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Author: Nadine Payle

Ordinary Council Livestream meeting,

Ordinary Council Meeting today 27 July 2023 at 09h00
The Council meeting will be live -streamed on the municipality’s official YouTube channel.

Please like and subscribe to the channel to view

Issued George Municipality
Thursday 29 June 2023 @ 08h59


From left: Alderman Leon van Wyk (Executive Mayor of George), Cllr Nosicelo Mbethe (Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services & Fleet), Dr Michele Gratz (Municipal Manager), Bongani Mandla (Director of Electrotechnical Services), Kobus Wilken (Deputy Director of Electrotechnical Services), Jacques Lawrence (Senior Manager: Distribution and Thembani Mzekeli (Manager Testing and Protection).

In its pursuit of continuously making use of the latest technological equipment, the George Municipality has now upgraded its protection of the Palotti substation from the conventional telemetry integration to the new intelligent type of equipment to obtain data from the substation.

According to Kobus Wilken, a deputy director in the Electrotechnical Services, the George Municipality started implementing substation integration instead of conventional telemetry in the early 2000s. Only a few Municipalities are currently using this method of obtaining data from substations.

Wilken says that the Palotti substation’s protection was the latest to be upgraded to the new intelligent type of equipment.  “This method has many advantages over the conventional way of protecting the power system and obtaining valuable substation information. Some of the advantages are that the George Municipal network control centre will continuously receive information regarding the state of the 11kV substation equipment.” 

“Whenever the power system protection equipment detects a fault, it switches off the particular circuit breaker to isolate the fault.  Information regarding the fault is then automatically sent to the control and SMSs are sent to electricians to notify them of the trip.   Response times are also greatly reduced because of the information that is sent to the network control centre for immediate action,” Wilken added.

The Executive Mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk, accompanied by the Portfolio Councillor for Electrotechnical Services Nosicelo Mbethe and the Municipal Manager George Dr Michele Gratz recently visited the Palotti substation to familiarise themselves with how it works. “I’m very much impressed with how the Municipality continues to move with times to use the latest technology for service delivery,” Mayor van Wyk said.

Bongani Mandla, the director of the George Municipality’s Electrotechnical Services said the Municipality will eventually have all their substations’ protection upgraded using this type of technology as part of the drive towards a smart city.

George Municipality introduces the new Visual Artwork Management Policy 2023

Three-dimensional representative or abstract forms by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster- Photo credit: Jack Youngerman

The Visual Artwork Management Policy was adopted by the Mayoral Committee on 19 June 2023.
This policy was developed to provide guidelines for the submission and evaluation of proposals by individuals or organizations to create and display visual artwork in the public realm, viewing the built environment as an urban canvas.

The policy aims to enable artistic expression in various forms through different mediums and serves the George municipal area as a mechanism to enhance the cultural and aesthetic appeal and would contribute to a unique sense of place and tourist attraction.

Illuminated artwork- Photo credit: Logan Arts

Different forms of visual art are addressed and include:
Illuminated Artwork
Application can be made for Permanent artwork, over a period exceeding 5 years or temporary artwork for a period less than 12 months.
The policy contains guidelines relating to the location, design, quality, safety, maintenance and removal of the artwork. Proposals for artwork must be done in consultation with the community and surrounding property owners.

The proposal submitted to the municipality must include an illustration of the intended work and the ability of the applicant to execute the work successfully along with an indication of how consideration was given to the guiding principles of the policy.
Artwork may be permitted on public property or private property and does not include outdoor advertising.

The policy enables the municipality to identify designated spaces, which may serve as practice spaces for temporary mural art forms and is regarded to be spaces where upcoming artists can develop their skill.

Applications may be addressed to the Directorate:Human Settlements, Planning and Development via e-mail to

A copy of the policy is available on request or may be downloaded from the municipal website via this link:…/planning-and-development…/

The municipality values the talent that is held by our diverse community and the sincere aim is to create a platform for expression and join hands with the art community in enhancing the unique qualities of our city and its people.




NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on TUESDAY 25 JULY 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work from being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on
WEDNESDAY 26 JULY 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H00



KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op DINSDAG 25 JULIE 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H00 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op WOENSDAG 26 JULIE 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H00

What you should know about this year’s GRIFF in Iconic Mossel Bay

What you should know about this year’s GRIFF in Iconic Mossel Bay

Mossel Bay , Garden Route (July 2023) 

The Garden Route International Film Festival (GRIFF) showcases a diverse range of local, national, and international films, including features, short films, and documentaries. This year’s festival takes place at Diaz Beach Hotel & Resort in Mossel Bay from August 2 to 5. Read on to find out why it’s not only for those already in the film industry.

GRIFF provides a platform for filmmakers to present their work while fostering cultural exchange and appreciation of the art of filmmaking. The festival includes screenings, workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities, allowing filmmakers and film enthusiasts to engage and connect.

The event kicks off with a Green Carpet Opening Night, including a film screening, on Wednesday, August 2. The line-up from Thursday to Saturday includes daily films shown on big screens, workshops, seminars, networking functions, and youth training courses in various film-related disciplines.


A must-do on Thursday, August 3 will be an evening of Music of the Movies, with not only musical entertainment but also a movie quiz, wine tasting, and film screening. Friday night’s live music show, Denim, and Diamonds is a tribute to Neil Diamond and also features a tasting and screening.

The event concludes on the evening of Saturday the 5th, with an award and closing function. But leading up to that grand finale will be an incredible amount of information sharing, most notably among those involved in the value chain of filmmaking, such as service providers and suppliers.

The GRIFF Industry Program guides businesses to benefit from this booming trade’s supply chain. In 2022, about R36-million was poured directly into the district through film production; on the receiving end were suppliers of accommodation, catering, medical services, transport hire, and photography.

Also, in the value chain are those who provide building materials and props, purchased from over 200 retailers and suppliers. In addition, local crews are trained and available to work on productions in the region.

The Industry Program offers a range of workshops, presentations, and panel discussions, led by industry experts. These sessions cover an array of topics related to filmmaking, such as screenwriting techniques, job opportunities in film, social media, film tourism and financing, distribution strategies, cinematography tips, and emerging trends.

The GRIFF Youth Program targets ages 13-18, with various workshops and amazing movies to view at no cost, from August 3-5. Further information will be posted on social media, in the press, and through Mossel Bay Tourism. Visit to get your VIP Pass, movie and event tickets, and for additional information.

My Smart City George App- Easily Access The Go George Bus Route Via The App

My Smart City George App

How to plan your trip on the GO GEORGE bus service by using links in the App

1. Go to your Apps home screen
2. Scroll down and tap the GO GEORGE Icon
3. Choose any of the three options you would like more information on
4. View the route maps or any of the timetables for routes within George


Download NEW My Smart City – George APP via the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store or via the My Smart City website or Scan the QR Code which can also be found on your current municipal statement! Should you have any issues with registering please contact



SARS Language Unit visits George

From left; Yoland Gelderbloem (Manager: Expenditure); Aletia Ollewagen (SARS); Amy Lesibanie (Senior Accountant: Creditors) and Vanessa Francis (Assistant Accountant: Creditors & Cheque Administration).

Copies of the Tax Terminology booklet were gratefully received by officials from the Finance Directorate

SARS recently launched it’s first volume of Tax Terminology (in all 11 languages) in March 2022. The SARS Language Service Unit has since been travelling across South Africa to hand these booklets out to as many stakeholders as possible.

Aletia Ollewagen, the Afrikaans Operational Specialist for the SARS Language Service Unit paid a visit to George Municipality last week.



Welcoming the Vitality World Cup Netball Trophy 2023 in George

Caption 1: From left: Deputy Mayor Raybin Figland, Letsatsi the Netball Meerkat, Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marais, Mayor Leon van Wyk, Netball South Africa President Cecilia Molokwane

On Wednesday 5 July, the city of George was graced with the presence of the long-awaited

Vitality Netball World Cup trophy. Litsatsi together with our very own Daantjie kat and Georgie,  showed the crowd how to bring gees to the George fans by illustrating how to #Putyourhandsup in support of our own Spar Proteas netball team.

Litsatsi the Netball Meerkat Mascots’ name means “Sun” to honour our bright future. Her colourful outfit covered with South African beads represents our rich culture.

The trophy has been traveling around the country bringing awareness and celebrating in the pride of South Africa, being the first African country to host the NETBALL WORLD CUP.

The Netball World Cup kicks off on 28 July at the CTICC in Cape Town. George residents will be able to share in the experience at the Fan Park hosted at the Rosemore stadium from the 28  July 2023  – where live games will be broadcast on a big screen.


Tickets to the tournament  in Cape Town are available at

Caption 2: George Netball Supporters loving celebrations at Unity Park, George

Caption 3:  The mascots Daantjie kat, President of Netball South Africa, Cecilial Molokwane, Georgie  and Letsatsi the Netball Meerkat making moves on the stage.



Eskom Load shedding schedule update: 9 July 2023 at 17:06

Due to consistent available generation capacity, loadshedding will continue to be suspended from midnight until 16:00 and Stage 3 loadshedding will remain in force from 16:00 today until midnight. This pattern will be repeated daily until further notice.

George will be affected as follows:

Sunday 09/07/2023
18:00 – 20:30

Monday 10/07/2023
18:00 – 20:30

Tuesday 11/07/2023
18:00 – 20:30

Wednesday 12/07/2023

Thursday 13/07/2023
16:00 – 18:30

Friday 14/07/2023
16:00 – 18:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:

Sunday 09/07/2023
21:00 – 23:30

Monday 10/07/2023
21:00 – 23:30

Tuesday 11/07/2023
21:00 – 23:30

Wednesday 12/07/2023

Thursday 13/07/2023
19:00 – 21:30

Friday 14/07/2023
19:00 – 21:30

Consumers are reminded to use electricity sparingly after power returns.
Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Load shedding. Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network and reduce our current high MVA spikes.
Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the afterhours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on and wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The directorate will be aware if there has been a possible substation trip which needs to be sorted out.
Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store

George Mayor hosts Craven Week Function

Caption 1: The Mayoral Function was attended by SARU executives, provincial coaches & team managers. In the photograph are from left Christo Vorster, Headmaster for Outeniqua High School; Mrs Karen Vorster; Ald Leon Van Wyk and Mrs Gail Van Wyk.

George Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk together with his wife Gail hosted a successful Mayoral Function last night at The Apprentice in celebration of the U18 Craven Week currently on at Outeniqua Park Stadium.

Christo Vorster , Headmaster for Outeniqua High School applied to host the Craven Week during the school’s Centenary Year, a process that started in 2019.

The Craven Week has been running since Monday 3rd July and finishes tomorrow Saturday 8th July. This prestigious SA Rugby schoolboy’s tournament is regarded as an avenue into the sport on a professional level.

Caption 2: Ald Leon Van Wyk with Fillip Venter, Deputy Headmaster Outeniqua High School and WP Bosch, Head of Rugby for Outeniqua High School.

George is the proud host city of the U18 Craven Week 2023 tournament, which last took place in the city in 1999.
The Craven Week was initially scheduled to take place at Outeniqua High School in George, but after realising that the school’s fields would not be able to handle the heavy workload due to the high volume of rain that has fallen in the area in recent weeks it was decided to move the Craven Week to Outeniqua Park, the home ground of the South Western Districts Eagles. Outeniqua High School who are celebrating their centenary this year – will still host four matches on their C-Field on Saturday 8 July.


The repair to slip failures and rehabilitation of the access road to the Swart River Dam,
will have an impact on the public users (pedestrians, runners and cyclists) from mid July 2023.
The estimated construction duration is 5 months.

DESCRIPTION:Repairs to slip failures will be done where severe erosion and flooding caused wash-aways and failure of the roadway.

Work includes rehabilitating a portion of the existing gravel road, upgrading stormwater infrastructure, construction of gabion walls and construction of a reinforced concrete slab at a stream-crossing.

Mid-July 2023 to November 2023

No Municipal services will be affected however access to pedestrians, runners and cyclists is not permissible.

07h00 – 17h00, Mondays – Fridays

The construction area will be FULLY CLOSED to the public.
No pedestrians/runners/cyclists may access the area throughout the duration of the construction period.

Cyclists and pedestrians are to take extreme caution as large earth-moving machinery will be active on the surrounding roads driving to and from site as well and an increase in traffic volumes on the surrounding municipal streets is unavoidable over this period.

Adherence to flag persons, temporary road signage is required at all times.

Access to the site will be strictly controlled. No member of the public will be allowed access to the construction area, in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

PROJECT ENQUIRIES: Mr Adrian van Molendorff – 082 77 33 535
The George Municipality apologises for any inconvenience and appeals to all users to be patient and exercise caution during the rehabilitation.

Please look out for all temporary road signage and construction personnel.

Eskom Load shedding schedule update: 6 July 2023 at 15:53

Stage 1 loadshedding is currently underway until 16:00 today. Thereafter, Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented until midnight. Loadshedding will then be suspended from midnight until 05:00 on Friday. This pattern will be repeated on Friday and Saturday. Loadshedding will be suspended from midnight on Saturday until 16:00 on Sunday, followed by Stage 3 loadshedding until midnight.

George will be affected as follows:
Thursday 06/07/2023
20:00 – 22:30

Friday 07/07/2023
05:00 – 06:30
20:00 – 22:30

Saturday 08/07/2023
12:00 – 14:30

Sunday 09/07/2023
18:00 – 20:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Thursday 06/07/2023
16:00 – 17:30
23:00 – 00:30

Friday 07/07/2023
07:00 – 09:30
23:00 – 00:30

Saturday 08/07/2023
15:00 – 17:30

Sunday 09/07/2023
21:00 – 23:30
Consumers are reminded to use electricity sparingly after power returns.

Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Load shedding. Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network and reduce our current high MVA spikes.
Reporting power outages

Please do not phone the afterhours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on and wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The directorate will be aware if there has been a possible substation trip which needs to be sorted out.

Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store.


George Tourism  and Garden Route Eisteddfod Join Forces to Empower Amateur Artists in the Region

[George, 3 July 2023] – Garden Route Eisteddfod is thrilled to announce their partnership with George Tourism, a division of the George Municipality, aimed at promoting and supporting the vibrant arts community in the George and Garden Route area. This collaboration marks an exciting milestone in the region’s cultural development and reinforces the commitment to nurturing local talent.


The Garden Route Eisteddfod, an esteemed platform for amateur artists to showcase their skills and creativity, expresses profound gratitude to George Tourism  for their valuable contribution. The partnership will enable Garden Route Eisteddfod to expand its reach and create more opportunities for the talented individuals within the region with the aim to create an enabling environment for the growth and development of amateur artists, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Garden Route Eisteddfod will be hosting a wide range of events throughout the year. The collaboration will enhance the visibility and accessibility of the arts, offering aspiring artists a platform to showcase their talents and gain recognition within their community and beyond.

“We are delighted to join hands with Garden Route Eisteddfod and contribute to the thriving arts scene in our region,” said George Tourism Manager, Mrs Joan Shaw. “This partnership aligns perfectly with our commitment to promoting the cultural richness and diversity of George and the Garden Route. Together, we aim to foster an environment where amateur artists can flourish and reach their full potential.”

The Garden Route Eisteddfod committee expressed their gratitude, saying, “We are thrilled to announce this partnership with George Tourism. We believe that this collaboration will have a transformative impact on our local arts community, allowing them to shine on a stage that welcomes their local community and audience members from all over the world to the beautiful culturally rich George and Garden Route region.”






Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 today until midnight. On Wednesday and Thursday, Stage 1 loadshedding will be implemented from 05:00 until 16:00, followed by Stage 3 loadshedding from 16:00 until midnight on both days. The implementation of Stage 1 loadshedding is due to an increase in generation unit failures. Loadshedding will be suspended from midnight on Thursday until 16:00 on Friday and Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented again from 16:00 until midnight

George will be affected as follows:

Tuesday 04/07/2023

Wednesday 05/07/2023
20:00 – 22:30

Thursday 06/07/2023
20:00 – 22:30

Friday 07/07/2023
20:00 – 22:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:

Tuesday 04/07/2023
17:00 – 19:30

Wednesday 05/07/2023
16:00 – 17:30
23:00 – 00:30

Thursday 06/07/2023
16:00 – 17:30
23:00 – 00:30

Friday 07/07/2023
23:00 – 00:30

Consumers are reminded to use electricity sparingly after power returns.
Please do not switch high-usage equipment on immediately after Load shedding. Consumers are urged to turn off high-usage equipment and where possible to not switch on appliances such as stoves and kettles for at least 30 minutes after load shedding. This will reduce the risk of overload tripping on the network and reduce our current high MVA spikes.
Reporting power outages
Please do not phone the afterhours number or the Electrotechnical Department to report that you have no power immediately after load shedding is scheduled to be lifted. Please be aware of the rotational switching on and wait at least 30 minutes before reporting no power. The directorate will be aware if there has been a possible substation trip which needs to be sorted out.
Receive Eskom loadshedding notifications by downloading the free EskomSePush app from Google Play Store at

MFMA Section 116(3) for the Proposed Amendment of Existing Contract: Professional Services for the Establishment of the Regional Waste Management Facility – Open for Comments

MFMA Section 116(3) for the Proposed Amendment of Existing Contract: Professional Services for the Establishment of the Regional Waste Management Facility – Open for Comments

29 June 2023

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 116 (3) (a) and (b) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) that it is the intention of the Garden Route District Municipality to amend the following existing contract:


Provision of Professional Services for the Design, Drafting of Tender Documentation and Contracts Supervision for New Regional Waste Management Facility and Associated Infrastructure to be Established for Garden Route District Municipality

Zutari (PTY) Ltd.

As per Council Item F1 which served at the Special Council Meeting held on 9 June 2023.

Notice is hereby further given in terms of Section 21 and 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that the local community and affected parties are invited to submit comments or representations on the proposed amendment of the existing contract with Zutari (Pty) Ltd.

The reasons for the amendment and variation of the existing contract have been considered and accepted by the Municipal Council at its special Council meeting held on 09 June 2023 under item F1 of which a copy will be made available to all interested parties on request via the e-mail address indicated below.

Such comments or representations must be submitted by no later than 13 July 2023 at 12:00.

Comments or representations must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed “COMMENTS ON NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF EXISTING CONTRACT” and be physically submitted at the Garden Route District Municipality Reception located at 54 York Street, George.

No faxed or e-mailed comments will be considered.

For any information about the above, please contact Johan Gie via e-mail at or at telephone number 044 693 0006.

Closing date: 13 July 2023

Read more and download the Official Notice here: