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Author: Nadine Payle



IMPORTANT PREPAID METER SOFTWARE UPDATE (TID Rollover)  – Phase 2 will receive a Token to amend software
Issued George Municipality, 9 May 2023 for immediate release.

The George Municipality has embarked on a pre-paid electricity metering software update for its approximately 50 000 prepaid consumers quite a while back. The  current software will expire in November 2024. This will not only impact George consumers  prepaid meters throughout South Africa. If your meter is not updated before the deadline, you will not be able to recharge your prepaid meter with the new tokens and therefore will not have power.

70% of George Software Updates Completed
George Municipality has already successfully implemented the software update on close to 70% of its prepaid meter base, through the work done by field staff and contractors on-site while doing a meter change, site inspection, and Amp limit roll-out. These teams will continue to go out weekly to do site inspections and Amp limit roll-out.


Final 30% software update will be done by receipt of an extra token
To expedite the software update (TID roll-over) and  in order to ensure no consumer is placed at risk of having a non-working meter, the municipality will implement the next phase  – key change process – of its TID roll-over implementation  plan from March 2023 with the issue of a separate, extra token when you make your next purchase.


Key Change Token

If you did receive a KEY CHANGE Token with your first purchase in March the following is VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE BEFORE you insert the key change:

  1. IMPORTANT – DON’T FORGET TO INSERT ALL old or unused tokens BEFORE you enter the KEY CHANGE  token and ONLY then INSERT the newly bought token,
  2. The meter will NOT accept your old or unused tokens, once you enter the key change token and no reimbursement can be made on these tokens.
  3. The meter will not accept your newly bought token, until the key change token has been inserted.


Verification or Queries – If you receive an extra token and you are unsure what to do?

Customers may phone the George Municipality on 044 801 9222 or Ontec on 044 873 5474 for verification, for response to queries  OR to request that their software is addressed. Please note that all municipal and/or Ontec officials carry identification cards with a photograph and their ID number as well as a copy of a verification letter explaining the purpose for their visit.

For more information on the TID Rollover (software update) please visit the George Municipality’s website to view frequently asked questions (FAQ):



The Token Identifier is a 24-bit field, contained in STS compliant tokens, that identifies the date and time of the token generation. It is used to determine if a token has already been used in a payment meter. The TID represents the minutes elapsed since the 1st of January 1993. The incrementing of the 24-bit field means that at some point in time, the TID value will roll over to a zero value.

All STS prepayment meters will be affected by TID roll over on the 24/11/2024. Any tokens generated after this date and utilizing the 24bit TID will be rejected by the meters as being old tokens as the TID value embedded in the token will have reset back to 0.


Garden Route Dam Levels – 9 May 2023

Water Restrictions Remain in Place 

Percentage storage at new raised dam wall height                         83.7
Rainfall for previous 7 days:                                                              0.5 mm  

(Measured up to and including 8 May 2023)

The co-operation of all users of municipal water is essential and is greatly appreciated.

Follow this link for the detailed Stricter Water Restrictions in English/Afrikaans and Isixhosa.

Contraventions of the Water Restrictions can be reported on 0800 424477.
Report water leaks and burst pipes to 044 801 9262/66 or after hours at 044 801 6300, as soon as you notice them.