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Author: Nadine Payle


Kindly note that the following service centres will be closing at 14:00 on Wednesday the 13th of March for a compulsory monthly meeting:

• The Motor Vehicle Registration Centre- Blanco and Hibernia Street
• The Vehicle Testing Station
• The Driving Licence Testing Centre (DLTC)

Services at all the above traffic service centres will resume on Thursday 14th of March 2024.

Illegal Dumping in Stormwater Infrastructure leads to flooding and road damage

George Municipality has highlighted the dangers of illegal dumping in our communities in recent weeks, but another form of illegal dumping is under the spotlight now. The dumping of litter and other items into toilets, stormwater drains, and sewer manholes causes a massive headache for the municipality. Overflowing storm water drains are generally found to be blocked by illegal materials and rubbish dumped directly into the drain causing damage and flooding down the line.

One of the main reasons for blocked drains and sewerage spills is the wrong stuff being flushed down toilets or thrown into manholes. Items that should not be flushed down toilets include baby nappies, sanitary pads and tampons, newspaper, cloth and fabric, fatty food or fat. Regular items that municipal staff have to clear from manholes include branches, tyres, rocks, mattresses and other solid items.

So not only does illegal dumping into civils drainage infrastructure led to flooding, but it can also cause this infrastructure to fail. Most recently the road surface and pavement structure of a newly built road showed signs of damage which had to be investigated and it was found that a contributing cause to the failure was the condition of the subsoil drainage. All of the stormwater structures alongside this street (see photographs) were found to be filled with illegally dumped rubbish and dirt which clogged the outlets of the subsoil drains draining into these stormwater structures.

The subsoil drains could not function to protect the road layer works from subsurface moisture, which is one of the factors leading to the premature failure of the road. Preliminary estimates indicates that the repair work could cost between R1.2-1.8 mill which would entail the reconstruction of the effected layer works, resurfacing the road as well as cleaning the subsoil drains.

The municipality appeals to communities to NOT flush unsuitable items down the toilet, and to help prevent people from throwing stuff down manholes.
• Report blocked stormwater drains and sewerage complaints to Civil Engineering Services on 044 801 9262/66 during office hours or 044 801 6300 after hours.
• Waste should be collected in refuse bags and placed for collection on your areas waste removal days.
• Builders’ rubble and waste not suitable for bags must be dropped at the municipal refuse site on the R102 (airport road).

If you can provide names, vehicle registration details or addresses of alleged perpetrators who have dumped illegally and you are willing to make a statement in this regard, please report it to Law Enforcement at 044 801 6350 or You don’t need a photograph of the perpetrator, but it will strengthen the case for a warning or fine to be issued.


The residents of Denneoord are advised that work on the upgrading of the Industrial water pipeline, currently only under construction during weekdays, will take place on Saturdays up until 31 May 2024. No work will be permitted on 30 March 2024 and 27 April 2024. The contractor will adhere to the approved working hours, being 07h00 – 14h00. The additional working days are required to expedite the works.

Residents are reminded that the construction area remains fully closed to the public. No pedestrians, runners, cyclists or scholars may access the construction area throughout the duration of the construction period. Cyclists, pedestrians and scholars are to take extreme caution when making use of the walkway adjacent to the site. Flag persons and temporary road signage must be adhered to at all times.
The Municipality apologises for an inconvenience and thanks all residents for their co-operation.

PROJECT ENQUIRIES: Mr Armand Scheepers – 044 801 9270

High numbers of Illegal Connections create high risk of fatalities or injuries

George has a very high number of Illegal/unauthorised connections that are connected to George Municipality electrical network. The Municipality has various electrification programmes in place to assist with the provision of basic services and yet, in the recent months the quantity of unauthorised connections has increased. The installations are dangerous and do not comply with any electricity standards. The Municipality infrastructure is not protected against these installations.

The following risks are present with these types of connections:
• Fires,
• Fatalities (particularly during wet weather),
• disabling injuries,
• overloading existing infrastructure – causing power outages ,
• Damage to property,
• quality of supply issues such as low voltage.

The connections are made to the following sections of the Municipal network:
• Low Voltage overhead or underground infrastructure
• Low voltage kiosk
• Miniature Substations etc.

In most cases the preventative measures in place to prevent unauthorised entry or access to the live equipment is vandalised or tampered with. The electrical leads used are not adequately insulated and there are live exposed wires in public spaces or surrounding areas. In the past members of the public have been injured or killed when making contact with such live exposed wires.

During repairs and maintenance on the Municipal network, there are sometimes illegal / unauthorised connections present, especially in the hotspots as identified (Thembalethu Zone 5– 9 and Pacaltsdorp). These incidents are reported to the Electrotechnical Services Theft and Vandalism section who are responsible to remove the unauthorised infrastructure. In this state it is unsafe to energise or work on municipal infrastructure and only once the unauthorised infrastructure is removed, is it possible to reinstate the power to all the affected customers. In some instances, no fault finding is possible due to the high presence of unauthorised infrastructure.

In all instances the power outage duration exceeds the municipal service level agreement, and this results in poor public perception and reduced service delivery. In some instances, Electrotechnical Distribution personnel are prohibited from carrying out their duties by the public residing in the area where the power disruption occurred. In a few cases, the exit routes are blockaded, and personnel are not permitted to leave the work site until the power is restored.

Applicable Legislation: OHS Act No 85 of 1993: Electrical Installation Regulations
Design and construction
(1) No person may authorise, design, install or permit or require the installation of an electrical installation, other than in accordance with a health and safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act.
(2) No person may use components within an electrical installation unless those components comply with the standards referred to in the relevant incorporated standard referred to in sub regulation (1), and proof of compliance shall be identifiable on the components or certification shall be available from the manufacturer or supplier of the materials or components in terms of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act 5 of 2008)
(3) Items of an electrical installation not covered by an incorporated health and safety standard, and the conductors between the point of supply and the point of control, shall be installed in accordance with the by-laws or regulations of the supplier concerned.

Electrical contractor
(1) No person may do electrical installation work as an electrical contractor unless that person has been registered as an electrical contractor in terms of these Regulations.

This public announcement is therefore a plea to the communities of George to refrain from tampering, vandalising, interfering and / or connecting to the Municipal electrical infrastructure as there are high risks involved, especially to the safety of the public.
Report illegal connections on 044 801 9222/044 803 9222 or 044 801 6300 (a/h).
Report people making illegal connections on 0860 044 044, SAPD 10111 or the numbers above.

George Municipality is offering a R2500 reward for information leading to the successful conviction of electrical theft and/or vandalism in a court of law. The witness will have to go on record to the authorities and give his/her name and contact details for the purpose of testifying, but his/her identity will be protected. Phone in to 0860 044 044 to be eligible for the reward.


ISAZISO SIKAWONKE-WONKE: Amanani aphezulu oQhagamshelwano olungekho mthethweni adala ingozi enkulu yokufa okanye ukwenzakala

I-George inenani eliphezulu kakhulu loqhagamshelo olungekho mthethweni/olungagunyaziswanga oluqhagamshelwe kuthungelwano lombane lukaMasipala waseGeorge. UMasipala uneenkqubo ezahlukeneyo azibekileyo zofakelo lombane ukuncedisana nokubonelela ngeenkonzo ezisisiseko kodwa kude kube ngoku, kwiinyanga zakutshanje inani loqhagamshelo olungagunyaziswanga linyukile. Ufakelo luyingozi kwaye aluyithobeli nayo nayiphi na imigangatho yombane. Iziseko zoncedo zikaMasipala azikhuselwanga kolu fakelo.

Le mingcipheko ilandelayo ikhona kwezi ntlobo zoqhagamshelo:
• Imililo,
• Iingozi (ngakumbi ngexesha lemozulu emanzi)
• Ukwenzakala okukhubazayo,
• ukulayishwa ngokugqithisileyo kwezibonelelo ezikhoyo – ukubangela ukumka kombane ,
• Ukonakaliswa kwepropati,
• Umgangatho wemiba yobonelelo njengombane ophantsi.

Uqhagamshelo lwenziwa kula macandelo alandelayo othungelwano lukaMasipala:
• Amandla ombane aphantsi ahamba phezulu okanye iziseko ezingundoqo ezingaphantsi komhlaba
• I-Kiosk yamandla ombane aphantsi
• Izitishi ezincinci njl njl.

Kwiimeko ezininzi amanyathelo othintelo akhoyo okuthintela ukungena okungagunyaziswanga okanye ukufikelela kwisixhobo esinombane kuyokonakaliswa okanye kubhucabhucwe. Iingcingo zombane ezisetyenzisiweyo azikhuselwanga ngokwaneleyo, kwaye kukho iingcingo ezivulekileyo ezihamba umbane kwiindawo zikawonke-wonke okanye kwiindawo ezingqongileyo.Ngaphambili amalungu oluNtu onzakala okanye abulawa xa esenza unxibelelwano nolu hlobo lweengcingo ezinombane ezivulekileyo.

Ngexesha lolungiso kunye nogcino kuthungelwano lukaMasipala, ngamanye amaxesha kubakho uqhagamshelo olungekho mthethweni/olungagunyaziswanga olukhoyo, ngakumbi kwiindawo ezinoqhagamshelo olungagunyaziswanga oluninzi njengoko zalathiwe (iThembalethu Zone 5–9 kunye nePacaltsdorp). Ezi ziganeko zixelwe kwiCandelo loBusela kunye noKonakalisa leeNkonzo zoMbane noBugcisa elinoxanduva lokususa izibonelelelo ezingagunyaziswanga. Kule meko akukhuselekanga ukunika amandla okanye ukusebenza kwiziseko zophuhliso zikamasipala kwaye kuphela xa isibonelelo esingagunyaziswanga sisusiwe, kunokwenzeka ukubuyisela amandla kubo bonke abathengi abachaphazelekayo. Kwezinye iimeko, ukungafumani mpazamo kunokwenzeka ngenxa yobukho obuphezulu bezibonelelo ezingagunyaziswanga.

Kuzo zonke iimeko ixesha lokumka kombane lingaphezulu kwesivumelwano somgangatho wenkonzo kamasipala, kwaye oku kukhokelela kwimbono embi yoluNtu kunye nokuncitshiswa konikezelo lweenkonzo. Kwezinye iimeko, abasebenzi boSasazo loMbane- bayathintelwa ukuba benze imisebenzi yabo luluNtu oluhlala kwindawo apho kwenzeka uphazamiseko lombane. Kwiimeko ezimbalwa, iindlela zokuphuma zivaliwe, kwaye abasebenzi abavumelekanga ukuba bashiye indawo yokusebenza de amandla abuyiselwe.

UMthetho oSebenzayo: UMthetho we-OHS No 85 ka-1993: Imimiselo yoFakelo loMbane
Uyilo kunye nolwakhiwo
(1) Akukho mntu unokugunyazisa, ayile, afakele okanye avumele okanye afune ufakelo lombane, ngaphandle kokungqinelana nomgangatho wezempilo nokhuseleko obandakanywe kule Mimiselo phantsi kwecandelo lama-44 loMthetho.
(2) Akukho mntu ungasebenzisa amalungu phakathi kofakelo lombane ngaphandle kokuba loo malungu athobela imigangatho ekubhekiselwe kuyo kumgangatho ohlanganisiweyo ekubhekiselwe kuwo kummiselwana woku- (1), kwaye ubungqina bokuthotyelwa buya kuba nokwalathwa kumalungu okanye isiqinisekiso siya kufumaneka sivela kumenzi okanye umboneleli wezinto okanye wamalungu ngokoMthetho woMlawuli weSizwe weMigaqo esiSinyanzelo ka-2008 (uMthetho wesi-5 ka-2008)
(3) Izinto zofakelo lombane ezingakhuselwanga kumgangatho wezempilo nokhuseleko obandakanyiweyo, kunye nezinikezeli phakathi kwendawo yokubonelela kunye nendawo yokulawula, ziya kufakelwa ngokuhambelana nemithetho kamasipala okanye imimiselo yomboneleli ochaphazelekayo.

Ikontraki yombane
(1) Akukho mntu unokwenza umsebenzi wofakelo lombane njengekontraka yombane ngaphandle kokuba loo mntu ubhalisiwe njengonokontraka wombane ngokwemiqathango yale Mimiselo

Esi sibhengezo soluNtu ke ngoko sisibongozo kuluNtu lwaseGeorge ukuba luyeke ukubhucabhuca, ukonakalisa, ukuphazamisa kunye /okanye ukuqhagamshelwa kwizibonelelo zikaMasipala njengoko kukho imingcipheko ephezulu ebandakanyekayo, ngakumbi kukhuseleko loluNtu.

Xela uqhagamshelo olungekho mthethweni kwa-044 801 9222/044 803 9222 okanye 044 801 6300 (a/h).
Xela abantu abenza uqhagamshelwano olungekho mthethweni kwa-0860 044 044, SAPD 10111 okanye kwiinombolo ezingentla.

UMasipala waseGeorge unikezela ngembuyekezo yama-R2500 ngolwazi olukhokelela ekugwetyweni ngempumelelo ngobusela bombane kunye/okanye ukonakalisa impahla kwinkundla yomthetho. Ingqina kuya kufuneka liye kuxela kwabasemagunyeni kwaye linike igama lalo kunye neenkcukacha zoqhagamshelwano ngenjongo yokungqina, kodwa igama lalo liya kukhuselwa. Tsalela umnxeba kwa- 0860 044 044 ukuze ube nelungelo lokufumana imbuyekezo.


OPENBARE KENNISGEWING: Hoë getalle van onwettige aansluitings skep ‘n hoë risiko vir sterftes of beserings

George het ‘n baie groot aantal onwettige/ongemagtigde aansluitings wat aan George Munisipaliteit se elektriese netwerk gekoppel is. Die Munisipaliteit het verskeie elektrifiseringsprogramme in plek om te help met die verskaffing van basiese dienste en tog het die aantal ongemagtigde aansluitings in die afgelope maande toegeneem. Die installasies is gevaarlik en voldoen nie aan enige elektrisiteitstandaarde nie. Die Munisipaliteit se infrastruktuur word nie teen hierdie installasies beskerm nie.

Die volgende risiko’s is teenwoordig met hierdie tipe verbindings:
• Brande,
• Sterftes (veral tydens nat weer),
• invaliderende beserings,
• oorlaaing van bestaande infrastruktuur – wat kragonderbrekings veroorsaak,
• Skade aan eiendom,
• kwaliteit van toevoerkwessies soos lae spanning.

Die verbindings word gemaak met die volgende afdelings van die Munisipale netwerk:
• Laespanning oorhoofse of ondergrondse infrastruktuur
• Laespanning kiosk
• Miniatuur Substasies ens.

In die meeste gevalle word die voorkomende maatreëls wat in plek is om ongemagtigde toegang of toegang tot die lewendige toerusting te voorkom, gevandaliseer of mee gepeuter. Die elektriese leidings wat gebruik word, is nie voldoende geïsoleer nie en daar is lewendige, blootgestelde drade in openbare ruimtes of omliggende gebiede. In die verlede is lede van die publiek beseer of oorlede nadat hulle kontak gemaak het met sulke lewendige blootgestelde drade.

Gedurende herstelwerk en instandhouding op die Munisipale netwerk is daar soms onwettige / ongemagtigde aansluitings teenwoordig, veral in die brandpunte soos geïdentifiseer (Thembalethu Sone 5– 9 en Pacaltsdorp). Hierdie voorvalle word by die Elektrotegniese Dienste Diefstal en Vandalisme afdeling aangemeld wat verantwoordelik is om die ongemagtigde infrastruktuur te verwyder. In hierdie toestand is dit onveilig om munisipale infrastruktuur te bekragtig of daaraan te werk en slegs sodra die ongemagtigde infrastruktuur verwyder is, is dit moontlik om die krag aan al die geaffekteerde kliënte te herstel. In sommige gevalle is geen foutopsporing moontlik nie weens die hoë teenwoordigheid van ongemagtigde infrastruktuur.

In alle gevalle oorskry die kragonderbrekingstyd die munisipale diensvlakooreenkoms, en dit lei tot swak persepsie van die gemeenskap en verminderde dienslewering. In sommige gevalle word Elektrotegniese Verspreidingspersoneel verbied om hul pligte uit te voer deur die publiek wat in die gebied woon waar die kragonderbreking plaasgevind het. In enkele gevalle word die uitgangsroetes versper, en personeel word nie toegelaat om die werkterrein te verlaat totdat die krag herstel is nie.

Toepaslike wetgewing: BGW Wet No 85 van 1993: Elektriese Installasie Regulasies
Ontwerp en konstruksie
(1) Niemand mag die installering van ‘n elektriese installasie magtig, ontwerp, installeer of toelaat of vereis nie, behalwe in ooreenstemming met ‘n gesondheid- en veiligheidstandaard wat kragtens artikel 44 van die Wet by hierdie Regulasies opgeneem is.
(2) Geen persoon mag komponente binne ‘n elektriese installasie gebruik nie, tensy daardie komponente voldoen aan die standaarde waarna verwys word in die betrokke ingeboude standaard waarna verwys word in subregulasie (1), en bewys van voldoening moet op die komponente geïdentifiseer kan word of sertifisering moet beskikbaar wees van die vervaardiger of verskaffer van die materiaal of komponente ingevolge die Wet op Nasionale Reguleerder vir Verpligte Spesifikasies, 2008 (Wet 5 van 2008)
(3) Items van ‘n elektriese installasie wat nie deur ‘n ingeboude gesondheid- en veiligheidstandaard gedek word nie, en die geleiers tussen die toevoerpunt en die beheerpunt, moet in ooreenstemming met die verordeninge of regulasies van die betrokke verskaffer geïnstalleer word.

Elektriese kontrakteur
(1) Niemand mag elektriese installasiewerk as ‘n elektriese kontrakteur doen nie, tensy daardie persoon ingevolge hierdie Regulasies as ‘n elektriese kontrakteur geregistreer is.

Hierdie openbare aankondiging is dus ‘n pleidooi aan die gemeenskappe van George om hulle te weerhou van peuter, vandalisering, inmenging en/of verbinding met die munisipale elektriese infrastruktuur aangesien daar hoë risiko’s betrokke is, veral vir die veiligheid van die publiek gemeenskap.

Rapporteer onwettige verbindings by 044 801 9222/044 803 9222 of 044 801 6300 (n/u)
Rapporteer mense wat onwettige verbindings maak by 0860 044 044, SAPD 10111 of die nommers hierbo.

George Munisipaliteit bied ‘n R2500 beloning aan vir inligting wat lei tot die suksesvolle skuldigbevinding van elektriese diefstal en/of vandalisme in ‘n geregshof. Die getuie sal op rekord na die owerhede moet gaan en sy/haar naam en kontakbesonderhede moet gee vir die doel om te getuig, maar sy/haar identiteit sal beskerm word. Skakel 0860 044 044 om vir die beloning in aanmerking te kom.

OCC visitors impressed by GO GEORGE features

Dep Mayor and Georgie:
George Deputy Mayor, Cllr Raybin Figland and mascot Georgie sent of the athletes with inspiring words of support.

Raven Benny, a wheelchair user for the last 24 years, has missed only one OCC to date. This was after he coincidentally happened to visit the Garden Route during the first race and was faced with closed streets and red flags as he entered town. Awed by the concept, Benny has been bringing groups of wheelchair users to the OCC ever since.

This year, he was intent on using the most affordable, available, safe public transport from KZN to George (using a long-distance bus service) and in and around George. He made email enquiries about the GO GEORGE ticketing system and where to buy cards before they embarked on their journey.

Putting public transport to the test
“It has been a predominantly rewarding experience to have been in a town that has a working accessible public transport system in place,” Benny said. “My friends and I used the past four days to really put accessible public transport to the test and were sadly dissatisfied and disappointed at times at the level of service received from the long-distance carrier.
“However, we are in awe of the efficiency of the GO GEORGE bus service. We appreciated it from the first trip on Friday morning. We had time for six trips in all directions and found it safe and easy to use, accessible to navigate independently and surprisingly affordable. The only time we felt let down, was when we could not top up our cards to load more rides at the recommended vendor. But this was resolved by doing it at the George Transport Hub with the support and guidance of the GO GEORGE Call Centre.

“All the other moments were fun and memorable, and the bus service allowed us to circulate independently throughout the town during our two-day stay. We disembarked from the long-distance bus at the George station and used only GO GEORGE buses for the next two days – to our accommodation, from there to the registration point, to the shops, and even when we forgot our meal tickets on the morning of the event, we sent one of our helpers to go fetch it using GO GEORGE. We have trips left on our cards and will definitely be back to use them!”

Ghana’s champ loves the minibus hoist
Participants from Ghana were equally impressed with the GO GEORGE service as they tested the hydraulic hoist on the GO GEORGE minibus exhibited at the OCC. Star marathon athlete and winner of the 42-km racing cycle category, Raphael Botsyo Nkegbe participated for the fifth time this year and says the OCC is a fixture on his calendar.

“Our club minibus in Ghana is also fitted with a hoist but seeing it on public transport in South Africa is awesome. I look forward to the day we can boast the same kind of universal accessibility on the public buses in my country too,” Nkegbe said.

Capetonians felt safe on the buses
Another regular group of visitors and participants in the 5-km event is the Mandla Sport 4 Change organisation from Cape Town of whom several members tested the minibus hoist. According to Chairperson Vanessa Baadjies, they felt safe to travel with GO GEORGE, having enough space to board in their wheelchairs and being able to strap into the wheelchair bay.

GO GEORGE participation
Eighteen members of the GO GEORGE communications team pulled out all the stops to support participants and visitors, manning an information gazebo next to the demonstration minibus and telling visitors more about the service and its focus on universal accessibility. As always, the mascot Georgie and communication champions were there to cheer on the participants and pose for photos with “fans”. This time, they also participated in the fun go-kart race, making the finish line exhausted but chuffed with themselves.

Peter Sampson on hoist:
Peter Sampson, part of the Mandla Sports 4 Change team from Cape Town, said he felt very safe to travel with GO GEORGE, having enough space to board in his wheelchair and being able to strap into the wheelchair bay.

Raven Benny and Shirnae:
Raven Benny led a team from Kwazulu-Natal, using only public transport to and in George and back home. To accommodate their five wheelchairs on one bus, some of the team members were assisted to sit on the seats while folding up their wheelchairs. With him is Shirnae van Coller from the GO GEORGE Call Centre who guided the group to get to the Transport Hub to top up their cards with trips.

KZN group at bus stop:
This group of wheelchair users from Kwazulu-Natal spent their entire journey and time in George using only public transport. Here they are waiting for a GO GEORGE bus, supported by GO GEORGE communication champions.

Raphael Botsyo Ghana:
Ghana’s star marathon athlete and winner of the 42-km racing cycle category, Raphael Botsyo Nkegbe said he is looking forward to the day they can boast the same kind of universal accessibility on the public buses in his country. He enjoyed the informative demonstration by driver Johndré du Plessis.

Go-kart team:
George Municipality’s Public Transport Oversight Official, James Robb (second from right), wishing the GO GEORGE go-kart team well before they “take on the open road in their first attempt at the coveted title”. The driver in front is Akhona Gxumisa and at the back from left are Tyron Jeyi, Thobile Simelele, Robb and Ryan Manuel.

OCC-besoekers beïndruk deur GO GEORGE-funksies
Raven Benny, ‘n rolstoelgebruiker vir die afgelope 24 jaar, het tot dusver net een Outeniqua-rolstoelmarathon (OCC) gemis. Dit was nadat hy toevallig tydens die heel eerste wedren die Tuinroete besoek het en op geslote strate en rooi vlae afgekom het toe hy die dorp binnekom. Met groot waardering vir die konsep bring Benny sedertdien groepe rolstoelgebruikers na die OCC.
Vanjaar was hy van voorneme om die mees bekostigbare, beskikbare, veilige openbare vervoer van KZN na George (met ‘n langafstandbusdiens), en in en om George te gebruik. Hy het per e-pos navraag gedoen oor die GO GEORGE-kaartjiestelsel en waar om kaarte te koop voordat hulle weg is by die huis.

Openbare vervoer getoets
“Dit was grotendeels ‘n bevredigende ervaring om in ‘n dorp te wees wat ‘n werkende, toeganklike openbare vervoerstelsel bedryf,” het Benny gesê. “Ek en my vriende het die afgelope vier dae gebruik om werklik toeganklike openbare vervoer op die proef te stel en was ontevrede en teleurgesteld oor die vlak van diens wat ons op die langafstandbus ontvang het.

“Ons is egter in verwondering oor die doeltreffendheid van die GO GEORGE-busdiens. Ons het dit waardeer vanaf die eerste rit Vrydagoggend. Ons het tyd gehad vir ses ritte in alle rigtings en het dit veilig en maklik gevind om te gebruik, toeganklik om onafhanklik te navigeer, en verrassend bekostigbaar. Die enigste keer dat ons in die steek gelaat gevoel het, was toe ons nie ons kaarte kon aanvul met ritte by die aanbevole verkoper nie. Maar die probleem is opgelos deur ons kaarte by die George-vervoerkern (Transport Hub) te herlaai met die ondersteuning en leiding van die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum.

“Al die ander oomblikke was lekker en onvergeetlik en die busdiens het dit vir ons moontlik gemaak om onafhanklik deur die dorp te beweeg tydens ons verblyf van twee dae. Ons het by die George-stasie van die langafstandbus afgeklim en vir die volgende twee dae slegs GO GEORGE-busse gebruik – na ons verblyf, van daar na die resiesregistrasiepunt, na die winkels, en selfs toe ons die oggend van die marathon ons etekaartjies vergeet het, het ons een van ons helpers gestuur om dit met ’n GO GEORGE-bus te gaan haal. Ons het ritte oor op ons kaarte en kom beslis terug om dit te gebruik!”

Ghana se kampioen hou van minibushyser
Deelnemers van Ghana was ewe beïndruk met die GO GEORGE-diens toe hulle die hidrouliese hyser op die GO GEORGE-minibus wat by die OCC uitgestal is, getoets het.
“Ons klub in Ghana se minibus is ook toegerus met ‘n hyser, maar dit is wonderlik om dit op openbare vervoer in Suid-Afrika te sien. Ek sien uit na die dag wat ons ook met dieselfde soort universele toeganklikheid op die openbare busse in my land kan spog,” het Nkegbe gesê.

Kapenaars voel veilig op die busse
Nog ‘n gereelde groep besoekers en deelnemers aan die 5 km-byeenkoms is die Mandla Sport 4 Change-organisasie van Kaapstad van wie verskeie lede die minibushyser getoets het. Volgens voorsitter Vanessa Baadjies het hulle veilig gevoel om met GO GEORGE te reis, en was daar genoeg ruimte om met gemak op die bus te kom in hul rolstoele en in die rolstoelruimte vas te gespe.

GO GEORGE-deelname
Agtien lede van die GO GEORGE-kommunikasiespan het hul kant gebring om deelnemers en besoekers te ondersteun, ‘n inligtingsgazebo langs die demonstrasie-minibus te beman en besoekers meer oor die diens en die fokus op universele toeganklikheid te vertel. Soos altyd was die gelukbringer Georgie en passasiersdiensbeamptes daar om die deelnemers entoesiasties aan te moedig en saam met “bewonderaars” vir foto’s te poseer. Hierdie keer het hulle ook aan die prettige kaskarwedloop deelgeneem en die wenstreep uitgeput maar hoogs in hul skik gehaal.

Peter Sampson op hyser:
Peter Sampson, deel van die Mandla Sports 4 Change-span van Kaapstad, sê hy voel baie veilig om met GO GEORGE te reis, met genoeg spasie om in sy rolstoel op die bus te kom en in die rolstoelruimte vas te gespe.

Raven Benny en Shirnae:
Raven Benny het ‘n span van KwaZulu-Natal gelei en slegs openbare vervoer na en in George en terug huis toe gebruik. Om hul vyf rolstoele in een bus te akkommodeer, is van die spanlede gehelp om hul rolstoele op te vou en op die bus se sitplekke te sit. Saam met hom is Shirnae van Coller van die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum wat die groep gehelp het om by die Vervoerkern (Hub) uit te kom om hul kaarte met ritte aan te vul.

KZN-groep by bushalte:
Dié groep rolstoelgebruikers van KwaZulu-Natal het hul hele reis en tyd in George deurgebring deur slegs openbare vervoer te gebruik. Hier wag hulle vir ‘n GO GEORGE-bus, bygestaan deur GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeamptes.

Raphael Botsyo Ghana:
Ghana se ster-marathonatleet en wenner van die 42 km-renfietskategorie, Raphael Botsyo Nkegbe, het gesê hy sien uit na die dag waarop hulle met dieselfde soort universele toeganklikheid op die openbare busse in sy land kan spog. Hy het die insiggewende demonstrasie deur die busbestuurder Johndré du Plessis geniet.

Go-kart team:
George-munisipaliteit se toesigbeampte oor openbare vervoer, James Robb (tweede van regs), wens die GO GEORGE-kaskarspan sterkte toe voordat hulle “die oop pad aanpak in hul eerste poging tot die gesogte titel”. Die bestuurder voor is Akhona Gxumisa en agter van links is Tyron Jeyi, Thobile Simelele, Robb en Ryan Manuel.

Dep Mayor and Georgie:
George se onderburgemeester, raadslid Raybin Figland, en gelukbringer Georgie het die atlete met inspirerende woorde by die wegspringplek ondersteun.


The Upgrading of the industrial water pipeline in Denneoord will have an impact on motorists, residents, pedestrians, scholars, runners, cyclists and road users. Construction commenced in November 2023.

The existing 300mm Ø bulk pipeline has reached the end of its design life and the durability of the pipeline is a concern. The new pipeline will be realigned to ensure ease of access for future maintenance activities. The scope of work consists of the realignment and construction of a new 728m long, 315mm diameter uPVC class 9 water pipeline with associated structures, valves and connections. The section of pipeline to be realigned starts at the corner of 8th and 9th Avenues follows Eiland Road, and ends in St Pauls Street. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the project had been delayed.

Initial Project Period – November 2023 to February 2024
Revised Project Period – November 2023 to June 2024

No Municipal services will be affected.

Working hours will be from 07h00 to 18h00 Mondays to Fridays, and potentially from 07h00 to 14h00 on Saturdays.

The construction area will be fully closed to the public. No vehicles, pedestrians, runners, cyclists or scholars may access the construction area throughout the duration of the construction period. Motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and scholars are to take extreme caution when making use of the roadway adjacent to the site. Flag persons and temporary road signage must be adhered to at all times.

Access to the site will be strictly controlled. No member of the public will be allowed access to the construction area, in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

PROJECT ENQUIRIES: Tiaan Cronje (SMEC) 044 873 5029

55 750 bags of illegally dumped refuse collected in one month!

Assisting EPWP workers, Cindy Potts, Sue-ne Jacobs and Theresa Snyman was Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Parks, Refuse and Environment, Theresa Jeyi.

In the final week of Illegal Dumping Awareness Month, our Community Services cleaning teams have collected another 13 100 bags of illegally dumped rubbish bringing the grand total to an astonishing 55 750 bags collected for the month of February. Areas cleared this week include Rosemoor (Beer Street); Blanco (Steepkoppie Street, near the Cemetery, Main Entrance and Golden Valley Street) and five Tyre and Beautification Projects were finalised in Rosedale, Parkdene, Rosemoor and Thembalethu. Municipal Law Enforcement officials have continued patrolling hot spots and issued another R4000 in fines and three warnings. The fine for being caught illegal dumping is R1000.

Tanja Botha (Environmental Health Practitioner) and EPWP workers with the Hazardous Waste collected on Friday 23 February.

The Hazardous Waste Open Day held on Friday 23 February was a resounding success with Microwaves, Vacuum cleaners, TV’s, irons, computers, printers, ink cartridges, light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, LED lights, small gas bottles, cell phones, power banks, alarm batteries, A4 batteries, paint, thinners, motor oil, poison, herbicide and pesticide clock radios and radios, CD’s, tape gazettes and medical waste handed in. Please keep an eye on our social media channels for our next Hazardous Waste Open Day due to be held in May 2024.


Law Enforcement Officers Verona Botha and Nicole Smith issuing fines in Rotary Street, Parkdene.

Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz extended her thanks and congratulations to the teams who have worked so hard this month to clear the illegal dump hot spots. “We really need cooperation from everyone to keep their communities clean and hope that the tyre beautification projects which encourage the growing of plants will stop people from repeatedly dumping at the same places. There are over 97 illegal dumping hot spots that have been identified by the Directorate Community Services and it is impossible to monitor all of them. We ask the public to assist by not only reporting illegal dumping but also to put their waste into refuse bags and keep them at their house until their refuse collection day.”

Report Illegal Dumping
Help the municipality to curb illegal dumping by spreading the news in your community that the dumping of waste is dangerous and a health hazard. Waste should be collected in refuse bags and placed for collection on waste removal days. Builders’ rubble and waste not suitable for bags must be dropped at the municipal refuse site on the R102 (airport road). If you can provide names, vehicle registration details or addresses of alleged perpetrators who have dumped illegally and you are willing to make a statement in this regard, please report it to Law Enforcement at 044 801 6350 or You don’t need a photograph of the perpetrator, but it will strengthen the case for a warning or fine to be issued.


📣Did You Know? My Smart City App Business Directory

Did you know that you can now find out what is happening in and around George on the New My Smart City App?
Simply go to the Business Directory on the home page, and look up Things to do, Upcoming Events, Restaurants etc.

Download the NEW My Smart City – George APP NOW via the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store or via the My Smart City website or Scan the QR Code which can also be found on your current municipal statement


National Treasury visits George for 2023/24 mid-year budget and performance assessment

Photographed in the Link, George Municipal Main Building are from left George CFO, Riaan Du Plessis; National Treasury, Dr Letsepa Pakkies; Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz; Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk; National Treasury, Mandla Gilimani and National Treasury, Sibusiswe Mchani with senior officials from George Municipality and National Treasury standing.

A delegation of National Treasury officials visited George last week for the 2023/24 mid-year budget and performance assessment which focused on the state of services including electricity, waste, and water and sanitation services.

A full day of interactive presentations by each directorate was held on Thursday 22 February. This was followed by site visits on Friday 23 February to the existing 20 Ml/d Water Treatment Works which has been upgraded, the new 20 Ml/d module, a new residual handling facility and the clear water rising main which is in process of being upgraded. The group also visited the Garden Route Dam Pumpstation suction pipe upgrade project and the 1Megawatt Peak (MWp) solar PV plant.

CFO for George, Riaan Du Plessis noted that the Finance Directorate appreciates the opportunity to partner with Nation Treasury in strengthening inter-governmental relations by using engagement such as these to share information and ideas on how we can collectively improve the local government sphere in the Garden Route.

“The session last week provided National Treasury with a valuable opportunity to get a clearer understanding of the practical day-to-day challenges the municipality deals with in ensuring effective service delivery in the current difficult fiscal climate of high interest rates and costs of living. The visit further gives opportunity for National Treasury to visit in person the projects that are funded by the various grants allocated in the Division of Revenue Act,” said Du Plessis.


Civils – 20 Ml/d WTW : Residuals Pumpstation and Settling Tanks

Civils 1 – 20 Ml/d Module 3 and 4 and Existing WTW on Left

Civils 2 – Clearwater Pumpstation – new pumps

Civils 3 – Garden Route Dam Suction Pipework : At pump mains connection chamber – Andre Scheepers, CES Project Manager (BFI) in in the photograph pointing out details to the National Treasury officials.

1 MW Plant: Acting Director Electrotechnical Services, Daniel Greeff with the National Treasury delegation at the 1 Megawatt Peak (MWp) solar PV plant under construction in George.


The official Western Cape fire season will end on 30 April 2024 and landowners and custodians in possession of controlled burn permits are allowed to perform burns with the usual safety requirements as of 1 May 2024.

Permit applicants are requested to contact the department by phone or email (information below) to make the necessary arrangements. The last allowable date for controlled burns this year will be 30 November 2024. Please note that this date is subject to change.

The municipality would prefer that only controlled burns for agricultural purposes – such as clearing fields for re-growth – take place and request landowners who are using fire to reduce biomass to consider alternatives such as chipping.

• A controlled burn permit is valid for 12 months from the date of issue but may not be used during the official fire season which is determined by Western Cape Disaster Management.

• On the day of the planned controlled burn, the permit holder must phone the fire station for permission to light the controlled burn. Permission may be withheld if the Fire Index for the day is too high.

• Controlled burns must occur Monday to Thursday, excluding public holidays, and all fires must be extinguished by 16h00 daily.

• Permits will not be issued inside the urban edge (among residential areas).

• The municipality appeals to the public to always be fire aware, no matter the time of the year.

• Please always exercise extreme caution, make fires in protected and designated areas only, and dispose of cigarette butts safely.

• Burning of garden refuse in residential areas is illegal.


The renovation of Old Town House Building at the corner of Market & Yorks Street, George


The renovation of Old Town House Building (97 Market Street) at the corner of Market & Yorks Street, George including roof cleaning, painting and plumbing works.

PROJECT PERIOD: 23 February – 1 April 2024

It will be necessary to close off sections of the pedestrian walkways at several locations and several parking areas will form a part of the demarcated work zone to create a safe buffer zone for the duration of the project.

Working hours will be from 07h00 to 16h30 Mondays to Fridays.

Public safety will be prioritized and to ensure that pedestrians move effectively around the work zone, they are requested to adhere to the signage, markers and signal devices installed. Designated Parking areas will not be open to motorists for the duration of the project.

Consulting Engineers: QUE CIVILS COMPANY, MELVYN RUSTENBURG (044) 873 3031


The residents of Denneoord are advised that work on the upgrading of the Industrial water pipeline, currently only under construction during weekdays, will take place on Saturday 24 February and Saturday 2 March 2024.

The contractor will adhere to the approved working hours, being 07h00 – 14h00. The additional working days are required to expedite the work.
Residents are reminded that the construction area remains fully closed to the public. No vehicles, pedestrians, runners, cyclists or scholars may access the construction area throughout the duration of the construction period. Motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and scholars are to take extreme caution when making use of the roadway adjacent to the site. Flag persons and temporary road signage must be adhered to at all times.

The Municipality apologises for the inconvenience and thanks all residents for their co-operation.

PROJECT ENQUIRIES: Mr Armand Scheepers – 044 801 9351


This route map indicates the rerouted bus routes and the OCC route that will apply this year.

GO GEORGE will be making temporary changes to certain routes to accommodate the Outeniqua Chair Challenge (OCC) on Saturday 24 February 2024.

With the race village at Carpe Diem School in Lang Street, the impact of this annual event on the bus service is minimal. Below is a summary of the affected routes.

Route 9 Industrial Loop
All scheduled trips on this route, reverse trips included, will operate in the forward direction only, until about 12:30. All stops on the side of the street normally serviced by the reverse route will be closed for the duration of the race.

Route 13 City Loop Forward & Reverse, R18 Parkdene – Blanco and R18A Thembalethu – Blanco
Due to the closure of Union Street between Meade and York Streets until 12:30, these routes will turn right into Meade Street from Union Street, left into Palgrave, left into York, and right into Plattner Blvd to continue as usual. Route 13 Reverse will follow the same rerouting, just in reverse.

Routes 53 Rosemoor and 53B Rosemoor Express
Due to the partial closure of Park Road in front of Blue Mountain, these two routes will travel via Knysna Road when departing from the Garden Route Mall, turn left into St George Road at CTM and right into Park Road to continue the normal route. The same rerouting will apply to trips from town in the direction of the Mall. Park Road should be open by 10:00.

Delays to be expected
Accommodating the start of the 21-km and 42-km races from the starting point in Lang Street, via Hope Street to the airport road circle, there will be delays on all routes passing through the circle, mainly between 07:00 and 07:20.
Due to single-lane traffic from 06:00 along the entire OCC route, from Carpe Diem School to the turning point behind Eden Meander, delays must be expected on all routes, with traffic of-ficers controlling traffic to let athletes pass. York Street from the circle at Unity Park to Churchill Street should be back to normal by 10:00; from Churchill Street to Union Street, single lane traffic will apply until 11:30.

Passengers are advised to take an earlier bus to ensure being on time for work, while GO GEORGE also calls on employers to be understanding and patient, should any workers arrive a little bit late.

For more information, please phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044, or visit the GO GEORGE Facebook page for details.


GO GEORGE herlei busse vir rolstoelmaraton

GO GEORGE sal tydelike veranderings aan sekere roetes aanbring om die Outeniqua-rolstoelmaraton (OCC) op Saterdag 24 Februarie 2024 te akkommodeer.

Met die maratonsentrum by Carpe Diem-skool in Langstraat is die impak van die geleentheid op die busdiens minimaal. Hier onder volg ‘n opsomming van die roetes wat geraak word.

Roete 9 Industrial Loop
Alle geskeduleerde ritte op hierdie roete, omgekeerde (reverse) ritte ingesluit, sal kloksgewys (forward) ry tot 12:00. Alle bushaltes aan die kant van die straat wat normaalweg gediens word deur die omgekeerde roete sal gesluit word vir die duur van die wedloop.

Roete 13 City Loop F & R, R18 Parkdene – Blanco en R18A Thembalethu – Blanco

As gevolg van die sluiting van Uniestraat tussen Meade- en Yorkstraat tot 12:30 sal hierdie roetes uit Uniestraat regs draai in Meadestraat, links in Palgravestraat, links in Yorkstraat, regs in Plattnerboulevard, en van daar af soos gewoonlik voortgaan. Roete 13R sal dieselfde roete omgekeerd volg.

Roetes 53 Rosemoor en 53B Rosemoor Express
As gevolg van die gedeeltelike sluiting van Parkweg voor Blue Mountain sal hierdie twee roetes via Knysnaweg ry wanneer dit van die Garden Route Mall vertrek, links draai in die St Georgeweg by CTM, en regs in Parkweg om die normale roete van daar af voort te sit. Dieselfde herleiding sal geld vir ritte uit die dorp in die rigting van die Mall. Parkweg behoort oopgestel te wees teen 10:00.

Wees vertragings te wagte
Tydens die wegspring van die 21-km en 42-km-wedlope vanaf die beginpunt in Langstraat, via Hopestraat na die lughawepad-sirkel sal vertragings voorkom op alle roetes wat deur die sirkel gaan, veral tussen 07:00 en 07:20.
Enkelbaanverkeer sal vanaf 06:00 geld op die hele OCC-roete, van Carpe Diem-skool tot by die omdraaipunt agter Eden Meander en verkeersbeamptes sal verkeer beheer om atlete te laat verbygaan. Passasiers moet dus vertragings op alle roetes te wagte wees. Yorkstraat vanaf die sirkel by Eenheidspark tot by Churchillstraat behoort teen 10:00 terug te keer na normaal; vanaf Churchillstraat tot by Uniestraat sal enkelbaanverkeer tot 11:30 van toepassing wees.

Passasiers word aangeraai om ‘n vroeër bus te neem om te verseker dat hulle betyds vir werk opdaag, terwyl GO GEORGE ook ‘n beroep op werkgewers doen om begrip en geduld te toon indien enige werkers ‘n bietjie laat kom.

Vir meer inligting, skakel asseblief die GO GEORGE inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044, of besoek die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad vir besonderhede.

Hierdie roetekaart toon die herleide busroetes asook die OCC-roete wat vanjaar van toepassing sal wees.

Self Meter Readings – How to do it yourself! My Smart City George App

Self Meter Readings – How to do it yourself!
1) Select your smart meter
2) Take a picture
3) Confirm the reading & submit

Download NEW My Smart City – George APP via the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store or via the My Smart City website or Scan the QR Code which can also be found on your current municipal statement! Should you have any issues with registering please contact

Eskom Load shedding schedule update: 18 February 2024 @ 16:01

George will be affected as follows:

Sunday 18/02/2024
22:00 – 00:30

Monday 19/02/2024
22:00 – 00:30

Tuesday 20/02/2024

Wednesday 21/02/2024
04:00 – 05:00

Thursday 22/02/2024
20:00 – 22:30

Friday 23/02/2024
20:00 – 22:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:

Sunday 18/02/2024
17:00 – 19:30

Monday 19/02/2024
01:00 – 03:30

Tuesday 20/02/2024
01:00 – 03:30

Wednesday 21/02/2024
16:00 – 17:00

Thursday 22/02/2024
16:00 – 17:00
23:00 – 01:30

Friday 23/02/2024
23:00 – 01:30

ROTATIONAL SWITCH ON AFTER LOADSHEDDING -reduce power to avoid network tripping
Consumers are reminded to PLEASE use electricity sparingly after power returns. Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Load shedding.

Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding is scheduled to return. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network.

Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the after-hours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on i.e. areas are switched on one by one and not all at the same time to avoid overloading the system. Please wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The Electrotechnical Directorate will be aware of a possible substation trip that needs to be sorted out.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at

ESKOM LOADSHEDDING UPDATE: Friday 16 February 2024

Issued by George Municipality, on behalf of ESKOM

Stage 2 loadshedding will continue to be implemented until 05:00 on Saturday. Thereafter, loadshedding will be suspended until 16:00

George will be affected as follows:

Saturday 17/02/2024

Sunday 18/02/2024
22:00 – 00:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:

Saturday 17/02/2024
17:00 – 19:30

Sunday 18/02/2024

Consumers are reminded to PLEASE use electricity sparingly after power returns. Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Load shedding.

Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding is scheduled to return. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network.

Please do not phone the after-hours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on i.e. areas are switched on one by one and not all at the same time to avoid overloading the system.

Please wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The Electrotechnical Directorate will be aware of a possible substation trip that needs to be sorted out.
Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at…


16 February 2024 @ 15:22

We are pleased to inform you that Zone 6, Zone 7 , Ramaphosa East and West and some parts of Zone 8 have been successfully restored.
However, the power supply in Zone 5, Silvertown and Asazani is still down. Our team has been working closely with Law Enforcement and SAPS to remove and repair the damaged infrastructure.

We kindly request the residents to remain patient while we continue to work on restoring the power supply.

Planned Power Outage: Portion of Themablethu- ZONE 8, Dameni, 14th, 16th , Liwani Street



ISAZISO siyanikezelwa sokuba ubonelelo lombane luya kuphazamiseka ngoLWESITHATHU umhla wama- 21 EYOMDUMBA 2024 UKUSUSELA NGEYE-09H00 UKUYA KUMA NGEYESI- 16H00 ngeenjongo zokwenza iinguqulelo kwiingcingo ezinkulu zombane. Abasebenzisi bayalunyukiswa ukuba bathathe ufakelo njengento ephilayo malunga nexesha elipheleleyo njengoko unikezelo lunokuqaliswa kwakhona ngalo naliphi na ixesha phakathi kwexesha elazisiweyo

Ukuba iimeko zithintela ukwenziwa komsebenzi ngeli xesha likhankanywe ngasentla; Umsebenzi uya kwenziwa ngoLWESINE UMHLA WAMA-22 EYOMDUMBA 2024 UKUSUKA NGEYE-09H00 UKUYA KUMA NGEYESI -16H00.




NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on WEDNESDAY 21 FEBRUARY 2024 FROM 09H00 TO 16H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains.

Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work from being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on