas are switched on one by one and not all at the same time to avoid overloading the system. Please wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The Electrotechnical Directorate will be aware of a possible substation trip that needs to be sorted out.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at


Planned Interruption of the Electricity Supply: Portion of Heroldsbay Sewer Pump Station US122

Planned Interruption of the Electricity Supply: Portion of Heroldsbay Sewer Pump Station US122


NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on FRIDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2023 FROM 09H00 to TO16H30 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on MONDAY 18 SEPTEMBER 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30.


Beplande Onderbreking van die Elektriese Toevoer: Gedeelte Van Heroldsbaai Riool Pompstasie Lyn US122


KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op VRYDAG 15 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op MONDAY18 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30.

Rehabilitation of Golf Street

Golf Street Rehabilitation

The rehabilitation of Golf Street will impact road users from 21 September 2023 to 30 June 2024.

Municipal services may be disrupted during this period due to construction activities. Whenever possible, advance notification of temporary disruptions will be sent out via social media.

Working hours will be from 07h00 to 18h00 Monday to Friday and 07h00 – 14h00 on Saturdays as may be needed from time to time.

Golf Street will be constructed in half widths and will remain open for one-way traffic in the direction from Main Road to Circular Drive as indicated on the figure. Phase 2 construction commences on 21 September 2023. Phase 1, indicated in orange on the figure, is currently still under construction and the estimated completion date is 30 January 2024.

Caution needs to be exercised by residents, road users and pedestrians throughout the duration of the construction period. Adherence to flag persons, temporary road signage and markings is required.

The Road will be constructed in half-widths, but access will be granted for all directly affected residents. Access to Erven will be arranged by the contractor with the affected residents in the construction area.

PROJECT ENQUIRIES: IX Engineers (Phone: 082 944 3654)

The George Municipality apologises for any inconvenience and appeals to all residents to be patient and exercise caution during the road upgrade. Please look out for and adhere to temporary road signage and roadworks personnel. Details of further road upgrade work will be published as may be necessary.

Garden Route Dam Level – 12 September 2023  

Picture of the dam when it was full

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height: 93,05
Rainfall for the previous 7 days: 7 mm (Measured up to and including 12 September 2023)

The cooperation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

Follow this link for the detailed Stricter Water Restrictions:

Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

Traffic Department Services Close Temporarily Due to Operational Requirements

Please be advised that all three service centres of the George Traffic Department will be temporarily closed on Wednesday, 13 September 2023 at 14:00, due to operational requirements.

The three service sections are:
• The Motor Vehicle Registration (MVR) and Licencing offices which are situated on Hibernia Street (Next to the train station) and the Blanco Satellite offices. Information about MVR:
• The Driving Licence Testing Centre (DLTC) which is situated at Mission Street in Pacaltsdorp. Information about DLTC:
• The Vehicle Testing Station (VTS) which is situated at Hibernia Street, next to the Vehicle Licence office (next to George Train Station). Information about VTS:

Eskom Loadshedding update 12 September 2023 @09:25

Tuesday, 12 September 2023: Due to the loss of 4 generation units overnight, Stage 5 loadshedding will be implemented from 10:00 until 16:00 today. Eskom will publish another update this afternoon. (Eskom)

George will be affected as follows:
Tuesday 12/09/2023
02:00 – 04:30
10:00 – 14:30 **
18:00 – 20:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Tuesday 12/09/2023
05:00 – 07:30
13:00 – 16:30 **
21:00 – 23:30

Consumers are reminded to PLEASE use electricity sparingly when power returns after a 4-hour loadshedding slot. Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Loadshedding.

Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding is scheduled to return. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network.

Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the after-hours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on i.e. areas are switched on one by one and not all at the same time to avoid overloading the system. Please wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The Electrotechnical Directorate will be aware of a possible substation trip that needs to be sorted out.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at

Issued by George Municipality

Eskom Loadshedding Update, 11 Sept 2023

In order to replenish pumped storage dam levels overnight and to maintain sufficient emergency generation reserves, Stage 5 loadshedding will be implemented tonight from 22:00 until 05:00 tomorrow.

Thereafter, Stage 4 loadshedding will continue to be implemented as previously communicated from 05:00 on Tuesday until further notice.

George and Uniondale will not be affected

George Municipality is strengthening public safety by expanding its CCTV building

On the photo from left: Zahoor Brey (Contractor from Zabs Enterprises), Alderman Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George), Dr Michele Gratz (Municipal Manager), Dawie Adonis (Director of Community Services) and Ruan Espach, (Urban Engineer Consultants Pty).

The George Municipality is taking proactive measures to keep its citizens safe by expanding its Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) building. This week, the Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk, and the Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz, visited the building as the extension and upgrading commences.

With more than 600 cameras spread throughout the city, including Municipal Buildings, criminal activities and potential threats are being monitored to protect municipal property and identify unlawful actions. This expansion is a crucial step towards making George a safer city for all.

Eskom Loadshedding Update – 11 September 2023 @11:45


Due to the failure of generating units at Arnot, Duvha and Grootvlei power stations, as well as the delay in returning generating units to service, Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented from 12:00 today until further notice.

George will be affected as follows:
Monday 11/09/2023
18:00 – 20:30

Tuesday 12/09/2023
02:00 – 04:30
10:00 – 12:30
18:00 – 20:30

Wednesday 13/09/2023
00:00 – 02:30
08:00 – 10:30
16:00 – 18:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Monday 11/09/2023
13:00 – 15:30
21:00 – 23:30

Tuesday 12/09/2023
05:00 – 07:30
13:00 – 15:30
21:00 – 23:30

Wednesday 13/09/2023
03:00 – 05:30
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 21:30

Consumers are reminded to PLEASE use electricity sparingly when power returns after a 4-hour loadshedding slot. Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Loadshedding.

Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding is scheduled to return. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network.

Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the after-hours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on i.e. areas are switched on one by one and not all at the same time to avoid overloading the system. Please wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The Electrotechnical Directorate will be aware of a possible substation trip that needs to be sorted out.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at

Issued by George Municipality

Planned Interruption of the Electricity Supply Portion of Wilderness



NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on WEDNESDAY 06 September 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on THURSDAY 07 September 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H00.



KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op WOENSDAG 06 September 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H00 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op DONDERDAG 07 September 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H00.

Planned Interruption of the Electricity Supply: Portion of Levallia


NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on SATURDAY 09 SEPTEMBER 2023 FROM 08H00 TO 18H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on SUNDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 2023 FROM 08H00 TO 18H00.

Issued by George Municipality
1 September 2023


Beplande Onderbreking van die Elektriese Toevoer: Gedeelte van Levallia


KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op SATERDAG 09 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 08H00 TOT 18H00 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op SONDAG 10 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 08H00 TOT 18H00.

Uitgereik deur George Munisipaliteit
1 September 2023

Career Readiness training targets the LGBTIQ+ Community for the job market

On the photo: Job readiness session in Touwsranten

The Special Programs Desk from George Municipality hosted two Career Readiness training sessions aimed to educate members of the public with skills that will better equip them for the job market. The training took place on 22 and 23 August 2023 in Touwsranten (Ward 4) and Lawaaikamp (Ward 7), respectively.

According to Sophia Fanelo the Manager for Community Development in the George Municipality, various skills were shared amongst the attendees such as how to draw up a CV, how to conduct yourself during an interview, how to dress etc. “Although the training was open to the general members of the public, the target group was the vulnerable population within the communities including the LGBTIQ+ Community. This community was specifically targeted since it is often marginalised and discriminated against when it comes to employment opportunities,” Fanelo said.

“Sensitisation also took place to educate and inform the partners which includes local and governmental organisations on the rights and existence of transgender persons. This is also a strategy to bring about change and to champion Legal Gender Recognition within corporate workplaces,” she added.

A follow-up workshop will take place and this session will focus on drawing up a map of historic advocacies and to reflect critically on the present/current systems that are preventing access to Gender Recognition and gender-affirming Healthcare. This initiative will also be rolled out in the other Wards falling under the auspices of George Municipality.

The George Municipality wished to acknowledge the following stakeholders who all played a vital role in the success of the programme which reached about 125 persons during the two days. They are the Department of Labour and Employment, Social Health and Empowerment, ABSA bank, National Youth Development Agency (NYDA), George Municipality’s HIV/Aids Subsection and Youth Development.

Lawaaikamp Job readiness