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Author: Nadine Payle

What’s new on YOUR My Smart City- George App

How to get in touch with your Ward councillor
Follow the below steps to get in touch with your ward councillor.
1) Tap on Ward Councillors
2) Search for your Councillor or type in your area in the search column.
3) Get their details.
4) Get in touch with your councillor
5) You can also access the step-by-step video on how to find your councillor by clicking on the below link.


Download the NEW My Smart City – George APP via the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store or via the My Smart City website or Scan the QR Code which can also be found on your current municipal statement! Should you have any issues with registering please contact


Netball Friyay in Pacaltsdorp!

Front: New Dawn Park Primary School; Middle: Young stars Green Team; From the back: Young starts Red Team

Young netball enthusiasts from Pacaltsdorp, created much excitement last week Friday as the teams competed in a friendly game at the New Dawn Netball court, in Pacaltsdorp. Girls and boys from New Dawn Primary School and the Young Stars Netball Team played an impressive game, noticeably showing how much they love the sport.

In support of the Netball World Cup 2023, the girls and boys showed off their artwork of all the various countries that will be competing this year. Some of our own staff at the George municipality showed their support by having a bit of their own fun. In partnership with the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport and George Municipality will host the World Cup Trophy Tour on 5th July and a Netball World Cup 2023 Fan Park at Rosemore Stadium from the 28 July to 6th August. The trophy will be received with great excitement, by Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk and Western Cape MEC for Cultural Affairs and Sport upon its arrival in George on the 5th of July at Unity Park.

Watch video:

Alongside municipal officials are the girls and boys showing off their artwork of various countries competing in the World Cup this year.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Invasive beetle threatening our urban forest

The invasive borer beetle is now spreading rapidly. This pest poses a serious threat to our urban forest as infested trees need to be chipped immediately. We request residents to report sightings to their local municipalities.

Important: Do not remove infested trees from your property as it will spread the pest to other areas.

Do not buy and move fire wood from areas with known PSHB infestation

Symptoms of infested trees:

  • Branch dieback – cracks on the branch, discoloured leaves, dry and leafless branches
  • Gumming – blobs of goo coming out of the bark, oozing of liquid and gum from the beetle holes
  • Very small entry and exit holes on the bark of the tree
  • Staining – brown or dark stains on the bark of the tree from the property will spread the pest to other areas.

What to do:

  • Chip the tree, place the infested material in refuse bags, seal it and put these in direct sunlight as the heat will help kill the beetle
  • Dump the chips in your compost heap as the heat build-up in the composting process will kill the beetle
  • Burn infected wood at appropriate incineration facility
  • Burn it at appropriate incineration facility or bag and leave in the sun for minimum of 6 weeks.
  • Seek assistance of properly trained & equipped service provider

Important: Pesticides and fungicides are not effective, the only way to get rid of the beetle is to chip the infected material



General Valuation Roll / Algemene Waardasierol / Uluhlu loQingqo-maxabiso Jikelele

All objections lodged against the new General Valuation Roll are being assessed and results will be available in July 2023. The new General Valuation Roll valuations will be implemented in the municipal accounts at the end of July 2023.

/ Alle besware wat ontvang is aangaande die Algemene Waardasie Rol word tans evalueer en gebruikers sal terugvoer ontvang vanaf Julie maand. Die nuwe waardasie rol waardes word intussen geimplimenteer vanaf einde Julie 2023.

/ Zonke izibheno ezifakwe ngokuchasene noLuhlu olutsha loQingqo-maxabiso Jikelele ziyavavanywa, kwaye iziphumo ziya kufumaneka kweyeKhala 2023. ULuhlu olutsha loQingqo-maxabiso Jikelele luya kuphunyezwa kwii-akhawunti zikamasipala ekupheleni kweyeKhala 2023.



Municipality announces GO GEORGE tariff increase from 1 July 2023

Log & report faults, pay municipal bills, submit self-meter readings and more with the My Smart City App. Become a part of the Improvement Movement with George and My Smart City. Improve your city. Be part of the change. / Teken aan en rapporteer foute, betaal munisipale rekeninge, dien selfmeterlesings in en meer met die My Smart City-toepassing. Word deel van die Verbeteringsbeweging saam met George en My Smart City.
Click on the link below on How to Use the App or Use the QR Code to download the New My Smart City App


10 consumers remain without power currently on the Witfontein and
Rondebossie Lines.
Report power outages to:
044 801 9222 (07h45 – 16h30)
044 801 9202/9258 (07h45 – 16h30)
WhatsApp Number 067 350 3295 (07h45 – 16h30)
Uniondale: 044 752 1024 (7.45am-4.30pm)
Emergency /After Hours 044 801 6300

Youth Day Expo -16 June 2023- Transport Arrangements

The Western Cape Provincial government will be hosting a Youth Expo in George on the 16th of June 2023 at the George Civic Centre from 09h00 to 17h00. Young people are encouraged to attend the event as a variety of exciting opportunities will be discussed that will empower them.

Transport will be available on the 16th of June from 08h00 at the following pick-up points:

Thembalethu Primary School, Truns, Puma Garage.

Community Hall

Parkdene High School (gate on the side of the School Hall)

Clinic Parking


Community Hall

Protea Park /Lavalia
Protea Park Municipal Area Office
Rosedale Area Office

Pacaltsdorp Community Hall, New Dawn Park Sports Field and Police Station

Community hall
China Shop

Community Hall


Garden Route Mall Traffic Intersection accident cleared, all lanes open
Arbour Road Cleared
Strawberry Farm R404 Cleared
21 Charles Street, Camphersdrift Cleared

Seven Passes Road – Road remains closed due to electrical cables that fell with tree.

Kindly report fallen trees and/or obstructed roads to George Emergency Services 044 8016300


Short Term Urgent Electrification projects have addressed 1600 structures to date

In the photograph from left are  Jandre van Zyl(VE Electrical Contractors), Ralton Abrahams(BDE – Electrical Consulting Engineers), Cllr Khayalethu Lose, Louden Roelfse (VE – Electrical Contractors), Nocicelo Mbethe Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services), Deon Esterhuysen (Manager: Projects Planning and Design ), Ward 9 Cllr Thembinkosi Lento, Joubert Theart (Zutari – Civil Consulting Engineers), Mayor of George Ald Leon van Wyk, Kevin Grunewald (BDE – Electrical Consulting Engineers), Bongani Mandla (George Director Electrotechnical Services)  and  Daniel Greeff(Deputy Director Planning and Design).

 George Municipality as with many other municipalities is constantly faced with enormous challenges regarding the electrification of new approved housing projects such as Erf 325, Golden Valley, Thembalethu UISP where these housing projects are implemented by the Western Cape Provincial Department of Human Settlements. The financial responsibility for the supply of services such as water and electricity falls to the George Municipality, and the municipality is reliant on grant funding to implement.

The immense growth in illegal informal housing in areas has further increased the funding deficit, as well as increased damage to the overall electrical infrastructure due to ongoing illegal connections. The Electrotechnical Department in an effort to formalize the provision of electrical services to informal settlements have drafted the minimum criteria that will be adhered to for the electrification of informal areas in the future. As of May 2014, up to April 2023 a total of 1600 informal structures have been added to the network at a cost of just over R17 million. The cost per structure for electrification is between R10 000 – R13 000 which includes a prepaid meter.

In line with Council approved item the Electrotechnical Directorate has embarked on the electrification construction work, which started at Telkom informal area, and is spreading through Sityebi-Sityebi Informal area and thereafter Edameni.

The Municipality is working tirelessly to expedite these connections, in order to roll-out even more electrification of informal settlements connections in the future years. A pilot to supply informal settlements with renewable energy is also progressing well and should be commissioned in the upcoming months. This pilot project will also assist in the plans to expedite electrification of informal settlements.

The Executive Mayor, Ald Leon van Wyk, noted that  is happy to see the progress made in the electrification of the Telkom informal structures and looks forward to switching on the  consumers in the near future. “It is always to good to see the plans approved by Council, being implemented and improving the lives of our residents.. We need to continue this drive and expedite the commissioning of the pilot projects so that the municipality can continue addressing the enormous challenge of illegal connections.


Netball World Cup 2023 FANPARK  coming to George!

Netball World Cup 2023 Local Organizing Committee on the Rosemore Stadium pitch from left are: Eddie Myners (Head of George Correctional Centre); Sisanda Velembe (George Sport Maintenance);  Yonella Kibido (George Community Services);  Aviwe Kroba (DCS:Southern Cape Management Area’s Acting Communications Officer); Fozia Philander (Western Cape Department of Culture and Sport: Head Coach George); Granville Campher (George Sport Development); Suretha Pick (George MVR); Rene Booysen (President of Eden Netball Federation); Jonique Claasen-Gozongo (George Sport Development); Haily Oktober (George Corporate Services); Leandri Soko (George Corporate Services); Roland Hardnick (George Law Enforcement); Claudine Carelse (George Tourism) : Tembani Ngwenze (Western Cape Department of Culture and Sport: Sport Promotion Officer Eden District); Jonathan Fortuin (George Community Services);Rowan Botha (George Law Enforcement; Leveinia Botha (George Sport Development); Lizelle Petersen (George Human Settlements) and Timu-Charlie Pieterse (George Law Enforcement).

It’s World Cup time again – Netball!  George Municipality applied and has received the honour of being the only city in the Garden Route District that has been allocated a Netball World Cup Fan Park to be hosted at Rosemore Stadium in primary partnership with the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport(DCAS) from 28th July to 6th August 2023. The Fan Park will allow up to 2000 residents to participate on a daily basis in the family friendly netball world cup experience with viewing screens, stalls, music and so much more on offer.

George Municipality together with DCAS will jointly host the World Cup Netball Trophy Tour which reaches our shores on 5 July 2023. Western Cape MEC for Cultural Affairs and Sport,  Anroux Marais and Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk will accept the Trophy at a high energy, musical and fun event. The Official Trophy is currently doing its rounds of South Africa and has been received in KZN, Gauteng,  Mpumalanga and Limpopo. From George the Trophy Tour will head to Riversdale and finish up  in Cape Town, the venue for the official World Cup tournament which will consist of 60 games and will take place at the CTICC Arena 1 and 2.

The Local Organizing Committee which includes DCAS, the George Branch of Department of Correctional Services and Eden Netball Federation has been hard at work with all of the planning and logistics and have many more Netball surprises to unveil as we get closer to the 28 July. George is a Legacy point on this whirlwind Trophy Tour having received funding for the upgrade of the Netball Courts at Rosemore Stadium and various schools will receive netball equipment at the Trophy Tour handover.

The Rosemore Stadium Netball World Cup Fan Park will host an official opening ceremony on the 28th July and the closing Ceremony on the 6th August. 25 Schools have been invited to participate in a Primary and High School Netball Tournament during the week running from 3 – 7 July with Federation and Social Clubs being given an opportunity to participate over the two weekends.

Portfolio Councillor for Community Services: Social Development, Libraries and Sport Brendan Adams expressed his delight at the opportunity presented to George to host this once in a lifetime Fan Park. “ I am thrilled at the level of awareness of the sport the World Cup Netball Fan Park will create within George and it is an incredible opportunity for the sport as a whole in South Africa.  I am proud that George will host a Fan Park.”

NETBALL World Cup Fridays – every Friday at George Municipality!
In the run-up to the World Cup NETBALL Friday’s are being rolled out across South Africa. George Municipality, DCAS and DCS invite all businesses and institutions to show your solidarity with the participating Netball Teams, by dressing in your netball uniform OR any colours (flags or netball uniforms) of your team of choice, who will participate during the Netball World Cup. Participating Teams will be South Africa, Australia, Barbados, England, Fiji, Jamaica, Malawi, New Zealand, Scotland, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Uganda, Wales and Zimbabwe.

Vendor Opportunities at the Fan Park, Rosemore Stadium
Do you want to run a stall at the Netball World Cup Fan Park? Follow this link, complete the application and submit before 14 July. Only six stalls will be successful.


Please note that the George Municipality offices will be closed for the Public Holiday Youth Day on Friday, 16 June  2023 and re-open on Monday, 19 June 2023. All emergency and standby services will operate as usual.

After-hours emergencies: 044 801 6300.

Fire emergencies: 044 801 6311


The Directorate has yet to raise enthusiasm among our male counterparts, but the participants are enjoying the fellowship during lunch breaks and are bonding as colleagues and teams.

Madiba Day Project well underway – supporting CANSA

The Directorate has yet to raise enthusiasm among our male counterparts, but the participants are enjoying the fellowship during lunch breaks and are bonding as colleagues and teams.

Preparations for Madiba Day 2023 started early in the Directorate: Human Settlements, Planning and Development when management agreed in May to mobilize staff to donate and contribute to the production of hand knitted or crochet blankets to comfort Cancer patients, receiving chemotherapy.  This project aligns with a local initiative by volunteers of the Sunflower Support Project who support cancer patients of the George Regional Hospital.  The Directorate has set an ambitious target to deliver 20 blankets by Madiba Day and is relying on donations and the skills of staff to make this happen.  The project has been received with great enthusiasm by some that are keen to learn a new skill and even ticks a box on their list of new year’s resolutions.

Delia Power, (Deputy Director Planning) and Nonki Shelane (Senior Administrative Officer to Director’s office),  are shown the finer points of crochet by Pat Brits.

Two ladies that are actively involved in this community project, Pat Brits and Bets Martins, or known to the municipal staff as the ‘breitannies’ visited the offices during the last week of May, to provide lessons in how to crochet and knit.  In just two days, many grasped the basics and became ‘hooked’.  The trend has caught on at speed and in less than two weeks the directorate is proud to say that a supply of squares, sufficient to produce two blankets has been built up.

Zanele Norawana (Chief Clerk to Planning office),  concentrates hard while Pat Brits provides encouragement.


GARDEN ROUTE DAM LEVEL  – Water Restrictions remain in place

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height                           99.75

Rainfall for previous 7 days:                                                                   21mm  (Measured up to and including 12 June 2023)

The co-operation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

Follow this link for the detailed Stricter Water Restrictions in English/Afrikaans and IsiXhosa.


Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477.
Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.

Refuse removal on upcoming holiday and Gwaiing Landfill site times for Public Holidays and regular days

Please note refuse will be collected on the Public Holiday, Youth Day, 16 June 2023 as per the usual schedule.

Black bag-related enquiries: 044 802 2900
blue and green bag enquiries: lge waste, 044 630 0279 /

The Gwaiing Landfill site is open weekdays from 07h00 to 18h00 and on Saturdays from 07h00 to 18h00.
Public Holidays it is open from 07h00 to 15h00.

The landfill site is closed on Sundays. The site is situated next to the George Showgrounds on the R102 (Old Airport Road). For enquiries contact the landfill site directly on 044 803 9287/97 or the Cleansing department in Meade Street on 044 802 2900.


Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 until midnight. Thereafter, Stage 1 loadshedding will be implemented from 05:00 until 16:00 on Saturday, followed by Stage 4 loadshedding until midnight. This pattern will be repeated on Sunday. Eskom will publish another update should any significant changes occur.

George will be affected as follows:
Friday 09/06/2023
18:00 – 20:30

Saturday 10/06/2023
18:00 – 20:30

Sunday 11/06/2023
18:00 – 20:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Friday 09/06/2023
21:00 – 23:30

Saturday 10/06/2023
21:00 – 23:30

Sunday 11/06/2023
05:00 – 07:30
21:00 – 23:30

Consumers are reminded to use electricity sparingly after power returns.

Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Load shedding. Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network and reduce our current high MVA spikes.

Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the afterhours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on and wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The directorate will be aware if there has been a possible substation trip which needs to be sorted out.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at

Clean Audit Trophy Awarded to George

n the photograph are from left Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz, Ald Leon Van Wyk holding the trophy, Portfolio Councillor for Finance and Strategic Services,, Dirk Wessels and Chief Financial Officer, Riaan Du Plessis.

Executive Mayor Leon van Wyk and Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz were thrilled to be awarded a Clean Audit Trophy at the most recent Municipal Manager/Mayor Forum held in Saldanha Bay on 2 June 2023.. George Municipality has attained a clean audit two years in a row now for 2020/21 and the 2021/22 financial years. For the 2021/22 financial year the  Auditor-General report acknowledged the great strides which the George Municipality has made over the past two years and specifically commended the implementation of consequence management to ensure officials do their work diligently and efficiently. George remains committed to clean governance and will strive to continue to improve on systems and processes.

“George Municipality has undergone a major turnaround in the past 2 years and the success of the turnaround strategy is reflected in the two consecutive clean audit outcomes. Thank you to the management team and all officials involved for the commitment and hard work to achieve a clean audit, an outcome which very few municipalities achieve,” said Municipal Manager, Dr Michele Gratz.


Municipality announces GO GEORGE tariff increase from 1 July 2023

The George Municipality has announced the annual increase in the GO GEORGE bus fares from 1 July 2023. The increase forms part of the annual municipal tariff adjustments.

Bundles still the best buy

Smart Card trips bought in bundles of 10 or more will increase by only 90c per trip to R11.90 and bundles of less than 10 trips will cost R13.20 per trip (95c more than before). The price of single trips increases with R1 to R16 to encourage passengers to rather load the multiple, cheaper trips on their Smart Cards and to avoid long queues to top up every few days.

The bundles of 10 trips and more remain the best buy.  Purchasing this bundle saves a passenger who travels to work or school and back home five days per week, R180 per month in travel expense compared to the same number of single trips.

Free trips for first-time card buyers

The cost of the Smart Card is R27 for first-time buyers, including two free, preloaded trips when they present a valid form of identification. New and replacement cards cost R35. There is no profit for the Municipality in the sales of Smart Cards; on the contrary, the cards are sold at much less than their cost to the Municipality.

Trips loaded on a Smart Card never expire. This means that trips bought before the tariff increase stay valid. Passengers are welcome to buy more trips than usual before the increase to save money but are cautioned to keep their cards safe – if lost or stolen, the trips cannot be transferred to a new card.

Utilise existing Smart Cards

Passengers are encouraged to utilise their existing cards to top up and not to unnecessarily purchase new cards if they do not need it. Similar to bank cards, smart cards expire five years after issuing by the bank. Hence, it makes even more sense to rather use existing cards you may have in reserve rather than purchase a new one if it is not really necessary.

Work around loadshedding

To curb the impact of loadshedding, passengers are advised to top up their Smart Cards when they are near operational top-up points, before they run out of trips. Top-up vendors often experience battery problems with their card devices during loadshedding.

For more information, please call the GO GEORGE Call Centre at 0800 044 044, or send an email to


Munisipaliteit kondig GO GEORGE-tariefverhoging aan

Die George-munisipaliteit het die jaarlikse verhoging van die GO GEORGE-bustariewe vanaf 1 Julie 2023 bekendgemaak. Hierdie verhoging is deel van die jaarlikse munisipale tariefaanpassings.

Bondels steeds die beste koop

Slimkaartritte wat in bondels van 10 of meer gekoop word sal met slegs 90c per rit verhoog na R11.90 en bondels van minder as 10 ritte sal R13.20 per rit kos (’n 95c-verhoging). Die prys van enkelritte verhoog met R1 na R16 om passasiers aan te moedig om liewer die goedkoper ritte te koop en om lang rye elke paar dae te vermy.

Die bondels van 10 ritte en meer bly die beste koop en kan ’n passasier wat vyf dae per week werk of skool toe en terug huis toe ry, R180 per maand in vervoeruitgawes spaar, vergeleke met enkelritte wat op die kaart gelaai word.

Gratis ritte vir eerstekaartkopers

Die prys van die Slimkaart is R27 vir kopers van hul eerste kaart wat twee gratis, voorafgelaaide ritte op die kaart insluit indien hulle ‘n geldige bewys van identiteit toon. Nuwe kaarte en vervangingskaarte kos R35. Daar is geen wins vir die munisipaliteit in die verkope van slimkaarte nie; inteendeel, die kaarte word teen baie minder as die aankoopkoste daarvan vir die munisipaliteit verkoop.

Ritte wat op die Slimkaart gelaai is, verval nooit nie. Dit beteken dat ritte wat voor die tariefverhoging gekoop is geldig bly. Passasiers is welkom om voor die verhoging meer ritte as gewoonlik te koop om geld te spaar, maar word gemaan om hul kaarte veilig te hou – indien dit wegraak of gesteel word, kan die ritte nie op ’n nuwe kaart oorgedra word nie.

Gebruik bestaande slimkaarte

Passasiers word aangemoedig om hul bestaande kaarte te gebruik om ritte op te laai en nie onnodig nuwe kaarte aan te koop as hulle dit nie nodig het nie. Soortgelyk aan bankkaarte, verval slimkaarte vyf jaar nadat dit deur die bank uitgereik is. Daarom maak dit selfs meer sin om eerder bestaande kaarte wat jy in reserwe het, te gebruik as om ‘n nuwe een te koop as dit nie regtig nodig is nie.

 Werk om beurtkrag

Om die impak van beurtkrag te bekamp, word passasiers aangeraai om hul slimkaarte te herlaai wanneer hulle naby werkende herlaaipunte is, voordat hul ritte opraak. Besighede wat ritte herlaai ervaar dikwels batteryprobleme met hul kaarttoestelle tydens beurtkrag.

Vir meer inligting, skakel gerus die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044, of stuur ’n e-pos na




Power Outage- 8 June CBD

The following streets are affected by the power outage, Market, Victoria and Mispell street in the CBD.

The contractor damaged the feeder cable. Repairs are in process.