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Author: Ntobeko Mangqwengqwe

George Municipality Integrated Services Prepared for New Year’s Weekend

As the traditional New Year and New Year’s Eve events approach, George Municipality’s integrated services are geared up for all possibilities. Our disaster management team is actively monitoring the situation, including the anticipated rainy weather that may lead to floods.

Approximately 1000 people visited the beaches on Christmas afternoon. We are prepared for the expected crowds during the coming weekend.

Ensuring the safety of our visitors and residents remains our top priority during this Festive Season. Beach monitors and law enforcement officials are patrolling the beaches, addressing any incidents that may arise. They are actively searching for and confiscating any alcohol found, maintaining a zero-tolerance policy. They are also ensuring compliance with regulations, including no dogs or other animals on Blue Flag beaches. The public is reminded that the setting off of fireworks is prohibited in the George Municipal Area and offenders will be fined.

With three beaches holding full Blue Flag status, one with pilot Blue Flag status, and one Green Coast Award, visitors can be assured of high standards and safe, clean beaches. All teams are working collaboratively to meet Blue Flag requirements.

To enhance traffic management, additional wardens are deployed, implementing a drop-and-go system at all beaches to streamline parking. Additional cleaning staff are ensuring pristine beaches and clean facilities. Well-trained and equipped lifesavers are stationed at the beaches.

Daily management meetings address any arising matters, reflecting our commitment to service delivery. George Municipality aims to welcome visitors with open arms, benefiting local businesses and the economy.


Drop-off/pick-up points for private and public transport vehicles on beaches on 1 and 2 January 2024

PUBLIC NOTICE: Drop-off/pick-up points for private and public transport vehicles on beaches on 1 and 2 January 2024

To minimise traffic congestion, the George Municipality has made alternative arrangements for the drop-off and pick-up of large groups of passengers by public transport vehicles (taxis and buses) and/or private vehicles.

George traffic officers and point service officers will be in place to ensure the smooth flow of traffic as far as possible. Traffic controllers will assist with general parking as well as at the designated drop-and-go/pick-up areas at all beaches. Clear directions are in place. These arrangements are made for the safety of all public transport users and pedestrians.

VICTORIA BAY: 1 and 2 January 2024: 07:00 – 18:00
All public transport vehicles (taxis and buses): At the upper parking area at stop sign on the left where you enter Victoria Bay.
Private vehicles: Drop-and-go circle at the boom, until officials indicate otherwise.
Drop-off: Drop-and-go circle at the boom, until officials indicate otherwise.

HEROLDS BAY: 1 and 2 January 2024: 06:00 – 18:00
Drop-and-go/pick-up points at the caravan food stalls and on the left side of the public toilet facilities.
No public transport vehicles, including buses and taxis, may park at the main parking area overlooking the sea.
Motorists are also allowed to park on the sides of the R404 road, provided they are completely off the road and do not create any obstruction.

WILDERNESS BEACH: 1 and 2 January 2024: 07:00 – 18:00
All public transport vehicles, (taxis and buses): Wilderness common drop-off point and parking area
ONLY private vehicles, the elderly and persons with disabilities: Wilderness Main beach drop-and-go point.

Map key:
Yellow arrows indicate parking areas.
Purple arrows indicate beach access.
Red stars indicate location of lifeguards.
Red triangle indicates that area/access is closed.
Green arrow indicates drop-and-go point for public, elderly people, and persons with disabilities.
Blue arrow indicates public transport drop-off/pick-up point (taxis and buses).

OPENBARE KENNISGEWING: Aflaai-en-ry / oplaaipunte vir privaat en openbare vervoer-voertuie op strande op 1 en 2 Januarie 2024

Om te verseker dat verkeersopeenhopings tot die minimum beperk word, het die George-munisipaliteit alternatiewe reëlings getref vir die af- en oplaai van groot groepe passasiers deur openbare vervoer-voertuie (taxi’s en busse) en/of private voertuie.

George-verkeersbeamptes en puntdiensbeamptes sal in plek wees om die gladde vloei van verkeer so ver moontlik te verseker. Verkeersbeheerders sal help met algemene parkering sowel as by die aangewese aflaai-en-ry / oplaaigebiede by alle strande. Duidelike aanwysings is in plek. Hierdie reëlings word getref ter wille van die veiligheid van alle openbare vervoergebruikers en voetgangers.

VICTORIABAAI: 1 en 2 Januarie 2024: 07:00 – 18:00
Alle openbare vervoer-voertuie (taxi’s en busse): By die boonste parkeerarea by stopteken aan die linkerkant waar u Victoriabaai binnekom.
Privaat voertuie: Aflaai-en-ry-sirkel by die valhek, totdat beamptes anders aandui.
Aflaai: Aflaai-en-ry-sirkel by die valhek, totdat beamptes anders aandui.

HEROLDSBAAI: 1 en 2 Januarie 2024: 06:00 – 18:00
Aflaai-en-ry / oplaaipunte by die karavaankosstalletjies en aan die linkerkant van die openbare toiletgeriewe
Geen openbare-vervoervoertuie, insluitend busse en taxi’s, mag by die hoofparkeerarea wat op die see uitkyk, parkeer nie.
Motoriste mag ook aan die kante van die R404-pad parkeer, mits hulle heeltemal van die pad af is en geen versperring veroorsaak nie.

WILDERNIS-STRAND: 1 en 2 Januarie 2023: 07:00 – 18:00
Alle openbare-vervoervoertuie, (taxi’s en busse): Wildernis se gemeenskaplike aflaaipunt en parkeerarea (Wilderness common)
SLEGS privaat voertuie, bejaardes en persone met gestremdhede: Wildernis hoof-strand aflaai-en-ry-punt.

Geel pyle dui parkeerareas aan.
Pers pyle dui toegang tot strand aan.
Rooi sterre dui ligging van lewensredders aan.
Rooi driehoek dui aan dat area / toegang gesluit is.
Groen pyl dui aflaai-en-ry-punt vir publiek, bejaardes en persone met gestremdhede aan.
Blou pyl dui aflaai- /oplaaipunt vir openbare vervoer (taxi’s en busse) aan.

ISAZISO SIKAWONKE-WONKE: Ukwehla nokuHamba (Drop and Go) / iindawo zokuQokelela kwiZithuthi zaBucala kunye nezoThutho lukaWonke-wonke elunxwemeni ngomhla 1 & 2 Januwari 2024

Ukuqinisekisa ukuba ingxinano yezothutho iyathotywa, uMasipala waseGeorge wenze amanye amalungiselelo okwehlisa kunye nokuqokelelwa kwabakhweli beZithuthi zikaWonke-wonke (kuquka neeTaxi) kunye/okanye izithuthi zabucala.
Amagosa ezendlela eGeorge kunye nama Points-man aza kube ekhona ukuqinisekisa ukuhamba kakuhle kwezithuthi kangangoko. Abalawuli bezendlela bancedisa kwindawo yokupaka jikelele kunye nakwiindawo ezichongiweyo ze-Drop and Go / Collection kuzo zonke iilwandle. Iimpawu ezicacileyo zikhona. La malungiselelo enziwa ngeenjongo zokhuseleko loluntu olusebenzisa izithuthi zikawonke-wonke kunye nabahambi ngeenyawo.

IVictoria Bay: 1 & 2 Januwari 2024: 07:00 – 18:00
Zonke izithuthi zikawonke-wonke (iiteksi kunye neebhasi): Kuphawu lokumisa olusekhohlo kwindawo yokumisa izithuthi ephezulu xa ungena eVictoria Bay.
Izithuthi zabucala: Kwisangqa sokwehla-ukhwelise kwisango elilawulwa yibhum, ade amagosa anike eminye imiyalelo.
Ukwehlisa: Kwisangqa sokwehla-ukhwelise kwisango elilawulwa yibhum, ade amagosa anike eminye imiyalelo.

Herold’s Bay: 1 & 2 Januwari 2024: 06:00 – 18:00
Iindawo zokuLahla kunye nokuHamba / zokuQokelelwa zikwindawo yokutyela yeKharavani kwaye ngasekhohlo kwendawo yokuGcina uLuntu.
Akukho ziThuthi zoThutho lukaWonke-wonke kuquka iiteksi neebhasi ezivumelekileyo ukuba zipake kwindawo yokupaka ejongene nolwandle.
Abaqhubi nabo bavumelekile ukuba bapake kwincam yendlela i-R404 engena kunxweme lolwandle ukuba ngaba baphumile ngokupheleleyo endleleni kwaye ababangeli mqobo.

Wilderness Beach: 1 & 2 Januwari 2024: 07:00 – 18:00
Zonke iZithuthi zoThutho lukaWonke-wonke kuquka iiteksi neebhasi: I-Wilderness Common Drop kunye ne-Go/Ndawo yokuqokelelwa
Izithuthi zabucala, abaDala kunye nabakhubazekileyo KUPHELA: I-Wilderness Main beach Drop and Go

Imephu ilivo:
Iintolo ezityheli(Yellow) zibonisa iindawo zokuPaka.
Iintolo ezimfusa (Purple) zibonisa uFikelelo eLwandle
Iinkwenkwezi eziBomvu(Red) zibonisa Indawo yabaKhuseli bokuphila
Unxantathu obomvu. Indawo / Ufikelelo luvaliwe.
Utolo oluluhlaza(Green) lubonisa UKULAHLA kunye ne-HAMBA kuluntu kunye naBakhulileyo nabaKhubazekileyo.
Utolo oluBlue lubonisa ukuLahla kunye nokuya kwiiteksi neebhasi. Amanqaku okuqokelelwa kweeTaxi.

Christmas Lights Vandalised

At the beginning of December, the George Municipality excitedly announced the switching on of Christmas Lights through a lights Festival that took place in Pacaltsdorp, an event that helps create a festive atmosphere throughout the Festive Season. Sadly, some of the lights, particularly in York Street in the George CBD, and at the Unity Park Circle, have been vandalised. Not only have the power lines been vandalized, but also the controller unit, which makes the repair work more costly for the Municipality and can take longer to repair.

The Municipality’s Electrotechnical Department Services has already started the repair work and replacement of the vandalised material.

The Municipality urges the members of the public to refrain from destroying their property. Vandalism is a crime and ultimately costs ratepayers’ money. Please report people tampering, painting, breaking, or stealing municipal property to the SAPS and George Municipality Law Enforcement (044 801 6350 or 044 801 6300 after hours) as soon as you see it happening. If you can take pictures of the culprits in the act without endangering yourself, it will help a lot. Thank you in advance for helping us protect our infrastructure.

George Municipality offers an amount of R2500 as a reward for information that leads to the successful conviction of vandalism in a court of law. The witness will have to go on record with the authorities, giving his/her name and contact details to testify, but his/her identity will be protected. Report to 0860 044 044 to be eligible for the reward.

George on High Alert Following a Level 3 Disruptive Rain Warning

The SA Weather report has warned of a Level 3 disruptive rain leading to flooding of roads, low-lying bridges and formal/informal settlements is expected over the Overberg, Southern Cape, Winelands, and coastal areas of the Garden Route on Saturday and Sunday, 30 – 31 December 2023. The George Municipality is prepared with a contingency plan consisting of integrated services to respond to predicted disruptive rain.

The Municipality appeals to residents to be alert and cautious. If on the road, avoid flooded areas and rivers and be ready to move to higher ground, if necessary. Remember to keep pets safe. The public can purchase sandbags at Agri, which can be filled at the Fire Department Mitchell Street. Watch the George Municipal social media pages, website, and local media for updated information.

Important contact details for emergencies: Switchboard: 044 801 9111 (7.45 am-4.30 pm) AFTER-HOURS AND EMERGENCIES: 044 801 6300 Fire and Rescue: 044 801 6311 or 044 801 6300 Law Enforcement: 044 801 6350/89


George Municipality Strengthens Beach Safety with Dedicated Monitors

In the photo: Beach monitors

In a proactive measure to enhance safety along its beaches, George Municipality proudly announces the recruitment of 38 dedicated Beach Monitors. These monitors will play a pivotal role in supporting the Municipal Law Enforcement teams, fostering a safer environment for both residents and visitors during the festive season.

The Beach Monitors undergo briefing every morning to be ready for the daily actions and attend to any problems to ensure a secure and enjoyable beach experience for everyone. Their primary responsibilities include monitoring and maintaining order along the beachfront, responding to incidents, and assisting law enforcement initiatives.

George Municipality remains steadfast in its dedication to providing a secure and welcoming atmosphere for beachgoers. The Beach Monitors serve as valuable additions to the municipality’s efforts to promote safety and enjoyment at its beaches.

George Law enforcement officer and community safety officials


George Municipality Expands Solar Power Initiative for Traffic Lights

George Municipality is thrilled to announce the expansion of its solar power initiative for traffic lights, marking the successful installation of solar panels in Pacaltsdorp. This comes on the heels of the initial pilot project in Knysna Road and the Witfontein Road intersection in Blanco.

The solar panels are designed to charge batteries and supply excess energy to power traffic lights, contributing to sustainability and reducing the municipality’s carbon footprint. This initiative aligns with George Municipality’s commitment to green processes and resource efficiency.

George Municipality remains committed to exploring additional opportunities for integrating renewable energy into its infrastructure projects, contributing to the creation of a more sustainable and eco-friendly city.


Sport and Recreational Activities in Blue Flag Beaches

Herold’s Bay

In adherence to international Blue Flag standards at our beaches, George Municipality outlines the following rules for sport and recreational events:

  • Organized sports activities require prior application and approval from George Municipality.
  • Approved activities must be conducted in designated or demarcated areas.
  • All beach sports, both formal and informal, should not compromise the use and safety of the beach for other beachgoers.
  • Prohibited activities include those causing disturbance, erosion of sand dunes, and the promotion of litter accumulation, especially in bathing and Blue Flag-designated areas.

George’s beaches with full Blue Flag status are Wilderness, Herold’s Bay, and Victoria Bay. Leentjiesklip holds Pilot status for the 2023 festive season. The Blue Flag is an international coastal management program accrediting beaches that meet standards in water quality, environmental management, education, safety, and services.

Applications for the use of the beach for organized sports and recreational events at the beach can be sent to Ms Nosidima Vumindaba at or call 044 802 2900.

No gratuity or money in lieu of services

George Municipality has been made aware of refuse workers asking members of the public for donations. Please note that no municipal official may ask for a gratuity or any money in lieu of services rendered. We request that the George Municipality Number on the vehicle be provided to our Community Services Directorate when reporting any such requests to 044 802 2900.

Unplanned Power Outage in Reigerpark

There is an unplanned power outage in part of Reigerpark in Pacaltsdorp. There’s a medium vault cable fault, Electricians are on site. The estimated time of repair will be communicated when the fault is identified.

George Municipality Takes Firm Stance Against Alcohol at Beaches

In a demonstration of its no-nonsense approach to alcohol consumption on its beaches, George Municipality’s law enforcement and beach monitors confiscated alcohol and removed intoxicated individuals disturbing the peace of other beachgoers today. One person was also arrested for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol.

The Municipality is deeply concerned about numerous attempts to bring in alcohol, including hiding bottles in unconventional places like baby nappies, in-between meat, and the sand. Our officers, authorized by Municipal By-laws, will continue rigorous searches of cars and beachgoers.

This confirms the municipality’s commitment to strictly enforcing its NO ALCOHOL policy on beaches, ensuring a safe environment for all visitors. The municipality will continue to act decisively against the use of alcohol on its beaches and issue a stern warning that it will not tolerate alcohol consumption in these public spaces.

The control and searching of vehicles and bag access at municipal beaches are implemented under “The Access to Public Premises and Access of Vehicles Act (53 1985)”. The public is cautioned that prohibited substances, weapons, alcohol, fireworks, etc., will be confiscated, and fines can be issued. All confiscated items or goods will be handed over to the South African Police Service (SAPS) for disposal.

George Municipality encourages beachgoers to cooperate with officials to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Neighbourhood Watch, Community Police Forums, George, and Provincial Traffic Services, SANPARKS, National Sea Rescue Institute, Private Security Companies, the South African Police Service (SAPD), including business owners, also assist the Municipality in ensuring a safe festive season.

Beach areas under the control of George Municipality include Wilderness Main Beach, Wilderness Lagoon, Wilderness Steps, Wilderness Leentjiesklip, Victoria Bay Beach, Gwaing River Mouth Beach and Day Camp, and Herold’s Bay Beach and Tidal Pool.

For complaints and further information, please contact the Law Enforcement office at 044 801 6350 (07h45 – 16h30) or 044 801 6300 (After-hours assistance for bylaw-related offences and emergencies). The public can also send emails to with complaints or related matters. Law Enforcement Office – 25B Cathedral Street.


Herolds Bay Beach Reopening For Swimming

The temporary closure of Herolds Bay Beach for swimming, due to elevated E. coli levels, has been lifted. Subsequent tests have confirmed acceptable E. coli levels, and the public is now free to access the beach and enjoy swimming.

Unexpected Water Outage in Heather Park

George Municipality is aware of a water outage in Candlewood Street, Heather Park. Staff is on-site, busy exposing services, and the water pipeline is underneath a tree, making the work very complex. The expected time of repairs is between 6-8 hours.

A water truck is parked at 25 Candlewood Street, Heather Park to supply drinking water while the work continues.

We apologize to the public for any inconvenience caused and request patience while we attend to the pipe burst.

George Welcomes Visitors with Mayoral-Friendly Roadblock

In the photo from Left: Georgie from GO GEORGE, Ms Lauren Waring (Acting Municipal Manager), Cllr Marais Kruger (Portfolio Councillor for Community Safety), Cllr Erika Brown (Ward 3 Councillor), Cllr Marlene Barnardt (Chief Whip), Ald Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George), Cllr Raybin Figland (Executive Deputy Mayor) and Daantjie Kat from the George Traffic Services.

In a festive display of holiday safety awareness and warm welcome, the Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk, and members of the Executive Mayoral Committee hosted a friendly Mayoral Roadblock at the entrance to George, N9, on Thursday, 14 December 2023.

The entourage, including Ald Van Wyk, Executive Deputy Mayor Raybin Figland, Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Community Safety, Cllr Marais Kruger, Ward 3 Councillor Erika Brown, Chief Whip Cllr Marlene Barnardt, and Acting Municipal Manager Ms. Lauren Waring, distributed holiday goody-bags to motorists.

Key stakeholders and role-players in tourism, safety, and transport, such as GO GEORGE, George Tourism (including Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism), Municipal Traffic Services, George Fire Services and Disaster Management, municipal Law Enforcement, and members of the South African Police Service (SAPS), were also present. Mascots Georgie from GO GEORGE and Daantjie Kat from the George Traffic Services added excitement for younger visitors.

Ald Van Wyk said, “Today we are conducting a holiday safety awareness programme to welcome visitors to George who will be spending their holidays here; we are accompanied by our community safety services and display of equipment, to demonstrate our readiness to receive and host our visitors and tourists and to ensure a safe, festive holiday for all.”

Cllr Marais Kruger, Portfolio Councillor for Community Safety, expressed satisfaction with the success of the Mayoral Roadblock, emphasizing George’s preparedness for the festive season. He added, “Our emergency personnel as well as all service delivery Departments are prepared to ensure maximum safety for visitors and locals and to ensure that our visitors enjoy their stay in a clean and well-run city where all services are working.”

For quick access to tourism information, safety for visitors’ information, and useful municipal contacts in the greater George area, visit the following links:
George Tourism:
George Municipal Contacts:

Law enforcement agencies in George demonstrating the City’s preparedness for the festive season.
Ald Leon van Wyk Executive Mayor of George welcoming visitors to George
Cllr Marais Kruger Portfolio Councillor for Community Safety welcoming visitors to George
Cllr Raybin Figland Executive Deputy Mayor) welcoming visitors to George
Cllr Marlene Barnardt Chief Whip welcoming visitors to George welcoming visitors to George
George Municipality’s community safety services and display of equipment, to demonstrate the City’s readiness to receive and host our visitors and tourists and to ensure a safe, festive holiday for all.


Festive Season Launch for George

In the photo: Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk in deep discussion with Richard Hetem, Side Street Adventures.

George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism hosted an official festive season launch on Wednesday, 06 December at the George Museum. Attendees could enjoy a free self-tour of the museum upon arrival and were then welcomed by MANCO Chairperson for the George Museum, Dr Okkie Stander, who explained the importance of the museum which preserves the history of the town with a special focus on the timber industry.

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk provided a Keynote Address on Festive Season Readiness which was followed by Q&A from the floor with several municipal officials attending, including Dr Michele Gratz (Municipal Manager), Lauren Waring (Director Human Settlements, Planning and Development), Janine Wells (Traffic Chief), and Neels Barnard (Disaster and Fire Chief), along with comments by the Chief Whip, Cllr Marlene Barnardt.

Sharon House, Acting Manager for Tourism at the time, presented a fun formatted presentation of the 60+ things to do in greater George, which is now presented in a stunning flyer due to be handed out to all tourism establishments this coming week. Ricardo Classen, responsible for statistics at the tourism office, delivered the good news that accommodation forward bookings for this festive season are already 10% up, according to Online Travel Agent data, from the same period last year, with the very peak days already in the 70 to 80 percents – indicating another bumper festive season for George Municipality. Further tourism stakeholder information was shared, highlighting useful season information and resources, and tourism office planned activations.

The robust question and answer session was followed by snacks and networking between guests. “Thank you to all who attended the function, as well as to the George Museum for warmly hosting us. We wish you every success over the December and January period,” says Acting Tourism Manager, Sharon House. “There’s still time to fetch maps, table talkers and flyers to distribute to your guests, so please do stop past the George Visitor Information Centre,” adds House.

Chief Whip Marlene Barnardt with Charl Marais, Outeniqua Powervan.
Janelle Miller, Redberry Farm with Traffic Chief Janine Wells and Fire Chief Neels Barnard.
Representing George Municipality at the launch were from left Traffic Chief, Janine Wells; Director Human Settlements, Planning and Development Lauren Waring; Cllr Marlene Barnadt; Disaster and Fire Chief Neels Barnard and Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz.


George Municipality and Stakeholders Commemorate World AIDS Day

In the photo: Release of red and white balloons by Cllrs Adams and Jantjies

In collaboration with the Department of Health and various stakeholders, the George Municipality HIV & AIDS Sub-Section hosted a commemoration event for World AIDS Day 2023 on 1st December 2023 at the Rosemore sports field. The event brought together high school students, and mothers caring for orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs), and featured health-related tests conducted on gazebos erected on the sports field.

Ward Councillor (Cllr) Jayzee Jantjies of Ward 6 addressed the community, emphasising the importance of maintaining a healthy community. The event included sports activities, motivational speakers, and the release of red and white balloons by Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Social Development, Libraries and Sport, Cllr Brandan Adams, and Ward Cllr Jayzee Jantjies in remembrance of loved ones who lost their lives to the HIV pandemic.

The organizers conveyed a message of hope, emphasizing that individuals living with HIV/AIDS and using Antiretroviral medicine can still enjoy life and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

World AIDS Day, observed on December 1st each year, has become a globally recognized health day, providing an essential opportunity to raise awareness, remember those who have passed away, and celebrate achievements such as increased access to treatment and prevention services.

The theme for this year’s World AIDS Day, “World AIDS Day 35: Remember and Commit,” marked the 35th commemoration, highlighting the theme “LET COMMUNITIES LEAD.”

Some of the attendees of the World AIDS Day
George Municipality and Stakeholders Commemorate World AIDS Day



International Day of Persons with Disabilities Celebrated Through Nature Exploration

In the photo: Young adults living with disabilities on a journey into the forest

In commemoration of the International Day for Persons Living with Disabilities on Sunday, 3 December 2023, the George Municipality’s Gender and Disability Desk joined hands with the Association of People with Disability (APD) George and Garden Route National Park to facilitate a day of nature exploration and empowerment.

A group of 20 young adults living with disabilities was taken on a meaningful journey into the forest to take a walk to the Big Tree, where they were educated about nature. Those who were able also participated in 1 kilometre walk into the forest. Nature has such a positive effect on the human body just think of the calming effect the fresh air had on this group.

After the visit to the forest, we went to San Parks to go canoeing with the group, some of them were quite scared of the river, but we managed to take a few for canoeing. Through this program persons with a disability could showcase that they can do anything an able-bodied person can do.

This initiative not only provided a day of enjoyment and exploration but also served as a platform for challenging stereotypes and promoting inclusivity. By showcasing the capabilities of persons with disabilities, the event aimed to break down barriers and inspire a more inclusive community.

George Municipality Leads 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

In the photo: Various Stakeholders at the 16 days of Activism in Uniondale

George Municipality, in collaboration with various stakeholders including the Department of Social Development, UNIEP, Working on Fire, Uniondale SAPS, and EMS, spearheaded a campaign against gender-based violence. The campaign, held from 23rd November 2023 to 7th December 2023, featured different speakers addressing the purpose and effects of gender-based violence, highlighting new amendments to the law, spiritual dancing, and a keynote address.

Campaign Highlights:
20 November 2023: Last planning meeting for 16 Days of Activism with 17 stakeholders present.

23 November 2023: Opening event in Haarlem marked the commencement of the 16 Days of Activism campaign, attended by 40 individuals.

24 November 2023: Launch of the 16 days with a March in Uniondale, drawing the participation of 91 attendees.

27 & 28 November 2023: Puppet shows conducted at creches in Uniondale, Avontuur, and Haarlem, reaching 170 children.

30 November 2023: Program for parents to inform them about their rights and responsibilities, reaching 30 individuals.

The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness about all forms of abuse, encourage reporting, and discourage silence. The active involvement of various stakeholders reflects a community-wide commitment to combatting gender-based violence.

Launch of the 16 days with a March in Uniondale



Planned Interruption of the Electricity Supply: Portion of Hoekwil



NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on FRIDAY 08 DECEMBER 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 17H00 to do alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work from being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 17H00.



KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op VRYDAG 08 DESEMBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 17H00 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op MAANDAG 11 DESEMBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 17H00.