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Author: Nadine Payle

UPDATE: WATER OUTAGE – Kraaibosch Estate, 28 September 2023 at 13:48

The Water trucks are still stationed in the same positions. Final preparations are underway.

The updated estimated time of repair is 4 hours for Kraaibosch Estate.

Three water tankers are stationed at the following positions:

1. Kraaibosch Estate

2. 1 Groenkloof Avenue

3. Groenkloof Woods Hardepeer Avenue

George Municipality apologizes for the inconvenience caused.

Mayors Newsletter for George Herald of 28 September 2023

Alderman Leon Van Wyk, Executive Mayor of George Municipality

Over the past couple of weeks, we have experienced unusual weather conditions ranging from the storm surge to disruptive rain across parts of the Western Cape that have kept disaster management teams at full stretch.

We are thankful for the efforts of our teams dealing with service delivery who have worked like trojans to clear up and restore services. In anticipation of the rain expected over the long weekend, Sanparks and the municipal teams tackled the massive amount of sand that the storm surge deposited under the Touw River bridges and in the lagoon. This has been an attempt by mankind to prevent flooding while dealing with the forces of nature.

It is awesome to note how our proactive citizens have reacted by documenting the work being done for social media while also profiling George and the Garden Route. Their efforts have attracted widespread coverage on social media that will benefit the tourism sector as we start preparations for our summer season.

From a municipal perspective, we also held our scheduled inaugural planning and preparedness meeting for the season where the task lists to deal with the tourism influx are compiled. Now is therefore the time for the broader tourism stakeholders to finalise their proposed activities and to get them listed for inclusion on the George QR code system that will be easily accessible on social media. It is anticipated that many visitors will flock to George and the Garden Route in the coming months.

I believe that our eateries can contribute to a memorable experience if each of them offers their distinctive signature dish that will make the holiday extra special. It is also so important that the tourism sector assists in sharing the message of being safe on our beaches and elsewhere with their guests.

Over the past two weeks, I have had the privilege of meeting with entrepreneurs to talk about business opportunities that they are creating in George that will translate into employment and further economic activity. In local government, it is a key objective to create an enabling environment for businesses to feel comfortable to undertake ventures and to grow them. The ultimate goal is to provide employment.

We are starting to witness the positive effect of providing a high level of services, maintaining infrastructure, upgrading systems and policies, employing skilled staff, and managing our budgets. The range of projects being launched or being planned includes infrastructure and investments in businesses that will benefit sectors such as health, housing, agriculture, tourism, sport, business services and creative arts. It is encouraging to note the passion of entrepreneurs and investors who are eager to drive ventures that will open up prospects and opportunities for our citizens.



UPDATE: WATER OUTAGE – Kraaibosch Estate/ Groenkloof Area, 28 September 2023 at 07:43

Repairs to the bulk water pipeline continued overnight however a number of fittings required were not available. These have been sourced from Oudtshoorn and are en-route. The updated estimated time of repair is 4 hours.

Three water tankers are stationed at the following positions:

1. Kraaibosch Estate

2. 1 Groenkloof Avenue

3. Groenkloof Woods Hardepeer Avenue

George Municipality apologizes for the inconvenience caused


A fire on a current transformer at the ESKOM SUBSTATION next to SCHAAPKOP has been extinguished.

ESKOM will be able to isolate the faulty current transformer and should be able to restore power to Rosedale, Pacaltsdorp and the Industrial area around 20h30 when loadshedding is lifted.

A slight delay can be expected. A further update will be provided should there be a further issue.

Issued George Municipality

Update on Power Outage in Parkdene 27 September 2023 @ 11h35

Repair work continues in the Parkdene area. Four faults in total have been found on the MV line that supplies a large portion of Parkdene. The repairs have required trenching on steep sidewalks, and rain and flooding of the trenches has held up the work overnight. Additional resources have been pulled in to speed up the repair.

The estimated time of repair is 16h00 today.

The following streets remain affected by the power outage:
Ballot Str, Apollo Str, Circular Str, Koppel Str, Parish Str, Setlaars Str, Lavender Lane, Neptunus Str, Venus Str, Jupiter Str, Sonop Lane, Hercules Str, Kloof Str, Rotary Str, Fiskaal Str, Makou Str & Hoep-Hoep Str

Should any other streets be affected please report to the Elec Whatsapp line 067 350 3295 or phone in on 044 801 9222/ 044 801 9202/9258

Further updates will be posted by 14h00 today on all of our platforms – please check Facebook top of the page.

Contact our Electro department for further enquiries on the WhatsApp Line 067 350 3295 or on 044 801 9222/ 044 801 9202/9258

George Municipality apologizes for the inconvenience to residents living in this area.

Update on Power Outage in Parkdene:27 September 2023 @ 09:47

Please note that the following streets remain affected by the power outage:

Ballot Str, Apollo Str, Circular Str,Koppel Str, Parish Str, Setlaars Str, Lavender lane, Neptunus Str, Venus Str, Jupiter Str, Sonop Lane, Hercules Str, Kloof Str, Rotary Str, Fiskaal Str, Makou Str, Hoep-hoep Str

We will continue posting updates on all platforms as we receive them. The ETR will be communicated soon.

Contact our Civils department for further enquiries on the following contact numbers
New whatsapp : 067 350 3295/ 044 801 9222/ 044 801 9202/9258/
0448019202/ 0448019258

PRESS RELEASE: Enquire Immediately About Goods Left On The Bus

Lunch boxes, sunglasses, ID documents, groceries, backpacks, clothing, and shoes are just some of the items typically left on the bus. Ryan Manuel shows some of the bags full of unclaimed items in the GO GEORGE office.

Nobody leaves their cell phones, wallets, umbrellas, grocery shopping, identity documents or school books on the bus on purpose. However, passengers get caught up in conversations or are in such a rush to get off the bus at the correct stop, that they forget what they have been carrying when they boarded the bus.

Although passengers are responsible for their own property and the bus company cannot take responsibility for items left on the bus, there is a system in place for managing goods found on the bus and handed in by other passengers, or found by staff at the end of their shift.

All lost and found items are handed in at the bus depot and taken to the GO GEORGE office. Here it is entered into an inventory and kept for different periods of time, depending on the nature of the item – all according to an official Lost and Found Policy.

Phone immediately
The best route to retrieve lost items is to phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre as soon as you realise that you have left something on the bus. The Call Centre agents will do everything in their power to trace the lost goods and give feedback to the passenger. If not found immediately, they will keep tabs on items brought to the office and inform the passenger of any finds.

Unclaimed goods donated
For all found items with identification, attempts will be made by GO GEORGE to contact the owner, but unclaimed goods cannot be kept indefinitely.

• Refrigerated perishable food such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and leftovers must be discarded after four hours, according to government health rules. If a person phones within that timeframe and their goods are found, arrangements for collection can still be made.
• Covered and sealed food will be kept from one to seven days (depending on the expiry date) whereafter it will be donated to the George Municipality for distribution while it is still good for use.
• Miscellaneous items such as clothing, cleaning materials, toys, umbrellas, sports equipment, and books will be kept for at least 30 days before being donated for use in the Municipality’s Social Relief programme.
• Valuable items such as electronic equipment, jewellery, cell phones and handbags will be kept for at least 30 days whereafter it will be taken to the Municipality to be sold at a municipal public auction to be held periodically, at least once a year. This will be duly advertised in advance.
• Unclaimed cards, such as bank cards, ID cards, and loyalty cards will be returned to the issuing authority after 30 days.
• Strict requirements are in place for the management of any flammable or hazardous materials left behind on the bus.

It should be noted that GO GEORGE and George Link staff cannot be held liable if lost items cannot be traced or found. It could have been lost elsewhere than on a GO GEORGE bus.

To prevent dishonesty or misuse of the system, people who make enquiries will have to describe their lost items clearly before they are handed over. They will also need to present proof of identification and sign for the item upon collection.

The GO GEORGE Call Centre can be reached on 0800 044 044 between 05:00 and 20:00, seven days a week.


PERSVERKLARING: Doen Onmiddellik Navraag oor Goedere Wat op die Bus Gelaat Is

Niemand los hul selfone, beursies, sambrele, kruideniersware, identiteitsdokumente of skoolboeke doelbewus op die bus nie. Passasiers raak egter vasgevang in gesprekke of is so haastig om by die regte halte uit die bus te klim, dat hulle vergeet wat hulle gedra het toe hulle op die bus geklim het.

Hoewel passasiers verantwoordelik is vir hul eie eiendom en die busmaatskappy nie verantwoordelikheid kan neem vir items wat op die bus gelaat word nie, is daar ‘n stelsel in plek vir die bestuur van goedere wat op die bus gevind word en deur ander passasiers ingehandig word, of deur personeel aan die einde van hul skof gevind word.

Alle opgetelde items word by die busdepot ingehandig en na die GO GEORGE-kantoor geneem. Hier word dit op ‘n voorraadlys ingevoer en vir verskillende tydperke gehou, afhangende van die aard van die item – alles volgens ‘n amptelike “verlore-en-gevind” beleid.

Bel onmiddellik
Die beste roete om verlore items terug te kry, is om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum te skakel sodra jy besef dat jy iets op die bus gelos het. Die inbelsentrum-agente sal alles in hul vermoë doen om die verlore goedere op te spoor en terugvoering aan die passasier te gee. As dit nie onmiddellik gevind word nie, sal hulle die items wat na die kantoor gebring word, dophou en die passasier van enige opsporings in kennis stel.

Onopgeëiste goedere word geskenk
Vir alle items met identifikasie wat gevind word, sal pogings deur GO GEORGE aangewend word om die eienaar te kontak, maar onopgeëiste goedere kan nie onbepaald gehou word nie.

• Verkoelde, bederfbare kos soos vleis, pluimvee, vis, eiers en oorskiet moet na vier uur weggegooi word, volgens die regering se gesondheidsreëls. As ‘n persoon binne daardie tydraamwerk bel en hul goedere gevind word, kan reëlings vir afhaal daarvan steeds getref word.
• Bedekte en verseëlde kos sal van een tot sewe dae (afhangende van die vervaldatum) gehou word, waarna dit aan die George-munisipaliteit geskenk sal word vir verspreiding terwyl dit nog goed is vir gebruik.
• Diverse items soos klere, skoonmaakmateriaal, speelgoed, sambrele, sporttoerusting en boeke sal vir minstens 30 dae gehou word voordat dit geskenk word vir gebruik in die munisipaliteit se maatskaplike verligting-program.
• Waardevolle items soos elektroniese toerusting, juweliersware, selfone en handsakke sal vir minstens 30 dae gehou word waarna dit na die munisipaliteit geneem sal word om op ‘n munisipale openbare veiling verkoop te word wat van tyd tot tyd gehou sal word – minstens een keer per jaar (dit sal betyds geadverteer word).
• Onopgeëiste kaarte, soos bankkaarte, ID-kaarte, lojaliteitskaarte, ensovoorts, sal ná 30 dae aan die uitreikingsowerheid terugbesorg word.

Let daarop dat GO GEORGE- en George Link-personeel nie aanspreeklik of verantwoordelik gehou kan word as verlore items nie opgespoor of gevind kan word nie. Dit kon elders as op ‘n GO GEORGE-bus verlore geraak het.

Om oneerlikheid of misbruik van die stelsel te voorkom, sal mense wat navrae doen, hul verlore items duidelik moet beskryf voordat dit oorhandig sal word. Hulle sal ook bewys van identifikasie moet toon en teken vir die item.

Die GO GEORGEinbelsentrum is tussen 05:00 en 20:00 bereikbaar by 0800 044 044, sewe dae per week.

Update on Power Outage in Parkdene, 26 September 17: 14


Parts of Conville have now been restored. There is still a fault on the rest of the network feeding Conville and Parkdene.

The new ETR is 4 hours.
Our team continues to work in the fault as best as possible.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused


Please note that the election of block representatives for Ward 16, which was initially scheduled to take place today 26 September 2023 has been rescheduled to take place on 12 October 2023.

See full notice:



Members of the local community are requested to bring their identity documents or valid driver’s license on the voting day.

For further enquiries please contact Siphokazi Maku on 044-801 9439

Planned Power Outage: A Portion of Modderrivier on 28 September 2023



NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on THURSDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2023  FROM  09H00 TO 16H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains.  Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work from being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on MONDAY 02 OCTOBER  2023 FROM  09H00 TO 16H00




KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op DONDERDAG 28 SEPTEMBER  2023 VANAF  09H00 TOT 16H00 met  die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak.  Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op MAANDAG 02 OKTOBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H00

Update on the low flow of water: Skuinsbank Street, Herold’s Bay

The municipal team is still continuing further work to address the issue. There may be instances where the work causes no water to reach the property, water will be restored shortly.

Residents are requested to continue using water sparingly so that pressure can build up in the network system.

Herolds Bay residents outside of Skuinsbank Street are urged to contact the following numbers for further enquiry:

044 801 9260/ 62/ 66

George Municipality apologises for the inconvenience caused to residents.

Planned Power Outage: MODDERRIVIER LINE



KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op DINSDAG 26 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H00 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.

Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op WOENSDAG 27 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H00




NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on TUESDAY 26 SEPTEMBER 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work from being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on

Planned Power Outage: Portion of Modderrivier Line US47, Tramonto Area


KENNISGEWING geskied hiermee dat die elektriese toevoer onderbreek sal word op VRYDAG 29 SEPTEMBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30 met die doel om veranderings aan elektriese hoofleidings te maak. Klante word gewaarsku om die installasie as lewendig te beskou vir die volle periode aangesien die toevoer enige tyd gedurende die periode aangeskakel mag word.
Sou omstandighede verhoed dat die werk gedoen kan word gedurende bogenoemde periode, sal die werk gedoen word op MAANDAG 02 OKTOBER 2023 VANAF 09H00 TOT 16H30


NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on FRIDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30 to do alterations to the electrical mains. Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work from being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on MONDAY 02 OCTOBER 2023 FROM 09H00 TO 16H30

Electrotechnical Telephone Lines Down.

Please note that our switchboard number at our Electrotechnical department is currently down due to water damage.

Our technicians are attending to the fault.
Please contact:
044 801 9202/
044 801 9258/
044 801 9111

The Collection of Green Bags, 26 September 2023

Please note that due to the closure of the Gwaing landfill site(due to adverse weather conditions), GREEN bags (garden bags) will not be collected today.

Green bags will be collected tomorrow (Wednesday, 27 September 2023). Please put your blue and black bags out as your usual schedule.

Offline Emergency Numbers

Offline Emergency Numbers
Issued by George Municipality, 25 September 2023

We are currently experiencing issues with our after-hours/ emergency numbers. While we have our technician working on the fault, we would like to urge the public to please use the alternative contact numbers in case of emergency:
074 423 8635/
074 621 8737

Gwaing Landfill Closed On 26 September 2023

Gwaing Landfill Closed on
26 September 2023

Gwaing landfill will be closed tomorrow due to the weekend inclement weather until the access to the landfill improves.

The transfer station will be accessible for domestic waste.

Updates will be provided in the morning tomorrow.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.